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Author Topic: Wife Takes Charge  (Read 134593 times)

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Tiny Johnny

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Wife Takes Charge
« on: December 20, 2014, 05:40:23 PM »
Part 1 :-[
My wife is now the head of our household.  Traci didn’t seem the type before our wedding and for many years she would get angry but back down.  We were overall a happy couple, but I knew there was some resentment on her part.  We both have jobs and when she came home from work, she did the stereotypical wife things.  She worked just as hard at home as she did at her office, making us dinner and cleaning up around the house.

My performance in the bedroom had caused our sex life to be cut down to maybe once every other month or so.  My pen-is is small and I don’t have much stamina so I would orally service her until she came and then she would let me masturbate.  She would try to put me inside her every so often, but more times than not I simply slipped out. Her body is very nice and sexy when she shows it to me.  She has large breasts, is a little chubby, and has a gorgeous ass.  I just wish I could satisfy her every wish in bed!

Our whole life together changed one day when she came home from work.    She has always dressed conservatively.  She will wear slacks, a blouse and flats most days.   When she walked in the door that evening, I could tell she had freshened up her makeup and her blouse had the two top buttons undone, showing quite a bit of her cleavage.  In addition it was quite obvious that she was not wearing a bra anymore.  This was confirmed when she took it out of her pocketbook, held it out to me and told me to put it away.  I was shocked to say the least and was looking forward to a hot night with her.

Boy was I wrong!!  When I returned from putting her bra away, she was sitting in the living room with her feet up, watching tv.  I asked her what we were having for dinner and she said she was having a nice fried chicken salad and a glass of wine and that I was making it.  As she finished, she proceeded to lean forward and expose her cleavage to me.  Once she knew it caught my eye, she simply said “get cooking!”

When I took out two bowls to make our salads, she shouted in to me that I was not having salad.  She would be making me something in a little bit.  She wanted a glass of wine now and asked that I bring it right in to her.  When I did, I noticed she had unbuttoned her blouse further and taken her breasts out.  She thanked me for the wine and said, “  See what happens when you listen.”

As I was finishing up her salad she came into the kitchen with her blouse buttoned back up and said she was making significant changes to our relationship and “they are starting right now!”  “Sit down Little Johnny so you completely understand how things will be from now on...”  I was speechless, but did as she said to see where it would lead.  I certainly hoped to see more of her voluptuous curves! 

“I have been talking with some of my girlfriends at work about the two of us.  A couple of them are divorced and suggested I do the same thing unless you agreed to certain changes.”  “OK” I said as I wan’t quite sure what to do at that point and wanted to see where this was going.  “ The nice ladies at work made me realize that I am the one really in control here because I have the pussy.  We put together this booklet for you.  As you see, it is titled “Sissy Johnny’s New Behavior Plan”  We all worked very hard on this and we will read it cover to cover as you will be quizzed on a regular basis and must be able to recite and follow all of its contents if you ever want to earn any of this pussy ever again.

Before we begin reading, let’s get you some dinner.  Traci got up and went to a bag she had brought home with her.  She took out a box and two small jars.  “ I will have it ready in a jiff Sissy Johnny”  She poured some of the contents in a bowl, mixed in some water, and put it in the microwave. 

“While that’s cooking, let me get you some veggies.”  Now I could see the box and jars.  Gerber’s Baby Food!  Her response to my protests were simple, “Nonsense, this is perfectly good for you.  Tonight you are having a yummy dinner of Gerber’s Organic Unsweetened Oatmeal, mashed peas and sweet potatoes!  And when you eat it all up I promise fruit for dessert.  Now do as you are told sissy.” 

What could I say.  Traci took the bowl out of the microwave put it on the table with the jars and pulled a chair up next to mine.  “Oh no, I forgot a bib.  Well we will have to make due.  I know just the thing.”  Jeannie went to the cupboard, took out a white trash bag and proceeded to cut a hole in the top of it.  When she finished she brought it over, put it over my head and pulled it down to cover me.   

When I reached for the spoon, she pushed my hand away and grabbed it.  “ Sissy Johnny is not big enough to feed herself.  As soon as we finish, you will see that in your Behavior Plan.”  Traci proceeded to talk to me and feed me as if I was a toddler.

 â€ś Oopsie, we forgot your tasty vegetables and sweet potatoes!”  With that she proceeded to empty the contents of the jars into a lump in the middle of the oatmeal mashed it together and continued on with my feeding.  She played the typical airplane and choo choo train games that moms play with babies and made sure she made a mess on me with the food.  By the time she was finished, she was scooping it off my bib and my chin and pushing it into my mouth. 

"Good girl, now for your fruit" I finally looked forward to something I might enjoy when she dashed my hopes immediately.  "Yummy, yummy, strained prunes!  You are going to LOVE these!"  She must have thought so as she had purchased a much larger jar of these and filled a bowl with some.  I clamped my mouth firmly shut so the first ones fell on the floor.  Without missing a beat, Traci scooped them off the floor and clamped my nose until I opened my mouth, paying no attention to my struggling.  "Just for that, you are getting a double helping!"  She then fed me that bowl full and another. With that done, she put my new book on her lap, ready to read...

Tiny Johnny

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Re: Wife Takes Charge
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2014, 08:15:53 PM »
Let’s look at your pretty new book now sissy.  See this nice cover with your picture on it?  Miss Maria, at the office,  drew all the pretty flowers and bunnies and butterflies on it for you!  I will help you write her a thank you note tomorrow.    Now let’s see.  It says Toddler Stage 1.  See the title right next to the Little Ducky!”  She read the first page which listed some basic rules she expected me to follow.

 Rule 1:  Traci has the vagina so she makes the rules.  “Now I think that makes a lot of sense, don’t you sissy Johnny?
Rule 2:  As a result of your laziness and lack of help around the house, your status is now that of a baby girl.  “Well there is no arguing with that.  Two rules that make sense!  I like those rules don’t you sissy?” 
Rule 3:  When you are home, your status will be reinforced with age appropriate clothing and grooming.  When you are out, you may wear regular clothing but must wear baby girl panties or a diaper underneath as Traci sees fit.
Rule 4:  You will do as you are told and not speak until spoken to.  You will be taught to do all the household chores and will complete them weekly or more often as Traci determines
Rule 5:  You are not allowed to make c-ummies.  Therefore your chastity device will remain locked at all times.  As Traci is a vivacious, sexy woman, she will be going out on dates to find a real man.  In the meantime, she will have her needs serviced by your tongue on command and in a more than satisfactory manner or you will be punished
Rule 6:  When guests come over to see Traci, nothing changes in your status or dress.  You will continue on as directed and make sure you are polite at all times.  “I came up with that one myself Sissy!”
Rule 7:  ALL females, regardless of age, are your superior and you will obey their every command when Traci does not over ride it. 
Rule 8:  You will be “Home Nursery Schooled” on Saturday mornings by whomever Traci designates.  Clas-ses will include coloring, dancing, basic cooking, cleaning, and story time.  Others may join your clas-s as Traci chooses.  “ I already have some of your teachers lined up sissy!  Won’t you be surprised”
Rule 9:  You will choose a punishment out of the your punishment jar when Traci tells you to pick one.  The punishment will be followed to the letter.  Punishments at this stage include:  bare bottom spanking, corner time, early bedtime, washing mouth out with soap, and other special humiliating tasks picked by each of the ladies helping in this project.
Rule 10.  See Rule 1

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!  Traci, however, said that she has now learned how to stand up for herself and either I comply or she would file for divorce and show everyone the book.  With that she said, she told me to stand up.  She yanked my pants down around my ankles and put me over her lap. 

"Just to show you I mean it, I am going to blister your little sissy buns!  I will teach you to respect me in every way."  She proceeded to give me a bare handed spanking, taunting me all the way.  "Why are you squirming sissy, don't you like my hand on your bottom?  Whap!  "Ooooo, that made you jump!" Whap Whap " Just wait till my mother does the same to you"  Whap  "Is Johnny's widdle bottom sore?"  Whap. " I want you kicking your legs and bawling before I stop!"  Whap Whap Whap.  I submissively responded by doing just that.

When she was finished, Traci made me stand in the corner with my pants down while she got on the phone.  "  Yes Mom, I started tonight.  Right now I have him in corner time.  What?  Yes, it is bright red!!  With that,  Traci walked over and told me that someone wanted to talk to me.  She handed me the phone and I heard her mother's voice.  "Well hello widdle sissy, it's grandma.  Were you a bad widdle sissy tonight?  I am coming to see you this weekend and bring some nice presents that mommy suggested.  You behave and we will have so much fun.  Bye bye widdle Johnny!"  She was laughing uncontrollably at that point.

"Oh Boy widdle sissy, Grandma is coming this weekend.  I have asked her to babysit you on Saturday night because I have a date.  You had best behave for her.  Oh no, look at the time!"

it was 7 pm and seeing that that is now my new bedtime she grabbed me by the ear and led me upstairs and told me to get in the small pink cot she had placed next to what was now her bed.
” Just think Sissy, tomorrow is Saturday!  Your first day of school.  What fun we will have!  I will have your clothes ready when you wake up.  Nighty Night!”  With that, Traci left me and went downstairs to watch tv and talk on the phone.  I couldn't even imagine the humiliations she had in store for me tomorrow!

Tiny Johnny

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Re: Wife Takes Charge
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2014, 04:30:09 PM »
Part II
When I woke, I felt something strange between my legs.  I looked down and saw it.  I was locked in a chastity tube!  She must have put that on me while I slept.  It was plastic and had a slit at the end so that I could pee, but would allow no more!

Traci was already up and putting on her makeup in front of the mirror.  She was wearing panties and a necklace, but nothing else.  Her large breasts were hanging in full view as she put on eye shadow and lipstick.  “Let me finish my lips and I will be right with you sissy” She puckered them and finished then turned and said “Time to get sissy dressed” 

I asked to use the bathroom first and she laughed.  “No potty until later for you sissy.  You need to learn to hold it, now sit on the floor while I finish getting ready.  She continued with her makeup and finished off with her perfume.  When she was done, she told me to lay on the pink towel she had set out and she would prepare me for my day.

Traci took a large pink diaper bag out of the closet and brought it over by me.   She knelt down and opened the bag.  As she knelt, her large breasts swung in front of me and I noticed that the necklace she was wearing had a small key on it instead of a locket, obviously the key to my tube!

She started taking things out of the bag and set them on the floor next to me.  She had no shortage of supplies, that was for sure.  Big containers of baby powder, baby oil, baby wipes and Vaseline were put out. A woman’s razor and shaving cream also were there.  That was only topped by the Hello Kitty little girls make-up kit she set off to the side.  “We are going to look sooooo pretty today for Grandma!”  she said in her most syrupy voice.

 The first thing she selected was a pink woman’s razor and shaving cream.  She put some in her hand and spread it above my chastity tube, totally ignoring my pleas to stop.  “Oh I almost forgot… here is something to keep you quiet”  She reached into the bag and took out a large pen-is shaped pink pacifier and held my nose until I opened my lips and took it in. 

She took the razor and began shaving.  She warned that I better stay still or she might slip.  She continued with the task at hand and completely ignored me as if she were shaving herself, humming as she went. She flipped me over and did the same thing to my bottom.

Next, she started on my thighs and worked all the way down my legs until they were completely bare. “There, that’s much better, isn’t it.”  She took out some baby lotion and rubbed it into my legs, putting on a lot more than was necessary.  She then shaved under my arms and down the front of me.  “Smooth as a baby’s behind” she laughed. 

Traci reached for the bottle of baby oil.  She turned me over and coated my rear with it.  Next came an over-abundance of baby powder all over.  Then she took the Vaseline and proceeded to get a large dollop on her finger and ran it up and down the crack of my behind. 

She turned me over and opened the Hello Kitty Makeup.  She put rouge on my cheeks and a clear gloss on my lips.  She got her own eyebrow brush and thickened my brows and lashes.  She finished the job with a spray of flowery perfume she took from the bag.  “Now let’s get you dressed and go have breakfast.”

Traci got up and opened the top dresser drawer and took out a pile of clothes.  I was relieved to see a pair of jeans in the stack.  My happiness was short lived as she took them and put them on herself.  Then she turned and bent over.  “Do you like my jeans?  I think they show off my round bottom, don’t you sissy?”  This drove me crazy but I could do nothing but strain in my device.  She through a sweater on over her head and then turned to me.

“Now let’s see what we have for sissy today.  Oh how darling!  Pink panties with strawberries on them.”  She held them up and I swallowed hard at the site of them.  They were pastel pink with big red strawberries all over.  The leg openings had white elastic lace and bows, and a large red bow with a sequin was in the middle of the waistband.  “Grandma added the lace and bow for you sissy and even put something special on the backside of them!  She will be so pleased to see how much you like them.”

Traci bent over and pushed me on my back and slipped the panties over my feet and moved them up my legs.  As she did, I noticed that indeed, her mother had sewn “Grandma’s Little Joy” in white letters on the back.  She made me lift my bottom and pulled them all the way up.

Next, she went to the closet and came back with a very short deep red velvet dress with a white collar and silk bows hanging down from it.  There was a bright red ribbon around the waist.  Traci pulled it over my head and into place.  “Miss Diane at the office sewed this just for you sissy.  Don’t I have such nice friends! 

When she pulled it down, the dress came just past my waist so my panties were exposed for all to see.  She put frilly white anklets on my feet and then proceeded to put black maryjanes over them.  “I had to look hard to find your size, but found an online store that has many more where these came from.”    She buckled the shoes and then made me stand in front of her.

“Something just isn’t right. Hmmmm…. I know!  Babies don’t have hair!!”  Oh No I thought as she started to laugh.  “We are going to do this, or that book is going on the internet this afternoon.  Now get over here on my makeup bench.  I had tears in my eyes but had to comply.

She shaved my head with a clippers and a razor but left a lock on the top of my head.  “Almost done, now stay still… With that she went to the pile of clothes and brought back a large red hair bow.  She tangled my hair through it and stood back to admire her work.  She tried to control her laughter by covering her mouth but finally let loose uncontrollably.  “Just Perfect!!” 

She took me by the ear and led me downstairs to the kitchen.  “Time for breakfast before Nursery School!!  Let’s get going so you aren’t late!”


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Re: Wife Takes Charge
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2014, 09:53:24 AM »
We had a data failure during this morning's regular maintenance, & data got corrupted. I had to restore this site from a backup from about 12 hours ago. So all posts & new memberships during the past 12 hours were lost, because they weren't in the backup. Fortunately this story part was still in my browser cache, so I reposted the lost part from the cache.

Wife Takes Charge by Tiny Johnny

Part III
When we got to the kitchen I was told to sit down and wait quietly for breakfast.  Traci started to take out pots and pans so I was hoping for at least a decent meal.  When she took out pancake mix and bacon I was relieved.  The food smelled so good as it was cooking I just couldn’t wait!

When she was finished, Traci sat down next to me with a plate of pancakes covered in butter and syrup and a cup of coffee next to it.  She sat down and ate the food while she read the paper.  I watched in anxious anticipation.  “Oh, I’m sorry sissy, I forgot something for you.”  With that, she went to the cupboard and brought back a box of Cherrios and poured them into a little pink bowl.  “Start with this while I enjoy my breakfast and I will cook you something”  The cherrios were dry but at least they were something edible.

“Mmmm Mommy enjoyed her breakfast, now I will get something for my sissy.”  She got up and pulled several items from the refrigerator that I couldn’t quite make out.  She poured them into one of the pots and set the stove timer for about five minutes.    While it was cooking, she placed a call to her mother.

“Yes Mom, we are ready for our day.  What?, Oh yes I had a wonderful breakfast.  Yes I am cooking hers but I wanted to ask you how long I should wait after it finishes cooking to complete the process.  Oh ok, I should do it right away then.  Well, we should be almost finished by then.  You can come earlier but I will still be feeding her.  You would?  Well of course Sissy Johnny would love that I’m sure.  See you in a bit.”

When the timer went off, she took the pot and dropped its contents in the blender.  All I could tell is that it was brown in color.  “Now let’s see, hmmmm, oh I know” she said as she went to the refrigerator.  She took out a bag of spinach and a bag of brussel sprouts and poured some into the blender as well.  “Ok, where is puree?  Oh, there we go, I’m sure you will love this sissy” she said as she pushed the button.

Traci grabbed a dish towel and tied it around my neck.  Then she took a larger pink bowl and poured the contents of the blender into it.  I couldn’t yet see it, but it did not smell like pancakes for sure!  She left the bowl on the counter and again went to the fridge.  This time she took out a large container of cottage cheese and scooped a couple of large helpings into the bowl as well. She brought the bowl over with a large tablespoon and sat down in a chair next to me.

“Remember a couple of months ago when you laughed when I said I liked cottage cheese?  Well now you are going to get to like it!  I will keep feeding it to you until the day you learn how to ask for more because you like it soooo much” she laughed.  Traci took the spoon and took out a big glob of pureed food.  “ Now open wide sissy for your pureed liver and vegetables with cottage cheese.  Here comes the choo choo…  I closed my mouth so she proceeded to mush it in my face as if she wasn’t aware.  “Well, if you don’t want to eat this, then I will make you another serving and you will sit here all day until you clean both bowls!  Now open up for the airplane… zoom zoom…”

With that threat, I complied and ate the nasty food that she made for me.  Each time she shoved the spoon in my mouth she asked isn’t that yummy or said there, there, eat your breakfast baby.  When we were about halfway finished with the bowl, I heard the front door of the house open with a turn of the key.  “Oh I bet that’s Grandma!  Hi mom, we’re in here.”  Susan came into the room and in a high pitched voice said “Well good morning sissy!  Don’t you look cute as a button… You are so lucky mommy takes such good care of you.”   Then she burst out laughing and a large grin came across Traci’s face.

“I brought the things we talked about Traci.  Where is school going to be held?”  “It is all set up downstairs mom, go check it out.  There are separate activity stations for each lesson that we talked about.  Do you want a cup of coffee?”  “That would be great” Susan responded as she went down the stairs.

As Traci began scrapping the bowl to get the last few spoonfuls out and into my mouth I heard tremendous laughter coming from her mother downstairs.  “Absolutely perfect!!  You really outdid yourself Traci!  I didn’t even think of some of these but you implemented everything we talked about and then some.  I’ll put the things I brought with me in their proper place but I may need your help with a couple of the items still in the car.”  “We will be down in a minute or two mom, I just have to wash this little girl’s face.”

Traci took out a Hello Kitty washcloth from the diaper bag and ran it under the faucet.  She came back and covered my face with it to wash off any remnants of food, but there wasn’t much as she made sure most every bite went in to my mouth. “Now let’s get you ready for your first day of Nursery School.  Let me get the bag I packed for you sissy and I will take you there.”  I asked if I could use the bathroom and was told that there would be a break for that after the first lesson so I needed to hold it in.

Traci went into the closet and came out with a bag about the same size as the diaper bag.    It was pink and had nursery characters all over it.  She put that and the diaper bag over her shoulder.  “Now take my hand sissy and we’re off to school.”

Tiny Johnny

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Re: Wife Takes Charge
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2014, 10:06:03 PM »
Part IV  Nursery School Time

At the stairs, Traci made me sit down on the top step.  “OK mom, we are ready”  Susan came to the bottom of the stairs, bent forward and put her hands on her knees.  “Come to grandma.  You can do it johnny”  Traci instructed me to slide down one stair at a time on my bottom.  She said that this was the way I would navigate downstairs from now until she decided otherwise. 

Traci sure did outdo anything I had ever seen.  The downstairs was totally done over in a nursery room motif.  Different areas of the room had signs over them signifying what was to be done in those areas.    In one corner of the room, there was a plastic play kitchen.  There was a child’s plastic slide about three feet high.  One of the areas was designated Story Time and there was a big rocking chair in it.

“I promised you that you could go potty right after your first lesson, so I bet you want to start right away.”  She walked me past a child’s easel in front of the room to a station labeled Music Time.  She put both the pink bags up in the front of the room.  Then she and Susan both came over by me.  They sat down in adult folding chairs, but Traci told me I would be standing.  “Grandma came up with today’s lesson.  You will be learning three songs and will perform them from start to finish by memory before you finish this lesson.

With that, Susan took out a pitch pipe and blew into it.  “Now hit that note sissy.”  She made me do it several times until she decided it was loud enough.  “This is your mommy’s little record player from when she was two years old she said as she put the needle on the record that was spinning.  This was her favorite record when she was your age.  Now sing along with me when the music starts.”  I almost cried as the Wheels on the Bus song started to play.  Susan kept telling me to sing louder or I would be here for a long time.  Next came Itsy Bitsy Spider, Skip to My Lou, and then to top it all off, I’m A Little Teapot.  When that song began, Traci came over and grabbed my arms to make me mimic the teapot. 

I was glad when the record was over, as I really had to go to the bathroom and was promised that now would be the time.  “Look Traci, I know what it means when she makes that face and twists her legs.  She needs to go potty!  Well sissy,  are you ready to solo so that you can go potty? I expect to hear it nice and loud, but first you have to ask Grandma if she would please listen to you sing your favorite songs.” What choice did I have? I needed to make this quick or I was going to wet myself in front of her.  “And you need to ask it in a baby voice with a lisp”

Pwease grandma would you wisten to me sing my favowite songs?”  “Well only because you insisted johnny.”  That being over with,   I worked my way through the first three songs.  By now I was almost jumping up and down because I had to go so badly. 

I did the teapot song last.  Although I was starting to cry, I did my best to perform the song to Susan’s satisfaction.  Traci wasn’t in sight so I had to do the performance on my own.  When I finished, Susan was clapping and said “Thanks for wanting to sing for us today sissy.  I know you practiced very hard.  With that, I heard a muffled giggle behind me.  When I turned, Susan said “Wave hi to everyone” The muffled giggle came from Traci, who had her hand over her mouth to control her laughter.  She was standing there with her phone pointed right at me.  Now I realized what was up.  She was filming!!

“Mom, the girls at work and I set up an internet video page so everyone could see sissy’s progress.  I just sent this as the first video to the page.  It was perfect because she did it all by herself and you even got her to ask to do it!!”  We’ll be able to watch it online in a minute she said through her laughter. 

“While we are waiting, I promised you potty time.”  Traci went into the closet and came out with a big pink plastic baby potty and set it in the middle of the room.  She then lowered the panties around my ankles and said, “Here you go sissy.  Show grandma what a big girl you are and do your tinkle tinkle.  The two of them sat there teasing and coaxing me.  I tried to resist but couldn’t and so I had to sit down and pee on the potty while the two of them watched. 

As I was going, Traci turned up the volume on her tablet and I could hear me singing the songs thought I couldn’t see the picture.  All of a sudden, mid-song it stopped.  “Hmm it must be buffering.  That means a lot of people got my text and are hitting the site at the same time.”  I was completely mortified and defeated.   It soon started up again and they were shrieking with laughter.  “Oh you have got to send me a copy Traci”   As I finished, Susan grabbed the diaper bag and said “I’ve got this one honey, you work too hard.”

Susan took a pink vinyl mat out of the bag, made me lay on it and took out a package of wipes.   She opened my legs wide and rubbed the lanolin wipes all over.  She then powdered me and pulled up my panties.    “Uh Oh, Traci, her panties are wet in front.  She must not have been able to hold it.”  “Whaaaat? I can’t believe it.  What a sissy.  Watch her for a sec mom, I will be right back with her jar.”

Susan teased and berated me until Traci returned with a big jar.  On the side she had labeled it Sissy Johnny’s Punishment Jar.  “Ok you big baby, time for widdle johnny to pick his first punishment”  She held the jar down and Susan pushed my hand in and put one of the slips of paper in it. “Oh you want Grandma to give you your punishment.  Ok then”  She looked at the slip and chuckled, then gave it to Susan.
“”Icy Hot; what am I supposed to do?”   

Traci went to the diaper bag and brought back a tube of Icy Hot.  “Terri suggested this one.  She even wrote instructions down for it.  Massage this into the little brats balls for 2 minutes then sit back and watch the fun!”  Susan put on a rubber glove and Traci squeezed a large amount of the stuff on to it.  Susan really did a job on me.  She played with each of them as she massaged the goo in.  After a bit, Traci said “Times up Mom.  Did you have fun?”  “ Oh they are so tiny I thought I was squeezing cherry tomatoes!” she laughed.

In a short while, I was jumping around the room about crying as they both laughed. “That will teach you sissy”  When I finally calmed down, Traci went to the big bag she brought and took out a very large diaper.  “  Want to do the honors Mom?”  “Of course I would!”  Traci held me down as Susan fastened the diaper in place.  “Since you can’t control yourself, you will remain in diapers until further notice”

The rest of the morning was spent suffering the indignities of taking a ballet lesson led by Traci and filmed by Susan,  listening to Susan read Goldilocks for story time, Traci helping me make a picture from a paper plate and macaroni pieces and having to hold a Tea Party with my two antagonists.

Finally, Traci said she had to go get ready for her date and asked Susan to bring me upstairs and put me in the playpen she had set up in her room.  "You go ahead, we will be right there." :-[

Tiny Johnny

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Re: Wife Takes Charge
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2014, 03:58:19 PM »
Part V
When we got to the kitchen I saw that Susan had set up what looked like a high chair backed bar stool by the table.  The only difference was that it was painted pink and had a tray to make it a very large version of a baby’s high chair.  She removed the tray, told me to get in it, and fastened the straps around my legs and groin.  She then put the tray back in place.  Next, she took out a large bib that had a rabbit on it with “Grandma Spoils Me” written on it.  She placed the bib around my neck and tied it in the back.

After a few minutes, Traci came into the kitchen and got her purse.  She was wearing a short skirt and a red blouse that had the top two buttons undone so as to show her ample cleavage.  Her silk stockings had a seam up the back and her high heels clicked on the tile.   â€śBefore you go can I go out to the car and get something Traci?”  “Sure mom, I will wait with her.” 

After Susan left, Traci started opening the kitchen drawers looking for a pad and paper.  When she found one she went to set it on the counter, but dropped it on the floor in front of me like it was an accident. “Silly me, I can’t seem to hold onto anything sometimes.” As she bent over to pick it up, her skirt rode so high that her behind stuck out and as I looked I realized she was wearing a hot pink thong.  This was much different than the more conservative panties she used to wear.    She then wrote something on the pad before Susan returned. “You know if you don’t mess your diapers, you won’t need to wear them sissy.  I have bought you plenty of big girl panties to wear.  I guess we’ll see if you earn them.”

Traci reminded Susan that my bed time was 7 no matter what and that since it was Saturday, I was due for a bath.  “You should be finished with dinner before I leave and then you will get to play for a little bit before bath time with Grandma!”  I was mortified as Traci’s mom would be giving me a bath like a child.
Susan came over to the high chair and put a couple of large rusks on the tray.  “Gnaw on these while I finish your dinner sissy.”  “She loves cottage cheese mom so don’t skimp” Traci said as she gave me an evil grin.    “Feel free to give her all you like.” “It looks like you are just about out.”  “Oh no, I have two large containers in the downstairs fridge!  I’ll go bring up more for you.”

As Traci went to get the containers, Susan brought over a large bowl and sat down next to me.  “Open wide for grandma” “Mom, if she doesn’t open, hold her nose and she will be punished” Traci shouted up.  Grandma scooped a large glob of green and white from the bowl.  “You need to each your spinach and rice sissy so that you grow up to be big and strong.”  Not wanting to suffer another punishment, I did as I was told. 

When Traci returned she had a large container of cottage cheese.  “Boy mom what did you make? That doesn’t smell good at all.  Glad we are having steaks tonight at that fancy place that just opened.” “It’s pureed spinach and rice with a good helping of cod liver oil dear” “No wonder.  Well let’s add some of this.”  She took out a large spoon and began to scoop out the cottage cheese into the bowl.  “Make sure she cleans her plate mom. I wrote the name of the club we are going to on that pad in case you need me.”

As dinner was almost done, the doorbell rang and Traci opened it.  In came her date for the night.  He was tall and athletic looking.  He was dressed in a blazer and slacks and his shirt was tight to his body.  “Hi babe” he said as he kissed Traci on the lips.  “Ready to go?”  “Be right out, just let me get my bag.”  Traci took her purse, said goodbye to her mom and looked at me.  “Wave bye bye sissy.  Mommy will wait until you do or do I need to make my date force you to do it?”  I did as I was told and Traci left, her heels clicking as she made her way out.

When I finished eating, Susan cleaned me up and told me to follow her into the living room.  She wanted to watch tv and I could play while she did.  Susan had brought in several large bags and boxes.  She opened them and they were filled with baby toys.  “These were your mommy’s when she was little.  Now they are yours.”  She took out big cloth blocks, dolls, a see and say, a tower with rings on it, and a jack in the box.  “You play along while I watch tv for a bit.  If you don’t, I will be forced to punish you.” 

As she watched tv, I was forced to play like a baby on the floor in front of her.
Susan was enjoying her show but made sure I did not turn and look at the tv.  After a while, she became more relaxed and she accidently gave me a view right up her skirt.  She caught me looking and was furious.  “You want to see what’s up there sissy?  I’ll let you see it close up you little priss.”  With that, she took down her panties and pulled her skirt up and back.  “Now get over here and have your snack.”  “I’ll teach you to look up my skirt!”

Susan pulled my face into her crotch and told me to start licking or my punishment would be worse.  She was not as neatly shaved as Traci but I knew what was good for me.  As I started to taste her juices, she began to grind on my face, smearing her wetness all over me.  She grabbed both my ears and pulled me in tight as she started to orgasm.  “Open wide.  You will swallow everything that comes out.”

When Susan finished, she pushed me away, put her panties back on and glared down at me.  Now let’s get you upstairs to your bath.  She grabbed me by the ear and led the way.  When we got to the bathroom, she started the water and poured some bubble bath and baby oil in.  She turned to me and started to take off my dress, shoes, and socks.  When she got down to my diaper, I tried to pull away.  Susan yanked me by the hand and tore the diaper off.

My nakedness was met by uproarious laughter.  “No wonder Traci is out with a man.  I can certainly see why!  She gave me a copy of your key sissy.  Now we don’t want your cage to get ruined so get over here.  With that, she unlocked the device and pulled it off of me. ”With that thing so small, I don’t know that you need it restrained!”  she then took out a big hair curler and pinned it into my existing curl.  “this will keep you nice and curly all night long.”

Susan put me in the bath and then started to wash me and coo the whole time.   After she finished my groin, she soaped up her finger and told me to lay back.  She then proceeded to put her finger in my behind and worked it up into me.  I shuddered a little but that made her push even harder.  “Now you are clean everywhere!”

She had me get out of the bath, dried me off and made me lay down on my towel.  Taking a box from the counter, she took out two suppositories and told me to hold my legs open and back.  As I did that, she stuck them inside of me.  She then took my hand and forced my finger to push them in further.  She quickly fastened a clean diaper on me. 

She led me to a room down the hall and told me she couldn’t wait for me to see my surprise.  When she opened the door I was shocked.  The room was painted pink and white.  It had a large crib, a dresser, and a rocking horse.  There was a large changing table against the wall and a stack of diapers was on it.  There was a diaper pail next to the table and a girl’s makeup vanity was on the opposite wall.  Large nursery characters were painted on the walls.

“This is your new room sissy.  I had it painted yesterday.  Now let me get your jammies for you. “  susan went to the dresser and came back with a very large pink baby doll with frilly panties.  “Here you are baby”, she cooed as she pulled it over my head.  When she was finished she pulled down the side of the crib and made me climb in. She took out a couple of ribbons and tied my hands to the rails.  With that, she turned on a baby monitor and closed the door.  “Don’t you come out sissy or you will suffer the consequences.

I didn’t know what to do.  I thought about getting out but my hands were tied.  A couple of seconds later, the suppositories kicked in.  Tried as I might to get out I could not.  As I messed my diaper I could hear the phone ring downstairs.  “Yes dear, we had a good time.  I just put her to bed with a little present from Grandma.  You two enjoy yourselves and I will see you later on.  Yes I think we should do that to her in the morning.  Bye.”   Now a feeling of dread came over me.  I hoped morning would never come.

Tiny Johnny

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Re: Wife Takes Charge
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2014, 09:22:29 PM »
Part VI Traci Continues the Humiliations

When I woke in the morning, the stink in my diaper was everywhere.  There was no mistaking what had happened.  My groaning must have been heard on the monitor because Traci and Susan both came in.  “Smells like some little girl had an accident!  Naughty baby and after I offered to take you out of diapers if you acted like a big girl.  Well that seals the deal for the next several months.”

Traci had me get out of the crib and lay on the changing table.  Susan volunteered to do the job.  When she came close, she warned me not to say a word about the suppositories or I would get worse.  She then made a big fuss over me and put a new, pink diaper on me.  “I think that we better find some plastic panties for you sissy johnny or we will have a mess all over the house.” 

Traci brought over a pair of see through plastic pants with flowers and teddy bears on them.  “Here you go mom.  I bought these special for her.”  Susan pulled the pants up and set them in place.  Traci had sewn little jingle bells along the back and they jingled as Susan pulled them up on me.   

Next Traci produced a t-shirt with the sequined words “I’m A Little Princess” across the front.  There were princess cartoon characters on it as well.  Next came a baby bonnet of pink and white that did not cover my face.  She then put a pacifier in my mouth and pinned it to my t-shirt.

“Now since you are acting like such a big baby you need to crawl like one.  Crawl downstairs to the kitchen for your breakfast sissy.”  I did as I was told and made my way to the high chair.  Traci fastened me in and put some dry goldfish crackers on the tray.  “I think Grandma and I will have yummy omelets this morning.  Would you like some sissy?”  I shook my head up and down but to no avail.  “ I bet you would, but babies don’t eat grownup food.”

“That mess in your diaper tells me you need more fiber. “ She poured two boxes into a big bowl and then added milk.  “I know you will love your barley and oats cereal.”  She heated the bowl in the microwave and then brought it to the table. “Ooo I almost forgot your cottage cheese!  We wouldn’t want to forget your favorite.”  She went to the fridge and took out the container and poured a huge lump on top of the cereal.  “Let’s let that soak in some while we eat and then I’ll feed you.”

Traci and Susan proceeded to eat their omelets and talk.  Every so often one of them would tease me.  “Go ahead and eat your goldfish sissy, they won’t bite. “  “You didn’t have an accident again did you little girl?”  “Boy these are good omelets Traci.” 

When she was done, Traci came up next to the high chair, bent down and started to play peek a boo with me.  She talked to me like an exuberant mother would to her 2 year old.    When she was done, she went and got my breakfast and fed it to me in the usual manner, bib and all. 

When we were done, she got up and took a baby bottle out and filled it with milk.  She heated it up and then tested it on her wrist.  “Just right.  Time for your milk baby.”  She went and sat on the couch and made me sit on her lap.  Traci unbuttoned her blouse and took out one of her breasts.  She then layed the bottle over it and pulled my head in close.  “Now latch on sissy.”  As I opened my mouth, she shoved the bottles nipple in and told me to suc-k until it was all gone.
She held me so close to her real nipple, every time she moved it brushed past me.  This constant tease created quite a stir in my diaper.  The whole time this was going on, Traci completely ignored me and talked with Susan about all kinds of things.  When the bottle was finished, she put herself back into her blouse and cooed at me.  She patted me on my back until I burped and then set me on the floor and told me to play with the doll she put in the room.

A short time later the doorbell sounded and I panicked.  “That must be her mom.  I’ll get it and show her where to get set up if you watch our princess.”  Traci left the room and let someone in the front door.  They seemed to be moving in some things as the door kept opening and closing.  Traci offered to help and soon they were done.  “I’ll be ready for her in a minute.”

Traci came in and made me crawl behind her into the other room.  Susan was right behind me to make sure I was doing it right.  When we got to the room, I froze.  A photographer!  She had set up lights and a backdrop.  Traci introduced her to Susan and explained that she offered her a little bonus to help out.  “We have her for two hours for all the pictures we want. “

Traci and Susan talked to the photographer about what photos/poses they wanted and ignored me.  The photographer offered some suggestions as well.  As soon as they were done talking.  Traci headed up the stairs.  “I have her outfits all ready, let me get them and I will be right back.”

While she was doing that, the photographer took out a big furry white lambskin rug.  She put blocks, a rattle and a couple of dolls around on it.  Susan took off all but my diaper and made me get on all fours and turn my head toward the camera.  I followed her lead, but closed my eyes.  When she saw that she became infuriated.  “You will do this properly or I will pay for an additional two hours myself and will double the photos.”  I did as I was told, but wasn’t happy about it.

When Traci returned she was carrying a stack of frilly colorful things.  “Mom, we will need to get her to smile.”  As she put my clothes down, Traci went behind the photographer and picked up a stuffed rabbit.  She waved it at me and teased me.  “Smile little baby girl!  Come on you can do it just like mommy.  Yoo hoo!  Who’s gonna get you.  Is bunny going to get you?”  Susan leaned in to my ear and let me know in no uncertain terms that I better smile or else.

I followed her instruction and smiled as best I could.  Traci insisted they remove my diaper and show my bottom.  Susan thought that was a wonderful idea and they soon had me laying on my stomach with my head up.  The photographer angled the camera above me and snapped away.

Traci then took out my first outfit.  It was a large pink tutu and leotard.  She even had pink ballet slippers for my feet.  Susan put a pink bow in my curl and gave me a swift slap on the behind.  Traci took me through several ballet poses she wanted and the flash kept on popping as she laughed and mocked my posing.

Next they put me in a party dress and posed me on a rocking horse.  The horse was on springs so when they were ready, Traci bounced the horse up and down and told me to hold tight. 

This was followed by a picture sitting on Susan’s lap and one on Traci’s.  Finally, Traci put me in a pink and white gingham sundress and knee high white socks and  black mary janes.  She took out an oversized lollipop and made me lick it while the final shots were taken.

When I was done, Traci asked the photographer is she would take some more adult oriented pictures of her.  After they talked for a bit, Traci went back upstairs for a few minutes.  When she came down, she was wearing a see through black teddy and had done her makeup to the max.  She layed out on the sofa and made sure her body was stretched out from end to end.  She put on a pout, a grin, a smile, licked her lips and even blew a kiss as shots were taken. 

She then removed her top and posed in just panties for the last couple of pictures, her large breasts and nipples looking better than ever.  “I think Brad will like these as part of his birthday gift, don’t you sissy?”  I was nearly in tears.  Before I could really start to cry, Susan got her purse and coat and headed for the door.   

Susan told Traci she would see her later at the party and left with the photographer.  Traci grabbed me by the ear and told me to get her laundry done and iron out her clothes for my birthday party later that day while she relaxed.  She told me I better be on my best behavior while friends and family were here.  I cringed at what might be in store for me and hoped time would stand still.


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