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Author Topic: My Wife’s New Baby Girl  (Read 3909 times)

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My Wife’s New Baby Girl
« on: July 13, 2024, 04:28:51 PM »
Hi y'all. I've been a lurker here for years. I've been writing a lot more regression and forced sissy stories recently and wanted to give back a bit on here. My stories tend to be very dark, so hope that's welcome here. Enjoy!

My Wife’s New Baby Girl
by Del Rio (my writing pen name)

Chapter One:

“Ouch!” The sharp pain of a needle escaping my arm was followed by the slightly less painful yank of medical tape off my skin.

“I think taking that IV out finally awoke our sweet Denise.” That was the voice of my wife Jennifer, a beautiful slender woman who looked 15 years younger than her 48.

I tried to focus my eyes on the figures leaning over me but everything was so blurry. I tried to rub my eyes with my newly-freed arm but my hand was covered by a soft fingerless mitt. The effort was exhausting; my arm felt like it weighed 100 pounds.

“Awww, she looks so adorable when she’s all groggy and sleepy.” Was that my daughter Kate’s voice? Or was it Jane’s? I’d always had trouble telling the twins’ voices apart. I made out two very similar figures at the foot of his bed, but my blurred vision was useless at discerning faces.

At 26, my twin daughters were both supermodel gorgeous, although I could hardly take pride in that. In my teens, my sadistic mother had insisted on my tubes being snipped, citing my short stature and slight build as being genetics she couldn’t bear to see passed on. When Jennifer had wanted kids at my ripe age of 55, I’d agreed to her being impregnated by her good friend, Logan. He was much younger, classically handsome, tall and muscular — everything I wasn’t. Sure, I was retired and with plenty of money, but could I raise kids?

“Why’s he drooling so much?” said a deep-voiced man. Logan? Why was he here? I hadn’t seen him in years. As far as I knew, my wife didn’t really speak to the father of my children anymore, which brought great relief to my fragile ego. I made another attempt to wipe the haze from my eyes, rubbing the soft mitt harder into my corneas. No luck — the small crowd staring at me were just impressionistic figures.

“The drooling is an inevitable — and delightful — side effect of the full tooth extraction,” chimed in another female voice. This one I recognized: my sister-in-law Katya. It made sense that she might be here. I could tell I was in some sort of medical facility, and she was a distinguished cosmetic surgeon. “The teeth do a great job keeping saliva in the mouth,” Katya continued. “This little sweetums will constantly need something to suc-kle on to stem the flow of drool. Of course the tongue paralysis doesn’t help matters.”

Who were they talking about? A young girl? I blinked furiously and whipped my head all around the room but failed to see the figure they described. But while my vision was dulled, the first movement of my head made me suddenly aware of height and sensations coming from my skin. Any amount of air moving across my face produced shivers throughout my body. My chin was cold … or was it wet? Goosebumps arose with the slightest rubbing of my thighs against each other. involuntarily I rubbed my thighs again and heard an unmistakable squish. Were they also wet like my face?

“And why is he blinking so much and rubbing his eyes constantly?” Logan asked.

The figure that I had now identified as my wife leaned in to caress my chin with what felt like a thick piece of gauze. The cold sensation from the moisture gave way to a series of warm tingles. It seemed even a soft caress caused my nerve endings to fire. Again, my legs twitched and produced another squishing sound.

“Now, now, Logan, watch your pronouns. We certainly don’t wanna misgender our princess here,” Jennifer said in a mocking tone. “But to answer your question, she’s rubbing her eyes and blinking, I assume, because she thinks the blurred vision is caused by just a little sleep sand. The poor deer is about to realize that her new perspective, so to speak, is a feature not a bug for a sissy toddler.

My daughters giggled. “That’s a relief,” said one of the twins. “It’ll be nice to be able to walk around the house in our underwear without Dad salivating over us. Gross.”

Dad? They were talking about me! fuc-k And they knew I’d been ogling them. I thought I’d been careful. I mean, how could I not? My daughters were my ultimate wet dream. I’d always told myself it was OK to jack off to them because they weren’t my blood. But I certainly didn’t want my family to ever find out! It'd been bad enough that my wife had recently found my stash on my secret laptop: hours and hours of recordings I’d made of women and men using the toilet at my local gym. Planting the cameras had been easy — they were virtually invisible nowadays. The hard part was convincing my wife not to go to the police. I explained how frustrating it was being a diminutive middle-aged man with little purpose in life cursed with such strong, deviant urges. I swore to never do it again, and she seemed to believe me. Thank god she never found the videos on that same laptop of myself wearing schoolgirl uniforms.

“Oh, he’ll still be salivating quite a bit,” my sister-in-law chimed in, “which reminds me… “ A large pink object was thrust into my mouth. My sore gums instinctively grasped onto the foreign object, exploring its soft, smooth textures. I instantly felt a wave of calm wash over me as I fervently suc-ked on the bulbous rubber. It was a pacifier! While on one hand I was horrified to be given such a babyish item, I was alarmed to notice just how excited I felt chomping away at the artificial teet. Another wave of relaxation came, this time followed by a flood of warmth over my lower half. I was in heaven, and I didn’t know why. I squirmed as the liquid enveloped my waste.

“Ooh, I bet I know why she’s so fidgety now,” my wife said. “Who’s taking first diaper duty?”

“Me, me, me!” OK, that was definitely my daughter Jane shrieking with excitement.

“No fair. I wanted to have first dibs! Besides, I have more babysitting experience than Jane.” Katie whined. God, those girls were always such brats. If they weren’t so hot I’d have disowned them years ago. They were always fighting over the dumbest things.  What were they squabbling about now — a baby’s diaper change? What baby? Everyone seemed to be speaking at me but not to me. I was certain this was some sort of prank or game.

My wife broke in. “You can both change the baby, girls, OK? And we’ll be right here enjoying the first of thousands of changes for this sissy.”

I felt a tugging around my midriff. Then I was yanked to the edge of the bed with surprising ease. Sure, I was always on the smaller side. I always stated that I was 5’ 5” but I was really 5’ 2”. 110 pounds at my bulkiest, although all the protein shakes and weights in the world merely got me “toned” like a lithe yoga teacher. Still, I couldn’t imagine my sinewy daughters being able to drag me so far and fast by my ankles. A loud screech of plastic ripping was followed by a rush of cool air on my torso. I couldn’t help but suc-k even harder on the dummy in my mouth.

“Holy fuc-k,” said Logan. “You did it. You actually did it. I mean, I guess I thought you might still be bluffing. But I should have known not to underestimate Jessica. And I knew Katya was good, but … Jesus. It’s so, so …”

“Tiny? Cute? It’s a fuc-king work of art if I do say so myself,” said my sister-in-law. “Here, let’s bring a mirror over so the little lady can see for herself. Oh, and she’ll need these special glasses to be able to see my masterwork.”

As soon as the frames were placed on my head the fog was lifted. Now I could clearly see the faces of my family as they leaned over my exposed waist. Above them were giant pink mylar balloons stating “It’s a girl!” and “Welcome baby!” I shifted my newfound sight toward the mirror resting at the foot of my bed. I was laying on a diaper, that was obvious. It was fully saturated with urine. My normally hairy legs were completely smooth and as pink as the balloons. It was me! Somehow I was the sissy, the baby girl! What I couldn’t make sense of was what was at the center of the mirror.

“There you are, baby girl!” Katya taunted in a sing-songy voice fit for an infant. “Isn’t that all better now that you can see? Well, don’t get used to it. Those special glasses will be tucked away permanently after I show you all the wonderful changes I’ve made to your icky boy body. I’ll bet you’re wondering wear your little dic-ky went. Well, don’t worry — it’s still there. It’s just even littler.”

My daughter Jane tapped a little nub of flesh between my legs. I felt a fuzzy sensation in place of the usual sharp pleasure I’d normally get from my coc-k. This triggered a dribble of pee to escape from … wait, it wasn’t coming from my dic-khole piss was definitely flowing down my thighs onto the soaked diaper.

“Yep, Jane, that’s what’s left of your dad’s pen-is after I removed all of the shaft and left just the very tip, like a cute flesh button. Of course that meant rerouting the urethra to …”

Katie quickly moved her hands to a small slit of flesh beneath the button. I felt that same vague tingle. More pee dribbled out.

“That’s right, Katie,” Katya continued. “That’s the world’s cutest little baby vagina that I fashioned out of your father’s scrotum. That’s where his urine escapes now. And I do mean ‘escape’ because he has absolutely no control over his bladder and bowels now. Amazing what a flick of a scalpel can do. It’s OK, honey, you can explore deeper.”

Katie slipped her finger deep into the folds of my new slit. The fuzzy tingling increased slightly. It was a weird mix of pain and pleasure. “Can she still ‘get off’ or whatever?” she asked. “Like if I finger the little perv, what will happen?”

Jennifer laughed at the notion and chimed in. “Oh no, no. We made sure this bad girl can’t be naughty ever again. Katya just left a small bit of those old penile nerves intact. You can finger, flick, or rub that nub and slit all you want and she’ll only ever feel a vague, unsatisfying tingle. Quite frustrating, I imagine.”

Obviously they were fuc-king with me. What I saw in the mirror was fake, just makeup and silicone, right? This couldn’t be real. My dic-k was gone? I had a useless vagina? I’d have to wear diapers 24/7?! It was a nightmare, a very vivid nightmare.

Against my instincts, I spit out the pacifier and shouted. “You’re all fuc-king insane! What the fuc-k did you do? I’ll fuc-king kill you all, even if this is just a prank!” Or at least that’s what I’d intended to shout. All I heard was high-pitched nonsense as saliva poured down my chin.

“You’re skipping ahead, baby Denise!” said my wife. “Oh, that is your new name now, sweetums, as is befitting a little lady. But OK, if you insist, I’ll give you the full overview. Let’s just pop that pacifier right back in while I tell you the rest.” She teases the oversized silicone on my lips and I greedily suc-ked it back in.

“In addition to the loss of your speech capabilities, you also lack any muscle coordination, both features thanks to experimental brain implants. You’ll forever flail and twitch just like a real infant! With your best effort, you may be able to crawl for short distances. We permanently removed your body hair, and with the help of your own stem cells, we were able to make your skin as soft and sensitive as the day you were born! Now even a gust of wind might make you fussy. Speaking of fussy, your new smaller stomach will only be able to handle digesting mild pureed foods in tiny amounts. That’s why we’ll insist on feeding you mashed-up nutrient-dense liver and prunes for regularity. Did I miss anything, Katya?”

Without saying a word, my sister-in-law nodded and moved the mirror up to my face, plucking the pacifier from my hungry mouth.. Where there used to be a narrow, angular face of a man too lazy to shave his dark stubble, there was now the fat, round face of an oversized cherub. My hollow cheeks had been filled — overfilled — and permanently stained with a bright rouge. My lips had been tightened into a small pucker that couldn’t fully close, offering a glimpse of my naked gums and an easy escape for a constant flow of drool. Under the special glasses that allowed me to see myself I could tell my eyes had been widened, tinted light blue and topped with ridiculously long eyelashes. And where there was the thick, brown hair I’d so pridefully kept into middle age was now just a few wisps of thin blonde hair amongst a sea of soft baldness.

Those big blue eyes welled up. My eyes. Tears rolled down impossibly chubby cheeks. My cheeks. Tiny lips, my lips, quivered and released the prepubescent shrill of my new vocal cords. The baby was crying. and I was that baby.

A hand snapped forward and the hysterical babified face in the mirror became a blur.

“Ok, that’s enough big girl sight for now,” scolded my wife, tucking the glasses away. “Girls, finish up that diaper change. It’s time to bring sweet Denise home to her new nursery.”

Those big blue eyes welled up. My eyes. Tears rolled down impossibly chubby cheeks. My cheeks. Tiny lips, my lips, quivered and released the prepubescent shrill of my new vocal cords. The baby was crying. and I was that baby.

A hand snapped forward and the hysterical babified face in the mirror became a blur.

“Ok, that’s enough big girl sight for now,” scolded my wife, tucking the glasses away.

“Girls, finish up that diaper change. It’s time to bring sweet Denise home to her new nursery.”

Baby Mac

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Re: My Wife’s New Baby Girl
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2024, 01:39:39 AM »
Thank you so much on posting your masterpiece here. I love forced adult baby horror fiction and we get barely any. What the sadistic mother did to him is an instant set up for the disturbing quality of the story and i oh so do hope she returns to torment him. Please post chapter 2 soon i hope its gets much more darker and horrific with the nursery. The whole thing reminds me of Trina's Baby Ex-Husband by Verna Benson. I envy him so much and cant not wait for more thanks!


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Re: My Wife’s New Baby Girl
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2024, 03:28:05 AM »
Thank you for the very kind review! Now I really want to read this Trina story. Do you know where I can find it? I searched here and no luck.

Baby Mac

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Re: My Wife’s New Baby Girl
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2024, 04:32:59 AM »
The Trina story is on BDSM Library again thanks for the story


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Re: My Wife’s New Baby Girl
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2024, 06:59:50 PM »
Wonderful story start. Looking forward to more

Baby Mac

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Re: My Wife’s New Baby Girl
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2024, 02:50:59 AM »
Please Bob continue your horror classic its such a tease to wait


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Re: My Wife’s New Baby Girl
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2024, 10:39:33 PM »
Oh, I agree with Baby Mac.  Please write some more Bob, this has the makings of a classic.


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