“Laughter? Laughter? Pray tell how that can be while I hear naught sound or word. Would you at this moment, convenietly have me believe that He would now speak to me solely through you? Dear sister, most certainly this is not the time for presumptuous “idol” humor; besides it peculiarly assumes that of us two, you alone, are too an entitled intimate soul with Him.”
“Yes I mean no. Sissy, I mean Christopher; please do not play your word games with me. You went out of your way and warned me of others who would know of our presence yet conveniently omitted His omniscient prescience and as a gullible fool, you took me in and led me straight away here. Moreover, the obvious contradiction was evident from the first. You knew what would happen to us before we arrived; you said as much and I not only refused to listen to you, although I had no thought as to the capacity of your endeavor; nor of what He really thinks of you and before you acerbically chastise me again for my shortcomings, I ask, stay your acid tongue.”
“Your hearts desire is now mine; proceed.”
“Admittedly, all of the hints and double entendres along the way, were for my benefit and as a fool, I looked past each. I understand I was truly sightless; now perhaps, I am no longer. This trip, this excursion to another realm is more than I had hoped for; thank you. I ask we return home before something untowards occurs; namely that I would loose myself again.”
“Loose yourself? How drol; the all-seeing doubter, a self-admitted fool, now finds she fears loss and would loose the intangible, when it is that very fear of the indescribable which has caused her to be here. Very well but before I can take you home there must be no doubt; therefore I will ask in all seriousness: what do you really know of it all?”
“I know more now than I had bargained for and that without a helping hand I might have ruined it all for you.”
“I see, said the blind one, but this most certainly is not the time for light humour.”
“You are indeed a rascal, little gnomon, but I now believe it is the proper time; for He told as much and what misconceptions I might have had are no more.”
“The agnostic now claims to speak with the voice of Authority; how disconcerting.”
“Yes, but what is more perplexing is you. Sissy, what I have relayed was not all of what I heard from Him, somehow, there in a flicker of light, with every word he spoke, He showed me what occurred between you two just as if over time, I was actually there. He made it clear that even before the Game began, every move you made regardless of time was meticulously plotted and your every spoken word was in itself, relevant and purposefully cryptic; and overtly, it began with a solitary act of kindness involving the forgiveness of Seianus.
“Understand His thought of you from the first was far removed from His portals and entailed more than that of a veiled pixie; one merely garbed in golden splendor that would stroll throughout His ethereal realm; to Him, you were one which He understood waited patiently for a cause. Sissy, for some reason, from the very first, you had piqued his curiosity. When you arrived, He waited for you and allowed you free reign long before the first roll of the di and from that moment on, whether others surrounding Him were aware or not, to Him, the Game was afoot. You were to become His conundrum.
“Patiently He waited for any sign or warning that would portend inherent evil within you; but you provided Him none. In fact, it was just the opposite. He sat and watched from afar as you collected Lucius’ tears as they flowed from the base of the Wailing Stone and then hastily secreted them away. Admittedly curious as to the time you would do something, He waited for that moment. He knew that eventually they would be presented and judged to the extent of their regret. Until then He stayed His hand and did nothing.
“Unknown to Him, in secrecy, from a prior moment, determined by youself, Seianus’ forgiveness became part of your endeavor; but only a small portion of your grand plan. Ingeniously, you sought to insure its success; but to do so, one needed to be not only above His imperious scrutiny but also able to move without hindrance or impediment. Reasonably, you conjectured that the Game would provide you that opportunity where, prior to selection, you would altruistically present those tears to Him for judgement: an act of kindness became in itself a gambit. From that moment on in some manner, away from scrutiny, you extrapolated each separate contingency.
“Ages later, eventually finding success in the incarnations of Bion and of Maximillian your eventual plan unwearyingly proceeded as envisioned. Through it all you conspicuously flouted but few of your many abilities to those about you: choosing to remain apart from others so that on occasion you could move unobtrusively through time and take only four trusted others with you. Through it all, except for the One, Who though slightly disbelieving of your capabilities, none others in Heaven was the wiser.
“Of course, He understood that the general rules or guidelines of the Game aided if not abetted in your ruse: or is the better term to use, your use of misdirection in order to gain some manner of advantage; but still He remained pleased with your imagination and initiative. From there He understood and accepted the actuality that misdirection, if not slight of hand, would become a key to your developing reality. Sissy, He was pleased at your progress for who else could be in more than one place at a time. Admittedly, certainly not you alone, but now He understands that with the assistance of certain others, who, at key moments could and did sit at the table and speak in your stead it became …very controllable.
“Of course, as per the rules, ostensibly, He more than honored his obligation and again, though suspicious, He never challenged those who, as you have said, did play but a part; as for all intent and purpose, each was a mirror image of you and for those in attendance; none except perhaps He was the wiser. He reasons that somehow, some time prior, you had concluded that without his pervasive insight, he never would realize the subterfuge and even He did, He still had the upper hand: you were, for the most, correct.
The many times as you sat before Him and the Game progressed the more who followed the Game knew more of your past; especially of your encounter with Odysseus who hid within a wooden horse; however unknown to all, you elected to hide in His plain site. As a matter of course, eventually over time, despite the sum of what would be bartered, there comes an end to every game; a final accounting, a reckoning must take place, and the Game you played with Him was, in that respect, no different.
“When that inevitable moment arrived the all encompassing silence rang out; calling all in its splendor: Attend. Unknown to others, all whom you simultaneously summoned too, did so as well. He muses that for some reason none were challenged or delayed upon entry; now He knows why.
“Shortly thereafter, and most certainly as seen by all, He muses, that lone entity which so hesitantly entered the stadium…was not you. Truthfully, you spoke when you stated you were not able to be in two places at one time; therefore, at that moment, the indescernible likeness of your choice had taken your place, but only after conversing communally with the others who entered the same anteroom. As had become the norm, just prior to the grand entry, each would exchange information and after entry thereafter disperse. He now finds it equally amusing that unknown to all, others too in your stead, had similarly played previously; thus affording you the opportunity to play and research almost simultaneously and without notice nor without breach of the rules. If only for that, He considers you a most enterprising soul.
“Be that as it may, it is on this last occasion, your pronounced facsimile entered, and as was the norm; paused for an acceptable period of time and looked about and warily acknowledged all. Then, further took in the moment and with arms raised, turned full circle and proceeded to stand before the great table upon which the board and pieces lay. Sissy, at that moment, all present knew of your form and to each there, there was no doubt of who stood before them or contended: all presumed it to be you: including Him.
“Of course as was and is His nature, in radiance, He simply appeared, fully seated high upon His thrown; leaned forward with grace acknowledging the presence of who He assumed to be you with a stately bow of His head. Then, with a wave of His hand directed at the cushion, motioned to you “Be seated” and then both who sat at the table played but a part. Sissy, it is the Rule of Law in Heaven, that when he nods His assent, it is a bond an unbreakable affirmation if not corroboration of His acc-umen.
“At that moment, all in attendance understood that the inevitable role of the di was then to occur; but only after the reiteration of the wagers’ ultimate stakes: forfeiture, acceptance of defeat, submission or the unlikely event of winning; and the latter was summarily dismissed by all, including Him. Upon His nod, His opponent sat and then without word, for some reason, both smiled simultaneously at each other; as if a secret had passed between the two.
“Upon doing so, the murmur of those in attendence broke the silence for they understood what was to occur. Presumably, you would again role the di and loose, for rightly they presumed that probability and fate would dictate as always the result; and so they bartered amongst themselves. They were right, but oh so wrong. Everyone had underestimated you including Him. None dare dreamed of your brashness.
“The lynchpin of that brazen escapade upon which you embarked is simple; faith was your achor, you knew what was commonly known and utilized it; that not even He would break the rules of the game and subject you to scrutiny to gain unfair advantage. It is upon that which you played your remaining wild card of faith: a decision in yourself to trust a second more than…
“But here again, I must reiterate, before you proceeded, knowing that every thought was indeed your own; your every movement would go unchallenged and your every appearance would be taken for granted; you embarked upon your undertaking. Testing it to a point, you found that each of the indiscernible likenesses of you was accepted for what it was: you. However, here, at the last, the most difficult role-played would now occur.
“But that once again brings us back to immediate and most pressing moment.You would have to verify that you wished to proceed in the selection of whom you would choose to be your mother: if, you won the Game, that is. Understanding that you could not be in two places at one time, it became crystal clear, that the need to verify the selection immediately prior to the roll was paramount to success for you could not select incorrectly.
“He tells me that within the rules of the Game in order to succeed, one must not only willing risk all upon a wager, but also, willing to intangibly bow them ever so slightly to insure success. In short, you needed to gain an edge over your opponent: something inalterable to rely upon, something itself: unbeatable. To His mind, there was none. To yours however there was. Paradoxically, that is where your once stillborn twin sister Crystal enters.
“The part she played was no small role but was as a mime that hid many times behind curtains and cried just loud enough to be found at the opportune moment; one well versed in tears; and one, not fully separated from her brother at birth, who chose to grow and follow his lead regardless of where it takes her. As she stepped forth from him, she too was repeatedly mistaken for the beautiful little boy, whom, according to all, would predictability lose. I am told that true to form, as she sat at the table before Him she did what she did best: first, the tears rolled from her eyes as a trickle, then moved gently down her cheeks; she made it a point to wipe each away and sniffle as if in distress. Soon thereafter, she then wept uncontrollably; and the murmur throughout the Gallery of the Gods was discernable as they snickered: “Look, Sissy again cries.” After half-heartedly composing herself, she baited the trap, which you had laid, when she then made several weak attempts to take the di in hand but pulled back each time. Little one, He claims you had coached her well, especially driving home the point, that once the di had been touched that the inevitable roll could never then be delayed; they could never be placed down, they must be thrown. Reflecting upon it…He is amused.
“Time and again each masked attempt to take the di purposely came up short and with additional attempts the contorted indecisiveness grew more pronounced until at some point with each agonizing endeavor, words were mouthed, but never spoken; for to do so may well have given the game away too soon. In any event, no lips needed a jewelers’ eye to discern their heartfelt meaning, though each as in a torrent was cleary evident. “…decision, decision, a decision…just trust, trust, just trust yourself, yourself, wait, wait, wait, I need, I need, I I need a, second, a second more, a second more, wait, not yet not…”
“All remember that during a Game that such a sorrowfully tragic event as this had never, never ever, occurred before…and they were right because He was moved and out of concern and kindness to one so young, offered with voice alone…an unprecedented act of kindness…that, of course would be accepted. Nevertheless, all in attendance were aghast for few had actually heard His voice during a Game, only His many simultaneously directed thoughts to them.
“I am told that not only the stadium but Heaven itself shook with the sound of His voice gently inquiring, “Your decision? Little one, I offer without additional penalty a modest recess; do you require a second more to decide?”
“Sobbing, almost inchoherently, she merely nodded, accepted forthwith and then ran off to the anteroom feigning utter humiliation and embarrassment along the way; while knowing the trap had been sprung. When she entered, there you stood with a smile on your face for all the while you had researched whom you had chosen, had met her and now would proceed to conclude the game on your terms. You were certain of your choice.
“There, while waiting patiently to be summoned back to contend, you sent Crystal to the outer most regions of the entries knowing that once you had again entered that the need for guards would be again be useless; as you would be under His gaze, they would have withdrawn and she could leave without notice. And so it was.
“By the by, only mere seconds had passed when you heard the calling and oh what a role you played for as you entered you cried as easily as your sister and with tears flowing proceeded to once again stand at the table before him. “Well?” He intoned looking down upon your diminuitive form, “Your decision? Do you maintain a decision in yourself to trust?”
“Of course you did. And as you looked up to Him with outstretched arms you spoke ever so softly, none-the-less it was heard by all and with but the slightest quiver in your voice, “No, all mighty One,” you replied, “I…I accept…your…your act…of…of of of kindess…a decision…a decision…”
“Wishing to be kind, and spare you any further agony, He precipitously nodded His immediate assent before your next stammering word could be completed; thus interrupting your tortured words to him. The moans of those who sat and watched were quite discernable for they had experienced what had transpired before them. All knew then what was to occur: you would accept defeat and submit. That is what they knew then.
“Of course, that is not at what occurred for it soon became evident what you had done; you had purposely spoken that way and offered Him what you would call a...pregnant pause. You bet all upon an act of kindness, one upon which you could rely. That opportunity afforded itself and you closed the trap that over time you had lain.
“You waited a respectiful period of time, raised your hands to Him and then inquired so masterfully of Him, “O great One, forgive me but as You well know, I had not completed my personal thoughts to You on this matter. Therefore, that You would know what I now would speak is such as what I would have, I relinquish the veil of my thoughts to your examination and to all others who view in attendance.”
The comprehension of what He had done was not lost upon Him nor to the others in attendance: especially those dour souls who comprised The Gallery of the Gods. He would never break His own Word. Nor dismiss a given pledge. Nor, would He cheat at a game of chance for as was the norm He never lost. But, He had interrupted you and He would have to listen to what He knew would be unparalleled and as He sat upon His throne He began to smile.
“It was then you proceeded, understanding your victory was close at hand. Eloquently you addressed Him with, “Sire, O Mighty One, You had prior to my brief respite graciously offered me a second more...which was immediately accepted and by Your authority confirmed. I complete my thoughts aloud that all may hear and know what we both have now agreed to. My Lord, I will complete my thoughts as follows, "I accept...a decision in Yourself to trust...a second more...than I…You must.”
“He understood what you had done and took the di from your hands when you presented them to Him. Without a word, He rolled them for you and of course, since His is the pat hand, The Game was over and you had won. He tells me that since then nothing has been quite the same.
“That is what I know now. Now, can we go home?