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Author Topic: His Aunt Nicole  (Read 29863 times)

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  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #105 on: June 14, 2024, 11:57:53 AM »
Chapter 96.

Meanwhile the three party animals were watching Zeta’s video open-mouthed. 
“I can’t believe that’s ‘im!” said Tracey.
“What a great idea,” laughed Cheryl.  “Look at him go when she whacks him with that whip!”
“He’s so sexy,” remarked Danielle.  “I wonder if he’s hung like a pony, too
“Danielle!  You rude
“Just thinkin’
Miss Poole smiled and winked at Diana.  Diana nodded.
“Well now that girl’s gone, maybe we can get back to business.  Maybe you’d like to explain, Clarissa
“Of course, Diana.  MĂ©lisande darling, Bobby got involved in a conversation with that rude girl that’s just left, and he admits to calling you a brat.  Yes, it very bad of him
“I didn’t mean it, Mellie – really I didn’t
“But now he wants to apologise.  After that, if you think it appropriate, you can decide on his punishment.”
“Yes, he deserves to be punished, definitely,” chimed in Zeta.
“I’ll take the clip out so he can do what’s necessary,” said Nicole, rising. She went over to him, slipped it out, and whispered, “If you don’t want more trouble, Bobby, I suggest you get down on your knees and beg her forgiveness.”
Bobby knew it was his best hope of avoiding further repercussions.  He went to where  MĂ©lisande was sitting, legs crossed, and knelt before her.
  Please forgive me.  I was under stress from all those people staring at me.  Phoebe confused me.  I didn’t know what I was saying.  I don’t think you’re a brat, I really don’t.  I’m sorry
MĂ©lisande looked down at him.  Her right leg was flat on the floor, her left resting across her knee.  The toe of her boot was inches from his face.  She couldn’t resist it.  She put the sole against his forehead and gave him a little push, so he fell back sprawling on the floor.  A ripple of laughter went round the table.
“You’re such a bad liar, Bobby.  I bet that’s exactly what you think.  You think just because I’m a kid you’re allowed to call me names behind my back, and make fun of me, right?  Well, look at these” – she held up her phone for him to see and scrolled through the pictures she taken of him earlier – “look at those and tell me what names I could call you?  Ooh, let me think?  Girlie wannabe?  Little latex ladyboy? What name shall I call you when I send these out to all your friends?”
Bobby scrambled back to a kneeling position.  “P-please don’t, Mellie.  I’m sorry
”  He began to sob.  “I’ll do anything for you.  Please don’t show anyone
“Huh.  What a wimp.  Phoebe was right.  What are you?  Well?”
“Yes – I’m a wimp – a pathetic wimp
“That’s right.  And what do we do with wimps?”
He looked up at her.  “What do we
“Yes.  What should I do?”
  I don’t know
“Any suggestions?” laughed Miss Poole, looking around.
“Ride him round the room!” Eleanor called out.
“Give him a good spanking!” cried Zeta.
“Make him pledge eternal loyalty,” said Diana.  Then she had a thought, and added, “and make him kiss your boots like the little boot boy he is!”
That suggestion produced a little round of applause.
“Yes, I like it,” smiled Miss Poole.  “Now, what should he say
There was a few minutes discussion, while they agreed a suitable form of words.  Then Miss Poole sent it out to be typed up, so that Bobby could sign it afterwards and everyone could witness it and it could be a sort of contract that they would keep on file.  He remained on his knees the whole time, MĂ©lisande teasing him by swinging her boot back and forth under his nose, while he looked up at her appealingly, as if begging her to be merciful.  The paper came back, and Miss Poole read it out.
“Ahem.  “In consideration of the kindness shown me by Pitt’s Wood Equestrian Centre and the contribution made to my training and outfits by it and by MĂ©lisande and Clarissa Burlington, for which I shall always be grateful and indebted to them, I hereby willingly pledge eternal loyalty to the said MĂ©lisande Burlington, and request she will protect me from anyone attempting to lead me astray, and I agree to cooperate fully with her training schedule, to follow her instructions, to be obedient and agreeable in all matters, and to accept her as my mistress for so long as it pleases her; and if I transgress in any way I agree that she may take whatever measures she wishes, and apply whatever punishments she chooses, including the distribution of publication of personal photographs, videos, or other records, either to discipline or discredit me.”  Signed, etcetera, witnessed, etcetera.  I think that about covers it.  Thank you Nicole, for your expertise in drafting that.  You seem to have special knowledge of such agreements
Nicole only smiled in reply.
“Now young man
  No, stay on your knees and read this to your mistress, please.  And make sure you mean every word.”
“Yes, Miss Poole.”
“And Zeta?  Perhaps you’d like to video proceedings
“I’d love to, Miss Poole.”
Zeta was never without her video camera.  She took it out of her bag and took up a position on one knee a couple of metres from her subject.
“Ready when you are, Bobby.”
Bobby read it out, looking up into MĂ©lisande’s smug little face the whole time.  Then he signed it, and everyone in the room, including MĂ©lisande, witnessed it.  Then Miss Poole sent it to be filed away, and requested two copies, one for MĂ©lisande and one for Bobby.
“There.  Isn’t that better?  Now you both know exactly where you stand.  Your relationship has been legally formalised.  Are you both happy with that?”
They both nodded – and strange to record, along with a frisson of excitement or nervousness, Bobby did indeed feel a new sense of peace and reassurance.  He finally knew his path, and he had no choice but to follow it wherever it led.  At last he was relieved of doubt and decisions; all he had to do from now on was - what he was told.


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #106 on: June 15, 2024, 08:22:10 AM »
Chapter 97.

Zeta had vacated her seat on the left end of the table to do the filming, but the rest of the guests remained seated and attentive.  Reading from left to right, Magda, Nicole, Clarissa, Polly, Eleanor, Violet Poole, Diana Murchison, Tracey, Danielle and Cheryl.   MĂ©lisande wasted no time in testing Bobby’s pledge. She put both feet on the ground, and put down her hat.   
“Now you have to kiss my boots, boy,” she said, tapping his cheek gently with the flap of her whip, “to show your loyalty and respect.”
“He was right, though,” whispered Polly to Eleanor, “she is a brat, and a precocious one at that!”
“I know – imagine how galling it must be for him to endure that posh, superior tone of hers.”
“Absolutely!  And now he’s virtually her slave, poor thing
  Though it’s somehow gratifying to see a big strapping guy like that in thrall to a such a little girl
“Oh, quite.  Yes, very satisfying.  And from what I hear of the stuff they have, there’s no escape for him either!”
And they both giggled with delight.
Zeta adjusted her position slightly and sat cross-legged, supporting her elbows on her knees.  Bobby took a deep breath, hesitated momentarily, then leant forward.  Before he might have prevaricated, but now he had finally gone ‘all in’ and there could be no excuse, no backing out, no reason to delay.  It was as if he had suddenly entered a new phase in his life.  And to tell the truth, the feeling of total submissiveness, of giving in entirely to another’s will, was making him tingle with excitement.  MĂ©lisande’s boots had recently been cleaned and polished.  He breathed in the heady scent of rubber and rubber polish.  His head swam.  He lowered his face, pigtails dangling, allowing the smooth sides to brush his cheek, and pressed his lips first to her right, and then to her left foot.  The scent and the coolness of the rubber made him shiver, and he became aware the little restraining harness down in his leotard was beginning to tighten. He had to stay in control, but glossy rubber boots were like an irresistible drug to him.  He was on all fours now, like an animal begging attention, planting soft, lingering kisses all over his mistress’s boots, making her smile with pleasure, and delight in her power.  Phoebe was forgotten, for the time being at least.  He looked up, seeking her approval.
“Don’t stop.  Show me what a good boy you are.  Take your time
“Yes, miss Mellie
“Back to work, then.”
He resumed, burying his face between them.  Zeta moved around and zoomed in and out, covering every angle.  Bobby’s eyes were closed in ecstasy.  MĂ©lisande lifted one foot.
“Don’t forget the soles, will you?”  She sighed, as if to say, “do I have to explain everything to you?”, and added, in a tone which could easily have been her mother’s, “I think you’d better lick them clean or we’ll be here all day.”
He licked eagerly, first the soles and then the heels, oblivious of the flecks of mud adhering to them; it felt like a privilege.  He thrust his tongue into the groves where the soles were welded to the uppers.  MĂ©lisande was wearing her usual steel spurs, and he made sure to pay attention to the leather straps and buckles, even though it made his tongue a little sore. The guests watched fascinated.  The two maids looked gobsmacked.  Even Nicole was surprised. 
“I can’t believe what I’m seeing,” she whispered to Magda. 
“He’s like a little puppy, desperate to be noticed.” she replied.  “It’s so sweet!”
“I think I’ll have to get him a doggy suit too,” mused Nicole, “and let her take him for walkies.”
“I can just see him on a lead,” laughed Magda, “straining to get at all the ladies’ boots!”

MĂ©lisande stood up, turned around to face the chair, and leant forward a little, so he could attend to the backs.  She turned her head and looked down at him, an amused and satisfied smile on her face.  At last he knew his place, and she was in total control.
“Carry on, Bobby.  Lick them all over till they’re nice and clean.  Then I’m going to whip you for calling me a brat.”
“Yes, miss Mellie.”
Bobby started on the backs of her boots.  First cleaned her spurs.  The little blunt shanks had also picked up some mud from the path, so he suc-ked it off and cleaned the arms.  Then he ran his tongue up the length of her boots from the heels to the tops, working in strips so he didn’t miss an inch.  MĂ©lisande looked over at her mother and mouthed “Yay!”  Clarissa smiled back, and shook her head slowly, hardly able to credit the change in Bobby.

When MĂ©lisande was satisfied, she ordered him to stand up.  He jumped to attention – a little to briskly, maybe, because as he did so, he felt his semi-tumescent boyhood thrust through the upper ring of its harness, which drew back the foreskin and gripped it firmly behind the glans, making him gasp with surprise.  He knew he was in trouble.  Looking as innocent as he could, he stood with his mitts together in front of him, concealing his growing erection.  Fortunately no-one was yet aware of his predicament, and at that moment the door opened and the receptionist called MĂ©lisande.
“Miss?  Your horse in ready by the stables
“Oh, thank you.  I’ll be right there.”
She turned to Bobby.
“I’m afraid I have to punish you for bad-mouthing me,” she said, assuming what she took to be a severe, grown-up tone.  “It was very naughty.”
“I’m sorry, miss.  It’ll never happen again.”
“It had better not.  Now, let me see
“Darling, why don’t you make him bend over our table, suggested Clarissa.  “Then we can hold his arms so he doesn’t move.”
“Thank you, mummy.”
“Good idea, Clarissa,” said Diana.  “Here – come here, boy.  We’ll hold you nice and tight, won’t we, ladies?” 
Keeping his hands in front of him till the last moment, Bobby stepped over to the table and leant forward.  Diana grabbed one hand, Polly and Eleanor the other, and pulled him till his heels were off the ground and his erection was pressed against the hard surface.  His eyes watered.  He felt the back of his leotard ride up, exposing the tender flesh of his upper thighs and the lower parts of his buttocks.  Zeta was dodging about excitedly looking for the best vantage point. 
“Mummy?  Er
how many
“I think six would be fair,” said Clarissa, calmly.  “What do you think, Violet?”
“I agree.  Three each side, MĂ©lisande.  Maybe try to avoid the marked areas.”
Zeta looked slightly disappointed, but her smile returned when Diana chipped in,
and don’t spare the rod, Mellie

Since the red marks from pony training were mostly on the outsides of his thighs, MĂ©lisande was obliged to focus more on his rear.  Bobby’s stockings came up quite high - the gap between the frilled tops and the frilled legs of his leotard was no more than five or six inches – so her target would be the tops of his thighs and the exposed parts of his butt cheeks.  She would need to administer three strokes each side.  She decided it was only fair to lay them on alternately – three strokes in one spot immediately on top of each other might be too much even for him.  So to avoid being impeded by his little curly tail, she would need to change sides after each stroke.  Bobby recalled how much the strokes of that heavy whip hurt had  hurt him even through his thick rubber pony suit.  His erection was already shrinking at the thought of them landing on his bare flesh!     He tried to be brave, and resolved to stay as still and silent as he could during his punishment.  It was only six strokes, he told himself; it would soon be over.  Nevertheless he was trembling as  MĂ©lisande to up her position on his left and tested her whip in the air


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #107 on: June 15, 2024, 11:47:09 AM »
Chapter 98.

MĂ©lisande positioned herself on his left, and held her whip in her right hand.  The atmosphere was electric.  Zeta was filming from the right, at forty-five degrees to the edge of the long table.  MĂ©lisande aimed for the crease between thigh and buttock.  The whip made a whooshing noise as it cut through the air.  The ridged flap landed right on target with a crack that made everyone jump.  A split second’s silence, then

“Aaahhh! AaaaahhhhhHooooo
..”  Bobby shrieked and wailed, shuddering and twisting with pain.  His feet came off the ground and bent back, as if trying to protect his rear.  The ladies hung on grimly, determined he should not break free.  He lapsed into choking sobs, tears running down his cheeks.  Zeta watched fascinated as the point of impact turned from white to a livid red, in the exact shape of the flap, ridges and all.
“That’s so cool
MĂ©lisande had already moved to Bobby’s right, and changed hands.  Bobby was whimpering and kicking his legs now, but as an experienced rider she had learnt never to be distracted by ponies playing up; and as to whip control, she was totally ambidextrous - so the second blow proved no less effective than the first.  Bobby’s avowed self-control was forgotten; he was openly squirming, and blubbering like a three-year-old. 
MĂ©lisande showed no emotion.  She had booked a new horse to ride, one with a bit of a reputation, and she was already thinking tactics.  This diversion had been unexpected, but it had turned out to be a bonus, consolidating her position as Bobby’s mistress.  His behaviour in front of a dozen witnesses had proved to her satisfaction that his obedience was now assured.  That was all that mattered.  She had no salacious or sadistic interest in his suffering; but she understood it was important to maintain her authority and that he had to be taught to obey the rules.  The ladies at the table were somewhat in awe of her coolness and self-discipline.  Miss Poole in particular saw the same professionalism in her dealings with Bobby as she had in her equestrian abilities.

So she laid on the last four strokes with the same calm disinterested assurance as the first two – and with the same accuracy, until poor Bobby was howling and dancing to such a degree the ladies could hardly hold onto him, and Magda had to come and help, by holding onto his little pigtails.  Nicole, watching, winced at the thought of two more smacks right on top of that first patch of wounded, reddened flesh.
“The poor thing,” she thought.  “I hope he never has to experience this again.  Somehow I think he will have learned his lesson.  From a little kid, too.  I never imagined, when I bought him his first boot boy uniform, that he would end up with such a young mistress.  I expected Sarah or Lavinia or one of our friends
  I think I’ll have to convene a meeting of Ladies in Boots and bring them up to speed.  Also I’m going to make better friends with Clarissa.  I’m sure she’d like to join our club.  She seems up for pretty much anything.  She loved his latest uniform.  Kept going on about it.  Yes, that’s a good idea.  Then we can share all the latest news and gossip, and think up some new adventures for him.  Maybe Magda, too
  Look at her
  I’m so jealous of those red boots
  And what’s with that teenager who follows her around?  Are they in a relationship?  Yeah, not much doubt about that.  But she’s cool
  I can just see her downstairs
Her train of thought was interrupted by MĂ©lisande, who, having completed the punishment, was getting ready to leave.  She picked up her riding hat, and ran over to her mother.
“So mummy, remember I’m going straight Leanne’s  this evening after riding.  Her mummy says she’ll drop me off later – probably about nine.”
“Okay dear – here, give me a kiss.  Well done.  Don’t worry about Bobby, he’s fine now.  I’ll look after him.”
Bobby was at this point kneeling on the floor sobbing.  But at least he no longer had an erection.
“Okay!” she said, brightly.  “Bobby?  See you soon.  Mummy’s going to put some nice cold cream on your bum to make it feel better.  Be a good boy, won’t you?”
“Y-yes, miss Mellie
And she skipped gaily out of the room.


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #108 on: July 15, 2024, 06:01:38 AM »
Chapter 99

It was time for lunch, and while the maids began to bring in the starters, Clarissa fetched a tub of cold cream and a pir of surgical gloves from the office.  When she returned Bobby was still kneeling in front of the table, cheeks stained with tears – so she helped him up and led him over to the chair recently occupied by her daughter. 
“Here, darling.  Lean on the back
legs slightly apart
that’s it.  This will make it feel better.”
She pulled on the gloves, scooped out a little cream with two fingers, and applied it as gently as possible to the livid striated marks of the crop flap.   He winced at first, but the touch of her fingers was so light he soon began to relax.  She stood to his left, between he and the ladies at the table, working with her right hand on his left upper thigh where it met his buttock.  She ran a her fingers along the crease, across the inflamed area, and back again, then repeated the action.  She was smiling.
“It’ll soon stop stinging, Bobby.  Stand still, please.  I’ve nearly finished.”
“She hits so hard, Mrs Burlington
“I know.  She doesn’t do things by halves.  But you really shouldn’t have called her a brat.  She hates that word.  She works really hard, you know.”
  I know
“So we’ll be seeing a lot more of you soon, after the exams.  Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.  Your aunt’s going to explain everything about your pony suit, and what I need to do
Bobby twisted his head round.  “Mrs Burlington!  You have to be in charge of that, okay?  Not MĂ©lisande, right?”
“Don’t worry, Bobby.  Of course I will.”  And she added, with a wink, “It’ll be a pleasure

Meanwhile the maids had been serving more drinks.  Miss Poole beckoned to Kaiya, and indicated she had something private to communicate.  Kaiya bent down with her ear next to Miss Poole’s lips.
“I told you he’d be wearing a sissy outfit, didn’t I?  Do you like it?”
“It’s gorgeous, Miss Poole.  It suits him as well.”
“He’s actually quite shy and self-conscious.  That’s why it’s such fun to dress him up like that.  But there’s still plenty of scope for embarrassing him further, if you get my meaning.  You and Babs can do whatever you like with him.  The guests will appreciate the entertainment.  Okay?”
“Yes, Miss Poole,” said Kaiya enthusiastically.  “We’ll do our best.”
“Good girl.”
And she hurried over to her friend, held her by the arm, and began to whisper excitedly in her ear.  Barbara listened attentively, a slight frown on her face.  Then she glanced at Miss Poole, who returned a slow nod, and the frown transformed into a broad grin.

Miss Poole turned to her right.  “Nicole?  Could we have those mitts off Bobby?  The maids can’t do everything.  Why don’t they serve the food, and he can be the wine waiter?”
“Of course, Violet.  Bobby?  Here please.”
She removed his mitts and replaced them with a pair of frilled pink rubber gloves from the accessories in her bag.
“There.  Now go to the kitchen and bring us a bottle of white.”
“Yes, auntie.”
Meanwhile the maids were making plans.  They had served the first course, and when Bobby had served the wine, and left two extra bottles in ice-buckets on the table, they decided to tease him a little.  They beckoned him to follow them, and cornered him in an ante-room.
“Bobby?” began Barbara, with an arch smile, “can I ask you something?”
“Yeah?  What?” he said, suspiciously.
“Well, to be honest
we’re a bit jealous.  Where did you get that outfit?”  She ran her hand down his side and over his hip.  “I’ve never seen anything quite like it
and it fits you like a glove
almost like it was made for you
There was a mischievous gleam in her eye.  He knew he was being wound up – or was about to be.
“Haha.  Very funny.  You know I was made to wear it, just as you were made to wear your outfits.”
“Not true!” cried Kaiya.  “We were given a choice, actually.  But we didn’t want to be Bunnies, or super heroines, or
  I can’t even remember.  But dressing up as maids is okay.  Quite fun, even.  But yours
  I mean, wow, it’s off the scale, right?  And your hair
and the makeup
fantastic!  Do any of your mates know you wear this sort of stuff?  And latex, too.  I mean, don’t get me wrong.  I love it.  It’s so
And she broke into peals of laughter.
Bobby sighed.  “Look
“Can we feel?” interrupted Barbara.  “You don’t mind, do you?” she added, walking round him and running a hand down his back, while Kaiya ran a finger back and forth in the leg frilling, making it rustle.
“Well as a matter of fact, I’d rather
But he was interrupted by Barbara’s gasp.  “Kaiya!  Come and look at this!  Look!  See?  That’s where that little girl his him!  Bobby!  That must have really hurt!”
“It still hurts.  Please don’t touch it.”  He backed himself against the wall.  The girls confronted him.
“No, no we won’t,” said Barbara.  “But
  Why did you
  I mean, why did she do that?  And why did you let her?  Who is she, anyway?”
“It’s a long story
“And why did you kneel down and lick her boots like that?” asked Kaiya, frowning.  “And agree she’d be your mistress and everything?  That’s weird.  Are you some sort of
“I’m not some sort of anything, all right?  I don’t have any choice, see?”
I’m sorry,” she said, contritely.  “I didn’t mean to imply
The girls knew just how to manipulate him.  They were both desperate to get the whole story, and seeing how everyone treated him as a servant, they’d calculated he might be susceptible to sympathy.  They were right.  Particularly after Phoebe’s exit he was desperate for friends, and if they were female and pretty, all the better. 
“If I tell you, you must keep it a total secret, yeah?  Do you promise?”
The girls nodded vigorously, assuming the most serious and trustworthy expressions they could muster up.
“Okay.  See my aunt
that’s Nicole, the one sitting third from the end, between Magda – red boots – and Clarissa Burlington.  Mrs Burlington’s the mother of that girl – MĂ©lisande, usually called Mellie.  Nicole’s my main official guardian, and she basically decides what I can and can’t do.  For various reasons
“Various reasons
“Yeah.  Various reasons.  For various reasons I have to do what she tells me.  Exactly what she tells me.  Or
  Never mind.  The latest thing is, she and Miss Poole got together and dreamt up this plan, right?  Me and that girl would help advertise the Centre.  My aunt got me a pony suit.  When I’ve got it on I can’t do anything except be like a pony.  Now Mellie’s training me to be a dressage pony for the big show in October, and Miss Poole’s gonna to make a big thing of it, and we’re gonna feature on posters and stuff, and
“Wait a minute,” interrupted Barbara.  “She’s training you
“She rides me
and if I make a mistake, or go too slow, I get hit with that whip
  Now do you see?”


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #109 on: July 15, 2024, 06:12:47 AM »
Chapter 100

The maids were both staring at him, gobsmacked.
“Yeah.  It’s difficult to believe, right?  Do you think I would let her if I didn’t have to?  I’m telling you
“She rides you?  Like
on your back?”
“Yes.  But you mustn’t ever tell anyone.  I wear a special hood, so no-one knows who I am, see?  But then in the summer they want me to be the Pitt’s Wood boot boy, and clean all the ladies’ boots, and wear a special uniform

“This uniform?” asked Kaiya, wide-eyed.
“No, I hope not, more like little latex hot pants, as if that wasn’t bad enough, and then everyone will find out about it, my mates from school and everyone, an’ I don’t know what I’ll do
Barbara and Kaiya looked at each other, and with an effort, suppressed their delight.  Kaiya still looked doubtful.
“Are you telling us the truth
“Yes!  Why would I lie about something like that?  I wish it weren’t
“You poor thing,” said Barbara, with assumed sympathy.  “It must be so
humiliating!  If your friends found out
“I’d be finished.”
“Yes, you would,” said Kaiya, failing to conceal a slight tone of excitement, quickly adding, “but if you’re careful they may never do so.  Don’t worry.  We’ll help you, won’t we Babs?”
“Of course.  We’ll protect you.  We can talk to that girl
“Yes, Mellie.  We can talk to her and explain she needs to keep everything a secret.  She’s too young to understand, right Kaiya?”
“Sure.  We have a way of getting round people.  We can make ourselves useful to her mum, too
“And Miss Poole.  She really likes us.”
“And even your aunt, maybe.  She was asking all about us while we were serving her.  She said how much she loved our outfits, and that she might have the occasional job for us.”
“She said that?”
“Yes.  See? We’re already on the case.  So don’t worry, Bobby.  We’re going to be your friends and we’re going to look after you.”
“You will?  That’s
that’s really kind of you
thank you
“Here,” said Kaiya.  “Give us a hug
The girls put their arms around him and hugged him.  In his heels he was a head taller than them, and they nestled their faces against his neck.  Then Kaiya gave him a kiss – a soft and lingering kiss, just below his left ear, and Babs did the same, then nibbled at his earlobe, all the while cuddling up to him.  They smelled warm and sweet and scented, and he could feel their breasts pressing against him, and before he knew it he felt the pressure growing down in his leotard.  It was impossible to break away, so all he could do was to bite his lip and hope for the best.  But alas!  His body’s natural instincts were more powerful than his will, and before he could stop it, his flaccid member, stimulated by the attention, had begun to fill and stiffen, sliding upwards against his slippery tummy, the head pushing impatiently against the upper loop of the harness. 
“I-I’d better go check if the ladies need more wine
“You’re such a nice guy, Bobby
so thoughtful
” murmured Kaiya in his burning ear, hugging him even harder the while.
“Yes,” agreed Barbara, digging her nails gently into his ribs.  “You’re the best
That was the last straw.  He felt the head slip through and the loop tighten like a noose around the shaft.  In a few seconds it had hardened and he could feel it pressing against his tummy, and the slight tightening of the stretched latex.  Kaiya jumped back.
“Ooh!  What’s that?  Bobby!”  She stared innocently at the bulge in his now taut leotard.  “Oops!  Did we do that?  Babs, look what you’ve done!”
“Me?  It was you, Kaiya.  You know you have that effect on boys.  Really!  You can be such a slut at times!”
“How dare you!  Look at it!” 
The latex had moulded itself to the shape of the glans.  The cleft was clearly visible.  Kaiya poked it gently with the tip of a nail, making Bobby flinch.  “That’s down to you!  You stuck your claws into his ribs – I saw you!”
“Whatever.  Anyway, what’s done is done.  Bobby’s right – he’d better go check if they need more wine.  They drink so fast, don’t they?”
“No way!  I-I can’t
“Don’t be silly.  You have to.  Don’t worry, they won’t notice.  They’re already half drunk.”
“No.  I have to
”  He thought quickly.  “I know, I’ll get a napkin, and put it over my arm
“Clever!  I’ll get you one.”  Babs disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Bobby biting his lip and trying to think anti-erotic thoughts, while Kaiya looked thoughtfully at his from his erection to his face, and back again.
“It is quite impressive, I have to admit, Bobby.  You look so sweet and innocent, and then
Barbara was back. 
“Here.  Put this over your left arm
that’s it.  And here’s the wine
  Okay.  Let’s go
They shepherded him back to the table, where there was a hubbub of conversation.
“Wine waiter’s here,” announced Kaiya.
“About time,” remarked Miss Poole.  “Diana’s glass is empty.  Attend to her first.”
“Yes, miss.”
Bobby filled Diana’s glass, and four others.  But there were still empty glasses.
“I’ll go and get another bottle, miss.”
He returned a minute later, and worked his way along the table.  Kaiya and Barbara stood to one side.  He came to Zeta.  She was leaning across Magda, in animated conversation with Nicole.  As he went to fill her glass, she reached for it without looking, with the result he poured wine onto the table, some of which trickled over the edge onto Magda’s leg.
“Oh!  Quick
She pushed back her chair, reached out, snatched the napkin from Bobby’s arm, and began to dab at her wet fishnets.  Bobby, panicking, went to turn away – but Zeta had already spotted what he had been trying to hide.  Her mouth fell open, and her eyes lit up.
“Oh my god!  Look at that!”  She pointed at his taut leotard.
He had turned sideways, and his cheeks had turned scarlet.  All eyes turned towards him.
“Turn round!” screamed Zeta.  She stood up, grabbed his left arm, and pulled him round to face the table.  She grinned delightedly at the row of surprised faces.
“Bobby!  Really!” cried Miss Poole, feigning indignation.
Tracey emitted a little scream of delight.  Danielle’s eyes looked as if they were going to fall out of their sockets.  Clarissa snorted loudly, then covered her mouth.  Nicole smiled quietly.  Magda, the closest to the spectacle, stopped dabbing and simply stared


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #110 on: July 15, 2024, 11:38:42 AM »
Chapter 101.

Eleanor placed a hand on Miss Poole’s arm.
“Violet, dear, please don’t scold him.  He’s a vigorous young man, and it’s quite natural.  No doubt our two mischievous maids have something to do with it
Miss Poole winked.  “That’s true, Eleanor.  But I wouldn’t like Diana’s guests to be put off their lunch
“No chance, darlin’,” spluttered Danielle, with a strident laugh, “just reminds me ‘ow much I like a nice fat sausage in me mouth
“I find it rather attractive,” remarked Polly, politely.  “Let’s make the most of it while it lasts.”
“Knowing my nephew, it’ll last quite a while,” added Nicole, obliquely.  “Bobby, please carry on.  And we’re going to need another bottle very soon.”
“Yes, aunt
His cheeks were still burning.  He refilled Zeta’s glass, while she took a few close-ups, then headed out to the kitchen..
“Talking of which,” she went on, turning to Magda and then Clarissa, “my friends and I wanted to ask you whether you’d be interested in our little club.”
“Your club?”
“Yes, Clarissa.  ‘Ladies in Boots’ we call ourselves.  Bobby is our main project at the moment.  The pony training is only the beginning.  We have the Centre’s boot boy service to organise, and we can always use new suggestions.”
“I’d love to join,” said Magda.  “Would Zeta be included?”
“Of course.  Her photography skills would be a great asset.”
“And me,” said Clarissa.  “Especially as I’m going to be his groom shortly.  I’m really looking forward to learning the ropes
“Great.  Let’s organise a get-together soon.  Bobby’s going to be out of the picture for a few weeks while he's doing his exams, so we can plan at our leisure.  If you have any ideas, bring them along.”
Barbara stepped forward.
“Yes, Barbara?”
“Would we be able to help in anyway?”  She looked around to check Bobby was still in the kitchen.  “Bobby told us quite a bit about what’s going on.  He’s worried about his friends finding out.  Maybe we could help to reassure him.”
“Yes,” added Kaiya.  “And we’ve been talking and already had some ideas.”
“Oh?  Such as?”
“For one thing we were thinking that instead of him working from the Centre all the time he could travel to his customers and attend to them at home.  That would help to keep it secret.”
“Or he could wear a mask
“They’re good ideas,” said Nicole, appreciatively. 
“They’re clever girls,” said Miss Poole.  “I picked them myself.”
“And we also thought it would be fun to use him as a surprise birthday present,” said Kaiya, eagerly.  “You know, dress him up in whatever role he was going to play, package him up and deliver him to the lady whose birthday it is.  It would be a unique present, and you could charge the person giving it quite a bit for the service.”
“That’s a brilliant idea,” said Magda.  “Don’t you think, Violet?  Let’s get the girls in on this.  And I thought they were just pretty faces
“Shh!  He’s coming back,” hissed Clarissa.  She giggled, and lowered her voice.  “Look how it slides about as he walks
“Ah, Bobby,” smiled Nicole.  “I think Miss Poole’s glass is empty
  If you wouldn’t mind


  • Ultimate Sissy
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  • Posts: 198
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #111 on: July 16, 2024, 01:20:44 PM »
Chapter 102.

The ladies enjoyed that afternoon.  The more they drank the more Bobby had to wobble about on his heels serving them, and sashay back and forth with the bottles, and the more entertainment he provided.  And the more they drank the more hysterical and demanding they became.  All except Zeta, who was flitting about, having decided to dedicate herself to recording proceedings, and especially any outrageous behaviour that may ensue. 
“Bobby, darlin’?” called Tracey.  “This coc-ktail
” – she burst into raucous laughter – “this coc-k-tail
  It needs more syrup.  It ain’t syrupy enough, see?  Go get the syrup, sweetie
And when he returned with the syrup

“Squeeze it for me, would yer
?  And the syrup!  And the syrup!”
And she was seized with a fit of giggling that threatened to choke her.
Then they insisted he come round the back of the table to pour their drinks, so that they could take full advantage of the fact that his heels elevated the bulge in his leotard to head level.  Even Miss Poole, for all her pretended purity of mind, contrived to narrow the gap between herself and Eleanor so that he had to push sideways in between them, hands trembling, to pour her wine, bringing his erection within inches of her right cheek.
“Gosh, it’s warm in here,” she smiled, fanning herself with the menu card, while putting her arm round Bobby’s thighs and holding him close.  “Don’t you think so, Bobby?”
She turned and looked up at him, emitting a gasp of feigned surprise at the proximity of his straining member.
“Goodness!  Now I see where all that heat is coming from!” she cried, inhaling the scent of the warm latex.  “My personal radiator!”  And to the screams of her friends, she actually closed her eyes and pressed her cheek against it, ignoring the clicking of Zeta’s phone.
“That has to be one for the website,” murmured Magda to Nicole, with a grin.  “Imagine
But Danielle was not going to be outdone by the likes of Miss Poole.
“Bobby?  Come here, darlin’.  I need a refill
  I’ll show her how it’s done, Trace,” she added in an undertone.  “You hold him for me, okay?”
Tracey grinned and nodded.  She had seen the things Danielle could do at parties, and she knew she was up for anything.
Happy to escape from Miss Poole, he pushed between Tracey and Danielle, and emptied the last of the bottle into Danielle’s glass.
“I’m afraid there’s not much left in the bottle, miss
  I’ll go and get some more right away.”
“Don’t worry.  Leave the bottle.  Go on.”
He put the bottle down.  Immediately Tracey grabbed his wrists and pulled them behind his back.  He twisted and turned, but on those heels he dared not struggle too vigorously.
why are you
Danielle contemplated the bulge with satisfaction.  She curled her fingers around the backs of his thighs.
“Let’s give it some air
She took the zip pull between her teeth and slid it slowly down.
“No!  Miss
Too late!  She had only pulled it half way when Bobby’s swollen, straining coc-k settled the matter, bursting jubilantly from its confinement, smacking Danielle smartly on the cheek, and spattering her face with warm juice!
Cheryl, sitting behind Danielle, squealed like a schoolgirl, while Diana and Miss Poole’s two friends rose to their feet to get a better view. 
Danielle was forced to draw back slightly to accommodate Bobby’s twitching boyhood.  She contemplated it with satisfied anticipation as a bead of clear fluid oozed from the tip and descended slowly on a string until it landed on her bosom.  She exhaled slowly, and licked her lips.  It wasn’t only Bobby’s hands that were trembling now – his whole body was shaking with trepidation.  Danielle did her best to reassure him.  Her tone was no longer coarse and jokey, but serene and even motherly.
“It’s all right, Bobby
  Calm down, there’s a good boy.  Danielle knows what she’s doing.  It’s not good for you to go around in this state all day long, keeping it all bottled up like that.  Now just relax and let me relieve the pressure a little.”  She ran a finger along it.  “I like its cute little harness.  But that won’t stop it misbehaving, you know
Bobby, relieved that at last he seemed to have found a sympathiser instead of just another tease, someone who might understand his problems, forgot for a moment about the situation and the audience, and just let it all out.
“I know!  I can’t help it!  It’s not fair!  Everyone expects me to show amazing self-control, but when I have to wear these super sexy clothes, I get all
you know
“Of course you do, darling.  A boy of your age, in tight latex?  It’s asking a lot.” 
“It’s true!  And how am I going to cope when I have to be a boot boy?  It’ll be even worse then.”
“Worse?  Why?”
“I, er
oh, well, you see
“Ah.  I think I understand.  You actually appreciate ladies in boots, is that it?  I sort of got that idea from what I saw earlier
“Ah.  Yes, well, sort of
I guess
“But that’s perfect, don’t you see?  That’s what they all want!  A boy who appreciates their footwear.  Isn’t that right, Magda?”
“Absolutely, Danielle.  One of the reasons I like Bobby so much is that he respects my choice of boots.  I’m sure his customers will be value his taste and expertise.  And if he shows it in the way he’s showing his excitement today, all the better.”
Bobby frowned.  “So you’re saying
“Look Bobby, women like a physical response.  They know then your attraction isn’t assumed.  If they’re looking for a relationship they want to feel your heart beat faster.  If they’re looking for a dedicated boot boy, they might also want that, of course, but if you also respond to their boots with physical arousal, then they can be sure they have a devoted acolyte, who will serve them faithfully.  And if on top of that you can do a good job
“I can, miss!  I’ve been well-trained, and I always do my best!  Don’t I, auntie?”
“You certainly do, Bobby.  And you’re very good at it.  You’ll go to the very top.”
“See, miss Danielle?”
“Then you’ll have a lot of satisfied customers.  And I’m sure your aunt and her friends will make sure you have the cutest outfits to wear
“I hope so
  I mean, I know I was complaining, but I really do love cleaning ladies’ boots
“Ah, your such a sweet boy, Bobby
  Now, I think it’s time to reward you for all your hard work today
  Agreed, ladies?”
There was a chorus of approval.


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