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Author Topic: Pink Panties  (Read 27101 times)

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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #77 on: June 16, 2024, 05:48:47 PM »
“Millie darling, would you go into the house and fetch me the baby cream and that nice scented talc we bought, please,” said Mrs Price.  “You’ll find them in the cupboard in the bathroom – bottom shelf.”
“Yes, mummy!”
And off she skipped, tutu bouncing.  She was back in two minutes, with the baby stuff wrapped up in what looked like a white towel.
“Look what I found!  I remembered you had some old towelling nappies left over from when I was younger.  I still wore them when I was five, sometimes.  Even then they were too big.  Do you think it might fit Archie?”
“Millie!  How clever of you to remember.  Let me have a look…  Yes, I think, at a pinch, we could get this on him…”
“I’ve got some big safety pins,” said Vicki.  “I’ll go get one.”
“Great.  Then we’re ready.”
There was no escape for Archie.  Surrounded by the guests, next to the happy Stephanie, who was now kicking out her feet and giggling – it seemed like at Archie – he had no choice to close his eyes an accept his fate.  And he threw one arm across his face as well, to block out every sight and sound of the impending humiliation.

Megan smoothed in the cream with great thoroughness, protracting the process for maximum embarrassment, and not sparing Archie’s most private and sensitive regions.  His delighted audience watched with close attention.  The girls were being educated in baby care.  They had witnessed the wetting of the pull-up, the subsequent bathing in softening, perfumed water, and now correct baby skin-care. 
“The talc prevents his botty sticking to his nappy,” explained Megan.  “And it also makes him smell even nicer than before!  Not too much, so…  back and…turn over, please, Archie....  Archie!  Don’t be silly!  It's for your own benefit.  Thank you.  Back…and front.  Next, take the towelling nappy…place it under his bottom…so… bring the corner together…so…  Now a big safety pin here…  And we’re done!”
“Does that feel better, Archie?” asked Clara, grinning from ear to ear.
But he still had his arm across his face.
“Now a nice fresh pair of rubber pants… “  She held them up.  They were semi-transparent natural rubber with a pinkish tinge, sprinkled with teddy bears, dolls, and little red hearts.  “I guess they’re really for a girl baby, but I saw them in  the catalogue and I couldn’t resist….and just in case he ended up wearing them, I got a few things to match.  Millie?  Could you bring me the pink carrier from my bedroom, please?”
“The “few things to match” consisted of a short pink vest with Baby Girl in sparkly pink letters across the front, a short pink vinyl rain jacket with a hood, and a pair of pink bootees.  Megan sat Archie up and, ignoring his whining, got him into his new outfit. 
“Now stand up and let’s have a look at you.  Goodness Archie, you look so cute.  I can’t wait to show you off to the neighbours.”
He did look cute, especially as both the vest and the jacket reached no further than the waistband of his pink elasticated rubber pants!
“What do you mean…the neighbours?” wailed Archie anxiously, nervously pulling the hood over his head.
“Oh, don’t be alarmed, Archie.  All I meant was when we all walk down to the chemist some of the neighbours might be in their front gardens.  I think Millie ‘s told everyone she was having a very special baby attraction at her party today.  Anyway, if everyone’s ready, we should get going.”
“Mummy?  Can we call into the park on the way back?  There’s a new climbing frame baby might like…  And they’ve cleaned the paddling pool…”
“Oh, I don’t see why not…if everyone wants to…”


  • Ballerina
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #78 on: June 17, 2024, 03:17:15 AM »
I am on the other side of the pond and really enjoy your writing Thanks again got me hooked always checking to see if an update. Was happy to see it... Cant wait to see what they do next!


  • Super Sissy
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #79 on: June 17, 2024, 05:28:26 AM »
The Cresswell Chemist and Pharmacy was the first in a row of shops at the start of the high street.  It was popular because it was a big shop with a huge range of stock and especially popular with new mothers as it had a large baby department.  It was on the corner of Cresswell Road, its side window – dedicated to baby stuff – appropriately facing the park and the playground.
The walk to Cresswell took only ten minutes, but it was an uncomfortable ten minutes for Archie, his rubber girl pants, ostentatiously padded out by the thick nappy, in plain view.  Of course the girls made him walk ahead, and pushed him forward every time he attempted to retreat into their midst.  It was fun to see the people approaching catch sight of him, stare, slow down, and often stand still and gawp open-mouthed as he passed by.  Women giggled or laughed openly, little kids sopped dead and pointed – “look, mummy – is that really a baby?” – and teenagers swivelled round and walked alongside taking photos.
Initially he was relieved to enter the shop.  But it was busy, and he immediately became the centre of even more attention.  Mothers were fascinated, and started asking questions.  When one young woman with a young girl in a pushchair asked why, Megan left it to Millie to explain.
“It’s my birthday,” blurted Millie, and continued, hardly pausing for breath,  “and Archie’s my special birthday baby!  It’s his punishment for being rude to me.  He said a bad word, but now he has to be nice and well-behaved, cos he’s going to be a little baby all day.  But he did a big wee in his nappy earlier” – this revelation caused some surprise and amusement – “a really big one, and we’ve run out of pull-ups, and we’ve run out of boy pants, and that’s why he’s pink and girlie, and that’s why we’ve had to bring him here to see if we can get some more.  He really doesn’t like being outside, cos he’s afraid one of his friends will see him and tell everyone, but I don’t care, and in any case everyone thinks he’s really cute…  Mummy, are you going to check whether they have any big boy or big girl pull-ups?”
“Yes dear.  I’m just about to ask the lady.  She’s busy on the phone at the moment.”
The lady in question, a middle-aged woman with piled-up blonde hair and severe pink glasses, was indeed on the phone, and appeared to be arguing with the person on the other end.
“But what good is Monday to me?  You were supposed to deliver them today!  Sorry?  Yes, but they’re useless without the display posters!  The launch is in an hour!  Really, you've ruined everything.  Now I’ll have to delay for another week.  And I had a photographer from the Courier coming, too!  Well, a proper apology would have been nice…”
And she slammed down the phone.  Megan approached.
“Oh dear…you sound as though someone’s let you down…”
“Big time.  We were launching our new range of baby products today.  We had a special display planned for the park window.  We had three big backdrops designed with babies using the products, and they should have been delivered two hours ago.  Now they can’t get them to us till Monday.  It’s really too bad!”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that…”
“Sorry…  I shouldn’t go on to you about it…  How can I help…”
She caught sight of Archie.
“What in the world…?”
Millie, as his appointed mother for the day, immediately stepped forward and explained everything, ending with “and so we were hoping you might have some extra-large pull-ups in case…”
“As a matter of fact…” she replied, thoughtfully, “we do have some.  I’m afraid they’re girl ones, and because they’re for bigger girls they’re bright Barbie pink, so they’ll show up through his pants…”
“Oh, that’s all right,” smiled Megan.  “All the better.”
The woman was looking at her seriously.  “Could we have a word in private?”
“Well, yes, of course…”
“Trish, dear?  Could you take over for a minute?  Thanks.”
She took Megan to a corner of the shop, leaving Archie surrounded by his entourage near the counter.
“My name’s Susan.  I’m the proprietor.  I know this is a long shot, but I'm desperate, so I’m going to ask anyway.  We no longer have the backdrop to our display, but…  I was just thinking, if Archie, is it?  If Archie there would be prepared to go into the window and interact with the products – I mean there’s everything from pacifiers and feeding bottles and baby pants to toys – dolls and bricks and balls – all sorts of cute things – and it was always intended to be girl-centric – all our big photo-boards were of girls – so he’d fit in fine just as he is.  We could replace the boards with some nice pink fabric….”
“Say no more, Susan.  He’d love to do it.”
“Really?  Are you sure?  I’d pay him of course…”
Megan waved the suggestion aside.  Don’t worry about that for now.  Let me talk to him.  Give me a moment.”
She returned to the others.  The girls were showing two young women Archie’s new pants.  One of them was eulogising about his outfit.
“And let me see that cute little vest too!  How sweet!  Archie darling, that's so generous of you, to dress up as a girl baby for your friend’s birthday present!  Fancy!  You even found some rubber pants in your size!  Do you mind if I take a couple of snaps?”
Megan put her arm round him.
“Archie, darling.  The nice lady whose shop this is – Susan – has offered you the chance to do a bit of advertising for her.  She’s even offered to pay you!  But you'd be separated from the girls for a couple of hours, I'm afraid.”
Archie brightened up at once.  “Really?  What do I have to do?”
"It's very simple..."


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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #80 on: June 17, 2024, 08:15:05 AM »
“You want me to what?”
But the girls begged him to agree.
“Please, Archie…”
“You’d be perfect…”
“And you get a nice new pull-up to replace that uncomfortable towelling…”
“We’ll be so nice to you for the rest of the day…”
“No way!  I’ll be on display to, like, everyone in the street!”
“Yes, but they’ll think you’re so cool…”
“Cool?  No they won’t…”
Stalemate.  The girls became quiet.
“It’s not fair,” said Clara.
But Sarah was not the slightest downcast.  “Look girls…  What do you think of this video I took when Mrs Price was changing him…?”
They crowded round.  There was an outbreak of squeals and giggling.
“You got everything!” cried Celia.
Lily covered her mouth and snorted with mirth.  “Look, Archie.  What’s that little pink flower-bud I can see…right there!”
“Shut up!  Sarah, you…you…”
“If I were you, Archie, I would be very careful what you say,” said Megan, quietly, “…or you may end up at Sarah’s next birthday party, too…”
“I’m thorry, mith.  But….”
“I bet his boyfriend would be interested in this…” mused Sarah, as if to herself.
“No, Sarah…  Thorry, I mean thweet, thweet Sharah…  Pleath don’t…  You wouldn’t, would you…?”
“Try me, Archie.  Kelly’s been begging me to humiliate you so she has a better chance with Patrick.  She’d be so grateful….”
Archie stared at her in dismay.
“Well if he won’t, he won’t,” remarked Megan.
“Wait!  All right, I will.  I will.  But Sarah has to promise…”
“You’d better put on a good show, then,” said Sarah, sniffily.  “It’s very tempting.  It’d be such fun to see Patrick’s reaction…”
“Okay!  I will.  Promise.  Here, I’ll get in there now if you want.”
“Hold on,” said Megan.  “First, Susan has a new pull-up for you to wear.”
“Yes,” smiled Susan.  “And I’m going to put a couple of pink hair clips in – you have such nice hair – and a ribbon or two.  And then I have to tell you exactly what I want you to do.  You’ll be sensational.  And I’m sure you’ll have fun.  There’s so many toys, apart from all the accessories.  The back of the window has a little door.  I’ll be right behind it watching the window CCTV and I’ll tell you exactly what you have to do.  So it’ll be easy-peasy.”

Ten minutes later Archie emerged from behind the counter.  His rubber pants were now twice as pink from the pull-up underneath.  His bootees had been replaced by fluffy pink socks with lacey trims.  On his top all he had now was the little vest, which rode up over his belly-button no matter how many times he tried to pull it down.  Susan had rouged his cheeks a little – “he could be teething,” she’d remarked - and in his hair were two sparkly pink hair-combs and two bunches tied with short pink ribbons.  He wore a large pink pacifier on a pink ribbon around his neck.
“He looks beautiful!” said Megan.  And the girls laughed and jumped up and down with delight.
“Now come this way, Archie,” said Susan.  She led him over to the back of the window, which was solid wood painted white with one little narrow door.
“Everything you need is in there.  Remember to act like a baby at all times.  Don’t lapse, will you.  Be peaceful and busy and contented.  Smile a lot.  And don’t worry.  I’ll tell you exactly what you have to do.  Now then…”
She opened the door, helped him climb up into the window, then closed it and bolted it top and bottom.  She turned and smiled.
“He’s in there now till we decide to let him out.  Girls, you may as well go and watch the fun from outside.
With cries of “yay!  Archie’s a window display!” they headed out of the door.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #81 on: June 17, 2024, 10:46:22 AM »
I just wanted.
To drop a simple note comma and say thank you


  • Super Sissy
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #82 on: June 17, 2024, 11:09:40 AM »
Thanks, gunrunner; though I find no pleasure in recounting what poor Archie's had to endure - nor what humiliations may yet await him...


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: Pink Panties
« Reply #83 on: June 17, 2024, 03:26:50 PM »
billykins, this is such a fun story. I know you must HATE having to describe poor Archie's humiliations... it's the same way I feel having to write about Josh's! 

Keep it up!  :)


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