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Author Topic: The Descent  (Read 7489 times)

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  • Super Sissy
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The Descent
« on: July 26, 2024, 07:08:05 PM »
The Descent: A Journey Into Total Humiliation

Chapter 1: The Swimsuit
Chapter 2: The Letter To Johanna
Chapter 3: Meeting Mauranne
Chapter 4: The Letter To Miss Mauranne
Chapter 5: A Day Of Service
Chapter 6: The Little Sister
Chapter 7: Meeting Mister Don
Chapter 8: The Romantic Dinner
Chapter 9: A Whole Weekend
Chapter 10: The Letter To Miss Johanna And Miss Mauranne
Chapter 11: In The Schoolyard
Chapter 12: The Punishments
Chapter 13: Signs Of Affection
Chapter 14: The Baby Sister
Chapter 15: Learning His Lesson
Chapter 16: The Ballerina
Chapter 17: Ballet Passion
Chapter 18: Public Challenge
Chapter 19: Itching Powder
Chapter 20 An Itchy Day
Chapter 21: A New Restriction
Chapter 22: Bathroom Challenges
Chapter 23: A Baby's Night
Chapter 24: Childish Words
Chapter 25: A Hot Day
Chapter 26: The Shopping Trip
Chapter 27: Underwear Checks
Chapter 28: Gifts In The Locker
Chapter 29: Less Discreet Gifts
Chapter 30: Home Visit
Chapter 31: Becoming Visible
Chapter 32: More And More Tormentors
Chapter 33: Opening Up To Mummy
Chapter 34: Opening Up To The World
Chapter 35: At Mister Don's Feet
Chapter 36: The Reward
Chapter 37: A Puppy Day
Chapter 38: Babysitting
Chapter 39: The Birthday Party
Chapter 40: Meeting Families–The Timmermans
Chapter 41: Meeting Families–The Smits
Chapter 42: Family Picnic
Chapter 43: Dinner
Chapter 44: Mummy-Son Moment
Chapter 45: Pee Challenge
Chapter 46: More Baby Time
Chapter 47: Baby Has Guests
Chapter 48: Baby On A Walk
Chapter 49: Introducing Baby To The Family
Chapter 50: End Of Year Party


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2024, 07:29:34 PM »
Chapter 1: The Swimsuit

Johanna Smit was known for her strength—both physical and of character. She had little patience for anything she perceived as weakness. Ludo, for instance, with his shy demeanor and unassuming nature, epitomized everything she found annoying.
He was the classic “goody two-shoes” type. Always prepared, always polite, and seemingly always at the teacher's beck and call. His classmates often dismissed him as the kind of person who would never stand out in the world of school hierarchies. To Johanna, he was the ultimate example of everything she found irritating. His timid nature made him an easy target for her sarcastic remarks, but she never took it too far—she enjoyed keeping him on his toes.

One day, as she sauntered into their shared history class, she spotted Ludo hunched over his desk, scribbling furiously in his notebook. Johanna, feeling a rare pang of boredom, decided to engage him in one of her frequent but light-hearted provocations.
“Hey, Ludo,” she called out, leaning over his desk with a smirk. “Did you get a gold star for that perfect penmanship of yours?”
Ludo's head shot up, his cheeks reddening as he stumbled over his words. “N-no, Johanna. I was just—uh—taking notes.”
Johanna laughed softly, finding his discomfort both amusing and endearing. She knew he was the type who would be mortified by any interaction that drew attention to him. But Johanna wasn't just about making fun. She had a knack for gauging when someone’s strengths could be useful, and Ludo's penchant for details and his academic prowess had become increasingly useful.

Later that week, Johanna found herself struggling with a particularly tough math problem. It wasn’t that she couldn’t understand the material; it was more about the frustration of not having the answer immediately. She decided to approach Ludo for assistance.
The moment she asked, Ludo’s eyes widened with surprise, then quickly softened into a smile as he eagerly agreed to help. Johanna found it amusing that someone as timid as him could be so enthusiastic about assisting her.
One afternoon, after school, she invited him to her house to work on their homework together.
Johanna's house was larger than Ludo's, with a beautifully landscaped yard and, most impressively, a large swimming pool. As they worked on their assignments in her room, Ludo couldn't help but occasionally glance out the window at the inviting blue water of the pool.
“Maybe next time you come over, we can go for a swim,” Johanna said, noticing his interest. “It's really nice on hot days like today.”
Ludo nodded, smiling shyly. “Yeah, that sounds fun.”
As they were packing up their things, ready to leave, Johanna pointed to a swimsuit hanging on a chair by the pool. It was a bright, floral swimsuit with pink and lavender flowers, ruffled edges, and a big, decorative bow on the front. It also had a frilly skirt attached, which added to its distinctly girlish charm.
“Too bad you didn't bring your swimsuit today,” Johanna said with a teasing grin. “I could have lent you one. How about that one?” She pointed at the frilly swimsuit.
Ludo’s face turned a shade redder as he processed the joke. “Oh, uh, no thanks,” he managed to stammer. He laughed nervously, hoping Johanna wouldn’t press the matter further. Johanna’s playful jab was typical of her, but Ludo couldn’t shake off the image of himself in that ridiculous outfit.

Over the next few days, Ludo found himself strangely preoccupied with the swimsuit. His thoughts ran wild, envisioning scenarios where Johanna might actually force him to wear it—complete with her teasing and laughter. These daydreams were a mix of embarrassment and odd fascination, leaving him confused and somewhat disconcerted.
One evening, while he was studying at home, he found himself doodling in the margins of his notebook. His sketches started off as simple academic notes but soon morphed into playful caricatures of himself in that very swimsuit. The idea of Johanna seeing him in such a vulnerable state—making fun of him in front of others—was both embarrassing and oddly intriguing.

A few days later, Johanna invited Ludo over again. This time, she suggested they go swimming. “It's going to be really hot tomorrow. Why don't you come over, and we can cool off in the pool?”
Ludo felt a nervous flutter in his stomach. He nodded, trying to act casual. “Sure, that sounds great.”
The next day, as he got ready to go to Johanna's house, he hesitated for a long time. Eventually, he purposely left his swimsuit at home. The thought of swimming was appealing, but the memory of his dream and the sight of the frilly swimsuit still lingered in his mind.
When he arrived at Johanna's house, she greeted him warmly. “Hey, ready for a swim?”
Ludo hesitated. “Uh, actually, I forgot my swimsuit.”
Johanna raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips. “Did you now? Well, I guess you'll just have to borrow one.”
She led him to the pool area, where the frilly swimsuit was still hanging. Ludo's heart raced as she handed it to him. “Here you go,” she said. “It belongs to my little sister, but she declared yesterday that she would no longer wear it because it's too childish. But it looks like it's perfect for you today!”
Ludo felt his face flush again. He took the swimsuit, feeling both excitement and dread. “Th... Thank you,” he said quietly, unable to meet her eyes.

He hesitated for a moment, feeling a mix of embarrassment and thrill. But his excitement quickly overpowered his reluctance. He took the swimsuit and went to change.
As he stepped out, he felt the snug fit of the swimsuit, the ruffles tickling his skin. He couldn't help but smile at how different it felt from his usual swim trunks. Back at the pool, Johanna burst into laughter when she saw him, but Ludo's wide grin gave away his delight. The swimsuit's frilly skirt swayed as he moved, and the bright colors stood out vividly against the blue water.
“Wow, Ludo, you look... adorable!” Johanna teased. Despite his initial embarrassment, he was enjoying the experience. However, things took a turn when she started taking photos of him.
“Come on, Ludo, pose for me!” she laughed, snapping pictures from every angle. His face flushed red, but he felt he had no choice but to let her do. Sensing his discomfort, she started jokingly threatening to show the photos at school if he didn't obey her playful demands.
“How about a challenge?” She offered, but her tone left no room for refusal. First, she made him serve her a drink. Ludo, in his bright, floral swimsuit, carefully balanced a tray with a glass and a pitcher of lemonade. “Don't spill, Ludo!” she giggled, making him feel like a poolside waiter.
“Ludo, give me a curtsey every time you fill my glass!” she said with a grin.
Ludo, blushing furiously, held the edges of his frilly skirt and dipped into a curtsey each time he completed a task, like picking up an object lying around or leaves floating in the pool. More photos were taken as he repeated the curtsey several times.
Next, she demanded massages. Ludo's hands trembled slightly as he began massaging her shoulders. “Not bad, Ludo. Now my feet,” she instructed, extending her legs. Ludo, feeling utterly embarrassed but compliant, gently massaged her feet, his classmate laughing and snapping more pictures, occasionally wiggling her toes to tease him.
“Tell me how much you love wearing that swimsuit.” Ludo hesitated but, seeing no other choice, he said, “I love wearing this swimsuit,” and curtseyed again, much to Johanna's delight.

By the end of the day, Ludo was exhausted but strangely exhilarated. Despite the embarrassment and the playful teasing, he couldn't deny that he'd had fun. But he was very afraid, because despite his obedience, Johanna had not promised to keep the photos for herself.
“One last thing,” she added. “Tonight you are going to write me a thank you letter for the swimsuit and for having the honor of serving me.”


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2024, 07:33:16 PM »
Chapter 2: The Letter To Johanna

Dear Johanna,

I hope this letter finds you well and basking in the glorious memories of our unforgettable pool party. I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible honor I had in serving you.
First and foremost, I must thank you for lending me that magnificent, exquisitely feminine swimsuit. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would have the privilege of wearing such a stunning piece of fashion. The bright, floral design, the ruffled edges, and the delightful bow made me feel truly special. The frilly skirt added an extra touch of elegance that I will cherish forever.
Serving you was an unparalleled experience. Balancing the tray of lemonade, massaging your shoulders and feet, and even performing those curtseys were tasks I undertook with the utmost joy and dedication. Each moment was a lesson in humility and grace, and I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to serve such a wonderful friend.
Your guidance and the playful threats of sharing the photos only added to the excitement and fun of the day.

Thank you for your kindness and for allowing me to be a part of such a memorable and enjoyable day. I look forward to our next pool party with great anticipation.

With the deepest gratitude and admiration,



  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2024, 07:36:40 PM »
Chapter 3: Meeting Mauranne

Mauranne used to hang around her big sister's room looking for things. She was intrigued by the pretty handwritten letter on the desk. When she asked for an explanation, Johanna showed her everything!
Ludo thought his secret was safe and that his exaggerated words of gratitude had been received in good humor. But when he arrived at Johanna's house for the next pool party, he was surprised to see Mauranne waiting with a knowing smile.

“Hello, Ludo,” Mauranne said sweetly. “I found your letter. It was so touching. I think it's only fair that I get to join in the fun today.“
Ludo's heart sank as he realized what this meant. Mauranne, younger but just as mischievous as her sister, now held his fate in her hands. She led him inside, where Johanna was waiting and giggling.
“I've got a special swimsuit for you today,” Mauranne announced, pulling out an even more feminine and childish swimsuit than before. This one was a pastel pink with white polka dots, adorned with layers of frilly lace around the neckline and hem. It had puffed sleeves and a large bow on the back, making it look more like a frilly dress than a swimsuit. There were even little heart-shaped buttons down the front, adding to its girlish charm.

“Here you go,” Mauranne said, handing the swimsuit to Ludo. “I expect you to wear this and serve us just like you did last time. And remember, lots of curtseys!“
Ludo, feeling the weight of Mauranne's threat, reluctantly took the swimsuit and changed. When he emerged, the girls burst into laughter. The frilly, pastel pink suit clung to him snugly, the puffed sleeves and lace ruffles making him look even more out of place than before.
“Now, Ludo,” Johanna said, trying to stifle her laughter, “it's time to get to work. Serve us some drinks.“

Ludo complied, balancing a tray of lemonade glasses as he had done before. This time, the girls were more demanding, calling him over frequently and making him curtsey each time he handed them a drink. Mauranne took great delight in making him repeat the action.
“Massage time!” she announced, and Ludo found himself kneeling by the poolside, massaging her shoulders and feet, while Johanna watched and took photos. Each task was punctuated with more giggles and demands for curtseys.
“Now, paint our nails,” Johanna said, handing him an array of nail polish bottles. Ludo carefully painted each girl's nails, the bright pinks and purples standing out vividly. He concentrated hard to avoid smudging.

“And now you have to serve us snacks,” Johanna said, her eyes glinting with mischief. “And by the way, you will always refer to us as 'Miss' followed by our names.“
“Yes, Miss Johanna,” he said curtseying, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks.
Before he leaves home Mauranne added the final touch. “You have to write another thank, telling us how honored you felt to serve us and wear such a beautiful swimsuit.“
Ludo, realizing he had no choice, agreed once more, curtseying deeply. The girls burst into laughter, delighted by his compliance.


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2024, 07:41:44 PM »
Chapter 4: The Letter To Miss Mauranne

Dear Miss Mauranne,

I hope this letter finds you in high spirits and enjoying the afterglow of our recent pool party. I am writing to express my profound thanks and admiration for the extraordinary honor you bestowed upon me during the event.
First and foremost, let me convey my heartfelt gratitude for the enchanting swimsuit you provided. The pastel pink fabric, decorated with playful white polka dots, and the delightful frills, puffed sleeves, and heart-shaped buttons made it a truly one-of-a-kind garment. The large bow on the back was simply the crowning touch, making the entire outfit a true masterpiece of feminine charm. Wearing such a stunning and whimsical suit was a unique and unforgettable experience.

I must also thank you for the engaging and memorable tasks you assigned me. Serving you and your sister, massaging your shoulders and feet, painting your nails, and performing those graceful curtseys were not merely duties but genuine privileges. Each task allowed me to fully appreciate the joy of serving such delightful company.
Furthermore, addressing you as ‘Miss’ helps me understand your place and mine.

Miss Mauranne, I am incredibly grateful and I eagerly await our next gathering. The promise to wear the same special swimsuit at future events is something I look forward to with great anticipation and am prepared to meet any new orders or challenges you might have in store.

With sincere thanks and admiration,



  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2024, 07:46:03 PM »
Chapter 5: A Day Of Service

The next time Ludo was invited to Johanna and Mauranne's house, rain poured down, and the pool party was canceled. However, when Ludo arrived, he was greeted by the sisters, who were beaming with excitement. Johanna handed him a new outfit: a frilly, pink, satin romper with lace trim. It was paired with matching pink ballet flats.
“We’ve got some fun activities planned for you today. Are you ready?” Mauranne said with a mischievous grin.
Ludo took a deep breath, adjusting the delicate fabric of his romper. “Yes, Miss Mauranne. I’m ready to do whatever you and Miss Johanna ask of me.”

First, they had Ludo organize their snack table. “Arrange the snacks by color, Ludo,” Mauranne instructed, pointing to a variety of treats. “Certainly, Miss Mauranne,” Ludo replied, meticulously sorting cupcakes, candies, and cookies.
After that, it was time for another round of nail painting. “Make sure to use the sparkliest pink polish,” Johanna directed. Ludo carefully applied a shimmering pink polish to each of their nails, his own hands trembling slightly as he worked. “As you wish, Miss Johanna,” he said, focusing intently on each nail.
After the foot massages, they made him dance for them. Then they sat down on the couch to watch a movie. He had to wait standing while serving them when they asked him.

There was still no question of ending his challenges. On the contrary, other photos and videos were taken.
At the end of the day, he thanked them for this “new wonderful day” in their service.


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2024, 07:55:57 PM »
Chapter 6: The Little Sister

Johanna and Mauranne's parents felt their eldest daughter was old enough to house-sit with her sister for an evening and even a weekend. She then informed Ludo that he would be coming to spend the night the next Saturday.

Johanna and Mauranne led him to Johanna's bedroom, revealing his outfit for the night. It was a pastel pink dress made of soft satin, adorned with layers of delicate lace and ribbons. The dress had puffed sleeves and a wide sash that tied into a large bow at the back. The skirt was full and flared, designed to twirl beautifully when spun. To complete the look, there were matching ruffled bloomers, knee-high white socks with lace frills, and a pair of pink Mary Johanna shoes with small bows on the toes.
“Here you go, Ludo,” Johanna said, holding up the dress with a smile. “Tonight, you’ll be our little sister.”
Feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness, he replied, “Yes, Miss Johanna.” He changed into the outfit, the silky fabric and frills brushing softly against his skin, making him feel even more like a little girl.
Once he was dressed, Mauranne handed him a baby doll. The doll was dressed similarly in pink frills, with a tiny bonnet on its head. “This is your baby dolly,” Mauranne said. “You must name her and take care of her like a mommy.”
Ludo cradled the doll in his arms, thinking for a moment. “I’ll name her... Ludivine,” he said softly.
“That’s a lovely name, Ludo. It’s cute that you chose the feminized version of yours!” Mauranne replied. “Now, remember, you must carry Ludivine with you at all times and take care of her.”

The girls set up a tea party with a small table, miniature cups, and plates. The table was covered with a pink, lacy tablecloth, and they had an assortment of pretend pastries and cakes. Ludo, carrying Ludivine, had to serve imaginary tea and cakes to his big sisters, performing little curtsies each time he handed them a cup or a plate.
“Would you like some more tea, Miss Johanna?” Ludo asked, curtsying deeply as he offered an empty teacup.
“Yes, please, Ludo,” Johanna replied, playing along with the game.

Next, they played music and had Ludo dance like a toddler. The girls put on a CD of nursery rhymes and children’s songs, and Ludo had to twirl and skip around the room, holding Ludivine close.
“Twirl for us, Ludo!” Mauranne called out.
Ludo complied, spinning around and giving a giggly, high-pitched, “Weee!” as he did, trying to embody the playful spirit of a little girl. His dress flared out as he twirled, the soft fabric swishing around his legs.

The girls took turns reading a children’s story to him and Ludivine. They chose a picture book about a princess and her adventures. He sat on the floor, legs tucked under him, listening intently while cuddling his doll.
“That was a wonderful story, Miss Mauranne,” he said when they finished, his voice sweet and innocent.

When it was time for dinner, heLudo was seated at a small, child-sized table. The girls had set up a little chair for him, complete with a bib. Johanna and Mauranne had a had a large appetizing pizza, but he was served boiled green vegetables.
“Eat your veggies, Ludo,” Johanna instructed firmly, standing over him with a serious look.
He poked at the vegetables, his face scrunching up in distaste. “But I don’t like them, Miss Johanna,” he whined, his voice taking on a childish tone.
“Little girls need to eat their vegetables to grow strong,” Mauranne scolded. “Now, be a good girl and eat up.”
Ludo reluctantly ate a few bites, whining softly. “Do I have to, Miss Mauranne?” he asked, tears welling up in his eyes.
“Yes, you do,” Johanna said sternly. “The only two questions, is it with or without a spanking? And who do we send the first photos of you to?”
Ludo became more docile and finished his vegetables, albeit slowly and with a pout.

After dinner, he was allowed some play and cuddle time with Ludivine. The girls had set up a playpen with soft toys and blankets. Ludo sat, gently rocking his doll and humming a lullaby.
“Are you having fun, Ludivine?” he asked his doll in a high-pitched, sweet voice, trying to keep up the act.
The girls watched with amusement, occasionally instructing Ludo on how to better care for his “baby.”
“Make sure to pat her back gently, Ludo,” Mauranne said, demonstrating the motion.
He mimicked her movements, patting Ludivine’s back and whispering, “There, there, Ludivine. Mommy’s here.”

Despite it still being daylight outside and the sounds of children playing drifting in through the windows, Johanna and Mauranne decided it was time for him to get ready for bed. They led him to the bathroom, where a series of preparations awaited him.
First, they had him wash his face with a gentle, foamy cleanser that smelled of lavender. “Make sure to wash all the way to your hairline,” Johanna instructed, watching as Ludo followed her directions.
Next, they helped him brush his teeth, Mauranne holding Ludivine while Ludo carefully brushed each tooth under their supervision. “Brush in circles, Ludo. We want to make sure your teeth are sparkling clean,” Mauranne advised.
After his teeth were brushed, they handed him a soft, fluffy towel to pat his face dry. “There you go, all fresh and clean,” Johanna said with a smile.

Once the bathroom routine was complete, it was time to change into his nightwear. The girls had prepared a delicate nightgown for him, made of soft, pink cotton with tiny white polka dots. It had lace trim around the collar and cuffs and a small bow at the neckline. They also gave him matching bloomers and a pair of cozy, white socks with pink ruffles.
“Time to change, Ludo,” Mauranne said, handing him the nightgown.
Ludo obediently changed into the nightwear, feeling the soft fabric against his skin. The nightgown was comfortable and made him feel even more like a little girl ready for bed.

Despite the early hour, he was led to a bed with pink, frilly sheets and a fluffy pillow, adorned with stuffed animals and soft blankets.
“Time for bed, Ludo,” Johanna announced, taking on a firm but gentle tone.
“But it’s still light out, Miss Johanna,” Ludo whined, holding Ludivine tightly. “I’m not tired yet.”
“Little girls need their sleep,” Mauranne explained, taking on a motherly tone. “You need to go to bed earlier than grown-ups so you can have lots of energy to play tomorrow.”
Ludo pouted, his eyes welling up with tears. “Yes, Miss Mauranne,” he said softly, his voice trembling.

The girls tucked him in, making sure he was comfortable. They placed Ludivine beside him, ensuring she was within reach. “Good night, Ludo,” they said in unison, giving him a kiss on the forehead.
“Good night, Miss Johanna, Miss Mauranne,” Ludo replied, cuddling Ludivine close. “Thank you for taking care of me.”
With that, the girls turned off the lights and left the room, leaving him to fall asleep, still dressed in his frilly pink nightgown, cradling his beloved dolly.

Later that night, Mauranne quietly crept down the hallway to check on Ludo. As she gently pushed the door open, the soft creak of the hinges was almost masked by the sounds of distant laughter from children still playing outside.
To her surprise, Mauranne noticed that Ludo's eyes were open. He was lying on his side, quietly playing with Ludivine. He was softly whispering to her, oblivious to Mauranne's presence.
Mauranne stepped into the room, her expression shifting from gentle concern to stern disappointment. “Ludo, what are you doing?” she asked in a hushed, but firm tone.
Startled, Ludo sat up quickly, clutching Ludivine close to his chest. “I'm sorry, Miss Mauranne,” he stammered, his eyes wide with guilt. “I couldn't sleep, so I was just talking to Ludivine.“

She walked over to the bed, her stern gaze never leaving Ludo's face. “I told you that little girls need their sleep. You disobeyed me, Ludo, and now I have no choice but to punish you.“
Ludo's lower lip trembled, and he hugged Ludivine tighter. “Please, Miss Mauranne, I'll go to sleep right now. I promise.”
She shook her head. “It's too late for promises, Ludo. You need to learn to follow the rules, even when you think no one is watching.”

She reached down and took Ludivine from his arms, setting the doll gently on the nightstand. “For the rest of the night, Ludivine will stay here. You can have her back in the morning if you've learned to behave.”
Ludo's eyes filled with tears. “No, Miss Mauranne, please don't take Ludivine away. I'll be good, I promise.”
Mauranne remained firm. “You need to understand the importance of following the rules, Ludo. Now, get out of bed.”
Reluctantly, he climbed out of the soft, pink bed. She pulled out a small, pink ribbon from her pocket. “I want you to wear this.” She tied the ribbon into a bow around his hair, creating a more childish look. “This will remind you to behave and follow the rules.”
She guided him to the corner of the room where a small, wooden stool sat. “Sit here and think about why you need to follow the rules,” she instructed, pointing to the stool.

He sat down, the frilly nightgown pooling around him as he did. He kept his eyes downcast, his heart heavy with regret, the ribbon a constant reminder of his disobedience. Mauranne stood by, watching him closely.
After a few minutes of silence, she spoke again, her tone slightly softer. “Ludo, you need to understand that we care about you. That's why we have rules. Do you understand?”
Ludo nodded, sniffling softly. “Yes, Miss Mauranne. I'm sorry.”

“If you want Ludivine back, you'll need to beg for her and promise to be a good little girl,” she said.
Ludo's eyes welled up with tears, and he slid off the stool, crawling over to Mauranne on his knees. “Please, Miss Mauranne, may I have Ludivine back? I'll be a good girl, I promise. I'll follow all the rules and go straight to sleep.”
She looked down at him, considering his plea. “You must promise me, Ludo. Say it again.”
Ludo's voice trembled as he repeated, “Please, Miss Mauranne, may I have Ludivine back? I'll be a good girl, I promise. I'll follow all the rules and go straight to sleep.”
Mauranne finally relented, a small smile on her lips. “Alright, Ludo. You've learned your lesson.” She handed Ludivine back to him. “But remember, if you disobey again, the punishment will be more severe.”
“Thank you, Miss Mauranne,” Ludo said, hugging Ludivine tightly. “I promise to be good.”

She helped him back into bed, tucking him in once more. “Good night, Ludo,” she said softly, giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead.
“Good night, Miss Mauranne,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. He closed his eyes, determined to prove he could be a well-behaved obedient little sister.


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