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Author Topic: Proud Mommy  (Read 10307 times)

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Tiny Johnny

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Proud Mommy
« on: May 28, 2024, 12:10:25 AM »
"Time to wakie wakie sissy girl!"  Mommy said in a high pitched voice as she came into the room with a big smile on her face. "How is pwincess this morning?  Let's get babykins changie wangie and then feed you before we go to our first day!"

I had no idea what that all meant.  I was put on the changing table and my baby doll nightie was removed and my diaper changed.  "Awww poor widdle mommy's girl did tinkie winkies in her diapee last night?  Such a widdle baby pp pants."   "Who's mommy's pwincess?  Who is mommy's pwincess?"  She repeated in a teasing voice as if talking to a six month old.  "There she is! Peekaboo pwincess"  She played peekaboo from above me with a smile from ear to ear.

After a good powdering, a new diaper with baby animals was put on me.  Next came a lemon and white ruffled diaper cover with a baby duck cartoon on the bottom.  The matching dress was barely long enough to get to the top of the diaper cover.  White ankle socks with a lemon ribbon and white patent leather mary janes were put on my feet. Finally, mommy put a big white bow on my head.

I had to crawl to the stairs and wait for mommy to unlock the baby gate.  She sat me on my bottom to take one stair at a time.  "Put those feet down baby.  You can do it sissy.  That's a girl, now your widdle bottom to the next stair.  Hold steady with your hands now sweetie.  That's mommy's good girl. Let mommy take a picture of you going down like a big girl."  She took out her phone and got some pictures of me going one stair at a time with my legs open and my ruffled diaper cover showing.  That went on stair by stair until I was down. 

I was put in my high chair and my princess bib was put around my neck.  Mommy fed me a mushy mix of rice cereal, formula and apricots all mixed together then held a bottle for me.

"Ok widdle pwincess, let's get in the van and get going.  We don't want to be late."  She loaded me up in the car seat in the middle of the van. When I was locked in, she got in front and started driving.

After about 10 minutes we parked in front of a house that had balloons tied to the mailbox.  I noticed quite a few vans parked in front.  Mommy got out carried my diaper bag over her shoulder and unbuckled me then had me waddle while I held her hand. 

When we got to the door, mommy's niece answered with her toddler in her arms.  "Well, well, aren't you quite a little bundle of frills today johnny.  Wherever did you get that pretty outfit?"  I could only hold my head down with my paci in as mommy spoke up.  "You know Beth, I was going to dress her in shorts and a t shirt but she just cried and told me she wanted to wear this."  "Well you are just cute as a gumdrop.  Bring her right on in and join the rest of the group."

When we got in, I was put down and made to crawl with Beth's little one, down the hall.  "Awww, look at those little bottoms wiggle, aren't they just precious together and look a little ducky on her bottom, how cute johnny!" Aunt Beth commented. 

When we got to the main room, several young moms from the neighborhood and their babies were there sitting on the floor.  All of them were wearing shorts except for me of course.  Mommy came in with Aunt Beth and all the moms greeted her.  We knew just about everyone there. 

Aunt Beth had a lot of toys and things set up around the room.  "Ok, first why don't we let the babies play with some toys.  Make sure we are sharing now little ones."  Each child was given a toy.  A lot of the boys got blocks and the girls dolls.  I was handed a rattle by Auntie Beth.  "Now be careful not to get your pwetty widdle dwess dirty johnny."

Mommy made sure I shook the rattle while the rest of the kids played with real toys.  The moms helped all of them have a good time.  Several of them asked me if I was having fun and mommy had me shake my head and smile.  She had me crawl over to where the girls were playing with dolls and play with my rattle next to them.  Some of them tried to take the rattle from me.  "Now, now sissy johnny, play nice and share your toys.  I am sure someone will have a dolly for you!"

Baby Samantha

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Re: Proud Mommy
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2024, 03:33:10 AM »
Another great start to another great story - thank you for continuing it x


  • Dolly
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Re: Proud Mommy
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2024, 04:40:24 PM »
Fantastic start sweetie 😘
Love it so much!


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Proud Mommy
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2024, 09:53:29 PM »
Hooray! So happy to see a new story from you, Tiny Johnny!

sweet baby katie

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Re: Proud Mommy
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2024, 11:04:14 AM »
Wonderful start… full sweet sissy baby potential.  Please continue.

Tiny Johnny

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Re: Proud Mommy
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2024, 12:54:22 AM »
Part II
I shook the rattle and played with dollies while all the moms watched.  They talked about me and the other babies as if I didn't know what they were saying." Look how nice our little girls are playing together, we have to do this every week." "That lemon dress is just precious!"  "Oh johnny threw a tantrum begging me to wear ducky today so Auntie Beth could see it.  I tried to explain how everyone else would be in shorts"  All the moms laughed when they heard that. "The way the little bloomers stick out is so cute too."

After playing for about 30 minutes, all the moms gathered their babies and we were moved to the middle of the room and sat on their laps.  Auntie Beth asked that each mom tell everyone else a little bit about themselves and then about their baby; what is their favorite thing to do, what trouble you may be having with them, and what do you hope to get out of this group.  As everyone took their turn the other moms commented and chatted with the mom telling them about themselves and their child.

"Ok, little johnny's mom, your turn," Auntie Beth said. After telling a bit about herself, mommy then told them about me.  When I opened my mouth to stop her, she shoved a pacifier in and strapped it around my head.  "johnny just loves baby girl things, especially cute dresses and rattles.  Her biggest trouble is wetting her diapers all the time.  As far as what I hope to get out of this group is some helpful advice and some new friends for my baby girl that are her own age."  Several moms asked what diapers I was in.  "Well today, she is in cloth with her yellow ducky pins and her plastic pants over them, then her bloomers, lol"  They all thought plastic pants were a must for wetters like me.

I sat there suc-king the pacifier until everyone was done and we were invited to sit on our mommy's laps while refreshments were served to them.  The moms sat up on the sofa and some chairs and put us all on their laps.  Several of the moms started to breast feed and I soon found myself getting one forced into my mouth as well.  "Eat up sissy girl while we mommies talk all about our little lammys."  We were ignored as the moms talked.  After about fifteen minutes I finally got relief, as I thought my feeding was done and my mouth opened.  I soon found out that we were just switching sides as my mouth was filled again and I looked up at her with pleading eyes while she giggled.  "There, there, sissy girl, suc-ky suc-ky"

A while later I was being burped over her towel draped shoulder like the rest of the infants while she kept chatting with the other moms.  When I finally burped she acknowledged me.  "That's a good baby girl, you must have had a good feed.  I am sure you went tinkies, so let's get your widdle booty changed."

She got my diaper bag and placed it on the floor in front of me.  All my hope of a private changing was gone when she laid a changing mat on the middle of the floor in front of everyone.  "Time for a new diapey sissy girl."  She lifted my dress up so that it was above my waist.
"Let's get that soaking one off you and get you all nice and clean. Say bye bye to ducky"  she said as she removed the bloomers.  Everyone laughed when they saw my nursery print plastic pants.  They were yellow with rattles, blocks, giraffes and bunnies on them.  "Aren't those darling, wherever did you find them?" one of the moms commented.

While this was going on, a couple of other moms thought it was a good time to change their babies, so they were laid on the floor next to me and all of us were changed together.

Once my plastic pants were unsnapped and removed, my wet diaper was obvious.  A new diaper was laid out along with powder and baby oil.  My ducky pins were undone and my diaper lowered in front.  As soon as it was, my pink cage was visible to everyone.  Many of the moms giggled when they saw it. 

My legs were raised up and pulled back as I was rubbed with baby wipes all over my lower half.  "Did mommy's widdle girl make tinkie winkies again.  Awww, don't worry, mommy will take care of you.  Now open wide."  She spread my legs wide open and finished wiping me all over.  Next she turned me over and oiled my bottom until it was soaked.  "Widdle johnny's botty is so soft now"  and she gave it a smack before turning me back over.  By now, the other babies had already been changed.

"Oh look little sissy, it is snowing!"  she said as she powdered my front to excess.  "You smell cute as a flower now."  My new diaper was pinned up and my plastic pants and bloomers were pulled back on so my dress could go back down.  I was lifted and put in a playpen in the corner of the room.  There were rattles, a three piece puzzle and soft blocks inside it.  A mirror was fastened to the side so I could see myself.   "The bigger boys and girls are going to play out here.  Have fun in your playpen widdle sissy"  It wasn't the bigger boys and girls, it was all of the babies except me.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Proud Mommy
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2024, 07:22:25 PM »
Oh lovely!  Thank you for continuing this!


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