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Author Topic: Susan's Three Way Revenge  (Read 165452 times)

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Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #154 on: December 09, 2020, 04:36:50 PM »
John’s face was white as a ghost. All color and emotion was wiped clean. His stomach churned and he almost felt like he was going to vomit. He was paralyzed in humiliation. He could barley breath and what his mother and guests gave thanks for. All of the sudden he felt a drip of warmth in his panty area. He was leaking pee. He sprinted to the bathroom as he cried. He got to the door and fumbled with knob. It was locked as usual but he still tried the knob as tears flowed down his eyes.

His mother came up to him holding the bathroom key and unlocked the door as he rushed in. He pulled his tights and panties down and lifted his dress as he sat down on the toilet to pee. He looked down at his panties and noticed several yellow drops. Little leakage but all and all dry. Once he finished peeing he stood up his mother closed the bathroom door leaving them alone in the bathroom.

She grabbed his face with her hand “How dare you make me look bad in there. Do you have any idea how embarrassed I am. Our guests gave a wonderful thankful speech and you run away? It’s like I never taught you any manners. Look at your panties! You wet yourself while someone was thanking you? Step out of those right now”! John meekly stepped out of his panties as his mother grab them off the floor. She inspected the yellow pee drop stains and put them 2 inches from John’s face. “Look at this! This is the thanks I get when i let
You wear big girl panties? Do you just want to wear diapers all the time? We can do that. It will be a hell of a lot easier I’ll tell you what. Now I’m going to give you 3 minutes to contain yourself. When you come out your going to apologize for your behavior and you will thank the Stalls up and down and say how grateful and appreciate it you are to have them in your life. Your skating on thin icy Missy. I better be blown away by your speech”! With them she left him alone in the bathroom. He stepped back into his panties and lifted them and his tights back in place. He wiped away the smeared eye make. He looked at himself in the mirror. Took a deep breath and left to go back to the table.

As he entered the dining room all eyes were on him. He went back to his chair but didn’t sit down. “I’m sorry about what I just did. I was so overcome with emotion I just needed a minute to myself. I want to thank all three of you. Your the most important people in my life. Mommy, I know the last year has been hard on all of us, and I wasn’t really the easiest person to live with. I from the bottom of my heart want to thank you. I really want to thank you for caring for me when it comes to my bed wetting. You’ve been so understanding and trying to do the best for me. I know you only want what’s best for me and cure me of my problem. So I want to say how thankful I am that your so pleasant and positive while changing my diapers. I know we’re going to cure this problem and your plan is working. Thank you mommy”. With that he walked over and kissed her on the cheek.

He took his attention to Mrs. Stall “thank you so much for meeting my mother and working on a cure for my bed wetting. I know anyone in my position would hate and refuse to do what I’ve been doing, I’m mature enough to understand it’s the best plan. Thank you for letting me use Susan’s old diapers and plastic panties. It’s because of the plastic panties how I found a part of myself I never knew. Wearing them for the first time gave me a comfort level I never felt before. To discover my true self. Standing here today in such a pretty dress that you gave to me makes me feel so special I have an adult like you in my life. I’m so happy I can give Susan’s clothes a second life and to bring out families together. Thank you for all the love you have given me. I feel like your my 2nd mother and I’m happy to be your 2nd daughter”. He went over to hug her and she gave him a large bear hug which was borderline painful. With that he looked on to Susan.

“Susan. I have no idea how I can go into words to explain us. Your the best friend i ever had. Making friends for me me has always been hard, but when I’m with you my heart beams. I never met someone who understood me so much. I feel lucky when I pull up a pair of your  panties and putting on a dress that it once belonged to you. It makes me want to work harder to be more like you. I feel safe and secure, almost like a security blanket. When I feel your clothes wrapped around me it’s like your hugging me. I really hope to beat this bed wetting problem soon because I love wearing your clothes so much. I am so lucky to have you in my life, to understand the real me. I have never felt this way before about a non family member. Susan, I love you”. After giving all three statements John wanted to throw up.

Sissy Little Girl

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #155 on: December 09, 2020, 05:54:21 PM »
Sissy Ballerina Boy, That must have been the hardest apology that John has ever made.  I hope it was adequate for his mom.  Keep up the good work.

sissy servant 737-820-633

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #156 on: December 13, 2020, 11:00:04 PM »
Thanksgiving to the Superiors,, good read.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #157 on: January 14, 2021, 11:49:07 PM »
All of his audience smiled In a approval. While John’s tummy was doing flip flops he sat down on his chair wishing the floor would eat him. “I’m so proud of you sweetheart” his mom told him. “Such a lovely thoughtful child” Mrs. Stall stated. “Your the best friend a girl could ask for. I’m just upset it took 15 years to find you”. After all the statements everyone dug into the wonderful food yet John wasn’t very hungry. While he was picking at his food he noticed that Susan was playing footsies with him and giving him a serious “F*** Me” eyes. While his mom and Mrs. Stall were chatting, she leaned in and whispered into his ear.

“You made a lovey speech. Your such a loyal friend and I promise, you are going to get a very special treat after dinner. Hope your excited” she said in her best sexy voice. John’s member jumped to attention between the footsies and her promise. He shifted on his chair trying to contain his hard on and not make it so clear in his dress.

The dinner went on for about an hour. John’s promise made him hungry as he ate In excitement. His mom gave him a very small 2nd helping but noticed Susan had 4 large helpings to almost every dish. He didn’t understand why his mother put him on a diet and Susan was stuffing her face. When it came to desert he was given a tiny piece of pie while Susan and Mrs. Stall ate well over half the pie. The diet made him feel small and weak.  Not even in control of his own meal. Once everything was done John’s mother ordered him to take the dishes and refill everyone’s drink. “You have him trained so good. The way he moves in the shoes and dress is like second nature.” John forced a smile as he winced taking all the dishes to the kitchen.

After 30 mins of doing dishes he was finally done and just wanted to sit down after standing on the dress shoes for so long. As he sat down in the pink arm chair in the living room he looked at Susan who had a wicked grin. “Ms. Jones, can John and I being excused? I have an awesome new cheer I want to show him”? Ms. Jones smiled at how polite Susan was and granted permission. Susan grabbed John’s hand and raced up stars. Once in John’s room she closed the door and spun around to look him very closely in the eyes “oh sweetie, I loved what you said about me, the best part of it, I know some of it was true.” John ignored everything she said and just kept his mind on what his surprised would be. Susan had her large hands on his shoulders as she looked around the room. When she spotted his diaper changing station it caused her to laugh.

“I still can’t believe your a bed wetter who wears diapers. Part of it is so cute and the other part is so sad. Are you scared your going to be like that forever? Like you can’t leave home for college because your mommy still puts you in diapers”? She laughed to herself. This comment cut though John. He got upset. She was being so nice and flirty to him and then she just dropped a bomb shell like this on him. After the dinner speech and this his emotions were high and he started to cry. His face was cracking with raw emotion. Susan smiled and began to rub his shoulders.

“Don’t cry baby, I didn’t mean to be so mean. I just got little carried away. Your such a sweet boy. Maybe after high school I can take care of you sometimes. Would you like that? Ms. Susan taking care of you?”she rubbed the tears fen his cheeks. “Just remember how mean you were to me. All the awful things you said, if I get a little nasty just know I care and love you. I would never want to hurt my little sissy. You know that right? Tell me you know that” she said it in a more forceful tone as her rubs got more personal. “Does Johnny want his nice surprise? Say you want it, I know your going to love it.”

John stopped cried and contained himself. “Please Susan, May i have my surprise”? He asked nicely. Susan smiled. “Ok, your going to love this, it’s going to contain some of your favorite things. First thing first, I need your feet in 3rd position” John looked confused but knew the term had to be a ballet term. Susan shows him how to line his feet up and he followed as best he could and soon he had his feet crossed and pointed in a very girly fashion.

“Now I’m going to need you to curtsy but hold your dress out as big as you can. I have to do big curtsy’s as a party girl in the nutcracker. The dress I wear is very bug and frilly, even more girly then the one your wearing, but trust me I need you to hold it as big as you can”. John was trying to Maintain his balance as he held up the skirt of his dress in both hands. He saw himself in the mirror and looked ridiculous. Susan made small adjustments, she raised his arms a bit higher and moved his feet a bit more as she smiled. “Perfect”! She said with glee as she snapped several photos much to John’s unhappiness.  “Now we’re ready for your surprise. You have to hold that as best you can. If you want me to keep giving you your special treat you have to remain just like that. Are you ready”? John nodded his head, what could be this surprise he wondered.

Susan went down on her knees and crawled under John’s dress. He seemed puzzled at first. What was she doing under his dress. All he could see on the mirror was the outline of her body under the dress and her feet sticking out. Soon he had an idea of what was happening as she pulled down his tights and panties. He went rock hard on a second and started to move his body in the excitement. “Stay still SISSY. If you want your special treat you have to earn it by showing me how good your are at your pose.” John was trying to contain himself as best he could. Soon he felt his tights and his panties wrap around ballet positioned feet around his ankles. He soon felt Susan’s large man like hands grab hold of his balls and shaft.

“This is my first time. I wanted to make sure I got practice in before I do this with a real man, your just like a girlfriend to me, so it doesn’t have to be sexual.  Just close your eyes and enjoy Johnny...” soon Susan’s Mouth was fully around John’s member. Susan not having much experience suc-ked on it like a cross between an ice cream cone and a popsicle. She watched videos online on giving BJ’s and she tried her best under his dress. She made sure to be loud and gurgle. Making lots of pop noises with her mouth as her lip stick was smearing on his shaft. It tasted way different then she thought but didn’t mind it as she used her tongue to go up and down while having a firm and tight grip on it.

John was in Ecstasy. He never thought this was going to happen on this awful day. He openly his made up eyes only once and saw his reflection which made him close his eyes quickly. Here he was, posed like a little girl ballerina, having a large fat bully giving him his first blow job. He didn’t want to think about her or his dress, he just images Cindy Rockwell under his dress tugging his panties down. He tired to block the image of him even wearing a dress but he couldn’t. He felt the waistband of the panties and tights wrapped around his ankles tightly. He felt the breeze of air go up his bare legs, he felt Susan’s large mouth go up and down on his most sensitive member. Once he perfectly added Cindy Rockwell doing this to him it was over. He exploded into Susan’s mouth while still holding his dress and balancing himself. His knees bent down to an almost grand  pliĂ© as his ankles rose as all of his goo was flowing from his throbbing member. He moaned like a girl as he was trying not to be overly loud. Soon Susan came out under his dress, her face with a creamy mess as she smiled he dropped to his knees as she grabbed the back of his head and moved him forward for a kiss. John felt the warm cream from Susan’s face rub against his lips as Susan went in for a big sloppy kiss. Soon John noticed a salty taste as Susan spit his entire load into his mouth as she passionately kissed him.

“That’s what you taste like” she said out of breath.

sissy servant 737-820-633

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #158 on: January 15, 2021, 08:59:24 PM »


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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #159 on: March 21, 2021, 09:28:00 AM »
Hope we get another chapter soon. I’d even be willing to pay you for more. Lol. This is hands down my favorite story of all time. I sincerely mean that.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #160 on: March 25, 2021, 11:34:54 AM »
I have so many more ideas for Johnny and know how I want to end it. Sorry guys, I’ll try and write a new chapter soon.


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