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Author Topic: (Repost) Mother in Law made me a Sissy Maid by Sissy Karen  (Read 7392 times)

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Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: (Repost) Mother in Law made me a Sissy Maid by Sissy Karen
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2025, 09:21:40 PM »
Extra Tuition
I finished washing up after serving Mother her lunch. Because of my poor behaviour at Church, Mother decreed that I should have just one piece of dry bread (the crust) and water for lunch. This wasn’t my ‘consequence’ just an added little penance that she threw in at her whim.
Mother then summoned me to tell me she had just received a call from Miss von Donnersmack who asked if I could attend my scripture tutorial in my new sissy maid dress. Mother had agreed on my behalf and ordered me to dress up before I drove over to the von Donnersmack’s house. I was mortified! I didn’t think I would ever have to go out dressed as a sissy maid! It seemed Miss von Donnersmack was the golden haired girl as far as Pastor Vorster and now Mother were concerned. Whatever she suggested it seemed Mother would agree to it.
Mother made me do an inspection and I earned 2 demerits for a smudge on my shoe and 2 demerits for a crease at the back of the dress that I must admit I could not see. The standards Mother was setting were exceptionally high. Mother finally dismissed me and I hurried out of the house to the car, hoping the neighbours wouldn’t see me. As I neared the von Donnersmack’s house wouldn’t you know it? There was a random breath test and I was pulled over by the Police. When he asked me to count to ten into the machine he realised I was a man and started to laugh. I flushed red with shame and embarrassment and was a little scared too. I didn’t have to worry about the breath test; alcohol hadn’t passed my lips since Mother laid down the law. After the test the policeman said,
“Wait there a moment.”
He walked over to his 2 colleagues’, a lady and male policeman. The three of them returned to my car, smiling and smirking.
“Get out of the car.”
I couldn’t believe it! Why did I have to get out? I certainly wasn’t over the limit! Of course I obeyed. The lady officer then had a laugh and said,
“Turn around and place your hands on the top of the car.”
The other officer then said,
“We have reason to believe there has been a drug syndicate working in this area and we must search both you and your car.”
He then began to search my car, it didn’t look like he was too serious, and I suspected they were doing this for fun, just to humiliate me. The lady officer then began feeling me up, patting down my body. She tapped my crotch and felt the bulge of the chastity device.
“There is something here I think Brian.”
She then asked me,
“What’s this here?”
As she tapped the chastity device, I could hardly speak I was so embarrassed. I must have been as red as a beetroot.
“It’s my chastity cage officer?”
“Your what?”
Other cars were being pulled over for random breath tests and I felt all eyes were on me.
“My chastity cage.”
“He says it’s a chastity cage.” She yelled out to her colleagues. This made me just want to crawl into a hole and die. There was hearty laughter from the rest of the police. The first policeman then came over.
“We will have to take a look.”
He led me into the back of their wagon and made me pull up my dress and drop my panties.
“Well in all my years I have never seen that before. Why do you wear it and where is the key?”
“My Mother in Law insists I wear it Sir while my wife is overseas. Mother has the key Sir.”
The laughter was raucous. I felt so shamed and humiliated tears started to run down my face.
“Off you go then.”
I had to walk pass the other laughing officers as I got back in the car. My relief to be gone was short lived as I looked at the clock in the car and realised I was already 3 minutes late for Miss von Donnersmack. I finally pulled up at her house and was mortified to see Mrs von Donnersmack talking to two mature aged women at her front gate. I nervously approached them.
“Hello Mrs Von Donnermack.”
“Hello George. Allow me to introduce my neighbours Ms Hazel and Christine Clark.”
She turned to the ladies and said,
“This is my friend from church Heather’s son in law George, or  Georgie as his mother in law calls him now!”
There were chuckles all round.
“He had been a very badly behaved husband, neglecting his wife and his duties and now while his wife is away Heather is seeing to getting him back on the straight and narrow. Until he can start taking his punishments like a man he will be wearing this maids outfit.”
If it was possible to turn even redder with shame and embarrassment I was sure I was going that deep hue now. To have my status spelled out so clearly to two complete strangers the first time I met them was excruciatingly embarrassing. The ladies looked very similar, I guessed they were sisters. They both gave me that disapproving look, pursing their lips and shaking their heads.
“What sort of things was he getting up to before Heather took over?” asked Ms Hazel.
“Drinking, coming home late, not helping around the house, disrespecting his wife. To top it off it turns out he is not much of a man and a wimp. Heather rightly asserts he needs some toughening up and discipline if he is ever to become a satisfactory husband. You will be in the maid’s uniform until there is some significant improvement, won’t you George.”
“Yes Mrs Von Donnersmack.” I said in my most humble, crushed tone.
There was more shaking of heads. Then Mrs Von Donnersmack looked at her watch.
“Looks like someone is late, hand me that demerit book.”
“Sorry Mrs Von Donnersmack I left it in the car.” In my nervousness I had forgotten my demerit book. I scurried back to the car to get it. I returned and handed the book with a pen. Mrs von Donnersmack then explained the demerit book to the ladies,
“Heather has him carry this book with him at all times and anyone who has his charge while Heather cannot watch over him is encouraged to report any misdemeanours so Heather can work on addressing his defects.”
Again there were approving nods from the women. Mrs von Donnersmack then addressed me,
“That is two demerits I have to record now, one for being late and one for forgetting your book.”
After writing in my book and handing it to me, she said.
“Run inside to the kitchen, Claire is waiting for you.”
I went inside to the kitchen and found Miss von Donnersmack sitting at the kitchen table, reading her bible and having a cool drink. She was dressed in sports clothes, an orange mesh singlet top, tied in a knot at her belly over a black sports bra and tight fitting black leggings. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail and she wore a black headband with the Nike tick. She looked absolutely stunning and I was taken aback. Immediately, I could feel the straining in my chastity device, which I knew spelled danger. I was whipped out of my reverie with the words,
“Your late Georgie, hand me your demerit book.”
She opened up the book and turned to a new page, not noticing that her Mother had already awarded me a demerit for being late. It looked like I was going to earn double. No one would care that it was not my fault and I was only late because of the random breath test. I was beginning to accept that there was never an excuse for me. After recording the demerit Miss von Donnersmack said,
“Right before we get to work, your Mother in Law said you could do some chores to repay me for my tuition. It is my job on a Sunday to wash up and clean the kitchen after our Sunday Lunch. You may begin.”
“Yes Miss von Donnersmack.”
I turned to look at the kitchen and it was a right royal mess. There were 4 filthy saucepans, a baking dish with baked on crud and loads of plates and cutlery.
“I want those saucepans spotless Georgie.”
“Yes Miss von Donnersmack.” She left me as I began the job
I filled up the sink and got to work, I started on the plates and cutlery, stacking them before drying and putting away. That took a good 20 minutes before I started on the pots and baking tray. The baking tray was particularly difficult, I only had a small scouring pad that was a sponge on the other side, and I needed a more solid scourer. Miss von Donnersmack then returned.
“Still going Georgie?” she asked
“Yes Ms von Donnersmack.”
“You will have to learn to work faster won’t you?”
Oh the little bitch, I thought to myself, this was a huge wash up and I had been working solidly. I knew better than to complain and meekly said,
“Yes Miss von Donnersmack.”
“Where is your demerit book? I better make a note for your Mother in law to work on your speed with chores.”
She had to be joking I thought to myself! I had been working so hard and still I had to receive yet another demerit. Mother was going to be furious on my return with all the demerits I had been earning; I was going to be in for a horrid consequence.  I was fuming but controlled myself enough to say,
“It is on the other side of the table Miss von Donnersmack.”
“Bring it hear.”
The bitch! She could reach over and get it but instead made me stop my task, wash and dry my hands and come over and pass it to her. She made a note in my book.
“Because you are so slow Georgie, we are going to have to start the lesson while you work. Before we review today’s Gospel reading that Pastor Vorster asked me to review with you, you are going to learn Psalm 51 by heart. I will read it to you while you wash up. Listen closely as you will be tested on this later.”
My heart sank, I was supposed to memorise the psalm as she read it! What did she think I was? Some kind of savant?
“Repeat after me Georgie:
1Have mercy on me, O God,
According to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.”
I repeated the first verse of the psalm and she made me repeat it three more times as I scrubbed away at the baking tray. She then moved on to the second verse:
“2Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.
3For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is always before me.”
I repeated that three times and then had to go from the beginning.  If I made a mistake I would have to repeat that verse 3 times. By the time I had finished the washing up and cleaned the kitchen floor on hands ands knees we had gone through the whole psalm.
4Against you, you only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in your sight;
so you are right in your verdict
and justified when you judge.
5Surely I was sinful at birth,
sinful from the time my mother conceived me.
6Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb;
you taught me wisdom in that secret place.
7Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
8Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones you have crushed rejoice.
9Hide your face from my sins
and blot out all my iniquity.
10Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
12Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
13Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
so that sinners will turn back to you.
14Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God,
you who are God my Savior,
and my tongue will sing of your righteousness.
15Open my lips, Lord,
and my mouth will declare your praise.
16You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
17My sacrifice, O God, isb a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart
you, God, will not despise.
18May it please you to prosper Zion,
to build up the walls of Jerusalem.
19Then you will delight in the sacrifices of the righteous,
in burnt offerings offered whole;
then bulls will be offered on your altar.
Miss von Donnersmack could not have chosen a better psalm if she wanted to make me feel guilty
 and contrite! She then marched me into the study for the lesson proper. There was a small school desk, which looked like it was for a young child. I guessed Miss von Donnersnack used to like playing teachers when she was a young girl as she had a black board as well.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: (Repost) Mother in Law made me a Sissy Maid by Sissy Karen
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2025, 10:42:54 PM »
OK Georgie, a few basic rules of my classroom. When you enter the room, you are to walk beside the desk and stand to attention beside your desk. You do not sit down until I give you permission.”
“Yes Miss von Donnersmack.”
I took up the position, standing to attention.
“You are not to speak unless spoken to, if you wish to ask me something you must raise your hand.”
I nodded in agreement.
“You may be seated.”
The desk had the bench attached like an old school desk and it was difficult for me to squeeze into it, being for a child.
“When seated, your knees and ankles must be together at all times, back straight and head faced towards the front. There is to be no looking around, I demand your full attention.”
I tried to put my legs together, it was most uncomfortable, the desk was really too small. My inner thighs were starting to hurt straight away and it was only going to get harder. Miss von Donnersmack then handed me an exercise book, a black pen, a red pen and a ruler.
“When you are not using the ruler and the pens they must be placed horizontal to you, perfectly straight above your exercise book.”
I placed the book straight and the pens and ruler above it as asked.
“If I leave the room, you are to stand up to attention until I have completely left the room and on my return you will again stand to attention until given permission to sit.”
Again I nodded in agreement. She then walked over to my desk and handed me the Bible.
“Before we start on the revision of Pastor Vorster’s sermon from his morning, you will write out the Gospel reading from today.”
With that she placed the Bible on my desk and went to walk of the room. I wasn’t expecting her to leave so soon and realized just in time to get out of the desk and stand to attention. After she left I sat back down and realized I couldn’t remember where in the Bible the reading had come from. I earned a demerit from Pastor Vorster after church for not remembering which Gospel the reading had come from and so much had happened I had forgotten. I thought it was one of the M Gospels, either Mark or Matthew. I started with Matthew, paging through looking for the verse on adultery. I couldn’t find it and moved onto Mark; finally there it was in chapter 5. I was just about to start writing when Miss von Donnersmack returned. I quickly stood to attention beside the desk as instructed. She had returned looking a completely different girl. She had changed into a knee length, tight fitting black skirt, white blouse, buttoned up to the neck, black stockings with 4 in heels and now had her tied up in a bun. She looked every inch a formal schoolteacher. She oozed power and authority and I felt myself feel weak before her beauty. Again I felt the crushing in the cage and my heart was racing.
“Have you finished writing the passage Georgie?”
“No Miss von Donnersmack, I only just found it.”
“What! Surely you remembered where the passage was in the Bible, especially after Pastor Vorster reprimanded you after church?”
“Sorry Miss von Donnersmack, I have found it now I can write it out.”
I went to sit down and start writing.
“Did I say you could sit?” Her voice was raised and I shot back up.
“Sorry Miss von Donnersmack.”
“You really are a dunderhead Georgie, aren’t you?
“Yes Miss von Donnersmack.”
She picked up my demerit book and as she wrote she said,
“Ten demerits for not remembering g the passage and
Ten demerits for not writing the passage out in time.
You may sit down and write it out. In fact you can write out the passage an extra 10 times, let’s see if that drums it into your thick skull! Hands on head when finished.”
The way she had been treating me already was so humiliating, ‘hands on head’ when finished just added to it. She made me feel like a naughty schoolboy. My misery was only fuelled by my anxiety of having to tell Mother of all the demerits I had accrued. I couldn’t get it off my mind as I began writing, trying to memorise the passage as I wrote.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’[e] 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
On completion I put my pen down and waited silently with hands on head. I felt like such a gitt. Miss von Donnersmack kept me waiting; she was busy painting her nails. Finally she walked over and picked up my work.
“Stay in that position, eyes straight ahead Georgie.”
Miss von Donnersmack walked in front of my desk and turned her back to me. My eyes were directly in front of her behind. The tight skirt accentuated her perfectly shaped derriere. Even though she had been so cruel to me I couldn’t help but get aroused at the sight. I could feel that familiar crushing sensation in my chastity device. I was torn, I knew I was supposed to look away in these situations but I was also told I had to keep my head straight. I dared not look away in case she turned around quickly and tried to think of other things to tame my arousal. It wasn’t working and I felt a dribble of prec-um into my panties. I was hoping I didn’t give anything away on my face and could keep my arousal secret. Keeping my head straight I glanced down only to see more closely her perfect stockinged calf muscles sitting in a demure 4 inch black heels further increasing the frustration in my cage of denial. I started to sweat nervously. Just then she turned around.
“I have spotted 3 mistakes.”
She cut off her sentence and gasped
“Your blushing Georgie…and sweating… you haven’t been lusting after me have you?”
How did she know? Had she deliberately put her backside in my face? I panicked and said,
“No, Miss von Donnersmack, of course not.”
“If I find out you have been lying there will be hell to pay. Mother.”
She called out to her Mother who came in.
“I think Georgie may have been lusting after me Mother, he was blushing and sweating when I turned around, I think he was looking at my behind.”
I was really scared now. I continued to deny it.
“I wasn’t Mrs. von Donnersmack.”
“Well there is on way to find out, stand up!”
I stood up and suffered the humiliation of Mrs. von Donnersmack lifting up my dress to inspect.
“Look at that!”
Her voice was outraged and she pointed to my crotch. I looked down and could see the tell tale sign of a wet patch from my leaking pre c-um.
“How dare you!” she was screaming at me now
“Lusting over my daughter! After the kind-hearted gesture of extra tuition from Claire, you defile her with your evil lustful thoughts! And after everything you heard in today’s sermon too! Hand me that demerit book Claire.”
Miss von Donnersmack handed Mrs. von Donnersmack my book and began to write it in,
“100 demerits, having lustful thoughts towards Miss Claire! Wait till your Mother hears of this!”
Miss Claire started to sob; I sensed was faking crocodile tears.
“I feel so violated Mother and to think we were reviewing this morning’s reading about adultery.”
“Absolutely disgraceful Georgie!”
My head was hung in shame as I soaked up her tirade.
“You have sinned against Almighty God, you have betrayed your wife and blatantly disobeyed your wonderful Mother in Law. You will burn in hell my boy if you don’t mend your ways soon!”
“He also lied about not doing it to me Mother.”
“You are incorrigible. Another sin on top of the mortal sin of adultery. I feel so sorry you’re your Mother in Law; after all she has tried to teach you! You need to be punished and punished severely to mend your ways. From now on Claire you will teach from behind his back, he is forbidden to turn around and if you must walk in front of him he must cover his eyes.”
“It wont be just your Mother in law who finds out about this but Pastor Vorster as well, we are going to need her guidance on managing this problem of yours. In fact let’s ring her know. You can wait in the corner with your hands on head Georgie. Come to the study with me Claire and we will call Pastor Vorster on the speaker phone.”
“Yes Mother.”
Mrs. and Miss von Donnersmack walked out of the room leaving me in the corner for what seemed like an eternity. At first all I could think of is the trouble I would be in when I got home. Mother would be so furious and angry. Sweat started to form on brow as the anxiety overwhelmed me. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what I would be in for now. My mind was conflicted, on one hand It seemed so unfair, I had been in this blasted chastity device for weeks now and couldn’t even get a proper erection. To have the very attractive Miss von Donnersmack put her perfectly shaped butt enclosed in that tight skirt so close to my face, surely any man would have been aroused by that, let alone one that has been in chastity for as long as I had! On the other hand I was becoming indoctrinated with the religious guilt. Was I really a deranged pervert at heart? I felt ashamed and guilty of my failure to control myself. All this training was starting to really impact. My head was in a real spin.
After what seemed like an eternity I could hear Miss von Donnersmack’s heels on the floorboards as she approached the room and came in.
“This has certainly given us something to work on Georgie. Take a fresh page in your exercise book and write the following heading: “My commitment to keeping the 7th commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery”
I started to take my dictation, it sounded like she was tapping a ruler in her hand as she spoke, which added to my tension. She continued.
“Before my Lord Jesus Christ and my scripture teacher Miss von Donnersmack I hereby make the following promises, so help me God.
I will strive to the best of my ability at all times to avoid any occasion or thought that will lead to sexual arousal.
I will keep a record of every unauthorized erection and record the thought that was in my mind at the time. I will faithfully report these to Miss von Donnersmack at the start of every scripture lesson and accept the consequences in humility and obedience.
I will never deliberately look at any web page that may cause sexual arousal. I will subscribe to ‘covenant eyes’ and be accountable to both my Mother in law and Miss von Donnersmack
I will never look at any literature for the purpose of sexual gratification
I will not watch any television show or movie that may have immoral content. All entertainment must be pre approved from with Mother or Miss von Donnersmack.
Whenever I see any woman I will avert my gaze. If I must speak to a woman I will look only at her eyes.
I will not touch or apply any pressure deliberately to my genital area except for washing and hygiene reasons.
“Now sign and date that Georgie.”
As I was signing Miss von Donnersmack continued,
“You will write out another copy for yourself, I will be telling your Mother about the incident and the consequences Georgie, so I would advise you tell her the whole truth. For your homework you will write it out 10 times and learn it off by heart. You will be tested next Sunday.”
Of course she would be telling Mother, I was doomed.
“Before I send you home, I just want to see if you remembered the psalm that I taught you while washing up, recite it now!”
I froze, that seemed so long ago, so much had happened, I struggled to remember anything! I kept saying ‘Um’ and ‘Ah’ and began to get quite anxious as I scoured my brain trying to remember. I delayed and stalled, All I could remember was the first line “Have mercy on me O God” and must have repeated it 10 times hoping the next line would flow. I remembered something about cleansing me with hyssop but that was further down. I made a complete mess of it; I said “Have mercy on me O God” one last time in desperation. The way I was feeling not a truer word could I have said in that moment. Nothing else came to me, I failed miserably.
“Pathetic Georgie! Is that all you remembered!”
“I am sorry Miss Von Donnersmack.”
“You really need to start taking my tuition more seriously. Your attitude is appalling. For your homework you will write it out 50 the psalm times and make sure you know it by heart for next Sunday. Now write out what your homework is Georgie. Firstly you will write out your pledge to the 7th commandment 10 times and learn that off by heart. You will write out the passage from the Gospel on adultery 10 times and learn that by heart and you will write out Psalm 51, 50 times, actually make that 51 times and learn that by heart. You will be tested on all three and if you cannot recite them by heart there will be quite a punishment.”
“Yes Miss von Donnersmack.”
I wrote out my homework and was wondering how was I ever going to complete all this? Mother had me working on chores from the moment I walked in the door to bedtime and now I had to find time to do this on top of the other work in the Scripture modules. Miss von Donnersmack wasn’t helping me with my Scripture class she was just adding extra work. I began to feel resentful and it must have showed on my face.”
“What’s that look on your face for Georgie? I don’t have to tell your Mother in law that you are ungrateful for my tuition do I?”
“No, No Miss von Donnersmack.” My voice was desperate.
“I am very grateful for your tuition.”
I didn’t need anything else for her to report to Mother.
“I am glad to hear that Georgie and you can show that gratitude by doing my other weekend job for me which is to clean the bathroom. Once you have written out your commitment to the seventh commandment you may follow me.”
She led me to the family bathroom, showed me where the buckets and cleaning supplies were.
“I want this bathroom sparkling Georgie, a complete deep clean!”
“Yes Miss von Donnersmack.”
I slaved away for the next 45 minutes or so. How did I get myself into this? Here I was doing  a teenage bitch’s chores in ‘gratitude’ for her ‘tuition’, which was just memorizing stuff and being punished if I forgot anything. Plus she has got me into such huge trouble with Mother by getting me aroused. I felt like crying but forced myself to knuckle down and clean the bath and shower, doing my best to do a perfect job. Finally I finished and put the cleaning stuff away and reported back to her. Of course she wanted to do an inspection. She seemed to be happy with everything, for the first time it looked like I had done something right. Then she pulled up a chair and undid the glass light covering. My heart sank, I had not taken it off to clean it. Of course there was some dirt in it.
“What’s this Georgie?”
“Sorry Miss von Donnersmack, I didn’t think to clean that.”
“That is your problem Georgie! Not thinking correctly. I said a deep clean didn’t I?”
“Yes Miss von Donnersmack.”
“Clean it up now and replace it. You can add a further 100 lines to your homework,
‘When doing chores for Miss von Donnersmack I am thorough and make sure I clean everything I have been instructed to.”
I couldn’t believe it! I didn’t think this could get any worse, I wasn’t going to get much sleep this week.
The drive home was filled with anxiety. Miss von Donnersmack was probably reporting back to Mother at that very moment and I had a long list of demerits in my book that I would have to face the consequences for. I parked the car and walked to the door with great trepidation.
As soon as I opened the door I heard Mother say in quite an angry tone of voice
“Into the drawing room corner and hands on head!”
I did as I was told and waited. After about 5 minutes I heard her phone ring and Mother say.
“Hello Brenda, how are you…”
It was my wife calling, how I missed her and longed to hear her voice. Mother walked out to the back of the house so I could not hear their conversation. I stood there hoping that Mother would call me to speak to Brenda after she had finished. The conversation must have lasted well over half and hour. I heard Mother walk back towards the drawing room, when I could make out what she was saying; the last thing I heard her say was,
“OK then Brenda, let’s talk again next week, Bye.”
And with that she hung up. Once again I wasn’t going to get to speak to my beloved wife. Didn’t she want to talk to me? Why didn’t she ask Mother if she could talk to me? What was she thinking? All she was getting was Mother’s reports of my behavior. I began to worry that Brenda’s opinion of me might be changing. Mother walked in with can in hand and said, in a very severe tone,
“Right, I have spoken to Claire and we have a few matters to discuss before you begin preparing dinner Georgie.”
My heart sank and my legs started to tremble, there would be very little ‘discussion’ on my part!

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: (Repost) Mother in Law made me a Sissy Maid by Sissy Karen
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2025, 11:42:56 PM »
Mother led me into the office and sat down in her chair, ordering me to stand up across the desk from her. Her tone of voice was severe and commanding, she sounded angry but was not shouting. I felt intimidated and frightened of her in this mood. She certainly knew how to put the fear of God into me. I bowed my head too afraid to meet her steely gaze.
“Needless to say Georgie you have brought great shame to not only yourself but your wife Brenda and myself too with your despicable behaviour towards Miss Claire. I am in quite a state of shock Georgie. Especially after the commitments you made to chastity this very morning at Church!”
Her words were liked barbed arrows going straight through my heart. I felt contrite, shamed and humiliated as I stood before her. Scared of what possible consequence awaited me.
“I will be informing Brenda of you’re appalling behaviour and inability to control your sinful carnal rage. Your infidelity will be like a knife through her heart Georgie.”
She raised her voice for emphasis. I was horrified, why did she have to tell Brenda? I didn’t even have a chance to plead my case. The thought of my beloved wife Brenda being so upset at me broke my heart too. How would I ever get to make it up to her?
“Please Mother, don’t tell Brenda, I didn’t touch Miss Claire, I just…”
She cut me off sharply.
I closed my mouth quick smart and bowed my head. I was shaking in fright. Her power was such over me.
“How dare you! You really are a stupid little man. You heard the sermon from Pastor Vorster that very morning. Jesus himself said that any man who so much as looks at another woman with lust in his mind has already committed adultery. You knew exactly what you were doing Georgie.”
I wanted to plead my case but was too frightened now. Mother continued,
“To make matters worse Clair was actually helping you, in her own free time and you molested her with your eyes. The ingratitude is appalling! She is not even 18 years old. You are truly disgusting Georgie. Then you have the hide to try and ask me not to tell Brenda! To expect me to keep from her that her husband is a cheat and adulterer of under age girls. Brenda has every right to know the truth and I will be ringing her straight after I have dismissed you. There is no dinner for you tonight. You will finish your chores and go straight to bed!”
For the next week Mother was more fierce than usual. Her anger towards me to did not abate one bit. She picked many flaws in my chores, making me repeat them. I was put on her ‘punishment diet’. I had to cook up a large pot of vegetables and lentils and made a soup. No seasonings were allowed, not even stock cubes. After it was cooked it was put in the fridge and for each meal I had to eat it cold. My nightly meal was delayed to right before curfew after all my jobs had been done to her satisfaction. I even had to take a Tupperware container to work of the terrible slop. I certainly was aware every minute of that week that there was a cloud hanging over me.
On Friday evening Mother summoned me to her office. I approached with great trepidation. I stood before her, head bowed submissively, filled with shame and remorse.
“Brenda is on the verge of filing for a divorce Georgie she feels so betrayed by your sinfulness and the breaking of your sacred wedding vows. Imagine how she feels now? She has travelled away from home to advance her career in the hope of earning more money for the family only to be cheated on by you! Such a betrayal Georgie.”
Divorce! It was the word I dreaded to hear. I couldn’t believe it. I was devastated. I loved Brenda with all my heart, I submitted to her Mother’s training in the hope I was making her happy and now it was going to be for nought! Tears started to run down my cheeks.
“Please Mother, let me talk to her, maybe I can help her understand.”
My voice was pleading, begging. Mother responded with a loud and clear,
“No Georgie. That is a privilege you have lost. In the state she is in the last thing she needs is to hear you moaning.”
I slumped in resignation, feeling more and more depressed.
“However Georgie, I do have one idea that might just save your marriage.”
“Please Mother, I will do anything.”
 My voice and spirit lifted with this glimmer of hope.
“That’s what I like to hear! Well I had a word with Mrs Grantham from Church who is a partner at a law firm in the City. I discussed your parlous situation with her and she just emailed me some doc-uments you will need to sign. “
This was so humiliating, yet another woman from church who knows about my ‘situation’. I was also wondering what sort of doc-uments Mother would need a solicitor to draw up for me to sign.
Are you willing to go along with my plan Georgie?”
“Yes Mother, please I will do anything to keep Brenda as my wife.”
My voice was pleading, begging her to help.
“First just say into this recorder that you have signed these doc-uments of your own free will, without any coercion.”
She pressed play on her voice recorder and I duly said,
“I George Grantham do solemnly swear that I have signed these doc-ument of my own free will without any coercion.”
Mother then leafed through the multi-paged doc-ument towards the last pages and pointed out where I was to sign. I had to sign in four different places. I handed the papers back to Mother and for the first time I detected a light smile from.
“Very good Georgie. What you have just signed is an agreement that if Brenda decides to divorce you she gets 100% of all assets and 90% of any future income you may earn.”
My voice was incredulous, I was in shock!
 â€œYou didn’t tell me I was agreeing to that!”
I stupidly raised my voice at Mother and she screamed back at me.
“How dare you raise your voice at me!”
She then walked around the desk and slapped me hard across the face. I nearly fell over sideways with the force. My cheek seared with the sting.
“You said you would do anything to save your marriage, in fact you begged me! Are you denying that?”
“No Mother , sorry Mother, I was just shocked.”
My voice was pathetic and weak, her anger had put me back into my submissive place. Humble and contrite.
“This is the best chance to save your marriage, if Brenda sees you are willing to give up everything to stay with her, surely she will see you are genuine in wanting to save your marriage. Can’t you see that?”
“Yes Mother, of course Mother.”
I could see the sense in Mother’s argument but still it seemed a drastic step to take.
“Good, well you can thank me for this suggestion.”
“Yes Mother, Thank you Mother for helping me save my marriage.”
“There is just the matter of your little outburst to deal with now. You can remain on your punishment diet for another week as a way to remind you to control yourself and also to remind you of the poverty you will be facing for the rest of your life if Brenda decides to divorce you. Also no food is to pass your mouth until dinner tomorrow, your only drink is water.  Finish off you chores and got straight to bed.”
“Yes Mother.”
I went to bed that night feeling very hungry and sorry for myself. How had it come to this? I had risked my whole lives work, my savings and most of my future income and with nothing concrete in exchange. I just had to hope like hell Brenda would agree to keep me as her husband. I reminisced on that wonderful time of our marriage before Mother moved in. It just made sadder and more depressed. Tears ran down my cheeks and I sobbed myself to sleep.
All that week I was on my best behaviour, making sure all my chores for Mother was done to the best of my ability and on schedule. I even added little touches like a small vase of flowers on her tray when I served her breakfast in bed before work. My nerves were on edge all week awaiting to hear what Brenda was going to decide. Finally on Friday evening Mother called me into her office. I stood before her as she sat behind her desk.
“I have a reply from Brenda about your situation Georgie. Brenda said she was very
impressed with the offer. She said it shows to her that you are sorry for your infidelity and are willing to make amends.”
My heart lifted. Mother’s idea was going to work!
“However when she heard of your infidelity, her heart was broken and she shared her grief with her boss, Matthew. From what Brenda tells me, Matthew is a very successful businessman, has been very supportive of her and her career and to top it off is much stronger and more handsome than you Georgie. He loves Brenda very much and Brenda has been resisting his advances because of her fidelity to you. However once she heard about your infidelity it was too much and when she told Matthew he immediately proposed marriage to her and she said she would divorce you and marry him. So unfortunately our plan did not work Georgie.”
I could not believe what I was hearing. The blood ran out of my face. I was absolutely devastated! Everything I had achieved in my life was lost and most of my future earnings too. Brenda had another man? It was too much and I started to cry.
“Don’t cry Georgie, you should be happy for Brenda, she has found a real man now to replace her cry baby husband.
Mother’s words made me cry even more. I burned red with humiliation.
“What am I going to do? Where I am going to live? I have nothing now.”
Mother walked around the desk, she put her arm around me and said,
“Now now, all is not lost Georgie. Brenda has thought about that, as I said she was impressed with your offer to give her everything in the even of a divorce. Firstly she will be staying in New Zealand permanently now and not returning to this house. You know that while she is very angry with you for your infidelity she still cares for you. She realises it will be hard for you to find anywhere you can afford to live on only 10% of your salary so she asked me if I would mind letting you stay here with me. The good news that I agreed Georgie and board and lodging will only be the other 10% of your salary.”
“Thank you Mother.”

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: (Repost) Mother in Law made me a Sissy Maid by Sissy Karen
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2025, 09:03:56 AM »
Mother hugged me and I returned her embrace. I was so emotionally devastated I was genuinely grateful for the lifeline she had sent me. Only a few days later did it sink it that I was now in effect Mothers chaste indentured sissy slave.
A few weeks later I was cleaning Mothers office. I found a letter from Brenda and it broke my heart to read it.
Dear Mother                                                                               8th January
Since hearing of George's infidelity I have been truly heartbroken. Matthew has been such a rock of support to me. I could not cope with this if it was not for him. Ever since I arrived here he has been supportive, looked after me and helped me with my career. He is so dashing and handsome as well. When I told him I was considering divorce, he proposed to me immediately. I could not say no. He is so much more successful than George ever could be; I know it is for the best Mother. I guess every cloud has a silver lining Mother.
Your loving daughter
I started to choke up as I read the letter, hearing her praise for Mathew made me feel so inferior and defeated. It was then I noticed the date on the letter. It was written after Mother had told Brenda of my infidelity with Claire but before she had me sign the doc-uments that gave Brenda everything if we divorced.  Mother knew Brenda was intending to divorce and remarry before she got me to sign the doc-ument!
I was furious but what could I do? It must have been Mother’s plan all along? She set out to trap me into a life of slavery to her and succeeded! I had to check my anger and suc-k it up, knowing any reaction would only make things worse and continued polishing her desk. Mother then walked in.
“The date of the wedding has been set Georgie. May 26th! Brenda and Matthew will be staying here for the two weeks leading up to the wedding before going on their honeymoon and returning to New Zealand. You are a going to be a busy little maid, waiting on them hand and foot and helping me prepare for the wedding. It is so exciting! Pastor Vorster will be marrying them. Isn’t that wonderful they are marrying here? All our friends from Church will be able to attend.”

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: (Repost) Mother in Law made me a Sissy Maid by Sissy Karen
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2025, 06:05:21 PM »
Mother insisted I take my annual leave from work in the lead up to Brenda and Michael's wedding. For me going to work was my only respite from the strict domination Mother had over me. While I had to rush straight home each day from work, wear panties and stockings under my male clothes and was forbidden from forming any friendships outside of work, I enjoyed being treated normally for those 8 hours a day and enjoyed wearing male clothes. For the next four weeks I would be under Mothers thumb 24/7. There would be zero respite from her tyranny. Needless to say I was filled with dread at the prospect.
It was a week before Brenda and Matthew were to arrive back home and Day 1 of my annual leave. After serving Mother her breakfast and making her bed, Mother called me into her office.
"It is one week before the happy couple arrive Georgie and three weeks before the big day. There is lot's to be done to ensure this is the best day of Brenda's life. But the first thing we must address is you Georgie. I have been chatting to Brenda and she said Matthew had some trepidation about staying here in the same house as you, her former husband and suggested they stay in a hotel. I would not have a bar of that! I told Brenda that my feminisation of you would be so complete that there would be no way that Mathew could see you as anything else than a pathetic fairy who is the furthest thing from a threat to him and their relationship imaginable.
Firstly come around here and hold your dress up."
I did as I was told, lifted my dress and exposed my panties to Mother. She pulled down my pink lacy panties and held my chastity enclosed little sissy clit in her hands. It was nearly a year since I had a release and being in a vulnerable exposed position like this in front of my formidable Mother in Law only made my clitty strain hard in it's cage. She set up her mobile phone to film what she was about to do. Taking a tube of super glue from her drawer and showing it to the camera she proceeded to cover the keyhole with glue, a tear formed in my eye and ran down my cheek. Mother was making my chastity permanent.
"Is sissy Georgie crying again?" She said mockingly and grabbed the camera and filmed my tears.
"You remember what Pastor Vorster said don't you Georgie, the marital act is only for those in the state of lawful matrimony, all other people are obliged to remain chaste. Even Masturbation is a mortal sin! Now that you are divorced the rules of the unmarried applies to you. So you should be thanking me for saving you from mortal sin, shouldn't you Georgie."
Oh She knew how to humiliate me! Always spinning it so I would have to thank her for things that hurt. She had trained me to be so weak and compliant before her that I automatically accepted everything she said was true.
"Yes Mother, sorry Mother, thank you for saving me from mortal sin Mother."
"That's better Georgie. Now go fetch the car keys. You have an appointment at the laser hair removal clinic."
My head was spinning at this latest news. Laser hair removal, which is permanent! Does it hurt? But of course there was no protest or even murmur of resistance from me, Mother had trained me to obey without question and I went and fetched the keys. I wasn't even told to change into male clothes; I would be going in my maid's dress.
"Yes Mother." I meekly replied and waited at the door for her.
On the way to the clinic Mother directed me to Pyrmont and we parked just under the Anzac Bridge. My first thought was that the clinic must be nearby. Then we started climbing the stairs to the footpath of the bridge. I was wondering why we were here. At the highest point we stopped and Mother handed me her phone telling me to film her. She reached into her bag and grabbed two smallish keys. She held them up to the camera.
"Do you know what these are the keys to Georgie?"
While I didn't know for sure, they looked the same size as the key to my chastity device.
"Are they for my chastity device Mother?"
Mother smiled a big broad smile.
"That's right my Georgie!"
She then took over the filming and filmed the keys as she dropped them down into the water below. I must have gone pale as I watched the keys fall into the deep water below. Mother was going to great lengths to emphasise the permanence of my chastity. I felt completely owned by this matriarch
"I will send this footage along with the footage of the superglueing of your lock, that should make Matthew feel a bit better about staying in our house shouldn't it Georgie?"
"Yes Mother."
I walked back to the car feeling even more defeated. We then drove to the laser hair removal clinic. There were three ladies in the waiting room. At first glance two looked in their twenties and the third older perhaps fifty plus. I knew I could not risk another glimpse of them or there would be hell to pay from Mother. I averted my gaze to the floor as I had been trained. Mother went up to the receptionist and loudly said,
"Hello there, appointment for George Grantham."
The girl looked at us and said,
Mother stood aside and presented me.
"We call him Georgie, you can too. He hasn't had a legal name change yet."
"Sorry I didn't realise." The receptionist said with a smile forming across her face.
I flushed red as a beetroot. Not only the receptionist but also the three attractive women in the waiting room looked at me. I cast my eyes to the floor but was sure I could one of them trying to hold her giggle back. The way mother emphasised the word yet made me think she had a name change in mind down the track. Another shiver of submission ran down my spine. The receptionist then checked me in and said.
"Take a seat, Dr Sharpe will call you in soon."
I sat there feeling extremely embarrassed. Of course Mother had to start a conversation with the older of the three ladies, loud enough for all to hear. She explained to her that I was a sissy maid who wanted to look more feminine and that laser hair removal would mean I would have to spend less time shaving and have more time for domestic duties. I could hear the ladies reaction of surprise and interest. She said she could with a sissy maid half jokingly. Mother told there she may be able to help her with that and took the ladies phone number. It was then that Dr Sharpe called me in. Of course Mother came too.
Dr Sharpe was a very attractive woman in her mid 40's. Tall and slender, her body was lithe and she obviously worked out regularly. Her blonde hair was tied back and she was in surgical gowns.
"So what can we do for you Georgie?"
The receptionist must have told Dr Sharpe about my 'preferred' name. Mother spoke up before I responded.
"Total hair removal except for the head."
"That is a big procedure, I do not normally recommend we do it one sitting, it will take a few hours and could get quite uncomfortable. It also may take 3 or 4 repeat visits."
"Yes I knew about the repeat visits, but I need it done before the weekend." Said Mother emphatically.
"I could not fit Georgie in again before the weekend but I do have the time today. But I still recommend we do it in two separate sessions."
"No, she will be alright, she is used to a little discomfort."
"What about you Georgie? I want to hear it from you, are you willing to do it one session?"
"Yes Dr Sharpe." I dare not disagree with Mother
"What about your eyebrows Georgie, I can make them look more feminine?"
I dare not answer and looked at Mother who responded on my behalf.
"Yes more feminine would be perfect." Mother said with joy in her voice.
Dr Sharpe handed me a laminated page with various eyebrow shapes to choose from.
"Take a look her Georgie, what would you prefer?"
Mother snatched the page out of my hand and proceeded to choose a very thin feminine style. I was worried how I would look at work. I was going to be so self-conscious. Long sleeve shirts and pants would hide my arms and legs but there was no hiding my eyebrows. Dr Sharpe saw the look of concern on my face.
"Are you sure Georgie?"
The look Mother gave me ensure I replied,
"Yes Dr Sharpe, the style Mother chose will be perfect thank you."
"She will have that one Dr Sharpe." Mother said
"OK strip off and lie on your back on the treatment bed."
I nervously took of my dress and underwear, knowing I would have to show Dr Sharpe my chastity device. I faced away from her until the last minute when I climbed up on the bed.
"When did you last shave Georgie?"
"Yesterday Dr Sharpe."
She turned and came towards the treatment bed.
"Oh, What's this?" Dr Sharpe said, pointing to my chastity device.
"It is her chastity device Doctor, she is forbidden from any sexual activity."
"Can we remove it for the treatment?"
"Actually No, I don't have the key anymore,” said Mother.
"So this is permanent?"
"Yes that is right Doctor." Mother replied.
Doctor Sharpe looked at me, her hand moved to near the device.
"May I touch it?"
I nodded in agreement. She pulled on the device, manipulating it back and forth. She looked closely around the cuff area."
"I will need to get the laser under this cuff, there is a bit of give."
She pushed down hard under the cuff and I gave a little moan and she withdrew."
"Sorry Georgie did that hurt?"
Mother gave me an ominous look, it did hurt a bit as she pulled and prodded on the device. But I dare not admit it.
"No Dr Sharpe, I just wasn't ready for it."
She then got the laser tool and pushed it under the cuff ring. This hurt a bit more.
"I think I should be able to get the follicles underneath the cuff. I thought I had seen everything, but this is a first for me!"
She gave a little laugh before prepping me for the treatment.
She began with my legs. The pain was not too bad it was like tiny pin pricks. It was just the duration that made it uncomfortable. When she got to my little sissy balls it hurt a bit more. The pushing and prodding under and around the cuff was also painful. However I grinned and beard the pain. When Mother saw me grimace she had to add,
"Come now Georgie, millions of women have had this treatment, toughen up my little sissy."
After a few hours I was done. I was left feeling sensitive and raw, like I had too much sun all over my body. I looked in the Mirror. My eyebrows had been done and now looked very feminine. I was worried about returning to work, what would my workmates say, how would I ever explain. As we got back into he car Mother scolded me.
"What was that sulky look for when you looked at you eyebrows Georgie, they look fabulous, it was so ungrateful. This is very expensive you know!"
"Sorry Mother, I was just feeling a little apprehensive of returning to work, I feel quite self conscious."
"Never you mind about that, with a little bit of luck you may not have to go back to that dead end job of yours, I have an idea."
Mother said no more about it, she just left me hanging. Would I really be giving up my job? My job was my only respite from this all powerful, most dominant matriarch? I was concerned to say the least. The treatment had taken nearly four hours and by the time we got back it was 1:30pm in the afternoon and Mother demanded that her lunch be served pronto. After I had washed up Mother summoned me to her office. I knocked and waited to be called in.
"Come in Georgie."
I walked in and curtsied, the curtsey making me feel the raw skin on my legs.
As I said Georgie, you are going to be a busy little maid this next week. I have decided a spring clean of the house is necessary before Brenda and Matthew arrive. Your first job is to move out of your bedroom. You will be sleeping in the garage from now on. I noticed there are an inflatable bed and an old wardrobe for your clothes. There is enough room behind the car to lie out the bed. When I inspect the room I want there to be absolutely nothing left that was yours and no trace of your presence in that room and that includes those photo's of Brenda and you. We don't want Matthew to feel put off. Put all your male clothing in garbage bags, you will not be needing them for a while. All other personal items of yours put in boxes and leave in my study. I will decide what to do with them. Once that job is completed report back to me and I will outline the rest of your duties for the week.
A feeling of resentment started to come over me as I packed up all my things. Brenda would be sleeping with Matthew in the bed we shared for all those happy years before Mother moved in. I was so jealous. Brenda and Matthew would only be staying for two weeks; did I really have to get rid of all my stuff from my bedroom? Not just my clothes but my books, laptop, guitar, CD's absolutely everything. I finally completed the task delivering 4 boxes of my stuff to Mother.
"Next Georgie is the spring clean. You will have to complete all these tasks before Brenda arrives on Sunday evening. "
She handed me a piece of paper. I was gobsmacked.
I want you to draw up a schedule for the next seven days to fit all these jobs in and then show me for approval. We have appointments tomorrow morning so leave 9am - 1pm free in your schedule. You have 15 minutes to get that done.
I stared at the list, it was crazy!  Here is the list:

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: (Repost) Mother in Law made me a Sissy Maid by Sissy Karen
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2025, 11:38:13 AM »
Overall Spring Cleaning Chores
dust crown molding and baseboards
dust ceiling corners
dust baseboards and clean scuff marks
dust/wash light fixtures and lamps
dust ceiling fans
wash doors (look for scuff marks)
wash walls
touch up paint
vacuum or wash window curtains
wash window blinds
clean windows
dust bookcases
polish wood furniture
wipe down and vacuum furniture (clean the base and under cushions)
condition leather furniture
remove stains from upholstered furniture
vacuum and wash lampshades
deep clean hardwood, tile, linoleum, and carpet flooring
shampoo carpet
remove rugs to shake out, then vacuum, then clean under them
vacuum all flooring, including corners and edges
clean air vents
dust around mirrors, picture frames, and wall hangings
replace light bulbs
change air/furnace filter
replace batteries in smoke detector
Spring Clean the Kitchen
remove anything from the kitchen that doesn’t belong
clean and disinfect the trash can
clean the microwave
deep clean the dishwasher
clean and organize the refrigerator
clean and organize the freezer
replace refrigerator water filter
vacuum refrigerator coils
clean the oven
clean the hood vent and change filter if needed
clean stove top burners
clean and disinfect the garbage disposal
clean and organize plasticware and storage containers
reorganize kitchen cabinets and drawers
clean and organize kitchen drawers
straighten cups, mugs, and glass cabinet and eliminate the unnecessary
straighten plates, bowls, and other dishes and eliminate the unnecessary
deep clean pots, pans, and bakeware
organize the pantry
sanitize cutting boards and sharpen knives
clean  and disinfect coffee maker
clean and disinfect small appliances
clean the pot rack
check the freshness of your herbs and spices
clean under the sink and eliminate the unnecessary
deep clean and polish cabinet doors
clean tile and touch up paint on walls
deep clean floors
disinfect door knobs, light fixtures and pulls
determine if you need new kitchen supplies
Spring Clean the Dining Room
eliminate unnecessary items
dust crown molding, wall corners, and floor molding
scrub walls
clean and disinfect light switches and outlets
dust and polish wood cabinets
dust and clean windows, inside and out
clean and declutter hutch cabinets and drawers
wash table linens
wash table cushions
clean light fixtures and wash globes
disinfect table and wipe down all chairs, including legs and underneath
remove rug, shake, vacuum and clean floor before replacing rug
Spring Clean the Bathrooms
Clean and disinfect light switches and fixtures
Clean air vents
Clean and disinfect toothbrush holders
Clean and refill soap dish and/or pump
Clean light fixtures and wash globe(s)
Clean make-up brushes
Clean mirror
Clean shower caddy
Clean shower curtain and liner
Clean shower door frame
Clean shower glass
Clean plastic strip at the bottom of a glass shower door
Disinfect countertops
Dust and clean windows, inside and out
Polish faucets
Mop and hand scrub floors (pay attention to special grout lines, corners, and moldings)
Scrub and disinfect toilet, including around base, under seat and around hinges
Scrub the bathtub and/or shower
Scrub walls
Unclog and refill lotion dispensers
Wash bathroom cup
Wash floor mat
Wash hand/guess towels
Wash trash can (inside and out)
Wipe down cabinets, knobs, towel racks and toilet paper holder
Remove rust from toilet seat screws
Tighten toilet seat hinges
Clean bathroom exhaust fan
Clean shower head
Polish wood cabinets
Caulk around bathtub
Re-seal tile and grout
Unclog drains
Toss beauty products not used over the past year
Toss expired make-up
Clean, organize and de-clutter cabinets and drawers
Clean, organize and de-clutter bathroom closet
Spring Clean Laundry/Utility Room
clean dryer vent
clean inside washing machine
empty washing machine drain pump
dust crown molding, wall corners, and floor molding
dust behind and underneath washer and dryer
sweep and mop floors
reseal tile grout
wash walls
clean and organize contents on shelving
eliminate unnecessary cleaning products
install organizers to hold cleaning products
disinfect door knobs and light switch plates
Spring Clean Living Room/Family Areas
take anything that doesn’t belong in the room and put it in the correct location
dust crown molding, wall corners, and floor molding
vacuum and shampoo carpet
vacuum under furniture and in between cushions
condition leather furniture
dust ceiling fans
switch ceiling fans to spin clockwise
clean lights and wash light globes
dust lamps
vacuum lamp shades
dust and polish furniture and bookshelves
dust edges of wall hangings, mirrors, and pictures
clean windows and window sills
remove scuff marks from doors and moldings
disinfect door knobs and light switch plates
dust electronics
organize electronics and accessories
disinfect remote controls and gaming devices
Spring Clean Bedrooms
take anything that doesn’t belong in the bedroom and put it in the correct location
dust ceiling, corners, and upper and lower crown moldings
dust baseboards and window sills
dust and polish furniture
dust edges of wall hangings, mirrors, and pictures
clean glass and mirrors
dust lamps
vacuum lamp shades
polish wood furniture
picked up, folded laundry and remove everything that doesn’t belong
dust ceiling fan
clean light fixtures and light globes
organize all closets
switch seasonal clothing and donate unneeded items
clean and organize Mother's and Brenda's dresser
clean and organized your nightstand(s)
flip and rotate your mattress
clean your mattress
clean under your bed
wash bedsheets
wash pillows
clean windows and window sills
vacuum carpet, including edges and under furniture
shampoo carpet
remove scuff marks from doors and moldings
disinfect door knobs and light switch plates
Spring Clean Office/Command Center
spring clean Mother's paperwork
clean out files and shred unneeded doc-uments
update home inventory doc-uments
review insurance policies
spring clean Mother's computer, keyboard, and mouse
clean and organize desk drawers
dust and polish wood furniture
dust bookshelves
Spring Clean Miscellaneous Items
spring clean your purse or bag
clean cell phones and other devices
clean remote controls
clean keys
clean out expired medications and vitamins
Spring Clean Outside
sweep deck
 deep wash deck
deep wash siding
touch up paint trim, wood, doors, and shutters
 deep wash garage door
clean outside door frames
wipe away cobwebs
shake out entry mat
clean grill
clean and repair gutters
clean outdoor light fixtures
wash outside windows
clean outside patio furniture
trim trees, bushes and shrubbery
check and repair sprinklers
inspect roof shingles
wipe away cobwebs
clean outdoor trash cans
clean out garage
wash and wax vehicles
I had to estimate how long each task would take and try and fit it into a one week schedule, knowing I could not only face punishment for doing a less than perfect job but also if I did not finish it in time. It was now 3pm on Day 1. I would be slaving from 5am to curfew at 10:30pm every day to have any hope. I still had to do all my regular chores like preparing all Mother's meals, doing the washing up and the laundry. I would hardly have time to eat myself.
When I returned to Mothers office, the cane was sitting on her desk. That immediately had me worried. I handed over my schedule and waited for mother to approve it.
"That looks challenging but certainly achievable Georgie. It will take diligence and dedication but we must make Brenda's homecoming and wedding perfect. I am sure you agree."
"Yes Mother."
Mother got up and pinned my schedule to her pin board. She then went back to her desk and picked up the cane giving it an air swing. You will be held accountable not just for the quality of your work but for completing your tasks on time Georgie."
"Yes Mother."
She whooshed the cane sending a shiver down my spine.
"As you have set this schedule there will be no one to blame but yourself will there Georgie?"
"No Mother."
Another air swing.
"Well you better get cracking!"
I slaved away in the lounge room for most of the rest of the day with a brief break to prepare Mothers dinner. I had earned three lots of 6 strokes all for failing to complete jobs by the scheduled time and did not get to bed until 11:30pm as I still had to complete my unfinished chores and then earning an extra punishment for breaking curfew.
The next day the appointment Mother directed me to drive to, was with a speech therapist in Darlinghurst. Of course I did not know that until I saw the name on the door as we entered. "Sherine Dodson - Speech Therapist. Specialising in Transgender voice coaching." After checking in with the receptionist we sat down in the waiting room. Mother explained:
"As I said before it is important that Matthew does not in the least bit feel threatened by your presence and I have decided that from now on you will have to talk in your most girlish voice. Sherine here will give you some coaching."
I replied incredulously
“That is exactly what I am talking about Georgie, you might look like a sissy but you are not sounding like one with that horrible deep voice of yours. You are going to be learning to speak with a more feminine voice. It is so important Matthew does not feel the least bit threatened by you.”
I was in shock; this was going to more and more extreme lengths. I couldn't believe it. I was going to have to change my speech as well! We were then called into the consultation.
“Georgie Grantham.”
Mother and I walked into the consultation room.
“How can I help you,” Said Sherine

“Georgie here is a sissy maid and we both believe he needs to be able to speak with a more feminine girly girl type voice and I was hoping you could help.” Said Mother

“You have come to the right place, sissies are my specialty. No one wants a sissy maid with a deep masculine voice! I have lots of experience. Tell me, what does Georgie call you when he speaks to me”

“ Georgie calls me Mother."

Sherine patted me on my thigh and seemed genuinely excited. I love working with sissies Georgie, if you do as I say and practice what I teach no one will ever think you are a man because of your voice again,

First lesson Georgie is pitch.
What you have to learn is that pitch is your means of emphasis and inflection. Men use volume but the feminine voice uses pitch. So it is important to start high but not at too high a pitch as you need to leave yourself room to go up. Try and speak in a 'sing song' manner using pitch for inflection.  Let's start with a practice sentence.
Say: Excuse me Mother, I have finished the washing up, what would you like me to do next?

I repeated the line, trying to put on a girly voice but thought it sounded terrible.

“Oh dear we do have some work to do Georgie. Now I want you try again this time go down in pitch on the word “Mother”, then go down on the word “washing” but come up to a higher pitch on the word “up”. Then come up in pitch on the word “next”.

I did as I was told and was greeted with some praise.

“Much better Georgie. Now the next thing to think about is getting your tongue higher and flatter when you talk. Try the line again.”

I repeated the line thinking about both pitch and tongue placement.

“Good girl Georgie, you are a natural!”

I blushed deep red with embarrassment.

“The next thing to think about is to enunciate your words and speak slower. In general men mumble, talk clipped, avoid eye contact, and speak forcefully. Us women in general say our words slower, we are more audible and smoother, we use more facial expressions and body expressions, and we hold eye contact, because we want to connect with our listeners. Repeat the sentence again.”

I repeated the line.

“No Georgie, slower and watch those facial expressions.”

As I tried again I saw Mother making notes, no doubt recording my failing for later corrective action.

"That's better. Now I want you to think about mouth shape, rounded and pouty lips really help create the feminine sound. A simple trick is to lightly smile as you speak and even give a light giggle. Don't just giggle between words but try a light giggle inside the word. Say our sentence once more.”

I took the advice on board and must admit I was starting to sound more girly, I was feeling more and more embarrassed by this exercise.

“Another good tip, for sissies especially who want to seem extra girly is to add a lisp to those 's' sounds. Try saying this line Georgie with added lisp:

Thithy thally thewed her thilky thtockings with thimmering thatin threads.

I repeated the line with lisp, pitch inflections, going slowly, with a high tongue and pouty facial expression. But it sounded a bit weird.

“ Again Georgie! Watch the tongue and those lisps.”

I repeated the line again and again, getting criticism after criticism until I finally said it to Sherine’s satisfaction. Our lesson finally came to an end.

“We can go into more advanced techniques later, like using the right grammar to project an inferior position and also the vocabulary that a feminine speaker uses too. For example a man may call his stomach his gut while a woman would call it her belly. It is important to rid yourself of those particularly masculine words. Perhaps Mother could pick you up on that and any other mistakes to help you learn faster. “

"It would be my pleasure Sherine.”

“Be sure to book an appointment in a month's time so we can look at some of those advanced techniques.

“Will do. What do you say to Sherine Georgie?”

“Thank you Mith Therine.”

I put on my best sissy voice.

"My pleasure Georgie, see you in a few weeks.”
In the car Mother laid down the law on my speech.
"From now on Georgie you will only speak in your girly voice, you will need to practice. When you are doing your chores just practice talking to yourself. If I ever feel you are not trying to put on your best voice, punishment will follow!"
"Yes Mother."
Before we arrived home we made one more stop. Mother decided I needed to get my ears pierced. From now on earrings would become part of my uniform. The rest of the week was hell as I slaved away from dawn to curfew each day. I tasted the cane regularly and my ass was striped all over for both time infractions and failure to complete my chores to the standards required. Finally Sunday arrived and we were driving out to the Airport to pick up Brenda and Michael.


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Website, forum design, software, & security on this site is copyrighted. It was made personally by Betty Pearl, of Betty Pearl's Pubs, Sissy Stories, buffalobetties, pearlcorona. Betty's Pub is a non-profit organization & support group for the transgendered, & Fetware community. We don't sell anything, & we don't data mine your personal information & habits to sell like MOST other sites do. We respect your privacy & won't sell it out for a few bucks.

Site for: Sissy Stories, ABDL Stories, Sissy Art, Crossdressing, Transgender