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Author Topic: Pink Panties  (Read 27104 times)

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  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #70 on: June 08, 2024, 08:39:28 AM »
Thank you. It was nice to wake up this morning, to find not just 2 chapters, but 3 chapters! Wow, that was really nice!


  • Ballerina
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #71 on: June 09, 2024, 10:03:10 PM »
So glad that somebody is taking it over and I can leave encouraging comments. If people could take the time to write decent incredible stories and it really was horrible I couldn’t leave comments but I totally understand. Something happened with my password and I’m glad it got straightened out what an amazing story! Please help support the site.


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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #72 on: June 11, 2024, 02:57:49 PM »
In preparation for hide-and-seek, everyone went outside onto the lawn.  There was great excitement.
“What happens when we catch him, Mrs Price?” asked Katja.
“Then he has to chase you all and catch you one by one, and when he catches you, you have to stand still like a statue, and if he fails to catch even one of you, say within ten minutes, then he has to perform a forfeit.”
“Ooh, yes!  I’ll make him…er…I know!  I’ll make him get kissed by all of us!”
“Well Katja, I don’t know if you could call that a forfeit,” smiled Megan.  “I’m sure any baby would love to be kissed by all you girls…”  She smirked at Archie’s ill-disguised distaste for such an event.  “But anyway, Archie, you have three minutes start, and please remember, all of you, you must remain within the field.  There’s a fence all round it, so no trespassing outside, right?”
“Yes, Mrs Price!”  in chorus.
Save Archie, who had been observing the lie of the land, and had a cunning plan…

“Right, Archie.  Off you go.  You have three minutes start.”
He ran off up the garden at once, and disappeared through the gate to the field, and was lost to view.
“Well, he seems to have got into the spirit of the thing at least,” remarked Patricia.
But Archie had other plans.  He had noticed an overgrown footpath running down the side of the house, and reckoned it must link up with the field.  And he’d been right.  He soon found a style in the fence, hopped over, and ran back down the footpath, past the garden, past the house, to where it joined up with the road.  Just as he arrived at the end he encountered a group of three teenage girls.  For a moment he almost turned and ran back, but he wasn’t going to scupper his plan, so he put his head down and walked past them, ignoring the giggles.  He was in the street now.  A hundred yards or so to the house.  He walked quickly, pants rustling.  There were a few people, but he didn’t look at them.  He opened the gate, hurried up the front path.  Good – the door was just ajar. 
But at that instant Vicki was approaching the door on the other side.
“I thought there was a draught…”
She pushed it shut and released the latch.
“What the…  No!  Shit!”  Archie couldn’t believe his bad luck.  His plan had been to get back into the house, creep up to one of the bedrooms, and hide under the bed or in a wardrobe for as long as he could.  Now…  What to do?  He hesitated and looked around.  The street was filling up with people.  Several had stopped and were staring at him over the low front wall.  Should he return?  No, he couldn’t face it.  There was a side path on the left of the house.  If he was careful, he may be able to creep in the back door without those in the garden seeing him…  He had no choice.

He was doomed from the start.  The girls had just been despatched in pursuit, and the others were all looking down the garden after them.  But when he crept into the living-room he was stopped in his tracks.  There was Vicki with her blouse unbuttoned and little Stephanie firmly attached to her left breast!  They stared at each other in horror for a second or two.
“Archie!  What are you doing…?”  Vickie pulled her blouse across her breast, but kept on feeding her baby.
“I-I’m sorry…  I was, er…er…”
“Megan?  Megan!”
Megan appeared at the door, looking concerned.  “Vicki?  Are you…?”
Her voice trailed off.  Comprehension dawned.
“Archie!  Why are you here?  How did you get here?  Well?”
“Er…the path…”  He thought quickly.  “I, er, needed the toilet…”
“Rubbish!  You little cheat!  Get outside!  Now!”

There was general condemnation and disgust.  Patricia ran down to the field to call the girls back.
“You naughty boy!” cried Sinead.  “What did you think you were doing?  You’ve ruined the girls game, now.  I don’t know what we should do with you.”
“I do,” said Megan.  “Wait a minute.”  She went inside and came back with a little cloth bag.  “Come with me.”  She took him by the wrist and led him half way down the garden to a straight, sturdy tree.  The girls, downcast, were trickling back from the field.
“How did he get back here, Mrs Price?” asked Clara, puzzled.
“He did exactly what I forbad him from doing.  He’s a very naughty little baby, and now I have no choice but to make sure he stays right where he’s put.  Archie?  Stand here - back against the tree, please.  Now!”
“What are you going to do, mummy?” asked Millie.
Megan didn’t reply, but the girls soon understood.  She emptied the bag onto the ground.  A length of steel chain, and a tiny padlock.  The back of Archie’s harness was equipped with D-rings to which the reins could be clipped.  But they could also accommodate a chain.  Megan threaded it through both rings, and through his mitt-straps, took the ends round the tree and padlocked them together, securing him firmly to the tree with his hands pinioned at his hips.
“There, Archie.  Now let’s see you escape from that.”
“Please, Mrs Price…  Sorry, I mean…pleath don’t leave me like thith….  Silly baby made a mithtake….  Baby Archie werry thorry….”
“It’s what you deserve, Archie.  Now you can stand there and watch the others having lunch on the lawn.  If you behave yourself, you might be allowed to join them later.”  Seeing him about to protest, she put a finger to her lips.  “Enough!  Shush!  Patricia?  Sinead?  Could you help me lay out the food and drink?”


  • Super Sissy
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #73 on: June 11, 2024, 03:03:02 PM »
Watching all the goodies being brought out was bad enough, but watching them being consumed right under his nose was torture.  Mrs Price’s assurance that his food was put aside for him in the fridge for later wasn’t much comfort – he wanted to eat with everyone else, and he suspected his share might be baby food out of jars.  Sarah felt sorry for him, and while Mrs Price was indoors making coffee for the ladies, she sneaked him food and drink, spooning rhubarb and strawberry crumble with ice cream into his mouth and feeding him juice from his baby bottle.  Which would have been nice of her, had it not occurred to her as she was holding the bottle that interesting consequences might result .
“Come on, Archie, you must be thirsty.  Have some more…”
“Baby full now…”
“Nonsense.  Drink up like a good boy…”  And she gave the bottle a firm squeeze, making the cold juice spurt into his mouth, and forcing him to swallow.

The girls ate and drank their fill.  As they were finishing, Archie was beginning to get agitated. 
“Mrs Price?  I need to…”
“If you need something, Archie, speak to your mummy.  Who’s your mummy today?”
“Oh…  Mummy?”
“Yes baby?” answered Millie.
“Could oo come here, pleath?”
Millie stood up.  Sarah too.  “I’ll come with you.”
“Well, baby?”
Archie lowered his voice.  “Mummy…baby needs to do pee-pee…”
“Oh, then…”
“All right Millie,” interrupted Sarah.  “I’ll deal with this.  Okay, Archie.  Let me ask Mrs Price.”
She skipped over to Megan.  “Mrs Price – he wants his pacifier.  Do you have a long piece of ribbon I can use to tie it on, since he can’t hold it?”
“Of course dear – top drawer in the chest in the living-room.  There a reel of ribbon there.”
Sarah was back in a minute, clutching a length of shiny blue ribbon.  Archie looked puzzled.  She went up to him, removed his pacifier from his collar, threaded the ribbon through the big wings, and pushed it in his mouth.  The bulb was as big as a gobstopper and made of thick natural rubber.  She dropped the loop of ribbon over his head, so it was around the back of his neck, then, holding onto  one end, she slipped the other over his head as well, drew the ends together as tightly as she could, and tied them off by his ear.  Now the ribbon was taut against his cheeks and the dummy held firmly in his mouth, acting as a gag.  The plastic wings covered his whole mouth.
“There.  Is that better, Archie?”
Archie’s eyes were big with surprise.
Millie sniggered.  “You’re so clever, Sarah!” 
“Let’s go and sit down, Millie.  I want some more ice cream.”
That resumed their seats and waited for developments.  They didn’t have to wait long.  Archie started struggling against his restraints, and making such muffled protests as he could with his mouth so effectively plugged.
“What’s wrong with him now?” asked Celia.
“Wait and see,” grinned Millie.
It wasn’t long before Archie’s squirming became more vigorous, and tears began to form in Archie’s eyes.  The girls shuffled closer, till they were seated around him in a broken circle.
Mrs Price, Vicki, Sinead and Patricia were unconscious of developments, having drinks and chatting away by the back door.
“Millie…” said Flora, eyes widening, “ do you think…do you think he may need to do a wee?”
“Possibly…but he is wearing a nappy…”
Now they were all staring at him.  One or two started to giggle.  Lily was grinning broadly.
“I think he’s going to wet himself!”
“He is!  Should we tell….” Began Acacia.
“No!  He’s a baby.  That’s what babies do!” said Sarah.  “Let’s see what happens, shall we?”

They fell silent with expectation.  Sarah took out her phone and started a video.  Eight pairs of eyes were glued to his rubber pants.  Archie was on tip-toes now, doing a funny little dance, thighs pressed together, feet turned in, desperately fighting to delay the inevitable.  A tear trickled down his burning cheek.  Then all of a sudden he became still, and turned his head to one side with embarrassment.
“He’s…doing it…” someone whispered.
Archie had finally given in, and allowed himself to flood his pull-up.  His humiliation was temporarily mitigated by sheer relief.   The smooth leg and waist bands of his pants were designed to cling to the skin and be totally leak-proof – which they did so well, that the sudden inundation made his pants inflate like a balloon – much to the amusement of the spectators.
“It’s a big one…” someone giggled.
Even big-boy pull-ups have their limits, and soon Archie’s was heavy between his legs, dragging down the crotch of his pants and stretching his little vest.  The translucent rubber became misty with moisture, and drops and dribbles could be seen trickling down inside.  The girls couldn’t have wished for a more satisfactory conclusion.
“Mummy,” called Millie, “Archie’s wet his nappy.”
“What?  He’s whatAlready?”
She came over to the tree, followed by the others.
“Goodness.  You’re not joking!  Archie – well done!  Now you’re being like a real baby!  I think it’s straight in the bath for you, young man!”
“Can we come too?” was a general cry.
Archie shook his head vigorously, but Megan shrugged. 
“Behave yourselves, then…”
“We shall, mummy.  Shan’t we?”


  • Super Sissy
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #74 on: June 11, 2024, 03:09:15 PM »
Megan took Archie’s hand and led him inside.  He was walking a little like a baby chimpanzee, owing to the soggy bulk between his legs.  They went straight to the bathroom, where the girls were shut out whilst she unlocked his harness and his wrists and stripped him naked, dropping his wet things into a plastic bucket.  She filled the bath three-quarters full and added scented oil and foaming bath products.  When he was immersed she opened the door, and the girls crowded in all agog to see their new baby in his birthday suit.  Poor Archie struggled to keep his body under water; if he turned onto his tummy his gleaming, foamy butt always seemed to bob up, and he found it easier to lie on his back.  But every now and then, when the foam cleared or when he drifted upwards, they got a glimpse of something very small and obviously very shy.
“I’m going to call him Wee Willie Winkie,” exclaimed Clara, “cos…”
“That’s enough, Clara,” said Megan, unable to suppress a laugh.  Don’t bother to explain.  Now I think you’re nice and clean again, baby…  You’re going to smell so sweet after this…  Millie dear, could you fetch me another pull-up and another pair of pants, please?”
“Yes, mummy!  Clara?  Come with me.”
She was away several minutes.
“Where is that girl?  Ah, there you are.”
“Mummy?  I couldn’t find any more pull-ups.  Here’s his pants…”
“What do you mean?  I bought a pack of six.  They should be by the bed in the spare room…”
But they weren’t.  It was a mystery.  Everyone was puzzled.  Perhaps Sarah and Clara were least puzzled of all – since they had popped the pack into a black bag and hidden it in the dustbin.  It was just another of the harmless little practical jokes they liked to play.  But it presented a problem, because the only other large baby vest Megan had managed to find at short notice was waist-length, which would leave baby Archie somewhat deficient in clothing.  The girls were interested to see how Mrs Price would deal with the situation.  If she allowed Archie to change back into his big boy clothes, they were prepared to be disappointed.  But she faced the problem head on.
“Right.  We’re going to have to get more pull-ups.  There’s a chemist just along the road.  And your vest’s already in the wash.  But first we have to make sure you don’t get a rash. It’s a lovely day – why don’t we do that outside in the sunshine?  Sinead?  Do you think you could give me a hand?”
“Of course.”
“Hop out, sweetie,” said Megan, pulling out the bathplug and holding up a bath towel.
Archie, panicking, at first tried to press himself down into the sinking bath water, but realising the foolishness of this strategy had no choice but to stand up – facing away from the onlookers, of course – and allow himself to be wrapped in the towel.  Mrs Price was not a large woman, and she left it to Sinead to hoist him out of the bath.
“Garden, Megan?”
“Garden.  I’ve got a nice big fluffy towel for him to lie on.  Fluffy and pink.”
Archie went as stiff as a board in a pathetic attempt to resist, but Sinead had never had any trouble handling her little brother, and she virtually threw him over her shoulder and marched out of the bathroom.  Archie did all he could do in the circ-umstances – he clung desperately to the towel, the only thing between him and the unthinkable, and struggled to keep it from flapping open..

It was like a parade: Sinead at the head, the wriggling boy over her shoulder, Megan next, holding a folded pink towel on which rested a large pot of baby cream – like a royal orb on a velvet cushion, about to be presented to the monarch – then the girls, in a noisy, excited gaggle, then Patricia and Vicki, the latter holding her baby.

They processed on to the lawn.  Megan slipped ahead, unfolded the huge pink towel, and laid it neatly on the grass.  The girls, as if tutored for the occasion, gathered around it and sat or knelt equally spaced on the edges, so it wouldn’t move.  Sinead lay Archie gently in the middle, and attempted to divest him of the bath towel.  But he clung to it tenaciously.
“Sis!  No!”
“Oh, don’t make such a fuss, Archie, please.  You need your baby cream after that big wee.  And the sun’s gone in now, so you don’t have to worry about getting sunburnt.”
“Yes,” cried Millie, “you need cream on your botty, lots of it!”
Sinead had seen him naked enough times that she thought nothing of it, so she gave the towel a sudden jerk which settled the matter.  He cried out in despair.  But to regain its protection he would have needed to jump up and attempt to reclaim it, and that he was not willing to do.  Instead, whimpering, he threw himself face down and attempted vainly to cover his rear end with his hands. 
The girls laughed and cheered and clapped.  The ladies smiled.  Archie blushed to the roots of his hair.  He had never felt so exposed or vulnerable.  He tried to protest.
“No…  Please…  It’s not fair…  I don’t want cream on me…”
But his pleas only elicited more amusement.

Vicki stepped forward.
“Don’t be embarrassed, Archie.  All babies are the same – you have to look after their skin.  If it’ll make you feel better, I’m going to put little Stephanie down next to you, and we can attend to both of you together.  Yes?”
Archie was horrified and speechless.  The idea of being treated the same as a little girl baby who couldn’t even talk seemed even more embarrassing.  But Vickie coolly laid her down gently beside him.
“Now stay still Archie.  Don’t do anything to frighten her, will you?”
Archie stared at Stephanie, and Stephanie stared at Archie.  Then she gave a big smile and a little chortle, and reached out one pudgy arm and grabbed his.
“Oh!  Look at that!  She likes you!  Quick, let me get a photo…”

It was going to be a long afternoon…


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #75 on: June 14, 2024, 08:16:43 AM »
Thank you, again billykins. 3 chapters!


  • Ballerina
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #76 on: June 14, 2024, 08:56:01 PM »
I agree thank you I am on the edge of my seat to see what happens next is it diapers or pull ups. Wow how exciting not much of a writer myself but love reading your story. Thank you...


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