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Author Topic: Pink Panties  (Read 27483 times)

richbaby, gunrunner, Dancer4Fun, pettifun, bonzodoug, scollymore08, sissybaby34 (+ 1 Hidden) and 57 Guests are viewing this topic.


  • Super Sissy
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #63 on: May 28, 2024, 06:09:16 AM »
It was a happy evening at Sarah’s house.  They talked, played board games, and watched Korean serials.  It was late by the time the boys got round to talking about their next tryst.
“It’s a pity you couldn’t come to Irish dancing Fursday,” said Archie.  “I’m getting’ pretty good now…  And you could meet my mate Conor…  ‘E’s not bad, but not as good as me…”
“Do you know what dance costume you’ll be wearing?” asked Sarah, mischievously.
“What d’yer mean, Sarah?”
“Oh, didn’t you know?  We’re allowed to wear casuals – dance casuals – now the weather’s improved.”
Archie looked at Sinead.  “Is that right, sis?  What am I gonna wear?”
“Oh, I believe so,” she replied, giving Sarah a look, “I believe that’s right.  Lily’s mum’s found you and Conor something.  Don’t know what.  Yes, pity Patrick couldn’t drop in.”
“Well, I might be able to just drop in for half an hour…”
“Really?  Please come if you can…” said Archie, excitedly.
“Okay.  I have to be home by seven to meet my cousin.  She’s coming to stay over the weekend.  But I’m sure I could make it – provided I’m not kept it after school…”
“Great!  We meet in the town hall at four…  Just look for the sign “Daly’s Darlings””
Patrick laughed.  “Okay, ‘darling’.  I’ll do that.  Can’t wait to see your technique.”
“He’s actually quite good now,” said Sarah.  “But you should have seen him when he started.  It was so funny…”
“Shuddup, Sarah!  Please try and make it, Patrick…  We’re doing a summer show, too.  I’ll let you know when I find out the date…”

That night the two of them shared a bed, and cuddled all night, Patrick in his pyjamas, and Archie in his panties and one of Sarah’s nighties…

If Laura had known how Archie had taken to girls’ clothes, she wouldn’t have kept his costume secret from him.  Conor was already really into dressing up, but Archie had seemed a different proposition, requiring some subtle subterfuge.  But no longer.  So when the boys were presented with their ballet costumes by Laura that Thursday evening, in the little room where the boys changed, Archie was, if anything, more enthusiastic than his friend, though doubtful whether he wouldn’t have preferred the pink one!
“Why does ‘e get the pink one?”
“Oh, I tossed a coin.  Anyway, the yellow one will look better against your complexion.”
“Will it?”
“Of course.  You’re darker.  It’s obvious yellow is a good colour for you.”
“Okay.  I see.  Great!  Cos my friend Patrick’s coming to see me today…”

The rest of the troupe, clad in a variety of cool modern dance costumes, had been told by Lily that her mother had found the boys something cute to wear, though she wouldn’t say what.  Laura thought it best to prepare them, so whilst the boys were changing she slipped out into the practice room and issued a whispered warning.
“Girls!  Girls, come here a minute… “
“Girls!”  said Bernadette.  “Pay attention to what Mrs Nimmo has to say!  It’s important.”
“Thank you, Bernadette.  Now, listen, girls.  I’ve found the boys the cutest little ballerina outfits….”  [Gasps of disbelief]   “Shh!  Now you mustn’t laugh, whatever you do, if you want them to go on wearing them.  Bernadette and I have this idea that it be great if we could somehow persuade them to wear them for the summer show.  Yes?  So you know the protocol.  Admiration, envy, fine.  But no amusement, please.  Okay?”
“Yes Mrs Nimmo.  We understand!”

Even so, it was a tough ask, involving a certain amount of pinching of thighs, biting of lips, and facial control.  The boys made a proud and confident entrance.
“What do you think of our new costumes?” bragged Archie, swaggering in. 
“Wow!” cried Kelly.  “Miss?  Why didn’t you tell us we could wear ballet costumes?  Why do they always get special treatment?”
“Not fair, miss!” cried Janine.  “We didn’t have no-one like Lily’s mum to get us special things.  We had to wear the stuff we already had!”
“Girls, please calm down,” said Bernadette.  “The boys don’t have wardrobes full of clothes like you do, so we had to help them out.”
“Yeah, but ballet costumes are so cool, miss,” whined a girl by the name of Maggie.  “I have a ballet leotard I could have worn – not as cute as those, maybe, but…”
“Well no-one’s changing now.  This is what you’ll wear for the summer, right?”
Archie and Conor looked at each other smugly.  Sarah was seized with a sudden fit of coughing, and had to be excused.  They did look incredibly sweet.  Laura had combed back their hair quite tightly and tied it with red ribbons at the back.  She’d made sure their little shiny leotards were the right size to fit them snugly, and that their white tights were fine and light enough that they wouldn’t spoil the make any wrinkles below the waist, nor interfere with their boyish contours.  Their satin chokers and fuzzy leg-warmers matched their leotards.  They wore soft Irish dancing shoes, not so different from ballet shoes, and Laura had managed to find some in red leather as she felt black might look rather too severe on such delicate flowers.  She had also found them elasticated gauze fabric bangles matching their leotards.
“Miss?  Can I take a photo of the boys?  I want to show my mum what great costumes they’ve got!”
“Not right now, Grace.  We must get started.  You can all admire the boys' costumes at the end of class, and I’m sure they’ll be only too happy to pose for you – won’t you boys?”  They nodded eagerly.  “There.  So please form a line.  Today we’re going to focus on coordination.  I noticed some of the steps have been a little ragged at times…”


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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #64 on: May 28, 2024, 08:40:05 AM »
billykins, Thank you again. I know I'm not the only person who is interested in the developments. I'm counting 42 persons reading this story at this time. Some may only leave a + but please know you are appreciated.
I can't write. I was a science major for a reason. I disliked english class, it was NOT my favorite subject. So, I can't complain.
Being retired, I kind-a forget others need to make a living. Sorry for the pressure, and again thank you for the update.


  • Super Sissy
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #65 on: May 28, 2024, 08:50:37 AM »
Thanks gunrunner.  I was only joking; it's pure laziness.  Your appreciation is appreciated.


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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #66 on: June 07, 2024, 12:13:50 PM »
They were forty minutes or so into their practice when one of the double doors of the hall opened slightly and a face appeared in the gap.  Archie had been waiting anxiously, and now Patrick was watching he redoubled his efforts to impress.
“That’s good, Archie!  Well done,” said Mrs Daly.
Just the reaction he had hoped for.
Meanwhile Patrick, taken aback by the boys’ outfits, had drifted unconsciously into the room and was staring at them.  “The one in pink must be Conor,” he thought.  “I wonder why…ballet costumes?  But hey…they both look pretty cute…”
“Can I help you young man?” asked Mrs Daly over her shoulder, catching sight of the intruder out of the corner of her eye.
“Er…oh, sorry.  I’m a friend of Archie’s…”
“Okay.  Just keep out of the way and watch till we’re finished.”

Ten minutes later they had a break.  Archie rushed over and grabbed Patrick’s hand.
“Thanks for coming.  We only have five minutes.  Come and meet Conor.”  He pulled him towards the group.  Several of the older girls stared.
“Who’s he?” whispered Kelly.
“Dunno..  Some friend of Archie’s.  He’s cute, though…”
“His name’s Patrick,” said Sarah.  She grinned.  “He’s Archie’s boyfriend.”
“What?” said Janine.  “Seriously?  Is he gay, then?”
“Not really…”
“What does that mean?”
“I don’t think he is.  But he likes Archie a lot.”
“So he is gay.”
“I don’t care if he is,” said Kelly.  “Hey, Archie.  Introduce us to your friend.”
“Oh…oh, yeah.  This is my friend Patrick.  He…”
“Hi Patrick,” said Kelly, homing in and flicking back her hair.  “Nice to meet you.  I’m Kelly.  What’s that uniform?  I don’t recognise the badge.”
“Oh, it’s out of town.  St….”
“So are you going to join the troupe?  You should.  You’ve got the perfect physique…”
“I-I have?”
“Sure.  Take your jacket off a minute.  Let me check your muscular development…”
“Hey, Kelly.  Leave him alone.  He came to see me…”
“What’s up with you?  I’m just trying to get to know him.  Don’t be so possessive.”
“I ain’t…”
“I’m sorry, Kelly.  I just came to see Archie quickly, and to meet Conor…  And the rest of you, of course.  But you see I have to go an a few minutes, so…”
Kelly put a hand on his arm.  “Of course, Patrick.  I quite understand.  I didn’t mean to intrude.  Maybe you could visit again soon, as we could all go out for ice creams or something…?”
“Yes, that would be nice…”

It was Achie’s first experience of real jealousy.  He scowled at Kelly, and led Patrick back to the side of the room.
“Sorry about that…”
“No probs, Archie.  She seems quite nice.  All the girls look nice.”  Archie winced.  “I really like your outfits.  I thought you’d have to wear those heavy dresses all the time.  But these must feel much lighter and easier to dance in.”
“Yeah.  An’ only me and Conor’s allowed to dress as ballerinas…”
“Lucky you.  And lucky me, too.  You look so cute…” 
They were joined by Mrs Daly.
“Hello…  You’re Archie’s best friend, aren’t you?”
“Hi, yes, I’m Patrick…”
“I’m Bernadette Daly.  Nice to meet you.  I just wanted to say, now we’ve started taking boys, there’s always room for another.  You’d be very welcome.”
Archie grimaced.  He could see several of the girls watching them – watching Patrick, rather.  He was not at all sure that was what he wanted…
“Oh, thank you.  I’ll definitely think about it.  I only popped in today to see Archie because he’s not available at the weekend.”
“Oh yes, Millie’s party.”
“The little one in the yellow shorts…”
“Oh.”  Patrick looked from Millie to Archie, and back again, puzzled.  “I thought you said it was one of your mates, Archie…”
“I, er…no, it’s, er…just like I promised, see…an’ she really wants me to come, and I, like, can’t get out of it…”
“Oh, okay.”  He smiled.  “It’s nice of you to go to a little girl’s party just to make her happy.  I can see you fit in so well here – you and Conor.”
Archie sighed.  He was sure Patrick would want a better explanation later.  He’d have to think of one somehow.
“But, look, I have to go.  Thank you for allowing me to crash your lesson, Mrs Daly.  I hope to see you all again soon.”

As soon as he was out of the door, Archie found himself surrounded by the troupe, demanding to know more about him.
“Archie?  Is he gay?”
“He must be!  Did you see the way he looked at the boys?”
“No he isn’t!  Didn’t you see how he looked at me?  Miss?  Is he going to join the group?”
“No he isn’t!” cried Archie.  “And he’s my friend!  So leave him alone!”
Everyone stared at him.
“Oooh, are you jealous?” smirked Janine.  “Perhaps it’s you that’s gay…”
“Stop it, girls!  Really, young women…  Back to work, please.  Back in line, Kelly…”


  • Super Sissy
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #67 on: June 07, 2024, 12:21:22 PM »
At the end of the session things had settled own a bit, and Archie and Conor, with assumed reluctance but obvious pride, posed for photos.  In their innocence it never occurred to them that allowing a disparate bunch of girls to record them in tight shiny leotards and ballet tights might not be the cleverest idea.  But they had built up very high opinions of their own importance.  As the group broke up, Millie took Archie by the hand.
“Are you looking forward to Saturday, Archie?  My mum’s got so much great stuff for you!  Please come early, won’t you?”

Archie had a couple of evasive phone conversations with Patrick that evening, but he was distracted by the thought of Millie’s party.  One thing he determined.  He would refuse to act like a baby, whatever.  He would simply hang around there for a few hours, and not get involved.  No silly childish party games.  But he would eat as much of the party food as he could lay his hands on – which, given the only competition was going to be a few little girls, he was sure would be a cinch.

But things didn’t work out quite as he had expected.

Sinead drove him round to the Prices earlier than he would have liked.  It was a few minutes after nine when she rang the bell.  Millie answered the door immediately, took him by the hand, and dragged him into the house.  Mrs Price was all smiles.
“Archie!  So pleased you got here nice and early.  A couple of Millie’s friends are coming early to help get everything ready, so…”
Archie blushed.  “Happy birthday, Millie.”  He handed over a box tied up with a big blue ribbon.  Sinead had insisted he buy Millie a present, and even choose it himself.  Sinead had been quite surprised at his choice, but it showed great thoughtfulness, and she had given him a big hug for being such a sweetie.  Archie had noticed how Millie had been staring at their leotards; so he had bought her a lovely ballerina outfit – blue leotard with tutu, blue ballet shoes and white tights.  She could hardly believe it when she opened the box, and rushed at Archie and threw her arms round him.  He was pleased she liked it, and secretly hoped it would buy him some consideration during the day’s proceedings.
“He chose it all by himself,” said Sinead, as Millie disappeared to try it on.

Before Millie returned there was another knock.  Mrs Price showed in the arrivals.
“This is my friend Vicki, and this is Millie’s best friend Clara.  This is Sinead and her brother Archie.  Millie will be back in a minute, Clara.  She just trying on Archie’s present…”
As well as Clara, Archie saw to his chagrin that Vicki also had a baby with her in a carry cot.
“Oh, and that little cutie is Stephanie.  I’m afraid you’re going to have some competition, Archie.”
“Archie, Megan’s told me all about your kind offer to play the baby today for the girls!  How sweet.  I’m afraid Stephanie’s a little too young to be mauled by all those little rascals – but you’ll be perfect!”
That didn’t sound too promising.  But Millie was back, looking very pretty in her ballerina costume.
“Clara!  Look what Archie gave me!”
“Wow, that’s cute!”
“It’s the best!  Can I wear it for the party, mummy?”
“Of course, dear, if you want.  I must say it’s a very clever present, Archie.  You’re quite a smart boy, aren’t you?”
He grinned, gratified.  He could take any amount of praise, however trivial.
“Well, now Clara’s here, maybe we should get Archie ready.  His things are all laid out in the spare room.  Girls?  Would you like to come with me?  Vicki, make yourself at home as usual.  Maybe Sinead would like a coffee…”

Mrs Price ushered Archie into the spare bedroom, but shut the girls out.
“You can come in shortly, once I’ve got Archie into his nappy.”
Archie was feeling nervous.
“Well, Archie, not a nappy as such.  You’re not a tiny baby, so…  There.  Big boy pull-ups.  Look, they got little racing-cars all over them.  That’s not so bad, is it?  Millie wanted to get you girl ones, with pink dolls and teddies – she said something about you liking pink – but I didn’t think that was fair.  Now take off all your clothes.  I’ll turn my back while you get that on.”
Reluctantly he undressed, folding all this clothes neatly and stacking them on a chair.  Then on went the pull-up.  The largest size, and it fitted snugly.
“Ready?  Okay, girls – you can come in now.”
Millie and Clara burst in, grinning all over their faces.
“Get his vest, mummy – wait till you see it, Clara.”
“Oh yes, your vest, Archie.  Special order.  Here – arms in – now your head…  Now I just need to do up the poppers between your legs…”
It was made of sky-blue spandex, with little short sleeves, and the words Baby Archie across the front, surrounded by red hearts and yellow daisies.  Archie sighed.  The girls squealed with delight. 
“Now his baby pants!” cried Millie, jumping up and down.  “He’s going to be a real baby, isn’t he mummy?”
“I believe he is.  Now Archie, call me old-fashioned, but I don’t believe you can beat a nice pair of rubber baby pants, all soft and rustling.  I hope you like these.  She held them up.  Nice and puffy to fit over your pull-up, elasticated waist and legs – perfect!”
They may have been boy pants, in pale blue translucent latex, but they were smothered with hearts and daises just the like vest.  The girls were beside themselves with excitement.
“Wait till the others see him,” laughed Clara.
Mrs Price held them out, and he stepped in.  She pulled them up and snapped firmly around his waist and thighs.  She picked at them until she was happy they looked neat.
“Now sit on the bed so I can put your socks on.”
She produced a pair of short blue cotton socks, and from under the bed a pair of old-fashioned blue leather sandals with buckles.
“You can thank your sister for giving me all your measurements.”
“Thank you, sister,” he replied, sarcastically.
“Now you’re nearly all set.  Stand up.  I got you a harness, too.  I won’t put the reins on yet – only when you go outside.”
She made his put his arms through the blue nylon harness, one pair of straps going over his shoulders, the second pair under his arms, and buckled it tightly up at the back.
“It’s padlocked to, so don’t think about escaping from it.  Just to make sure you behave yourself,  I’ve got you some special baby mitts.  Put out your hands.”
She pushed on a pair a short blue nylon mitts, forcing him to fold his fingers into the palms of his hands.  She buckled up the wrist-straps, while Archie stared at his useless hands in dismay.
“There.  Now I know this is going to make things more difficult for you darling, but you have to remember you’re a baby, and that you’ll be surrounded by little girls eager to pet you, and I have to make sure there’s no grabbing or misbehaviour.  So if you want your bottle or your pacifier or your bonnet, just ask Millie or Clara, okay?”
She kissed him on cheek, and smiled indulgently.
“So…”  She pinned a giant pacifier with a firm rubber bulb on a length of blue ribbon to the collar of his baby vest.  “Feel free to suc-k it whenever you need a little comforting.  And when you go outside, make sure to take your bonnet and waterproof jacket.  They’re both in this little vinyl rucksack.  Clara, maybe you could look after that?  Now there’s the door again.  More guests.  Millie dear, hold on - why don’t you take Archie with you?”
“Yay!  Okay mummy!”
She grabbed his wrist and dragged him out.  Mrs Price put her hands on her hips and smiled.
“What a perfect punishment…” she murmured.


  • Super Sissy
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #68 on: June 07, 2024, 12:31:59 PM »
It was one mother dropping off two more of Millie’s friends, Flora and Acacia.  When they caught sight of Archie the girls gasped and the mother’s mouth fell open.
“So this is the baby I was hearing about?”
Mrs Price appeared behind Archie and put her hands on this shoulders.
“Hello Denise.  We’ve just been getting him ready.  What do you think?”
“He…  He’s very bonny.  Not quite what I was expecting.  Gorgeous little outfit…”
“Glad you like it.  Millie’s so grateful he kept his promise.  Do you have time for a coffee?”
“I’d love to, but I have to collect my mother.  Can I pop in later?”
“Any time.”
“And can I have a quick photo?”
“Of course.  Girls, take Archie into the garden and let Flora’s mummy get a group one.”
They pulled him outside and clustered round so that Denise could take a few snaps.  And not only her.  Millie and her friends took advantage of the situation to take some of their own.
“Hey…  What are you doing…?  I didn’t agree…”
“Don’t be a spoilsport, Archie,” said Denise, wryly.  “How could the girls not want a few snaps of such a cute baby?”
Archie squirmed with embarrassment as the girls, thus encouraged, continued to snap away.  He resolved to appeal to Millie’s mother about the matter.  It would be dangerous to have all those compromising photos floating around…  But Denise was leaving.
“Thanks, girls.  Look after him, won’t you?  Must rush.  See you later, Megan.”

The four girls, giggling with excitement, frogmarched Archie in the living-room.  Mrs Price had laid a circular plastic play-mat on the carpet, and next to it a box of baby toys.  On the table were drinks and fruit and snacks, including two baby bottles and several jars of baby food, and all around the wall she had hung bunches of pretty ballons and Millie’s birthday cards.
Mrs Price seated herself on the sofa next to Vicki, Sinead opposite in an armchair.
“Gosh, Megan,” said Sinead, “that’s an amazing outfit!  He looks so sweet!  However did you get a vest to fit him?  And the other things?”
“Oh, it wasn’t that difficult.  There are places…”
“I love his baby pants,” said Vicki.  “Can’t beat rubber pants for little behinds - soft and stretchy and easy to wash..”
“Quite.  Girls, what do you think of Millie’s birthday plaything?”
“He’s gorgeous, Mrs Price!  Look how he likes me tickling him!  He goes all shy and wriggly!”
“I think he wants his pacifier.  Here we go, baby…  Open wide.  In it goes!”
“His pants are so lovely and puffy – and they smell of babies, don’t you think?
“Can we play a game outside, Mrs Price?”
“Oh, yes, of course…  But let’s wait for the others to arrive, shall we?  You know the field at the bottom of the garden?  I was thinking we should send baby out there to hide, and then try and find him.  It’s quite overgrown now, and there are lots and lots of bushes and trees and hollows…”
“That would be fun!”
“So for now, why don’t you have some snacks and drinks – and I expect Archie wants his bottle – Clara, maybe you'd like to get it for him?  He can hold it between his mitts.  Then we can play some games, and since the weather’s so nice, we can have birthday tea on the lawn.”
Archie spat out his dummy and suc-ked at his bottle for no better reason than the girls seemed inclined to leave him alone when he was feeding.  A few minutes later Sarah and Patricia arrived  with Lily, and then the last two guests, Katja and Celia.  Apart from Sarah, that made a total of seven little girls, including Millie and Lily, which wasn’t so bad.  Okay, so they kept glancing at him, and laughing and giggling, but they were also whispering shyly amongst themselves – probably remarking how handsome he was.  He smiled to himself.  He always seemed to have that effect on girls – witness how all the Irish dancing troupe were always looking at him admiringly.  Yes, it wasn’t easy being so good-looking.

However, he was already formulating a plan to escape.  He’d noticed the front door had been left on the latch so the last batch of guests could walk in without having to knock, and he hadn’t heard it being fastened.
“So, Archie, shall we play hide and seek, then?” asked Megan.
“Sure, Mrs Price.  Er, by the way, you know the girls were taking photos of me outside?”
“Yes, I saw them.  Well, you must admit you’re quite as cute as a real baby.”
“Yeah, but see, I don’t fink they should be allowed to keep ‘em.  Cos s’pose one of ‘em shows them to one of ‘er friends, an’…”
“Archie, please don’t speak like that.  You’re supposed to be a baby.  Don’t spoil it by acting your age.  Today you’re allowed only baby talk, okay?  Do you know how to do that?  You have to say things like, “mummy, pwease may I have my thucky bottle?  Mummy, baby tho thleepy….  Mummy?  I love my wubber pantith tho much…they’re tho pwettty…”
The girls fell about laughing.
“Go on – you try.  “I love my wubber pantith…”
“Go on…don’t be shy…”
“I’m not thaying…I mean I’m not saying that.”
“Really?  Clara?  Did you get some nice pictures of Archie?”
“Ooh yes. Mrs Price.  Lots of them!”
“Why don’t you send a couple to…let me see…”
“I’ve got Patrick’s number,” cried Sarah.  “Patrick’s his best friend.”
NoDon’t!” cried Archie, aghast.  “All right, I’ll say it!”
“Good baby,” smiled Megan.  “Millie dear, you can take a video of this, to show what a good baby Archie’s being today.  Archie, stand in front of that big bunch of balloons…  There.  Okay.  Now let me see…  Yes, hold your pacifier in one hand - yes, dear, I know it's difficult in mitts - use your thumb, silly…  That's right.  And tug at your rubber pants with the other, to show how nice and stretchy they are…  Go on…  Good.  Now…  Ready, Millie?  Now, Archie, say after me…  “Mummy” – Millie’s your mummy today – “Mummy, I weely love my new wubber pantith tho much…  Can I wear pwetty wubber pantith evewy day pleath…?”  Go on…”

It took him four goes to get it right, and to look really convincing, but finally it was done, and Millie had the ultimate video for her album, and one which would ensure Archie’s good behaviour for the rest of the day…or at least, should have done…


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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #69 on: June 07, 2024, 01:56:26 PM »
So good! Thank you


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