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Author Topic: Jason’s new life  (Read 80073 times)

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Re: Jason’s new life
« Reply #84 on: January 12, 2022, 12:06:42 PM »
I admire Susie for her ability to stay focused on her initial goal: her brother's potty training. His wardrobe shifting to mostly hand-me-downs from his girl relatives is just a fun bonus


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Re: Jason’s new life
« Reply #85 on: January 12, 2022, 06:52:59 PM »
I think it would be more like hand-me-ups then hand-me-downs given he is older then them and receiving them from a younger relative lol


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Re: Jason’s new life
« Reply #86 on: January 12, 2022, 08:29:00 PM »
Chapter Twenty Seven
As Jason was watching the show in front of him he kept absentmindedly drinking from his sippy cup and after the third episode he felt the need to pee badly.

Now he was at a dilemma he wanted to go to the bathroom but didn’t want to use the potty and be watched by his sister, so he got up off the lounge still holding Pinkie without his own knowledge.

He realized his mistake when he stood up and felt how badly he needed to go so he moved as fast as he could to the bathroom to use the toilet but when he was halfway there he felt a spurt enter his training pants followed by another until he froze when he felt his bladder release all its content into the training panties.

Susie watched the whole thing in amusement seeing as her big brother once again couldn’t make it to the toilet like a big boy, she knew that she had to make sure he went potty but she knew Jason wouldn’t listen to her anyway.

Maybe I should have used the potty at least I would have made it Jason thought in disappointment at the fact that his poor decision making made him have another accident.

Jason just trudged back to the lounge and went back to watching My Little Pony while cuddling Pinky for comfort feeling defeated.


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Re: Jason’s new life
« Reply #87 on: January 12, 2022, 11:25:53 PM »
I think it would be more like hand-me-ups then hand-me-downs given he is older then them and receiving them from a younger relative lol

Of course! My mistake 🤣


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Re: Jason’s new life
« Reply #88 on: January 13, 2022, 04:36:10 AM »
Chapter Twenty Eight
Susie knew that she probably should tell their mom that Jason had an accident but decided to play ignorant as Jason didn’t think to let her or their mother know of his accident besides she was happy to let him sit in a wet Pull Up.

Susie remembered the multiple times when she was potty training and Jason ignored whenever she had had an accident or just didn’t help her by either changing her or telling their mother about it, so she decided to return the favor she barely remembered a time when he noticed she needed to go potty and reminded her to go.

Jason was not feeling comfortable in the wet Pull Up at first it wasn’t too bad because of the warmth provided from the accident but after it cooled it was very uncomfortable, he was hoping Susie would check him and tell mom but she didn’t seem to notice and Jason was too ashamed and embarrassed to tell mom himself.

Kate having finally finished dinner came into the lounge room and sees Jason watching a show that Susie used to watch and smiles, she turns to see Susie was drawing in her note pad not paying attention to the show at all so she just thought Jason put it on.

“Jason sweetie do you need to go potty before we have dinner” Kate asked and Jason blushed and shook his head.

“I-I had a-an accident” Jason stutters out face flushed in embarrassment from admitting it.

“Why didn’t you tell me Jay Jay?” Kate questioned her son who she recently had to start potty training with again.

Jason didn’t want to admit that he was too ashamed to tell her so he said “I didn’t want to interrupt you mom”

“Oh sweetie you should not be afraid to interrupt me or your sister if you need help going potty or need to get a fresh Pull Up, now why don’t you try and go potty and then we will have dinner” Kate responds sympathetically as she helps him off the lounge and guided him to the training potty.

Kate helped Jason on the potty pulling his diaper cover and Pull Up down then guided him onto the potty making sure his skirt didn’t get in the way.

“Mom, I don’t need to go potty can you just change me out of this wet training pants” Jason says in embarrassment.

“Jay Jay just give it a try for mommy and I will be changing you after dinner so you just have to deal with your training panties a little longer” Kate replies.

Jason doubted that he needed to go any more but did as his mom told not wanting to risk getting into trouble, he relaxed not really thinking anything would come out.

A song was playing on the potty much to his surprise as he was sure he didn’t need to go he only went a little but Kate was happy for him and apparently so was his potty as there were applause after he stopped.

Kate pulled his training panties and diaper cover up and gave Jason a hug then went to empty the potty.


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Re: Jason’s new life
« Reply #89 on: January 13, 2022, 01:26:31 PM »
I like how supportive Susie is, even if it's mostly her fault Jason is in this situation.


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Re: Jason’s new life
« Reply #90 on: January 13, 2022, 10:25:23 PM »
Chapter Twenty Nine
After emptying the potty into the toilet and flushing it Kate decided to clean it properly later, heading back to her children she went to the kitchen with them to eat dinner.

While dinner was a simple meal prepping it and cooking everything took time but Kate was proud of the meal she made, it was a simple steak and vegetables dish.

After Jason was seated Kate put one of Sarah’s old bibs on him before he began to eat, Jason wanted to protest that he didn’t need a bib but the fight left him immediately seeing the look his mother gave him.

Jason ate his dinner but avoided the vegetables only eating the potatoes, he refused to eat any other vegetables that was on his plate.

“Jason you should eat your vegetables otherwise you won’t grow into a big strong man like your father was” Kate says trying to get her son to eat his vegetables she barely had to fight Susie to eat her vegetables as she happily ate anything she made for them.

Jason just grumbled and ate a carrot then gagged from eating it but that was as far as he went with it with his vegetables.

“Mom can I have a drink of juice” Jason asked feeling a little thirsty but also wanted to wash down the taste of carrot.

“Sorry Jason but I think you should limit your drink consumption before bedtime so as to try and avoid any night time accidents” Kate says much to Susie’s amusement.

After dinner Kate grabbed Jason by the hand and said “Let’s give you a bath and then get you ready for bed”

Jason was lead to the bathroom and Kate had him wait as she filled the bathtub with water making sure the water was a perfect temperature.

Jason was shocked at his mom drawing him a bath as he hasn’t had a bath since he was ten and he prefers showers to baths.

What surprised him more was that his mother stripped him and guided him to the bath, he thought she would leave but that never happened.

“Mom I can bathe myself I don’t need you to help me I am not a little kid anymore” Jason protests

“I know honey but I just want to make sure you are cleaned probably I don’t want to risk you getting sick or developing a rash because you didn’t wash properly” Kate replies to her son as she proceeds to wash him like he was a child.

After the bath his mother dried him and took him to his room to get ready for bed, Kate had him lay on his bed then she grabbed one of Sarah’s old diapers and put it on him before he could protest.

Next she had him stand up and had him step into a white diaper cover with pink hearts around it, then she took a pink nightie that had Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony on it causing Jason to blush having recognized the character from the show he was watching before dinner.

Kate then pulled the covers and sheets back on his bed and told him to get into bed Jason looked at his mother like she grew a second head at hearing that.

“Mom it is seven o’clock it is way too early for me to go to bed, even Susie doesn’t have to go to bed this early” Jason argues finding it way too early to go to bed.

“I know it’s early Jay Jay but I think part of the reason you are having day time accidents is because you aren’t getting enough sleep” Kate explained as Jason reluctantly went into bed as Kate tucked him in and kissed his forehead and saying goodnight.

When his mother left the room shutting the door behind her Jason tossed and turned in bed hearing the crinkles of both his plastic sheet on his bed and his new diaper cover.

Jason then gave up trying to get comfortable and sleep as he wasn’t tired so he just stares up at the ceiling of his room in the dark.


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