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Author Topic: Josh's New Home  (Read 25966 times)

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  • Ballerina
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Re: Josh's New Home
« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2024, 10:25:12 PM »
Great update Baby Bobby, I can almost taste that delicious milk ...

I thought for a while maybe Mother Clause had abducted you to the North Pole for a feed ...


Baby Bobby

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Re: Josh's New Home
« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2024, 11:16:25 AM »
“Since Aunt Lauren was kind enough to feed you lunch with her breast milk, we’ll just get you changed and then you’ll be all ready for naptime!” my aunt informed me happily.
I pouted fussily and let her pull my cool, but very wet diapers off of me and set them aside. Pam bent down to inspect my chastity device close up and I couldn’t help but gaze down her top at her perfect breasts.
“So this stays on while you milk him, right?” she inquired as she pointed at my CB.
“Yes, that way, there’s no risk of him being able to c-um,” Aunt Emily explained as she smeared diaper rash ointment across my still pink bottom.
“I see how it works now…it’s only long enough to contain his pen-is when it’s soft.”
 â€œYes, so with this on, erections are a thing of the past for Joshy,” my aunt said as she slid my new diapers beneath me.
“Awww, poor little sissy,” Pam said with mock sympathy.
I turned my head and looked away as she took the powder from Aunt Emily.
“You poor little thing,” she said as she took a handful of powder and began softly stroking my swollen balls with it. Her hand was silky smooth and I felt electric shivers as she tenderly stroked my sensitive package. I chewed my pacifier in sexually denied angst as I turned back to look at this cruel, yet beautiful female.
She was so lovely with her pouting face and sexy round breasts, swaying slightly in her snug crop top. My pen-is quickly swelled within the tube and it strained mightily, but in utter futility against its prison.
I moaned in anguish but Pam kept tormenting me, gently fondling my sack as she shook some more powder on it.
“He has the pubic hair of a three year-old,” she observed with a giggle.
I shook my mittened fists in mute frustration until she finally bored of her game and removed her hand.
“That should give him something to remember me by,” she said with a cruel smile.
My aunt pulled up my diapers and pinned them closed on either side as I continued to shift uncomfortably. I knew it would take at least ten minutes for my pen-is to finally calm down but until then, my entire groin ached miserably. Oh, to be able to stroke my hard-on just once!
Taking my original plastic panties, Aunt Emily fed them back over my feet and began pulling them up my legs. I could feel the damp elastic of the leg holes and I protested bitterly.
“Mommy! Those are wet!” I cried as I spit out my pacifier.
Aunt Emily continued tugging them upwards as Lauren reached down and pushed my pacifier back into my mouth.
“I know Joshy—sometimes babies don’t get a complete change,” she told me, “and this will make it easier for you to wet the bed during your nap.”
I was cranky and upset, feeling the cool, damp elastic grip around my thighs as she drew the panties up and then over my bulging diapers. Worst of all was that I was afraid she was right; with part of my diapers already wet, I feared my subconscious wouldn’t try and prevent me from wetting as it normally would.
 She shook the powder once more to coat between my legs and then she sat back to look at me.
“There. All diapered and ready for your nap.
“Now, give your aunt Lauren a big hug, Joshy—she’s going to be your new babysitter!” she told me cheerfully.
I can’t say I was too happy about those prospects but I got up anyway and went over to where she was kneeling. Once more, I was being forced to acknowledge the superiority of another female over me and I chafed against it bitterly.
Lauren opened her arms and hugged me, a smug look of victory on her cute face that held the promise of more humiliation and discipline at her hands.
“You’re a sweet little sissy,” she told me as she patted the thick seat of my diapers, “And I’ll make sure you get plenty of breast milk when I’m babysitting you.”
“Oh, that reminds me!” Aunt Emily said as she got up, “I like to make sure he gets a full bottle every time before he goes to bed.”
Within a few minutes, my aunt had warmed another bottle of milk and she led me into the nursery to tuck me in.
“This makes it virtually impossible for him to stay dry,” she explained as she lowered the warm nipple into my mouth, replacing my pacifier with the bottle.
“Sweet little sissy dreams,” she bade me as she closed the locking top.
I sighed as they left the room and I began nursing once again, feeling more helpless and babyish than ever.

Aunt Emily’s plans to reduce me to an incontinent sleeper worked much faster than I expected. It only took three days before I was hopelessly wetting my diapers in the crib, waking up to that cool, clammy embrace while I waited impatiently for Aunt Emily to come in and open the crib. Sometimes it would happen during my afternoon nap as well but at night times, it was now a regular occurrence. She was delighted with the change and she beamed at me with motherly pride every time she discovered I’d wet myself like a toddler. She liked to tell me that before long, I’d soon be wetting myself during the day without even noticing it.
For my part, I hotly denied it but she only smiled knowingly at me as if to say it was inevitable.
One thing I had to admit (at least privately to myself) was that my diapers were feeling more natural for me to wear with each passing day. Although the bulk of them prevented me from walking like I used to, I secretly enjoyed the soft swish of the vinyl as it brushed the inside of my thighs. And the bunny soft cotton felt wonderful against my skin—I just wished I had the freedom to masturbate freely into them and the constant temptation was maddening. But I had also started to develop a sense of security while wearing them—I was actually feeling safer knowing I didn’t have to worry about wetting the bed or my pants.
I found the loud crinkle my vinyl pants made to be very embarrassing as it announced to everyone in the room that I was present. Much to my chagrin, Aunt Emily enjoyed patting me on the plump, plastic covered seat of my diapers whenever I walked by and her subtle look of superiority only reinforced my feeling of defeat.
She loved my helplessness and I found it mortifying having to ask her to pull my diapers down so I could do my business in the bathroom. She kept the door open and tapped her toe watching me while I struggled to let nature run its course. Afterwards, she’d pull my diapers up and re-pin them, snugging my plastic panties back into place for the rest of the day. I soon found that my earlier plan to try and do all my peeing during this brief visit to the bathroom was destined to fail utterly because I was forced to drink so many fluids. With a full bottle at every diaper change and more at every meal, I rarely went more than a couple hours before I felt the strong need to pee again. I held off as long as I could but before long, the inevitable happened and I soaked my diapers. I then had to go and tell Aunt Emily about it and ask her to change me. Most of the time she’d lead me by the wrist to the nursery for a fresh set of soft, cozy diapers but occasionally, she’d squeeze my seat and inform me I could just wear what I had for the time being. I hated sitting around the house in a wet pair of diapers but there was nothing I could do about it. I certainly wasn’t going to argue with my aunt about it. In addition to using her paddle, she had taken Pam up on her suggestion and begun giving me warm, soapy enemas every other day. She told me that even if my behavior didn’t warrant it, the process would help to keep me “clean and regular”.

Baby Bobby

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Re: Josh's New Home
« Reply #30 on: February 23, 2024, 11:27:43 AM »
One day, after breakfast, Aunt Emily was changing my diapers in the nursery when she told me she had some business to take care of in town.
“But don’t worry Sissy, Aunt Lauren will be coming over to babysit you today,” she explained to me.
I took that news with misgivings, since my impression of Lauren was that she was cruel, or at best, indifferent toward me.
“When are you going to be home?” I asked her anxiously as she tugged my noisy plastic panties into place over my bulging diaper.
“After your nap Honey,” she replied, “and I just know you’ll have a wonderful time with Lauren--she’s such a sweet person.”
I didn’t share that view but I didn’t say anything, especially since Aunt Emily had pushed another bottle of warm milk into my mouth.
“Since you’ll just be toddling around the house today, I think I’ll just put you in one of your onesies,” she told me as she stood up. “That way, Lauren doesn’t have to change your outfit for your nap.”
My aunt was nothing, if not practical. She went over to my dresser and brought back a pink and white onesie with the word ‘Princess’ on the front and an applique of a little baby girl below it.
“You’re my little princess, you know that?” she said brightly as she beeped my nose playfully.
I nodded as she stretched the top and brought it over my upraised arms. It was soft and fuzzy and despite the humiliation I felt at having to wear such a childish garment, it was at least comfy. Shiny pink eyelet lace edged the leg holes and sleeves, giving it a very prissy look and three rows of ruffles went across the seat. Aunt Emily busied herself, pulling the front and back together between my legs and snapping the snaps closed securely.
I was already wearing some pink Strawberry Shortcake anklet socks so my aunt helped me by tying my Ked’s for me. I thought she was done with me until she reached over to the dresser and grabbed a small bottle I hadn’t noticed before. With three generous sprays, she doused me with a sweet smelling perfume, giggling as she did.
“That’s a little something called Nursery Nights, Joshy. It’ll keep you smelling fresh and sweet for your babysitter.”
The fragrance smelled like a pungent mixture of baby powder and something familiar, yet indefinable. True to its name, it reminded me strongly of my nursery, further reinforcing my babyish feelings. I pouted silently as I squirmed, too late to be able to do anything about the scent that would be following me around for the rest of the day.
I heard the doorbell ring and Aunt Emily left to answer it. A few moments later, I heard approaching footsteps in the hallway and my aunt returned with Lauren behind her.
“Your babysitter is here, Joshy!” Aunt Emily announced happily.
Lauren was wearing a short black skirt and matching patent leather high-heeled pumps. Her cream colored sweater was the button down type but it looked like the buttons were at the point of failing any minute. Her big, impressive chest was pushing the material to its limits, straining the overtaxed buttons beyond their intended design. Her long, luxuriant dark hair flowed freely over her shoulders and my heart skipped a beat as I looked up into her pretty, yet condescending eyes.
“How’s mommy’s little breast feeder?” she asked, feigning concern for me.
“I’m sure she’s looking forward to a nice long feed from you this afternoon,” Aunt Emily remarked, her admiration for her lactating friend obvious.
“Oh, I’ll make sure she gets her fill,” Lauren promised with a smirk, “I’ll bet you’re just dying to get one of my nipples back into your mouth, aren’t you?”
I blushed hotly and squirmed in place as the vinyl crib mattress covering crinkled under my thickly padded seat.
As she teased me, she gently hefted one of her large breasts in her small, exquisitely manicured hand, dwarfing it by comparison. Despite myself, I felt my little pen-is hardening painfully within my chastity device. I hadn’t been horny before but now I felt the incessant throbbing in my groin as I stared with barely concealed lust at her big, luscious bosom, barely contained by her fuzzy sweater.
“Yes, I can see you are,” Lauren answered for me, giggling at my desperate plight.
“Well, I was getting ready to go--can you handle her from here?” Aunt Emily asked Lauren.
“Oh sure, I’ve got everything under control—are you ready to take off?”
“Almost, I just need to get changed for my date,” she replied as she turned to go into her own bedroom.
Her mention of a date was like a knife being driven through my heart and I nearly gasped with pain. Up until now, I had had Aunt Emily’s attentions all to myself and while I knew realistically I could never expect anything sexual from her, it was still devastating to hear of her interest in another male. I burned with jealousy, which was fueled by my resentment of her successful efforts to transform me into a sissy baby girl. Obviously, in my present state, there was no way I could compete with her boyfriend, or any other male for that matter. Looking down at the soft, fuzzy bulge of my onesie that was stretching over the thick bulk of my diapers, I knew I was nothing but a big baby in her eyes.
For the moment, I sat there alone and ignored as the two of them went into Aunt Emily’s room to chat. I sighed heavily, my sadness casting a gloomy cloud over my head.
After a few moments, I grew bored so I went out of my nursery and into the hall. Off to my left, I heard the two women’s voices as they spoke in excited tones about Aunt Emily’s date. As much as it pained me to hear it, I felt compelled to listen in on what was being said and I couldn’t resist the urge to sneak up and eavesdrop outside her door.
Tip-toeing up to the door and peeping through the crack, I could clearly see Aunt Emily in a ravishing state of undress. She had slipped out of her casual clothes and changed into a black silky bra and matching thong panties. I gaped in awe at the two perfect globes of her pert fanny, framed by the loose straps of her garter belt. My heartbeat kicked into overdrive as I had never seen such exciting undergarments on a real woman. I gulped hard and watched in captivated silence as Lauren helped roll her seamed stockings up her fabulous legs.
Instantly my little pen-is hardened and filled the limits of my CB, causing me to wince with pain. In helpless frustration, I reached down to stroke the front of my diaper, realizing for the thousandth time, that there was absolutely nothing I could do to alleviate my raging sexual appetite. It was so maddening!
Lauren rolled up the delicate, silky material over Aunt Emily’s smooth, firm thighs and I let out a sigh of admiration. Such perfection!
She attached the little straps at the tops of the stockings and then adjusted the fit down the length of her legs to straighten the seams.
“What do you think of these heels?” Aunt Emily asked as she held a pair of glossy, black patent leather 5” high heels sandals.
“Oh my god, those are sexy,” Lauren exclaimed and she took them to help my aunt put them on.
My wiener was throbbing insanely as I watched Aunt Emily sit down on her bed, crossing her sexy legs to make it easier for Lauren to buckle the tiny straps.
Looking at her angelic appearance, I knew she was way, way out of my league but I couldn’t help burning with jealousy as I saw that she was dressing to the nines for some other guy. Worse than that, was the fact that I was desperately horny and frantic to get some relief and Aunt Emily had made sure I’d be prevented from doing so. I stomped my feet in frustration as I unconsciously rubbed the front of my soft diapers in mute helplessness. I bit my lip as I reflected on the incredible inequity of my situation. Some guy was going to have all kinds of fun with my sexy aunt and once again, I’d be spending another long afternoon, frustrated and horny in my sissy diapers.
Aunt Emily slipped on a slinky, snug top and I could just make out the enticing lines of her bra underneath, pushing against the tight material by her big breasts. I shook my head in amazement at how incredible she looked, standing in her high heels and stockings, wearing just her top above the waist. Difficult as it was, I tore myself away from her bedroom door, knowing she’d be coming out any second.
It took longer than I thought, but about ten minutes later, Aunt Emily emerged from her bedroom, sashaying with her usual sexy gait, purse in hand. My pen-is was still straining to be erect within my CB and my efforts to think about something else to distract me had failed utterly.
As she passed me, she bent over and kissed me on the cheek and I greedily breathed in wonderful scent.
“Bye-bye Joshy. You have a good day, Sweety,” she said as she stood back up and strode toward the door.
I pouted in jealous silence but she completely ignored me as she gave Lauren a hug.
“You go ahead and take off, I’ll see you later this afternoon,” her friend told her.
“Thanks Hon,” Aunt Emily said as she gave her a brief but erotic kiss on the lips. I gaped in lustful amazement as I watched their big breasts mash against each other for a moment.
“See ya, Joshy!” she called as she strode out the door.
As soon as the door closed, Lauren turned to me, placing her hands on her hips as she looked down at me, both literally and figuratively.
“You’ve got a busy day ahead of you, Sissy-boy,” she said evenly.
I gulped in fear at the sudden change in tone of her voice that suggested she had much more in mind for me than simply watching me here.
“But tell you what—I’m going to give you a little freedom by removing your mittens, and if you’re really good, maybe we can talk about removing something else you’ve been wearing.”
My heartbeat increased excitedly at this completely unexpected turn of events. Could Aunt Emily have left her the key to my chastity device?
“Are-are you going to unlock my CB?” I asked her, trembling with excitement.
Lauren smiled wickedly at me as she undid the buttons on my mittens.
“Maybe…if you’re a good little girl today,” she said tauntingly.
My pee-pee throbbed impatiently and painfully in its cage as I contemplated finally being released from Aunt Emily’s cruel and implacable chastity.
“That would be totally awesome!” I exclaimed as my hands came into view one by one.
“Well, we’ll see,” Lauren said noncommittally. 
I was willing to do just about anything to be able to c-um and the thought of it being possible, changed my outlook entirely.
“Just remember,” she said sternly, “If you misbehave or back sass me, I’ll pull you over my lap and give you a spanking—got it?”
“Oh, yes Ma-am!” I quickly agreed, trying to sound as cooperative as possible.
“Okay, let’s get your purse ‘cause we’re heading out,” she said as she led me down the hall to my nursery.
“Wha-what?” I stammered. I didn’t know we were going outside!


  • Ballerina
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Re: Josh's New Home
« Reply #31 on: February 23, 2024, 01:58:35 PM »
Another great chapter. Love your stories ?

sweet baby katie

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Re: Josh's New Home
« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2024, 06:25:43 AM »
Delicious.  Joanie has no choice but to accept the pleasures of his feminized regression to sissy baby girlhood.  Perhaps he will next be enveloped in a sweet baby dress with matching plastic-lined rumba panties.

Baby Bobby

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Re: Josh's New Home
« Reply #33 on: May 22, 2024, 01:52:07 PM »
“That’s right Sissy, I’m taking you out for a little bit today—you can’t stay cooped up in here all summer,” she stated with a trace of annoyance.
“Bu-but, I can’t go out dressed like this,” I wailed, my voice rising in a panic.
“You can and will, you little sissy,” She said as she stared down at me sternly, “And if you have a problem with that, we can settle it over my lap.”
To emphasize her point, she reached over and picked up the wooden paddle hanging above the dresser. It had already been the cause of more tears than I could count as wielded by my Aunt Emily and I could only too easily imagine Lauren using it to good effect.
“N-no, pl-please-please don’t spank me, Aunt Lauren,” I stammered fearfully.
“Are you going to do as you’re told?” she demanded.
“Uh…uh-huh,” I answered uncertainly.
“Good, because I won’t hesitate to blister your little sissy bottom, if that’s what it takes to make you fly straight.”
I hated buckling under so readily but I didn’t see any alternative.
Swallowing hard, I rubbed my thick, diapered seat unconsciously.
“I-I’ll be good,” I whimpered weakly.
“That’s better. But just in case, I think I’ll be bringing this along,” she said as she dropped the paddle into her purse, “Come to think of it, I better pack a diaper bag too, for when you wet yourself,” she said as an afterthought.
Quickly, Lauren grabbed a fresh set of diapers, plastic panties, and the other necessary items which she tossed into my big pink and white Tinkerbelle diaper bag.
I sniffled in dismay, wiping away a tear of trepidation at what this terrible day would bring. As Lauren busied herself getting my stuff together, I was still trying to come to grips with the idea of going out in public in my baby outfit. How was I going to deal with that? Did I dare argue any further with Lauren? I’d discovered she had a certain mean streak in her and I knew she wouldn’t hesitate to carry out her threat of a paddling. Looking her buxom figure up and down, I asked myself who would win in a physical confrontation but the most likely answer was her.
And I knew defying her would only make her angrier, resulting in an even more severe spanking at her hands.
“Come along Sissy,” she said as she saw me weighing my options, “Quit dawdling and let’s go.”
I trudged out of the room but Lauren grabbed the lacey collar of my onesie and held me back.
“You forgot your sissy purse,” she said, thrusting the pink, glittery accessory at me.
I sighed and hung it over my arm in defeat.
“Now everyone you meet will know how much you like Hannah Montana,” she smirked.
We went out of the room and Lauren held the door open for me to go out before her but at the moment of truth, I balked again.
“I-I can’t!” I wailed piteously.
The breeze outside tickled my bare legs and I felt terribly exposed to the street and sidewalk before us.
“Come along Sissy,” she snapped impatiently.
Tugging me sharply by my wrist, her other hand swooped down and slapped my diapered bottom hard, sending me stumbling forward down the sidewalk towards her car. In my fear and panic, I felt a small stream of pee escape into my diaper and I squealed like a little girl.
“Oh!!” I exclaimed in my high voice.
Behind me, Lauren quickly locked the door, preventing any chance of my returning that way.
I cringed in fear as I shot angst-filled looks at the surrounding yards and streets. To my relief, the area was mostly empty, due to the neighbors being at work. However, across the street, an older woman stopped raking her yard and she stared hard at me, the confusion on her face obvious. I blushed furiously and turned around, hoping Lauren would hurry up and let me into the relative cover of her car. She winked at me and slowly unlocked her door, taking her time to make me endure the full humiliation of my exposure as much as possible. As the breeze increased slightly, I could feel the lace ruffles around my leg bands and across my bulging, diapered seat being lifted and fluttering merrily as if to call further attention to my babyish condition.
Finally, Lauren released the locks on my side and I slipped inside as quickly as I could. Looking down between my legs, I could see the shiny vinyl plastic of my baby panties peeking out from the sides between my thighs. And in the closed space of Lauren’s car, I could again easily smell the babyish scent of my own perfume surrounding me.
The fact that I had just wet myself without any conscious thought was disturbing although not nearly as much as my desire to leave this neighborhood and the inquiring stare of the lady across the street.
We pulled out and were soon on our way across town. I did my best to look the other way every time we pulled up alongside another car at a stop light but on at least one occasion, I swear I could hear giggles from an open window next to us. I kept my head turned even as my cheeks burned with shame.
Before long, we pulled up in front of a store called Missy’s Dresses and Apparel, with pink neon letters on the sign done in an elegant cursive style.
“Wha-what are we going to do here?” I asked uncertainly.
By way of answering me, Lauren reached over and took the rubber pacifier hanging from the loop around my neck and pushed it firmly and authoritatively into my mouth.
“Mmpph,” I whimpered in frustration.
Lauren opened the door and shortly after, came over and opened mine.
“Come along Missy,” she said, chuckling to herself.
My heart was beating a million miles an hour as I took my first tentative steps outside again. Pushing me forward, Lauren made me walk in front of her towards the double glass doors of the store. I trembled nervously, suddenly very aware of the thick bulk of my childish diapers that forced me to waddle awkwardly. How could I possibly explain my appearance to anyone we met?
When we reached the door, Lauren reached over me and opened it, pushing me inside against my will. No sooner did we get inside when I came face to face with an older, but strikingly beautiful woman. She looked to be in her mid-forties but she was in excellent shape and her piercing brown eyes looked me up and down as she smiled knowingly at me. I felt like wetting again and I only barely managed to prevent it from happening as my cheeks and neck grew hot with shame.
“Well…” she exclaimed, “And who is this little baby girl?”
I blushed crimson and stared at the floor, seeing only her high heels in my vision as I suc-ked nervously on my pacifier.
“His name is Joshy,” Lauren explained in an unflattering tone, “And his aunt indulges his sissy behavior. Joshy likes to wear little girl panties but unfortunately, he just can’t be trusted to keep them dry. So his aunt decided instead to put him in diapers and baby clothes—they seem much more suitable for his daily wear.”
“Is that so!” the saleslady remarked with obvious enthusiasm, “Well you certainly brought him to the right place—I have all kinds of prissy little dresses I’m sure he’d just love to try on.”
“Why don’t we start by getting his measurements?” Lauren asked her.
“Sounds great! By the way, my name is Barbara--why don’t you two come back into my fitting room,” she said as she led us back into the interior of the store, “Joshy, have you wet yourself that we need to change you?”
Her tone of voice suggested that I had no control whatsoever over my bodily functions.

Baby Bobby

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Re: Josh's New Home
« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2024, 02:01:22 PM »
I blushed again and hastily shook my head no, even though I could guiltily feel a little dampness from earlier in the driveway.
“Okay, well just let me know—you’re not the first little boy we’ve had who couldn’t keep his pants dry,” she explained.
My cheeks burned at being compared to toddlers who hadn’t been potty trained yet.
Going back to her fitting room, Barbara took out a tape measure and took a speculative look down at me.
“Tell you what—why don’t we remove this onesie so I can get a better measurement.”
I whimpered in embarrassment at the prospect of being so exposed but Lauren quickly agreed and she bent down to reach between my legs to undo the snaps. Her movement presented me with an opportunity and I couldn’t help but stare in amazement down the front of her top as she quickly released each snap one by one. Her breasts were so full and plump, I felt a strange mixture of unquenchable desire and deep humiliation all at once.
The springy material popped upwards as it was released from the snaps and my babyish plastic panties instantly came into view. Barbara the saleslady bent down and patted my thick bottom appreciatively.
“Look at who’s wearing baby’s diapers!” she exclaimed a little too loudly as she acknowledged the obvious.
I blushed hotly and chewed anxiously on my pacifier as she stared down from my infantile underwear and then at my crimson face.
“I don’t think I’ve ever had a little boy in here as old as you and still in his diapers,” she stated with amused astonishment.
I felt my eyes moistening with tears of shame as she ran her hands over the smooth vinyl of my stretched baby pants but I almost jumped when I felt her soft hand caress my bare thigh.
“Oh--I’m sorry! Don’t worry little sissikins, I won’t hurt you,” she assured me in a kind, yet condescending tone.
“Such smooth legs!” she beamed up at me in surprise, “And so soft! Just like a little girl’s!”
Despite my intense humiliation, I felt an electric sense of arousal at the touch of her feminine hand on my thighs.
Lauren was enjoying my shame immensely and she wore a smirk of satisfaction as she looked down upon my quivering form.
“He’s a natural born sissy, don’t you think?” she asked the lady.
“Oh my--yes,” the lady quickly agreed, “And he’ll look just perfect when we get him his own dress.”
I shook my head in protest and murmured my disagreement although the pacifier prevented anything coherent from being heard.
“Now you just stand still while I get these measurements Joshy,” Barbara said as she peeled my onesie up and over my head, “I know wearing dresses might seem like a big step for you but trust me, it’s all for the best.”
A tear trickled down my check as she reached around me and began taking meticulous measurements of my chest, waist, and shoulders. Jotting down the figures, she looked me over appraisingly.
“You know, I think I may have something here in the store that can be adjusted to fit you. Wouldn’t you like to go home with your very own girly dress Joshy?” she asked enthusiastically.
I shook my head no and sniffled but she merely grabbed my cheek affectionately and squeezed it.
“Nonsense,” she stated firmly, “I’ll fix you up with something just scrumptious!”
Standing up, she pressed a button on an inter-store intercom.
“Suzie? Can you come back to the fitting room please?”
I scanned the far door anxiously; afraid of the inevitable humiliation that I knew would soon be happening against my will. I felt so exposed, just standing there stupidly in my fat diapers, lacey anklets and Ked’s. In a moment, a young girl about 17 appeared, but before the older saleslady could explain the reason for calling her back, she broke out in open laughter as she stared at my babyish figure. It was obvious from her reaction that she was unaccustomed to seeing young guys dressed in diapers and sissy shoes.
Without thinking, I felt another quick stream of hot pee flow into the soft cloth around my crotch and I cringed in mortified silence. This girl was extremely cute, with long, bleach blonde hair pinned back in an attractive style that showed her high cheekbones and stunning eyes. As she walked closer into the room towards us, she looked me up and down in amazement, shaking her pretty head as if unable to believe what she was seeing.
All I could do was shift nervously in my feet and stare at the floor in pacified silence.
“Suzie, can you see if the pink gingham dress in the window can be adjusted to fit these measurements?” the older lady asked as she handed her employee the figures she’d made.
“And we’ll want to bring up the hem about three inches,” she added as an afterthought.
Still giggling, Suzie took the paper and, giving me one last look of incredulity, strode back out of the room. I felt so embarrassed standing there, the center of everyone’s attention and looking like a whimpering toddler who’d lost his mommy.
“You know, I’ve ordered some food for lunch, maybe you’d like to stay while the dress is being re-cut?” Barbara offered Lauren.
“That would be wonderful—thank you very much,” she replied.
Deciding to take a chance, I pulled my pacifier out and faced up to Lauren.
  “A-aunt Lauren? Can I please put something on to wear--please?”
“You’re fine with what you have on,” she replied with callous dismissiveness, “All you need are your diapers and baby panties.”
I pouted in silence but the lady bent over and looked me in the face.
“Don’t worry Honey, you’ll have your new dress before long, try to be patient.”
That wasn’t what I wanted to hear but I didn’t dare say anything that might make Lauren angry.
The lady began setting up some prepared food on a table that was used by the employees until Lauren stopped her.
“Oh, it’ll be just the two of us,” she said pointing to herself and Barbara, “Joshy’s still breastfeeding.”
The lady couldn’t help but giggle at that and she patted me on the head warmly.
“Of course,” she chuckled merrily.
Taking me by the arm forcefully, Lauren led me over to a couch and sat me down in such a way that I had now become accustomed to with her; face up and staring at her big, round breasts that were inches away from my nose.
“Come along baby, it’s time for lunch,” she told me in no uncertain terms.
I whimpered helplessly as she slowly unbuttoned her straining sweater top, revealing more and more of her wonderful, deep cleavage as she went lower. Mesmerized by her fantastic bosom, I stared back in wonder as her magnificent breasts came into view before me.
“Remember, good little boys get treats,” she admonished me as she unhooked the clasp at the front of her smooth pink bra, allowing her fabulous mammary to be free. I swallowed hard as she pulled the soft cup away and revealed her large, perky nipple which was already damp. I mewed weakly as she pushed it into my yielding mouth, a sob of shame and defeat being muffled by her delicious, plump boob.
“Thaaat’s it,” she cooed down at me, “show everyone what a big sissy baby you are.”
I sniffled but suc-ked obediently, a warm stream of milk soon flowing into my mouth.
As Lauren watched me carefully, her hand slipped down and caressed the smooth, shiny front of my plastic panties.
“Looks like baby already wet himself, hmm?” she said tauntingly as she felt the warmth trapped beneath.
I nodded and blushed hotly, closing my eyes to her riveting gaze.
“Don’t worry Joshy—everyone knows you’re a big baby, why else would a big boy like you still be wearing diapers?”
I whimpered in embarrassment, unable to argue against what she was saying about me and another tear trickled down my cheek.
“I think you’ll like the dress I have picked out for him,” Barbara said between taking a sip of her drink, “It’s really more suited for a baby than a little girl; cute blocks and rattles below the pink gingham pattern.”
“Sounds perfect for little Joshy—doesn’t it Sugarplum,” she said in her kootchie-koo voice.
Her big breasts seemed have an inexhaustible supply of milk and even drinking at a steady pace, there didn’t seem to be any end to it. She and Barbara chatted between each other, ignoring me for the most part as if I were a part of the furniture. At one point, Lauren shifted my head over and offered her other breast to me. I was already feeling full but when saw me pouting with hesitation, she gave my bare thigh a swift slap and I was forced to resume nursing. I was starting to feel the urgent call of nature from all this liquid and I knew it wouldn’t be long before I had to wet myself completely.
At last, Lauren decided I was finished and she lifted me up off her lap and allowed me to sit next to her. Somewhat dizzy, I could feel the milk sloshing around in my tummy and I felt slightly queasy. Just then, Suzie came into the backroom holding a fluffy pink dress in her hands.
Lauren gasped in happy surprise as she took in the babyish garment.
“Will you look at that Joshy? It’s like it was made just for you!” she exclaimed eagerly. 
    As it was brought closer, I got a better look at it myself.
It was made of two distinct patterns, one a pink gingham design for the short puffy sleeves and the other, a colorful nursery pattern with playful ducks and bunnies on the bodice. It had a lacey Peter pan style bib and the hem flared out over multiple layers of soft white petticoat ruffles. It looked like it had been designed for a two year-old toddler girl.
I shook my head no but no one paid me any attention.
“Here you are Sugarplum,” Barbara said as she took it from Suzie and brought it over to put it on me.
“No…please-please don’t make me wear that,” I whined as I tried to back away.
Lauren seized me firmly and whispered in my ear.
“Joshy? Remember what we talked about before? You’re going to have to wear your CB for a very long time unless you start behaving.”
I whimpered in frustration but stopped fighting as Barbara came closer, holding the dress aloft.
“Raise your arms Sweety,” she beamed down at me.
Reluctantly, I did as I was told and I felt the soft, underlining of the dress descend over my defeated form. My vision was momentarily obscured as the dress was lowered over my head and adjusted into position. I was amazed at how well it fit, the shoulders were roomy but not loose and the chest was quite comfortable. Unconsciously, I ran my finger under the elastic bands at the end of the short sleeves; I wasn’t used to seeing the puffy, balloon shapes on either side of my head.
Looking down, I could see my bare thighs clearly exposed and I tugged at the hem to try and make it go lower.
The women giggled at my maneuver and Barbara moved me closer to the full length mirror in the room.
“Take a look at what a cute little girl you are!” she exclaimed excitedly.
For the first time today, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and I was aghast at what I saw. Not only were my hairless legs in view but my shiny fat diaper was also fully and humiliatingly exposed. I tugged again but neither the dress nor the petticoats would go any lower. I twirled around to look at my backside and all three of the vinyl ruffles on my plastic panties could be seen.
I groaned in humiliated dismay.
Blushing hotly, I felt my need to pee suddenly overwhelming me. Picking the worst possible moment, just then, Barbara bent down and began fluffing up the soft, diaphanous petticoat layers to make them lay even. I tried to hold back but it was too late. With a strong, irrepressible pressure behind it, I let go with a hot stream of pee into the front of my already damp diaper.
Biting my lip, I looked down to see Barbara returning my gaze with a big smile on her beautiful face.
“Well, well…” she announced before I could do anything about it, “Looks like our little baby girl is wetting her diapers.”
My face burned like coals as everyone held their breath to listen. It could be plainly heard as my bladder emptied itself freely into the soft, cushiony folds of my diaper, signaling all too clearly why I was wearing them in the first place. Suzie shook her head and stared at me like I was a helpless retard.
I could feel my diapers growing heavy and sagging as the liquid continued to soak into the cloth. The warm wetness surrounded my sensitive, swollen balls, surrounding me with that familiar childish sensation as it slowly seeped backward into the thick seat of my diaper.
“My, my, you’re quite a little wetter, aren’t you?” Barbara said as she bent down to look me in the face. 
A pair of tears trickled down my face as I nodded in shameful silence. Barbara seemed to take pity on me and she hugged me closely to her bosom, patting me on the back even as my peeing continued unabated.
“There, there, baby,” she cooed in a sugary voice, “Mommy knows you can’t help it.”
I shook my head in frustration but she kept consoling me, her hand slipping down to squeeze the now warm, saturated seat of my diapers through the baby pants.
“It’s good you’re wearing a nice thick diaper and plastic panties Sweety,” she reflected as she patted my seat gently.
“Hon, did you happen to bring along a change of diapers for your baby?” she asked Lauren.
“I sure did, and if he’s sounds like he’s done, we can change him right here,” she explained.
I whimpered weakly as I felt the last squirt of pee finishing up, my diapers now very wet and heavy.
Barbara pulled away and then bent down to look me in the eye. Unfortunately, with all three of them watching me closely, I couldn’t keep eye contact with her and I stared at the floor miserably. Taking her long finger, she put it under my chin and lifted it up so I’d be forced to look her in the eye.
“All done Sweety?” She asked nicely.
“Uh-huh,” I mumbled.
“Don’t you worry Baby, ‘cause we’re going to change those wet diapers right away,” she assured me.
Lauren began laying out the supplies on the floor, starting with my vinyl changing pad and one by one, she took out all the other items I needed.
“Here Joshy, why don’t you hold onto these while I’m getting you changed,” she instructed me as she handed me a pair of white nursery print baby pants.
I bit my lip anxiously as I held the infantile panties in my hands. The gesture seemed to say to everyone that the vinyl panties were for me and me alone.
“Just think,” she said in a tone of voice deliberately designed to humiliate me, “while all the other guys your age are getting their first dates with teenage girls, you’re in here getting your wet diapers changed.”
Her biting words stung and I sobbed in shame as I choked back the urge to begin crying in earnest.
“Aww, it’s okay Sweety,” Barbara interjected, “Some little boys just have a hard time keeping their pants dry, but don’t worry—yours are made of sturdy, waterproof plastic!”
Her words were hardly comforting and Lauren sat me down in the center of the big pad where I landed with a wet, warm squish. My bottom felt the full effect as the soaking wet cloth was squeezed against my buns.
After pushing my voluminous dress and petticoats out of the way, I could feel her slim fingers slip under the snug waistband of my plastic panties and begin peeling them off my diaper. I fidgeted fussily as she pulled them down my legs and placed them into a large plastic bag for that purpose.
It was when she unpinned the wet cotton cloth that I realized that I was about to have my chastity device exposed yet again to a pair of curious strangers. I whimpered in shame as she pulled the thick, darkened cloth back and revealed my little surprise package to Barbara and her assistant.
The older woman gasped and immediately reached down to feel the clear plastic tube for herself.
“Oh my word!” she exclaimed, her face breaking into a big grin.
“Looks like wetting his pants isn’t your baby’s only problem-is it?” she asked in astonishment.
“Nope, this little sissy’s also a chronic masturbator as well,” Lauren replied as she cleaned my groin and buns with a baby wipe.
“Well, I’ll bet this little wonder probably puts a stop to that filthy habit,” Barbara opined as she lightly grasped my CB between her fingers.
“It sure does. Without this little gem, I wouldn’t trust Josh for five minutes in his diapers—he’d be playing with himself non-stop.”
I grunted in disagreement but Barbara shook her head as Suzie came over to get a closer look for herself.
“I can imagine that the soft cloth is a tremendous temptation for the little sissy,” Barbara mused, “but this should keep him from being naughty,” she said as she wiggled my captive pen-is in its tube.
I sniffled and felt another set of tears running down the side of my face.
“Oh—I almost forgot,” Lauren suddenly said, “Josh is supposed to get a bottle of milk with every changing….do you happen to have any here?”
A shadow crossed Barbara’s attractive face as she sadly returned Lauren’s look of inquiry.
“No…I’m terribly sorry, I don’t.”
Looking down at my moist eyes, Barbara actually appeared like she might be feeling sympathy for me.
“And I’m afraid it looks like your baby’s going to start crying.”
I looked away, determined not to humiliate myself further even as I fought back the tears.
“I know!” Lauren announced with a sly grin, “Can you finish changing him? I have just the thing!”


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