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Author Topic: Susan's Three Way Revenge  (Read 165515 times)

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #77 on: October 12, 2018, 06:36:16 AM »
Thank you for continuing this story, it appears sissy johnny should still be in diapers.  Hope Mrs Stall brought some to change him into.


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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #78 on: November 12, 2018, 01:37:17 AM »
Still enjoying this story Thank you.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #79 on: November 15, 2018, 01:39:13 PM »
Big update coming tonight or tomorrow. It will be my biggest chapter yet.

sissy servant 737-820-633

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #80 on: November 15, 2018, 04:51:14 PM »

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #81 on: November 16, 2018, 09:27:09 AM »
“It’s time for the scavenger hunt everyone!  Everyone get in groups as we pass out the maps!” John knew he just stick with Susan and Sarah since he really didn’t want to pair up with the boys. As they collected there map Susan and Sarah grabbed both of John’s hands and began to run around the rec hall trying to find all the clues and items. After 20 mins John began to let loose and enjoyed the fun. He almost forgot he was even wearing the Peter Pan costume at times. The map consisted of a checklist of different locations. Each location had a number code to write down. Team Peter Pan was clearly the most into it as the smaller kids had harder times figuring out the clues and the older kids though the whole thing was stupid.

Soon John’s team was far in the lead and could relax since they only had one clue left. Susan quickly figured it out that it was in the back stage area of the Rec Hall. Susan and company took the side stage door and began looking for the clue. The rec hall was used for many different community events such as bingo, recitals and other social events. While searching Sarah told Susan “I have to go to the bathroom. Susan, will you help me take my costume off?” Susan agreed but told John to keep looking for the clue. “You want me to look by myself?” He said in a nervous voice. “Yes Johnny. You know you are a teenager right? Your like 3 years older than everyone here. Don’t be such a sissy baby!” Susan said smugly which caused Sarah to laugh and only caused John more embarrassment.   

As Susan and Sarah walked out the side door John began looking for the last clue. The curtains to the stage were closed but he could he the noises from outside. It was nice for John to finally have a private moment to himself. As he searched he looked around a piano and a large podium to which his search revealed nothing. While looking he began to hear voices near the back of the stage. He knew it must be where the last clue was. As he got closer to the voices he soon saw the people who made up the voices and his heart dropped.

All the boy pirates who were making his life hell along with the two girls who were dressed as Wonder Woman and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. he noticed them earlier  when he was walking in. He observed two of the boys clearly flirting with each girl. He froze in place when he made eye contact with them. John was actually scared. He couldn’t believe he was really scared around the pre teen boys but he was. Without his protecter around who would help him. “Hey look! It’s little Peter Pan!” One of the boys said laughing. John was clearly almost a foot taller then all the boys but being called little made him feel just like that. A small boy being bullied.

“Hi, I’m sorry. I’ll leave you alone. Don’t want to bother you.” John managed to say in a scared voice. The boys and the two girls could clearly smell the fear coming off him. Derek who was the lead boy and the one flirting with Wonder Woman started to walk up to John very confident. “Don’t be scared man, me and my friends have been talking about you all day. We said how it took balls to wear a costume like that to a party. Hell you’re way braver then any of us.” The other boys nodded in agreement. “We were just saying how you should join the Boy Scouts. Our new friends Buffy and Wonder Woman were saying how lame Susan is. We do way cooler stuff then then Girl Scouts.” John was confused at Derek’s comments. Was he indeed being nice to him. Sure he was three years younger but this was the first time any boy was ever being nice to him, even a boy talking to him since he moved. John wanted to seem confident and nodded his head in agreement.

Soon the other boys along with the two girls walked towards him. John relaxes a bit. “One of the coolest things about the Boy Scouts is all the cool knot and rope tricks you learn. Check this out” Wonder Woman gave Derek her golden lasso and began showing John a series of different knots and magic tricks. John looked on with interest.

Susan and Sarah walked out of the girls bathroom and were heading to the side stage door when Susan noticed the final clue was on the actually door itself. She got so excited to get it she quickly wrote down the final code and her and Sarah ran off to deliver the winning map. Unknown to John, his bodyguard was not coming back

“Hey, I’ll show you how to escape from any knot. Let’s come over here to the podium” Derek told John. Soon Derek and the other boys were circled around him and he began to get nervous. “I think I gotta go find Susan” John stuttered. “Just wait a minute, we gotta show you our final trick.” Derek told John. He soon felt all the boys grab his arms and legs and began to feel the rope wrapping around his wrists tightly. He started to struggle, this was not a position he wanted to be in. The boys could sense his struggling and started to use more force and strength against John’s weak body. John started to say something about having to go which was quickly interrupted by a punch right to his stomach. “Shut up you sissy faggot. We’re not done yet!” Derek said angrily. John out of breath was so in shock he didn’t even realize the long golden lasso was soon tired around his ankles and well as his wrists. Soon he felt the boys let go. Thinking he would loose his balance immediately,  he noticed he was securely standing up. The boys had essentially hog tied him to the podium. His back was flush against the front of the podium while his wrist and ankles were both tightly tied to the back of the podium. He struggled and wigglled but could not get free. The boys laughed at seeing how helpless he was tying to move the heavy and sturdy podium.

“I think little Petey could you a fresh coat of lip stick” the girl dressed as Buffy declared. John later found out this girl’s name was Vicky. She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out the bright red  tube of lip stick. “This color is going to look so good on you sweetie! Pucker up, I’m sure you’re all ready a pro at that” Vicky said laughing to her self. Soon John gave a model style pucker as she applied coat after coat of her bright red lip stick. She stood back to admirer her work to the laughing boys “Something’s missing. Hmmmm I got it!” Derek said grabbing Vicky’s  lipstick. He walked up to John and tilted his chin up and started to write something across his forehead. He stepped back laughing as the others now saw what was written across his forehead. In bright fire truck red the word “SISSY” was branded.

John was starting to cry now, the uncomfortable position that he was tied up in made him really have to go to the bathroom. He kept fidgeting which only made him look weaker. “Oh is the little sissy baby about to cry!” The girl who was dressed as Wonder Woman declared. John would find out later that her name was Nicole. “Please, you had you’re fun, please untie me, I won’t tell anyone who did this to me, please I really have to go to the bath...” John cut himself short. Thinking that this cruel group of bullies would cut him any break was a stupid idea. The last thing he wanted them to know was that he had to go to the bathroom. But it was to late. He said “bath” and they clung on to that word.

“Did you hear that Vicky, little baby has to go to the Potty. Do you have to make Pee Pee’s?” Nicole laughed wickedly. The rest of the boys walked up to John and started to pinch and press him. One of the bigger boys pushed hard on John’s stomach/bladder to encourage his motions. “Come on Sissy Boy, just piss yourself and will leave you alone. Pee pee like the big sissy baby you are” Derek whispered intensely into John’s ear. John now noticed that Vicky and Nicole we’re taking pictures with there phones of John being roughly handled by the pack of pirate boys. With all the emotions he was facing along with all the physical abuse he soon couldn’t hold it anymore and began to flood his green sequin panties. Soon the cheerleading bloomers couldn’t hold anymore and it soon started to leak out the sides. Vicky started to jump up and down and seeing his green tights form a unmistakable pee stain at the crotch.

Everyone was laughing and cheering as Nicole and Vicky’s phone recorded the entire experience. Once the peeing stopped, John hung his head in shame and cried to himself. How was this happening. Where was Susan?
Was this planned by her? He could feel the pee’s warm feeling soon started to get cool. His tights had a much heaver sag to them. Now that John fully peed though his tights, you could really see the outline of his sequin bloomers. “I been wondering this all day. Are you really wearing panties?” Nicole walked up to John, firmly placing her thumbs around John’s green tights waistband. With one strong tug, she pulled his tights down to his kneecaps exposing his now very wet and damp green sequin panties. Roars of laughter came from the pack of John tormentors as a fresh water works of tears came from his eyes.

“All right Scouts! We are now going to announce who has won the scavenger hunt! Would Susan, Sarah and Johnny please take the stage!” A loud voice coming from the other side of the curtain was telling the large group of girl and Boy Scouts. Nicole, Vicky and the rest of the boys froze in a panic. “We better get out of here if there going to bring them up to the stage” Derek told the group. As the awful group of Scouts started to walk off stage, holding in there laughter, Derek went up to John and whispered in his ear. “Not a word of this to anyone Sissy Boy”. John never though he could feel this awful. He was just completely over took by a group of middle schoolers. The tight knots still held him firmly in place.

“All right! We got tinker bell, we got Wendy! We’re just missing Peter Pan! Has anyone seen him?” The woman who was announcing the out come of the scavenger hunt said from the other side of the curtain. John figured he didn’t want anyone to see him like this and that eventually Susan would find him backstage, as he sat there quietly. After 10 seconds the woman asked again “Where is Peter Pan?” John noticed out of the corner of his eye Derek was by the ropes to pull the curtain open. With a evil smile Derek pulled open the curtains and ran out the side door. John was now fully displayed in front of the entire room of Scouts with his tights down to his knees, wearing bright red lip stick and the word “SISSY” written on his forehead standing in a puddle of his own pee.


Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #82 on: November 16, 2018, 10:15:16 AM »
This story is far from over. Sorry for such a long delay but that’s why I made this chapter the longest one yet. Leave your comments and thoughts.


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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #83 on: November 16, 2018, 12:11:50 PM »
Poor Johnny even when Susan is nice he someway is punished by someone !! Now he’s need his babysitter to change him in a nice diaper so he can be baby Peter Pan hehehe I hope you don’t take so long to post more !


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