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Author Topic: Baby Cindy II: Princess Party Pooper  (Read 6970 times)

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  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Baby Cindy II: Princess Party Pooper
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2024, 08:38:45 PM »
Chapter 8: Baby Cindy Finally Gets Some Sally Time

Finally it was time for cake! Aunt Debra brought out a pink frosted chocolate cake with Bluey decorations towards Katie, all of the other kids were surrounding the table as the lights were down and everyone began singing. Sally sat next to Katie and sang beside her. Baby Cindy was doing her best to sing along but forgot to take out her paci, so it was indistinct from Lily’s babbling, who was sitting right beside her in a high chair. Baby Cindy was sitting in another high chair that Aunt Debra kept for these kinds of occasions. Katie blew out her candles and everyone cheered. Baby Cindy watched as everyone was served the moist, delicious cake, whimpering knowing Mommy wouldn’t be letting her have any cake. But that’s when Nana walked over to Cindy and Lily with a little treat. “I thought the little ones might enjoy some banana pudding”, placing down a small bowl. Baby Cindy was simply happy to have something sweet, an upgrade from regular baby food for sure.

The girls got bibs put around their necks, Lily given a soft purple bib with a lily flower in the center, while Baby Cindy’s pink bib literally read “Baby Cindy” in cursive, a Christmas gift from Santa Claus. Mommy and Nana each fed Cindy and Lily the banana pudding respectively. Baby Cindy lunged for the spoon each time, getting it all over her cheeks and chin, with plenty dropping onto her bib. She was even messier than Lily. Sally approached with her cake and sat beside  her sister and Mommy, digging into her cake. She giggles at Baby Cindy’s eagerness and messy appearance. “It’s definitely been a Messy Baby Cindy day” Sally said, with a light touch of “I told you so” thrown in there. “At this point she’s been getting so messy I don’t know why we bother cleaning her up” Mommy chuckled as she still tried to wipe some of Baby Cindy’s mess up with her bib.

Finishing up her cake, Sally asked Mommy if she could help feed Cindy. Mommy gave Sally the bowl and locked in, “Can you say ahhh for me Princess Baby Butt?” cooed Sally, making Cindy open her mouth obediently, with little airplane sounds, Sally led the spoonfuls of pudding into Baby Cindy’s mouth, with a little less mess. Sally continued to show the hold she had on the giant baby girl. Nana watched their sisterly bond before her eyes and felt touched how such a silly relationship could do such wonders for their entire family. Sally put the pudding down and picked up Baby Cindy’s bottle from her high chair. She leaned forward and slipped the nipple between Baby Cindy’s lips as she nursed hands free, “Sally honey, I’m sure Cindy can hold her own bottle.” Mommy assured her, “But Mommy, Baby Cindy likes it when we feed her!” Sally smiled as Baby Cindy nursed more of the milk in a state of tranquility for the grown ups. “Of course, silly me” Mommy sighed as she rubbed Sally’s back. Feeling a complex sense of pride over their relationship.

Sally pulled the bottle out when Baby Cindy was finished. She made sure to lean forward to burp her sister, she continued and asks “Mommy, Katie and I want to have a sleepover tonight super bad. Aunt Debra already said it would be alright. Can we pretty please?” Baby Cindy let out a big belch, making Lily giggle and Nana reached out for a chin tickle for Cindy. Mommy just smiled, “Of course you can, I’m sure Katie would love to spend more time with you. I know you’ll be a great influence.” Sally was excited but Baby Cindy looked a little upset, starting to get fussy in her seat for attention, “Me toos?” She pleaded in her high chair. Mommy rubbed Cindy’s thigh, “Oh honey, Aunt Debra doesn’t need two babies to take care of tonight, especially when you’ve been making poopys all day.” Baby Cindy wasn’t happy with this answer. She continued to fuss as the water works began to start, turning heads, having been quite the source of drama all day. Baby Lily watched her former big cousin, crying with a bonnet around her face, sitting in a highchair. Unsure of what was happening. Sally tried to calm her sister down, taking her paci and placing it between her lips before she got too loud. “It’s ok Baby Cindy, I’ll be back tomorrow morning. I pinky promise!” She reassured her. Baby Cindy started to cool down as Sally wiped her tears off the Baby’s rosy cheeks. “You can’t cry! You’re gonna ruin your beautiful makeup!” She teased as Baby Cindy remembered and nodded, not wanting to ruin her look. “How about we play a bit before you and Mommy go home? I know we haven’t gotten to play a lot today.” Baby Cindy felt much better with all of Sally’s reassurance, as well as the promise of play. Mommy helped her out of the high chair as Sally took Cindy’s hand and led her out back to the yard.

Baby Cindy looked around shy, seeing most of the guests getting bored of the whiney big baby, to some relief. Sally found a stray pink balloon sitting on the grass. She got an idea and popped it into the air. “Keepy Uppy Baby Cindy” She yelled as Baby Cindy saw the balloon coming down, knowing what to do. Waddling over, she hit the balloon up high. “Great job Baby Cindy!” Sally cheered as she bopped it back up as it reached over towards her. Baby Cindy took a little tumble as she hit the ball. But popped up without much fuss to Sally’s relief. The girls got the attention of other party guests, who joined in chasing around the balloon. Baby Cindy would pop the balloon up now and then and get it pretty high, which made her feel like a part of the team. The game went on for 20 whole minutes, and those were 20 minutes that Baby Cindy had a lot of fun at Katie’s Big Girl Birthday Party.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Baby Cindy II: Princess Party Pooper
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2024, 06:34:50 PM »
Chapter 9: Baby Cindy Puts a Target on Her Diaper

The party started to wind down around 6 pm. Kids were being picked up by parents and everyone was heading home after a long afternoon of festivities. Mommy got a packed backpack for Sally from the trunk and gave it to Aunt Debra. Everyone began saying their good-byes, giving hugs and kisses. A young, short Woman approached Mommy, Baby Cindy turned and saw her holding Connor, looking a little awkward again. “Hello Joan, it was so great meeting you and Cindy.” said Connor’s Mommy. “Likewise Christina! Connor was just darling.” She smiled at the little baby in his Mommy’s arms. “I think Connor has taken a real shine to Cindy, I’ve heard so many great things about how she plays with other kids.” Connor’s Mommy gushed. “Well we should set a playdate. Baby Cindy can always use more playmates closer to her development.” Joan assured. The two exchanged numbers and Baby Cindy sighed knowing she hadn’t seen the last of Connor. Baby Cindy and Lily each gave each other head kisses. Lily cooing and waving, glad to spend the day with her infinitely interesting pamper packer of a big baby cousin. Katie also gave Baby Cindy a quick hug before letting go quick. “She smells kind of funny, may wanna check her Aunt Joan” Katie giggled as Joan chuckled and Sally sighed at Katie’s immaturity.

Before they left, Sally helped Mommy bring Baby Cindy back to the car. Mommy opened the backseat and Sally helped Baby Cindy into her carseat. “I’m gonna miss you Baby Cindy, but I’ll see you tomorrow OK’” Sally promised her. Cindy was still upset about going home without her, cooing and pouting. But just giving her a big hug, not having much of a choice. Sally gave her one last tummy tickle and got out of the car as Mommy closed the door from the front seat. The minivan pulled out of the driveway as Sally waved alongside Aunt Debra and Baby Lily. Baby Cindy watched as Katie pulled Sally back inside to play as Baby Cindy drove home with Mommy, not even dancing to the baby music Mommy had put on. “It'll be tomorrow before you know it honey” She cooed to the backseat, as Baby Cindy sulked into her paci, “Plus now you get Mommy all to yourself, aren’t you lucky!” she teased as Baby Cindy perked up a bit. Bouncing a bit to the music.

Baby Cindy looked out the windows and noticed they weren’t driving the way they usually do to go home. She watched as Mommy pulled into a strip mall full of big chain stores. Mommy pulled into a Target parking lot and managed to get a good parking spot. Mommy exited the car and opened the door to let Baby Cindy out. “I just need to grab a few things honey, it shouldn’t take long” Baby Cindy stood up and watched Mommy go through her diaper bag, pulling out a pink pony harness and bag. Putting a pack around Baby Cindy and clipping a strap over her chest. Baby Cindy follows along with Mommy leashed up and waddling beside her. They entered the front store and were greeted by an employee, who cooed softly at Baby Cindy, a friendly response that wasn’t too uncommon from strangers. “Good evening Ma’am, do you need to know where the baby section is?” She asked with a truly welcoming smile. “How did you know?” Mommy chuckled as she got directions and went on her way with Cindy. For an eyesore of a toddler, Baby Cindy was dressed in such a way that agreed with who she was. It was that reason a few people were easily endeared to the big crinkler.

Mommy got out a little shopping basket and walked down the aisles, Baby Cindy trying to keep up and seeing more faces, other babies sitting in strollers, none of them dressed quite as babyish as the titular Baby Cindy. Mommy brought them to the baby aisle, going through to get formula and some extra changing supplies. Baby Cindy followed along as another Mother entered the aisle with her cart, a young girl no older than 2 was sitting in the cart seat. Mommy gave the other shopper a smile, as their two babies locked eyes. The little girl looking almost a little scared of such a big baby. Confusing her a little bit. She held on tight to a stuffed glimmering dragon she had brought into the store with her. At the same time, Baby Cindy immediately eyed the dragon and was so impressed with what a cool stuffie she had. She tapped Mommy who turned around, “What’s wrong honey.” She looked back, Baby Cindy pointed to the cart and the stuffie inside, “I wan pwease?” She asked behind her paci, trying to be a little syrupy for Mommy. “No Honey, we’re not getting new toys today.” Baby Cindy looked back and was getting upset. After spending the whole day at the birthday party, watching Katie’s pile of presents getting higher and higher, it wasn’t fair that she could just have one toy. She started to stomp her feet a bit in protest at Mommy’s verdict. The other Mother moved a little bit up noticing the commotion as the little girl kept watch of the big baby’s temper tantrum

“Baby Cindy! this is very unbecoming of a Princess.” Mommy warned her, Baby Cindy was so anxious and not standing down, only Sally could really calm her in a situation like this and she was away, Baby Cindy was back in brat mode and did the only thing related to “power” she had. She bent her legs and started to push, clenching her paci and finding something in her body to expel. feeling the formula from earlier doing some work and squatting in the aisle. She made some huffy noises behind her pacifier, producing a warm, runny poopy into the seat, along with a gnarly formula fart. Baby Cindy’s diaper less expanded as it got stained by the mucky butt. The mother of the little girl covered her mouth in shock as the little girl clapped for Baby Cindy, giving her a baby's approval in her tantrum. Baby Cindy looked back at Mommy feeling self satisfied, while Mommy just smirked, “Honey, you’ve been doing that all day, for the past few years now. You’re not getting your toy.” Mommy gave a harsh tug again and the two of them kept walking. Baby Cindy felt her bottom squish as they made their way down the aisles. Waddling along knowing any other outburst wouldn’t go her way.

Mommy went to the self checkout line, going through the few items she had. Baby Cindy stood behind her, stinking up the small space as other customers were taking notice and trying to be polite despite the pungent odor radiating off the big baby’s bottom. “Mommy that big baby smells like poop” a little boy told his Mommy who hushed them trying to fane politeness. Baby Cindy could feel the discomfort, and was feeling a little self conscious with Mommy’s attitude. She cooed at Mommy who didn’t look back, “You’re not getting changed until we get home, that’s your fault young lady.” She bagged everything up, but not before announcing, “I’m sorry everyone, this one has been a handful all day” Mommy tugged again and Baby Cindy almost fell on her bottom as she followed behind as fast as she could. To some chuckles, they exited the store and went back to the car. Mommy strapped Baby Cindy back in and sighed as she rolled down the windows for the drive home.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Baby Cindy II: Princess Party Pooper
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2024, 07:23:58 PM »
Chapter 10: Baby Cindy’s Bedtime Poopy Humpies

Mommy drove into the quiet neighborhood as the sun was starting to set. It was just after 7:30 and it was getting very late for Baby Cindy. Mommy pulled into the driveway and parked in the garage. She brought the bag of baby supplies inside first, setting them down in the kitchen before coming back for Baby Cindy, who was sitting patiently in her muck butt before turning attention to Mommy as she was unstrapped and helped out of the minivan. Baby Cindy was brought upstairs into her nursery. Crawling inside as Mommy closed the gate. “I’m going to take a shower and get comfy first, so just keep yourself out of trouble please.” Mommy walked back to her room. Leaving the big baby to herself. She crawled over to her toys feeling the heft of her diaper, smushed in place on her butt. Baby Cindy was more than content to get some alone time with her latest messy diaper. She didn’t waste any time and crawled over to her big pile of stuffies.

Baby Cindy had gotten a number of hand me downs plushies from Sally. It was enough to comfortably hold the big baby, with lots of different soft spots and sounds. Baby Cindy crawled on top carefully, towards one of her favorite giant puppy plushies. She mounted the big stuffy and found her comfy spot. She looked behind at the open door again, sure that Mommy wouldn’t be back for a bit. Baby Cindy began to thrust into her diaper, getting the insides of her diapers all mixed together as she felt her throbbing little coc-k slosh around in the saturated padding. Baby Cindy had been able to suppress most of her old self in her regression, but her old self was a chronic masturbator. So she had to get her urges out somewhere, and they had started coming in the form of her stinkiest, fullest diapers she could make. Mixed with the baby powder enveloping the inside of her diaper, it was all mixed with the comfort that she associated after getting off, wiggling and whimpering, not even thinking about where her baby monitor was pointing.

On the other end, Mommy watched smirking as her once adult son, getting off from a full diaper in a pile of baby toys. She rolled her eyes knowing that whatever the plan for Baby Cindy had been in the beginning, had worked way too well. There was a world where Joan thought as Sally grew up, she could get her “little sister” to maybe consider the potty again and grow from this experience of second babyhood. But that was not looking bright, as Baby Cindy was living each and every day in her most comfortable and boldest state she’s ever been. She put her phone down and took a shower, being fully aware how the act ended, getting herself rinsed off and taken care of after a whole day outside at a children’s birthday party. She changed into some sweats and walked back to Baby Cindy’s nursery, the smell of which drifted too far down the hall for her comfort. She looked inside and saw Baby Cindy passed out in the corner where she had finished her extra dirty deed. Lying in her mess half asleep. Mommy gave a whistle and Baby Cindy popped up, seeing Mommy and crawling out of the stuffie pile and towards the nursery door, thinking she was pulling a fast one on her all knowing Mommy, who opened up the baby gate. Baby Cindy was then to her nightly bubble bath.

Baby Cindy’s onesie and bonnet were taken off and thrown into the hamper, keeping the paci and taking off the ring, Mommy went for Baby Cindy's dirty diaper, standing up as Mommy kneeled down to peel it off, dropping the load onto the floor, obviously all over her waist from Baby Cindy’s playtime. She wiped the baby girl down and got all the messy chunks off before helping her into the tub to get soaped down. Mommy watched Baby Cindy splash around with a yawn, giving a smile at her carefree play. She made sure to scrub around her waist to keep her rash free. Giving her privates a little scrub, as they stayed soft and almost invisible. She got Cindy out of the tub and dried her off with a towel before sending her back into her nursery, unbound by her diaper but still pattering around. She climbed onto the changing table, seeming excited for her next diaper more than usual. Mommy watched all this happen and approached her big baby girl’s calm rocking body. Mommy looked down and smiled at her, “I know it was really hard not playing with your sister today baby girl, I’m sorry about that.” Baby Cindy cooed hearing her feelings validated.

Mommy pulled out an Alphagator diaper and fluffed it up, sliding it under Cindy’s butt. “She’s really excited to try things on her own and explore, so she may not always be around to play with”. Mommy opened up the rash cream and gave a heavy spread around Cindy’s heinie. “But the thing is, she wouldn’t be that way if you weren’t making her feel so confident in herself” Mommy took the talc-um powder and started to spread it generously onto Cindy’s little coc-k. “You are the best baby sister a mother could ask for, and I am so proud of you for bringing this family closer together.” Baby Cindy looked up at Mommy, hearing the tone in her voice and smiling back at the praise, even if not totally taking in the scope of her words. “I Just want you to know that whenever you’re ready, we can help you grow back up to be just as wonderful as your sister, I know you would be.” Mommy started to pull the diaper up as Baby Cindy immediately started to urinate into the open diaper. Mommy heard the trickle as Cindy made sure to soak the front of her diaper before it was taped, a relieved grin behind her paci. Mommy just looked down, not surprised, but a little defeated, giving Baby Cindy a smirk. “However long it takes, Cindy.” she sighed, Taping the wet diaper onto her and rubbing her tummy. “I don’t think you’ll mind a little wet diaper tonight will you Princess Baby Butt?” Mommy smirked as Baby Cindy cooed as the warm squish filled under her.

Mommy grabbed her Princess Party sleepshirt and slid it on top of her body snugly. She then went to the drawer and pulled out a pair of frilly plastic polka dot panties. “I’m thinking I need to play it safe with you dear.” Mommy said as she pulled up the plastic pants and got them snugly over her diaper. Baby Cindy smiled at the extra crinkles as she crawled over to her crib, getting onto the steps and getting into her crib, not without letting out a toot from inside her diaper. “Oh goody” Mommy rolled her eyes and closed the crib, winding up the mobile. “Sweet stinky dreams Baby Cindy” Mommy blew her a kiss and left the room. Getting Baby Cindy to bed around 8:30, an appropriate enough Saturday Night bedtime for a big baby. Baby Cindy cozied up with Sarah the Unicorn and snuggled close. She closed her eyes to go to dreamworld. It wasn't long before she felt her tummy rumbling, and started to squish together as she made a big grunt, one that was picked up again on the baby monitor. Mommy looked up from her book in her bedroom. “Well, I think that’s a new record.”


Baby Cindy will return.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Baby Cindy II: Princess Party Pooper
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2024, 04:49:01 AM »
Hello everyone. I'm sorry to bump. But I just wanted to ask if anyone enjoyed my story I'd love to hear any comments or thoughts. It would mean a lot. Thanks.

- Baby Cindy


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Baby Cindy II: Princess Party Pooper
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2024, 07:54:42 AM »
This story is lovely!  I love your work.  You capture the sweetness of being a big baby so well.  Please keep writing.  I would enjoy finding out more about Baby Cindy or new characters.  Thank you!


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Baby Cindy II: Princess Party Pooper
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2024, 04:54:18 AM »
This story is lovely!  I love your work.  You capture the sweetness of being a big baby so well.  Please keep writing.  I would enjoy finding out more about Baby Cindy or new characters.  Thank you!

I so appreciate that. Thank you for sharing 💖


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Baby Cindy II: Princess Party Pooper
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2024, 04:58:23 AM »
Happy to share, dear.


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