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Author Topic: His Aunt Nicole  (Read 30725 times)

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  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #98 on: May 29, 2024, 04:57:38 PM »
Chapter 89

Diana Murchison’s party was not going to be a big affair.  She was only going to invite her closest friends, not more than ten or a dozen women.  But she wanted it to be special, for which reason she didn’t want to hold it at home.  She had looked for a venue that was easy to get to and had a medium sized room with attached kitchen facilities.  Then an idea had occurred to her, and she had approached Miss Poole.
  I wanted to ask you something.  I’m looking for a venue for my sixtieth.  It’ll only be a dozen people, including you.  I wanted a medium-sized room with a kitchen.  I’d hire a cook and couple of maids
“Why not use the Centre?  The boardroom would be perfect.  There’s nothing going on there that weekend.  You could have it for free.”
“Darling!  I was going to ask you.  Are you sure
?  I’ll make a donation, in any case.”
“Absolutely!  Very convenient for me, too!  Of course, dear, no problem.  And you’re having Bobby, right
“Oh yes.  He’s going to be my floor show.  Nicole tells me she’s found him quite a fetching little costume – but she won’t tell me what it is!”
“She likes surprises.  I’m sure it’ll be suitably
“Outrageous is what I asked for.”
“Really?  Then I look forward to seeing it!”

It was arranged Nicole would bring Bobby to Pitt’s Wood at eleven and get him dressed.  The guests were invited for twelve, with lunch at one.  Diana also had a special request.
“Nicole, dear.  I was thinking how nice it would be if he could meet my guests in the car park, and conduct them up to the venue.  Do you think he’d be able to do that?”
“Of course, Diana.  He’s right here.  I’ll tell him.”
“I’d pay him a bonus – say, another hundred
“Hold on a mo.”
“Bobby?  Miss Murchison would like you to meet her guests in the car park and show them up to the boardroom, okay?”
“What?  In my costume?”
“Of course in your costume.”
“But it’s busy there Sunday mornings.  Everyone would see me.  No, no way.”
“There’ll only be about ten guests.  I’m sure you’ll be able to use them as cover if you’re embarrassed.”
“And she’s offering you a hundred pound bonus.”
“What?  A hundred pounds?  Just for that?”
Again greed got the better of him.  “I’ll do it.  Tell her I’ll do it.”
“He says he’ll do it, Diana.  I’ll make him a sign and whatnot.”
“Oh, thank him so much.  I’m sure he’ll have a great time.  If there’s any particular thing he likes to eat, let me know and I’ll add it to the menu.”
“Miss Murchison says
“I heard.  I like strawberry cheesecake with chocolate sauce.”
“Did you hear that, Diana.  There you go, then.  Thanks.  See you Sunday.”
“Oh, no, thank you, Nicole, and especially you, Bobby
Nicole put down the phone.  “Lucky boy.”
“Wow.  Another hundred!  I’m gonna be rich!”


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #99 on: May 29, 2024, 05:08:34 PM »
Chapter 90

Lavinia and Sarah had come round early Sunday morning, and Sarah had offered to do his hair and give him a couple of pigtails for a change.  It was possible now, having not been trimmed for weeks.  So the curls were largely combed out, and replaced by chunky twintails secured with pink ribbons.
“So you’ll have three pigtails today,” quipped Lavinia with a grin.
“Ha-Ha,” came the unamused reply.
“I’ll do your makeup at the centre,” said Nicole.  “You’re going to look pretty special today, young man.”
They arrived at Pitt’s Wood about ten-forty, Bobby a little nervous, his outfit and some other stuff on the back seat.  He’d had his training session with MĂ©lisande the previous afternoon and his flanks were still smarting.  He was afraid the red marks would show between his leotard and his stockings. 
auntie?  When will I get paid?”
“I’ve given Diana your account details.  She’ll transfer the money tomorrow morning.”
“Great.  All I have to do is get through today
“Oh, it’ll be fine.  Just do what you’re told.  As long as you do that there won’t be any problems with the money.”
“What?  Might there be?”
“Just do what she asks you and she won’t have any reason for complaint.”
“Course I will.  No probs.”
“We’re here.  The car park’s quite full
   Ah, I see.  They’ve cordoned off those bays over there for her guests.  Red ribbons, nice.  So you’ll need to open them up as they arrive.”
“Oh, will I?  There’s, what, eight bays?  I thought they’d all be arriving at once
“I doubt it.  You’ll have to show them up as they arrive, then get back quickly for the next lot.”
“But you said
She parked and opened her door.  “Come on, hurry up.  I’ll bring the bag.  You bring the other stuff.”

The “other stuff” consisted of a metre-long plastic pole, a carrier bag, and a gas bottle.  Nicole led the way up to reception.  The Centre was very busy.  The receptionist welcomed them, and sent them down to Miss Poole’s office.
“She’s waiting for you.”
Nicole knocked.
“Come in!”
“Good morning, Violet.”
“Good morning, Nicole, Bobby.  Lovely to see you again.  Looking forward to the party, Bobby?”
yeah, I guess
“Jolly good!  I can’t wait to see your party outfit.  Something new, I understand.  Whatever it is, I’m sure you’ll look good in it
“I hope so, Violet.  I think you’ll like it.  Where should he get changed?  You know he’s going to be meeting Diana’s guests when they arrive in the car park, so I think I should get him there as soon as possible, in case any of them are early.”
“Oh, yes, of course.  Use the executive bathroom.  Here’s the key.  Lock the door just in case anyone tries to use it.”
“Thanks.  Will do.  Come along Bobby

The executive bathroom was large and luxurious, and even equipped with a suite of furniture.  Nicole told him to strip off, and opened her canvas bag.  After putting on a pair of surgical gloves, and while he was undressing, she took the opportunity to smear a little lube inside the front of his leotard.
“Ready?  Come on, step in.”
She held it down so he could easily slip his feet through the leg holes.  Then she pulled it up.
“Excuse me, Bobby, but I think I’d better do these bits for you.  Could you just hold onto the sides?  That’s it.  Don’t sigh
  It’ll only take a minute.”
Attached just below the zip was a small loop of rubber about a centimetre broad, and that loop was attached to another similar one by a short rubber strip welded to the tops of both, forming a neat little coc-k harness, the product of Cynthia’s ingenious design talents.  It was a prototype, and she had asked Nicole to report on its effectiveness.  The base loop was intended to fit snugly behind Bobby’s balls, the upper loop around the shaft, with the connective strip against his tummy.  But the inner surface of the upper loop was ridged, designed to grip.  This would make no difference when the pen-is remained dormant, but if it started to become aroused then it would effectively hold the foreskin in place, causing the swelling glans to push its way out, and bringing the sensitive underside into direct contact with the taut latex, and in particular with the vertical ridges of reinforcement around the zip.  When Cynthia had explained this to Nicole, she became in awe of that lady’s thoughtfulness and attention to detail; but then, that was the reason she had chosen Fantastex as her main supplier in the first place.

Bobby, however, having no suspicion of the implications, and being more concerned about the imminent insertion of the butt-plug, accepted the harness without question.
“Good.  Now turn around, there’s a dear
“Whose idea was this, aunt?”
“No-one’s, silly,” she replied, smearing the hairy rubber egg with lube.  “It’s quite standard, as I understand.  I think it'll help to keep the tail firm and bouncy.”
“Really?  Oh well, that’s all right then.” remarked Bobby, sarcastically.  “As long as it’s designed
oooh!   Oooh, auntie
.  It feels
.weird!  Like I’m being tickled inside!”
“You’ll get used to it.  Arms in.  Good.  Now stand up straight so I can zip you up.  That’s right
  There we go
  Now I just join the studs at the neck, and
hey presto.  Wow!  It fits so perfectly.  Look at yourself in the mirror.  So cute, n’est-ce pas?”
Bobby looked, and made a face.  At least his coc-k felt and looked nice and compact and well under control in its little harness  – though he was conscious of the tickly the butt-plug deep inside.  Oh well, it was only for a few hours, and then he would get his hands on the dosh!
“Now, stockings
The polished latex slipped on easily.  They were long – on the insides of his thighs the grippy frilled tops came up within a couple of inches of the leg frills.  On the narrow band of bare flesh between stocking and leotard the whip marks barely showed at all.  “Thank goodness,” he thought.  “That bitch!  Why should I have to worry about such a thing?  She has no respect for me at all!  Me, a year eleven guy!  All the girls in my class think I’m great – clever and good-looking, and that little year seven brat dares to treat me like
I dunno, like I’m her property or something!  Just wait till that stupid dressage event is over.  Then I won’t have to be Bobby the Pony any more.  Then I’ll show her.  I’ll be in the sixth by then, with good grades in all my exams!  They’re bound to make me a prefect.  Then I’ll get my own back.  I’ll catch her for something and report her.  She’ll beg me to let her off, but I won’t
“Bobby?  Are you paying attention?  Wake up!  I said lift up your foot so I can get your shoe on!”
“Sorry, auntie.”
“Now the other one.”  She buckled the ankle-straps.  “Is that comfortable?  Try walking about.”
He sashayed up and down a couple of times.
“That’s very good.  You’ve got good balance.  Now let’s get your mitts on
“Why do I have to wear those?” he whined, and she buckled the wrist straps of the thick latex mitts.
“To make sure you behave yourself.  Keep still.  Right, now sit, please, and I’ll do your makeup.”


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #100 on: May 29, 2024, 05:13:53 PM »
Chapter 91.

Nicole had decided to stick with pink.  Pink blusher – perhaps a little too much, but she liked the doll look – pink lip gloss, pink eyeshadow, and a little mascara.  She had brought a pair of clip-ons with her, with pink stones.  At some point she was going to get his ears – and his nose – pierced, but these were fine for now, and they had such strong springs that they pinched his ears mercilessly.
“Ow!  Auntie!  They hurt!”
“Well it’ll keep your mind on your duties.  Now don’t try to touch them, please.  Keep your hands by your sides or behind your back when you’re not using them.  Otherwise I’ll tie them together behind you.  There’s a little linking strap attached to one wristband, and I’ve told Diana she can use it if you misbehave.”
“Oh, thanks a lot!”
“Please don’t sulk or be rude, Bobby.  You need to be your usual cheerful, helpful self today.”
“I know
if I want to get paid.”
“Exactly.  Now, I’ve made you a little sign so the guests will recognise you
“Are you serious?  You think they may not recognise me?”
“Bobby!  Stop it.  Now, I’ll just attach it to its stick
Bobby turned his head to one side to read it.
(surrounded by heart and balloon stickers)
“Yes, really.  Hold that in one hand and I’m going to blow up a bunch of pretty coloured helium balloons which I’ll attach to your other wrist.  Then you’re all set.”
It was the work of five minutes.  He held the sign and allowed Nicole to attach the balloons to his wrist.  He looked at his reflection in the mirror.  He wished the ground would open up and swallow him.  Well, maybe not until that cash was in his account.
Nicole sprayed him with cheap scent from an atomiser.
“Urgh!  What are you doing?”
“You should smell nice as well as looking nice.  Okay. Let’s go.”
“What?  Now?  It’s only just gone eleven
“Some of them could arrive early.  Come on.  No arguments.”
“But auntie
. “
There was a knock at the door.  “Can I come in?”
“Violet!  We were just coming out.  He’s all ready.”
Nicole opened the door and pushed him ahead of her.
“Bobby,” simpered Miss Poole, “you look stunning!  What a wonderful outfit, Nicole.  So clever of you.  Wait till Magda sees you – she’ll love it!”
?” began Bobby. 
“Of course.  She’s one of Diana’s protĂ©gĂ©s.  And she never misses a party.”
Bobby wasn’t sure whether he felt happy or anxious at the prospect of Magda’s presence.  But there wasn’t time to think.  He was already being ushered through reception, and a moment later he was being escorted down the path to the car park.  People were stopping in their tracks to stare at him.  He could feel the eyes devouring him, and hear the murmurs and giggles and the occasional squeal from some stupid girl.  He was aware he was being photographed right left and centre, and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.  He had to hope his makeup was enough to obscure his identity.  Nicole conducted him through the gate and led him to the cordoned-off parking spaces. 
“Stand here, please. Be ready to move the tape.  Be very polite, and bring Miss Murchison’s guests all the way to the boardroom, understand?  Is there anything else, Violet?”
“No, I don’t think so
  Except wave your little sign about whenever a car comes in, would you?  Oh, and waggle your little curly tail too!  It’s so cute,” she added, giving it a tug.  “They’ll love that!”


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #101 on: June 14, 2024, 06:35:00 AM »
Chapter 92.

Word quickly got around the stables that Miss Murchison had hired a young drag queen to greet her guests.  The stable staff took it in turns to pay visits to the car park, returning with photos and videos of a very embarrassed Bobby in all his pink latex finery.  Phoebe was working in the lower stable.  She had overslept, arrived late, and was now trying to catch up – dutiful to the end.  Ellie came running down towards her.
“Phoebe!  Have you seen who’s in the car park?”
“No.  I don’t have time for some silly drag queen right now.  I’ll have a look later.”
“But look who it is!”  She held up her phone. 
“Bobby!  What the fuc-k’s he doing now?”
She threw down the rake and dashed up the hill, then down the path.  There was a little crowd around the short car park fence.  She crashed through the gate and walked straight up to Bobby.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
” he said, weakly.
“What the fuc-k are you doing dressed up like that?  My god, you look such a
.such a pervert!”
“Look, it’s not my fault, right?  I didn’t have any choice, see
“Is it
is it something to do with that little bitch again?  That’s exactly what you said when you volunteered to spend weekends at her house.  Is she behind this?  Or that bitch mother of hers?”
“No, not at all.  I swear.  It’s nothing to do with Mellie
“Mellie?  Is that what you call her?  Your little Mellie?
of course not!  I just meant
“You fuc-king do!”  She mimicked his voice.  “Yes, Mellie.  Of course, Mellie.  Three bags full, Mellie.  Would you like me to dress up in pink latex like a tart smelling like a cheap whore and parade round Pitt’s Wood for everyone to see?  Anything you say, pretty miss Mellie!”
“It’s not like that.  It’s nothing to do with that nasty little brat
  I mean, look at what she does to me!”  He pointed to the marks on his flank.  “Do you think I like that?”
Phoebe looked him in the eye.  A cynical smile spread over her face.  “Actually, yes.  Yes, I think you do like it.  I think
A car horn sounded right next to them.  They both jumped.
“You!  Boy!  Are you going to let us in or what?  We’ve been waiting here for the last two minutes!”
Bobby leapt into action.  He thought he recognised two of the women from the committee meeting – Miss Murchison’s best friends.  What were their names?  He quickly lifted one end of the ribbon off its pole and allowed them to drive in.  Out of the corner of his eye he saw Phoebe give him a contemptuous glance, turn, and walk away.  The ladies got out of the car.
“Eleanor Bowditch and Polly Hunniford.  Take us to the party and announce us, please.  Get a move on.  Bobby, isn’t it?  Oh, yes, young man, I remember you from the committee meeting.  You look very fetching today, I must say.  Suits you very well, too.  Here, carry these bags, please.  A few presents for Diana.”
As he led them up the path, cheeks burning, loaded down with Diana’s gifts, with the balloons buffeting his face, Polly Hunniford took hold of his tail.
“By the way, who was that you were calling a bitch and a nasty little brat?”
“W-what?  No-one, miss.  Really.  Just, er, someone we met in the pub
“Oh.  Someone called
what was it?  Mellie?  That’s odd.  Eleanor?  Doesn’t Diana’s new friend have a daughter called Mellie?  Isn’t it the same girl that rides Bobby the Pony?  MĂ©lisande, isn't it?  Isn’t she called Mellie?  Bobby
were you referring to MĂ©lisande by any chance?”
er, no, of course not
“Who is this other Mellie, then?  It’s a very uncommon name
er, is it?  Well, yes, I suppose
  I can’t remember
just someone we met
   Look, we’re here
Ears burning, he led them through reception to the boardroom.  Hands trembling, he opened the door. 
Eleanor Hunniford and Molly
“Your pageboy seems a little confused today, Diana.  Can’t tell his Hunnifords from his Bowditches
” smiled Miss Bowditch.
“Or his Mellies from his MĂ©lisandes,” added Miss Hunniford, meaningfully.
“Really?” Diana smiled back.  “I think his new outfit has discombobulated him somewhat.  Can’t make up his mind whether he’s a girl or a boy
  Well, Bobby, don’t just stand there.  Back to work, please!”
yes, miss.  Right away!”
And he scurried back to his post.


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #102 on: June 14, 2024, 07:19:23 AM »
Chapter 93.

So Mrs Burlington was friendly with Miss Murchison now.  How had that happened?  he remembered there was something about Miss Murchison meeting MĂ©lisande after the committee
that must have been it.  Shit!  Why did Phoebe have to provoke that argument?  It’s all her fault!  Suppose they tell Miss Murchison, and she
He shook his head in an attempt to dispel his fears.  But things were about to get worse.  As he opened the car park gate a red Porsche with tinted windows drove in.  There was already a yellow Porsche parked – that was Diana Murchison’s.  But he knew the red one too.  Clarissa Burlington!
She drove up to the cordoned off bays and sounded her horn.  Bobby rushed to remove the ribbon and she roared into a bay.  Remembering Miss Murchison’s instructions he waved his sign and even waggled his bottom a little.  Both doors opened, and out climbed Clarissa
and MĂ©lisande!  Bobby stared in dismay.
“Bobby!”  Clarissa screamed.  “Wow!  What an outfit!  You make a gorgeous girl!  Doesn’t he, Mellie?”
But Mellie was helpless with laughter, and already fumbling for her phone.
Clarissa walked straight up to him and began feeling his leotard. 
“You love your latex, don’t you, Bobby?  But I had no idea
  Those lovely long lashes!  And those shiny lips!  And your scent
  You look good enough to eat
  Oops, I’m getting in Mellie’s way.”  She stood aside.  “Snap away, dear.  Make sure you share them with me, won’t you?”
“I’m taking a video, mummy.  Bobby, show me your sign.  And waggle your bum like you did before.  Go on!”
“Better do as she says, Bobby.  Keep her sweet, or goodness knows where those pictures might end up
He did as he was bid.  “What’s she doing here?” he asked, nervously.  “She’s not
“Going to the party?  That would be funny, wouldn’t it?  No, of course not.  She’s just here to ride while I’m having fun inside.”
“Y-you know Miss Murchison then?”
“We met recently.  She brought Mellie home the day of the committee meeting.  We hit it off right away.  So, lucky me, I get an invite to her sixtieth.”
“Oh, I see
“Listen.  You have to wear this outfit for us one day.  I mean, I thought your boot boy uniform was unbeatable
  But this
.  Phew
“Look, I have to take you up to the boardroom
“Oh, it’s fine.  I need to drop Mellie off in reception on the way.  Stay here and wait for the next arrivals.  Mellie?  Come on dear, that’s enough.  Let’s go.”
“Okay, mummy!  I got loads of pictures anyway, and a video
  See you soon, Bobby!” 
She waved, and was gone.  Bobby put his hand to his head.  He was really in trouble now.

The next car didn’t arrive for another fifteen minutes, during which time he was gawped at, pointed at, and whistled at both by new arrivals and those hanging over the fence.  He felt so self-conscious and awkward he didn’t know which way to look.  The appearance of more guests was a welcome relief.  And it was a carful.  Three middle-aged women, plus Magda herself – and her sidekick photographer.
“Hi Bobby.  It is you, isn’t it?  I heard you’d be here, so I wore some nice boots.  But you don’t seem to be in boot boy mode right now
”  She giggled with a sort of naĂŻve innocence, as if she were surprised and pleased to find him thus.  “Cute outfit...  Love your little pigtails...  You remember Zeta?  The photographer?”
“Hi, Bobby,” she grinned, looking him up and down approvingly.
 Zeta.  Yes, I remember
“And these ladies are three of Diana’s oldest – and naughtiest – friends.  This is Tracey, this is Danielle, and this is Cheryl.  Say hi to Bobby, girls.”
They made not the slightest attempt to hide their delight and amusement. 
“Oh my god!” cried Tracey.  “’E’s bleedin’ gorgeous!  Better be careful, Bobby – Danielle ‘ere’s a serial groper, ain’t you darlin’?  And I reckon e’s got plenty to grope!”  And she screamed with laughter.
Magda looked pretty cool in a loose black shirt, flared mini-skirt, fishnets and red vinyl thigh boots, with a black leather biker jacket draped over one shoulder.  Zeta cut a chic figure; she’d had her hair cut short, cropped at the sides, and dyed bronze.  She wore black tight leather pants and high-heeled ankle boots each with a row of silver buckles, a tight-fitting black kid leather jacket, and fingerless leather gloves.  Bobby stared from one to the other, and a shiver ran down his spine.
“W-would you follow me, please, ladies?”
“How are you, Bobby,” asked Zeta, with a mischievous smile.  “The last time I saw you
  Well, we were just watching the video again last night, weren’t we Magda?  I could almost feel those cracks of the whip on your bum
please.  I don’t think Bobby needs to be reminded of that
”  She glanced down and noticed the marks on his bare flesh.  “Oh my god, is she still at it?”
Bobby blushed.  “Yes.  We
  We have regular training sessions.  And Miss Murchison gave her a new whip which stings even more...”
Zeta gasped.  She stared at the red weals, her blue eyes sparkling.  “She did?  Gosh, that must be tough.  Look at those marks, Magda.  That must really hurt!”
Zeta’s tone was less sympathetic than enthusiastic.  Bobby felt slightly annoyed.
“Of course it does.  I’m doing my best, you know.  I wish someone would tell her
  But look, we have to go, or I’ll get told off for chatting with the guests.  Please follow me.”
He set off up the path to reception.  Zeta walked faster and got upsides him.  She ran a hand over the marks on his right thigh.  “You must get angry with her sometimes.  But you can’t do anything about it, can you?  If she’s in a bad mood
well, she can thrash you all she likes, I guess
Bobby nodded.  She was really irritating him.  Why go on and on about it?
  What’s her new whip like?  I mean
“If you must know,” he blurted, frowning, “it’s heavier, all leather, and the flap is bigger and has these raised ridges across it, and it really hurts!”
“Cool!”  Bobby glared at her.  “No, not the whip, of course not.  I meant she’s pretty cool
what’s her name again?”
“MĂ©lisande,” supplied Magda.
“Oh, yes, that’s right.  You have to admit she’s talented.  And immaculately turned out.  I know it’s not easy for you, Bobby, but the end product will be worth it, don’t you think?  I mean, once you’re fully trained, and able to respond properly to your rider’s demands.  You make such a great pair, you must admit.  Okay, I get it, you have to put up with a little bit of pain, but I have a feeling you’re really proud of her.  You must be.  You were trying so hard to please her that time
He heard Magda emit something between a cough and a splutter, and he looked over his shoulder before she had time to cover her mouth.  He also noticed that the three older women were convulsed with silent mirth, staring and pointing at his appearance.  In fact they had been whispering and giggling all the way up the path.  They were all of a type – party animals who still thought of themselves as teenagers.  Tracey with bleached straight hair, a pencil skirt and vinyl jacket; Danielle large-breasted, her faux-Afro hair dyed black, in a tight white jumper, shiny leggings and over-the-knee high-heeled boots; Cheryl shorter than the others, with cropped ginger hair, wearing a ridiculously juvenile outfit of orange tights, a yellow miniskirt, and a purple bomber jacket.  They made Bobby feel distinctly uneasy.  He had the impression they were up for absolutely anything
  And it confirmed his opinion of Diana Murchison as someone he should have avoided at all costs.  But it was too late now.
Zeta couldn’t leave the subject alone.
“What does it feel like in that pony suit?  I love the way your limbs are all tightly strapped up.  I mean, there's no escape, is there, till someone decides to release you.  Have you ever had to wear it overnight?”
Magda stepped in again.
“He has worn it overnight, haven’t you, Bobby?  I hear you were fine.  If you were kept in it for a week or so, I swear you’d turn into a real pony!”
“Wow!  Imagine that!  Cool!  So does she ride him every weekend?”
“Yes.  And I hear that now she wants to take him home for the whole weekend, so she can get more training time.  Are you going to do that, Bobby?”
Bobby mumbled something under his breath.
“I guess you’ll have to.  Miss Poole’s agreed, hasn’t she?  Poor you.  More smack-smacks.”
“Really?  You’re a lucky boy, Bobby, getting all that attention from your cute little jockey!  But I’d like to see that whip sometime, Magda
just as a matter of interest
Bobby was disappointed with Magda.  He’d thought she was his friend
  But she seemed to find the whole thing as entertaining as her friend, or whatever she was.  In fact, what was she?  They seemed very affectionate towards each other, he thought.  Even now Magda was playing with Zeta’s cropped hair
  Then looking sideways at Bobby, she pulled her friend’s head close to hers, and whispered something in her ear.  Bobby picked up a couple of words:  “pony tail” and “butt-plug”!  She was telling her all his secrets!  Zeta stared at him, her eyes widened, and then she was sniggering behind her hand.  Bobby’s cheeks burnt with embarrassment.  They were nearly at reception now, and he hurried into the building.  MĂ©lisande was there, chatting to the receptionist.  She hadn’t seen him, but all of a sudden he was arrested by a sharp tug at his tail, which made him yelp with surprise.  MĂ©lisande turned, and both she and the receptionist burst out laughing.  He twisted round, and confronted Danielle’s grinning face.
“Slow down, Bobby!  We ain’t as young as we were, you know
”  She gave it another pull.  “Ooh, can you feel that?  What’s going on here?”
“Let me feel,” said Cheryl, grabbing the end roughly, and making him wince as the hairy egg moved about inside him.
  I have to take you to the party
“Okay, darling.  But we’re gonna check that out later,” laughed Danielle, releasing his tail and giving him a smart pat on the bum.  I think this is gonna be a fun party, girls!”


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #103 on: June 14, 2024, 07:44:15 AM »
Chapter 94.

Bobby hurried through reception and along the corridor to the boardroom, anxious to avoid any more unwanted advances.  How many more trips would he have to make?   However, after the greetings were over he had a pleasant surprise.
“That’s everyone, Bobby.  You can stay here now.  Ladies, order whatever you want.  The maids will look after you.”
Bobby saw them for the first time: two pretty young girls in short black and white maid costumes, with black tights and high block-heeled patent leather strappy shoes.  They were staring at him in disbelief.  One was a feisty-looking blonde, with her hair in a bun, her surprise just in the process of dissolving in mirth; the other a gorgeous black girl with a cropped curly jet black hair and shining skin, who hadn’t yet emerged from the initial shock.  Diana registered his interest.
“Bobby, meet our maids, Kaiya and Barbara – she likes to be called Babs, right?”  The blonde nodded, without taking her eyes off Bobby.  “I recruited them from the local business college.  I admit they’re not trained maids, but that’s because I chose them purely for their cuteness!”  She laughed.  “I can see you approve.  Maids – you may serve drinks.  Please don’t be distracted by Bobby – you can ogle him as much as you like later.”

Bobby stood awkwardly against the wall whilst the guests were supplied with drinks.  He felt terribly exposed.  His heels made him look taller than he was.  The high frilled neck of his leotard tickled his chin, but his mitts made it difficult for him to scratch himself, or adjust the legs, which seemed to be continually riding up.  It was quite warm, and his lip gloss was becoming slightly sticky.  He could see his mascara every time he lowered his eyelids.  His pigtail ribbons tickled his neck.  Earlier he had caught sight of himself in a mirror and the circles of blusher seemed even more prominent than before.  He shifted from one leg to the other.  His coc-k-harness and butt-plug were constant reminders of his impotence and helplessness.  He stared at the maids.  When either of them bent forward to put down glasses he got a glimpse of pretty ruffled panties.  He sighed.  Why did he have to be got up like a tart?  How could he try to impress anyone when he looked like this?  His appearance excited only hilarity.

Everyone seemed to be having a good time.  There was a hubbub of conversation.  He was beginning to feel hungry.  Savoury smells drifted in from the kitchen.  He wondered what time lunch would be served.
But all at once the peace was shattered.  Diana gave an angry cry.
“What?  Say that again, Polly?”
Everyone had stopped talking.  The maids looked anxious.  All eyes were on Diana and Polly.  Polly looked flustered.
“I shouldn’t have mentioned it.  I didn’t want to spoil
“No, you must mention it.  Tell me exactly what was said.”  As she spoke, she glared at Bobby.
Fear gripped him.  This must be about his conversation with Phoebe.
Polly was speaking in a whisper.  Eleanor leant over and put in her twopennyworth.  Diana continued to stare at him.  Eventually she spoke.
“Bobby.  Come here.  Here – stand right here!”  She pointed to a spot in front of the long table, facing the guests.  “Nicole – do you have that clip you mentioned?”
Nicole got up, took the clip from her bag, went over and clipped Bobby’s shoes together.
“There.  He can’t move now, Diana.”
“Thank you, Nicole.  Clarissa?  This will interest you, too.”  She looked at Bobby severely.  “Polly and Eleanor have just been telling me about a certain conversation they overheard in the car park, between you and that girl – Phoebe or whatever her name is.”
Bobby was trembling now.  He didn’t reply, but looked at the floor.
“They told me that you called Clarissa’s daughter some rather unpleasant names.  Is that true?”
Bobby squirmed, but said nothing.
“If you refuse to reply, I’ll have to take that as an admission of guilt
  You called her a “little bitch”, I’m told
“No!  I never called her that!”
“He didn’t say that, Diana,” murmured Polly.
“Oh.  I see.  That was the girl, was it?  So what did you say?”
“I-I can’t exactly remember, miss
  I may have called her
“Yes?  Speak up.”
“I m-may have called her a brat
“Oh.  Hear that, Clarissa?  You’re sweet daughter’s a brat.  The brat that giving up her time to train him for the dressage event.  Her mount refers to its rider as a brat.  Her mount, that today has been given such a beautiful costume, and the honour of conducting my guests to this room, and the promise of a wonderful lunch, calls your daughter a brat.  You are the brat, young man, and an ungrateful brat, at that!”
“I’m sorry, Miss Diana
  I-I didn’t mean it
“Then the first thing to do is for you to apologise.”
“I’m really sorry, Mrs Burlington.  I didn’t mean it
  I like MĂ©lisande
“Where is MĂ©lisande today, Clarissa?”
“She’s here.  Actually, I think she’s still in reception, waiting for her horse to be tacked up.”
“Really?  Perfect.  Let’s get her in, then.  He can apologise now.  And I think she should be the one decide his punishment, don’t you?”
There was a general murmur of approval.  Everyone seemed happy at the prospect of an unexpected floor show, and Bobby’s further humiliation.  An amusing episode to give them an appetite for lunch.  Clarissa got up to fetch MĂ©lisande.
“Oh, Clarissa.  While you’re there, would you ask reception to find that Phoebe girl and send her in as well?  She should witness this.  I can’t do much else about her, because she’s leaving soon.  Thanks.”


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #104 on: June 14, 2024, 10:55:03 AM »
Chapter 95.

Clarissa ushered in a bewildered MĂ©lisande.  Clearly Clarissa hadn’t told her why she was needed.  “This is my daughter,  MĂ©lisande,” announced Clarissa.  MĂ©lisande was in full riding gear, beige breeches, shiny black rubber boots, white shirt, tie, and black jacket.  She held her hat on one hand and her whip in the other.  She looked very smart.  She gave a shy little wave to the room in general, and looked questioningly at her mother.
“Diana will explain everything,” said Clarissa, resuming her seat.
“Relax, MĂ©lisande,” simpered Diana.  “Kaiya, could you get her a chair?”
Kaiya brought one of the dining chairs from the far wall.  It had a plush red velvet seat.  At Diana’s direction she placed it in the middle of the room at parallel with the long table.  Bobby had to twist round to see her.  MĂ©lisande looked at him, not understanding why he didn’t move his feet.
“I’m sorry, MĂ©lisande,” said Diana.  “Let me explain.  I’ve just found out
But at this point the door opened, and the receptionist appeared, followed by Phoebe.
“I think this was the girl you wanted, madam.”
“Yes, that’s her.  Girl?”  She spoke like a Victorian lady addressing a parlour-maid.  “Girl?  Go and stand by the wall, please.  Go on.  For the time being you’re still my employee, and if you want to collect what’s due to you you’ll do as I say.”
Phoebe sneered, but made her way to the wall and sat down on the floor, one arm resting on her knee.  She was chewing gum.
“Right.  Now, MĂ©lisande, I don’t want to upset you, but it has just been brought to my attention that Bobby and this girl were discussing you in the car park an hour ago, and some very unpleasant things were said.”
“Yeah,” said Phoebe, quite undaunted.  “I called you a little bitch, which is what you are.”
There were gasps from around the table.
“If you want to know why, which you probably don’t, but I’ll tell you anyway, it’s because you’re trying to take over Bobby’s life, and because you ride him like a bitch, without any care for his welfare, which you wouldn’t even do to a real pony.  Look at his legs – look at those marks.  That’s from your whip.  It’s not fair.  You treat him like he’s a piece of your property, which you can do what you like with.  You should be ashamed.  And your mother too,” she added, with a curl of her lip.
“How dare you
” began Diana.  But Phoebe cut her off.
“It’s true.  You know it.  So does Miss Poole there.  Some of you may not, but I’ll tell you Bobby gets strapped up in a pony suit every week, and this one” – she pointed at MĂ©lisande – “this one does what she pleases to him for hours at a time.”
Miss Poole was on her feet, intent on damage limitation.
“It’s true MĂ©lisande is teaching Bobby dressage – and other equestrian skills.  But it is with both Bobby’s and his guardian’s full agreement and participation.  Isn’t that so, Bobby?”
“Er, yes
  I, er
  We’re getting ready for the October dressage event
“For god’s sake, Bobby, have a bit of independence,” cried Phoebe, fuming with frustration.  “Tell them how she uses the whip on you!”
“Really?  Does she?” asked Cheryl, wide-eyed.
“It’s necessary,” said Miss Poole, coolly.  “For a young, inexperienced mount, it’s often the only way
Phoebe snorted.  Miss Poole turned up her nose.  Most of her guests knew all this already.
“So let me get this straight, Violet,” continued Cheryl.  “Bobby here is dressed as a pony
“He has this really cool latex pony suit,” interrupted Zeta, eyes dancing.  “It has ears and everything.  He looks amazing.  Here, I’ve got a video.”  She passed her phone to Cheryl.  Danielle and Tracey craned in from either side.  “He’s strapped in so he can’t be anything but a pony.  MĂ©lisande rides him up and down and teaches him tricks.  He loves it.  Don’t you, Bobby?  Don’t you?”
“Bobby!” cried Phoebe in despair.  “Don’t be such a fuc-king wimp!  Do you want to be her slave forever?”
But Bobby was thinking of the humiliating material they had on him, and what they were capable of.
“I’m sorry Phoebe, but Mellie is a very good rider
MĂ©lisande sat unmoving with a smug smile on her face.
“What?  I can’t believe you!  MellieStill?  If you don’t stand up for yourself, I’m leaving now, and you’ll never see me again!”
“But she is, and my training is coming along great, and
But Phoebe had jumped to her feet and spat her gum onto the floor.  “Right.  That’s it!”  And she marched to the door and stormed out.


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