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Author Topic: Make a Wish  (Read 18792 times)

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Re: Make a Wish
« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2022, 01:28:48 AM »
Tom’s mum looked a little dissatisfied and then had a thought.  She brought over his pink bonnet and placed it on his head and proceeded to tie the ribbons in place.  Tom whimpered a protest through his soother.  Wasn’t this over?  He gave another whimper as he heard the little snaps that confirmed his bonnet and soother were firmly held in place.

“There’s an infra-red camera in the corner there that’s going to film you through the night”, his mother told him.  “Nnnggghhh?”  He looked up and sure enough a little red light shone beside a camera high in the corner.  “Nnnnggghhh!”  He protested again, realising that they were leaving him in the cot for the night – or at least some of it.

“Sweet dreams”, his mother said softly and she stood to leave the room.  She drew the curtains – it was still reasonably bright outside.  Tom clutched the side bars of his cot as best he could with the mittens on and whimpered through his soother.  His mother ignored him and went for the door.  He shook the bars of his cot – “NNNNGGGGHHHH!”  She left the room.

He desperately tried the catch but couldn’t budge it.  He shook the bars again.  He tried to raise a leg over the side but it was too high and his foot in the fleecy sleeper just slid down the smooth side bar.

He flopped down on his well padded bottom.  He clearly couldn’t get out.  He looked up at the camera.  He could hear giggling from the sitting room.  He picked up a rattle and shook it.  “Aw!” came from the sitting room.  He desperately tried to prise the soother out of his mouth but it was stuck fast.  There was more laughter from the sitting room.  His mother and Martha lay back and dipped into a big pot of popcorn as they watched him on the big screen.

The second bottle on top of the first began to have an inevitable effect.  “Why is he holding his crotch?”, his mother asked Martha.  “Call of nature I suppose.”  “Oh I completely forgot about that!” his mother confessed.  “It’s alright, you made sure his nappy was well tucked into the plastic pants.  He’ll be fine.”  “You mean we’re going to leave him there to wet his nappy.”  “What else is it for?”

Tom was squirming now.  He was desperately trying to tug at his mittens and his sleeper.  They heard a little whimper and suddenly he wasn’t moving any more.  “I think he’s done it.”  They could hear sniffling.  “Should I go in and change him?”  “No, that’s quite a thick nappy, it can hold it.”  His mother was unsure but followed the advice.

The next morning Tom was put in his high-chair for his morning feed.  “Please let me out of this?” he begged tugging at his pink sleeper.  “Sorry but we have another day of filming” Martha told him.  He sighed heavily.  Another day in this nursery trying to get some amusement from the dumb baby toys.  But he was wrong.

Martha left the room momentarily and returned pushing a large old fashioned pram.  Tom squirmed.  It had clearly been made big enough to take him - the main body of the pram was quite deep but it had all been made to look quite convincing, lined with pink satin material all around, trimmed with thick lace which continued up and over the hood.

“There’s a Golden Oldies festival.  We’ve entered you in the mother and pram section”, they told his mother.  Martha produced a pink polka-dot 50s dress for this mother to wear.  Tom’s protests were muffled by the baby bottle his mother was pressing firmly into his mouth.

His mother left to change clothes while Martha let Tom out of his nappy and mittens to go to the bathroom and clean himself up.  He wasn’t allowed even a dressing gown this time so had no choice but allow himself be pinned into a nappy again if he didn’t want to be standing around naked in front of them all.

His mother returned wearing the polka dot dress over petticoats, pink high heels, white gloves and a wide-brimmed white hat.  Tom had never seen her look so feminine.  While he was staring at her new look, Martha discretely slipped his mittens back on.

Tom was then dressed in his pink baby dress.  When Martha went to press the snappers to hold his bonnet in place he whimpered through his soother.  She paused.  “Well if you promise not to interfere with your bonnet and to keep your soother in.”  Tom considered it for a moment.  He nodded reluctantly so she left it.  He was now committed to suc-king on his soother all day.

The pram was loaded into the back of an SUV and Tom desperately waddled over to it hoping not to be seen.  His mother hooshed him over to the window seat which he didn’t want as he’d be more easily seen by passing traffic in his conspicuous bonnet and suc-king on his large soother.

They arrived at the festival which Tom was not happy to see was very popular.  Most women were in dresses from the 50s or earlier.  Men wore braces and hats and some had fancy moustaches.  He saw a couple of women pushing old fashioned prams – usually decorated to match their dresses.

Tom’s pram was brought around.  He was keen that his frilly nappy cover and the obvious nappy under it would not be seen so he scampered out of the car quickly and allowed himself to be helped into the pram.  He settled down into its depths, propped up on lace pillows and Martha threw a pink polka-dot blanket over him and tucked it in at the sides and up to his chest just below the puffed sleeves of his dress.

His mummy tucked a doll in a pink polka dot dress under his arm and pushed a rattle onto his mitten on the opposite hand.  They pulled the hood up.  “There!”  They were quite pleased.  Tom looked up dubiously through the lace frame made by the hood and suc-ked hard.

His mother pushed a pink hand-bag up her arm and started pushing the pram as the crew filmed.  This was it.  Tom squirmed as he was pushed off into the crowd.  He was already getting hot under the blanket in all his petticoats and thick tights.


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Re: Make a Wish
« Reply #22 on: September 26, 2022, 03:46:46 AM »
yay  a pram! but they should not let da baby go in bathroom alone.what if he fell  hurts himself cause then are filming a trip to the  emergency room cause baby accidentally tripped on is tights instead of a going to a limed time event that was planned. babies are always falling over themselves and have no sense danger ever. Really enjoying this. :)

dolly bo peep

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Re: Make a Wish
« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2022, 06:14:51 PM »

I have been away from the site and I am really enjoying your latest story, along with the remarks from sarahpenguin and Andlat and sweet baby katie and petticoated.

I will have to go out in a little while presenting vanilla, but I'm wearing a Princess Pink diaper underneath that was dry when I started reading but is wetter now.

I'm looking forward to your next chapters and the comments from the members reading along.


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Re: Make a Wish
« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2022, 01:25:28 AM »
People smiled at his mother as she strolled confidently around in her pretty 50s dress with her matching pram.  Then they were clearly surprised to see that the pram had a live occupant.  It didn’t take long for them to see that the ‘baby’ wearing the pink puff-sleeved dress and matching bonnet, suc-king on a large soother was quite an old baby.  There was much elbowing, pointing and tittering.

“Well hello!” his mother greeted somebody that he could not see, as he was being pushed backwards with the hood also restricting his view.  A lady came around the side of his pram pushing a pram of her own.  She was similarly in a petticoated 50s dress with matching pram.  There was a large doll propped up in her pram.

As she came around and looked into his pram her jaw dropped.  “Oh my goodness!”  She took in the pink baby dress, matching bonnet, large soother and then realised that the pram, for all its pink and frilly trimmings, was very large.  Tom was mortified but could do nothing but suc-k on his soother.

“Oh who’s a pretty baby”, the lady teased, leaning down towards the pram.  “How old is she actually?” she asked, clearly surprised that his mother had convinced an older girl to dress up like this.  Tom was terrified his mother would reply with a ‘he’”.  “Twelve” was all she said.  “Gosh!”  She was even more impressed now at the convincing baby clothes and pram.  “Baby certainly loves her binky!” she teased, flicking the ring on Tom’s soother as he realised he was suc-king on it a little too convincingly.

Then Tom could see it dawn on her that this mother and pram with a live ‘baby’ was surely going to win the competition.  She frowned as she looked at her own pram with the stupid doll in it.  Still, there was no way she’d have been able to convince her tween daughter to dress up like that.  She’d never wear a skirt if it wasn’t for the school uniform.

Tom was pushed on through the crowd, his mother stopping to greet any other mothers with prams that she met.  She was clearly enjoying their reaction as they all saw their chances of winning disappear.

“When will the competition results be announced?” his mother asked Martha.  “At the end, around 5pm” she replied.  “Nnngggghh!” Tom gurgled through his soother.  It couldn’t have been more than 11am.  Was he going to be kept in the pram all this time?  Then he realised that he wouldn’t really want to get out and walk around in the crowds in his short baby dress revealing his frilly nappy cover and obvious real nappy underneath.  He suc-ked hard on his soother.  It was going to be a long day.

They decided to get coffees and went to the refreshment marquee.  His mother placed his pram at the end of the benches for eating while Martha got the coffees.  Tom was even more unhappy now.  At least when he was pushed through the crowds nobody got to see him for very long but now people at adjoining tables were nudging each other and probably commenting on how this teenage girl dressed as a baby was dutifully suc-king on a soother all the time.

A young woman came to clear the dirty plates and saw Tom.  “Oh how adorable!  Aren’t you so good to dress up for your mummy’s competition?  Shall I make up a bottle for her?” she asked amusedly, seeing the large baby bottle sticking out of Martha’s hold-all.  “That would be very kind!”

Tom cringed in the pram as she returned with a full bottle of milk.  His mother popped his soother out which provided some brief relief but was quickly followed by the large teat of the bottle.  The young woman had obviously had the milk heated and smiled as she watched Tom suc-k on his bottle.  This provided even more amusement for the adjoining tables.  Tom was allowed brief breaks to burp but his mother was clearly determined to feed him the whole bottle.

Of course the inevitable build up occurred in his bladder as he was being pushed through the crowd again.  The competition judges were mingling unobtrusively in the crowd and Martha told her she would have to circulate as much as possible to make sure they all saw her with her pram and baby.

Tom whimpered through his soother.  His mother looked down at him.  He pointed to his nether regions.  “Oh does baby need the toilet?”  He nodded vigorously but was concerned she would make him go in his nappy.  “Our company has a stand here with a camper van behind it.  It has a toilet he can use”, Martha said.  Tom looked around nervously to see if anyone picked up on the ‘he’.  But nobody did and he was much relieved to be pushed to the van where his nappy was removed so he could use the toilet.

He delayed as much as he could but they were keen to pin him back in his nappy and get back out there to be seen by as many judges as possible.

At lunchtime they returned to the marquee and got sandwiches.  The young lady could see them wondering what they could feed Tom.  “There’s a vegetable stew there that you could spoon feed”, she suggested helpfully.

So Tom was placed at the end of the benches again.  Martha took a white bib with pink trimmings from her hold-all and made him sit up in the pram so she could tie the strings behind his neck.  “There, that will protect your pretty dress!”  Onlookers were very amused to see the big baby being spoon fed.  It was tricky enough and little bits of stew ended up on his bib giving everyone the excuse to comment that it was just has well he was wearing a bib.

Sissy Poopsie

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Re: Make a Wish
« Reply #25 on: September 27, 2022, 05:18:17 AM »
Hi DaraJaney I just wanted to say how much I am enjoying your story with all its twists and humiliations Tom is going through.

I had a naughty idea myself about the 50's competition but wasn't sure about adding it in the comments section so I didnt.

I hope you add to the story soon as I can hardly wait to see how the rest of little Tom's day goes.  Keep up the good work. 🙂

dolly bo peep

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Re: Make a Wish
« Reply #26 on: September 27, 2022, 09:20:02 AM »

Like Sissy Poopsie and theother members reading your story, I'm really enjoying the perils of Tom. At least this time, Tom got to use the toilet instead of his nappy, but the day is far from over yet!

I think that all of us are eager to read of Tom's next humiliations.


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Re: Make a Wish
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2022, 03:04:39 AM »
The afternoon passed oh so slowly.  He got another bottle around 4pm.  It passed some time while he desperately waited for 5pm and the announcement of the results.  Eventually the tannoy announced that competitors should report to the festival tent for prize giving.

Tom was pushed into a line of prams with the other ladies clearly knowing that they were not going to win first prize with their dolls in the prams.  There were prizes for all sorts of categories, ladies’, men’s, children’s costumes.  Best jivers, best waltzers.

Tom was shifting uncomfortably in the pram as his need for the loo grew.  How long was this going to take?!  He whimpered through his soother and pointed to his nether regions again.  “We can’t go to the van now.  We have to wait until our category comes up.”  Martha leaned in.  “I have clean nappies and plastic pants in the bag so it’s fine!”   Tom didn’t think that was fine!

“And now Mother and Pram”.  Finally!  The prams were all pushed up a ramp by the stage.  When they got to the top there was a bump between the ramp and the stage.  “Nnnggghh!”  Tom started flooding his nappy.  The warmth was still spreading around as his mother turned the pram so he was facing the audience.  Some other women did the same but some decided not to make it so obvious they hadn’t got a live occupant.

All eyes of course were on, what everyone assumed was a teenage girl, dressed as a very pretty baby, wedged into the large pram, suc-king on a soother.  He tried not to give away any signs of the discomfort of his soggy nappy.

Third prize was called and the lady went up to the podium for her trophy.  Then second was announced.  All eyes were on Tom as the presenter tried to spin out the drama.  Of course his mother won and went towards the podium.

“Oh we have to see our pretty baby up here too, don’t we?” the announcer insisted and the crowd clearly agreed.  Tom was panicking now.  If he had to get out of the pram they would all see his frilly nappy cover under his short dress, his pink tights and the fact that he was wearing a real thick nappy.  They would wonder why all that realism was necessary when the child’s lower half was covered by a blanket all day.

“Nnngggghhh!” Tom tried to object as his mother came to get him.  Martha came over and helped her lift him out.  He was terrified that the movement would make his soggy nappy leak onto his tights and then let everyone know he was in a wet nappy.

The crowd applauded wildly on seeing how complete Tom’s costume was.  He tried to push his petticoats down despite knowing by now how pointless that was.  To him the nappy felt ten times heavier now it was saturated.  He thought it must surely be sagging obviously.  He scanned the crowd for any sign of anyone noticing.  They were all laughing and pointing but it could have been any number of things – his bonnet, his nappy, his tights, the soother he was still determinedly suc-king.

The announcer tried to get him to say something but he suc-ked insistently on his soother, terrified if he opened his mouth people might identify a boy’s voice.  As it was, he was so totally covered in pink and frills that nobody could guess.

He was desperate to get back in the pram.  When his mother pushed the pram over that bump again he let more wee into his nappy.  “I’m afraid the camper van has gone now”, Martha told them.  “There is a baby changing tent over there.”  Tom could see the queue for the changing tent and whimpered in protest at the idea of joining that queue and everyone knowing he had wet his nappy.  “Would you prefer to wait until we get home?” his mother asked.  He nodded vigorously.

Just then one of the other pram ladies came over.  “Congratulations!”  She leaned into Tom and tweaked his soother playfully.  “We always have a celebratory dinner after the festival competition, would you like to join us?”  “That’s very kind of you, of course we would!”  Tom squirmed in his wet nappy.

They returned to the catering tent and the ladies sat along two benches while his mother propped his pram at the end again.  “Surely baby would like to get out of the pram now?” they asked, moving up to make room.  Tom shook his head convincingly.  They were disappointed.  “We can’t see your whole pretty costume while you are tucked up in your pram!”  That was exactly why Tom wanted to stay there however uncomfortable it was.

He was given another bottle and his bib was replaced for feeding.  The women were clearly amused, and more than a little puzzled, that he was keeping up the baby act even though the competition had finished.

His nappy had gone very cold now and this was looking like a long meal.  The starters took a long time to come.  Tom whimpered hoping his mother would take pity on him and take him home.

She looked across.  “There’s no queue for the changing tent now – all the real babies have gone home.”  She stood and said ‘excuse us’ to the other women.  “Nnnghhh!” he tried to protest.  They would surely realise what was happening.  But his mother ignored him and picked up the hold-all and swung it over her shoulder as she pushed him in the pram towards the changing tent.  The women all looked at each other astonished.

He had to cooperate with having his nappy changed but was dreading going back to the women with what they now knew.  They tried to act reasonably naturally but they were all looking at him in amazement.  This teenage ‘girl’ has wet her nappy and had it changed.  Her mother was calmly sitting down and prepared to spoon feed him some curry as if nothing was untoward.

Even in the cool of the evening, Tom was roasting under his blanket, petticoats and tights.  He had a full tummy and started to drift off to sleep.  The ladies were getting well oiled and there was no sign of anyone leaving.

He was woken by a flash.  He opened his eyes to find the women all gathered around his pram pointing their phone cameras at him.  It was clear some were taking videos.  One reviewed her footage.  “Oh look!”  She turned the screen to him and he saw himself suc-king contentedly on his soother while he snoozed only to be woken by the flash and startled at everyone taking photos and video of him.

“Time to go!” his mother announced taking hold of the pram.  “Aw, bye, bye!” they all waved.  “Go on wave back!” his mother insisted.  Tom waved and the rattle stuck over his mitten jingled and they all laughed.

“It must be way past your bedtime”, one joked.  “I know”, his mother responded, “you are usually in your cot by 7pm, aren’t you?”  The mothers didn’t know what to make of that as he was pushed away.


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