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Author Topic: The Farm by Rosieleigh  (Read 8775 times)

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The Farm by Rosieleigh
« on: June 10, 2015, 12:39:32 AM »
The Farm by Rosieleigh (1999)

I'm sitting on the edge of my bed, one hand is chained to the bed frame. I can hear Aunt Mildred talking to someone, it sounds like a man. For some reason the man seems to want to come into this room, but Aunt Mildred won't let him.

Their voices are getting louder as the man becomes more insistant and Auntie refuses to unlock the door. Finally the man wins the argument, I can hear the jingling sounds of Aunties key ring. I am at the edge of panic now, what am I to do, I haven't seen a man for over two years now, what will he think when he sees me? At least I'm not in my uniform, but even so, my off-duty clothes aren't exactly normal. I'm wearing a semi-transparent white chiffon blouse edged with lace, my white lacy bra is quite noticeable through it, I'm also wearing a pale blue satin full circle skirt with a wide white leather belt, the taffetta petticoat underneath fills the skirt out considerably. If the worst comes to the worst my underwear isn't as outrageous as it usually is, just a pair of plain white satin high waisted knickers and matching suspender belt, a pair of tan fully fashioned seamed stockings and white four inch heeled court shoes. I can hear the key in the lock, my heart is in my mouth, and to make matters worse I desperately need a pee! My stockinged legs are swishing together as I squirm, my perfume is making me dizzy, my make up feels over done, what on earth will he think! The key is rattling in the lock but nothing seems to be happening, wait, Aunt Mildred is talking, shes got the wrong key, she'll have to go downstairs to get the right key. Repreived, but now I really am desperate for the toilet, Oh! it would have been so much simpler once, but now, messy! I suppose I'd better tell you how I got into this predicament.

It all began just over two years ago but it seems like forever. This is my story, my name is Steven. I was in my mid thirties, but I have to say I looked about ten years younger, I'd recently quit my job, I was reasonably well off and I had no ties, both my parents were dead and my only other relative was a sister I hadn't seen for about two and a half years.

So, being fancy free, I decided to go hiking round the country for a few months as it was summer, and the weather was brilliant for a change. I'd been walking since about nine o'clock in the morning and decided to stop at a pub I'd come across, after a boozy lunch I headed off down the road, after about half an hour I felt very tired, (all the beer!) so I walked a little way down a narrow lane, and spotted a large shady oak tree in a field of grass. I lay under the tree listening to the sound of birds singing and leaves rustling in the trees, I really was in the middle of nowhere. Within seconds I was asleep.
I woke with a start about two hours later, I looked around apprehensively, saw nothing but heard a car driving off. It was then that I realised I'd been robbed. My rucksack with all my clothes, money, camera everything, gone! I wasn't sure where I was and it was begining to get cooler and late. So I started walking down the lane hoping I'd see someone to ask for directions. After wandering around for about two hours it started to get dark and I hadn't seen a soul. Just as I started to get anxious I spotted an old sign in the bushes by the roadside, it said 'Marwell Farm' with an arrow pointing to a broken down old gate. Nothing ventured, I thought, so I pushed open the gate and walked up the over grown path and into a brand new awful future!
After walking along a twisting path for about a quarter of a mile I suddenly came upon an old victorian house, it was huge, and had obviously seen better days, but it was at least occupied, there was smoke coming from a chimney. I walked up to the large front door and knocked. Twenty seconds later I could hear the clicking of heels on stone floor.

The door opened. Before me stood a very attractive woman of about thirty. She was dressed, bizaarly it seemed to me, in a full skirted knee length, black satin maids uniform, she looked quizzically at me, "Yes?" she asked. I explained my situation and gave my name. She simply said, "Wait there!" and with a heavy swish, turned and walked off into the house on very shapely seamed stocking clad legs. A few moments later she returned, "Come in and follow me." she said, so I entered and closed the door. As I followed her along the passage, I couldn't help stare at her legs, she was obviously wearing old fashioned seamd stockings, the nylon folded at her ankles as she walked, unusual, I thought. We came to a door, she knocked and entered and bade me do the same. We entered a large room, with over stuffed furniture, it was like something out of the nineteen fifties. Standing by the fire place was an austere looking woman of about fifty, she was wearing a tweed suit, "I understand you are lost," she said, she sounded like something from the fifties! I nodded. "We'll have to see what we can do for you," she looked at the maid, "Some tea Mary, and perhaps some special cake for our guest," the maid curtsied, "Yes mum." turned and left with a swish. I looked around the room, I noticed there were a lot of pictures of a little girl of about five or six years of age. She was, in nearly all of them dressed in very elaborate frilly party frocks. The woman noticed me looking, "My daughter, she died shortly after those photographs were taken, she was my darling." "I'm so sorry," I said. "Hmm, you might be one day." she said ominously.

She made me nervous. "My name is Mildred Marwell." she announced suddenly, and added rather strangely, "And I'm not keen on boys!" The maid Mary re entered the room carrying a tray, she placed it on a low table in the centre of the room. "I'll see to it Mary, you can prepare for our guest," Mrs Marwell turned to me and said, "You'll stay the night of course," Mary turned and left without waiting for my reply. Mrs Marwell watched Mary leave and said quietly, "You'll like it here," she handed me a cup of tea and a small plate with a slice of dark fruit cake, "Drink it while its hot Stephenie, er sorry, Steven isn't it?" I sipped the tea and bit into the cake, I felt somewhat uneasy. The cake tasted odd, slightly bitter, I was about to ask where the nearest town was when I felt very, very dizzy and embarrassingly I needed to pee. I couldn't hold it, I started to crash to the floor, just before it all went black I felt myself poo my pants...

part 2

Slowly I started to wake, I felt awful. I felt as though I'd been asleep for days. I was lying on my back on a bed with high wooden sides, I strained to focus my eyes, the light in the room wasn't very good, but it was daytime, I could hear the sound of birds behind the drawn curtains. The room smelled of disinfectant, I felt very warm under the tightly tucked-in blankets. I reached up to pull the blankets down, my hand moved about half an inch then caught. I suddenly realised that my hands were tied to the sides of the bed! What is going on, I thought, begining to panic. I started to writhe around, the blankets felt very sensitive against my skin, and oddly, I seemed to be very bulky around my bottom!

Suddenly the door to the room opened and the light was switched on. Blinking against the brightness I realised it was Mary the maid who had entered. "Morning, Stephy Wephy!" she said in curious baby talk. "Unna wugga baa!" I replied horrifyingly. Mary smiled at me, "Don't worry sweetheart, it's the drugs, no long term side effects!" She reached into the bed and felt around my hips, "Oh dear, I think it's time for a change," she said lowering the side of the bed. As she pulled down the covers I saw, with absolute horror, that I was wearing a pink satin puffy sleeved romper suit! I watched with amazement as she undid the poppers at my crutch and pulled back the material to reveal a nappy, plastic pants, the works! I just lay there stunned. She slipped a rubber sheet underneath my bottom, then removed the soiled nappy. I simply couldn't quite grasp what was going on! Mary walked off and dropped the nappy into a bucket, then returned to the bed carrying various bits and pieces of baby goods. She washed my genitals and bottom, then padded me dry with a soft towel. Effortlessly she lifted my legs and smeared cream around my bottom, "For nappy rash," I was informed. While she was doing this it gradually filtered through to me that my bits were bald, smooth as a billiard ball! In fact I seemed to be smoothly shaved all over. Oh God, I thought what is happening to me! I tried to struggle, but I felt terribly weak, and all I got for my effort was a stinging slap on my exposed rear. "Keep still!" Mary reprimanded. I started crying. I couldn't help it. "Ah, poor baby must be tired still, I'll just do you a nice clean nap-nap, then you can have some milky wilky and some more sleep," She pinned a clean, extra thick terry towelling nappy round me with apair of nappy pins, then reaching down, she picked up a large pair of semi-transparent plastic pants and pulled them over my feet and eased them over the bulk of the nappy. Mary was wearing a pink rubber apron and from the large pocket on the front she drew out a baby bottle. "Now for some nice warm milk for Stephy!" She stuffed the nipple of the bottle into my mouth and held my nose, I could do little else but suc-k! I finished the bottle. Mary then pulled the blankets back up around my neck, tucked them back in, and pinched my cheek playfully. "Sleep tight babykins," she cooed, "Blaa!" was all I could manage in reply before I slipped into oblivion again.
  Some considerable time later I awoke. It wasn't a dream. I found myself lying on my side on a pink satin quilt, the quilt was in the centre of the room I'd first been taken to. The quilt was surrounded by a white barred ring, just like a giant babys playpen. On the floor next to me were a couple of brightly coloured balls and a large baby rattle. "Morning Stephy." said a voice from above. It was Mildred Marwell, she was leaning on the 'playpen' looking down at me. I raised myself shakily on one arm and looked at myself, I groaned. I must have looked ridiculous. I was dressed in a white satin, very short baby frock with little pink flowers all over it, a pair of white lace covered plastic pants over a nappy and a pair of white woollen booties tied up with pink ribbon. Mrs Marwell watched me examine myself, "You'd better get used to dear, from now on your name is Stephanie, and you are going to be trained to be my daughter!"......

part 3

I heard the words but they just did not register, trained to be her daughter, what did she mean? I stared blankly at Mrs Marwell. "That's right my sweet, trained to be my new lttle girl, you will spend the next six months as a baby, starting you off from the very begining in all things feminine." she smiled down at me. The woman's completely mad, I was convinced, six months dressed like this, I really didn't think so! I tried to get up, but I just rolled over onto my back and flopped about weakly. Making another concerted effort to raise myself, I suddenly realised I was emptying my bowels into the nappy! Oh God this is awful, I thought, I burst into tears of helpless frustration. Mrs Marwell opened a gate in the 'playpen' and knelt down beside me, she stroked my hair and crooned, "Don't worry my little Stephenie, Auntie Mildred and Mary will take care of your every need. You'll soon grow to like being dressed in pretty things and being a lovely pretty girl." I just lay on the floor crying and crying.
So for the next six months I was treated as a baby, The drugs I was being fed had the effect of rendering me so weak I couldn't do anything for myself, I couldn't even speak, words just came out as gibberish. I was usually spoon fed by Mary, and then she would sit me on her knees and give me my bottle, nestling my head against her breasts, something that would have been quite erotic if it wasn't for my babified state, the only thing I felt was stupid! I was washed and had my nappy changed, the clothes I was dressed in were all satin and lace and frills, and as much as I hate to admit it, imperceptibly, I began to get used to my predicament. I did absolutely nothing but sit in my high chair or lie around in my playpen, and watch the household chores being done.
Then one morning I woke up and felt different, I was able to sit up unaided. It was January so I was dressed in a warm flanallette romper over my nappy, it was very hot so I started kicking the blankets down, I found it very easy. So rolling over onto my stomach I pushed myself up onto my knees for the first time in six months. Giggling with delight I grabbed either side of the cot and raised myself to a very wobbly standing position. Now I was feeling really bold. I reached out and unfastened the side of the cot, it dropped to the floor. It suddenly occured to me that they must have forgotten my drugs. Here was a situation I could exploit. Escape was a real possibility. I took a deep breath and launched myself from the cot, tottering forward about three steps I lost my balance and sat down with a very unpleasant squelch as the contents of a very full nappy were squashed! At the same time as I hit the floor the bedroom door opened and in swished Mary. She didn't seem at all surprised to see me out of bed. "Oh good, we thought you should be making progress by now," She bent down and helped me to my feet and led me to my changing table, where she removed my soiled nappy. "Poo, what a smelly bottom for a little girl!" she scolded playfully. "Today we're going to sit in the garden for a bit of fresh air, so we'd better wrap up warm, then when we come back indoors we'll have to start thinking about school." "Wot oo mean schoo?" I said, immediately realising I'd actually spoken vaguely coherent words for the first time in months. Mary looked at me and smiled, "Well, well Stephy has managed to speak, that means you have to go to school to learn how to be a young lady!" I was just about to exclaim when Mary stuffed a dummy in my mouth, she said, "Not another word, we've to get you dressed for the garden." So I was dressed in a dark red velvet dress with a matching jacket and bonnet, underneath I wore a lace vest and, for the very first time, a disposable nappy, very grown up!! I wore white lace tights over the nappy and black Mary Jane shoes. After a breakfast of cornflakes and warm milk, Mary led me out into the surprisingly warm January sunshine. As we walked around the huge, but very secluded garden (no obvious means of escape) it suddenly occured to me that here I was, a grown man, wearing these ridiculous clothes being led round the garden by a very attractive woman wearing a French maids uniform! The disposable nappy seemed bulky between my legs making me feel even more stupid, I've got to get out of here, I thought. Mary eventually escorted me back into the house where I was met by Mrs Marwell. I was obviously still being given drugs because of the docile way I accepted everything. Mrs Marwell took my hand, and I followed meekly. She led me upstairs to a room I hadn't been to before. She opened the door, "From now on this will be your new bedroom." It was pink and frilly, a girls room without doubt, there was a dressing table and two large wardrobes, I dreaded to think what they contained. Mrs Marwell picked up a glass of water off the dressing table and handed it to me with two small pills, "Take these, they will improve your appearance, you will take two of these a day until I decide you'll do." In my confused state I did as I was told. "Now I think we'd better sort you out a uniform for school," she walked to one of the wardrobes.....


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Re: The Farm by Rosieleigh
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2015, 12:44:33 AM »
part 4

I watched Mrs Marwell walk to the wardrobe, she had her back to me, I looked around the room for a weapon. I didn't really want to harm her just incapacitate her so I could run for it. A chair, that would do, quietly I picked up a ladder backed chair, it was heavier that I thought. Now, I'm only about five foot eight tall in my bare feet and weigh about sixty kilos, so I'm not exactly Swarzennegger, but even so I should've been able to manage a small chair! I staggered sideways, it must be those damned drugs. Mrs Marwell hearing strange noises turned, and saw me wrestling with the chair. She looked at me with a sad expression, "Oh Stephenie, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this," she stepped forward and gently took the chair from me. "MARY, come here and bring my pacifier!" she called. A few moments later

Mary arrived carrying what looked like a short thin cricket bat. "Mary, help Stephenie assume the position." Mary took me by the back of my head and bent me over, "Take your ankles in each hand." As I did so, Mary lifted the skirt of the dress on to my back and pulled down my tights and nappy around my knees. She stepped back, not wishing to be in the firing line! Mary handed the 'pacifier' to her boss. "Thank you Mary." The tension was unbearable, then, WHACK! the force of the blow nearly knocked me over. The pain was unbelieveable. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! I screamed fit to burst my lungs! "Now, stand up." Mrs Marwell ordered. I stood. My bottom was a cauldron of agony. "Don't ever try that again, you WILL be my daughter no matter what you think, forget about escape, where would you go? especially dressed like that, next time I won't be so gentle with you!" I stood there bawling like a three year old. "Right, as I said, lets get you kitted out in a uniform." she returned to the wardrobe. Mary began undressing me. I stood in the centre of the room naked. Mrs Marwell turned from the wardrobe carrying an armload of clothing. "Here, you are a big girl now, dress youself." she dropped the clothes on the bed. "I'll be back in a few minutes to collect you, so hurry up girl. And if you're not ready, my pacifier will be warming your bottom again." She left with Mary. I looked down at the pile of clothes. I picked up a lacy vest and shuddered, then thought about the 'pacifier', I quickly donned the vest, next, navy blue sckhool knickers, a white blouse, navy blue pleated skirt, white ankle socks and a pair of black sandals. I looked at myself in the mirror, a picture of stupidity. Actually, I looked like a schoolgirl, which was worse. Mrs Marwell entered, "Excellent, you look just the part." she led me out into the corridor and into the room next door. It was a small room decked out like a classroom for one person. Desk, blackboard, books I was told I would be lectured here for another six months until Mrs Marwell was satisfied I could pass muster as a young lady. That would be never, I thought. I was to be proved so wrong! So for the few hours I was told what was expected of me, how I would be trained to cook, sew, behave in a feminine way in all things, how to apply make-up, sit properly, walk properly, talk properly, in short, I was going to be, whether I liked it or not, a WOMAN!! I was told in no uncertain terms that escape was impossible, and any attempts to do so would be treated with very severely. During all this I didn't utter a single word until the lesson was over, when Msr Marwell said, "Do you understand?" "Yes, Mrs Marwell." I said glumly. "Cheer up, it won't be so bad, you will, I feel sure, come to enjoy yourself." Never, I thought with absolute certainty. "Oh and by the way," she continued, "You may call me Auntie Mildred, OK?" she smiled a sweet smile. "Yes, er Auntie Mildred." "Splendid," she rubbed her hands together, "Well I think class is dismissed for today, pop back to your room and Mary will help you change into something less formal, something more frivolous for a young girl like you." I did not like the sound of that at all. I shuffled from the room back into my bedroom. Mary was waiting, she gestured to the bed where a selection of clothes were laid out. I stared at the clothes, "NO, no way, I'm not wearing those," I backed away from the bed and straight into the arms of Mrs Marwell, who had followed me into the room. I turned, "Please Auntie, I can't wear those things, I just can't." she looked at me "CAN'T? you can, and you will, right now!" Between them they removed my school uniform and hung it away. I began crying. I felt helpless, useless. "NO, I won't!" my last act of defiance, foolish act of defiance as it turned out. The 'pacifier' had somehow materialised in the hand of Mrs Marwell and I was being helped into a bending position. WHACK! Just the one hit was enough. I was bawling like the little girl I was supposed to be. "Are you ready now, Stephenie?" "Yes Auntie," I snivelled. "Good girl, now, Mary will stay and help you get dressed, just this once." so saying she left, swishing the bat through the air playfully.
 "OK, now stop crying and go and have a quick shower, then we can get you dressed, and put an end to all this silliness, go on!" Mary clapped her hands dimissively. Five minutes later I emerged from the shower clean, but not refreshed. Mary tied my hair into a short ponytail, "Right lets get on with it." She handed me a white satin and lace camisole top, then tremblingly I dressed myself. I donned white satin frilled knickers, a short taffetta waist slip, a pink and white gingham satin frock which was about eight inches above the knee, and ballooned out alarmingly over the slip, white lace ankle socks and pink Mary Jane shoes. The dress was tied with a huge wide pink satin bow at the back and my hair tied with a similar ribbon. I felt ridiculous. "There, thats not so bad is it?" said Mary, taking my hand and leading me from the room and downstairs. We went down to the garden again. We passed a large mirror in the hallway, I saw a very pretty French maid holding the hand of a very big little girl, who was horribly concious of the loud rustling of his/her petticoats and the cool breeze blowing up the skirts of his/her dress.....

part 5

Mary tugged my hand, "Stop admiring yourself in the mirror you little tart," she chided. ADMIRING myself! absolutely horrified at my ludicrous appearance more like! Mary pushed open the french windows which led out into the garden, it was still very sunny and warm, the sun had moved round so now the whole of the back of the house was bathed in sunshine. Ushering me outside, she said "You can sit out here for half an hour or so until tea is ready, I'll let you know when it's done." She went back into the house. I walked to the edge of the patio, the slight breeze ruffled my skirts disturbingly, I felt absolutely awful dressed like a little girl. Suddenly, I was aware of someone behind me. I turned quickly and gasped, my stomach cartwheeled, I didn't know what to do, run, hide, what, where?! I blushed crimson and stuttered, "I'I'I!!" Standing before me was a strikingly tall woman, stunningly attractive with long fair hair. She was wearing a lilac silk skirt suit over a high collared lace blouse. She smiled at me."Come and sit down, please don't be embarrassed," she had a warm rich voice which put me at ease, slightly. She indicated one of two chairs facing the garden. I walked to the chair acutely aware of my appearance, as I turned to sit, a sharp gust of wind blew my skirts up, exposing my frilly satin knickers. I fought with the dress whining, "Oh no!" The woman didn't laugh, she simply said, "That's a very pretty pair of panties you're wearing, I'm sure they're lovely to wear." I just sat, avoiding her eyes.

She walked on long shapely legs to the other chair and sat gracefully, crossing her legs with a soft swish of nylon stockings. She turned to me and lifted my chin gently with a soft hand. Looking into my eyes she said, "Let me tell you something, I know exactly how you feel, my real name is Peter!"

 I gasped, no,no, I'm hearing things, she is surely joking, "What?" I croaked, mouth agape. "I know that must be difficult to believe, but can promise you it is perfectly true." She closed my open jaw, her look was one of total sincerity. She continued, "What is happening to you now, once happened to me. However, I was a lot younger than you are, I was about twelve when she started on me." I sat dumbfounded as she explained how, as a young boy, she was adopted by Mildred Marwell shortly after her daughter died. Almost immediately Mrs Marwell began the same procedure as she was using against me, but she had been forced to use hormones at such an early age that the feminization process had been much more effective, resulting in gender reasignment surgury at the age of eighteen. I gasped and paled at this information, but Petulia as she is now known, said she didn't think Mrs Marwell had that in mind for me. I felt only slightly better at hearing that. Petulia obviously seemed to be free of the Marwell influence now, so I asked her how she had managed to get away. "I didn't get away as such, Aunt Mildred let me go!" Petulia smiled at my look, "I think I was a bit of a disappointment to her, you see she really does not like males at all, and I turned out so much like a real girl, that her spiteful nature couldn't be sated. So she let me go." I shook my head in disbelief. Petulia went on to explain that at first, being sent back into the world as a girl was very frightening, but once she'd found somewhere to live it became a lot easier. She soon realised that as a girl, she was actually very attractive and attractive people do have a habit of getting on well in the world. "And I've done very well for myself," she smiled, not elaborating further.
So, there's hope for me yet I thought. Suddenly, another gust of wind blew my dress up in front of me, giving Petulia an eyeful of my frillies. As I fought to control the frothy dress she smiled and said, "That reminds me of one of the worst things that ever happened to me." I flushed bright red and asked her to explain.
"It was just before my fifteenth birthday, occasionally Aunt Mildred would let me play in the garden with some boys from the town, which is about three miles away, she always let me play in a track suit which hid my girly underwear, so obviously the boys all knew me as a boy. We would play football and stuff, it was a real treat for me to be the boy that I was. The day before my birthday Aunt Mildred asked me if I'd like to invite the boys round for a small party the next day. Of course I said yes. So the boys were asked and they all said yes too.

On the morning of the party I was messing around in the parlour, a room I wasn't really allowed in, it was a bit of a shrine to Aunties daughter. Anyway, I somehow managed to knock over a picture of her and cracked the glass. I knew this would make her incredibly angry so I hid the picture amongst some others hoping it wouldn't be noticed 'til after the party. I was wrong.

The boys all arrived for the party at about six o'clock, and hearing them, I changed into a clean tracksuit and opened my bedroom door to go down and join them. There stood Aunt Mildred, she had a face like thunder and she held in front of her the broken picture. My heart missed a beat, she pushed me back into my room and said over her shoulder, 'Mary come here.' Mary came in carrying some packages. Now between them Mary and Aunt Mildred were very strong much more so than I was. They forcibly stripped me and dressed me in the contents of the packages, then dragged me kicking and screaming downstairs to the party. Aunt Mildred said as I was man handled down, 'Well you wanted a party, and now you are dressed for a party' I was thrust into the roomful of boys, I was hot, redfaced, totally humilliated

I simply wished I were dead. The boys all stopped what they were doing and stood and stared in silence at me. I was dressed in a knee length pink satin party frock. It had an enormous rustling taffeta petticoat underneath, I wore white lace socks and red Mary Jane shoes.

I wore no make-up and my hair was combed normally. In short, I was a boy dressed in a party frock. Aunt Midred and Mary left the room. After a few moments the boys started laughing at me, they started pulling up the dress to see the frilly satin knickers I was wearing. It went on for ages until Mary rescued me and took me up to my room in floods of tears. I was dressed for bed, that meant a babydoll nightie and a thick night-time nappy and plastic pants. Then I was taken back down to the boys to bid them all goodnight, which was the ultimate humilliation, I never saw them again." Petulia finished her story with a wistful look. God forbid anything like that happening to me I thought. We sat in silence until Mary appeared announcing tea. Petulia had to leave, she touched my knee and said, "Good luck." she rose elegantly and walked off alongside the house. I haven't seen her since....

part 6

Petulias' story haunted me all through tea, God I hope it doesn't happen to me, I thought. After tea I was sent to bed like a little child, it was only seven o'clock. When I got in the room Mary was waiting, she supervised my undressing and handed me my nightwear, a peach coloured satin nightie with matching panties. I reluctantly donned the garments and got into bed, Mary handed me a large glass of warm milk, "Drink it down while it's hot." she said, words that reminded me of my first day at the farm. Finishing the milk I slid down between the sheets, Mary bent down and kissed my cheek and whispered "Sleep tight Stephy," she turned and softly rustled from the room. The door was locked behind her. I fell asleep within seconds.
The next morning I woke bleary eyed, and dopey. I heard the door unlock and in walked Mary, "Rise and shine Stephenie, lots to learn today." she said cheerily. As I lifted myself from the bed I realised with horror that I'd wet the bed. "Oh no," I groaned. "What's wrong sweety?" asked Mary. "I've wet the bed." I moaned. "Never mind dear, it will take you a while to get used to being a big girl, perhaps we'll try a bit of protection for a couple of nights, just 'til your dry again." Mary seemed not overly concerned.
So after another day of lessons in my schoolroom for one, a day in which I miraculously managed to avoid contact with the 'pacifier', I found myself back in my bedroom with Mary and changing for bed. However, unlike the previous night, on the bed was a large terry towelling nappy, two safety pins and a pair of plastic pants. "Mary I really don't think I need to wear those things tonight, I'm sure I'll be OK." I tried to sound assertive, Mary wasn't having any of it! "No,after last night I think it would be prudent for you to wear some protection, so don't be difficult, you don't want Mrs Marwell to administer the 'pacifier', do you?" she threatened. "No Mary." I sat on the nappy. Mary quickly fitted it and drew the plastic pants up over it, I then slipped the nightie over my head and was ready for bed. Again the glass of milk, again the kiss goodnight, again I woke up bleary eyed but this time,instead of the bed being soaked, the nappy was!
And so it continued for the next few months, endless lessons about sitting, walking, posture,poise, sewing, cooking,in short,all things traditionally female.Frequently lessons were interupted with severe spankings for my slowness on picking things up, I'd often go to bed having to sleep on my front, my bottom was too sore not to. All the while my body was imperceptibly changing, my hips, bottom and thighs were becoming more rounded, but horror of horrors I was developing breasts! Not that noticeable but my nipples were larger and very sensitive! Then one day I was summoned to Mrs Marwells' study, I knocked and entered still dressed in my school uniform. A strange woman was standing in there. I turned in panic, I was acutely concious of the clothes I was wearing. I ran straight into the arms of Aunt Mildred. "Whoa, Stephenie, Doctor Ashtons' here to help you." I turned back, the woman was holding a hypodermic. "Don't worry!" said Auntie, seeing the look of horror on my face, "It won't hurt a bit, you're just going to have a nap for a little while." All I could think of was Petulia. The Doctor lifted my sleeve, I started to scream, I was crying as I lost cociousness.

 My room slowly came back into focus, I'd been kept heavily sedated for days. I knew absolutely nothing of what had happened. I drifted in and out of sleep for another couple of days. Then one morning I opened my eyes and was fully awake. I was not in my old bedroom. This was the room of a woman, not a little girl. Pale pink walls, carpet and curtains in a dusky pink, elegant dressing table and chairs, and just a hint of perfume in the air. I jolted with realisation, and thought of Petulia. My hand went to my groin, I relaxed, all intact. Easing myself into a sitting position, something felt wrong! I pulled down the white satin sheets, I was wearing an expensive night dress in pale blue silk. I had a cleavage!

Protruding from my chest were two large mounds of flesh. I'd got breasts. My hands went to them and held them, they were warm and soft, the nipples came alive with my touch. I stared at them with a mixture of disbelief and shock.

While I'd been unconcious they'd given me silcon implants. As I sat transfixed by these new additions to my body, Mary had quietly entered the room. I looked up. She smiled, "You'll soon get to love them." I stared at her blankly. She walked to the bed and pulled the sheets right down, "Come on, snap out of it, Mrs Marwell wants to see you as soon as possible." She helped me out of bed. The breasts seemed to have a mind of their own as a they moved about heavily.

Mary removed my nightie. There they were,large as life, two pink blobs. Mary opened the top drawer of the dresser and lifted out a white lacy underwired bra, she helped me put it on. It felt strangely constricting and it made my breasts stick out alarmingly. I was then given a pair of white satin knickers to wear, they had rows of lace across the bottom, a suspender belt, fully fashioned black seamed stockings, a very bouffant short slip,and then Mary produced a black satin French maids uniform. I put it on, it was much like the one she was wearing, but with one major difference.

It was very short! If I leant forward slightly too far my frilly knickers and stocking tops were all too visible. Finally, a little lacy cap was pinned on my head and a pair of black patent stillettos were fitted to my feet. I tottered about, my knees swishing softly together. Mary laughed, "You'll soon get used to them, come on, lets see what Mrs Marwell wants us to do today." We left the room together and clicked off down the corridor.....


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Website, forum design, software, & security on this site is copyrighted. It was made personally by Betty Pearl, of Betty Pearl's Pubs, Sissy Stories, buffalobetties, pearlcorona. Betty's Pub is a non-profit organization & support group for the transgendered, & Fetware community. We don't sell anything, & we don't data mine your personal information & habits to sell like MOST other sites do. We respect your privacy & won't sell it out for a few bucks.

Site for: Sissy Stories, ABDL Stories, Sissy Art, Crossdressing, Transgender