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Author Topic: A Sissy is Born  (Read 34149 times)

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Princess PowderPuff

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Re: A Sissy is Born
« Reply #98 on: July 02, 2024, 12:16:20 AM »
Just a short chapter to keep your appetites whetted and to let you know I haven't forgotten about you or Daisy as she continues with her perils. Thank you for waiting.

16D. A PLAYPEN FOR DAISY continued.

Jonathon didn’t get the upper hand with his older brother very often so decided to make the most of the opportunity that had presented itself by annoying the occupant of the oversized playpen incessantly with snide comments and vulgar remarks and insults until Daisy was wound up tighter than a spring and was again making desperate attempts at breaking free from her harness and tethers. Jonathon was gaining immense pleasure from watching Daisy fail time after time as she struggled against her restraints and growing more desperate with each unsuccessful attempt. Until frustration got the better of him and he burst into tears and Jonathon chalked up another win.

It was obvious that she had learnt nothing from her earlier endeavours at gaining her freedom. The chains holding her down were far tougher than they looked and her harness was indeed proving to be escape proof, just as advertised. She was going nowhere and as her frustration grew so did her anger. How dare they do this to me! There would be some scores to settle when I get free of his stupid outfit. He had never felt more humiliated in his life dressed up like a baby and so helpless he couldn't even ask to use the lavatory because of his pacifier he had to pee his nappies just like a real toddler. That was going too far.

He was 15 for goodness sake he shouldn't be dressed up and treated like this. He squealed into his pen-is shaped pacifier again in anger and frustration at his inability to remonstrate with his brother or to free himself from the chains and baby harness that held him down, trapped as much by his dumb dress and petticoats as he was by his mittens, muff and playpen. He kicked out with his legs, not that it would do him any good but it was all that wasn't totally under the control of others that he could register some form of protest with. So he drummed his heels violently as he wrenched again at his tethers and harness as he fell into the grips of another toddler tantrum.

Daisy had never felt more isolated than she did then. Nobody seemed to want to fight for her they were all to happy to see her languish in her playpen as though it was perfectly normal behaviour for him and there was absolutely nothing wrong with the scenario as they plotted and schemed against him to perpetuate his presence there.

Jonathon's mother took him by the elbow and led him away a short distance and in a lowered voice said. "How would you like to join your brother in the play pen?" She said with menace in her voice. "There is always room for an extra sissy. It can be easily arranged. If you continue tormenting Powder-Puff I will arrange a similar outfit for you and you can sit beside her dressed in all the paraphernalia and accessories. I think you'd look rather darling in her fur trimmed bonnet until we could get you a lovely perm just like your brother's. Secretly I think you'd love to try it on wouldn't you? Don't you want to find out just how gorgeous you would look wearing it? I'm sure Daisy wouldn’t mind you borrowing a set of her nappies and rubber pants, she has plenty to spare and I know she would be delighted to lend you one of her pretty rompers so you can show off all your glorious ruffles and frills to everyone as you crawl about on the floor with her. You could be sissy sisters wouldn't that be fun for you both? She even has an extra harness you could borrow."
"You're not serious?"

"Deadly!" Jonathon was dumbfounded. "Because that’s exactly where you will be if you don’t stop tormenting Daisy then you'll get an appreciation of what she's going through right now when she really could do with your support especially when she discovers just how far she is expected to go in order to be the sissy expected of her by Irene Craddock. How do you think he's going to respond when he finds there's a highchair waiting for him in the dining area that he will be expected to sit in to take all his meals for the next six weeks? Even at bedtime there will be no respite for her when she finds herself in a new nursery decorated in a true little girl style suitable for a boy his age and when she's introduced to her oversize baby crib that she will be sleeping in and wearing one her lovely new bunny fleece sleep sets and fastened down in a harness rendering her just as helpless as she is now. She won't have a moment where she isn’t strictly supervised or in her baby harness and securely tethered, and I have hidden cameras dotted around so she will never know if she's being watched or not so it will be necessary for her to maintain her baby behaviour at all times or suffer a corrective spanking. We can't afford to have her caught out because of her lack of diligence, so we must look out for her."

"Your torments are being counterproductive. We want her settled in her dresses though not necessarily happy about it but she will get used to them though he will find it exceedingly difficult to express himself as a boy when wearing such divine little girl dresses and full petticoats. What we don't want is for to be continually agitated and angry at being forced to wear girl's clothes it will only provide her with something to focus her masculinity on and make a fight of it. It will only bring short term gains which will soon be lost whereas offering your support and the proper encouragement will propagate longer term benefits, things that will last and can be built upon."

"She's feeling very insecure right now so she needs our support where we can encourage her into systematically eroding her adolescence in order to maintain the charade which will allow her to settle into her new lifestyle by expressing her more girly and child like behaviour."
"It's been very traumatic time for her today she doesn't need further condemnation. Is it too much to ask that you be supportive of her? Or you will find yourself in a matching outfit right alongside her! Understand? It will take a while for her to settle down and it's up to all of us to make that transition from teenager to toddler as smooth as possible for her. So unless you want to join her I suggest you get a better attitude and help her."

"Okay, okay I get it. Be nice to the sissy."

"Just remember it's for your own good as well as Daisy's."

This work is copywrite © Princess PowderPuff 2024.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: A Sissy is Born
« Reply #99 on: July 02, 2024, 09:54:27 AM »
Glad to see this story is continuing.   Hope your doing ok

Princess PowderPuff

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Re: A Sissy is Born
« Reply #100 on: July 10, 2024, 03:59:00 AM »

"Hello I'm home" called Rachael as she entered the house.

"We're in the living room" replied her mother.

Rachael was unprepared for what she saw and let out a small shriek of surprise when she was confronted by the oversized play pen.  And was that someone sat in it? She moved in for a closer look to be met by an oversized baby sat in there wearing absolutely the prettiest dress. Rachael surmised that the child hadn’t been in place very long for she was still wearing her most delightful fur trimmed regency bonnet with matching fur trimmed cape and a very plush fur muff, attached to her baby harness, in which his arms were deeply buried, giving off a wonderful aura of exquisite femininity and contentment.

But Daisy wasn’t at all content sitting in her playpen. Her voluminous petticoats billowed so high around her she had trouble peeking over the top of them and found herself having to press the frothy mass down to search for her dropped toys and make a grab for them before the cloud of petticoats closed back up around her. Every time she bounced up and down on her bottom to demonstrate the utter delights of her degradations her cold urine soaked nappies gave up their bounty and it oozed out around her loins as a reminder of her misfortune of wetting herself in the first place just like a baby she was being made to emulate. But dutifully she bounced on her fat bottom in greeting her sister whilst trying to hold back her tears each time she made a cold squelchy landing.

"My God! Is that David? Why is he sat in a playpen dressed up like that and is that makeup he's wearing?"

"Doesn't your brother just make the most delightful little sissy?" enquired her mother. "Her playpen was a huge surprise for her, a very thoughtful gift from Irene Craddock to assist him in his endeavour."

"He looks so different from how I remember him from this morning though I never saw him as a sissy, but looking at him now I can't imagine him as anything else. Those panties he's wearing are to die for."

"Aren't they just? He chose them himself. I couldn't believe it but he couldn’t get into them fast enough. I thought they might prove a little to filly for him not being a real girl but he was insistent on wearing them; and they have been instrumental in setting the style for the rest of Daisy's outfit. While we were out Daisy received the most wonderful compliments for his 'look' today. Didn't you darling?" She teased. Daisy just 'mpphhed' into her pacifier like a good little girl.

"I'm guessing we're not calling him David anymore?"

"No certainly not. He answers to Daisy now, Daisy Powder-Puff if you can believe that, but prefers to be known as just Powder-Puff."

"That somehow seems very appropriate." 

"And she is a new addition to the family for the summer. Whilst David remains firmly locked away in his closet Daisy Powder-Puff has come out to play for summer break and to assist her in her endeavours she will be confined in toddler wear and secured in a baby harness for the duration. So allow me to introduce you to Daisy Powder-Puff looking resplendent in one of her new summer outfits and taking full advantage of her Silent Sissy Pacifier and enjoying her divine Helpless Hands Mittens and Muff set."

If he was in any doubt as to the veracity of his mother's statement all he had to do was look down at his shoes and marabou trimmed socks and his legs clad in the soft yet snug embrace of his pair of sun tan tights if he could even see them over the top of his billowing petticoats, to bring him down to earth. His Tiny Tots harness was the ultimate symbol of his humiliation it marked his ascension from boy to sissy sensation. No toddler has escaped her incarceration in a Tiny Tots baby harness before and Daisy was not going to be the first, he had already proved that. His heart sank.

He was still having trouble processing the fact that this was to be his life for the next six weeks, his playpen and crèche and dressed up in the most ludicrous outfits imaginable and being paraded around the streets for everyone to see. Just how had that happened? He hardly had time to get used to the idea of 10 days in disposables before suddenly being propelled into six weeks of confinement in so many nappies he could barely waddle and all the appropriate clothing to go with them. His mind was in turmoil. And his mother was still droning on.

"And to allow her to concentrate all her effort on being the best little sissy she can possibly be for summer without distraction all his boys wear has been taken away and stored under lock and key to stop any possible relapse into his former boyish ways."

"Hello Powder-Puff." Daisy looked up and 'nnphed' unhappily into his pacifier as tears trickled down his cheeks.

"For a moment there I thought his pacifier was just cosmetic."

"Oh no! Quite the contrary I can assure you there is nothing cosmetic about our little Powder-Puff. She was most insistent that she be properly dressed for the full toddler experience from her nappies to her rubber pants to her frilly romper to her petticoats and rendered quite powerless in her Tiny Tots Baby Harness and Helpless Hands Mittens and her pacifier takes care of the rest. She really is loving her incarceration; she is so looking forward to becoming the epitome of the perfect career toddler."

"He really is taking this very seriously then it's not just one of his fads or fancies then."

"Hardly. He has a full year's membership for The Little Miss Muffet's Crèche for Sissies which he is really looking forward to attending. And I have her enrolled in the Crèche's Summer School, which he will be starting on Monday for an intense six weeks of complete immersion into the wonderful world of born again toddlers where he will be expected to wear the most gorgeous little girl style dresses on a daily basis and look as pretty as a picture for everyone. Isn't that right Powder-Puff? She's really looking forward to that and it gives her the perfect opportunity to express her true self and experience the toddler lifestyle in all its wonders. Complete with all the appropriate behavioural characteristics and mannerisms and I'm sure she will learn lots of wonderful things to delight us with. She's going to find herself so busy being a toddler she isn’t going to have any time left to be a boy. It really is a win win scenario for both of us."

"How on earth did you manage to persuade him to have his hair permed into such juvenile ringlets?"

"Trust me he took no persuading at all he was so eager to take on the perfect toddler look including having a perm put in his hair. He was quiet animated about it, and how could I possibly have refused when he'd gone to so much trouble over the rest of his appearance?"

Much to Rachel's surprise Daisy withdrew her mitten covered hands from her muff and took up her rattle and shook it triumphantly on hearing her mother's news. What choice did she really have? She could fight her mother tooth and nail over her every attempt to sissify him in which case he would be soundly spanked and put in dresses for an indeterminate length of time until he could convince his mother of the sincerity of his sissy persona or he could cooperate and become the perfect simpering little sissy in the next six weeks and win his boyhood back, if there was any left to salvage. Neither choice gave him any solace as he once more pushed out some inarticulate sounds out from behind the mouth shield of his pacifier. He had enough problems right now without creating any more to worry about.

"That’s right Princess practice make perfect there's going to be no computer games for you this summer so you will have plenty of opportunity to perfect your skills and these are going to be just some of the wonderful toys you're going to get to play with instead to keep yourself entertained."


All Daisy knew was that the Cyclops of a camera was watching him and what he did. He had already tested it observance and got a spanking for his troubles, it was far too vigilant for its own good. He wondered just how many others there might be set up and just where they were he didn't know. Just because he couldn't see them didn't mean they weren't spying on him. He had the awful feeling they could be set up everywhere he had access to, to keep an eye on him and his behaviour at all times. Meaning that unless he wanted another remedial spanking he needed to maintain his infantile behaviour and not just when supervised. Could he afford to take the chance? He didn't think so which left him little choice but to cooperate fully with his humiliating antics which just confirmed the message he was sending, that he was indeed the sissified toddler he claimed to be, or he could resist and be forcefully reduced to being a compliant toddler apparently happy with his circ-umstances, and by the time his mother released him from his ordeal it would be too late to redeem himself in the eyes of those who he had previously performed for.

It wasn’t long after that a smiling Irene Craddock accompanied an equally jovial daughter in tow arrived and they beat a direct pathway to see Daisy ensconced in her playpen.

"I hear Daisy is still fluent in gurgle."

"She tries so hard but does find it frustrating at times not being able to communicate but that gives her the perfect excuse to practice all her baby skills. She really loves her playpen; we can't thank you enough for your very thoughtful gift, can we Powder-Puff?  She couldn't get into it fast enough. It's been instrumental in making her feel like a real toddler, the perfect platform for her express her inner self in a safe toddler friendly environment surrounded by oodles of baby toys to bring out the inner infant in her."

"Oh dear has baby been crying?" she asked with mock concern.

"Tears of joy Irene. She's so overwhelmed by your kind generosity and thrilled at having a safe place of her own where she can sit and play with her lovely toys in peace and just be herself. Her emotions quite got the better of her didn't they Princess?"

"I understand completely girls are slaves to their emotions aren't they Daisy? Doesn’t she look so adorable sat in there amongst her toys? I just knew the moment I saw him at the mall that if ever there was a boy deserving of a playpen it was our little Daisy. Oh how wonderful you have her in tethers as well!" She exclaimed "Has she been proving troublesome?"

"Quite the contrary she's been most cooperative. Isn't that right Powder-Puff? But you know how wayward and adventurous toddlers can be and I didn’t want run the risk of her hurting herself trying to climb out. Her tethers just take the temptation away and offer her peace of mind."

"She loves her tethers they make her feel nice and safe and quite infantile. She revels in the helplessness she feels when anchored down, in fact she gets quite distressed about not being fastened down securely enough. It's a big scary world outside, this way she feels nice and safe. Indeed I foresee her spending a lot of time tethered in her playpen." This was good news indeed so much more than Irene could have hoped for."

"Eeeh" replied Daisy shaking her rattle to the best of her ability. Daisy though she deserved an Oscar for her acting.

"Well it warms my heart to see her so content. I wasn’t sure she would settle to one."

"She's made so much progress today I can't wait to get her started at the crèche and see what other wonderful improvements they can make to her. And to speed her along I'm going to make a start tomorrow on a nursery for her."

" Urh urhee." There was that word again. It sent a cold chill through his body.

"What a lucky little girl Daisy is. Well if you need a hand just call we'd be happy to help wouldn't we Rosemary?"

Daisy in accordance with her mother's instructions embarked on furthering her humiliation in front of the assembled crowd including her brother by bouncing up and down on her huge nappy clad bottom and waved her arms up and down in glee and gurgled happily into her pacifier, then went back to playing with her dolly before moving on to try and pick up and shake her rattle all the time wishing they'd leave her alone so she could discard the bloody stupid toys and be released from her torment. Alas it was not to be. They settled down into the comfortable sofa and arm chairs where they could observe Daisy continuing her play as she worked on perfecting her rattle skills again, offering up gurgles and the occasional squeak of joy as she got the rattle to work in her clumsy hands whilst keeping her audience fully entertained by her infant like antics. By the time they left she was exhausted and ready to be released. She held out her arms imploring his mother. "Soon sweetie. You just sit there like a good little girl for a little while longer and play with your dollies the more you play and practice the more natural you'll be. She continued to play with her toys in fear of what might befall him if she was caught not using them to their fullest extent to entertain herself. She certainly didn't want to be caught on camera being neglectful of his toddler responsibilities so she continued being the baby long after they had left the room leaving her alone to amuse herself.

He longed for the time he would be allowed to get himself clean and changed out of the shameful outfit he was wearing but he realised that for as long as he had a crowd of people to entertain it wasn't going to happen. He just wished they would fuc-k off soon until then he had to continue putting on a suitable display of baby like antics for their enjoyment, or suffer his mother's wrath. But the longer he remained a captive in his playpen the greater the opportunity there was for more people to come and acquaint themselves with Daisy Powder-Puff and word would soon spread about the 15 year old boy who loved to play dress up as a toddler and even wet his nappies just like a real baby even had his hair permed into ringlets so he would look like a little girl all the time and never be able to deny his sissy persona. If this was to be a taste of his immediate future he did not care for it one little bit.

This work is copywrite © Princess PowderPuff 2024.


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