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Author Topic: His Aunt Nicole  (Read 30720 times)

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  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #91 on: May 15, 2024, 10:53:34 AM »
Chapter 82.

Clarissa had changed into a miniskirt, black stockings, and high-heeled thigh boots.  She had worn them that day MĂ©lisande had first sat on Bobby’s back.  They looked expensive, and they were.  They were made of the finest kid leather, so soft that it actually stretched a little as they were zipped up at the back.  She took her seat on the sofa beside her daughter.
“We’re ready, Bobby!” cried MĂ©lisande. “You may enter.”
No response.  “We’re ready
  Don’t be shy
He entered assuming as well as he could a casual expression – though Clarissa could see in his flushed cheeks and trembling lip that he was feeling far from relaxed – and immediately understood why.  His uniform was nothing like she had expected.  Her mouth fell open, her eyes widened – but to her credit, before he could notice, she translated her appearance into one of delighted surprise.  As he performed a slightly clumsy rotation, she leant forward and clapped her hands. 
“Next on the catwalk, “Bobby Tucker!  Go, Bobby!”
MĂ©lisande stole a sidelong glance at her mother, noted her surprise, and smiled with satisfaction.  Now she was in on his secret too.
“Walk up and down a few times more, Bobby.  Go on.  And come closer.  My mum wants to see everything.”
But Clarissa could already see everything.  Cynthia had made his pants from a new type of latex, fine and light but also strong, and resistant to snagging.  It could be relied upon not to split or tear, even when  stretched to the limit.  She tried to appear unflustered, but couldn’t help staring at the vision of this great big boy in such a juvenile outfit.  “Surely he’s not going to wear that for work,” she said to herself.  “He’ll cause a sensation
But she was getting the picture.  She could see he was possessed by a deep-seated deference towards women, almost an adoration, that gave them tremendous power over him – a power that his aunt and her friends had been unable to ignore.  They had succ-umbed to the temptation to exploit that power, and once they had taken that path one thing led to another, and
and here he was.  A boot boy, a little rubber-clad pony that even her daughter could control with ease
and goodness knows what else.  She sighed.  How could she criticise them?   She too found him fascinating - cuteness personified.  She casually picked up her phone and took a few snaps.  Well, why shouldn’t she?  If he liked showing off so much, then she should entertain his vanity. She found herself looking forward to having him at her feet attending to her boots.
“Now put on your jacket.  See, mummy, his jacket’s made of latex too.  It suits him, doesn’t it?”
“It looks perfect on him
The little jacket came down just to his hips.  Bobby was fumbling with the drawstring.
“Come here - I’ll do it for you,” said Clarissa.
He came over and stood in front of her.  She took a deep breath, and, doing her best to ignore the flattened bulge lying in the yellow compartment of his pants, she tied the drawstring in a bow, the acorn pulls hanging down in front.  She sent him back onto the catwalk and exhaled with relief.  He started parading up and down again, but to his distress he found that, at each step, the rubber pulls, which were hanging level with his crotch, bounced against the front of his pants.  It was as if they were insistently tapping at his flaccid coc-k, gently encouraging it to wake up.  He actually imagined for a moment that Cynthia must have cut the drawstring to a calculated length, to produce just such an effect!
Feeling an increasing tightness in his pants, he stopped.  “I-I should probably attend to your mum’s boots
“In a minute.  Mummy wants a video, and so do I.  Keep walking, please.”
It was his worst public humiliation nightmare playing itself out.  He could feel his coc-k slowly swelling and lengthening under the regular kiss of the rubber pulls.  Though his jacket prevented him from seeing it, his unruly member was inching sideways under the taut yellow latex, across the top of his left thigh, as if seeking the little “B” logo in its blue heart.  He was beginning to panic.  “No
  Not in front of Mrs Burlington!  Whatever will she think of me?”
Fortunately MĂ©lisande hadn’t noticed his discomfort, being more interested in her mother’s reaction to Bobby’s embarrassment.  But Clarissa could see exactly what was going on, and knew that, with her innocent daughter sitting next to her, she needed to take immediate action.  Just as Bobby was contemplating a rush to the door, on the excuse he needed the toilet, she intervened – though strangely she kept filming.
“Bobby, I think that’s enough.  Yes, please come and show me your expertise now.  Mellie darling?  Could you fetch my cleaning kit from the laundry room, please?”
“Yes mummy!”  And she dashed out.
Bobby, with a sigh of relief, turned towards Clarissa and was about to sink to his knees when she stopped him.  She was still holding her phone in her lap, pointed at him.  But of course she wouldn’t still have been filming

“Just a minute, Bobby.  Better take off your jacket first.”
In his delight at his reprieve he quite forgot about his tumescent state.  “Oh, yes, of course.”
He stood before her, fumbling with the drawstrings again, got them tangled, finally separated them, and pulled down the zip, which then got stuck at the bottom.  Wearing latex gloves wasn’t the ideal aid to fine motor skills!
“Do you need some help?” said Clarissa, in an offhand tone, staring roughly in the direction of the zip-pull and making to move to offer any.
“No, thank you, Mrs Burlington.  I have to learn to do this myself.”
you should
” she murmured, distractedly, registering that the head of his pen-is had now actually attained its goal and reached the blue heart.  She took a deep breath, and checked her phone to make sure it was still recording.
“Got it, mummy!”
With a sudden burst of energy, Clarissa rose, put her hands on Bobby’s shoulders, and brought him to his knees.
“There, Bobby.  Time to do my boots.  Here, I’ll do that for you.”  She undid the zip.  “Mellie darling?  Just put that down here.  Could you stand behind Bobby and help him off with his jacket, there’s a dear?  That’s it.  Thank you
  Oh, and get me a drink of water, would you?  There’s a good girl
She unzipped the little fabric case  MĂ©lisande had brought her, pulled out a large red duster, and spread it over Bobby’s knees, effectively hiding his erection.  She tucked it into the top of his pants to keep it in place.
“There. Now all you’ll need is this soft brush, this leather dressing, and a soft cloth for polishing.  Mellie tells me you were trained by your aunt
  Oh, thank you, dear.  Sit down.  Bobby’s about to demonstrate his boot-cleaning skills.”
She took a sip of water, put the glass on the side table, and smiled encouragingly.
“Yes, Mrs Burlington.  She has lots and lots of boots
“She has some beautiful ones, and I keep them all nice and shiny for her.  Leather ones, and lovely  soft rubber ones, and
“You sound quite enthusiastic
“Oh, well
you know
”  He flushed.  He had rather given himself away.
Clarissa looked at him with interest.  He certainly did love boots, no doubt about that.  So if he wanted to indulge his passion, then it was only right he should be appropriately dressed.  And what could be more appropriate than a lovely little rubber outfit like this?  An unattached boy of that age needed to find an outlet for his pent-up energies somehow, and this pursuit seemed to offer it, while also providing a little harmless amusement for his friends


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #92 on: May 15, 2024, 11:41:28 AM »
Chapter 83.

“So how would you like to do this?”
He was kneeling with his knees slightly apart.
“I guess I should put my foot here, right?”
She placed her heel of her right boot between his open thighs, pinning the red duster to the floor, turned her foot slightly to the right, and lowered the sole of her boot gently down onto the place where she knew his coc-k was lying!  He gasped, and looked up at her, wide-eyed. 
“Is that good?”
“Y-yes, Mrs Burlington
Hands trembling, he opened the tin of wax, collected a little on one end of the brush, and began to apply it to the leather, working from the toe upwards in little circular movements.  She could feel his coc-k under the sole of her boot, firm and resilient like a well-filled sausage.  She applied the slightest pressure.  It responded by stiffening slightly.  Bobby gulped and dropped the brush.
“Sorry, miss
“No problem
”  She smiled.  She loved that “miss”.
She left him alone for a while, allowing him to work on her foot and ankle.  Then she began again, applying gentle, regular pressure, but so discreetly that MĂ©lisande had no inkling of what was going on, until she was massaging it with the leather sole of her boot in a slow, steady rhythm.  She was shocked at herself – she couldn’t ever have imagined doing such a thing - but Bobby clearly needed relief, and besides, it was amusing watching him trying to work under such distracting conditions.  She giggled.  He seemed slowly to be losing concentration.
“Hey!” cried MĂ©lisande.  “Look – you missed that bit!  And don’t forget the back!”
“I think Bobby’s got enough on his plate doing the front of my boots, dear.  When he done that, I’ll stand up and he can wax the backs ready for polishing.”
“Okay, mummy.”
“Why don’t you take a video from the side?  Rest your phone on one of the dining-chairs!”
That ploy removed her from the immediate vicinity, and allowed Clarissa to pursue her goal with more vigour.  He still hadn’t reached her knee, but he was already in a state.  Now, every time she applied pressure, there was the faintest squelch, and she could feel his coc-k sliding about in his pants.  His cheeks were flushed, his mouth open, his eyes kept closing, and he was breathing erratically.  She thought she could imagine what he must be feeling.  Realising he was very close to a climax, she leant forward and whispered in his ear.
“Let go, darling.  Just don’t let MĂ©lisande cotton on, okay?”
He looked at her desperately, and nodded.  She smiled, patted his cheek, and rocked her foot back and forth a couple of times, rolling his coc-k against his thigh.  He made a choking sound, and despite trying not to, cried out.
“What’s up with him?” asked MĂ©lisande, startled, beginning to rise from behind the chair where she was kneeling.
“Stay there, Mellie!  Keep filming please.  He’s got cramp, that’s all.”
“He may have to go for a walk around shortly.”
But not quite yet, she thought.  She stopped massaging and applied firm, steady pressure.  He bit his lip, shut his eyes tight, and then she could feel his coc-k pumping powerfully under her foot.  His c-um burst out of the leg band of his pants, soaking the red cloth.  Quickly - perhaps even before his orgasm had completely subsided - she had gathered it up, mopped his thigh, and thrust it into his hand. 
“Bobby,” she hissed.  “Are you okay?  Yes?  Go clean yourself up - quick - before she notices.”
He staggered to his feet and headed for the door.
“Where’s he going, mummy?”
“He needs to move about.  Cramp can be very painful.  And he needs the toilet.”
“Oh.  Right.  Well I didn’t think he was doing a great job, anyway.  He kept missing bits.”
“Maybe he’s having an off-day.  Anyway, I’m not letting him off.  I’ll make him finish the job as soon as he comes back.  Now, shall we have a break and a snack?  Oh, and send me that video, please.  And delete it from your phone.  No complaints.  It’s private and I need to report his performance to his aunt.”

As she ate her crispbread, celery and taramasalata – a thirties, unattached woman has to watch her figure – Clarissa reviewed the events of the afternoon.  She was shocked at herself, and a little guilty of having perpetrated such an act in the presence of her daughter.  But she’d been excited – in fact she was still feeling excited and a little frustrated.  Never mind.  She had the means to relieve that in the drawer of her bedside cabinet, while she reviewed the videos.  She needed to speak frankly to Nicole, that was for sure, not least to confess and seek absolution – though she didn’t expect it to be withheld, by a woman who was prepared to present her nephew in such a provocative outfit, not to mention transforming him into a rubber pony at weekends!

Bobby returned after fifteen minutes, looking a lot more relaxed, clean and smelling of peach-scented talc. 
“You have to finish mummy’s boots!” cried MĂ©lisande, frowning.  “You haven’t done a very good job up to now
“I’m sorry, Mellie.  I had such terrible, er, cramp
  But I’m better now.”  He turned to her mother, blushing, and unable to look her in the eye..
“Mrs Burlington, may I please continue waxing your boots?  I’m sorry I had to stop
“Of course, Bobby!  Let’s repair to the lounge.  MĂ©lisande was not satisfied with your technique, for some reason, so she’ll want to video you again, no doubt, to make sure I can give a good report to your aunt.”
“Yes, I will,” said MĂ©lisande, severely.  “Try and concentrate this time, boot boy!”
“Yes, MĂ©lisande

This time there were no distractions.  Bobby waxed the fronts, then Clarissa stood for him to wax the backs.  (He had to be very careful when he reached the thigh flaps, where the seams of her black stockings disappeared up into her miniskirt, but he bit his lip and thought of England and just about made it.)  Then he polished them from the tops to the toes till they gleamed, and cleaned the slim heels with wipes.  MĂ©lisande was so happy she took several photos of her glamorous mother, plus a full-length one of Bobby in an unguarded moment, smiling and relaxed, a polishing cloth in one hand, the other unconsciously checking what she referred to as his ‘boy-thing’ for any signs of tumescence.  She surreptitiously emailed it to herself, as possible future blackmail material, certain that her mother would delete it.  (Which she did, but only after also sending it to herself.)


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #93 on: May 16, 2024, 04:50:32 AM »
Chapter 84.

MĂ©lisande had got all she wanted – for the time being at least – and in response to Bobby’s pleas, graciously consented to his changing into his jeans and T-shirt, and accompanied him upstairs heaping praises on him, tongue in cheek, for his service to her mother. Clarissa strolled outside into the sunlight to admire her newly-polished boots.  He really had done an awfully good job, once he was allowed to work without distraction.  And not only was he a talented boot boy, but he clearly loved his work. 
“It’s an unusual occupation for a teenage boy,” she mused, “but I guess it’s what he does.”  She lit a cigarette.  “Better call Nicole, I suppose.”
She was about to dial Nicole’s number when MĂ©lisande joined her in the garden.
“Yes, dear?”
  What did you think?”
“You know.  Everything.”
Clarissa laughed.  “Okay.  He’s sweet, his little outfit’s super cute, and he’s a great boot boy.  What else can I say?”
“Do you like him?
  Yes, I do.  He comes over as a really nice guy.  And he’s respectful to you, which is the most important thing as far as I’m concerned.  Having seen his new outfit I was surprised he agreed to show it off to me like that, just because you asked him to.”
MĂ©lisande assumed her most innocent expression.  “Well, mummy, after the accident an’ all, we’re good friends now.  I think he’d do anything for me, actually.”
“That’s so nice, darling
“This training
  Well, Saturday afternoon by itself plus and evening or two
  It’s not enough.”
what are you saying?”
“I need him for the whole weekend.  At least.  If I’m going to have him properly ready.”
“Oh.  Well, I was about to ring Nicole.  I can ask her if she can spare him for longer at the weekend.  And then I’d have to clear it with Miss Poole
“No, I don’t mean like that.  I mean he stays with us for the whole weekend.  I can ride him both days as long as I like, and he can help out in the house, and all your boots will be super smart, and
“Well, this weekend
“No, mummy.  Every weekend.
“Oh...  I see
“He’d help out round the house, and he’d bring me home on Fridays and take me to school Monday mornings.  Then you could go and see your friends at the weekend and he would be there to babysit.  You wouldn’t have to pay a babysitter any more.  And you said yourself you like him
“Goodness, I didn’t realise you were that close
  What about your friends?  You normally see a lot of them at the weekend
“Bobby likes them too.  We had such fun when we all went out together the other day.  They can come here and play, or we could all go out together sometimes
  Please, mummy
“Well, I don’t have any objection in principle
  Look, let me ring Nicole.  Go and talk to Bobby about it and see if he agrees.  Okay?”
“Thanks, mummy!”
“Nothing’s agreed yet, Mellie
But she was gone.
“Well, well
  Nicole?  Hi.  Yes, he’s fine.  But I need to run a couple of things past you.”  She took a breath.  “First
  I don’t know how to say this
  That little outfit
  Yes, and sexy.  Which is what he got wearing it.  And I – unforgivably – I
.  I took advantage.  Do you know what I’m saying?  He was down there, working on my boots
  I had my foot on it
   It!  You know what I mean!  I didn’t really mean to, but
  He started getting all hot and bothered
  I could feel it pressing against my foot
  All I did was to press back a little.  I mean, what would you have done?  If I’d stopped it wouldn’t have been fair to him
  Look, I know it was wrong of me
  Wait...  Are you laughing at me?  You bitch!  I’ve been eaten up with guilt
  Oh, really?  No-one can resist?  I believe you.  Please stop laughing.  I have to ask you something else
  Are you listening?  Right.  Yes, good.  Listen.  MĂ©lisande has asked me
  She wants him to stay with us every weekend, so she will have two full days every week to train him.  Now I know you won’t agree, but
  You would?   Me?  I have no problem at all.  He’s a sweet guy, MĂ©lisande seems to love him, and he seems highly responsible.  She wants him to be her babysitter as well as her mount
  Yes, hilarious!  Really?  So
  Ah yes, his exams
  Three weeks
  Fine by me.  I’ll have to ask him, of course
  You’re sure he’ll agree?  Okay
  If he helps in the house of course I’ll pay him, and
  What?  A maid?  Are you serious
?”  There was even more too Bobby than she’d already seen, apparently.  “Clare?  Who’s
  Oh, I see
  What do you mean, she’ll see the joke?  But she’ll release him
?  Yes, I’ll be responsible for him
of course I will.  But the maid’s costume
?   Oh, Nicole, that would be so great!  My mother used to have a maid, and I’ve always wanted
  No, of course she wasn’t a boy-maid!  Truthfully, that appeals to me even more.  Especially a Bobby maid!  What?  Bobby with an “i”.  Oh, yes, that makes sense
    MĂ©lisande?  Oh, I don’t suppose she’ll mind.  He’ll be my maid, anyway.  My maid and my boot boy.  She has Bobby the pony.  Okay.  Gotta go.  They’re here.  Speak soon
She turned and smiled.  She stared at Bobby with even more wonderment than before.
“Did you ask, mummy?”
  Bobby?  MĂ©lisande was wondering
“He knows.  I told him.”
right.  So how do you feel about it
“Thank you, Mrs Burlington.”  He had a slightly queasy smile on his face, and Clarissa noticed MĂ©lisande was holding him quite firmly by the wrist.  “O-Of course I’d love to stay with you at weekends, if it’s not too much trouble
“Trouble?  We’d love to have you.  Your aunt is happy for you do your training here.  We have a large field, as you can see
“And even two loose-boxes!” put in MĂ©lisande.
  She says you can start in three weeks, once your exams are finished.  Would that be all right?”
“Yes, miss,” he said, quietly.
“Yippee!  Thanks, mummy!” cried MĂ©lisande.   â€œBobby, we’re going to have such fun!  And I’m going to make you into the bestest dressage pony ever!”
And they both smiled simpering smiles at him.  The butterflies in his tummy turned into a whirlwind of flapping wings.  It wasn’t the exams – they were the last things on his mind.  No.  Sunday week, Diana Murchison’s sixtieth.  He really didn’t trust that woman.  And in three weeks, permanent weekend servitude, and goodness knows what humiliations at the hands of his two new mistresses


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #94 on: May 22, 2024, 05:10:13 AM »
Chapter 85

But Bobby was in trouble even before Diana Murchison’s party. 
It was Saturday morning.  Phoebe was looking forward to spending a couple of hours with Bobby before lunch.  She’d been at work since six, mucking out, grooming, and tacking up.  At nine thirty she took her morning break, had a shower, changed into clean clothes, took a coffee and a croissant back to Bobby’s stable, and sat on a hay bale to await his arrival.  But she had an unexpected visitor.  The door opened and in walked Miss Poole.
“Phoebe.  Don’t get up.  I just wanted to put you in the picture.  It’s been decided that from the last week in June, Bobby will spend the weekends at Mrs Burlington’s house.  That way MĂ©lisande will be able to dedicate the whole weekend to his training.  So you will no longer be required to attend to him here at weekends.  You will, however, need to supervise his ponification and deponification, which will mean you will have to travel to Mrs Burlington’s house on a Saturday morning and a Sunday evening.  I will make sure you are paid an appropriate travel allowance, which will include a bonus for inconvenience.”
Phoebe was shocked.  How could it be reasonable for Bobby’s care to be entrusted to a child?
“But Miss Poole, I don’t understand.  Who will look after Bobby while he’s there?  What about Saturday nights?  Surely he will need proper care
“Well, Mrs Burlington will be there herself – most of the time anyway.  And I think MĂ©lisande is becoming a competent groom as well as an expert rider.  So I’m sure
Phoebe was beginning to get angry.  “Excuse me, but may I ask whose idea this was?”
“Well, my dear, I understand it was MĂ©lisande’s suggestion
“I see.  And you think a twelve-year-old with zero grooming experience is a proper person to look after Bobby’s needs?  And you present it to me as a fait accompli without even asking my opinion?  Is that how highly you value my services here?”
Miss Poole, unused to being spoken to as an equal by one of her lowly grooms, was rendered temporarily speechless.  But she quickly recovered.
“Phoebe, must I remind you that you are an employee here, and that I am not obliged
“To treat me like a human being?  Oh, I’m well aware of that, Miss Poole.”
Miss Poole opened her mouth to speak, but could only splutter incoherently.
“So if you’re ordering me to travel to Mrs Burlington’s house twice in a weekend, I regret that I will have to refuse.  I don’t believe there’s anything in my contract of employment about working off site.  And if you also intend that I undertake the training of her daughter, which it seems to me you are implying, I don’t think teaching is a part of my job either.  So if you think it appropriate that Bobby be cared for outside the centre, by a woman who might or might not be present, and a child with no experience, then I think you are ill-advised, and for myself I want no part of it.”
Miss Poole’s mouth was still open, but she had varied her facial appearance in one respect, by turning it purple.  She was clearly livid.
“W-well, miss
.   Well
  Then if you are refusing to obey my instructions
  I shall have to consider your position here
Phoebe, though she was aware she might regret it later, had got up a head of steam now, and would probably have burst if it were not released.  “Oh, I would hate to put you to the trouble of having to consider my position, Miss Poole.  I’ve worked very hard over the last few years, and if you don’t appreciate that, then the best thing would be for me to take up the standing offer of a job at Fleetford.  It’s nearer my home, as well.  It’s a pity, as I have made good friends here.  But I think my principles must come first.  I’ll hand in my official notice later today, if that’s convenient.  And now, Bobby is due to arrive at any minute, so, if you have nothing further to say
.?  Ah, yes, here he is now.”
Miss Poole was doing a passable impression of a fish out of water.
“Good morning, Miss Poole,” said Bobby, cheerfully.
But she turned on her heel and walked away without a word.

Phoebe was angry, and her anger had only been partially mitigated by scoring a verbal victory over Miss Poole.  A large portion of it was reserved for Bobby himself.
“What the fuc-k, Bobby?  Did you agree to this?”
Bobby looked dismayed.  “To what
“You know what!  This crap about spending the weekends at that brat’s house.  Well?”
“I didn’t have any choice
“Of course you had a choice!”
“No, I didn’t.  Someone gave her a photo of me in my pony suit showing my face.  And she knows about me being a boot boy!”
“Big deal!  What about me?  What about us?  I thought we had something going there.”
“Me too.  But
“But you’ve handed yourself over to a spoiled twelve-year-old like your some sort of new toy?”
“No excuses.  Get your clothes off  and let me get that pony suit on you.  Now!  Then I’m going to give you such a pounding

Ignoring his whining and pleading, Phoebe strapped him tightly into his suit,  and tethered him to the wall-ring.  She got her favourite strap-on out of the cupboard, lubricated it liberally, and was soon pumping away at his rear end.
“fuc-k!  I’m feeling better already!  I hope Miss Poole comes back and sees how I train my pony-boys.  There really is nothing better than this for relieving tension.”  She wrapped her hands around the tops of his thighs and increased her pace to ensure maximum penetration.  Her strap-on smacked loudly against Bobby’s clenched buttocks
smack, smack, smack.   â€œGod, that feels so good.  I hope you’re enjoying it as much as I am .  fuc-k, yes
.  Oh, hi, Jasmine...”  smack, smack
  He’s been a very bad boy
  Cheating on me with that little bitch
  But he’s gonna regret it
  I have some pretty cool plans for him


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #95 on: May 22, 2024, 05:18:46 AM »
Chapter 86.

“Giving Bobby his morning workout, I see,” smiled Jasmine.
The two girls sat down on haybales to watch.
“I’m just reminding him” [smack, smack, smack] “who’s the boss round here.  Do you know what he’s gone and done?  He’s adopted that little bitchy brat Melliewhatsername as his weekend groom, that’s all
“It’s true.  Miss Poole’s just been in to tell me.  And I’ve told her I’m off to Fleetford.  I know, it’s not what I wanted.  But they’ve been after me for a while now
  Ooh, that’s enough for now.  I’m bloody exhausted
She withdrew slowly.  The strap on slipped out with a loud ‘plop’.  She sat on the hay.
“He said it’s not his fault.  She knows all about him, and she’s got evidence.  So she’s calling all the shots.”
“So you can’t really blame Bobby
.” began Ellie.
“Course I can.  He should have refused!  She would have backed down.  Tell you what, I would have had a word with her, and she wouldn’t have dared
“Even so, you know what he’s like.  He’s terrified of his school chums finding out,” said Jasmine.
“Well anyway, I’m not being pushed around by a snotty kid and Queen Poole.  So I’m off.  I’m sorry.  I don’t want to leave you guys
“You have to do what you have to do, Phoebe
“What about the boot boy job?” said Ellie, frowning.  “Everything will come out then, anyway.  He won’t be wearing a pony hood for that, will he?”
“I know.  I’ve been thinking about that.  Suppose I suggested to Fleetford they employ him there.  I reckon they'd love to get one over on Pitt's Wood.  He’d be out of the area, no-one would know him, and I could look after him.”
“Er, would that be the sort of “looking after” you’ve just been doing, Phoebe dear
She grinned.  “That as well.  Why not?  We’re lovers now, aren’t we?  Aren’t we, Bobby dear?” she repeated, raising her voice.  “Anyway, I want to talk to his aunt about it.  I like her.  I reckon she’d be on my side.”

They sat around chatting for the next hour or so, then went off to lunch, leaving Bobby tethered in his stable.  On their return, Phoebe fitted his tail ready for MĂ©lisande’s arrival.
“How’s she going to do this, for one thing, now I’ve opted out,” said Phoebe, as she gave him an extra pump for luck.  Maybe her ‘mummy’ will do it for her.  Maybe her mummy will do lots of things.  I wouldn’t put it past her.  She seemed pretty interested in her daughter’s new mount that day she was here.”
“Miss Poole might ask us
” suggested Ellie.
“If she does, we should refuse,” said Jasmine.
Phoebe looked thoughtful.  “No
maybe not.  Demand more money, first of all.  Now I’m out of the picture I bet she’d pay anything to make the arrangement work.  That Mrs Burlington must have plenty of dough, and knowing old Poole she’d be after some of it.  So yeah, if she asks, screw her for all you can, and then
  Then we can have some fun.  Show that little bitch how to fit his tail, for one.  She’d probably enjoy doing that, knowing how she likes humiliating him.  Imagine the mess she’d get herself in doing that!”
  And suppose we secretly took a video
  We’d have her and her mum just where we wanted them
“Ellie!  How could you think of such a thing!” said Jasmine, seriously.  Then her face broke into a grin.  “That’s a great idea!”
“And itching powder in his suit!  He go wild!  She’d be chucked off all over the place!”
“And the vibe!”
“Glue on the saddle!”
“Itching powder down her pants!”
“Forget to do up his crotch zip!  That would make a great little video!”
They looked at each other.  The possibilities were endless.
“And how about
” began Ellie. 
But at that moment the door opened and there stood the cause of their annoyance.
“Well?  Is he ready?” snapped MĂ©lisande.
“Yes, miss,” replied Phoebe, assuming a suitably humble tone.  “Allow me to bring him out for you.”

They stood watching with smiles on their faces while MĂ©lisande booted Bobby up and down the hill, the crack, crack of her crop echoing across the field.
“Look at her,” said Jasmine, quietly.  “Enjoy yourself, bitch, while you can


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #96 on: May 23, 2024, 06:26:26 AM »
Chapter 87

Diana Murchison needed to come up with something really special for her sixtieth.  In the past she’d thrown some pretty wild parties – but this was the big one, and her reputation was at stake.  So it was the morning after the committee meeting that Nicole received a phone call.
“Hi Diana.  How are you?”
“I’m well.  About Bobby
“Can I just confirm he’ll be available for my birthday do?”
“Absolutely.  It’s already in my diary.”
“Thank you so much.  It’s so important to me.  I’ve already employed a maid, but of course my guests would appreciate a male presence as well, to add a little
 you know, spice
  So, can we talk costumes?  I need something special for this one.”
“I thought you liked his boot boy outfit
  But of course there are always other options
“I did – I loved it.  I just wondered
.you know, if you might have any other suggestions
“I depends how outrageous
“Oh, as outrageous as possible, please!”
“Shall I send you a few suggestions?  We need to decide as soon as possible, because if it’s something new it will need to be made.”
“Oh please, that would be great!  And remember, money’s no object.”
“Leave it with me, darling

Within half an hour Nicole had sent her half a dozen numbered images from the latest Fantastex catalogue.  She received an almost immediate reply: “3 please”.
Number three was
well, let’s move forward to the Saturday evening before the party, Bobby at home with Nicole and Lavinia, feeling decidedly nervous


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #97 on: May 23, 2024, 06:36:19 AM »
Chapter 88

“Bobby, calm down,” said Lavinia, reassuringly.  “It’s just a party.  All you have to do mingle and look cute.”
“Yeah?  I don’t think so.  I saw the way she was looking at me at that meeting.  And then that business with MĂ©lisande
“I’m afraid Diana Murchison is a bit
uninhibited,” said Nicole.  “But she’s important to Miss Poole, and we’re not in a position to rock the boat.  So please, Bobby, do what’s necessary and just think of the money.  One day’s work and you’ll have enough to take a fantastic holiday, or buy that motorbike you’ve been drooling over for months.”
“The money’s not a consideration.  You know I’d do it for you if you asked.  It’s just the thought of being ogled in my boot boy outfit by a bunch of middle-aged
“Well actually
  You won’t be in your boot boy outfit.”
“What?  I’m not going as a maid, or
  Bobby the pony
“No.  Of course not.  No.  You’ve got a new outfit for tomorrow.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?  What is it?”
“I’ll get it.  I’m sure it’s going to fit, but we should try it on just to make sure.”

She left the room and returned with a big pink Fantastex box.
“I hope you like it,” she said, as she opened the lid.  “Help yourself.”
Bobby peered inside.  There were packages wrapped in pink tissue.  He took out the largest and tore off the tissue, to reveal a pair of block-heeled patent leather pink shoes, very feminine, with broad ankle straps.  This wasn’t a good start.  He turned them over.  The heels were quite high, but on the other hand they were wide enough that he wouldn’t have difficulty walking.  He shrugged.  There was a three pronged steel clip in a little plastic bag with them.
“What’s this?”
“I’ll show you,” said Nicole.  She placed the shoes side by side, and pushed the clip down over the adjacent parts of the ankle straps, fixing them together.  “It'll keep you static for when your services are not required,” she smiled.
He took out the smallest package.  It was heavy and squidgy.  Latex, obviously.  He unwrapped it.  Oh, no.  This was definitely not promising.  A pair of heavy pink latex stockings, the tops with frilled bands ribbed on the insides to keep them firmly in place, and a pair of matching latex mitts, with straps at the wrists.
He sighed, and picked up the last package.  “So what’s this?”
“Exciting, isn’t it,” said Lavinia.  “I haven’t seen this either.”
He unwrapped it slowly, his heart sinking.  He laid it out on the carpet.  A matching pink latex leotard with long sleeves and a high frilled neck, and frills around the leg openings.  Why wouldn’t it lay flat?  Oh, no
“I’m sorry.  That comes as standard.”
He turned it over.  There was a long back zip, at the bottom of which a little curly, springy, piggy tail stuck out.  And worse, on the inside one of those flexible butt plugs, an egg on a stalk, the egg adorned with short flexible feelers. 
“Aunt, this definitely is not standard.”
“Oh, don’t be such a fusspot,” chided Lavinia, “after your aunt’s gone to such a lot of trouble.  Look at it.  It’s a work of art.  And you’ve got a little soft zip at the front – because there’s no way you’ll be able to take it off to go to the toilet, and here, see?”  She indicated a pair of small cojoined latex loops attached just below the bottom of the frontal zip.  “You’ve even got a nice little retaining harness to stop it waving about.”
“Yeah,” blurted Bobby, “and to keep nice and hard, right?”
“Well, dear,” said Nicole, coolly. “it is Miss Murchison’s sixtieth, after all, so we want to give her a proper treat, now don’t we?”
And the two aunts looked at each other and exploded into laughter.
“It’s not fair.  I won’t do it!”
Nicole immediately stopped laughing, and became serious.
“Okay,” she said.  “I won’t insist.  I agree, it’s a lot to ask.  If you won’t, I do understand.  That costume is a little on the risquĂ© side, it’s true.   She wanted something out of the ordinary, you see.  She picked it herself.  But it’s your call.  Only I’ll have to let her know tonight so she can find someone else
Bobby stared.  She was giving him an out?  Was she serious?
She picked up her phone.  “You're sure, now?”
  wait a minute, auntie.” 
He hadn’t meant it.  Not at all.  Actually he would have done pretty much anything for what Miss Murchison was going to pay him.  All right, maybe he was prostituting himself a little!  So what?  He needed the money.  He had no real choice, did he?
“No, it’s fine.  I’ll do it.  I don’t want to let you down, aunt.  It’s no big deal
Subconsciously he knew his greed had got the better of his ‘principles’ – such as they were.  It was no contest, actually.  But consciously he allowed himself to believe he was sacrificing himself for the greater good.  And he felt an access of pride as Nicole remarked,
“That’s really good of you, darling.  I know it must be difficult for you.  Thank you.  You’re a good boy, you really are


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