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Author Topic: Susan's Three Way Revenge  (Read 165540 times)

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Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #35 on: November 03, 2017, 03:31:11 PM »
The next morning John woke up to another wet diaper. His mother seemed a bit more firm and disappointed. “John, your bedwetting has to improve. You don’t want to wear diapers for all of high school do you?” She said frustratingly as she changed his diaper. She roughly wiped John’s member and back hole which caused John to yelp. “Oh don’t be such a baby.” As she finished cleaning him. “Now hurry up and get dressed so you can have breakfast. John’s Mom telling him about wearing diapers all throughout high school scared him a bit. What if his wetting never improved. What if he wore diapers not just in high school but forever? It was a long thought as he finished his breakfast and walked to the bus stop.

Susan along with the usual two students were waiting as John walked up. Susan gave John a big smile and hug as she greeted him which caused the two students to giggle and whisper something to each other. “I had so much fun on our play date this weekend Johnny. You gotta come back to my house soon, or I could go to yours. Will figure it out.” The two students giggles turned into loud laughter as Susan used the word “play date”. The bus pulled up and all 4 entered. Susan of course sat next to John in the very tight seat as the odd comments about John being a “chubby chaser” were yelled out.

The rest of the week went normal for John, bullying by his classmates in the day time and bedwetting every night. On Friday when John came home from school he noticed his Xbox was gone. He maybe thought for a second his Mom upgraded him to an Xbox One X but his hope was quickly ended when his mom turned the corner. “John, as you see your Xbox is gone. Mrs. Stall and I determined if you had the same passion for stopping your bed wetting like you did for that Xbox you would have been cured now. We determined that video games are a distraction for you. No more video games till you stop your bed wetting” Janet said confidently.

John’s eyes began to water. While high school has become a hellhole for bullying, Susan slowly taking charge of him and his home life diapers have been awful, his video games were his escape. The tears turned into a full crying as he began to plea his mother for his video games. Janet almost felt a little bad but remembered what Barbara told her. Told her about being strong and not caving to John’s emotions. How this was to motivate John. Janet gained her confidence back by saying “Look at you, your crying just like the big baby you are. Maybe if you grow up and don’t need diapers anymore you can have your video games back but this just proves my point you are nothing but a big baby.” She said harshly. She really didn’t want to be mean but Barbara constantly reminded her to get tougher with John’s bedwetting. She told her that the meaner and tougher you are the more John would be motivated to fix his bed wetting problems.

John ran to his room and cried on his bed. His mother’s nasty words hurt him so much. He couldn’t believe she said something so nasty to him. He cried harder and harder till he stopped and noticed something. The front of his crotch was wet. He wet himself while crying. He himself and his bed he was crying on. This only brought on more tears as his mother came down to check on him and noticed his wet pants and bed. 

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #36 on: November 07, 2017, 12:10:00 AM »
Big changes are happening to Johnny. Hope you enjoy the newest chapter. As always your comments and suggestions always help.
“You wet yourself again? In the day time? You are literally a crybaby. I can’t believe my teenage son acts this way. “ John’s crying led to sobbing. His nose was running from the tears. This had been the hardest he cried since Susan’s house. His mother’s harsh words only brought on more tears. “Go take a shower while I have to do another laundry load because of your babyish behavior.” She said coldly.

John took a long shower while still crying. He didn’t want to face his mother. He was growing more and more concern about his babyish behavior. What was happening to him? He got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around himself. As he left the bathroom he heard his mom on the phone “I? know Barb, in the middle of the daytime, do you have any ideas? Oh really?’you do? Go on...” that’s all John could hear before walking to his room. As he changed he got more scared. Every time his mother talked to Mrs. Stall his life became worse and worse. What could happen now? he was beyond worried. He changed and stayed in his bedroom, to scared to face his mother. 20 mins later his mother walked right into his room. She always knocked but since he’s been in diapers she would just come in whenever she wanted. She looked Stern and Serious as she looked on to him.

“For peeing your pants in the middle of the day time your getting punished. No TV, no Internet and No phone” She said angry as she swiped his phone from his charger. “I’m going out to run some errands, you stay right in your bedroom and don’t go anywhere.” She quickly left leaving John to wonder what was going to happen.

John paced nervously in his bedroom waiting for his mother to get back. He soon heard the garage door open and knew she was home. He was scared now, surely she just had errands to run, nothing involving him, but the fact that she was talking to Mrs. Stall before leaving made him more nervous. What was going to happen. For the next 30 mins he heard what sounded like tools banging. He heard a power drill and other building noises. What could she be doing he thought. A total silence went though the house which gave John the shivers. She was doing something and she was done. Soon he heard his bedroom door open and his mother walked in with a rather large shopping back in her hand.

“Now, since my teenage bedwetting baby son cant even stay dry during the day time, I’m going to have to punish you. I? have placed locks on all the bathrooms in the house. I? have the only key. Since you think it’s fine to wet your pants and not use the toilet, I?t made me think you don’t deserve to use the toilet. So from now on, your going to have to ask permission to use the bathroom every time. You will say ‘mommy, I? have to pee pee or poo Poo in the Potty, please mommy may I? use the potty’ you will say those exact words every time. Do you understand me?” She said with total control. John sheepishly nodded his head yes as he began to cry again.

“I? can’t even trust you to stay dry during the daytime, which makes me think you need some Motivation to stay dry. You need a goal to work for. So here’s your goal for the weekend.” She pulled a large package of Depends Adult Diapers. John’s teary eyes opened as wide as saucers. “Your cloth diapers will be used when you sleep, but these disposable diapers will make changing you in the daytime incredibly more easier for me.”

“Your going to make me wear diapers in the day time?” John said slowly crying. Janet grinned a smug smile “well of course honey, you can be trusted to stay dry. So from right now at 5:00 pm Friday, you will be in diapers all weekend. If you are a good baby and stay dry, and that includes your bed, you will be allowed to wear your boxers to school. But if you have one accident, even wetting your bed, your going to school in diapers.”

John began to sob and could barley make out the words he was trying to say “pleaseeeeee don’t make me wear diapers to school mom, pleaseeeeee I? beg of you” he sober. Janet held John’s chin and lifted his head so she was eye to eye with him. “When you are in diapers you will call me mommy. Do you understand?” She said her voice was cold as ice. “Yes mommy”, he gulped “But mommy, please don’t make me wear diapers to school, anything but that! If anyone finds out I’ll be ruined” His tears Continue to flow. “Oh I’m sure everyone will understand that your just a big baby but don’t worry, I’ll drop off some fresh diapers to the nurses office Incase you need to be changed during school. Maybe the Home Ec students can help change you. Oh and don’t think you will be excused from Gym class just because your wearing a diaper. You will change in the locker room with the other boys. I’m sure if you just explain that you want to act like a baby they will understand” she said so cruelty to her son. Janet’s last statement drove John to screaming wails just like a new born, even Janet was surprised by the sound.  The crying fit is what brought on her last plan to get him cured.

Since it was October lots of Halloween stories have opened up. She stopped at one in the same shopping center where she got the depends were at. She pulled from a bag a big pink pacifier meant for adults for Halloween. She jammed the pacifier into John’s screaming mouth. The large pacifier head brought a silence to the room right away. “Whenever you start to become a crybaby  you will suc-k on this pacifier. Hopefully this will get you acting like a big boy and not a little cry baby. Now lay down on your changing mat so I? can put your new diapers on you.”

John still fighting tears suc-ked on the pink pacifier as his mother began the process of diapering. John felt the cold thermometer go up his butthole again which caused him to squeal like a girl. “I’m starting to think you like getting your Tammy temperature” his mother said happily. Once powdered and creamed his new diaper was tapped up. It felt much different from the cloth ones. Not as comfortable, and they felt bigger, more thicker almost. She produced the pink plastic panties and rode them up his legs. The diaper was massive along with the plastic pants. There was no way his pants would fit over his diaper.

“Now isn’t that much better. See when you calm down and behave you will get treated better. If I? take your pacifier out are you going to cry?” She said in a nursery type tone. John shook his head no. “Good baby” as she popped the pacifier out of his mouth, the pink ribbon was Placed around his neck which made his pacifier dangle off him. Now you just stay in your room and let me know when you have to Potty ok?” In a overly sweet voice Janet told her son. John nodded again. “Tell me you understand, everything” she said firmly “I’ll let you know mommy when I? have to go to the potty” he whispered.

Janet left him alone in his room. She had to call Barb and and let her know what she did. She dialed with excitement. “I? did it Barb, oh my god I? almost backed out, I? felt awful at first but remembered everything you told me. Oh my god you should see him. Well maybe you could. Tomorrow? Well that could work. Have Susan babysit while we have a night to ourselves? Susan wants to sleep over? Well sure that sounds like a great idea. I’m sure John would love to see her and have a slumber party with her.” Janet continued to talk to Barbara for 40 more minutes while John was getting used to the feel of his new day time diapers.   


Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #37 on: November 16, 2017, 01:32:46 PM »
About an hour went by while John just stayed in his room. He felt the need to pee so he walked into the kitchen where his mom was cooking dinner. Janet turned around and giggled at the site of her son only wearing a diaper with pink plastic panties, a t shirt and his pink pacifier hanging around his neck.

“Mommy I have to use the potty” John managed to spit out. Janet beamed with a large smile. “Good boy for paying attention and asking like a big boy. Now do you have to make pee pee’s or poopy” She said with a mother’s touch. “Pee pee’s.” John said. His mother ushered him to the bathroom and took out the key from her pocket. Once unlocked she pulled down his plastic panties undid the tabs to his diaper and made him sit down on the toilet much like how a toddler would be potty trained. Soon the sound of tinkling filled the bathroom as Janet watch her teenage son sitting on the toilet with his panties and diapers down by his ankles. Once the peeing stoped john tried to stand up but was quickly pushed back down.

“Stay there a little longer, I just wanna make sure everything comes out of you. I’m going to finish dinner and then I’ll come check on you.” Janet walked off leaving John sitting on the potty. John just sat there and wondered. How long was she going to be doing this while at home? Was this going to become the new normal? The idea scared him. The one time Susan weekend made him think nothing could get worse but it was getting worse. 15 mins later Janet came back into the bathroom. “Oh I’m so sorry sweetie, I forgot all about you. Let’s get you up and give my hungry baby some dinner”. As John walked up to the table he noticed his usual spot at the table had no silverware. The regular dinner plate was now a plastic   Bowl which contained a unusual color of mush and a baby bottle with milk was where his usually glass would be. He looked at his mother’s spot at the table which appeared normal and had chicken and vegetables on her plate. He looked at his mother with sad eyes hoping it would have some effect on her which it didn’t at all.

“Did you think you were getting grown up food? Oh no no no, anybody who wets there’s pants like a big baby gets to eat like a big baby. Don’t worry though sweetheart, it’s the same dinner I’m having just blended into a fine paste so it’s safe for you to eat. Oh and one last thing I picked up from the store for you!” Janet then produced a pink bib, it must of came in the same adult baby costume where the pacifier came from. John noticed it was the same bib that Susan tied on him. Must of been a popular Halloween costume to get reissued every year but the problem was that this wasn’t a costume for John but his real life. Janet tied it around his neck and she took out a large spoon.

“Open wide Johnny! Here comes the airplane” Janet said in a sweet babyish voice as she made airplane noises while feeding him.  Janet would feed John for a few bites then feed herself. The process took over 20 mins but he was finally finished. Much like when Susan and Mrs. Stall was feeding him his mother purposely missed several times and got food on his face. Once he was done being fed his mother then fed him his bottle. She made his drink the entire bottle in one sitting. The drinking nipple had a tiny hole so he had to suc-k at it for 10 mins before the bottle was empty.

“Now that baby is all fed will give you one more Potty Time then off to bed!” Janet said happily. To John the worst part was how chipper his mother was. She honestly seemed to enjoy treating him like a baby. John was brought back to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. Janet walked away leaving him on the toilet for over 25 mins. Once she returned she saw a small amount of Urine was in the toilet. She praised John like she would any toddler who was getting potty trained.

John was brought to his bedroom for his usually bed time routine. Off came his disposable diaper and back came his familiar cloth diapers. John was alarmed at his happiness to be back in the cloth diaper. Once he as powdered, creamed  and a quick Tammy temperature was taken John was pinned in. Janet tucked John in and gave him one more grave warning.

“Remember, if you wet your bed tonight, you WILL go to school in a diaper. I am dead serious. You better stay dry with that in your head.” Janet then turned off the bedroom light John looked at his clock. 7:02 pm, he didn’t fall asleep till past 9 with the idea of going to school with a diaper on, he had to stay dry.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #38 on: December 13, 2017, 06:15:35 PM »
I am sorry to everyone. I been very busy. I promise to knock out some new chapters this month. I just want to thank all of you for staying loyal.

John awoke several times during the night. The fear of wearing a diaper to school scared him so much it would wake him up from deep worried sleep. At 6:00 am he woke up and still wasn’t wet. He figured he would just stay up now since his mother would be down in an hour to check on him. That hour went by with John needing to pee badly but he soon heard his door open and his mother entered his room.

“Big day today Baby Johnny. Are you a big dry boy or a big wet baby?” His mother asked in a rather serious tone. John sheepish said “I’m a big dry boy.” His mother pulled back his plastic panties to feel his diapers and confirmed the fact that they were dry. “I’m so excited for you sweetheart. I knew all you needed was a push. Just two more days of being a big dry boy. I believe in you, you can do it!” She said with enthusiasm.

John was taken out of his cloth diapers and made to sit on the toilet but only for 10 mins this time.  After peeing he was quickly redressed with his disposable diapers. Janet grabbed a plain white T-shirt and he now wore purple plastic panties that had the same amount of lace and ruffles as the pink ones. John was brought downstairs where he was giving breakfast that was oatmeal with fruit mushed in it. His pink bib was tied on him Soon the familiar routine of him being fed was done by his mother.

John thought about himself as he was being fed on this Saturday morning. He knew every other student in his school was sleeping in. He knew the cool kids were most likely hungover since they would always have a a party after a football game. He thought about Cindy Rockwell which made his go half hard and the fact that anyone of the good looking football players could have gone all the way with her last night. He thought of that image of big, manly, strong men having sex with the love of his life. John looked down at his bib, he felt food on his face and saw his purple plastic panties that covered his diaper bottom. No way in a million years would Cindy ever notice him, specially in his current status. It was his worst fear that the cool kids found out about his baby life, if the football players, the cheerleaders, even Cindy Rockwell. He remembered his nightmare he had and never wanted to live that again, not even in a dream.

Once breakfast was finished Janet wiped off John’s face with a napkin. “Now for being such a good big boy and not wetting your bed you get a reward. Would you like to watch some TV?” John nodded his head excitedly. He needed any kind of escape from his current situation. Janet took John’s hand and led him to the family room. She took his pink plastic changing mat and laid it down on the floor. “Oh we can’t have you sitting on any of the furniture. Your plastic panties could leak and cause a stain. Here just plop right down in front of the TV. “ John sat wide legged as his diaper behind took up so much room. Janet flipped though the TV and saw a marathon block of “Barney” and she turned it on that. John sighed at seeing the big purple dinosaur and asked if he could watch something else. Janet in response popped his pink pacifier into John’s mouth. “For talking when not spoken to you can just suc-k on that for till i come back while you learn some useful things from Barney.”

John was only several mins into Barney when he was extremely bored. He sat there suc-king like a new born on his pacifier as Barney was doing his ABC’s and counting 123. After an  hour of Barney he was growing tired and bored. He shifted his body so his stomach was on the floor. His mother still hadn’t returned so he suc-ked his pink pacifier peacefully. It was almost becoming normal to him. After another 30 mins John was so bored he drifted off to sleep. His previous night of sleep wasn’t that restful and he was extremely tired. When his mother came in to check on him 2 hours later she had to hold back laughter. His diapered butt was sticking up in the air as he sleep. His pink pacifier bobed in and out of his mouth. A slow line of drool was coming out of his mouth. Janet quickly took out her phone and snapped a picture of her teenage son sleeping like a baby. It made her happy to see her son like this for some reason. She hated his bedwetting but for reasons unknown to her she liked having him in diapers being her baby again. She tapped John on the shoulder as he woke up in a slight panic.

“You must really like your pacifier Johnny. You were suc-king on it so peacefully. I have another special treat and news for you. Mrs. Stall and I are going to have a night for ourself. I don’t even remember the last time I had a night out for myself. So I arranged to have Susan babysit you and spend the night for another play date!” This was not the news John wanted to hear. He didn’t want Susan in his own home babysitting him while he was currently in diapers. He thought about it for a brief moment. None of her girl clothes would be there. Her mom wouldn’t be there or John’s Mom either. Maybe she would give him the special treatment of a handjob he got the last time. Sure he was in diapers all weekend but the last time he saw her and got a handjob he was in diapers. Maybe Susan would cut him a break and treat him like an equal.

“Susan’s dance class ends in the early afternoon then Mrs. Stall will be dropping her off and picking me up. Just remember she’s in charge” she looked at John’s baby state and started to giggle “but I’m sure you know anyone who doesn’t wear a diaper is in charge of you” she laughed a bit harder which caused him to blush. Janet stuck her finger in John’s waistband and smiled happily that he was dry. 

“Are you tired of Barney honey?” John shook his head with enthusiasm. “Do you wanna watch something a bit more grown up?” John again happily nodded. He hated acting like this but he knew he had to play this game. Just two more days he though. His mother produced a DVD from behind her back. “It’s the NYC Ballet’s production of the Nutcracker! Isn’t that exciting. John frowned but Janet didn’t notice because of his pacifier. “Susan and Barb told me how much you liked ballet the weekend you stayed with them and that you practically begged Susan for lessons so I thought you would like to watch this”. Janet placed the DVD in and pressed play. She removed his pacifier from his mouth. “I must say you are acting like a big boy today. No wet diapers, very little back talk. It seems you really want to show me that your not a baby. Now you enjoy the nutcracker while I do some things around the house.

Two hours went by when Susan and Barbara showed up at the Jones Home. John was still watching the nutcracker while Janet greeted them at the door. Susan who was coming straight from dance class still had her leotard and tights on with a pare of shorts on with the saying “Dancers Kick Butt” written across the seat of the shorts. Barb and Janet made small talk as they entered the house. “Where’s little Johnny”? Susan asked innocently as if he was a real baby.
Janet told them to be very quiet as they sneaked up behind John watching the nutcracker.

John was watching the final bows as he heard “he’s almost in a trance. He’s lost in the beauty of it.” John spun around and saw his most hated foes along with his mom watching him with smiles. “Oh my that’s one very large diaper.” Barbara said matter of fact. John looked down almost forgetting he was wearing a diaper and blushed a red shade.

“Aweeee don’t be embarrassed Johnny it’s nothing we haven’t seen before!” Susan said excited. John knew it was a sad tfact and now he knew a new weekend of horrors was about to begin.


Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #39 on: December 24, 2017, 09:39:26 PM »
Merry Xmas Sisses. My New Years  resolution is to post more in my story. It’s crazy how much more I have left. Spoiler alert, Johnny is going to have a girly 4 years of high school.

Janet gave Susan a tour of the house and showed her where everything was. The tour ended in John’s room where Janet showed Susan and Barbra his changing station. “What time do you want him in the Nursery by? Oh hahah, I’m sorry, his bed.” Susan giggled which caused John to blush yet again. “Try to have him in bed by 7, once he eats dinner I put him on the potty for a good 20 mins to make sure everything is out of him. Oh that reminds me!” Janet reached into her pocket and took out the bathroom key and handed it to Susan. “Make sure it stays locked and know he has to ask you to use the bathroom.” Susan took the keys with a smile in her authority over John.

Once the tour and all the instructions were complete Janet looked at her son and in a serious tone said “Susan is in charge John. Whatever she says goes. If I find out you gave her any backtalk or didn’t listen to anything she said you will be punished and harshly. This is your final warning.” Janet and Barbra then departed leaving Susan to sit her new baby. 

“Wow Johnny, not much has changed since the last time you were at my house. I must say I do like the disposable diaper look on you, you pull it off so well with the purple plastic panties. “ she grabbed her over night bag and brought John to his room. “Now i got a deal of a lifetime for you.” John looked up with hope. “How would you like to get out of those diapers?” John shook his head enthusiastically. “I want to be a nice baby sitter, so I’m going to let you decide on what you want to wear, your diapers or these.”

Susan pulled out a pair of pink frilly, silky panties. John’s heart dropped. He really didn’t want to wear panties but he had to get out of these diapers. “Does Johnny want to wear the panties? You have to ask real nice, like last time, remember I’m doing this as a favor to you”.

John knew what he had to do, it took him a moment but he eventually said in an excited voice, “may I please wear the girly panties?” Susan laughed and granted his request. While John was standing she yanked down his plastic panties and and untabbed his diaper leaving him standing in the nude. Susan giggled looking as his member. She quickly patted it with a smile and said “remember the last time I had you like this? Let’s hope you will be a good little sissy for me and maybe you will get a nice reward later.” John observed the pair of silky pink panties with lace, ruffles and bows of course. John noticed these panties seemed a bit more adult then the ones he wore last time at Susan’s house. She had John step into the panties and she rode them up his legs. Once she put them in place she noticed he had a hard bulge which caused him embarrassment and her a boost of confidence.

Susan was the last person John ever thought he would go hard for but all the movements to his privates made him feel things he never felt. He would rather it be Cindy Rockwell but not at this exact moment.

“Now Johnny, I know your mother wants me to punish you and have me treat you like a baby, which isn’t hard because thats exactly  what you are.” Susan knew the right words to make John feel his lowest. “But I wanna be your friend, And I want you to be my friend. What do you say we have a super fun day today with us being friends? No baby treatment, all though I really think you need it. I just wanna be super best friends. I know I’m your baby sitter and I’m in charge of you, but I think we could have a really fun day. So, do you wanna be treated like a baby, or being treated like a friend?”

What was John to do. He really didn’t want to wear diapers, be spoon fed, watch Barney and be treated like a baby. He knew Susan had a trick up her sleeve, but she almost seemed genuine. Then he thought of the handjob. Maybe being “friends” could get him lucky again. John looked right at Susan, took Susan’s hand and said “I would love to be your friend Susan.” With a large forced grin.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #40 on: January 17, 2018, 01:03:14 PM »
Over several hours John wore his pink satin panties which did feel nice along with a matching pink top. He didn’t enjoy wearing the outfit because it made  him feel quite exposed, it was at least better then the diapers. They both sat on the couch finishing up watching “Bring it On”, one of Susan’s favorites. After the movie John asked Susan if he could use “The Potty” which made him cringe to say that. She granted his request and unlocked the door. She giggled at seeing John sit on the toilet hearing him tinkle.  Once he finished Susan praised him like a toddler would be during potty training.

“Now that the movie is done I just got inspired to do some cool make up and you would be perfect as my model Johnny. “ Susan pulled out her large make up kit. John looked at the size of the case and knew she must of brought it only to give him another make over. “Johnny, did you ever think of trying out for the cheerleader squad? I’m sure you would get in no problem since your a boy, there always looking for boys to help.” As she applied bright red lip stick. “I think you would have a good time, it’s a lot like Bring it On, and by the way you danced at my house I know you can move pretty good to music.” She continued as she was doing his eye make up. “While I love to dance and to cheer I love the respect it gives me at school.” That line would have made John’s eyes roll if he wasn’t getting them made up. No one respected Susan Stall, it almost seemed the cheerleaders hating the fact that Susan was on the team. “I love cheering for our football team, it sounds silly but I feel like our cheers actually help them win. We been on a good winning streak this year. I wanna believe it’s because of me. I know it’s ridiculous to say, but I feel like I’m the glue that holds it all together.” John held back his laughter and he heard hairspray and felt his hair get styled by Susan.

After 20 mins Susan was done and John looked at himself in the mirror. He was surprised of course but this one was different. He looked grown up. More like a woman then a little girl or a doll. Susan smiled at his reaction. “I figured If we’re going to be best friends maybe I should make you look the same age as me? Do you like it? I tried going for a mature woman look, your cheekbones are a godsend.” John just nodded, hating all of this but was playing along with Susan’s requests. “I bet if we got a dress and the proper shoes on you nobody would know it’s you. The football team would have a field day with you.!” The last line cause John to literally Tremble. The last thing he ever imaged while playing Susan’s revenge game was Boys treating him like a girl. Without a doubt his worst fear.

Once his makeover was finished Susan cooked dinner of macaroni N cheese and hotdogs. He was allowed to feed himself and not treated like a baby. After dinner Susan brought out a stack of teen magazines and Susan asked John who was the cutest boy in each magazine. He always had to answer her which made him  cringe but to make it worse he had to kiss the picture of each male teen star who he picked as the cutest. By the end of the game the magazines had lipstick prints all over em from his made up lips.

Before he knew it, John’s bedtime passed, Susan was letting him stay up while they watched awful MTV shows. Eventually Susan looked at the clock and saw it was almost 11:00 pm. “Oh my! Your mommy is going to be home soon. I gotta get you ready for bed. Soon John’s nightly routine of getting diapered was happening all over again from his enemy/friend. He sat on the toilet to only have a little pee come out. He was soon laying on his bed and he went though the processed of getting diapered. He noticed this one was much more colder and not personal like the last one. No hand jobs came out of it much to John’s disappointment.  Once fully diapered Susan used a baby whip to take off all of his make up. A frilly new nightie which had a picture of Barbie on it was giving to him by Susan. Susan laid out her sleeping bag on the floor next to John’s bed. Once fully ready she turned the lights off and kissed him on his forehead. “Sweet dreams Johnny. I’ll be in a little later once your mom gets home.” John watched Susan gracefully leave the bedroom, looking at her large frame leave his bedroom.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #41 on: February 17, 2018, 10:22:58 PM »
(Good things come to those who wait. I feel horrible taking such long breaks but I’m so glad that I have so many fans looking forward and unstanding. I made this extra large chapter for all of you since o been such a terrible person. Please enjoy and leave comments and suggestions)

As Susan watched TV passed midnight, she smiled looking at her phone. Looking at pictures of John kissing magazines of cute boys with bright red lip stick. She even got John to do cute selfies with her which she added filters saying things like “cutie pies” “Trouble Makers” and #Models”. She had an amazing time with her new best friend tonight. Janet Jones came in from the front door. She seemed a bit tipsy from her night out with Barbara. Janet had a large smile on her face as she saw Susan. “Hello dear, how was my little baby boy? Was he good or naughty?” She said in a slightly slurred voice. Susan debated slightly in her mind what to say but the angel on her shoulder told her to do the right thing. “Oh he was a doll. We had such a great time Ms. Jones. He’s such a sweet boy. We watched my favorite cheerleading movie, “Bring It On” he really enjoyed it. He kept asking me if our school cheerleading team is anything like it. He asked all about the uniforms, the cheers, make up, Everything. I have the whole series if he ever wants to borrow them. If John ever conquers his bedwetting, he simply must come to a game and see me cheer, he would LOVE it!” Susan said excitedly.

Janet Jones smiled at the well behaved report and the newly found interest John was having. It made her think of her dinner with Barbra. Barbra asked Janet during dinner and after having several strong  coc-ktails if John was a bit “girly”. Janet told her he was far from it his whole life. Barbra smirked and said “you could have fooled me, he and Susan had an interesting time when we watched him for you.” Barbara said with a smug smile. Janet was aware of the slightly girly weekend when she

 saw her son in ballet clothes because it was as John put it “just playing around”. She wanted to know more, while John never showed signs of any type of sissy Behavior she almost wished he did. She felt bad at times putting him in plastic panties but while it made her feel bad she also liked it at the same time. She finally got the girl she always wanted. The sweet little thing she could dress up.  The little angel she could wear matching aprons with and bake cup cakes. Her sweet little ballerina she could take to the ballet every season and see him dance on stage in recitals . While she just wanted to use the girly items of clothes on John as a punishment she began to want her son to live this lifestyle. An escape from being a tough manly man and be a girl at special times they could share.

Barbara explained during there night out that John seemed very excited to play with Barbie’s, asked to dress up and was on cloud 9 when he got to wear plastic panties with his diapers. Barbra suggested that if John’s bedwetting slowed down while wearing the plastic panties that it might be a comfort thing. That he might actually enjoy wearing them and how it made him feel safe. “I’m telling you Janet,  I read this in a parenting book. Boys feel a safe space when they have a strong feminine side. If you let him explore that girly style I guarantee his bed wetting will stop or at least slow down dramticly. Remember when we couldn’t find his clear plastic pants after he stayed over? I ended up finding them hidden in a closet in the guest bedroom. I’m telling you he wanted to wear the panties. Not that’s there’s anything wrong with it, we’re living in modern times, accepting times, it could also just be a simple phase but if this phase can cure him, I say let’s try it.” Janet was dumbstruck but began to smile. Maybe this was all he really needed. Maybe she really could have special “girl time” with her secret sissy son. She was very interested in the idea.

“I tell you what Janet. When you
Get home tonight, I would ask Susan what they did. Ask her if John likes doing girly things. Susan is her best friend and wants to help him. I’m sure she will tell you the truth, my girl can’t lie.” Barbra confirmed. After having one to many drinks Barbra and Janet took Uber’s Home. Janet couldn’t stop thinking about what Barbra said. Was her only son really a sissy? Did he want panties, dolls and play dress up? As she stood in her living room looking at Susan, slightly drunk she had the courage  to ask the question.

“Susan, I want you to be honest with me, you won’t get in trouble or anything. You know how much I like you and how much I appreciate your friendship with John. When John stayed over at your house few weeks ago, did he ask to do girly things with you?” Susan had many hidden talents that many didn’t know about. One of her best talents was acting. Susan made a sad face as she looked at Janet and had to look away when she made eye contact. As she sheepishly looked away from Janet and started at the floor her small coy smile emerged. Her plan that she made with her mom went beautifully on there dinner. She knew she held all the cards and phase 2 of her revenge was about to be kicked off.

Susan looked away for about 15 seconds as the awkward silence filled the room. “Ummmm, Ms. Jones I really can’t say anything. I promised Johnny I wouldn’t say anything.” Janet taken back that all this might be true, got a sense of happiness but didn’t want to over show it. “Susan I won’t be mad, I want to help John in anyway that I can, and if him doing girly things helps his bed wetting then I want to  all the help I can get”. Janet said very serious and motivate. Susan was ecstatic but dare didn’t show it and gave Janet the best poker face around.

Susan’s performance could have been her Oscar clip for best actress as she stated her story. “ when he slept over at my house a few weeks back, He asked me what it’s like to wear such pretty things. He saw me still in my ballet clothes and said How he wishes he wasn’t  a boy and could wear such pretty cute clothes. How his whole life he always loved it when you took him to the ballet and how he dreamed of dancing on stage. I had a clean laundry basket out on my bed with clean underwear and he looked sadly at it. He talked about how Boy’s underpants were so boring. I knew I shouldn’t have done it, It was wrong of me to let him, but I asked if he wanted to try on my panties. I tried to tell him they weren’t that great. How it was just normal underpants. He didn’t believe me at all, and almost begged me to let him wear them. I swear to god Ms. Jones I saw tears of desperation in his eyes. I had to let him try them on. He’s my best friend.” Susan lied.

“Once he had the panties on he was so happy. He went on to tell me how lonely high school was and how alone he really felt. I let him put on a matching baby doll nightie for the panties that he practically squealed when he had the matching outfit on. After that he told me how he wished he had more friends, girl friends that could do stuff like this with him all the time. How he could never relate with boys and how he loved the soft nice side of women. He seemed so pleased with his outfit. All of that was In the first thirty minutes he was over. I just want to say again how sorry I am if I over stepped the line, but to see my best friend so happy it was worth it Ms. Jones. He asked if he could be a girl all weekend and I couldn’t say no. The next day when he got to have a ballet class with me he could of died a happy boy. All of his dreams came true. The pleasure i felt to give my best friend such a gift was an incredible feeling.  He almost looked sad on Sunday when he knew you were going to pick him up and He promised me never to tell you. He was so scared you wouldn’t understand. I feel so horrible. I let my best friend down.” Susan began to cry and it  sounded genuine after pleaded her monolog of the beautifully acted story. Janet hugged her and told her what a good friend she was and they sat and hugged for several minutes while crying.

After Susan composed herself, she showed Janet her phone of tonight’s make over photos. “He was so happy to have a real girls slumber party. He practically begged me for a makeover.” Janet looked on in amazement and how pretty her son looked and what amazing make up skills Susan had. Janet couldn’t believe how Barbra was telling the truth the entire time. How John really wanted this lifestyle. After looking at the pictures she once again thanked Susan for being such a good friend and how she shouldn’t be worried. How she did a great thing. . “It’s getting late Susan, you should go to bed. I’ll make a big breakfast for you kids tomorrow. Your mother and I talked about how John’s bed wetting was getting better since the panties. You may have found the cure for your best friend Susan.” With that Susan said goodnight and went upstairs to John’s bedroom where her Barbie sleeping bag was laid out. As she tip toed like a graceful ballerina into John’s bedroom she used her cell phone to light up the room. She saw John deep in sleep. His blankets were wrapped around his legs exposing his large, panty covered bottom. He steadily breathed in and out in a deep REM sleep and she admired the cute picture of her sissy babied bully. She saw his pacifier on his nightstand and lightly placed in between his faded made up lips. She took one more look as his pacifier bobbed in his month and took a quick snap with her phone camera as she got into her sleeping bag at 12:37 am.


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