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Author Topic: PETTICOATED!  (Read 526996 times)

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« Reply #357 on: May 30, 2024, 06:48:33 PM »
Alex, half-stunned, looked at Madame, and when She hesitated to say anything back to Madame, "Tonight, my Dear." Madame spoke firmly to Alex, "The Dress You are wearing right now is quite Feminine, but just a bit too understated for this occasion. My Dear Alexandra, this Delicate Dainty sissy boi will be no match for You and the Dress that I have chosen for You.  He needs to know  the moment you return wearing This Femmy  Party Dress, his little knees will buckle in sheer envy of you Proudly wearing Your Frilly Frock.  He also knows that You are going now to exert the full force of Your Feminine Beauty at his rapidly declining masculinity...if we can even call it that. When he sees You in THIS Dress for the first time, immediately begin to Humiliate him in front of the Ladies. (More to come soon.)


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« Reply #358 on: July 05, 2024, 11:12:26 AM »
Alex dropped a ~second feminine curtsey~ and minced from the ultrafeminine powder room without saying a word. She had been caught off guard by Madame's sudden change in plans for the Dress Alex would be wearing for the evening's festivities. And now, with Dylan standing in the femmy surroundings in Her Short White tulle minidress, heavily ~petticoated,~ Madame towered over sissyboi leonard, "This last vestige of what Alexandria calls 'toxic masculinity~ will quickly be extinguished tonight, pretty boi. Except, of course," She laughed, "Your inability to control your sissy arousals deep within the confines of your Petticoat Lace. That shall remain, under strict control, caged mostly, until your humiliation compels your little soldier to stand at attention as The Beautiful Ladies laugh at your pathetic inability to control your excitement at the prospects of your Forced Feminization. Sissy Dresses. Party Frocks for Little Girly-bois. Such a pretty boi. You crave the humiliation. The teasing. The taunting. The laughing. Dylan, bring Me leonard's pretty blue party dress." Dylan curtsied dutifully, Femininely, and with a grin on the Petticoated Tomboy's beautiful face, exited the small Feminine surroundings as Her ~swishing~ White Tulle Skirts ~rustled~excitedly. Madame added, "And bring the sissy's ruffled white lace collar and chain, too..."


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« Reply #359 on: July 12, 2024, 05:32:38 PM »
"And finally...now finally Madame had Her latest little...Pretty...Very ~Pretty...and quite ~effeminate~sissy ALL to Her Ultra Feminine...and FemiNIZing~Self. Now it was just the two of them...ONE of them holding ALL of the Power. "Tell Me, ~~leonard~~, or should we start calling you 'Sissy leonard." Madame laughed mockingly at Her adorably little boy toy. So pretty. Effeminate. Weak. Weak-willed. Smallish (for a boy, lol). He had tried to hide his fetishistic addictions...but now his fate...his ~petticoated~ fate was being set in motion tonight by these Powerful Women. But, really, he was already accepting his fate. leonard was going to be fully Feminized. And he wasn't going to be able to stop these Women from doing it to him. So now, after all of pretty boi leonard's years of fantasizing about the Forced Feminization of weak pretty beta boys, now it would be the utter Shame and Humiliation of having it done to him...Tonight! Now! And by THIS Woman.  Madame Chadwick was  still Beautiful. She was Stunning and  She was ~Feminine.~ and  She could be Feminine
In a slightly ~masculine~ type of way. And then there was Her blood Red Lipstick. Her ~~~Makeup.~~~ And ALL of Her ~~~Lace,~~~ especially as She was displaying her ~Feminine P ower thru Her Exquisite Sheer and Transparent White Chiffon Blouse,  which Enhanced every detail of Madame's White Satin and Lace Bra which exposed It's Feminine Self just beneath the UltraLacy Snow White Lace Bodice of Madame's Satin Full Slip, also now on full ~Feminine~ display. sissy leonard clearly was mesmerized by Her Lacy Undies as his own pretty Baby Blue eyes feasted  themselves ALL over Madame's Lace. leonard studied it. his Girly Blue Eyes now fixated on Her overt display of total Feminine control and Power. leonard continued to study Her momentarily. The sissy observed that Madame
Chadwick was wearing two sets of straps. White Satin Ribbon Straps. Her Bra Strap and Her Full Slip's Straps. Both Her Slip and Her Lacy White Bra' straps were made of Feminine White Satin ~Ribbon.~They had to be Satin, this sissy quickly realized. (REAL sissies notice these things. And face it, leonard was a "real" sissy, destined to become one  of Madame's Totally "Real" sissies. Madame's ~Makeup~ was dramatic. It was Commanding. Her Blood Red Lipstick, the Ultimate Power Symbol for Any Beautiful and Confident Woman gave Her yet another air of Feminine Supremacy. And, of course, Madame knew it.  Madame suddenly started Her Girltalk with a simple question to leonard. (And boy did this particular question ever catch the weak sissy by total surprise!) Madame bent over and looked down at leonard, giving him Her almost Girly, Flirtatious, Mischievous smile before asking the pantywaist, "So I see you have a preference for Alexandrina Dresses? I know you have been looking at Them on Their website almost every day now...for several months. Studying Their Dresses." She laughed. "Mostly Dresses for ~younger~ girls, right? You definitely seem to be focusing more on the ~~~Frillier~~~Dresses, too, sissy. Mostly shorter Dresses. Above the knee, for sure. Mini Dresses, actually, especially for the slightly older girls? Still, I agree with you, sisdy leonard. There is no doubt that Alexandrina Dresses are Classic, Elegant, and Very Feminine, especially for the more Formal and younger Gurl. Girly Perfect for wearing to a ~Formal~  afternoon Tea Party with the Ladies and Girls." Madame emphasized, almost clinically, and with absolute certainty that She knew EXACTLY what She was talking about. She continued Her conversation about the sissy's "keen interest," as Madame characterized it, in "the Pretty Frilly Ones, definitely." Madame continued Her relentless attack. "ALL of the ~Dresses~ you have been 'studying,' shall we say..........Leonard, are ALL above the knee. Shorter Dresses." Trying to engage the young lad on the Girly UltraFemmy topic of **Dresses,** Madame asked the little sissyboi, in a very matter-of-fact, almost clinical tone of voice, with just the right amount of an obvious hint of *humiliation.* "Do YOU 'prefer' the Shorter ~Dresses?" Madame asked Her pretty sissy teasingly. "Their Skirts are FULL. Very, Very FULL. FULL OF STIFF RUSTLING ~~LACE BEDECKED PETTICOATS. with Plenty of room for an Extra Petticoat, if 'desired,' to give your Dresses the appropriate fit and flair every pretty little sissy boi's Dresses.

Girly, for sure. And PERFECT, l-e-o-n-a-r-d,' for yOU. She mockingly stretched the Male version of his name out for him to dare say anything back to HER. "Those little Dresses you have been Fantasizing about Wearing...rather, being 'FORCED' to Wear. Which I intend to do. I, Leonard, intend to FORCE you into Dresses and Petticoats. Actually, it is 'We...Yes, We, leonard...All of these Women here tonight. We intend to do this to you. I'll tell you what, my sweet little sissy boy, do everything We Tell you to do. Everything I tell you to do, no matter how ~humiliating~ you just know it's going to be. You will obey us. And if you behave like My ~Perfect~ Little Girly-boi, I'll reward you with your very first Alexandrina Party Dress, resplendent with luscious swishing ~TULLE~ Petticoats so you can be Madame's latest Trophy. And These Dresses are just PERFECT for my Little ***Sissy*** ~Tea Parties~. Would you like Madame or Alex to choose a Pretty, Feminine, Elegant Little Girls Dress for you to model for the Ladies while you Serve all of Us our Tea, leonard? A Sweet Feminine Little Girls Party Frock, all Satiny and Lacy, With Oodles of Swishing, Rustling Petticoats that only REAL ~sissies,~ the truly desperate pretty bois who crave Petticoat Discipline, no matter how humiliated and shamed these women make them feel, would wear? Madame then ordered leonared to unbutton a second button down from the top of Her Feminine see-thru White Chiffon and *Lace* Blouse.  "Go ahead, sissy leonard. Go ahead. You may unbutton it for Me, My little ~effeminate~ Pretty boi. The  sissy's eyes were like saucers. The little man's Dainty fingers, freshly painted Pale Pink nail polish and all, nervously undid the second white button from the top of Madame's UltraFeminie Blouse. And when he did, leonard's greedy sissy eyes saw Madame's Satin and Lace, confirming also the White Satin Ribbon Straps on both Her Slip and Her ~Bra.~ "Don't touch MY Lace, my naughty little Pretty boi. If you ever do, unless I order it, Dr. Haynes has a Very Special Punishment Room on Her estate for sissies with any remaining semblance of toxic masculinity remaining. I use it occasionally for my special form of ~Feminine  Reinforcement~ for 'certain sissy bois. Dr. Haynes and I designed it. It was actually Alex's idea. We call it our "Tutus, Petticoats, Tulle, and Lace Boudoir"... complete  with SuperFeminine Makeup area for two. The Pretty Girly sissy Room has only two predominant colors: ~Pale Pink~ and Snow White. Alex can't wait to get you in there. I warn you, pretty boi. Alex really can't wait to get you in that Petticoat Room all by Herself. Of course, Madame laughed, "Who knows, lonard, I may have you in that Petticoat and Tutu Punishment Room before She does." And then, Madame ordered leonard to "Strip. Everything. You will re-Dress yourself while I supervise. Now...Strip! You have two minutes. You need to learn how to Femininely put on your own Petticoats, Panties, Dresses, etc. And now, sissy missy, I am going to make you put on your own Petticoats right now. In front of Me. And in front of Dylan. You, sissyboi, are going to ~Petticoat yourself," so to speak. Dylan, do you have leonard's very special pair of 'PERSONALIZED VIP Sissy Satin Rhumba Panties Reserved ONLY for Our VIP's carefully selected to be Permanently ~Petticoated?" Turning to leonard, Madame told him, "When the Ladies ask you to show Them your new Panties, immediately ~Curtsey,~ say "Yes, Ma'am, carefully lift ALL of YOUR Petticoats, and display
your very Special Panties while They Chat with you. Try not to cry or you'll ruin your ~Makeup~ while they make fun of you, humiliate you, and challenge you to "escape while you can." Show them your sweet little cage when they ask to see it. While they examine your Pretty little Cage, some will ask you Girly questions about it. They will almost certainly ~tease~ you for getting 'trapped' here. They may wish to play with your Voluminous Lace Petticoats while They watch you, sipping Their coc-ktails and delighting in your Shame and Humiliation. Of course, The Ladies definitely will 'force' you to make frou frou with your Pettis. Make yOU create your own Rustling Petticoat frou-frou while they laugh at you...Now, strip..."


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« Reply #360 on: July 15, 2024, 02:17:36 PM »
With trepidation swallowing leonard now, the sissy-to-be began nervously disrobing, all the way down to his UltraLacy Corset. "Your sissy Corset stays on, leonard." Shortly thereafter, leonard shamefully stood before Madame Chadwick with his pretty eyes looking downward in shame. Madame handed Leonard his "Official sissification Initiation Petticoat. Dangling the Petti in front of the shamefaced little sissy. a petti especially Super Poufy, Super Stiff, Super White Lace with one or two single layers of Pale Pink Tulle, Madame ordered Leonard to, "Go ahead. Put it on." Leonard was now finally sensing the shame and embarrassment he was about to endure. And this wasn't to be in a private setting. ALL of these Beautiful and Very Feminine Women Who were here...he couldn't go through with this. He just couldn't. Especially here. Tonight. With all of these Beautiful  Women who were about to learn all about pretty sissy leonard's 'Feminine Tendencies, not to mention the fact that leonard epitomized the term "Pretty boi." leonard pondered should he try to stop this now. "Put your pretty little sissy Initiation Petticoat on," Madame ordered the weak-willed sissy pantywaist. "Put your sissy initiation Petticoat on right now. You know you want it, Leonard. It represents your past...your present...and definitely your future. Your search history, leonard, can be summed up in one word: 'Petticoated.'  Full of stories. Yes, THOSE stories, Leonard. You know the ones. And YOU are going to actually perform for the Ladies tonight. Show Them how you Really feel about those little stories that Titillate and excite you. Just think, tonight has you being forcibly dragged into a Very Femmy Dress Shop for Little Girls by your 'Evil'...Beautiful...and Totally Dominant Stepmother. You are desperately trying to resist Her. Poor little Timmy. Your character's name is 'Timmy,' by the way, sissy Leonard. He's got no chance of escaping.  He's too small, too weak, Effeminate, yet still desperately trying hard to present his 'masculine' side. Most importantly, Timmy is a very pretty little boi.  Just like you, sissy Leonard." And then Madame added, "And now 'little Timmy' is about to Petticoated inside a very Special Dress Shop. Just like those poor little Petticoated sissies you read about. And just like those Sisssy Girk Dress Shops that you read about, too.And...She added, "Ah yes, those Delightful Little stories that you read soooo much,"  Now Madame Chadwick was standing directly in front of sissy leonard. Madame Chadwick was plucking Her Delicate painted fingernails on sissy leonard's very own VIP Sissy Initiation Petticoat Lace. And there was plenty of Lace! Madame's Long Feminine Hands were Teasingly toying with the sissy's Petticoat Lace. In addition to your vast collection of those other Sweet stories all about Forced Feminization, Petticoating, Emasculation..." Madame thought for a moment and added,"Oh! Yes! Sissification. Forced Sissification. We can't forget that one, now can we? Some you read over and over and over. To paraphrase an old expression, but your (sissy) life is an open book, leonard." She paused. She looked straight at the wide-eyed sissy as She playfully, and quite Tauntingly flounced his own Stiff Rustling Lacy Pettilayers," and staring right through his soul, added, "Correction," Madame sneered, "I meant 'sissy Leonard.'" Not stopping now Madame continued Her relentless assault on poor Leonard. Yes, my dear little 'aspiring' sissy. YOU have spent a lot of time looking at images of sweet Little Girls of the late-1950's and early 60's, and you've spent a lot of time studying Their Frilly Bouffant Party Dresses. Their Lacy Stiff Petticoats. Frilly Rhumba Panties. And those Feminine Dress Shops, (some 'By Appointment Only')
and Their Poufy Clouds of Petticoats. Lace-Trimmed.. so MANY to choose from. It's ALL just so exciting looking at all of these Pretty Things late at night imagining, or rather Fantasizing and, in your case, little miss Leonard, even identifying with the poor unsuspecting sissy about to be Petticoated. Against his will. You've been naughty, little miss Leonard. Feasting your greedy little sissy boi eyes on Their Dresses! When Girls were Girls. Right, sissy Leonard. Feminine Girls. Sweet, Feminine, Girls who Loved Wearing Dresses. Especially Frilly Dresses. And ohhhhhhhhhhh Those Dresses! Especially the Party Dresses!" Madame emphasized as leonard pulled his sissy Petticoat just a little bit higher up his pretty legs and back into its rightful place. "Fix your Lace, sissy Leonard. I do not tolerate wrinkled Lace, especially Petticoat Lace. And especially when you have been Petticoated. Which clearly you have. No, leonard...I have zero tolerance for wrinkled Lace. It's unladylike and unfeminine. Now...about tonight. Oh yes! One of your very favorite Petticoating scenarios, leonard: A limp-wrist beta boi who is despised by his Stepmother. With the sudden death of his father, and  now his recently widowed Stepmother is quite aware of Her latest husband's enormous wealth, having no other survivors. ' Shockingly, ALL of his wealth goes to the boy, but only if the boy finds a wife before his 23rd birthday. Jf not, 90% will go to 'Stepmommy.'... So now the scheming Stepmother needs to make certain that a marriage NEVER happens. The She puts little Timmy in Her place...and under Her control. And all She needs to do is to "persuade" little Timmy, who IS going to be Petticoated, to "let Mummy protect you from Predatory Women who will take advantage and steal your inheritance.
She already notices how captivated timmy seems with Her, especially when She is putting on Her Makeup, tells Timmy that he is far too Effeminate to trust any future wife. Oh no, the Evil Stepmother simply 'rationalizes' that, going forward, Her adorable little stepson needs 'Mommy' to 'protect' him from Mean Girls who might take advantage of little timmy. Then one Saturday, while Mommy is sitting in Her White Lace Full Slip putting on Her Makeup in the Luxuriously UltraFeminine bathroom in Her private Gated Mansion, She asks little Timmy if he'd 'please go shopping with Mommy for some Dresses?' She knows Timmy can't resist. No,
Timmy is submissive to StepMummy. She emphasizes Her control further by re-applying a small amount of Blush, aims her Makeup Brush at Timmy, and informs him that the two of them are going Dress Shopping. When little Timmy gets out of StepMummy's Cadillac, parked right in front of this very special Dress Shop, little Timmy looks at the Pink and White themed display windows. And then he looks beyond the Frillies on display deeper into the Dress Shop. Dresses! Dresses! Dresses everywhere!. Timmy begs...and he cries...and he pleads with his Beautiful Stepmother to "Please! Please! No, Stepmummy, no.Please NOT in HERE!..he sees the display windows showing the 1958 Spring Collection of Party Dresses and Easter Frocks 'Fit for a Litttle Miss.' His face is burning. And before he knows it, Stepmummy grabs little timmy...a very pretty boi, like you, leonard, and hustles him into this ULTRAGIRLY Petticoat Emporium just full of Short, Very Frilly, Full-Skirted, Sewn-In Super Starched Crinoline Net, Organdy, Taffeta, Satin, Chiffon, Tulle Petticoats Galore! The store is ALL-FEMININE. And now little timmy is sensing his fate. As you are, leonard. Isn't that ironic!..."


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« Reply #361 on: July 19, 2024, 04:36:07 PM »
"Your very own 'Caught Inside A Dress Shop' acting debut tonight, Leonard. And in front of ALL of these Gorgeously Feminine Women Who expect to be Entertained tonight...by you. Women Who just adore sweet, Feminine, Pretty, Submissive sissy boys. And, more specifically, sissy boys who are learning all they can about Petticoating. Now, you and I have some private time while I Petticoat you. Dylan will be returning with a second Dress for Us to Consider it. I Designed that Dress personally. And I have been waiting for the perfect girly-boy to Wear it. And I think I may have found him. Yes, Leonard. You. I am going to put you in that Dress and I'm going to flood It underneath With White Cloud after White Cloud of Lace-Lavished Stiff Crinoline Net Petticoats. Now," Madame added, "My Dress is certainly for a younger looking boy. Pretty, of course. Smallish. Weak. Definitely 'sissy potential.' Highly Effeminate. VERY Highly Effeminate. Extremely Feminine Deportment." Madame paused, "But then I thought I wanted to do something different. You're weak, Leonard. You're definitely much younger-looking. 'Little boyish,' actually. And you're obviously Pretty. You're very pretty. Even without Makeup' you're way too Pretty for a boy. However," She paused, straightening the sissy's Lacy Initiation Petticoat, you definitely are NOT Effeminate. Not at all. Masquerading around as a man, always trying to conceal your predilections. You need to be Emasculated and Humiliated. Shamed and aroused. Oh, leonard...little miss leonard... MY Dress does all of that. And so much more.  And once I convince my Daughter (Alex) to put you in a more 'appropriate' Dress, any hesitation you might have before We put you in it, will be crushed when you see the Dress I have chosen for Her to lead you around in tonight for the last hour of our little "Get Acquainted" Reception before you perform for us." Just then, Dylan knocked gently on the back door of the Small Feminine PowderRoom, opened the door, and immediately Curtsied. It was Perfectly executed before Madame asked Dylan to enter. Dylan rolled a small dress rail inside. Two Dresses were covered in long Pink Satin Garment Bags. And the way the Dress bags were bulging, One bulging wide more discernibly than the Other to the point  when Leonard knew They just had to be Dresses. "Thank you, Dylan." Dylan immediately dropped another Perfect Feminine Curtsey in Her White Tulle Minidress and Her Fashionable "Chuck Taylors. "You're welcome, Madam." "Dylan," Madame Chadwick said, I've changed My mind with his Initiation Petticoat. "Bring me the same design, only with some additional Lace Embellishments, and several additional layers of the Soft Pink Tulle. It definitely needs more Pink." Following another Perfectly executed Feminine Curtsey, Dylan Curtsied again for permission to ask Madame a quick question, Curtseying again after given permission to speak. "Thank you, Madame. Would Madam be willing to please give me a specific number of Layers of Soft Pink Tulle to be added for sissy's new Petticoat?" Curtsey. Madame never hesitated, "Seven." "Dylan Curtsied again, not
 sure if She heard the right number. She had never heard of a number that high before for a sissy. As much as Dylan hated to ask Madame Chadwick to be sure of the number seven, She hesitatingly Curtsied and raised Her hand ever so slightly. "Yes' My Dear Dylan?" Dylan Curtsied again. "Excuse me, Madam, but You did say 'seven' layers, am I correct, Madame?" Dylan had NEVER seen or heard of a sissy Initiation Petticoat with that much Pink Tulle 'hidden" beneath Layers of White Stiff Cronoline Net Petticoats. "You heard Me right, Dylan. Seven more Layers of Pink Tulle. I know there is one available because I thought I might need it for this evening."
Dylan Curtsied again, "Yes Madame Chadwick." Dylan was dismissed while Madame told  Dylan to "Hurry, My Dear." In an explosion of Soft, Feminine, Flowing White Tulle Skirts, Dylan was off in her Chuck Taylors, and Her pretty White Tulle Minidress, Now Sweetly Swishing with a certain urgency to quickly retrieve the sissy's 'new' Initiation Petticoat..."Now, little miss leonard, while Dylan is getting you a Prettier, Pinker, Initiation Petticoat for me to put you in tonight, let's have a little chat. Girltalk, okay?"...


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« Reply #362 on: July 20, 2024, 02:53:09 AM »
In a flash, Dylan returned with leonard's New VIP Initiation Petticoat. The silence in the UltraFeminine Mini Powder Room (a Perfect Place to Petticoat an unsuspecting sissy) was broken only by the Loud Swishing and Rustling of Dylan returning with the New Lacier Net and Tulle Petticoat. This Particular Petticoat was meant to crush any remaining male resistance as it rustled musically when Dylan handed It over to Madame. Madame took this Magnificent Froth of Net, Lace, and Tulle, held It directly in front of the terrified little man pretty boi, and then set this Magnificent Petticoat down on the pale pink carpeted  area where Leonard was standing. As Madame stood this Magnificent Petticoat in front of Leonard, Madame exclaimed, "It passes the floor test, leonard. Now, leonard, take your new Petticoat and step into it. Go ahead, do it..."


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« Reply #363 on: July 20, 2024, 11:07:36 PM »
"leonard, I have no intention of making you Feminine. I reserve that privilege for Tomboys. But I have every intention of making you Effeminate. Very Effeminate. ULTRA-sissy Effeminate. Swishy Effeminate, with your every mannerism scrutinized by Every Woman around you. Everything from Your Feminine (Feminized) Deportment to Skirt Managemement evaluateded every day. "I just know you are going to be over-the-top Super Excited when I choose the Dress you will be wearing tonight. This is a very Special Little Dress for a pretty little boy who needs to be shamed, humiliated, and Petticoated. Especially in front of ALL of these Beautiful, Powerful, and Feminine Women. Tonight, in a few minutes, My Feminine assault on what little masculinity you have left will be relentless. You know you should have been born a little girl. You would have been so lovely and Girly. But we're going to fix that for you, leonard. Oh, leslie. Pretty, little Petticoated leslie." Madame paused, made frou-frou with leslie's Petticoats, asking the sissy, "Leslie, how many nights a week do you lay in your bed, maybe in some UltraLacy sissy Rhumba Panties you've just received in the mail. Enjoying the feel of the cool white...or pale pink...Bridal Satin imprisoning your little soldier ensnared in my Web of Satin, Tulle, Petticoats, Makeup, and Lace. He's so excited, isn't he? And as you and your little buddy are trying desperately to hold onto your masculinity, the images of the Dresses, Petticoats, More Dresses, and More Titillating stories that you seek out define who you are and What you are." Dylan knocked gently on the door, Curtsied, and carried in Her arms what had to be "The Petticoat." As Dylan approached Leslie and Madam,
leslie thought he noticed that Dylan was Wearing a Shorter Version of the White Tulle Minidress She had been Wearing...and that She also had added another White Tulle Petticoat. It was as if Madam already was reading the feeble sissy's one-directional mind. So She asked Leslie, "Leslie, my Dear boy, do you like Dylan's New Dress? You did notice, right? Her Shorter Dress. Her Extra Petticoat. Are you envious, leslie? Wouldn't you just love to be wearing Dylan's Dress right now? All of that Snow White Tulle? And now She had added an extra Petticoat to Her already Shorter Minidress. And it was breathtaking! Dylan the Athlete. Petticoated "Dylan the Athlete."...tbc soon


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