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Author Topic: Susan's Three Way Revenge  (Read 165430 times)

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Baby Mac

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #182 on: August 28, 2021, 04:58:57 PM »
Sweet to see you back this is a great story. I was wondering could mommy or Su want to make him more mentally a sissy by brainwashing him like one of them or they get a female hypnotist to use mind control for greater humiliation even thou she (he) tries to resist. Thank you.


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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #183 on: August 29, 2021, 01:31:07 PM »
This such a cute and humiliating party!

sissy servant 737-820-633

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #184 on: September 07, 2021, 03:52:23 PM »
Has her cake and eats it too,, chockingly..and at the hands of Dominant Women..

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #185 on: September 17, 2021, 11:17:38 AM »
I just gotta say from the bottom of my heat THANK YOU. Last month this story hit over 100K views. This has been a work in progress for over 4 years so I just wanna say thank you for being so patient with me. I first discovery this world of online stories as a young teenager. As a secret closest sissy I always dreamed of the perfect story. The Ultimate fantasy. I’m glad you as the readers enjoy my ultimate fantasy. As always comments and suggestions are always welcomed.

After the feeding John’s face was covered in cake at least an inch thick. Some even got into his ears somehow yet he could still hear everyone’s loud laughter. He managed to clear his throat and cough out the reaming pieces.  His mother came with a wet paper towel to clean his face as if he was a real baby. “Your very lucky to have on that bib. I would have been very upset if you gotten cake on your pretty party dress”. John was upset with the statement, “you gotten cake” as if he had any control of the situation. Soon the thick layer of cake was wiped away from his face and the pieces of cake were cut for everyone. John noticed his piece was by far the smallest of the 4. Susan’s slice was practically a quarter of the cake. Barbara’s piece was also a large portion.  He observed The Stalls eating like pigs and loudly said how good it was and how it was almost as sweet as Johnny.

John was quiet during the cake. His piece was so small he finished it rather quickly while The Stalls and his mother talked all about there shopping sales from Black Friday. Talked all about the clothes they got and what a fun day it was. John got bitter as they talked. Here he was, the weekend of his birthday and he was cleaning the Stalls toilets on his hands and knees while they went out shopping. Susan and Barbra helped themselves to another large piece of cake finishing off his sweet 16 birthday cake. Between them both they ate over half the cake. He Shuddered thinking of the large bowel movement they would make and cleaning the skid marks off Mrs. Stall’s toilet earlier today.

After the cake was finished a large pile of presents were pushed in front of Johnny. All the presents were wrapped in pink and floria wrapping paper. In the past it would have been a good birthday haul but he had the feeling he wasn’t going to like any of the gifts he was about to receive. The first item he opened was a birthday card. The front had a ballerina in a pink ballet costume with a sweet tutu  and the front of the card said “Happy birthday to a wonderful daughter”. He opened the card with the image of ballet pointe shoes  and the message “Johnny, the last few months have been a big change for all of us, but I’m so happy I can be there and help you for the change. I love you beyond words my sweet sweet girl. Love Mommy”  his stomach hurt reading the awful message that he didn’t even realize two tickets in the card.

“It’s front row center for the ‘Nutcracker’ production Susan’s in. It’s for next month and I’m so excited for it. It’s going to be such a lovey day. I even made reservations for a nice lunch at a fancy restaurant near the theater”! Janet beamed with pride. She was so excited to now have a daughter to take to the ballet. John was still in shock about the message in the card that he managed to say “Thank you” while holding back tears. Janet thought they were tears of joy but actually they were sorrow because John hated this new life so much. Soon a large square box was in front of him as he unwrapped it.

“Your Mommy has been telling us how good you have been about your bed wetting and telling her when you have to go to the bathroom. I talked this gift over with her and she’s ready for your next step. This was made with LOVE by Susan and I”! Barbra proudly said. John untied the white bow and  unwrapped the pink paper. Inside was a cardboard box. When he opened it he was in confused at first. It was some kind of pink plastic stool. As he pulled it out of the box he than concurred what it was. It was a pink and white potty meant for a small child. In glittery text the words “Johnny’s potty was written across the front of it just under the seat. Stickers of butterfly’s, fairies and flowers covered it. “Now no more asking for the toilet. You can go whenever you want in your very own potty! Janet said so sweetly and confident.

John couldn’t understand how he could still feel new levels of humiliation but here he was. Holding a pink and white potty that was his new means of going to the bathroom. Pictures of him holding the potty were taken as Susan grabbed it from his hand. “I think we should take it for a test drive”! She said laughing loudly. She placed It on the floor next to the kitchen table. John caught up in the frenzy of the birthday madness didn’t even know how to compute. Before he realized what was happening he felt Susans’s large hands go up his dress and tug down his frilly pink panties down by his ankles. In a flash Barbara pushed John down on his new potty. His dress bunched up around his waist as everyone laughed and clapped there hands with excitement. Pictures and videos being taken as he was now holding up his dress as best as he could. “Will give you 10 minutes to do your business while we clean up. Just let us know if you tinkle sweetie”. Janet said as she gathered up the plates and began to clean up. The potty was meant for a child so his knees were up to his chest as Susan and Barbra looked down at there small sissy captive.

sissy servant 737-820-633

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #186 on: September 18, 2021, 02:57:40 AM »
BRAVO! BRAVO! As the readers applaud with gratitude to the new chapter and milestone.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #187 on: September 27, 2021, 01:39:20 PM »
(As always, comments are always encouraging for me as a writer)

Eventually, Susan and Barbara walked into the kitchen to help Janet clean up and to give John some privacy. He sat had several more presents wrapped for him on the kitchen table. His legs started to weaken from crouching so uncomfortably onto his potty. He figured if he just peed a little bit he could stand up and the pain would be over. He closed his eyes and just thought about peeing when a small tinkle came out. After several seconds he was done. “Mommy, I finished tinkling” he managed to say sweetly. He figured he was all ready giving an academy award winning performance, how could it be any worse by making it better.

Janet was ecstatic with his potty performance. “Oh my god Barb, thanks for the idea of the gift. I had no idea it would work so quickly. You should really write a book on curing teenage bed wetting. John could be a theist study on the subject” she beamed. Susan pulled him up off the potty much to the relief for his sore legs but noticed she was stepping on his panties. His dress covered his manhood but by natural reaction covered up his privates. Susan noticed his embarrassment and smiled “Johnny, why even cover up your little boy bits? Everyone in this room has seen it many times by now” which caused everyone to laugh. “Seeing his panties on the floor just reminded me. I think we forgot one of the most important birthday traditions. BIRTHDAY SPANKINGS”!!! Barbra loudly said with excitement.

In a flash Barbra grabbed John by the wrist as she sat down on an old antique armchair. She pulled him onto her lab so fast that the panties which were around his ankles fell off and now we’re on the floor next to him. “Susan, may your shoe do the honors”? Barb asked. Susan all smiles slipped off her trendy large black ballet flat and handed it with glee to her mother. John felt the full strength from Mrs. Stall for the second time today. The grip she held him at, he knew there was no way John could get out of. If he struggled, he would just look more ridiculous and weak. So he just sat there with a goofy confused grin on his face just getting ready to take it. He figured it would be light fun playful slaps since it was his birthday. How wrong he would be.

The heel on the ballet flat was small but the pain it brought was extraordinary. John comically yelled “Ow”! Which only brought roars of laughter. Each spank brought more glee out of Barb, Susan and even worse his mother, after 5 spanks Mrs. Stall gave her daughter the ballet flat. Soon enough he was getting several more spanks not as hard but still stinging on his glowing red butt cheeks as Mrs. Stall still held a firm grip on poor little Johnny. After Susan struck Johnny 5 times Mrs. Stall told her to stop. “I think it’s Mom’s time to have some fun and deliver the last spanks”. She said with authority. Janet who had a smug smile on her face walked over to see her son blushing as red as his bottom. “Happy Birthday Sweetie”! As she did the last 6 spanks. While his mother’s spanks weren’t as painful they were even more humiliating. Everyone cheered with the sweet 16 spankings. “AND ONE FOR GOOD LUCK”! His mother shouted leaving the strongest and most painful spank of the night. Everyone was ecstatic with excitement as John just laid on Mrs. Stall’s lap. “Susan’s can you hand Johnny panties to him so we can finish up his presents”. Barb said. John just wanted to finish up this night.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #188 on: October 06, 2021, 07:45:57 PM »
Susan handed John his pink panties. He was softy crying due to the spanking pain and humiliation. “Awwww sweetie, it’s ok, as the song goes ‘It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to’ it’s all in good fun precious.” Susan giggled.  John Just quickly took his panties and slipped them up his legs and wiped the tears away. “Here, I think my personal gift to to you will really cheer you up”. Susan handed John two small box shaped presents.

John unwrapped the first box and was surprised at the sheer boldness of the gift. It was a box of “Tampax Pearl Ultra” 36 pack. He was literally speechless. “I know you like dressing up and pretending to be a girl, And I know it’s done wonders for your self-esteem and confidence, but I wanna show you it’s not all nice pretty little things. I think to really feel more like a woman, you need to know what it’s like to have a period. It will really give you a newfound appreciation for everything we have to go though” she said firmly. “Your other gift goes along with this one, go on open it”!

“Always Maxi size 5 27 pads.” Is what the new item said. “These kind of feel like your wearing a diaper which I know your used to.  I got you the biggest size since I figured you would have a heavy flow since your diapers are always so heavy after your bed wetting.” Mrs. Stall smugly smiled while Janet seemed a bit confused at the gift. “And don’t worry, i figured it would be a good bonding friendship if we were on the same cycle. It will make it more manageable to get though it together. I’ll teach you how to use everything later”. She said with authority and more as a mother than a friend.

John baffled by how far they were taking his sissy hood was at a lost for words. “Susan, I have no idea what to say, Thank You. I truly feel like a young lady when I’m around you”. He managed to squeak out. Susan gave him a large bear hug and whispered in his ear “you better be thankful Sissy, if your nice and sweet when I shove those tampons up your ass, I’ll make sure to give you a little something for yourself”. John’s eyes bugged out by the extreme comment and Susan loudly said “It’s no problem girlfriend, I love being an older sister to you”! She said loudly to cover up the secret whisper she gave to John. Oh we still have one more BIG gift for you”! 


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