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Author Topic: Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)  (Read 117886 times)

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  • Ultimate Sissy
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Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2007, 10:40:20 PM »
Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)--part15

I was immediately engulfed in a sea of teenage girls, eager to get a close look at the super prissy, little baby girl/boy in his stroller.

I buried my face in my hands; my frilly baby bonnet providing a lot of additional cover. And I braced myself for the certain onslaught of biting, humiliating jeers and taunts.

I wasn't disappointed, of course.

And as I sat there in tears, it hit me. It struck me like a bolt out of the blue!!! It might just work, I thought. You don't know 'til you try!

"C'mon, let's get him out of his stroller." I heard a girl say.

I was stood up for a closer inspection, teasing all around me. And I kept my face buried and just sobbed and waited for an opportunity.

It came when a girl, standing directly in front of me, said. "Ohhh, don't cry sweetie pie!!!" And she fussed with the hem of my dress and giggled. "You should be happy to have such a pretty dress to wear!!!"

And the cabin roared with laughter.

And a moment after the laughter died down, I seized the opportunity and I looked up and took my hands from my face. I sniffled, and let my pacifier fall from my lips on its tether. And I bit my lower lip, for added "little girl" affect. And the crowd hushed, in wait of a response from me.

Still pouting---but a little perkier, I said. "It's my very best favorite dress!!!" And I put my hands behind it and fluffed it a little.

That really caught them off guard. I heard only a few "ohhhs".

I twirled side to side a bit, as I added. "I just love, ever so much, when I get to wear it!!!"

And I gave my very best little girl curtsey, with a smile on my face.

"Oh my God!!!!!" Someone called out. "The freakin' little pansy loves it!!!"

As the cabin started up in a roar again, I turned around, bent over and lifted up the back of my dress and petticoats.

"Aren't my panties pretty???" I gushed, wiggling my fanny. I wanted to knock home my point.

Amidst all the clamor, I heard somebody shout. "The prissy little pervert probably loves wearing diapers too!!!"

More fodder for me. "They're not so bad, once you get used to them!" I exclaimed, and added. "Though poopies aren't all that fun sometimes!"

The place exploded now with all manner of comments, taunts, and cries of disbelief.

I just stood there, taking it all in, with a little smile on my face. And it wasn't easy to smile. I was extremely embarrassed by what I had done to make them think that I loved being a little baby girl in dresses and diapers. So humiliating to be perceived as a Wannabee---and a Baby Wannabee, at that!

But that was the idea. And it seemed to be working.


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2007, 12:01:48 AM »
Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)--part16

"I just can't believe that a boy would not only allow himself, but actually WANT to be a baby girl in dresses and messy diapers!!!" One girl jeered. "What a sissy FREAK!!!" She cried.

Her words really seemed to sum up the feelings of much of the cabin. They viewed me as pathetic and disgusting. And understandably so!

My idea was to take their perception of me, as a Baby Wannabee, and try to work it to some advantage for me.

If they thought I liked it, things might go easier for me. If they didn't have the satisfaction of threatening me and forcing me to perform humiliating sissy scenarios, they might even loose some interest in me perhaps. How can you "sissybaby torture" someone who wants it? I wanted to knock the wind out of their sails a little. I wanted this baby girl "Hell night" to be more on my terms, I hoped.

Maybe my overnight at Hummingbird Cabin last summer wouldn't have been so horrific, if I had played along some. But then, I was a different "girl" now. I was battle hardened now to sissy, girly, baby things. I still hated it, as ever, but I could endure it better now.

The girls decided that they wanted me to pose for baby pictures. And I cringed! Videos and pics of me were still a very clear and present concern, despite the fact that sending them home---my parent's home---meant nothing to me. And no one could know of my new home with Grandma, even if they somehow got a look at my camp registration. It listed my address as my parent's address. I had purposely noted that when my stepmother had handed it to me to hang onto during the ride to camp. But I worried about them somehow getting out.

No video camera was set up on a tripod like last summer. Just lots of eager girls with digital cameras and cell phones with picture and video capabilities.

Before the photo shoot began, a girl, who seemed to be a little older than the rest (maybe the cabin counselor or something), called out. "Listen up girls! This is important!" And she paused for silence. "No pictures or video of our prissy little cupcake here, with his face showing!!!"

"How come Stephanie??? Who said so?" A girl shouted.

"The powers that be said so. That's who!" Stephanie answered.

"But why???" Another girl asked.

"Something about potential lawsuits, and the internet, and YouTube. Pics and videos of unwilling subjects." And Stephanie paused and shook her head from side to side. "Sorry girls! It's a new rule this year. No faces! But almost anything else is fine!"

"But he's a willing subject Stephanie! The 'little cupcake' loves being a sissy baby girl!!!" The girl argued and the crowd laughed.

"Nope! No faces." And Stephanie settled it. "We gotta pose him with his face unseen."

Thanks to the "powers that be" and the warning by Stephanie, "this" Stephanie had dodged a bullet that "this" Stephanie hadn't really forseen.

Stephanie and Stephanie!!!

No...it wasn't ironic. She wasn't the first Stephanie that "this" Stephanie had crossed pathes with in the last year. Common name, of course.

The girls posed me in all manner of typical little girl postures and positions and scenarios, with dollies and baby blocks and a large ball and such. And they eagerly went at me with their cameras and cells. The most popular positions, naturally, were the ones that really exposed and highlighted my frilly, fat fanny.

Lots of curtseys. Lots of twirls. Lots of spins and "frou frou". Lots of crawling about. And I played along and vogued for the cameras with a beaming smile, even though my face was always off camera in one way or another.

And I discovered that I had overplayed it all, when Stephanie shouted. "Hold up girls! This sissy boy's enjoying this too much!!!"

I gulped as she approached me, with a sinister look on her face.

"Bend over, you perverted little sissy!" She ordered.

I bent over and started to whimper, genuinely so. And she pulled up the back of my dress and petties.

"You're not poopy, are you, my sick little Babygirl Wannabee?" She snarled.

"No..." I sobbed.

"Good!" And she tugged my diapers and all down to my ankles. "Someone get me a hairbrush!"

And she pinched my bum hard and cackled. "Maybe a nice, sore red fanny will make you a little less HAPPY with all your perverted girlishness!!!"

With hairbrush in hand, she positioned herself behind me. "Ten whacks, if you take it like a MAN! Twenty, if you take it like the little baby girl you so adore being!"

Cameras and cells flashed, as Stephanie began to reign down on me. It hurt like Hell, but I took it like a man.

With ten, she stopped. And the cabin burst into applause.

"That's just what the pansy deserved!" Someone called out.

"Imagine wanting to be a little baby girl in diapers!!! He'll think twice about that now!" Shouted another.

"Stand up Baby Wannabee!" Stephanie yelled. "I'll bet you're not so happy with your prissy little self now!!!"

And I fought back tears, like a man.

"Hold the back of your dress and petticoats up and go stand in the corner!" She shouted and pointed. "And rethink how happy you are to be a little baby girl!"

The cabin laughed and applauded again.

"Serves him right!" I heard over my shoulder, as I made my way to the corner, dragging my diapers and and all along with my feet.

And no sooner had I reached the corner, when Stephanie was in my face again...well, my rear actually.

"Turn around Baby Wannabee!" She shouted.

I turned around. And she warned the girls. "No cameras now. We don't want any trouble."

And she lifted up the front of my dress and petticoats high above my waist. And she gasped. And so did all the other girls. And for that matter, so did I!

"My God!" Stephanie said, in disgust. "Baby Wannabee's still HAPPY!.....Go figure!"

And I was disgusted too, though not surprised. As was almost always the case, my very stiff wiener bobbed side to side, like the pendulum of a grandfather clock.

Go figure, I thought.

I stuck my nose in the corner again, holding up the back of my dress. And things began to settle down a bit. Well, in the cabin at least!

More time would be needed under the front of my dress! And I loathed myself for that.

I got a fair amount of teasing and taunting. Mostly ridiculing about wanting to be a baby girl and how sick that was.

And as the afternoon passed, with me still cornered, I was given less and less attention. More and more girls began to, pretty much, ignore me in my corner.

Maybe I wasn't as much fun for them; not kicking and screaming and fighting my girlish torture.

Maybe I abhorred them, with my feigned love of "sissydom".

Maybe they expected a "true boy" under the dress.

Maybe my idea was starting to work!


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2007, 12:55:23 PM »
Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)--part 17

It was time for dinner. I'd be dining with all the girls in the Sunnyvale mess hall---a sissybaby spectacle for all to humiliate. And "all" would, undoubtedly, include Penny; except for the humiliation part. I wasn't eager for my Saturday night meal!

Stephanie personally pushed me along in my stroller to the cafeteria. I kept my face buried under my outrageously ruffled baby bonnet. My bonnet was awful, but at least it would help me "save face".

As she pushed me through the cafeteria doors, Stephanie chided. "Now sissyboy, we'll just see how much FUN being a little baby girl in diapers really is!!!"

I was placed in an over-sized highchair at the head of the Mockingbird cabin table; bib tied around my neck.

And the "fun" began. I was the "belle of the ball". And I did my best to keep my face hidden under cover of my baby bonnet; looking up only when Stephanie spoon fed me my dinner like a real baby. And even then, thankfully, my bonnet ruffles kept my face from showing very much.

The cafeteria had a real field day with me. Tons upon tons of cracks and jabs about "poopy diapers" and "pretty dresses" and "sissyboys" and such.

Probably the pinnacle of it all came as dinner, which covered much of my face, neared the end.

A girl approached and giggled and asked. "Does sissyboy need a diaper change?"

Stephanie laughed. "Good question! I don't know. Let's find out!"

She got me out of my highchair and bent me over and very ceremoniously lifted up the back of my dress and petties and inspected the inside of my diapers.

"Nope, still clean and dry!!!" Stephanie loudly announced. "For now, at least!" She added.

The place went crazy with laughter and taunts.

Back in my highchair, to finish off my meal with a baby bottle of juice; I carefully glanced about, as best I could, for any sign of Penny. But there was none. That was certainly okay with me, though I knew she had to be there!

Placed in my stroller for the trip back to Mockingbird, I kept my head low. And I did my best to block out and not listen to all the humilations.

That is, until I heard someone call. "Hey Penny, you gotta get over here and see this sissyboy close up! He's unbelievable!!!"

I almost crapped my diapers!

"Oh my God!!! What a freakin' prissy, pansy!!! How could a boy let that be done to him???" I heard Penny exclaim.


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2007, 12:13:39 PM »
Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)--part18

"Look at me when I talk to you, baby freak!!!" Penny shouted, though the voice wasn't familiar.

I hesitated, but slowly looked up at her. And I was greatly relieved by the very odd coincidence. Now SHE was the first Penny I'd crossed pathes with in the last year, other than "my" Penny. And thank God it wasn't "my" Penny! A Stephanie and a Penny, all in one day. Who'd have thunk!

Back at Mockingbird, Stephanie ordered me out of my stroller and onto my hands and knees. "Babies don't walk....they crawl!" She shouted. "And stick your binkie in your mouth and keep it there! Or I'll redden that girly fanny of yours again!"

I looked up at her with a pleading look and a few tears trickling down my face.

"What's the matter Babycakes, not having fun???" She snarled and added. "You sicken me, you pathetic little Baby Wannabee. Just crawl around and keep quiet and keep outta my way!"

I'd gladly oblige her that. And I crawled away from her, to the howling of most of the cabin. But I didn't get far.

"Hold on you little pervert!" I heard her call over my shoulder. "Get back here! I forgot something."

I crawled back and looked up at her.

"When the time comes that you need to wet and poop your diapers, you have to ask my permission first. Understand Baby Stephie?"

I sniffled and, begrudgingly, nodded my head "yes".

"When Mother Nature calls, you crawl over to me and say: I need to wee wee and poo poo. May I please do wee wee and poo poo in my diapers?" And the cabin burst into a laughing fit.

And Stephanie grinned and asked. "You got that sissyboy???"

I nodded "yes".

And as I hoped for, I was pretty much left alone again to aimlessly crawl about, trying to avoid the girls. Maybe my plan was in gear again, I thought.

But before too terribly long, I found myself staring at the feet and ankles of two girls. I looked up and they smiled down at me. And their smiles didn't seem to be sinister ones.

They both crouched down to me and one said. "Sit down on your bummy sweetie pie!"

I obeyed, glad to be off my hands and knees and seated.

The other took a tissue from her pocket and wiped the few tears on my face and said. "I'm Connie and this is Sue Ellen."

I just nervously suc-ked on my pacifier, eyeballing these two very cute girls.

"Despite what the other girls say, I think you're cute Stephie." Connie whispered. "I think it's so precious that a boy would want to be a girl. And a baby girl, at that!"

Sue Ellen nodded approval. And I wondered where all this was headed.

Sue Ellen tossled one of my braid loops that dangled from underneath my bonnet and Connie adjusted my dress and petticoats about me, as I silently sat there.

"You're such a petty baby!!!" Sue Ellen cooed.

"Soooo sweet!!!" Connie added.

And then they fawned all over me like "mother hens".  And they seemed genuinely sincere about it all.

"Ya know Sue Ellen, there's still plenty of daylight left. The sun won't go down 'til nine." Connie said. "You wanna take our precious Baby Stephie out and about for a stroll?"

"Sure Connie, but we'll need to get the okay from Stephanie." Sue Ellen replied. "I'll ask her."

I overheard as Sue Ellen asked Stephanie for permission.

"Well.....uhm.....I suppose so." Stephanie said. "Though I don't know why you want to be around such a creepy, little fairy!"

"He's such a cutie!" Sue Ellen gushed.

"Yeah.....well.....I guess whatever.....uhm.....rocks your cradle!" And Stephanie laughed at her own quip.

And as Sue Ellen headed back to Connie and me, Stephanie called. "Remember, if the sissy needs to use his diapers, be sure he asks properly like I said."

"We will Stephanie!" Sue Ellen called back to her.

Connie grabbed what looked like a large beach blanket and tucked it under her arm. And Sue Ellen helped me into my stroller and stuffed one of my baby bottles, filled with juice, into the cargo net of it. A dolly that had been sent along with me was placed into my arms. And we were off.

On the one hand, I was glad to be out of the cabin and away from Stephanie and the Mockingbird girls. And Connie and Sue Ellen seemed benign enough. But I was afraid of bumping into Penny, I mean--- my Penny. I'd seek shelter under my bonnet once more.

As we started out, I let loose of my binkie and asked, with a little whimper and a slight lisp for added affect, to get my way. "Could we pwease not go around a lot of other girls? They can be so mean! They just don't understand pwetty, widdle me!"

They giggled and Connie said. "Sure Baby Stephie. You're such a sweetie pie! We won't let any mean, nasty girls tease our pwecious, pwetty widdle baby girl!"

That seemed to work, though I was less concerned with teasing than running into Penny.

And they pushed me around the camp for awhile, off the beaten path to avoid others.

Great, I thought.

As we approached a very secluded area, sheltered with Maple trees, Connie took the beach blanket from under her arm.

"Let's take a break." Connie announced. "I could use a drink and I bet our pwecious, pwetty widdle baby could too!" And she spread out the beach blanket on the grass, out of sight.

Not so great perhaps, I thought.

They placed me on my bum in the center of the blanket, cuddling my dolly. Sue Ellen sat on one side of me, holding a bottle of water for herself. Connie sat on the other side, also with a bottle of water to drink and a baby bottle of juice for me.

And Connie pulled me down onto her lap to give me my bottle. And as I suc-ked away, she cooed away at me like she was my mommy and I was her little baby girl.

Or maybe she was revisiting her past. And she was a little girl again, playing "mommy" with her dolly.

No matter! It was better than being back at Mockingbird.

When my bottle was almost half empty, she pulled it from my lips and said. "I think my little baby deserves the real thing!"

And she pulled her top up over one breast. She was bra-less and very well endowed.

"Come nurse on mommy, Baby Stephie!" She coaxed.

Sue Ellen gasped. And I panicked.

"No! No! I can't!" I pleaded.

"But why not sweetie???" Connie asked, with a forlorn look.

What I said next was indicative of how naive I still was about females. Well.....more like downright stupid, actually!

"I.....I.....ah, I...I don't wanna suc-k your...uhm.....you know!'

"My breast?" Connie asked.

I nodded my head "no".

They both looked quite perplexed and paused a moment in thought.

And it was Sue Ellen who, with a very puzzled look on her face, finally asked. "Are you talking about her.....her milk, her breast milk???"

I nodded my head "yes". And they both had a good laugh, though not in a mocking way.

"Stephie, Stephie, Stephie!" Connie tittered. "My, but you are the little one!!!"

And she seemed embarrassed as she said. "The, the....the well's dry....no milk in the dairy!"

And I just looked even more bewildered.

And Sue Ellen took the cue."Girls, women only lactate when bearing a child."

Lactate? Now I was really lost. And that was obvious.

"Haven't you had Health class in school Stephie?" Connie asked with a giggle.

"No." I said, feeling really stupid.

Connie held her breast and laughed. "It's empty. Nothing squirts out sweetie! We're just gonna pretend!"

With my new understanding, it seemed much more inviting. Though I was embarrassed with my stupidity.

And I suc-kled (her word) away on her. And I felt very guilty about it....so I fantasized that she was Penny.

Connie moaned, and her chest heaved, as I suc-kled away. A few beads of sweat appeared on her brow. She was really getting turned on.

And so was I, especially when I felt Sue Ellen's hand reach under my dress and into the front of my diapers.

And before long, Sue Ellen's head was under my dress. And she moaned and said, her words muffled by my heavy petticoating, "I bet you got some milk in your dairy to squirt Stephie!"

And I did indeed!


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2007, 02:24:34 PM »
Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)--part19

A few minutes later, our little three-some collapsed in a heap on the beach blanket. Spent!

Penny, I thought. I truly felt guilty. But I'd really had little choice in the matter. I guess it was more of a guilt over enjoying it.

We composed and gathered ourselves and Connie and Sue Ellen pushed me, in my stroller, back to Mockingbird.

The sun was just down when they pushed me through the cabin door. And I'd had enough of everything. I wanted to be left alone in peace. And my "skunk" routine was the only answer. And I did really have to "go" by now.

Out of my stroller, I crawled to Stephanie and looked up at her and said. "I need to wee wee and poo poo. May I please wee wee and poo poo in my diapers?"

"What? I didn't hear you sissy freak! Speak up!!!" She shouted.


The cabin roared with laughter. And everyone gathered around me, cell phones and digital cameras in hand, to witness and photograph my humiliating, embarrassing and degrading act.

I hung my head low in shame and cried and grit my teeth and grunted. And I thoroughly wet and pooped a huge, stinky load into my diapers.

And the girls' laughter was soon replaced with gasps for fresh air from the awful smell I produced.

But the "skunk" routine worked. I was quickly dispatched to the screened in porch; where a cot, pillow and blanket awaited me.

Despite my vast experience; falling asleep in wet, messy, stinky diapers usually took some time. And tonight was no different.

As I waited to doze off, I thought about my day of course. It was awful. But not as bad as last summer at Hummingbird cabin with Lisa and crew. My plan had worked, to a degree at least.

And I thought about Penny of course! She had to have seen me. And I surely felt guilty about the Connie/Sue Ellen/me three-some.

And my very last thought, before finally falling asleep, was that I had to find a way out of this "hell hole" I was in for the rest of the summer.

Sunday morning, bright and early, I awoke to the sound of the cabin door opening. Stephanie, gagging from my stench, pushed my stroller and things out onto the porch.

"You stink too much sissy freak!!!" She gasped. "Pack up your things in your stoller and waddle yourself back to camp on your own!" And she slammed the door shut.

That was okay with me. I packed up and waddled quickly, but carefully, back to Sissy Curls. I didn't want my soggy, stinky mess to leak.

But despite my best efforts, I'd leaked by the time I reached the nursery.

"Oh Stephie!!!" Bernice groaned, as she met me at the door. "What a mess!!!"

Well it took some doing, but about an hour later I was fresh and clean and sweet smelling and heavily rediapered. Bernice pulled up two plastic diaper pants and a frilly pair of rhumba panties over my mound of diapers. Lace trimmed anklets and a pair of pink Jellies were next.

To my pleasant surprise, only a relatively simple baby girl T-top, with bunny appliques and pink ruffles around the neck, arm and waist openings, was added. Well----matching pink ribbons in my braid loops too! But no baby bonnet.

"I thought Ms Roberts said he's to wear a frilly dress and lots of petticoats and a baby bonnet at all times Miss Baldwin?" Betty questioned, as she looked on.

"Yeah Betty, but it's supposed to be a real scorcher today!" Bernice replied. "Humid, in the high eighties.....and even Ms Roberts wouldn't want him suffering from heat stroke!"

I was glad for that!

It was out to my playpen, under the shade of a maple tree, for me. And I was glad for that. I needed the rest!

I climbed in and Bernice reached into the pocket of her apron and pulled out two envelopes.

"You got two letters yesterday sweetie!" And she handed them to me.

One was from my Grandmother and the other from my Father and stepmother.

I opened Grandma's first. It was a birthday card. My fourteenth birthday was fast approaching. The card contained a hundred dollar gift certificate to JCPenney.

The note on the card read. "Happy 14th Birthday Stephen! You can use this gift card to buy new clothes---boy's clothes---for school in the Fall."

That was a very pleasant prospect!

It was also a birthday card from my parents. And it contained a fifty dollar gift card for the Fashion Bug.

The note on the card read. "Happy Birthday Sweetheart! Get yourself something special!"

"Yeah...get real!!!" I said out loud to no one.

I put the cards aside and laid down in my playpen. And before I knew it, I was asleep.

But I didn't sleep for long, as Betty soon rattled my cage. "C'mon Baby Stephie, time for lunch."

I was groggy and overtired from last night and just picked at my food in the cafeteria and suc-ked my juice bottle. And ignored any teasing.

And I was glad to soon be back outside in my playpen after lunch, for a real nap. And I slept soundly and undisturbed, until a call from Mother Nature!

I woke up briefly and, unfortunately, completely wet and pooped myself. There'd be no reprieve for me 'til morning.  

But there was nothing I could do about it and I just went back to sleep. And I slept for a good while more. And I woke in the middle of a dream. In my dream, I heard Penny's voice saying. "Hi Stephen, I've missed you!"

I opened my eyes; my diapers especially ripe from the heat of the afternoon. And I glanced over to my left side and gasped. "No!!! Go away! Please leave me alone!!!"


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2007, 10:27:56 PM »
Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)--part20

It wasn't a dream! Penny was seated on the grass along side of my playpen.

"Go away!" I cried. "I don't want you seeing me like this! And I stink!!!"

"Relax honey, it's okay." She smiled and giggled a little. "Besides, I'm sitting up wind of you. And it's not like I've never seen you in messy diapers before. Remember a few months ago, in the car after going out to dinner with your grandmother? We both had stinky diapers!"

"Yeah but still, I don't want you seeing me here like this! Go back to Sunnyvale!" I pleaded.

"Settle down Steph! Don't cause a commotion. It's okay!"

She was right about not causing a commotion and I took a deep breath and sobbed. "How long have you been sitting there?"

"About ten minutes."

"You saw me last night at dinner at Sunnyvale, didn't you?" I asked.

"Actually no!" Penny replied. "We had a pizza party for dinner last night in the cabin, to celebrate our counselor's sixteenth birthday. She's really nice."

And Penny paused a moment and added. "Speaking of that, happy fourteenth almost! I sent out a card and a little gift to your grandma's yesterday. But I guess you won't get it!"

"I will, before too long. She forwards my mail here." Then I asked. "If you didn't see me, how'd you know I was here?"

"This morning at breakfast, and at lunch, the cafeteria was a buzz about a boy from Sissy Curls named Baby Stephie, who spent the night at Mockingbird cabin." She said in a hushed tone. "When someone said he had long braid loops dangling from under his baby bonnet....well, I feared the worst." And she paused and groaned sadly. "And I was right. I'm so sorry for you Steph. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I only found out about it the day before I got here. No time to let you know. And besides, I didn't WANT you to know!"

And I caught a glimpse, out of the corner of my eye, of campers coming up the trail. "Get out of here Penny! Somebody's coming. We can't be seen together!" I frantically whispered.

As Penny stood up, I saw two boys approaching. They were holding hands and skipping merrily along, their pleated skirts and sissy curls bouncing and bobbing as they made their way. And Lisa followed behind them, barking out orders to the two Sugar Plum fairies.

"More bounce to your skipping fairy boys!" She ordered. "I wanna see those pretty panties of yours!!!"

I expected Penny to make a hasty retreat. But instead, and to my shock, she reached into her purse and took out a digital camera. And she clicked away at me.

"What are you doing???" I gasped quietly to Penny. And before she could reply, Lisa and her sissy two-some were in front of us.

"Hold up, my pretty, little Sugar Plum fairies!" Lisa shouted to her pathetic charges.

Penny stopped her photo shoot of me and looked over at Lisa.

"My God! Get a load of this kid!" She exclaimed to Lisa. "Can you believe it???"

"Oh yeah!!!" Lisa replied. "I think he secretly enjoys it all." And Lisa sniffed the air and added. "Even the stinky, poopy diaper part!!!"

"God, go figure!!! What a sissy wuss!" Penny added in scorn.

Then Lisa directed her attention to her two forlorn little fairies. "Take a good look pansies!" And she laughed. "And a good smell too, at what happens to sissy boys who don't obey the rules!"

The two Sugar Plum fairies looked up, red with embarrassment. And it was then that I realized that one of them was Billie Jean, the boy I'd saved from a spanking by Lisa.

"Okay, my pretty sissy boys, " Lisa snarled at them, "give....ah....what's your name???" She asked Penny.

"Penny." Penny replied.

"I'm Lisa." And she ordered the two sniffling, embarrassed boys. "Give Penny here your best girly curtsies, sissy boys!"

The two humiliated boys dutifully curtsied.

And to degrade them even more, Lisa took a hairbrush from her purse and handed it to Billie Jean.

Billie Jean took it and cried. "But why??? We didn't do anything wrong Miss Lisa!!!"

"I know you didn't!" Lisa snarled, with an evil smirk. "I just enjoy watching you do it! You know the routine!"

"Please no!" Billie Jean begged.

"Get to it, or it'll be ten instead of five. And it'll be panties down too!!!" Lisa warned.

They both whimpered as the other boy, who I didn't recognize, bent over. And Billie Jean lifted up the back of his skirt and paddled his butt five times.

When the whacks were finished, Billie Jean pulled the boy's skirt back down. And to mine and Penny's horror, the boy stood up and faced Billie Jean, in tears, and curtsyed and said. "Thank you Billie Jean. I deserved that."

Then they reversed roles and the other boy rendered the same horrific punishment to Billie Jean.

And Lisa laughed and shouted to Penny. "Keeps the troops in line!"

Penny gave no response.

It seemed that Lisa had gained full command of Sugar Plum cabin. And the boys skipped off, less "merrily", with Lisa busily berating them.

"What a bitch!!!" Penny exclaimed.

"Yeah...tell me about it!" I groaned and added. "That was fast thinking with Lisa---the camera and all!"

"Hey, like you Steph, I'm quick on my feet!" Penny boasted. "And I know that the two of us can't be seen as knowing each other!"

"Yeah, so please leave me alone! It's too dangerous to be seen together." I argued. "And besides, it's embarrassing to have you see me here at camp like this! Or at Sunnyvale, for that matter."

"I understand Steph. But I PROMISE you, and I REALLY mean it, that you shouldn't be embarrassed in front of me. It's out of your control." She soothed. "And after all, I love you sweetheart." She added in a whisper.

"Thanks, me too. But stilll....please go away and leave me alone!"

Penny gave me a very loving smile. "See ya Steph. Gotta get back to Sunnyvale for dinner." And she started to head off.

"No, please don't come back!" I begged.

She glanced back over her shoulder. "SEE ya Steph. Relax, I'll be cool about it!"

Despite my humiliation and fears, it was really nice to see her!


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Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2007, 05:43:05 PM »
Camp Sissy Curls (Second Summer)--part21

I laid back down on my side, deep in thought, and waited for a dinner call from Betty. And my bum was becoming quite sore. Certainly from a huge diaper rash.

No stroller for me to the mess hall. My diapers were in no condition for sitting, without leaving a big mess. Betty followed along behind me at a good distance, as I waddled to the cafeteria.

I ate standing up again, in front of my highchair. And I was left, pretty much, alone. Poop meant relative privacy for me. But it also meant more than relative stinging pain for my fanny.

With dinner done, I was back outside in my playpen until movie time in the rec center. Or for me, "chalkboard time" in the rec center.

I rested on my side in the playpen, glad that the sun was sinking lower in the sky and things would cool down a bit. I'd have really roasted in full dress and petticoats. The only downside to not being all dressed up was my fully loaded, wet, sagging diapers and rhumba panties were in complete view.

In the rec center, in front of the chalkboard, Betty pinched her nose as she handed me a slip of paper.

It read: "I love being a pretty, little baby girl in wet, poopy, stinky diapers!"

I groaned. And Betty handed me a piece of chalk. "Get writing Little Miss Droopy Drawers! Thirty times...neatly!"

And Betty was certainly right about me being "Little Miss Droopy Drawers". Especially after my seventh or eighth line, when I had to poop and wet some more.

My right hand wrote away on the chalkboard and my left hand held on tight to the waist of my greatly drooping diapers and plastic pants.

And I was really stinking up the place! Boys watching the movie in my relative vicinity pushed ever further and further away from me. Complaining mightily about the smell. It was very embarrassing for me, but I couldn't help it.

I was greatly relieved, as was the rec center, when I finished my thirtieth humiliating line.

And with a wide berth, Betty escorted me as I waddled back to the nursery, holding on for dear life to my very drooping drawers.

Outside the nursery, Betty had me wait until she returned with a large, plastic trash bag for me to step into again, before hobbling inside.

And inside the nursery, Bernice gagged and exclaimed. "Oh God Stephie! What a mess you are!!!"

I burst into tears. "I can't help it!!! I'm stuck in diapers!" And I wailed. "And my bum is really sore!!!"

"Yeah....I know Stephie." Bernice replied and pointed toward the showers. "Go get yourself cleaned up like usual and meet us back here when you're all squeaky clean and sweet smelling. And try to make as little mess as possible!"

"But he's not supposed to have a diaper change 'til tomorrow morning Miss Baldwin!" Betty argued. "Ms Roberts' orders!"

"To hell with....I mean, to heck with Ms Roberts' orders!" Bernice scorned. "He can't spend the night in that horrid mess. Not with the whopper of a diaper rash he must have!!!....And besides, you wanna clean up the mess in his crib in the morning Betty???"

Betty argued no more.

"Thank you Miss Baldwin." I whimpered and made my way to the shower.

Almost an hour later, I laid naked, butt up on the changing table. Squeaky clean and sweet smelling.

"Oh my!!!" Bernice gasped. "Your diaper rash is almost as bad as it was after the Diaper Derby last summer!"

"Yeah, it really hurts." I groaned.

"Well, Bernice will take care of that for you sweet pea!" Bernice soothed. "But first, I'm gonna give you something that you'll probably balk at....but you'll thank me for later."

"What?" I asked, hesitantly.

"A good enema will clean out your plumbing nicely. And you'll thank me tomorrow when you don't poop yourself as frequently or as much." And she giggled. "Better mileage on your diapers!"

"No!!!" I whimpered.

"C'mon sweetheart, it's for the best. I'll bet you've had one before." She coaxed. "And you'll get to use the potty!" She added for incentive.

Using a toilet WAS a pleasant novelty for me at this point.

Bernice and Betty hooked me up; bag, tube and nozzle up my rectum. I wasn't embarrassed having the procedure done by Bernice, but Betty was another story. I really felt ashamed in front of her.

Bernice released the tube clamp and the warm solution trickled deep inside of me.

"When you feel you can't take in any more of the solution Stephie, just shout." Bernice explained. "And I'll remove the nozzle and you scoot to the toilet. Okay?"

"Okay," I said. And as they started off, I asked Bernice. "Please cover my bum with something." Seeking some modic-um of modesty.

"Sure Stephie." And Bernice placed a towel over my fanny.

And five minutes later, I shouted. "I'm ready!"

Relieved of the intrusion in my butt hole, I raced for the toilet and made it just in time. And I was all squeaky clean inside and out now.

Back on the changing table, bum up again, Bernice swabbed me with a baby wipe to be sure I was extra clean down there. Then she sprayed Bactine on my huge diaper rash. And I moaned with pleasure. Like last year, after the Diaper Derby, it really helped to put out the fire on my fanny.

"Betty, undo his braids and brush his hair while I tend to his poor little tushie."

"Yes Miss Baldwin." Betty replied.

As Betty brushed away, Bernice gently massaged baby oil all over my blistered behind. She followed it with a large amount of diaper rash ointment. And she sprinkled a blizzard of baby powder all over my back side, shoulders to toes.

And I hate to admit it, but it felt absolutely wonderful to be a pampered little baby girl. So soothing and so relaxing!!!

Betty kept brushing (a girlish delight that I so adored) as Bernice went to fetch my diapers and plastic pants.

"I'm gonna put you in very soft, extra thick cloth diapers tonight, with an added cloth insert in the front for wetting." Bernice said, as she spread them out along side of me. "You'll find them very comfortable on your sore bummy!"

"Thank you." I cooed, like a baby.

When they rolled me over onto the diapers, Betty gasped. "Oh my goodness!"

Bernice laughed. "Oh c'mon Betty, you should be used to that by now! Boys are always...'happy'...down there. Even 'special' boys like our sweet, little Stephie here!"

I wasn't embarrassed, too much, about my boner. Everything just felt too wonderful to worry about that now. And I felt even more wonderful when Bernice had Betty sprinkle baby powder all over the front of me. It was hard to keep my throbbing wiener from erupting. And I think they both sensed that.

"Maybe you'd like to milk him Betty." Bernice suggested.

"Milk him???" She asked, confused.

"Yeah, you know....make him come!"

"Ohhh yuck!!! No way!" Betty was grossed out.

Pinned into my very soft, fluffy cushion of diapers; they tugged two plain, white plastic diaper pants and a frilly rhumba panty over them. With a pink baby girl nitey on and my hair still down, I waddled to the bathroom to brush my teeth. And then to my crib for beddie bye.

Bernice tucked me in and coaxed a soother into my mouth and she bent down and whispered. "If you want to do a number three in your diapers, it's okay Stephie! God knows with all the number ones and number twos you're forced to do in your diapers, you're entitled to the pleasure of doing a number three in them!"

I blushed, though that was certainly my intent.

"Thank you Bernice." I whispered back.

"You're welcome sweetheart." And she kissed me on my forehead.

She turned out the lights around my crib and headed for the outer room where Betty was.

And it felt so sinfully delicious to be clean and sweet smelling and pampered and encased in my soft, fluffy cloth diapers. Especially in the front!!!

And I began to fantasize about Penny. And as I thought about her and rubbed the front of my diapers, I heard Betty's voice from the other room.

"Why's he moaning Miss Baldwin?"

A giggle. Then a reply. "Oh....he's probably just having a sweet dream!"

A sweet "wet" dream was more like it.  A number three in diapers was a GOOD thing!


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