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Author Topic: Make a Wish  (Read 18793 times)

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Re: Make a Wish
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2022, 05:09:50 AM »
Maybe Mommy will use the winngs to get him a new baby dress to wear :)

dolly bo peep

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Re: Make a Wish
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2022, 08:42:27 AM »

Thank you for another great chapter. Tom wasn't able to dodge wetting his nappy this time, and of course it happened at the most embarrassing time! The unexpected delay of dinner meant that everyone knew he was using his nappy and needed to be changed.
I can understand him dozing off, but then waking up to a series of flashes from the troupe of "mommarazzi" and realizing that it's not a dream and really being in a pram dressed as a baby girl complete with nappy, frilly dress with petticoats, tights, soother, bonnet, and mittens leaving him helpless. If it were me, at this point I would be so upset that I would probably not only flood my nappy, but my tummy would rumble and that digested vegetable stew would also noisily emerge into my nappy as a very smelly mess! I would be crying hard with my soother not totally muffling my sobbing.

Will the viewership of the television episode be so huge that the producers will decide to extend Tom's torment to more episodes? Will it prove to be so popular that it will become a new show on its own, "Tommy, the teenage baby girl"?


I believe that so far according to the storyline, all of the little girl and baby items are being provided by television show production company, but maybe Tom's mother might want to purchase more baby, etc. items to continue having him be her daughter when the television cameras aren't there.


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Re: Make a Wish
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2022, 03:04:48 AM »
When they got home his mother took off his dress, booties, nappy cover and tights but took his pink sleeper.  “Nnngghh!”  Tom protested – so used to his soother now that he didn’t try to spit it out.  “You may as well stay in that nappy for the night now”, his mother insisted.  Tom tugged at his mittens frustratedly for as long as they were strapped on his hands he was helpless.

He continued grumbling as he was shut into his cot and when his mother left the room he lay down still suc-king on his soother for comfort.

The next morning his mother phoned Martha to ask what was going to happen to the large baby furniture and clothes.  “I guess we’ll throw them out”, she responded.  “Not much other use for them.  Don’t worry, we’ll restore the room to the way it was.”  Tom was observing this conversation from the cot.

“Seems a shame to waste it all!” his mother mused.  She smiled at the ultra-frilly baby dresses hanging on the rail.  “Why don’t you just leave it here?”  “Really?” Martha asked, surprised.  “It would save us having to dismantle it all and dispose of it.”  “Yes leave it with me”, his mother assured her and hung up.

Tom was pawing the side bars of his cot anxious to be let out.  “We can make more use of all this can’t we?” his mother told him. “Nngghh?”  “I’ll get a bottle ready.  Which dress would you like to wear today?”  “NNGGHH!”  Tom shook the bars of his cot but she ignored him and went off to prepare his bottle.

A few days later and a lady his mother introduced as Ms Harper came to visit.  She was impressed with Tom’s baby blue dress and all his nursery furniture.  “Would you like to try this special soother?”, she asked him.  He looked at it dubiously.  It was smaller than the soother he’d had so far so he agreed to switch.

The new soother had a very nice taste!  It seemed to emit tiny amounts of something very tasty but only when you actually suc-ked on it.  So Tom continued suc-king on it much more than he did the old one.

Ms Harper stayed for quite a long time and by lunchtime Tom noticed that the nice taste was wearing off.  It was bottle time anyway.  He found the bottle much less satisfying and really wanted another soother like the one he’d just had.

Somebody put his soother away and he desperately looked around for it when he’d finished his bottle.  “What’s wrong love?” his mother asked.  “Awab bwab boo boo.”  Tom was startled.  What was that?  “Bwab baabo”.  His mouth felt all numb.  He wasn’t able to form words.  “Boo mwab iby”.  It must have been that soother.  What was on it?  His mother smiled.  “Oh dear can baba not talk?”  Tom was reluctant to try again and end up mouthing babyish gibberish.  “Oh those soothers can have that effect”, Ms Harper said casually.  “Perhaps you shouldn’t have another”, she suggested while twirling one teasingly between her fingers.

Tom stared at it.  He really wanted that taste back but it was making him talk like a baby.  “Do you want it?” she asked.  Tom nodded.  “Why don’t you ask nicely?” she teased.  “Bwab mwambo biby.”  “OK” she happily popped another soother into his mouth and Tom suc-ked urgently on it trying to retrieve that wonderful taste.

His mother came to him with some baby food in a bowl.  He shook his head and looked distastefully at the slop.  “Would you rather some corn flakes instead?”  He nodded eagerly.  His mum returned with a bowl of corn flakes in milk.  He seemed reluctant to give up the soother but realised he was hungry.  His mother pushed a spoonful of corn flakes into his mouth.  It all dribbled out again and soggy flakes fell on his bib.  “Oh dear!  It looks like you can’t chew either.”  Tom had to agree that the numbness in his mouth was also stopping him from eating properly.

“It will have to be the baby food then”, she concluded.  He didn’t protest – just looked downcast.  “Does baba want his baby food?”  He nodded but realised she wanted something more.  He was starving.  “Bwam bimmy goo!”  She smiled and pushed a big spoonful of baby food in which he immediately swallowed.

When he was fed the lady asked him was he sure he wanted that soother again.  He nodded vigorously, wondering what was on that soother that made it so good.  She inserted the new one and he suc-ked on it eagerly even though it was making him talk and eat like a baby.  He hoped those side-effects were only temporary.

After his evening bottle, he could still only handle baby food and there was no sign of the numbness in his mouth abating and allowing him to talk.  When Ms Harper offered him a different soother he readily accepted it hoping that the taste might be just as nice but without the worrisome side effects.

His mummy wanted to check his nappy before putting him in the cot.  He whimpered unhappily about being put in the cot so early.  “That soother is one to help you sleep”, Ms Harper told him.  Tom yawned as if on cue.  He didn’t really want to go to sleep so early.

He was wet so his mum set about changing him.  When he was cleaned and powdered Ms Harper suggested doubling up on his nappy.  “That soother has a bit of a laxative effect too.”  Tom stopped suc-king momentarily on hearing this.  But he was feeling drowsy.  He wanted to stop suc-king on this soother if it was going to make him poop his nappy but somehow he couldn’t.  It was just too damn nice.

The second nappy pushed his legs farther apart especially when the elasticated nappy cover was stretched to its limit to contain it.  His mummy put him in his sleeper.  He waddled heavily over to the cot which made her smile.  He was mortified at the way it made him walk but was anxious to get into the cot before he fell asleep.

His mum locked the side bars in place and closed the curtains.  She looked in on Tom and saw him suc-king, seemingly happily on his soother, his eyes closed.  Just as she reached for the door his tummy gurgled.  Tom’s eyes were wide open as he realised what was coming.  “Nnngghhh!”  She turned off the light and closed the door.  She paused outside for a moment.  Was that a gushing sound she heard?  She shrugged and went off to the sitting room and turned the TV up loud.

Baby Mac

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Re: Make a Wish
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2022, 05:53:45 AM »
I love this so much i hope he begins to fight against there conditioning of him.


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: Make a Wish
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2022, 09:26:53 AM »
So glad baby can only physically eat baby food and only babble nonsense. He has baby toys, can only babble like a baby now, can't chew adult food anymore. He can't even feed himself like every grownup can or even use the potty because is in diapers now 24/7. He is stress because of these new changes. The only grownup thing he is doing is drinking grownup milk in babies bottles. By that away and putting baby back on  infant formula you crush his uncertaintiess and he will learn to find happiness as a baby girl. Needs to tell baby about  the change, buying baby boxes of formula at grocery store while getting her baby food and tell everyone who knows baby they will need to prepare bottles of formula to feed the baby Powdered baby formula is easier to transport  away from home you don't it getting too warm and going bad.  :)

Babies start being able to pick baby food starting around 9 months and then put the food in their mouth succussfully. You should treat  like baby like he is acting now and set naps for 9 year olds, a regular feeding schedual so he does not get hungry or thursty as well as making hisd baby toys are all age appropriate for babies new age :)

dolly bo peep

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Re: Make a Wish
« Reply #33 on: September 30, 2022, 11:08:17 AM »

Wow! Tom's mother really does want him to continue to be her baby girl!

It looks like she will take full advantage of all the equipment from the television show. I wonder what other effects the soothers from Ms Harper are going to have?


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Re: Make a Wish
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2022, 10:46:35 AM »
The next day Tom was clearly distressed at having been in a badly soiled nappy all night.  Plus he could still only utter baby talk and was unable to eat anything other than baby food due to his numb mouth.  But when Ms Harper turned up and offered him another soother, he couldn’t say no.  They were just too nice – somewhat addictive.

“This one is to make baby happy!” she held up the offered soother and he happily took it in his mouth and clearly liked the taste.  He was let out of his high chair and waddled into the play-pen still in his pink sleeper.  He started playing enthusiastically with his rattles and letter blocks.  He picked up the prettiest dolly and hugged her.

“Is baby Tommy happy?”  Tom shook his rattle and blubbered something unintelligible through his soother but that didn’t seem to bother him like before.  When it came to lunch time his mummy asked if he wanted his baby food.  He clapped his hands and giggled.  She was impressed how happy that soother made him feel.

Ms Harper returned again and was pleased to see a very happy baby.  “Would Baby Tommy like to go to the park?”  Tom clapped his hands and smiled broadly.  “OK then you’ll need your prettiest dress – there will be lots of people there on this sunny day.”  Tom bounced up and down on his nappy he was so happy.  His mummy took his pink dress down.  Tom clapped.

He eagerly waddled out of the play-pen when the side gate was open for him.  He totally cooperated in being dressed in his pink frilly baby dress.  There was no problem getting him into his pink tights and he happily raised his foot when his mummy held out his frilly nappy cover for him.  She placed his bonnet on his head and tied the ribbon loosely under his chin – there was no need for the snappers to keep it in place, Tom had no problem with his pretty bonnet or his pink shoes for outdoors.

His mummy turned him to the mirror.  “People are going to love seeing this pretty baby!”  Tom giggled and made no attempt to push down his petticoats to hide the obvious bulge of his nappy.  Ms Harper came over to him.  “Look, we have a pretty pink leather harness to keep baby safe.”  Tom held out his arms so she could strap him in.  “Oh look”, his mummy pointed to the chest band.  “It says Baby Tommy.”  Tom looked down and giggled at the fairies either side of his name.  “It’s just as well”, his mummy added, “or people would have no idea that you are a boy would they?”

The smile fell momentarily from his face.  Reminding him that he was a boy seemed to trigger something.  He suc-ked hard on his soother but then smiled and waddled happily towards the front door.  “Hold on, mummy has to get your changing bag.”  Tom sighed at the annoying delay, clearly dying to get out there.

He was shifting from foot to foot.  “Does baby need a change?”  Tom was wetting himself at that very moment but shook his head vigorously.  He really wanted to get down the park – even in a wet nappy.  His mother threw the changing bag over her shoulder tucked a baby bottle of milk in the side pocket and opened the door.  Tom practically ran out.

His mummy had to tug back on his harness before he ran out the gate.   â€śWhy don’t you skip instead of running”, she suggested.  Tom skipped happily down the road just in front of her, his petticoats parachuting every time and giving a full view of his frilly nappy cover.

Mrs Astle came out of her house and stopped with her key in the door stunned at the spectacle.  They could see her read the breast plate.  “Is that really Tom?!”  His mother nodded happily.  “Makes a very pretty baby girl doesn’t he?”  Mrs Astle was speechless but couldn’t take her eyes off the obvious bulge of his nappy under all those frills and the changing bag that his mummy was carrying, confirming that he was actually using his nappies.

When they got to the park gate there were hundreds of people milling around inside.  Tom showed no reluctance to going inside, he just had to wait while his mummy caught up.

The chatter around that part of the park died away as people became aware of the enormous baby skipping along the path in the big pink frilly dress.  His mother could see people talking it all in – the nappy, the pink tights, the bonnet, the eagerly suc-ked on soother and the harness.  The people closest could see “Baby Tommy” and gasped at the others around them.

His mother spotted a gap in the grass and tugged him over to it.  She spread the picnic blanket and he got down on his hands and knees and crawled across it, confirming for the people behind him that the pink frills went all the way up the nappy cover.


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