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Author Topic: The Flower Girl and Page Boy Ball  (Read 1854 times)

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  • Mommy's Dearest
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The Flower Girl and Page Boy Ball
« on: August 10, 2024, 06:26:09 PM »
I posted this story some time ago but can't find it anywhere so thought I would repost with some more added.

When I was in grade five at primary school we had to have an end of year dance as it was a traditional at the school. There were twenty children in my class including myself, ten boys and ten girls.
We had been learning all these really old time dances as part of our drama and folk dancing lessons so our teacher said we would have an old time dance where we would all dress up in old time costumes and dance the dances we had learnt.

Most of the mothers of the children got involved making costumes and sourcing materials and wigs and shoes. All the girls loved their dresses but not one of the boys liked their silly sissy suits.

One week before the dance one of the families moved out of the area and the twin girls were not able to attend. This left us with two boys without partners. As I was the smallest boy in the grade, the teacher Miss Applerite asked my mummy if she would let me be a girl for the dance.

“Oh, of course he can Miss Applerite. Why he often wears a girl’s costume with his dance school at the competitions.”

“Oh, that’s very good. Thank you, Mrs. Beasley. The children will be so happy.”
The following day Miss Applerite said “I have some great news. Mrs. Beasley said that Leroy can be one of the girls at our end of year dance. It appears he is a girl when he goes to his ballet class on Saturdays.”

“Miss Applerite, I’m not a girl at my ballet class.”

“Leroy, your mummy told me that you often wear girl’s costumes when you go to dance competitions. You’re not saying your mother is lying, are you?”

“No, Miss Applerite, I have only once worn a girl’s costume.”

“There that’s settled then. Leroy is going to be one of the girls.” All the boys laughed and some of the girls giggled. I just wanted to roll up into a ball and bounce away. That afternoon after school mummy came to pick me up but she and Miss Applerite decided that I had better make sure that one of the dresses fitted me.

After about an hour getting into and out of the two dresses, one a light lemon colour the other an apricot colour, and petticoats both mummy and Miss Applerite were satisfied that everything was a good fit.

Miss Applerite said “I don’t know what you think. But I think it would be better if Leroy was to wear a proper pair of panties and a camisole instead of his boys undies. I think it would be more in line with what the other girls are wearing under their dresses.”

“I couldn’t agree more. I’ll go and get him some appropriate undies tomorrow.”

Mummy and I then went home.

The next day mummy did buy me panties and a camisole. They were white cotton.

“Darling come in your room a minute. I want to make sure your new panties and camisole fit you properly or I’ll have to take them back and get another size.”

“What panties, I don’t wear panties.”

“You have to under your dance dress. Miss Applerite said.”

“Mummy, boys don’t wear panties.”

“Well you do now, so come on. Here I’ll help you.” I tried on the panties and camisole and they fitted okay.

Nothing more was said until the morning of the dance when mummy ran a bath for me and put some of her stinky stuff in it.

“Why do I have to have a bath on a school day and what’s this stinky stuff?”

“Leroy, today you’re going to be wearing a pretty dress and dance the part of a little girl. All little girls have baths when they are going to wear a pretty dress and go to a dance with a boy, so you have too as well.”

“But it’s only a silly school dance and I’m not a little girl.”

“You are for today. So just get in the bath or you’ll be late for school.”

I let mummy wash and dry me, she then put this smelly powder all over me. “Oh mummy, stop it.”

“Darling, I told you all little girls like to smell nice when they are going to see boys.”

I was then helped into a pair of white tights with a lacy pattern down the outside of the legs. She then got a pair of panties and held them while I stepped into them. They were different to the ones I tried on the other day. 

“These are different, they are all shiny and lacy.”

“Yes darling, I remembered when I was a little girl how much I loved my silky and lacy panties and camisoles. I was talking to Miss Applerite and she said she had spoken with Mrs. Wilson, Janes’ mummy and she gave you these because she knows that you will feel all girly if you wear girly undies. I’m sure that will be the case and you’ll learn to like them too.”

Mummy then held my shorts for me to step into.

“I can’t wear shorts, everyone will see these white things.”

“These white things as you call them are your pretty new tights, girls wear them when they wear pretty dresses and girl wear shorts over their tights all the time. Anyway, it’s only until you get to school and put your pretty dress on after lunch.”

Mummy then buckled a pair of white strap shoes on my feet they had a slight heel that had a metal plate on it. “Why has it got this plate thingy on the heel?”
“That’s so when you walk you make a pretty tapping sound. It’s very girly.”

“Gosh mummy, I’m a boy not a girl.”

“But darling you are a girl for today. So just accept it. Here put your shirt on so I can get you to school or you’ll be late. You know how Miss Applerite hates lateness.”

When mummy dropped me at the school gate I was seen by kids from most grades including some of the kids from my grade.

“Look, here comes Leroy, the new little girl.” Sang out one of the boys from my grade.

“Look, he’s wearing girls stuff.” Yelled another. Kids ran to get a good look at me and some started pushing me and calling me names like sissy and pouf.

I was lucky because the bell rang right then and I could get away from them and go to the classroom. All the girls in my class giggled. Some said. “Leroy you look very pretty.”

“Alright children books out and start the exercises on page twenty-five of your arithmetic book. Start with the fractions conversions then go onto the decimals conversions.” Said Miss Applerite She then came to my desk and said “Why are you wearing tights?”

“Mummy said all girls wear tights when they wear pretty dresses?”
‘Yes, I know that. But why are you wearing them?”

“Mummy said because I have to wear a dress for the dance, I’m a girl today.”

“Oh, so that’s why. You do look very pretty in your tights and Mary-Jane shoes. I saw what happened before class. Would you like to stay in at morning playtime so the boys don’t push you around?”

“Oh yes please Miss. Could I?”

“Of course, you can.” When the bell rang for morning playtime I stayed in my seat when everyone else went out to play.

The rest of the morning was spent in the classroom doing English which included spelling. The bell went for lunch, Miss Applerite took me to the staff room to eat my lunch so I wouldn’t be bullied. She gave me a story book to read  about a little girl learning ballet. “You might like this book since you do ballet. Do you like doing ballet?”

“Yes Miss, It’s okay.”

“After lunch you are going to have to change your clothes, that is put on your pretty dress for the dance. You’ll have to do it in the same room as the boys because you can’t change with the girls.”
“But Miss, they’ll see my undies.”

“That’s okay, they won’t mind.” The bell went to end lunch and I gave the book back to Miss Applerite. “I’ll give you your book back when you’re going home okay?”

“But I don’t need the book. Thanks.”

“That’s okay, you can have it anyway. Come on we’ll go and get everyone changed.” We went back to the classroom where all the other kids were waiting for Miss Applerite.

“Alright everyone, now listen carefully. Boys when you get your little suit go to Mrs. Browns room which will be empty and wait for me. Girls when you get your dresses come back to this room and wait for me. Leroy when you get your dress you go with the boys to Mrs. Browns room and I’ll come and help you all get changed. Now in an orderly manner we’ll go to the gymnasium and get our clothes.”

We went to the gym where Mrs Brown and one of the girls mummies was waiting to hand out the costumes. Mrs. Brown said “When I call your name come and get your costume then stand in a line near the door. Right first, Sally.” Sally went and got her dress and petticoat and went to stand near the door.

Each kid was called in turn, when it was my turn and I went and got my dress and petticoat all the boys laughed. “Anymore laughing and you’ll all have to stay in at morning playtime for the next week.” said Miss Applerite.

I felt like a complete sissy, it was the most girlish dress of all of the dresses and the petticoat seamed fuller than any other. When everyone had their costume the two lines left the gym and went to the classroom we were assigned to. When the other boys and I got to Mrs Browns room we waited for Miss Applerite.

“Okay everyone can change now. If you need a hand with anything just ask.”

I didn’t want to take my top or pants off so everyone could see the camisole and panties so I just stood there. “Come on Leroy get changed, that’s a good boy.” When I didn’t start to take my top off Miss Applerite came over and lifted the bottom of the top up exposing the camisole which she couldn’t see as she was standing over me and my top hid the camisole from view. When all the boys started laughing she stepped back and saw the shiny apricot satin camisole with all the lace on the hem and bodice.

“Oh Leroy, I’m sorry. Come with me.” She grabbed my hand and almost dragged me back to her classroom. All the girls were there getting changed. “Leroy wait here while I go and get your dress and petticoat.” With that she raced down the corridor back to Mrs. Browns room and picked up my dress and petticoat and bought them back to her room.

While she was gone the girls just stood there looking at me, they stopped changing, most of them only had their panties on although some had their petticoats on. They looked at me, I looked at them. Nobody said anything. I think we were all in shock.

When Miss Applerite got back with my costume she said “Look girls, Leroy is wearing a very pretty camisole so he feels all girly at the dance today. Now because he is trying very hard to be a good little girl, I want you all to treat him like all your girlfriends.” She then lowered my shorts and everyone saw my shiny apricot satin panties with all the lace across the back. “Look girls Leroy is wear matching pretty panties. Do you think they are pretty Samantha?”

“Yes Miss, I have one pair of panties like that that I wear for special times.”

“Leroy raise your arms so I can help you with your pretty petticoat. That’s right.” I raised my arms and Miss Applerite lowered the petticoat down my body. She then fluffed it out. “Now for your pretty little girl dress darling”

I raised my arms again and she lowered the dress down over my petticoat. She then made sure the dress was sitting correctly before doing up the six buttons down the back. She then went to her handbag that was hanging on the coat rack near the door and rummaged around for a few seconds then she said “Open your mouth a bit darling and close your eyes and don’t move.” I did as instructed and felt her do something to my lips.

“What’s that?”

“Just a bit of lipstick, all pretty girls wear lipstick to dances. Now for your wig and hair bow.” Miss Applerite got a wig from a cupboard and put it on my head she then pinned it in place with some hair pins the attached an lemon satin ribbon that matched the colour of my dress.

Samantha who was already dressed said “Look at Leroy, he’s wearing lipstick. Can we wear lipstick too Miss?”

“Yes Samantha, I just said to Leroy that all pretty girls wear lipstick to dances.”

All the girls said “yeh, great,”

“Okay girls when you’re ready get one of your girlfriends to make sure your dress is sitting correctly over your petticoat then come here and I’ll put your lipstick on for you.”

Samantha came straight over to me and said “Will you check my dress please Leroy?”

“Samantha, I said ask one of your girlfriends to check your dress.”

“But Miss, Leroy is my friend and he is a girl, so he is my girlfriend.”

“Well I can’t argue with that, Leroy check Samantha’s dress for her. It’s okay to touch it to straighten it.” I looked at the dress and had to adjust the hem where it was caught on her petticoat.

“Thank you, Leroy. Are you going to kiss Daryl after the dance?”

“Why would I kiss Daryl?”

“Well I’m going to try and kiss Martin and Carol is going to try to kiss Robert. They are our partners and we both like them a lot. So are you going to?”

“No. Why would I. I’m a boy.”

“Okay don’t get your panties in a twist. They are pretty you know, very pretty for a boy.”

“All right girls, are you all ready?” we all said yes. Miss Applerite opened the door and led us back to the gymnasium. “Now when we get there go and find your partner and talk to him, he won’t bite.”

When we got to the gymnasium the boys were all standing in a group talking. When we entered they turned and looked at us one of them said “There’s sissy Leroy the big sissy girl in his yellow dress.” They all started to laugh and even people in the audience that I didn’t even know were going to be there laughed.

Miss Applerite came over to me and said “Don’t let it worry you, they are being silly.” She then took a lacy handkerchief out of the sleeve of her blouse and dabbed at the tears that were starting trickle down my cheeks.

“Alright boys, I asked you to be little gentleman but no you had to be little rat bags so you’ll all have detention every morning recess for the next week. Now see if you can behave properly for the rest of the day. Remember your mothers are watching.”

The music started and we all paired off. The boys held us how we had been taught and then we started to dance. I was surprised Daryl was a good dancer. The first dance was a Viennese waltz. As we danced around the floor, I felt my dress and petticoat brushing against my tights. It felt nice.

“You look real pretty in your dress. and you dance very well.”
“Thank you. You dance well too.”

“I don’t want everyone to know but I do ballroom dancing. You won’t say anything will you?”

“No, why would I. I didn’t want anyone to know I do ballet but my silly mummy told everyone. You heard her.”

“Yes, I felt sorry for you when everyone laughed. Do you really wear girls costumes for your ballet?”

“I did once. Last year, one of the girls got sick the day before the competitions and I filled in for her. It was no big deal but according to my mummy I saved the world.”

“Mothers can be a pain.” The first lot of music ended and the second lot started, this time a minuet.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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  • Posts: 36
  • Karma: +683/-6
Re: The Flower Girl and Page Boy Ball
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2024, 08:48:27 PM »
After the first four dances Miss Applerite said “We’ll have a break for a few minutes so you can talk to your partners or if you like you can change partners and dance the next set with someone else. Now have a short break.”

Samantha and a couple of the other girls came over to where Daryl and I were talking. “You two seem to be getting on. Leroy, are you going to do what we talked about before?”


“Why not, I think he would like it.”


“What aren’t you going to do? And who would like it?”

“Leroy said he might give you a kiss after the dance. I think you might like him to.”

Just then the music started again, another Viennese Waltz. Daryl took me in his arms again but this time I felt he held me tighter. While we danced he said “You know I wouldn’t mind if you kissed me after the dance. I think you’re a really pretty girl.”

“Daryl, I’m a boy and boys don’t kiss other boys.”

“I know but you could pretend you’re a girl, you look like a pretty girl and you smell real nice. If you want to you can.” 

I don’t know what came over me, maybe the feel of my camisole and petticoat and dress or the way he was holding me tight. I really felt more and more like I wanted to kiss him. He was quite handsome in his white suit and all. I was feeling all girly. Then I thought, snap out of it you’re a boy. Don’t think about it.

When the dance finished I didn’t kiss Daryl. We all had to go and have a group photo taken I’m at the back on the far right of the picture squatting down that’s Daryl holding my hand.
After the photos, there were lots as all the parents wanted photos of their child as well as group shots, everyone went to change except me. I wasn’t going anywhere where I might get bashed. Mummy was talking to some of the other ladies and I tried to stay close to her.

“Mrs Beasley, I’m Samantha’s mother, Jane. Can I call you Joan?”

“Yes please do.”

“I’m sorry I weren’t able to help with the costume making and all but I do run my own small business and time is hard to find for such small but very important activities. I do ramble at times. Samantha told me all about Leroy volunteering to be one of the girls so as not to spoil the day. That was such a wonderful gesture on his part.
“He made such a pretty girl in his beautiful dress. Does he wear dresses often? Samantha said he wears girls costumes when he does his ballet.

“Jane, thank you for saying how pretty Leroy looks. I must admit he is as pretty as a lot of the girls today. No, he doesn’t wear girls costume when he does his ballet, he did on one occasion last year at the last minute take the place of one of the girls that got sick.”
Said mummy

“Oh that seams to be his luck doesn’t it. A girl or girls pull out at the last minute and Leroy is available to take her place.” Just then Samantha came into the gym to say hello to her mummy.

“Hello mummy, did you like the dance?”

“Yes Samantha, it was very good. You danced very well.”

“Oh mummy, have you met my newest bestest girlfriend? This is Leroy, isn’t he pretty?” Samantha then kissed me on the cheek.

“Yes Samantha, I sort of met Leroy. This is his mummy Mrs. Beasley.”

“I know Mrs. Beasley, she helped with my dress fittings. Hello Mrs Beasley.”

“Hello Samantha. Leroy why don’t you and Samantha run along and play while we ladies talk for a bit.”

“But mummy, I have my costume on.”

“That’s okay, I’m sure you and Samantha can find a game to play that won’t get your pretty dress dirty.” Samantha took my hand and we went to look for Carol who we found in the back corner playing skip rope with Elizabeth and Anna Maria.

“Can we join in?”

“Sure, Leroy why are you still wearing your pretty dress?” asked Carol

“I ahhh, I didn’t want to go and change in case the boys bullied me.”

“I really liked your camisole and panties. Are they a set?” asked Anna Maria

“Thanks, I think. I don’t know, mummy bought them at the shop yesterday, but I don’t know if they are a set.”

“I think they are. My mummy says I should always match my panties and camisole as it looks pretty and you feel pretty. Do you feel pretty when you match your panties and camisoles?” said Samantha

“I don’t know. How do you feel pretty?”

“I can’t describe it. It’s like you feel all tingly when you put on your panties, petticoats and dresses, you feel fresh and light, not bogged down. Sort of like you’re somehow floating.” Said Samantha.

“I think I felt pretty when mummy put my camisole on this morning and when Miss Applerite put my petticoat and dress on me today.”

“Any other time?” asked Elizabeth

“I think I felt all light like I was floating when I was dancing.”

“I think I felt all light like I was floating when I was dancing, hear that girls, Leroy’s got a crush on Daryl. Did you kiss him like you said?”

“No, we’re both boys and boys don’t kiss each other.”

“I noticed he held you closer than any of the other boys held us. Did you like it when he held you like that?” asked Samantha.

“It was sort of nice. He’s a very good dancer.”

“Would you have kissed him if he kissed you first?”

“I don’t know, maybe.” Carol went off and found Daryl standing with his mummy and brought him back to where we were.

“Daryl, we were just talking and Leroy said that he would kiss you if you kissed him first. He was really upset you didn’t kiss him before.” Said Elizabeth

Before I had a chance to deny saying that, Daryl took me in his arms and kissed me on the lips. If I felt like I was floating before well now I was floating I got all tingly and light headed. Daryl had to hold me up my legs were that weak. I then returned the kiss and for some reason I opened my mouth and he put his tongue in my mouth and suc-ked my breath out. When he ended the kiss he held me close for about half a minute until I could stand up without falling over.

When I was able to stand up and open my eyes I was shocked to see that mummy and Miss Applerite were there watching. “Well Miss Applerite, it appears my little girl has a boyfriend. I think you had better keep an eye on them for the rest of the year.”

“Yes Mrs Beasley, I think I should. Shall we go then?”

“Yes we should. Leroy say goodbye to all your little girlfriends and your boyfriend.”

“Goodbye girls, Daryl.”

They all said goodbye to me. “Goodbye girlfriend.” Except Daryl who kissed me on the cheek and whispered “I liked that kiss, any more where that came from?”

I blushed a bright red and took mummies hand and we left. When we got to the car Miss Applerite got in the front seat next to mummy and I got in the back. “Leroy, Miss Applerite is staying with us for a few days so I want you to be on your best behaviour.”

“Joan, you worry to much. How could a pretty little girl like Leroy not be on best behaviour. I’m sure he will be the perfect little lady. Wont you darling.”

“Yes Miss Applerite.” I knew I was wearing a pretty dress, petticoat, panties and camisole but I didn’t know why people were calling me a little girl. They all knew I am a boy so why call me a girl.

“Miss Applerite, why are you and mummy calling me a little girl?”

“Well darling you are dressed like a little girl in your pretty dress, you look like a little girl and you did kiss Daryl and that’s something only a little girl would do so we all think you must be a little girl. You like being a little girl, don’t you?”

“I don’t want to be a girl. I’m a boy.”

“That’s not what I asked. You like being a little girl, don’t you?”

“My panties and camisole feel nice, I like the way my dress and petticoat tickled my legs when I was dancing with Daryl.”

“So that means lots of things you like are things little girls like. I think that means that you must like being a little girl. Don’t you think Mrs. Beasley?”

“Yes. I’m sure that’s what it means. My little Leroy likes being a little girl.” Said mummy

“No mummy, I’m not a girl.”

When we got home, Miss Applerite took me to my room and helped me take of my dress and petticoat. She hung them in my wardrobe then she got the shorts and shirt I wore to school and helped me put them on. “Why aren’t I taking my tights, panties and camisole off?”

“Why would you want to. You look very pretty with your tights under your shorts like that. Anyway, we don’t have time for you to change completely.”


“Were have to go shopping.”

“I can’t go like this.”

“Just get in the car your mummy is waiting.” With that Miss Applerite took my hand and escorted me to the car where I was put in the back seat and she got in the front next to mummy. I saw mummy put her hand on Miss Applerite’s thigh and give a little squeeze then smile at her.  Mummy started the car and we went to the local shopping centre.

Mummy and Miss Applerite each took one of my hands and we went into the centre to a jewellery store. “Excuse us but my son’s dance teacher said you would be able to pierce his ears for these.”

Mummy then handed the lady a pair of sparkly earrings. “Oh yes, I was expecting you. Miss Kerry said you would be in. Here darling sit here while I get everything ready.”

Mummy sat me in the chair. “That’s a pretty wig your wearing darling, I like how the big bow makes you look a bit girly.” I had forgot I hadn’t taken the wig off when we got home. Oh, shit I must look like a really big sissy with the wig and tights.

    The lady took the earrings and loaded them into a gun like machine she then swabbed my ears with something cold then shot first one then the other earrings into my ears. “There you are precious, two pretty earrings. Now you have to leave them in for at least three weeks, so the holes don’t close.” The lady explained to Miss Applerite how to clean and look after my ears.

“Why do I have to have earrings?”

“Miss Kerry, your ballet teacher wants you to look like the other girls on the concert tomorrow evening.”

I didn’t pick up on other girls comment. “Oh.” With all that had happened today I had forgotten all about the annual pre-Christmas concert the dance school put on. I hadn’t noticed mummy had gone somewhere while I was having my ears pierced.

Just as we were leaving the shop mummy came up behind me and said. “I’m here, turn around honey so I can see your pretty earrings.”

I turned so mummy could see me. “Oh they are so pretty. You’re so lucky Miss Kerry decided to let you get your ears pierced like the other girls. Come on let’s go home and have dinner then you can have your bath before bed.”

After dinner mummy ran my bath and put lots of bath oil and smelly bubbles in it. Miss Applerite came in just as I was getting in the bath and said “I haven’t washed a little boy before, I hope I do a good job because your mummy said you have to be squeaky clean for tomorrows dance class and concert.”

“Why are you bathing me and not mummy?”

“Just getting practice. Your mummy has offered me the spare room to live in for a while so I’ll be helping her look after you. While you’re at ballet tomorrow I’m going to pack all my clothes and get ready to move in on Sunday. You don’t mind if I move into the spare room do you?”

“No, why would I mind?”

“Oh I don’t know. You might find it difficult living in the same house as your teacher. Some of the other children might call you teachers pet. You wouldn’t mind being the teacher’s pet, would you?”
“No, what does that mean?”

“It means, teachers favourite student. When I move in would you like to call me Aunty Mary instead of Miss Applerite?”

“You mean like if I wanted to ask you something I would say, Aunty Mary can I go outside and play? Something like that?”

 “Yes sweet one, that’s exactly what you would say. But you couldn’t call me Aunty at school, you would still have to say Miss.”


“Well let’s get you out of the bath and nice and dry.” I was helped out of the bath and Aunty Mary dried me and then put this smelly powder all over me.

“Why did you put that smelly powder on me?”

“So you smell nice. Both your mummy and I like little boys and girls to smell nice. I’m sure if you give yourself a chance you’ll learn to like smelling nice.” I was then put in my pyjamas and went to bed.
In the morning Aunty Mary woke me. I was surprised at how beautiful she looked. She was wearing a beautiful nighty and what I later learned was a peignoir.     “Come on baby, time to get up, you have a busy day with ballet class, rehearsals and tonight’s concert.” She then picked me up and cuddled me close. I could feel her boobies and her nighty and peignoir. They were soft and felt slippery. I rubbed my hand on her back as she carried me to the kitchen for breakfast.

“Do you like the feel of my lingerie, sweetness?”

“Oh Aunty Mary it feels and looks beautiful. Aunty Mary?”

“Yes my darling.”

“You’re beautiful and I like you.”

“Thank you, sweetness. I love you too and I think you’re beautiful too.”

“Are you trying to steel my boy”

“No Joan. I would never do that. But I think there is enough that we could share.”

“Yes I suppose you’re right. When he wears his pretty dress he’s beautiful enough to share. Would you like to be shared with your Aunty Mary, darling?”

“Oh yes please mummy. But do I have to wear my dress?”

“Well that depends.”

“On What, mummy.”

“Well, if you wear your pretty tights, panties and camisole to ballet today then I suppose you can be shared.”

“But mummy, I look silly wearing them with my shorts.”

After breakfast Mummy and Aunty Mary took me to my room and helped me get dressed for ballet class. Mummy gave me a new shiny pantie thing and said “this is a light control brief. Miss Kerry said you have to wear one of these all the time at ballet class.” 

“Why mummy?”

“Miss Kerry said it’s not pretty for your little boy thing to bulge like it does in your shorts. Aunty Mary, will you help Leroy?”

“Here Darling step into your control brief and I’ll pull it up. Now for your tights, you can do that.” I put on my tights that I wore yesterday, then a new pair of panties and camisole.  Aunty Mary put my shoes that I wore yesterday on me feet  Then my shorts and top.

“Close your eyes and open your mouth a little bit, sweetness.” I did as asked and Aunty Mary smoothed some pink lipstick on my lips.

“Oh Aunty not lipstick.”

“Yes darling, it makes you so pretty. Here I’ll put this gloss on so they are all shiny.” I stood there while Aunty Mary put the gloss over the pink.

“Aunty Mary, why did you do that I’ll look like a girl and smell like one too?”

“Your mummy and I liked how you looked yesterday and how you acted like a girl so we thought you would like to pretend you’re a little sissy today.”

“But I’m a boy, not a girl.”

“We know that, that’s why we thought you could pretend to be a sissy. Sissies are boys that are very girly.”

“Are you two ready, Leroy can’t be late for ballet today of all days. Get your dance bag and get in the car.”

“What’s in it?”

“My leotard, tights, shorts, socks, shoes, water bottle and a towel.”
Aunty Mary got in the front seat after making sure I was strapped in the back seat. Mummy drove to the dance studio.

When we got to the dance studio I went to the change room to change. All the girls saw my panties, camisole, lipstick and tights. Mary-Jane asked are you trying to be a girl now?”

“No. Of course not. Mummy bought them for my old-time dance at school yesterday.”

“I heard you had to wear a dress and dance with a boy.” Said JoAnne.

“Yes. Can we not talk about it.” I then put my leotard on followed by my ballet tights and shoes then went to the studio to warm up.
When Miss Kerry saw me before class started she said. “Oh Leroy you’re wearing lipstick, it makes you look so pretty.”

Although I wasn’t happy wearing it and being so girly I said. “Thank you Miss Kerry.”

“You know you should wear lipstick to all your dance classes, it will help you to feel more girly so you dance accordingly.”

“Yes Miss Kerry.” The last thing I wanted was to wear lipstick and feel more girly.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: The Flower Girl and Page Boy Ball
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2024, 01:14:54 AM »
After class and several run throughs of the routines we were to do on the concert later it was time for a bite to eat followed by getting to the hall where the concert was taking place and dressed for the first routine. The first routine was set up as a ballet class with two portable ballet barres set at an angle to each other so that every child could be seen from the audience.

When we had eaten, we were told that it was time for our make up so I took off my shoes, tights and leotard and put on the robe that mummy had brought from home for me. I sat on a bench next to the girls that were in my class and mummy did my makeup. I had previously worn makeup and knew it was a requirement for the stage as the skin looks washed out under the harsh lighting.

          I was not aware how girly mummy was doing my makeup and I was surprised that I would be wearing the same costume as the girls, that is a white leotard that was definitely not a boys style with a pink half or practice tutu and pink ballet tights and pink satin ballet slippers.

I thought I would be wearing a boy’s style costume. 
Although the boys costume I thought I would be wearing is very sissyish it was still better than what I did wear.

The routine was basically the first part of ballet class where we did our ballet barre exercises followed by our standard centre work exercises.

I hated having to wear the tutu and act like a girl but decided that I had better try my hardest so as not to bring any undue notice to myself.

When we finished our first routine we went to the change room and changed our makeup and costume for the second routine. While we did that, other classes from different age groups did their routines.

The costume I had to wear was a romantic ballet dress, mine was blue the girls wore different colours including pink, green, lavender and blue. There were four colours and each colour had three costumes. I knew that I would have to dance my best so as not to bring undue attention to myself like earlier. 

Miss Kerry and all the teachers were happy with how the concert went. When it was over the parents, grandparents, family friends and friends of all the children went to an adjoining room were there was going to be supper. Miss Kerry wanted everyone to keep their costumes on and they could be worn home as she wanted to close the main hall where the change rooms were.

That meant I had to wear my ballet dress to the supper. Imagine my surprise when I entered the room and there with mummy and Aunty Mary were Samantha and her mummy, Nicole and her mummy. I went to were they where all standing talking and said “Hello.”

Everyone started talking to me at once. Mummy said. “Hang on, everyone. Give Leroy a chance to catch her breath.”

Aunty Mary said “You danced very well, and now I know why you like ballet so much.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you get to wear pretty dresses and wear make up and you have lots of girlfriends at ballet. That’s what all sissies like.”

“What does that mean?”

“Well sissies like wearing dresses and make up.”

“But I don’t like it.”

Miss Kerry came over and said “I’m so pleased with you honeybunch. You danced as good as any of the other girls, and you looked just as pretty.”

After a few more minutes we went home.

When we got home Aunty Mary took me to mummies room and removed my make up while I sat at mummies vanity. Then she ran a bath for me and put some bubble bath oil in it. While this was happening, mummy was in the kitchen making dinner. While I undressed for the bath aunty Mary was taking off her dress so it didn’t get wet while she bathed me. She was wearing a pretty white satin full slip with lots of lace on the hem and over the bust. (I didn’t at the time know all these terms for what ladies wore).

“Why are you taking your dress off?”

“I don’t want it to get wet while I bath you. You wouldn’t want me to get it wet would you?”

“No, but I can wash myself.”

“I know you can wash your self, but I’m going to wash you like a sissy should be washed not like you would.”


“Sissies are very particular about their cleanliness, they like to make sure that every nook and cranny is spotlessly clean so when they go shopping and need to try on clothes they will know that the saleslady who helps them is not shocked by any dirt. Also if you leave any dirt it will smell like dirt and sissies love to smell all pretty and girly. That’s why I’m using this pretty rose scented soap and we have all these nice rose scented bubbles in the bath.”

“But I thought only girls wanted to smell like this.”

“Yes girls and sissies. You like how your girlfriends at school smell, don’t you?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to smell like that.”

“Well it’s a bit late now. Let’s get you out of the bath and dry you so we can have dinner and then you can go to bed. We have a big day tomorrow unpacking my things.”

When I was dry aunty Mary dusted me with some smelly powder before helping me into my pyjamas. We then went to the dining room for dinner. “Your aunty Mary and I were talking to Miss Kerry after the concert tonight. She has big plans for you for next year. She is so very happy how you have stood in for the girls that couldn’t stay for your school dance recital yesterday and how well you danced in your pretty ballet dress and tutu today. I’m sure you’ll love what she has planned for you.”

“What has she planned?”

“I don’t know, she wouldn’t tell me in case I revealed the secret. We’ll have to wait and see in the new year.”

After dinner mummy said “We have a big day tomorrow helping aunty Mary putting her clothes away then we have to go shopping, so off to bed now darling.”

“Good night Mummy.”

“Good night my darling. Sleep tight and dream pretty things.”

Aunty Mary took me to my room and tucked me into bed.  “Good night my darling sissy. Sleep tight.”

“Good night aunty Mary.” She then kissed me lightly on the lips. I could taste her lipstick which was quite nice.

In the morning we had breakfast in our nightwear. Mummy was wearing a nightgown of soft pink nylon and a matching negligee, one I had never seen before, aunty Mary was wearing a silky soft shiny night and negligee in a soft yellow colour. Both seemed to be very happy and full of life. “Darling when you finish breakfast you can have your bath and get ready for the day.”

“But mummy, I had a bath last night.”

“Yes, I know, but until your aunty Mary and I decide that your skin is soft and pretty you will be having two baths a day.”

“But, that’s silly. I don’t want soft skin.”

“Leroy darling, being a sissy is like being a girl and girls have soft skin so that when they put on their pretty lingerie they feel the soft texture of the material and it make them feel all pretty and feminine. Now we, that’s your mummy, yourself and I know you’re a sissy so we are just trying to help you feel more comfortable being a pretty girlish sissy.”

“But, I’m not really a sissy, am I?”

“Yes darling, you are a sissy and all your girlfriends, their mummies, your aunty Mary and I love that you’re a sissy. We want to help you be the best, prettiest, most girly sissy you can be. You’ll be so happy when you truly understand how being a sissy is what you really are.”

“But all the boys, my friends will make fun of me and call me names.”

“What names would they call you?” asked aunty Mary

“I don’t know, girly boy, sissy and other names.”

“Well being called a sissy shouldn’t bother you because that is what you are and being called girly boy is not that bad because you are sort of girly and you are a boy so that’s the truth so that shouldn’t upset you. Come on, I’ll run your bath and you can wash yourself while aunty Mary and I get dressed. Call out when you are ready to get out of the bath.”

Mummy and I went to the bathroom and started the water into the bath, she put some of that smelly bubble bath stuff in the water and there were lots of bubbles. 

“I’m ready to get out now.” I called out. Aunty Mary came to dry me. She was wearing a pretty red satin full slip and I could see she had on a red bra which was sort of low cut as lots of her boobies showed over the top. I couldn’t stop looking at how pretty they were.

“Do you like my boobies or is it my bra or perhaps my pretty slip?”

“I ah.. ah.. I think your boobies look nice with the lace of you slip on them like that.”

“So is my boobies or the lace of my slip?”

“I think it’s the lace.”

“Well there you go. You like lace, that’s another girly thing you like. Girls love lace and sissies love what girls love.” Aunty Mary was patting me dry with a big fluffy towel. When she was satisfied, I was dry she dusted me with mummies smelly talc and wrapped the towel around me under my arms. We went to my room where aunty Mary gave me a pair of panties I hadn’t seen before. They were very sheer white with white lace trim around the leg holes and the waist, there were pink satin ribbon bows on the legs and waist and little flowers embroidered on the front.
“These were a pair of my panties that the waist elastic had broken so your mummy unpicked the stitching down the sides and altered them so they would fit you, she then replaced the elastic in the leg openings and the waist. Do you think they are pretty?”

“Yes, but why do I have to wear them?”

“Your mummy went to a lot of trouble fixing them so they would fit and sissies love wearing pretty panties.” I stepped into the panties and aunty Mary pulled them up my legs and fitted them around my waist. I liked the feel of the soft material and must have smiled.
“My darling sissy likes his new panties. I’m so pleased because it confirms what we have said and now you must believe you’re really a sissy.”
“Why, aunty Mary?”

“I just explained that sissies love wearing pretty panties and you love wearing panties so it confirms you’re a sissy.”


“Right let’s get you dressed.” I was helped into a plain white T shirt and a pair of denim shorts, ankle socks and my sneakers. Right come to your mummies room and wait while we finish dressing.”
When we got there aunty Mary took off her slip. “I think I’ll wear jeans today. Here darling fold this for me please. No wait a minute, you need to rub this into your hands they are a bit ruff, so you need this skin lotion to smooth them out.” I was handed a small tube of stuff that I squeezed onto my hands and massaged it in. “That’s better now fold my slip and put it on the bed.”

“Oh Joan, Leroy said he liked the lace of my slip resting on my breasts. He admitted that he likes lace and the pretty panties you fixed for him. Leroy honey, do you like my bra?”

“Yes aunty Mary, it’s very pretty.”

“What do you like about it?”

“The shiny material and how it makes your boobies stand out.”

“The material is called satin and they stand out because this is a push up bra. One day you might be wearing push up bras so your boobies stand out so all the boys can see them.”

“Boys don’t have boobies and wear bras.”

“No, I suppose they don’t.” Mummy and aunty were dressed by this time and we all went to the spare room where all aunties’ boxes were stored.

“Mary, I’ll take these boxes to my room and you and Leroy take this box to his room and see if you can make space in his drawers for any of the contents.”

We took the box and placed it on the floor next to my bed. “Darling carefully take everything out of the box and place it on your bed while I see if I can make some room in your drawers.”

I opened the box and it was full of lingerie. Bras, slips, camisoles, half-slips, nighties and panties. Aunty Mary was taking stuff out of my drawers and putting some on the floor and some of it back in a different draw. When she had finished my stuff was in three of the six drawers and there were three empty drawers. “There now I’ll let you put my bras in this drawer, panties in this one and nighties in this one. While I take these old rags out to the laundry.”

“But there my t shirts and underpants.”

“Yes, I know but there all old and mostly worn out. I’m sure you’ll be getting new clothes for Christmas and you only have three and a half days of school left for the year, so you have no need of these rags.”

“But what about the summer holidays?”

“As I said I’m sure you’ll get new clothes for Christmas.”

All aunt Mary’s things were so soft and felt really nice to touch. There were lots of different types of bras and lots of different colours. The panties were unlike anything I had seen before, there were tap panties in silk with lace dripping from the legs, there were thongs with little lace strips that held a soft satin triangle over her lady bits, there were hipster briefs and a couple of pairs of full cut briefs. I didn’t know anything about the type or style of the panties at the time but over the next few months I found out all about panty styles and lots of other stuff as well.

There weren’t many nighties as most of them were hung in the wardrobe in the spare room. What there were, were mostly cotton or flannelette.

When we finished in my room we went out to the car and mummy drove us to the local shopping mall where she was going to buy me new shoes for school. I didn’t know why with only a few days to go till the end of year, but mummies are funny things to try to work out.

While mummy took me to a shoe shop to get me some new shoes aunty Mary went off to do her own shopping. “Can I help you?” asked the shop assistant.

“Yes, I’d like a pair of school shoes for my son, I have an advert from the local paper that shows the style I’d like in black.” Mummy then handed the lady the piece of paper.

“For your son?”

“Yes. He needs to learn how to walk in that style before the new school year starts.”

“Very well. Now young man I need to measure your feet so shoes off please.”

I took my shoes off and mummy said socks off too darling, put these on.” I put on the socks mummy gave me. They were knee high very sheer white nylon.

“Mummy these are girls socks.”

“No darling they are your socks so put them on and behave.” She then whispered in my ear so the shop lady couldn’t hear “Darling those are the socks all the sissies wear and I’m sure you will love how girly they make you look.” I thought the shop lady didn’t hear but she had a big smile on her face and I think I saw her wink at mummy while she was measuring my feet.

The lady went away and returned with three boxes of shoes.

“Here we are, this should be the correct size.” She then fitted a shoe to my left foot then the other to my right foot.
“These are girl’s shoes!”

“No darling they are sissy shoes just for my darling sissy boy. Now behave or I’ll get Aunt Mary to smack your bottom later.”

“Now darling go for a little walk so we can see if they fit properly.”

Said the shop lady. “Darling take shorter steps, one foot in front of the other, walk from the hip and gently swivel your hips. Here look at how I do it.”

I watched the lady walking in front of me then tried to copy how she did it. She stepped aside so I could continue walking while she watched. “Yes darling, that’s how little girls and sissy boys walk in their heels. What do you think mummy?”

“Yes, I think he will be fine, I’ll make sure he practices. Darling how do the shoes feel?”

“They aren’t tight. I think they are the right size, but I don’t like them.”

“That’s good.” Mummy then said to the shop lady. “We’ll take them, and do you have other colours, the advertisement said there were other colours.”

“Yes. We have the same style in a pretty pink, a lemon yellow, a beige and a light blue.”

“Could we try the pink, please.”
“Oh mummy, not pink.”

“But darling pink is such a lovely colour for a sissy.”

The lady took the black shoes off my feet and put the pink ones on. “There you are darling, go for a little walk again and tell us if they fit okay.”

After walking around the shop for a few minutes I said. “They feel the same as the other ones.”

“Good well take those as well. Leroy come and the lady will take those off you and put your new black ones on.”

“But mummy.”

“You are wearing one pair of your new shoes, so is it the pink or black?”

“Alright, I’ll wear the black ones.”

“Good you need the practice walking in them so this will be good for you.”

Mummy paid for the shoes, the lady gave me the bag with the pink shoes and my sneakers in it. “Here darling you carry your shoes.”

We then went to the food court where we were to meet aunty Mary.
On the way there the only sounds I heard were the tapping of the little steel plates on the heels of my shoes, and all the kids laughing at me for being a sissy. Finally we saw aunty Mary who was sitting at a table of one of the fast food outlets. Before we were even less than three metres away, she said loud enough for nearly everyone that was listening. “Oh darling, what pretty shoes and you walk so girly in them.”

Mummy said. “Leroy, your aunty Mary gave you a complement.”

“Thank you, aunty Mary. They are pretty, aren’t they?” A lot of the kids that were in the food court laughed and pointed at me.

“I was so impressed with how pretty he walked in them while checking to see if they were the right size I decided to buy him another pair. Show your aunt the other shoes.”


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: The Flower Girl and Page Boy Ball
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2024, 04:16:10 PM »
I could see a few boys looking my way but was surprised that every girl was looking at me. I took the pink shoes out of the bag and showed aunty Mary.

“Oh aren’t they just so pretty. You’re going to look so girly wearing these. I bet they would go fantastic with your pretty dress you wore for your dance at school yesterday.”

“Aunty Mary, shhhh. Everyone will hear you.”

“It doesn’t matter if anyone hears.” Said mummy. “Your aunty Mary is right. They will go perfectly with your dress. I’m sure all your girlfriends from school will think they are so pretty.”

After we had finished our lunch we went home. I spent the afternoon in my room playing with my toy soldiers and making a plastic model aeroplane kit. Mummy and aunty Mary made me practise walking in my new shoes for about half an hour before diner. After diner I had another smelly bath and got ready for bed then watched television till eight-thirty which is my normal bedtime. Mummy and aunty Mary came to tuck me into bed and kiss me goodnight, but aunty Mary told me to rub the cream into my hands that I used that morning before handling her lingerie.

After breakfast the next morning I went to my room to get dressed for school when mummy came into my room to get my clothes for me. “What are you doing?”

“I’m getting your clothes. These are new, aunty Mary bought them for you when we were buying your new shoes.” Mummy handed me the camisole and panty set I wore to school Friday for the class dance. “Here put these on first.”

“Oh mummy. Not these.”

“Yes, these. Now no trouble or aunt Mary will be asked to smack your bottom.” I put on the panties and camisole then mummy handed me a new T shirt. It had cap sleeves and a round neck that was quite a bit bigger than a normal T shirt and was in a soft lemon colour. The material was cotton but felt a lot smoother and lighter than normal cotton T shirt. When I had it on mummy handed me a pair of short-alls in a light green linen material. Instead of closing at the sides like all the short-alls I had ever seen these close at the back with a fine zip fastener and a silver button. They were fairly figure hugging.

“Mummy, I can’t wear these, there girls shorts.”

“No darling, there your shorts. Now put your socks on then your new black shoes.” I looked at mummy as if she was a lunatic, but she looked back at me with a look that told me I better do as I was told. I put on the short-all and socks and shoes. “Now remember how you were shown how to walk in your new shoes, well you better do it right. Okay?”

“Yes mummy.” I was almost in tears. How could mummy send me to school looking like a girl, a complete sissy girl. I knew I was going to be bashed to a pulp as soon as I got to the school ground if not sooner.

“Don’t forget to do your earrings before you leave.”

“No mummy.” I had completely forgotten I had those sparkly earrings in since the dance school recital Saturday. Now I knew I was going to be bashed, wearing earrings, girls shoes and socks, girls short-all and T shirt, everything I was wearing was girls clothes even my underwear.

I put the antiseptic stuff on my ears and turned the studs so they wouldn’t stick to the healing of the holes. I got my school bag and waited for mummy to get ready. When she was ready, we went out to the car and she drove me to school.

When she pulled up at the drop off zone I didn’t want to get out of the car. “Come on darling, you don’t want to be late. You only have three and a half days to go before the holidays.”

“But mummy all the kids are going to bash me up.”

“Why would they do that?”

“Because I’m dressed like a sissy girl.”

“But darling, your aunty Mary and I have explained to you that you are a sissy. I’m sure when everyone sees how pretty you look they will understand that you are a sissy and that’s why you’re dressed like that.”

“That’s what I mean. They’ll bash me.”

“You have to go in sooner or later, I can’t have you stay home today, I’m going to be very busy. Off you go.” I reluctantly got out of the car and tried to make a dash to the classroom however I was seen by some of the boys from the next grade up.

“Oh look at the sissy.” They came over and surrounded me and started teasing me about my clothing, earrings, shoes and socks. By the time I could get away I was crying and then I ran to the classroom where aunty Mary, sorry Miss Applerite was setting up for the day.

“Darling, what’s wrong. Why are you crying?”

“The boys, all the boys were calling me a sissy and other thing, and they were pushing me.”

“Why would they do that?”

“Look at what mummy made me wear.”

“That’s okay, I think you look very pretty. Here dry those tears. Miss Applerite took a handkerchief from her purse and dried my tears. “Here darling, I know how to cheer you up. Pucker your lips like this.” She showed me how. “That’s right, If I’m sad I always feel better with some lipstick on.” She then coated my lips with her pink lipstick. “Now hold still while I put some shiny gloss over the top.” She then coated my lips with her lip gloss. “There that look so pretty. I bet you feel better now.”

“But Miss Applerite, you made me more girly.”

“Yes darling, but you’ll feel better when you realise that as a sissy you should always try to look as girly as you can. Ar.. the bell has rung, I’ll let everyone in so we can start class.” She then went and opened the door.

There was lots of chatter mostly about me from all the boys and some of the girls as they walked into the classroom and saw me.
Samantha came over and said “What’s wrong, why are you crying.”

“The boys called me names and pushed me.”

“Don’t worry about them. I think you look really pretty. I like your lipstick, it’s very pretty.”

“That’s what’s wrong. I’m a boy and don’t want to look pretty.” Samantha then hugged me.

“Right class quiet. Now as you can see Leroy is dressed differently today. He’s a sissy so his mummy said he has to dress like a sissy. If anyone teases him or is unkind then they will get detention. Now nobody wants detention when there is only three and a half days of school left this year so be kind to Leroy. Right now, get your writing books out and copy what I have on the blackboard.”

Everyone took out their books and started writing. I could hear mumbling between the boys but was too afraid to look at anyone. When the bell went for morning recess Miss Applerite asked me. “Leroy darling, would you like to stay with me?”

“Oh, yes please.” As everyone left the room I stayed where I was.
A few second later Samantha came back into the room and said “Come on Leroy, you can play with me and the girls.”

Miss Applerite said. “There you go Leroy, you can play with the girls, off you go.” I went with Samantha and we joined a group of girls that were playing hopscotch.

Carol said “You’re so pretty. I can see the outline of your camisole through you T shirt are you wearing panties too?”

“Yes, mummy said I have to.”

“Why?” asked Catherine.

“Mummy said I’m a sissy and sissies wear panties and camisoles.”

“Why are you a sissy?” asked Melanie

“I don’t know. Mummy said because I wore the dress and petticoat on Friday at the dance and said I liked the feel of it brushing against my legs, I must be a sissy.”

“Well I don’t care if you’re a sissy, your very pretty and we want you to be our special friend.”

“What’s a special friend?”

“We think you should be our special sissy girlfriend.”


“Well, you said you’re a sissy, and we like you for being a sissy. Because you’re a sissy you can’t be our boyfriend, so you have to be our girlfriend and that makes you special.” Said Carol

“I’m having a party on Friday afternoon at my house. It’s for girls only and special sissies. Will you come?”

“I don’t know if I’ll be allowed.”

When we went back in the classroom we did some arithmetic then some poetry before lunch. I played with the girls at lunch time and learnt how to play hopscotch. After lunch we had music where we learnt all about different composers of classical and musical theatre.
When the bell went to end the school day I stayed with Miss Applerite till mummy came to get me. As we were leaving Samantha came over and said to mummy. “I’m having a party on Friday afternoon to celebrate the end of school and I would like Leroy to come. It’s an all-girl and sissies party. Could Leroy come please Mrs. Beasley?”

“I don’t see why not. I’ll ring your mummy and ask her if she would let Leroy come before I say yes.”

“Oh please Mrs. Beasley. We so want Leroy to come.”

“Samantha, I said I would ring your mummy and that’s what I will do. Okay?”

“Yes, Mrs. Beasley, I’m sorry.” Samantha hugged me and whispered in my ear. “I hope you can come, we’ll have so much fun.”

When we got home mummy rang Mrs. Wilson, Samantha’s mummy. “Hello Jane, it’s Joan Beasley…. Yes, I’m fine thank you. How are you?.... The reason I rang, Samantha has invited Leroy to her all girl’s party on Friday afternoon and I wanted to make sure it was alright with you if he came….. Oh, thank you. Yes, I’m sure he is looking forward to it….. Oh a dress code, go on…… That won’t be a worry…..From the skin out, like last Friday, of course, how else would he be dressed…….Yes, of course I would love to help you keep control. Alright till Friday at two. Oh and a swimsuit. I’m afraid Leroy doesn’t have anything suitable…..Okay, he can borrow one of Samantha’s, great. Bye.”

The next day I wore the panties, camisole another short-all this one white, a lavender coloured T shirt the same as the one from the day before, knee high nylon socks and my new black shoes. Mummy put some lipstick and gloss on my lips. “Why did you do that?”

“Well you wore lipstick and gloss yesterday and you look very pretty and you got an invite to a party with your girlfriends.”

“But mummy I look like a sissy and with lipstick I look like a girl.”

“We don’t have time to remove it so get your school bag and get in the car.” When we got to school I ran to the class room but it was locked so I had to go and wait outside where all the boys called me names and pushed me around.

“Stop that. Leave him alone.” Shouted Samantha as she ran to where I was being bullied. “Leave him alone. He’s done nothing to you.”

One of the boys from another grade said. “He’s a big sissy girl, why should we leave it alone?”

“He’s our special boyfriend. Isn’t he girls?”

There were about five girls from my class, and they all said “Yes. He’s our special friend so leave him alone.” Just then the bell rang and we all went to our class rooms.

At each break during the day I played with the girls and quite enjoyed it as it was better than being bullied and they were all so nice.

At the end of the day I waited in the classroom with Samantha and Miss Applerite till mummy came to pick me up. “Mrs. Beasley, thank you for letting Leroy come to my party. We are going to have so much fun.”

“That’s alright Samantha. I’m just happy Leroy has some nice friends to play with that won’t get into mischief.”

We then went home where I did some work on my model aeroplane till diner time. After diner I had a bath that aunty Mary put smelly bubbles in then I watched television with mummy and aunty Mary till bedtime.

In the morning after breakfast mummy came to my room to help me get dressed for the last half day of school. First she had me put on a matching panty and camisole set in pink nylon with white lace around the neck, arm holes, leg holes and waist. I didn’t want to wear sissy clothes but knew complaining would do no good so put them on. The she gave me a pair of white ankle socks with a pink lace cuff followed by my new pink shoes. “Oh mummy, I’ll look like a girl.”

“Don’t be silly, you will look like a pretty sissy boy and everyone will love how you look. It’s only for half a day so be good and put on your pretty shoes.” I put on the shoes then mummy handed me a white nylon back button blouse with lace cuffs and lace down the front, that I was supposed to wear with my suit for the class dance until I ended up wearing the dress. This was followed by the white satin knickerbockers. When I was dressed to mummies satisfaction, she started to paint my fingernails in a pink colour to match my shoes.

“Mummy no, not nail polish.”

“But darling sissies love nail polish. The girls will love how pretty you look and the boys will think you’re so girly.” When she had finished with my nails she brushed my hair into a page boy bob then put lipstick and gloss on my lips. “There you are darling the prettiest sissy boy possible. Right let’s go, you don’t want to be late the last day for the year.”

This time when I got out of the car I ran as well as I could with the shoes I was wearing to the class room. This time the door was unlocked, and I went in to find Miss Applerite there. She was putting a little gift-wrapped parcel on each desk.

“Hello Leroy, my don’t you look very pretty today.”

“Thank you, Miss Applerite, but I don’t want any of the boys to see me like this.”

“Why not? If I remember correctly that is the same blouse all the boys wore for the dance last Friday and they are the same pants, so why would you not want them to see you?”

“Mummy made me wear these new pink shoes and these socks and she put nail polish on my fingers and lipstick on me. I look like a big sissy.”

“But darling, you are a sissy and you know it, your mummy knows it, I know it all the girls know it and now the boys that aren’t quite sure will definitely know it. You’re a sissy girly boy and everyone knows so just accept it and be happy. Now sit down in your seat and wait for the other children then we can discuss what is happening today.”

The bell rang to start class and all the other children came in and took their seats. Lots of the boys laughed at how I looked.

“As today is the last day of the school year you will be finishing at lunch time. Before then we will be going to the gymnasium where the headmistress will give you your report cards and telling you which class you will be going to next year. There are three classes for you to go to next year and the teachers of each of these will be coming to introduce themselves. Does anyone have any questions?”
One of the boys put up his hand. “Yes John.”

“Why is Leroy dressed like a sissy since the dance?” Most of the boys laughed and some of the girls giggled.

“I know a lot, well most of you have been making fun of Leroy this week so I’ll explain why he has been dressing as he has. You all know that he had to wear a dress and dance with Daryl for your dance concert on Friday. After the dance he said he loved the feel of his dress and petticoat swishing against his pretty tights. He said he felt really girly so after some questions by his mummy and myself it was decided that he was a sissy. His mother decided that if he was a sissy that he should dress and act like one so nobody would think he was a normal boy. Now for those that don’t know exactly what a sissy is, I’ll explain.

“A sissy is a boy that likes to do things girls do, like going to ballet class, playing games that girls play, like hopscotch, wearing pretty girly undies, like panties, camisoles, and tights, wearing lipstick and nail polish, just like girls do and last wearing pretty blouses, shoes, socks and dresses.

“As you all know these are the things that Leroy has been doing since the dance last week. Being a sissy is something that a person can’t help being just like you John can’t help being a boy or Samantha can’t help being a girl. It’s not something you chose, it’s just nature deciding that is what you are. So if during the Christmas holidays you see Leroy shopping with his mummy or at the beach building sand castles or at the local pool remember he didn’t decide to be a sissy, so treat him like you would anyone else.”

“Does that mean we can ask him to play cricket?” asked Henry.

“You could ask him, but I think he would rather play dollies with the girls than play cricket.” More laughter and giggles. “Alright, pack up any books, pencils or anything else you have in your desks and put it all in your school bags, then you can read till we go to the gym.”
When it was time the hooter sounded letting us know time go to the gym.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: The Flower Girl and Page Boy Ball
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2024, 04:30:40 PM »
 The headmistress came a few minutes after we were all seated. “Good morning Children.”

“Good morning Headmistress.” We all responded.

“Now before I hand out your report cards I have a special presentation to make. Would Leroy Beasley please come on to the stage.” I didn’t want to stand in front of everyone and have them all laugh at me so I just sat where I was. “Come on Leroy.”

Miss Applerite came and lifted me from my seat. “Come on darling, don’t be shy.” She escorted me to the stage.

“Hello Leroy. My don’t you look pretty.”

“Hello headmistress, thank you.”

“I was told that you did a very unselfish thing the other day. You volunteered to take the place of one of your classmates and dance in her place at the dance last Friday.”

“Yes, headmistress.”

“Did you know that I was there and saw you and all your classmates?”

“No headmistress.”

“You were every bit as pretty and danced as well as all the other girls. You were so good I couldn’t tell which one was the boy. I spoke to a lot of the parents after the dance and most said they thought the same.”

“Thank you, headmistress.”

 “So in appreciation I have a certificate and a little gift for you.”

“Thank you, headmistress.” I was then handed the certificate and the gift.

“Would you read what the certificate says for your classmates.”

“This is to certify that Leroy Beasley is a very unselfish young child. He stepped in to take the place of one of his classmates to dance in a pretty dress as a girl for the betterment of his whole class. All the teachers, parents and children of the school recognise his deed and name him the student of the year. Signed by the headmistress Mrs Jones and his class teacher Miss Applerite.” I had tears running down my cheeks by the time I had finished reading.

Samantha started to clap then the rest of the girls and a couple of the boys joined in.

“Here darling, dry your tears.” Said Miss Applerite handing me a lace handkerchief. I took the hanky and started to rub my face. “No darling. Sissies dab at their tears, don’t rub because when you grow up and are wearing makeup you’d ruin it.”

All the boys laughed. “Boys! Decorum please.” Said the headmistress. “Now darling, open your little gift.”

I tore the girly gift paper off the present and inside there was a little red velvet box. I opened the box and inside there was a pair of pink ceramic ballet shoe earrings. “Ah….Thank you headmistress.”

“Give me a little kiss darling then you can go and sit down.” I tilted my head up so she could kiss me on the cheek but had to stand on tippy toes. Headmistress then kissed me lightly on the lips. “You taste so pretty.”

“Thank you, headmistress.” I then went and sat down.

The headmistress then handed out the report cards. Calling each student to the stage to collect their report. Miss Applerite whispered in my ear. “Darling, when you get your report card say thank you headmistress then give a nice curtsey before you return to your seat.”

“Leroy.” I walked to where the headmistress was standing took my report card said. “Thank you, headmistress.” Did a curtsey then returned to my seat feeling like a big sissy. From then on when any of the girls went and got their report they curtsied. The only difference between the girls and my curtsies was they held their skirt out and I couldn’t because I was wearing knickerbockers.

Eventually the final bell for the school year rang. “Now everyone have a nice holiday and I hope you get lots of presents. Goodbye, children.”

“Goodbye, Miss Applerite.” We all responded.

Samantha and Carol came over to where I was standing waiting for mummy. “Oh Leroy you’re so lucky, can we see your pretty earrings?” I showed the girls the earrings. “They are perfect for a ballet dancer like you.” said Samantha I can’t wait for my party tomorrow. Don’t be late. Bye, see you.” She then kissed me on the cheek. Carol then did the same and they went to where their mummies were waiting to take them home.

Mummy arrived soon after and I got in the car. “What’s that you’ve got?”

“It’s my report card.”

“What else?”

“It’s a gift from the headmistress.”

“Why did you get a gift? Did everyone else get one?”

“I was the only one. The headmistress said it was because I was good for being a girl on Friday.”

“What is the gift?”

“It’s a pair of earrings.”

“How lovely. You’ll have to write a note of thanks. How was your last day for the year?”

“Miss Applerite, sorry aunty Mary told all the kids I was a sissy and loved wearing panties, tights, camisoles and blouses and doing girl things.”

“What did the children say?”

“John asked if he should ask if I wanted to play cricket. Aunty Mary said you can ask, but I think Leroy would rather play dollies with the girls. But I would rather play cricket.”

When we got home mummy had me take off the knickerbockers and put on my dress and petticoat that was the one, I didn’t wear to the dance on the last Friday. It was exactly the same but was the Pink one. According to mummy it was a good fit.

“Why do I have to try on this dress?”

“You’re going to Samantha’s party tomorrow and it’s a girl only party and Samantha and all the girls said you had to wear a dress because they all were.”

“But mummy, I’m a boy.”

“Darling, you know you’re not really a boy. You know as well as we do that, you’re a sissy and as such you have to wear your dress to an all-girl party. All girl means only girls and sissies.” Said aunty Mary

“But I’ll look silly. Why can’t I wear shorts and T shirt like I normally do to parties?”

“If it was a boys party you could wear your new short-all’s and one of you new tops with knee high socks and your new shoes, but it’s a girl’s party so you have to wear a dress.”

When I was allowed to get changed, I put on the white short-all with the lavender T shirt, knee high socks and the white shoes I wore to the dance. Mummy wouldn’t let me wear any of my old boys clothes. I worked on my aeroplane model till diner time.

At dinnertime aunty Mary said “I was talking to Mrs.Wilson this afternoon. She said she is looking forward to seeing you at the party tomorrow. She said she knows you will have a great time as she heard Samantha and Carol discussing all the things you’ll be doing. She didn’t tell me what they are but she said that you’re sure to love it.”

“Did you know that Samantha insisted that he wears the dress that he didn’t wear to the dance. You know the pink one. When we got home I had him try it on to make sure it fit correctly. It was perfect.”

“I had heard that. I can’t wait to see him in it. Are you looking forward to the party darling?”

“Sort of. I want to go but I don’t want to wear a dress.”

“But the girls are looking forward to you wearing it. You know you can’t go unless you wear a dress. That was the rule.” Said mummy.

“I know, but I think it’s silly.”

“I’m sure when you get to the party that you’ll forget you’re wearing a dress. It will feel just like normal. You don’t think about what you’re wearing when you wear shorts or jeans, do you?” asked aunty Mary.

“No, I guess not. But a dress is different.”

“You can go to your room and do some of your model aeroplane till it’s time to get ready.” Said mummy

Two hours later mummy came to my room and said “Pack up now it’s time to start getting ready.”

“But there is plenty of time.”

“No there isn’t. You have to have a bath, wash, condition and set your hair, do your nails, get dressed and put on your lipstick.”

“Oh mummy, not lipstick.”

“But darling all the other girls will be wearing lipstick and nail polish. It’s a girl and sissy thing for parties. Anyway, I’m sure you’ll feel more girly by the time you’re ready to go.” I packed up my model and went to the bathroom to get undressed.

Aunty Mary was there putting smelly bubble stuff in the water and the bathroom smelled of roses. When I was in the bath aunt Mary washed me like last time, making sure I was spotlessly clean in every nook and cranny. When she was satisfied that I was clean she shampooed my hair twice then put a conditioner through it and let me soak in the warm smelly water for five minutes. Eventually she rinsed my hair and wrapped it in a towel and got me out of the bath and pat dried me with another towel. She then powdered me all over with rose scented powder.

I was taken to my room where aunty Mary handed me a pair of sheer white tights and a pair of pink satin panties with rows and rows of lace across the back. “Aunty Mary, why do I have to wear these? There really girly.”

“Your mummy bought you those especially for today. Every girl feels more girly when they wear pretty panties, and these are really pretty so you’ll feel extra girly. And the girls are just going to love that you’re wearing such pretty panties like them.”

I put on the tights, panties and my pink Mary-Janes with the big heels while wondering how the girls would know I was wearing the pink panties. It’s not like I was going to be flashing them. Aunt Mary then handed me a matching camisole which I put on without comment. I shivered when the material slid down my torso. “I see you like that. Most girls and ladies love their lingerie because it is made from soft silky material that sends tingles through them when they put it on or take it off. You’ll learn to love your lingerie in no time.”

Aunt Mary then helped me into the petticoats tying them snugly around my waist. “Now darling into your mummies room so we can do your hair.” We went to mummies room. “Sit here darling and watch what I’m doing.”

Aunty Mary took the towel off my head and ran a comb through my hair. “It will be good when your hair grows.” She then started to section my hair and put rollers into it. While she was doing that mummy was cleaning the nail polish off my fingernails and when it was all off, she put on several coats of different stuff. I later found out the first coat was a conditioner, the next was the first coat of enamel, which was a light pink, this was followed by another coat of the pink. When it was all dry there was a coat of hardener applied. When Aunty Mary had finished rolling my hair she sprayed it with something from a spray bottle then she put a plastic hood on my head and connected a tube from mummies hair dryer to the hood. I felt the air circulating around my head, it eventually got warm and I could feel the rollers starting to pull on my hair as it dried.

While my hair dried mummy and aunty Mary discussed what and how much makeup I should wear. “I think his brows need tidying, what do you think?” asked mummy.

“Yes, make them a bit tidier and girly. What about some light green eye shadow?”

“Yes perfect. You do the eyes while I go and make some lunch.” Said mummy.

“I don’t want to wear makeup.”

“But you must darling. All the other girls will be wearing makeup. It’s a girl and sissy thing. The girls will love it. Now hold still this may hurt a little bit, but it is necessary to make you beautiful and girly.” Aunt Mary then started to pluck my eyebrows. When she was satisfied, she then put some eye shadow on my lids and powder all over my face. “That will do for now, come and have some lunch.”
We went to the kitchen where mummy had made some sandwiches. “Oh you are so pretty, I’m sure the girls are going to love how girly you are.”

“But mummy, I don’t want to be pretty and girly, I want to be like a boy.”

“Darling, we know it’s hard to understand, but you can’t be a real boy. We have tried to explain that you’re a sissy and sissies are very girly boys. Your girlfriends from school and ballet class know it so do all the boys at school it is just you that doesn’t know it. Now time for your dress then we’ll go to Samantha’s party where I know you’ll have a good time playing a lot of girly games.” Said mummy.

We went to my room where mummy helped me put on my dress. then Aunt Mary took the hair dryer hood off and took the rollers out of my hair. She then brushed the curls until my hair was very girly then she sprayed it with hair spray, the last thing was my pink lipstick and gloss sealer.

“Right darling into the car.” The three of us got in the car and mummy drove to Samantha’s house. When we got there two of the other girls had just arrived as well, they and their mummies were standing out the front with Samantha, her mummy and two other girls.

“Oh look. It’s Leroy and he’s wearing his dress.” said Elizabeth
“He’s so pretty. Hello Leroy.” Said Samantha as all the girls ran over to where I was getting out of the car. They all hugged me and I hugged them back.

“Leroy, you’re wearing makeup. You’re so pretty.”

“You’re the prettiest sissy there ever was. Show us your dress. Turn around slowly. Beautiful.”

“Did you bring your favourite dolly?” asked Carol.

“I don’t have any dollies. Boys don’t play with dolls.”

“You can borrow one of mine.” Said Samantha.

“Come on girls, inside now.” Said Mrs. Wilson

We went inside and Samantha took us to her room. It was so girly, pink walls, cream carpet, pink satin bed spread on a four-poster bed, white chiffon canopy on the bed, pink satin pillows with a big doll dressed in a white trail maids like wedding dress. There was a white Queen Anne vanity with lots of beauty products and makeup and a matching stool.

In one corner there was a big dolls house with miniature furniture, there was a big cupboard that when opened revealed lots of dolls dresses all on hangers, there were drawers full of dolls clothes in the cupboard. On a shelf to one side of the cupboard were several shelves on each shelf there were about ten barbie dolls, each one dressed differently.

I had never been inside a girls room before, I could never imagine a room so girly. I somehow felt comfortable with its girlyness.

“Do you like my room Leroy?”

“Um…. Yes, its very girly. But I like it."

“While we wait for the other girls lets play dolls, Leroy you can have the ballerina barbie because you do ballet.” Said Samantha as she handed me a ballerina doll.

“What do I do with this?”

“You play ballet with her, just like you do at your ballet class. Our dolls are going to watch.” Said Jeanette. I did what I thought was what they wanted.

“That’s very good, you have played dolls before, haven’t you?”

“No never.” Just then the last two girls arrived.

Teressa the oldest girl in our class said. “Is that Leroy, oh you’re beautiful. Are you sure you’re a boy?”

“Yes of course I’m a boy.”

“Now everyone is here we can all go swimming.’ Said Samantha.

“I don’t have my trunks.” I said.

 “You can borrow one of my suits.” Said Samantha as she went to her chest of drawers and got two bathing suits out. Here you can wear this one.” She said as she handed me a frilly pink bikini.

“I can’t wear that.”

“Of course you can. We’re all wearing bikinis.”

“Do you need a hand to undo your dress?” asked Teressa

“Yes please.” She then unzipped me and helped me take off the dress.

“That’s a pretty camisole.”

“Thank you.”

“Is all your lingerie as pretty as what we have seen?” asked Margaret


“Margaret, all sissies wear the prettiest lingerie. Don’t you know anything.”

“I just thought that he might have some plain cotton panties and camisoles, that’s all.” All the girls were taking off their dresses, petticoats and panties. Teressa was also wearing a training bra which she took off. I got to see her boobies and was staring a bit.

“Leroy, get undressed, and put your suit on, you’re holding us up.” Said Elizabeth

I undid the tapes tying my petticoats on then stepped out of them, took off my camisole and was waiting for the girls to go before I took off my panties.

“Come on Leroy, hurry up.”  I turned my back and took off my panties and put on the bikini bottom, I had to push my pen-is between my legs because I couldn’t fit in the front of the bikini because it was so skimpy. Samantha took the bikini top and helped me put it on tying the strings behind my back and neck.

“Right let’s go.” We all followed Samantha to the pool and jumped in.

While we were playing in Samantha’s room and in the pool mummy aunty Mary, Mrs. Wilson were discussing me.

Mrs. Wilson asked mummy ‘What plans for Leroy for next year? It might be hard for him at school if he continues being a sissy and his friends won’t forget his last few days, even after the holidays.”

“Both Mary and I are fully aware of the humiliation he may face if he goes to school as a sissy. We also realise that his reputation from this year will stay with him after the holidays even if he goes back as a normal boy. I plan on continuing his dressing as a sissy and acting in as girly a fashion as I can instil in him. I’m just sorry that when I bought his first pair of shoes, the white ones he has on today that I didn’t get the same style as the black and pink ones I have since bought as he walks so girly in the heels.”

“Mary and I intend to home school him next year. Mary will set his lessons and I will make sure he follows them. He will also be doing sewing and girl play along with the normal subjects of arithmetic, English, geography, social studies etc.”


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: The Flower Girl and Page Boy Ball
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2024, 02:30:11 AM »
“Mary is currently staying at our place while her house has renovations done. These renovations include a room for Leroy to do his schoolwork and ballet practice in. When the renovations are complete, Leroy and I will be moving in with Mary.”

“So you plan on keeping Leroy a sissy?”

“Yes. Do you have a reason for being interested other than just curiosity?”

“As a matter of fact I do. I have been looking for a male model for some of the clothes I make for weddings. As you know I make one of a kind bridal gowns, bridesmaids dresses and flower-girl dresses. I have been thinking of branching out and doing page-boy outfits.”

“Why couldn’t you just get any boy for your model?” asked aunty Mary

“I’m thinking of a line of fashion based on the pre-French revolution Marie Antoinette style of dresses and a sissy version for the page-boy. And I’m looking for a suitable boy to model the clothes. Samantha will initially model the flower-girl dresses.”

“Well I’m sure that Leroy could be encouraged to model them as he likes Samantha and I think if she is involved it would make it easier to get him interested.” Said mummy

“What do you plan for his hair?”

“Of course I will be letting it grow so I can style it in curls and feminine girly styles in keeping with his sissy style. Why?”

“Well as you know the period I’m thinking of, the hair for girls and women were mostly sausage curls and I would like his hair to be the same as Samantha’s. Would you be inclined to colour it the same as hers?”

“Yes, of course. She has such lovely hair.”

“When they finish in the pool I have a dress that Samantha has outgrown that I think would be lovely on Leroy. Would you like him to try it on?”

“Yes, why not.”  They then talked about other things ladies talk about.

When we were tired of in the pool we got out and dried each other before getting dressed. Just before I started to get dressed mummy came and said “Leroy darling just put your panties on and come to the lounge room.”

When I had my panties on we all went to the lounge room where Mrs. Wilson said “Leroy, I have something I would like you to try on, It’s something Samantha has outgrown and your mummy and Miss Applerite thinks would be perfect for you. Here put these pretty pantaloons on first.” She handed me a pair of long panties made from a sheer material I later found out was chiffon. They had four-inch lace ruffles at the end of the legs and around the waist. “Take your panties off first.” I turned around so they wouldn’t see my pen-is and took off my panties and put on the pantaloons.
Mummy adjusted the length of the legs so the elastic at the start of the lace was just below my knees. Mrs Wilson handed me a princess style bouffant petticoat with layers of lace trim on the bodice and three tiers of nylon and lace over a taffeta underskirt. When I had it on I was handed a four tier waist slip, each tier was tulle trimmed with lace the same as the princess slip.

The girls were sitting on the floor and were whispering to each other. I only heard little bits of what they were saying. “Isn’t Leroy a pretty boy?”

“Leroy’s not a boy, he’s a sissy.”

“He should be a girl”

“Maybe he will turn into a girl”

“Oh I hope he does.”

Then Mrs. Wilson gave me a pair of lace trimmed ankle socks and a pair of white kitten heel shoes. When I had them on Samantha held my hand and waked me around the room. I could here the swish of the petticoats and feel them brushing against my legs. I felt so girly. When Mrs. Wilson was happy that I could walk in the shoes she said “Now darling, time for your pretty dress.” she helped me into a beautiful soft lilac coloured satin and organza party dress.
It had a sweetheart neckline, short flutter organza sleeves, beading on the bodice, a tea length bell shaped skirt that was held in shape by the petticoats and an organza overlay. I thought it was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen.

“Darling come here.” Said aunty Mary as she looked in her purse.

 “Pucker up sweetheart.” She then coated my lips with her bright pink lipstick. “There, now you’re a beautiful sissy girl.”

“Darling you’re so beautiful. Do a twirl for us.” Said mummy. I twirled around and felt the petticoats on my pantaloon encased legs. It felt so girly. I smiled so big.

“Do you feel like a pretty girl darling?” asked Mrs. Wilson.

“Yes, Mrs. Wilson, do girls feel like this all the time?”

“Only when they wear pretty dresses sweetheart. Isn’t it nice feeling so girly, it’s how sissies love to feel.”

“Samantha take the girls to your room and play nicely for a while, We are going to make some dinner now for you.” we went to Samantha’s room and continued playing with her dolls.

The girls were keen to know if I really liked wearing the dress and how I felt wearing it. I said “It feels nice, I like the feel of the petticoats swishing against my legs. I like the sound the petticoats make when I walk.”

“That sound is called Frou Frou, it’s the most girly sound there is. You didn’t tell us how you feel wearing the dress.” said Teressa.

“I think I feel, I don’t know, soft and pretty.”

“That’s how I feel when I wear a pretty dress and petticoats.” Said Elizabeth

“Me too.” Said Rose.

“Girls, diner is ready. Wash your hands and come now.” Mrs. Wilson sang out.

We washed our hands in Samantha’s bathroom and went to the lounge room for diner. “Leroy sweetheart, since you like that dress and it fits you so well I would like you to keep it.” Said Mrs. Wilson when we were all sitting at the table.

“Thank you, Mrs. Wilson, but I can’t keep it. Boys don’t have dresses.”

“Don’t be silly darling, you already have two dresses and that is such a pretty dress and it suits you so well.”

“But I could never wear it anywhere.”

“You can wear it to my new year’s party. I haven’t sent out the invites yet, but you are invited along with the rest of you girls here.” Said Teressa.
“There you are darling, there is one party you can wear it to. I insist you take it, Samantha has outgrown it and it is perfect for a pretty little sissy like you.”

“Leroy.” Said mummy.

“Thank you, Mrs. Wilson.” I said. I didn’t want another dress. I didn’t want the two I had.
As it was nearly time to go home I kept the dress on. When we were leaving aunty Mary said “Darling when you say goodbye to everyone give a curtsey like you did at school the other day.”
I did as asked and Mrs Wilson said “Oh so girly, that’s exactly how a sissy is supposed to say goodbye. Come here and give me a kiss darling.” I stepped over to her and she kissed me full on the lips a big sloppy kiss.

When we got home I tried to take the dress off but couldn’t reach the zipper at the back of my neck. “Mummy, can you help me take the dress off, please?”

“Why do you want to take it off?”

“I want to put on my shorts and a t shirt.”

“Darling, why did you say take the dress off, instead of take my dress off?” asked aunty Mary.

“I don’t know.”

“You’re going to have to get used to saying my dress or petticoats or panties. They are yours and you have to say it or people won’t know what you’re talking about.” Said mummy.

“I think tomorrow I’ll spend some time helping you reach behind your back so you can learn how to unzip your dresses and unbutton your blouses. You know you’ll be wearing lots of clothes that do up at the back so you need to train your hands and arms accordingly.” Said aunty Mary.

I stayed in MY dress until bedtime when mummy helped me take it off. “What are you doing tomorrow?”

“I don’t know, maybe ride my bike for a bit. And do some of my model.”

“Would you like to go swimming?”

“Oh yes. Can I?”

“I think so, it depends on whether your aunt gets a phone call or not. Good night darling.”

“Good night mummy.”

At breakfast the next morning I asked “Did aunty get the phone call about swimming?”

“Yes darling. She has already gone to make sure everything will be ready for you and some of your girlfriends to swim.”

“Which girlfriends? Is it Samantha, Carol, Elizabeth?”

“Yes all of them and Teressa.”
“Where are we going?”

“To Aunt Mary’s house. The builders have finished the outside and only have a small amount of work to finish inside then the painting has to be done.”

“I didn’t know Aunty Mary had a house.”

“I’m sure you were told she was staying with us while her house was renovated.”

“Oh. When?”

“Aunt Mary said to come about twelve o’clock. She is getting some lunch brought in. Get dressed then play in your room for a while I put your clothes on your bed.” I went to my room and got dressed in the clothes mummy put out for me. Panties, camisole, T shirt, short-all, knee socks and black Mary-Janes with the heel. I then did some more work on my model aeroplane.

At a quarter to twelve mummy came to my room “Get ready as it’s time to go.” I packed up my model stuff and went to the lounge room where mummy was waiting. She had a large bag that I thought contained my swimsuit and towel and hers as well. We went out and got in the car and she drove to aunty Mary’s house. I was surprised at how big it was, it was like and old-fashioned southern mansion but not quite as big. The grounds were surrounded by a high stone fence with big wrought iron gates that are controlled by a keypad for entry.

Mummy parked the car in front of a triple car garage and we got out and went to the front door. Aunty Mary opened the door as we arrived. “Come in and I’ll show you around.” We followed aunty Mary as she led the way to first the lounge room then the kitchen then the conservatory then the playroom rumpus room then she took us upstairs to the master bedroom and four smaller bedrooms. The master bedroom was done in tasteful feminine style, soft pastel pink on the walls, cream thick pile carpet, white velvet drapes over lace curtains on the windows, large pictures of beautiful ladies in lingerie kissing other beautiful ladies in lingerie or naked ladies together on a bed doing I’m not sure what. The main feature of the room was a giant four poster canopied bed with pink satin spread and pillows.

After the master bedroom we went to one of the smaller rooms that was even more feminine if that were possible. Pink walls, light mauve deep shagpile carpet, pictures of ballerinas, all the furniture was high gloss white with light mauve trim. There were two side tables, one each side of the double four poster bed, a vanity with a lighted mirror, a large wardrobe with two door one of which was mirrored. The bed had a chiffon canopy with lace edging that was tied to the posts by mauve satin ribbons, the vanity stool had a mauve satin cushion. “Darling, this is going to be your room when we move in with your Aunty Mary.” Said mummy.

The other bedrooms were in the throes of being painted only having undercoat on the walls and no furniture.

The doorbell rang so we went down to see which of my girlfriend had arrived. It was Samantha, her mummy, Teressa and her mummy and Carol who came with Teressa. And just behind them coming up the driveway was the food delivery truck.

“Darling take the girls to your room where they can put their things then come down to the kitchen and we’ll have lunch.” Said Aunty Mary

“Come with me.” I led the girls upstairs to the room I was told was to be mine.

“Oh this is so pretty.” Said Teressa

“What did Miss Applerite mean when she said your room?”

“I was told that after Christmas when the house is finished that mummy and I are going to be living here with aunty Mary. This is the room she said would be mine. It’s very girly for a boy though.”

“For a real boy it’s very girly but you’re a sissy girly boy so it’s perfect for you.” said Teressa.

“Girls, lunch is ready.” Aunty sang out from down stairs. We all went to the kitchen where our mummies and Aunty Mary had set up the lunch.

“Well girls, what do you think of Leroy’s room?”

“Oh, it’s so pretty.” Said Carol

“It’s the girliest room I’ve ever seen.” Said Teressa. “It’s perfect for Leroy.”

Samantha’s mummy said. “I’d love to see it.”

“I’ll be giving you all a tour after lunch while the girls are outside playing.” Said Aunty Mary. Just then there was another knock on the door. “Leroy darling, would you see who it is, please?”

The girls and I went and opened the front door. It was Elizabeth, Margaret, Jeanette and Rose my other girlfriends from school and their mummies. “Come in, we were just starting lunch.” We took them to my room so they could leave their bags there then went to the kitchen for lunch.

“Hello ladies.” Said Aunty Mary. “You all know each other so Let’s just get stuck in before I show you around.” Everyone took a plate and served themselves from the buffet Aunty Mary and mummy had set up from the food that was delivered earlier.

After we had all eaten Aunty Mary said “Why don’t you girls go and put on your swimwear and go and play in the yard.”

We all went to the room that was going to be mine and the girls all started to undress As I didn’t have my bathers I went back to ask mummy where they were. She came up to the room and took a girls bikini out of a travel bag she brought from home. “Here Leroy.” She said handing it to me.

“But mummy.”

“Just put it on or the girls will have to go home.”

“Leroy, there is nothing wrong with wearing a bikini. Look we all are.” Said Teressa who was standing in just her panties.

 I looked at Teressa and saw her boobies, they looked very big but were only little bumps with big brown nipples.

As I undressed Elizabeth said. “You have the prettiest panties and camisoles.”

Teressa said “That’s because Leroy’s a sissy, sissies have to wear the prettiest lingerie so they feel all girly and feminine.”

I put on the bikini, Samantha tied the string behind my neck, that held the top. We then went to the back yard where we found a play area with a hopscotch pattern painted on the ground, a swing set, a big doll house and a cubby house that had a little kitchen and lounge room. Next to the play area behind a 5 foot high glass wall is a twenty meter inground pool.

“Are you going to live here?” asked Carol

“I think so, I don’t really know. Mummy and Aunty Mary said something like that but I didn’t understand all what they said.”

“Let’s explore the cubby house.” Said Elizabeth. We all explored the cubby and found some big towels in a cupboard. We took them outside and laid them on the grass and sunbaked.

While we were outside mummy and Aunty took the girls mummies for a tour of the house. When they got to the master bedroom Aunty said this is Joan’s and my room.” The ladies loved how pretty it was and they said it was a lovely room for a couple of girl lovers.
When they got to the room that was going to be mine mummy said “This is Leroy’s room.”

“Oh, this is such a pretty girly room for a lovely sissy like Leroy.” Said Carol’s mummy.

“We made it pretty so our pretty sissy is overwhelmed by feelings of ultra femininity and girliness. Mary and I can only dream of seeing our sissy boy growing into a beautiful princess.”

“Oh, he could not be anything but overwhelmed by all the femininity in this room.” Said Samantha Wilson

The ladies all went down to the room set up as mt school and ballet room.

“I would like you ladies to give us an honest answer to this. Having seen Leroy dancing as a girl with Daryl, do you think he would get any benefit out of going to ballroom dance classes with Darryl as his partner. That is as a sissy girl?”

“Do you mean you want us to tell you that we think it is okay to go to ballroom lessons as a sissy and dance the girls roll with a boy. Is that what you’re asking?” said Mrs. Kinrod, Terresa’s mummy.

“Yes.” Said Joan.

“I don’t know about the others, but as far as I’m concerned it would be a fantastic idea. It would certainly enhance his feelings of feminine submissiveness.”

“Especially if her wore the girliest skirt that would swirl around his legs making him feel all girly.” Said Mrs. Carter, Jeanette’s mummy.

“He would have to wear makeup, pretty pink lipstick with a high gloss sealer.” Said Mrs. Winters.

“It’s settled then. At the start of the new year we will enroll him in the same dance school as Darryl and make sure Darryl is his partner.” Said mummy   


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: The Flower Girl and Page Boy Ball
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2024, 07:38:54 AM »
Wow! what a delightful story. Leroy is such a lucky Sissy boy to have such an understanding Mummy and Auntie buying him all those pretty panties and dresses.  Looking forward to the next part. Could it be that he gradually becomes Leroy the little Baby Sissy boy?


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