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Author Topic: Susan's Three Way Revenge  (Read 165534 times)

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Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #42 on: March 01, 2018, 02:18:24 AM »
With the return of the story board means the return of a short new chapter.

3:08 AM

John tossed and turned in bed as he dreamed. In the dream he was dressed in the cheer leading uniforms from bring it on and fully made over to the make up design Susan gave him earlier in the evening. he was sitting with the rest of the cheerleading team at the  lunch table in the cafeteria. Somehow in the dreamworld the whole knew he was a boy dressed as a girl and giggled knowing it. John kept tugging the short skirt down trying cover his only proof of manhood in the sissy outfit.

Soon the team gathered around John and had him kiss pictures of cute boys from the teen magazines just like what Susan had him doing in his own home only a few hours ago. As he kisses more and more pictures his lipstick kept getting thicker and redder. Soon the girls grabbed John and dragged him over to the football table of the lunch room. Cindy Rockwell lead the group and told the large athletes “excuse me boys, but we have a new cute cheerleader that has been practicing all day for you. May I please present Joanie for you”! John gasped as he tried to break free but it was no use, the team had him held from every angle. He saw the Capt of the Football team, Tom Myers inspect him up and down with a smile “well she looks sweet, I think the whole team better give her a test drive”! He said excited. John tried to cover his privates fearing Tom or the rest of the team would discovery his secret and beat him silly. He soon was soaked with sweat and the whole team circled around him rubbing his body, pinching his butt and slowly lifting up his very short skirt, as Tom’s hand was reaching into John’s bloomers he suddenly ejected a heavy stream of urine into his cheer bloomers that ran down his bare legs.

John jumped up from the terrifying dream covered in sweat. He was breathing heavy and it took him over a minute to calm down and realize it was all a dream. Once he started thinking straight he noticed his clock and saw that it was just passed 3:00 am. It was a dream he thought, all a dream till he slowly realized the hot wet feeling in his crotch. Quickly all his fears rushed to his head. He wet his bloomers in the dream and he wet his diapers while he slept. Tears filled his eyes as he sat in his soaked diaper knowing what was going to happen. What his mother warned him about at the start Of the weekend. He would have to wear diapers to school.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #43 on: March 07, 2018, 03:46:04 PM »
As always comments and  suggestions are always welcome

John started to cry harder as he sat in the soaked diaper. He couldn’t believe he wet himself. He now knew he had to wear diapers to school. He was terrified at the prospect. His cry’s got louder and turned Into pitifully sobs. The sobbing got so loud it woke up Susan. She stepped out of her sleeping bag and sat next to John on his bed.

“What’s a matter Johnny?” She asked Innocently. John couldn’t even give her a response and just hung his head in shame. It was an image Susan was used to seeing many times now. “Did you, have an accident Johnny?” John looked at her briefly before more tears flowed out of his eyes. All he could do was a sad nod to confirm what happened. Susan placed her arm over John’s shoulders “Now now Johnny, it’s not that bad. We can fix this problem. I have an idea.” Susan said still a bit tired but walking up with the thoughts of her new idea. John was still crying but looked up hearing about Susan’s idea.

“Your scared of your mom sees you wet yourself you will have to go to school in a diaper right?” John nodded. “And I’m sure everyone would find out, remember we have gym class first period. Oh I could see the boys throwing you outside the locked room In just your diaper.  That wouldn’t be good. I can say confidently that no girl would ever date a boy who had to wear diapers to school because he had accidents.” Those thoughts only made John cry more. “But here’s my idea Johnny. We don’t tell your mother. I’ll change your diaper right now and she will have no idea of your accident. I’ll even take the evidence Home with me so she will never find it. Does that sound like a good idea?”

John’s crying slowed down and he started to gain composure to himself. “You would do that?” He sniffles. “Of course Johnny, but there’s a slight catch. I’ll change you and put you in a new diaper, but you gotta do something for me first.” Susan pushed Johnny down on his bed and she slowly started to straddle him. She placed her left Breast outside of her baby doll nightie and placed her nipple into John’s mouth. John’s eyes widened with excitement.

“Just suc-k while I tell you my plan. “ John began slowing suc-king on Susan’s nipple. “Now tomorrow, your going to have to tell your mommy something. She may or may not ask you something. She may ask if you like playing dress up with me. If she asks you tell her you love it. I want you to tell her it’s not just for fun anymore, tell her you always wanted to be a girl, play with dolls, do ballet, be a little cheerleader! Everything girly you wanted to do and be” she took her large hand and placed it behind Johnny’s Head while she placed her other large hand right on his plastic pantied crotch. John tried to Wimper a response but it came out muffled under Susan’s large Brest. John started to get hard under her gorilla like grip and she stated rubbing John’s crotch.

“So when your mommy asks you if you like dressing up your going to say YES, do you understand?” John was in a “hard” place both mentally and physically. Did he really want to become a sissy for his mother, of course not, but he surely couldn’t go to school wearing a diaper. He would do anything not to wear diapers to school. He knew he would have to admit to his mother that he enjoyed being a sissy. At least it would be in private. No one would know expect his mother, Susan and Mrs. Stall. John’s Erection was almost as hard as his decision. Her rubbing felt so good and didn’t want it to end. He would just admit yes to everything in hopes of getting a nice hand job and to be spared wearing diapers to school.

“Is that a yes then Sissy?” John nodded his head with excitement with Susan’s fat nipple still in his mouth. “And your going to tell her you like everything girly and prissy?” As Susan picked up speed rubbing John’s member though his diaper. “John nodded again. His eyes closed now imaging Cindy Rockwell’s breast in his mouth. Between Susan’s rubbing and the new mental image in his head he was close to climax. “Is Johnny about to make a sticky #3 in his diaper”? Susan asked him in a teasing manner.  John shook his head yes as he was about to come at any moment. He didn’t dare open his eyes scared his boner might go awhile seeing Susan’s face. He was struggling to breath with Susan’s fat tit in his mouth but he knew any second he would come. Susan could tell because just moments away from an explosive Ejaculation Susan stopped. Still straddling John she grabbed both of his hands holding him in place. Her sheer weight held John tight to his bed.

Susan stared deep into his eyes. She was a spider who just caught a fly and she was very happy. Seeing him squirm pleases her with sexual delight. She just stared into his eyes and she pulled her breast out of his mouth. “You all ready went #1 in your diapers, I can’t have you doing a #3 can I?” She waited for about 2 mins just staring at his eyes. It felt like hours for John as he soon felt his hard on slowly go away. Susan loosen up on her grip and got off the bed. Before John knew it she ripped off his blankets, pulled down his plastic pants and unpinned his diaper. It was almost Disturbing how efficient Susan had become in changing cloth diapers.

She quickly wiped, creamed, powdered and pinned his so fast it was like she was on a pit crew for a race team. Before John knew it he was pinned into a new clean diaper. He saw her take out a plastic shopping bag from her backpack and place the wet diaper in there. He was confused, emotional and sexually frustrated all the same time. Susan popped his pink pacifier back into his mouth and simpley said “go back to bed baby”. John did still not sure what he was making of all this but Susan laid in her sleeping bag smiling from ear to ear while pleasuring herself to completion next to her sissy baby.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #44 on: March 30, 2018, 02:35:03 PM »
At 7:45 both John and Susan awoke to the smell of hot breakfast cooking in the kitchen. John was still confused about everything. He really couldn’t believe how deep his problems have grown since he started High School. As he looked down as his newly fresh and changed diaper he got out of bed as Susan got out of her sleeping bag. Susan took her large hand and placed it on Johnny’s plastic panty
Crotch. “Is little baby Johnny nice and dry?” She felt his diaper and looked at Johnny who’s eyes widened at her sudden action. “Good thing. Your nice and dry . Now remember, anything you mommy asks you about girly things you like ok?” John nodded his head on agreement as Susan smiled and skipped down the stairs in her nightie which looked similar to the one John was wearing. John slowly looked in the mirror, took a deep breath and walked down the stairs.

As he got to the kitchen table he could hear Susan and his mother making small talk. He pulled his chair out of the table and heard his mother saying “that’s a lovely nightie Susan!” Susan smiled and in her best sweetest voice said “oh thank you Ms. Jones, I love it. It feels so comfortable to sleep in. Even John said it looked soooooo pretty last night. I told him maybe i would let him borrow it if he doesn’t wet his bed for a week as a reward. He must of really liked that Idea because he stayed dry all night!” John’s face blushed a shade of red. His heart slowly started to panic and Susan go the ball rolling on her next plan. John looked over at his mother who smiled from ear to ear at the news.

As Janet Jones placed the Hot breakfast down for John and Susan John noticed something. His bib and plastic bowl were missing. Janet noticed John looking at his hot breakfast with fork, spoon and knife. “Johnny, I have to say Susan had glowing reviews of babysitting you all night. She said you were a perfect sweet little thing. Not a peep at all. Because of that I’m giving you a nice reward of eating your breakfast like a big boy all by yourself!” She said in a sweet tone. John blushed again as being referred to as a small child was caused Susan to laugh. He had to admit himself that it was nice to eat his breakfast then rather be fed his breakfast like a baby.

“So Johnny, tell me all about your night? Susan said you were having so much fun!” John shifted uncomfortably in his seat, “well we just had a fun time, we watched a good movie”. John said just tying to make it sound low key as possible. “What movie was that sweetheart? Susan said you loved every minute of it”. John squirmed again “Bring It On. It’s about a high school cheerleading team. It was really funny and a great story.” He said nervously.  “Oh isn’t that sweet. I’m glad you enjoyed the Cheerleading movie. Susan was telling me you were asking so many questions about her being a cheerleader and how you want to go to the games and watch her. Maybe when your bedwetting gets better I’ll let you stay up past your bed time and take you to a game. You can cheer on Susan and the rest of the girls. Doesn’t that sound like fun? Susan have you ever had a cheerleader for the cheerleaders?” Janet said in a confident voice. “Oh no, we never did Ms. Jones but I’m sure the other girls would love it. I have a pair of old Pom Poms and a old cheerleading sweater in the school colors he could wear!” Susan said with excitement. Janet looked right at her son “doesn’t that sound like fun? Would you like to do that someday Johnny?” She places the bait and now was waiting for a response from her hopefully soon to be sissy son.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #45 on: April 04, 2018, 03:23:54 PM »
As always, comments are welcomed!

“Sure Mommy that would be great” John forced himself to say with a sissy grin. He couldn’t believe he called his mother “mommy”. John looked as his mother and Susan were smiling with big grins. “That’s wonderful news Johnny. This will be a fun goal to work for with your bedwetting”. To John it would be his worst nightmare to watch a football game at his school holding Pom Poms and in-between his mother and Susan’s mother. He never thought his bedwetting was actually would save him.

As the finished breakfast Janet cleaned the dishes while Susan was packing up her belonging in John’s room as he watched. “Great job back there Johnny, especially on the Mommy part. I bet she really bought it at that moment. You just have to let it come naturally.” John noticed Susan Taking his wet diaper and putting it in a plastic bag.he cringed knowing what that costed him with his friendship with Susan.  They soon heard the doorbell and it was Mrs. Stall coming to pick up Susan.

Mrs. Stall smiled widely seeing John still in his diaper and nightie. “ I heard you stayed dry like a big boy all night. We are all very proud of you Johnny”. Mrs. stall said with a smugness in her voice. Janet and Barbra made small talk as Susan came downstairs. “Oh Hi Mom. We had such a great time. I can’t wait till the next visit. Oooooooooo Mommy, do you think Johnny could come Trick or Treating with us in a few weeks? Oh pretty pretty pretty please!” Susan was practically begging her mother. “Well will have to see what Johnny’s mother says. Susan and her 7 year old cosuin always go trick or treating together. It’s become a little tradition for them.  You should see it Janet, they always have matching or themed costumes. It’s so cute.”

“Well will have to see but I’m sure we can figure something out.” Susan said her goodbyes, thanked Ms. Jones and told Johnny “see you in school tomorrow sweetie.” As they left, Janet looked at her son.  “Johnny, i want you to take a seat in the living room. I need to talk to you.” He gulped not knowing what his mother was going to talk to him about but may have had a slight idea.

As they both entered the living room John took a seat on the couch. “You know what sweetie, maybe sit on the ground. I’m still a bit nervous that you might leak.” John blushed with a quick hot feeling and took a seat on the floor as his mother sat in an old antique armchair. “Johnny, do you want to keep wearing your diapers during the daytime”? She asked honestly. John shook his head no. “I figured you didn’t want to wear em. I don’t want you to wear them in the daytime either anymore. It was meant to be a punishment and it worked. Also Susan had glowing reviews of your behavior. I’m very proud of you for acting like a big boy and not a little baby.” John hated how bluntly his mother was speaking to him but there was nothing he could really do.

“Johnny, Susan told me some things that happened when she was babysitting you. I want you to be 100% truthful with me now. Susan dressed you up like a girl again when she watched you didn’t she?” John’s heart began to race as sweat slowly started to form on his forehead. “Yes, she did give me a makeover on Saturday night.” He squeaked Out. He became terribly nervous and slowing began to tremble. “But you didn’t do it for fun did you? You wanted to do it because you wanted to look like a girl, correct?” John’s eyes started to water. This was all coming so fast but he knew he had to agree with her. He had to let Susan lies become the truth. “Yes mommy, I wanted it. I wanted to be a pretty girl.” He managed to say before sobbing crying. Janet rushed over to her crying son and held him in her arms. “There there, there there. I love you anyway you are Johnny. You don’t have to cry. Mommy loves you.”

John cried for several minutes till he calmed himself down. “It’s ok Johnny. This will just be between us and the Stalls. It’s not a big deal. Will figure out something. I even have a choice for you. Tell me what you think of it” John looked up at his mother wondering what this new choice could be. “Now I know you don’t want to wear diapers correct?” John nodded his head. “Well how about instead of Diapers in the daytime, each day when you get home you can wear a nice, pretty pair of panties ?”

This was it. What he was fearing since he made this deal with Susan. He was now going to became a sissy and his mother thought he wanted to be one.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #46 on: May 13, 2018, 05:48:20 AM »
(I deserved to be spanked by all of you for taking so long to update. Very sorry)
The rest of the day was relatively quiet. Janet didn’t baby her son like she did the previous days and even let him pick his own TV shows to watch. He asked to go to the bathroom several times which his mother helped unpinned his diaper to do so and stayed dry the entire day. The day turned to night and soon he was going though his now normal bedtime rituals. He still winced getting his Tammy temperature taken. Still would get horribly embarrassed having his mom clean his private areas. She pulled up his plastic panties and placed his nightie over head head. Feeling such shame that his mother thought he loved wearing it.  “Now Johnny, I know what you told me today feels like a big deal but it isn’t really. It’s ok if you like girl things or want to wear dresses. I will never judge you. If you been holding on to this feeling for so long that could have been one of the reasons you became a bed wetter. Stress adds to bed wetting honey. Just know that I love you. If you wet the bed tonight I won’t make you wear diapers to school honey. That was very mean of me, I was just frustrated and wanted to scare you straight. I love you no matter what. Good night sweetheart” and with that she kissed her son on the forehead turned the light out and left.

Josh sat there is disbelief. He admitted that he was a sissy to his mother so he didn’t have to wear diapers to school but then in the end it was all just another trick. How could this keep happening to him? What was his after school life going to be like now? Would panties become the new normal? Would his teen life ever be normal? Since starting High School he has been in diapers, dresses and getting his Tammy Temptures. He laid there in the darkness and felt dread knowing it was only going to get worse.

“Barb, I had no ideas he had these feelings. I don’t understand where it came from but I’m not upset at all. In fact, I’m kind of happy”. Janet talked into the phone to her now best friend Barbara Stall. “ You mentioned before how you took him to the ballet, how you wanted to give him lessons, I bet overtime he knew you wanted a girl and this is his way of pleasing you. Making you happy. He’s doing this because he loves you.” Barbara told her planting more seeds to grow in making John’s life miserable. “I’ll come over tomorrow and bring some of Susan’s old things over.” She added. “Barb, I just really gotta thank you. Moving to a whole new town wasn’t easy but with friends like you it makes great.” Janet replied as they soon changed subjects.

John awoke the next Monday morning 10 mins before his alarm went off. He noticed he wasn’t wet. While he was happy he was dry I’m sure his mother will think the reason is that he admited he was a sissy.
His mother came in 10 mins later. “Good morning sweetheart. Are we a dry Danielle today?” John nodded his head. “Oh wonderful. See look what I told you. Telling  me about your girly side relieved so much stress for you. I’m sure your going to find life more enjoyable!” She said happily. He was unpinned from his diaper while he changed and walked out the door for school. As he walked to the bus stop Susan waved enthusiastically and gave him a big bear hug. The other 2 students laughed at seeing John be so roughly handled and the fact his best friend was the biggest loser in school. John though about it and he might actually be the biggest loser in school.

All day John found it hard to concentrate. He kept wondering what was waiting for him when he got home. The day crawled by but eventually he was on the bus home. As he walked up to his front door he was both relieved and dreading what was gonna happen.

He walked though the front door, he wanted to move quickly and just get to his room. Maybe his mother forgot all about there talk yesterday. He quickly said hello and went up to his bedroom. He entered ,closed the door and breathed a sight of relief. The relief was short lived when he noticed a small pink shopping Bag in the center of the bed. He slowly moved towards it trembling. He noticed light pink tissue paper at the top of the bag. As he took out the tissue paper his worse fear came true. Inside the bag were panties. Seven pairs of panties in a mixed range of styles and and Materials. His legs got weak as he pulled out each pair. Silk, satin, cotton. Noticed colors like pink, purple, white. Bikini, full bottom, thong. Seven pairs and all for him.

“I got you a pair for each day of the week sweetheart. Do you like them?” He heard his mother’s voice behind him. He held several pairs in his hands. Afraid to face his mother. No he did not like them. He hated them. He wanted to get inside Girls’s panties, not wear them. But he knew what he had to do. “I love them mommy.” And he turned around and hugged her.


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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #47 on: May 13, 2018, 06:57:02 AM »
Thank you for the new update.  I still wondering if the new sissy will still end up at least part time in nappies....giggles

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #48 on: May 22, 2018, 02:54:13 PM »
(Hello everyone! I feel like I jumped over my writers block and just got full of ideas. I plan on writing shorter chapters but try to do it weekly. I just want to thank everyone for being so patient and still reading. The memes and pictures you post are amazing and get me excited to write more. You all are the best!)

After the warm hug John’s mother had a bag behind her. She pulled out a pair of purple short shorts and a matching purple tank top. “I know this is all new to you sweetie. We don’t have to rush anything. I just want you to be happy. Mrs. Stall stopped by today to donate some of Susan’s older clothes that don’t fit her anymore. She figured you would love to have them since you spent so much time playing dress up when they were babysitting you.” John wanted to die on the inside. He now was gifted Susan’s old clothes. The fact that his mother used the word “babysitting” made him feel like he was two inches tall.

“She also gave some nice dresses, socks, shoes, even some old costumes from old dance recitals!” Janet said happily. The idea of seeing her son dressed as a gracefully ballerina put her on cloud nine. “She said she would look though some more storage and see if she would find anything else in your size. I figured since you watched that Cheerleading movie this weekend you might like this outfit. Girls call them cheer shorts.” She displayed the purple short shorts and tank top. Across the butt of the shorts said “cheer” in pale pink. The matching tank top also had the word cheer in pale pink going across the chest. “As I said, I figured we could just start slowly. This seemed simple enough. Would you like to wear this sweetheart?”

Much like his seven brand new pairs of panties he knew he had to act the part. He now knew Susan infested his life. He was but a puppet in whatever show she wanted to see. He was nothing more then a dress up doll. “Sure Mom, these look great.” He took the matching cheer set. “Oh you can wear your new purple panties to match. It’s always important to match sweetie. You will soon learn all these things.” Janet left the room to let John get dressed. As he pulled down his jeans and boxers shorts he took the purple silky satin panties. White lace covered the band and leg holes. A small pink flower was right in the front of his new panties. He stepped into them and began to pull them up his skinny legs. Once they were in place he felt something strange to them. They actually felt good against his skin. He looked at himself in his mirror and noticed that the bikini cut style fit perfectly against his skinny frame. Ever since puberty his butt grew very large and round. Not the best feature for any boy to have. He was called many names whenever he was in the locker room changing. Now with the panties on they fit like a glove. He thought that he actually looked like a girl wearing panties. Before this whole mess started he used to stay up late and watch the sex movies on the movie channels. Without a doubt he looked like one of the sexy young girls he saw in those movies. The thought of those movies gave him a flash of excitement. He noticed he started to grow very fast and get hard. He placed his hands down to stop the growing but it was a mistake. Touching himself while wearing the silky panties was an extreme pleasure. At this point John hadn’t masterbated in what felt like weeks. Now with him in his new pair of panties was bringing him over the edge. He pulled the panties down so that just his member was sticking out. He placed a trash can underneath him and gave in to temptation. His mind went to Cindy Rockwell. Thinking of all the things Susan did to him he would just picture Cindy there and doing it to him. He placed his other hand against his silky satin balls and began to rub. Just before his moment of climax he pictured Susan coming up behind him. With her large bear like hand pitched John’s butt and said “C*M for me you little panty waist sissy!” In his day dream Susan and Cindy began to laugh which caused him to explode into his garbage can and bring him out of the sexy dream world and bringing him to his knees.

He was breathing heavy when the reality slowly began to set in. He pleasured himself in his new panties thinking of Cindy Rockwell and Susan Stall.


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