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Author Topic: Becoming a better sissybaby  (Read 14246 times)

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Becoming a better sissybaby
« on: January 14, 2019, 08:13:06 AM »
 Becoming a better sissybaby

 It was dark when I first woke up, but that’s no guide to judging the time in my nursery. As I’m put to bed by 8 PM latest I usually first wake up maybe at five in the morning, but   as no sunlight enters the shuttered nursery with its heavy drawn curtains and with no watch or clock in the room I wouldn’t know the time. I am usually quite wet when I first wake up. I have been pee incontinent for several years and will wet myself without waking, and when I am awake without even noticing it.

Of course I am always protected with a heavy-duty disposable nappy and plastic pants or - as usual for the night -with a plastic romper or plastic overalls. The pink plastic overalls reaching from knees to armpits and with the text ”FOR HEAVY BEDWETTERS” on the front are particularly humiliating. My crib is also fitted with a plastic sheet, and indeed the rule in our house is that I am never allowed to sit or lie on anything which is not covered with plastic.

When awake in my crib - from which with its locked top there is no escape - I am immersed in my sissybaby condition, with the warm and wet nappy hugging my loin, with the big rubber plug filling my botty, with the snug plastic collar permanently locked on me, with the pen-is pacifier caressing my mouth and with my tiny willie in the tight constraints of the smallest chastity device on the market - or so my Mommy assured me when she six months ago locked  me in it before filling the lock with glue - and with the uretha tube making forever impossible any thoughts of a sissygasm  which I could still get with the earlier devices.

 I suspect that I would have trouble getting any kind of erection even if my pee pee was released. This I think may also have something to do with the pills that I have been made to swallow for years now. And how would I have without them have been able to develop a pair of quite perky little sissy tits so that mommy has already told me that I would soon be introduced to a training bra.

 Usually I drift off to sleep several times in the night, so that I maybe again in deep sleep when my Mommy, grandma or aunties come to release me from my crib.

 Our household has six adults who all share in  varying degrees in my permanent babying, including participating in my disciplining and punishments. There is my Mommy, who may or may not still be my wife - I am not quite sure, as since my babying started some years ago I lost all my rights as a husband and the many doc-uments I have had to sign over the years without reading them have probably included our divorce papers, but also some that have classified her as my guardian with me as a mentally deficient ward of hers.

 There is also a man I have to call my daddy who was my wifes lover already when our marriage was still formally intact. He has of course full powers over me, but he is not the nappy-changing kind of daddy and he usually takes an interest in me only when his hand is needed for my discipline.

 The person in our household who takes the keenest interest in my sissybaby condition is my mother-in-law, or granny as I have to call her. She is usually the one who has thought up most of the humiliations I am subjected to on a daily basis. She is still a very attractive lady of not more than fifty years and in a very trim condition, as I know whenever she wields one of my many punishment Instruments on my poor bottom.

 There are also two aunties in the household, my wifes younger sister and her girl friend. They really see me is a real sissybaby rather than as a cuckolded sissy wimp and are correspondingly genuinly interested in seeing that I get to play with my dollies and can  enjoy other childish delights. Not that their attitude preventa them from administering me a good and hard spanking with the paddle or whatever instument is on hand when such discipline is called for.

  The sixth adult in the household is Mrs Wisdom, the housekeeper. She is regarded more as a family member rather than servant, and this means that she too is always ready to assist in my humiliations and punishments.

 This morning it is my Mommy and granny who come to wake me up. The routine is almost invariably the same. Released from the crib my plastic pants, or romper as the case is this morning, are taken down and my heavily dripping nappy removed and I am led to my highchair. Before being seated granny will bend me over and, with her hands protected in rubber gloves, will remove my butt plug and taking the pacifier from my mouth replace it with the plug for cleaning in my mouth.

I am then given a plastic bib and put in the highchair which also is a potty chair. My wetting incontinence notwithstanding I am also undergoing permanent potty training. While no attention is payed to my wetting, which isregarded as normal whether day or night, I am under no circ-umstances allowed to mess my nappy. The plug during the night is of course part of this regime, as is the hour I spend every morning on the potty, usually fastened to the highchair. During this time I am expected to void my bowels into the potty, failure to do so will result in an enema and a spanking. Fortunately my bowel training is now so regular that I am very rarely constipated in the morning.

I also have a regular half-an-hour of potty time in the evening, before being plugged and nappied for bed. If I need to relieve myself during the day, which I usually have to do on an average twice a day, I have to ask an adult for the potty and for them to take it out and let me use it, always in view of the adult and of any visitors to the house. In addition to the potty highchair I have two other potties, a ducky potty with a long neck with a handle to rest my hands on after which they are fastened there with handcuffs to ensure that baby stays in place until she is allowed to get up. The third potty is a free standing one, also of adult size. All of these potties are made of clear transparent plastic, so that the adults can see and monitor my progress on the potty.

 My nappy is changed only twice a day, in the morning and evening, meaning that it will be sagging before the change. My potty time during the day takes some of the pressure off from my nappy, but I can ask for the potty only for pooing, and if I fail to poop during potty-time this is always a reason for punishment. But the punishment for messing my nappy is always worse, usually calling for use of the dreaded birch on my bottom.

 For my punishment there is a big array of instruments hanging on the wall of my nursery: several paddles, canes, straps and a nasty martinet, and also a birch soaking in a bucket of brine in the corner. Punishments are dealt out even for very trivial offences, or for no offence at all, just as part of the discipline necessary for my upbringing - all for my own good as I am regularly reminded. My bottom is not the only recipient of this discilpline, as the strap can be used on my hands and the martinet occasionally on my bare back as well. And now that my tits have grown noticibly Mrs Wisdom has discovered that they are also suitable for the martinet.

 All my punishments are followed by corner time for up to two hours after spanking. And corner time has to be served with a bar of soap in my mouth.

 This is part of the philosophy in our household that the sissybaby should always have a taste of soap, pee or c-um in her mouth. (There is one exception to this that I will shortly come to). The taste of c-um is of course a privilege that the sissy will not get to enjoy everyday. The taste of pee can be given with a baby bottle full of yellow liquid, but everything the sissybaby is fed is first blended in a mixer with a generous dose of pee as the main ingredient.

 Thus also this morning, after I had suc-ked and licked my plug clean to Mommys satisfaction I was fed a pot of cold porridge which had been warmed her warm pee before serving. I have to be fed as my hands are always fastened to the high-chair when in it.

 After my hour on the potty Granny wiped my botty clean and had me empty and wash the potty in the bathroom where I was also washed and soundly scrubbed in the bath. Then she announces that we would be going out and I would be dressed in the proper attire for an outing. I never liked being exposed as a sissybaby outside the house, but of course I had no choice in the matter, nor in the choice of clothes: this morning a frilly pink baby dress   so short that it left my pink nursery print plastic pants prominently on display and of course a set of baby reigns was put on me.

 We walked a few blocks with granny holding me on a tight leash to our destination, which proved to be the hairdressing salon regularly used by the adult women in our household. I was also a regular here as this was the place where my head was shaved every week or so.

 This time granny had ordered a complete hair-do for herself and I was instructed to sit quietly in the corner on a low plastic stool which the owner of the salon had acquired specially for my use. Granny gave me a coloring book to keep me occupied while she was attended to.

 After fifteen minutes or so I suddenly started having cramps in my tummy and know that I had to have the potty quickly before I started filling my nappy. I conveyed in my sissybaby voice to granny my urgent need for relief only to be answered  in an angry voice how dared I disturb her in the middle of the hairdressers work when I had been told to sit quietly.

 I knew better than to try again, but I also knew that my nappy would be filled soon. My weak sphincster would give away any time, and sure enough it did not take many minutes to do so. I managed not to release a telltale fart but the stink eminating from  my nappy quickly alerted everyone to what had happened. Granny told me in no uncertain terms to be prepared for severe punishment in the evening as it would be daddy she would ala to discipline me. And until then I would have to gonthe corner and stand there facingnrhe wall in my dirty and smelly nappy as it would remain unchanged until evening.

 After grannys hair was ready it was my turn to sit in the chair for my head shave, although granny was considerate enough to ask her hairdresser if she wanted to do put it off until the next day when she wouldn’t have such a smelly sissy to deal with, but she was ready to deal with me now. As usual the hairdresser used my baby reigns to fasten me to the chair, before putting me in a special sissy pink plastic cape, just to add to my humiliation.

 Part of my permanent wardrobe was always a bonnet to protect my bald head, but not just any bonnet but always a transparent plastic bonnet which highlighted my humiliating condition, and this bonnet was now once again put on my head after it had been shaved.

 By the time we returned to the house it was almost time for my daily breastfeeding. Granny had some time ago found a big-breasted woman with huge lactating tits but no baby of her own to nurse me and she came once a day to our house where I would suc-k contentedly on first one and the the other tit for ten minutes each.

This was always the part of my daily routine I loved most, but this time I was feeling very uncomfortable about it as I would have to suc-k with a smelly load in my nappy and there was no way I would be changed before daddy came home to punish me.

 However I was saved by Miss Diane - my wet nurse -who wrinkled her nose and made it clear she would refuse to nurse me unless I was changed. So my two aunties took me to the bathroom to be cleaned and changed for my feeding. I was very grateful even though it meant that they also gave my bare bottom some twenty hard swats with the paddle before putting me in a clean nappy.

For twenty minutes I nursed on Miss Diane’s lovely breasts and enjoyed the taste. Of course after this I was prepared for her dessert, which entailed lying on my back while she straddled my face and released a torrent of her golden juice into my mouth. After this I was given the privilege of licking her pussy clean. Sometimes she would also have me continue working on her pussy and clitty to bring her to a climax, but today was not such a day.

Of course I still had to do my after-spanking corner-time. Before or was over my nappy was again wet and when auntie came to say i could come out, I also felt the need to do my number twos and had to ask her nicely if I could be put on the potty.

 She told me to get my ducky potty and put it on the porch outside the front door. She then took down my nappy and plastic pants and say me on the potty and cuffed my wristst to the neck of the potty.

I was exposed in public, but fortunately the shrubbery next to the street gave some protection from the looks of passers-by. But when the postman came to the door to deliver the mail I was very visible to him.

He greeted me with a sly smile and a ”Hello Pansy!” , for as a frequent visitor to our house he was familiar with my condition and name. I did once have a masculine name, but for years now I was known as Pansy and it was the name with which I signed  any papers put before me for as Mommy had taken care that this was now my name officially.

The postman rang the doorbell and seeing that I had already emptied my bowel in the transparent potty said ”I see that you have done your poo-poo nicely. Your Mommy must be very proud of you”. He also patted my plastic bonnet covered head and complimented me on my nice haircut.

Auntie opened the door and signed for the parcel the postman had brought. Seeing that I had done my poos she askel me if I was ready and when I nodded she unlocked the handcuffs and helped me stand, amd then had me bend over for my bum to be wiped with the baby wipes she had with her - this was something I was never allowed to do for myself. She pulled up my nappy and plastic pants and told me to go and wash the potty in the bathroom.

While auntie attended to me the postman lingered to watch and payed particular attention to my caged sissy clitty and again commented on how well I was being controlled.

The rest of the afternoon my aunties left me with my dollies in my playpen. I stayed there until daddy came home. I was let out of the pen and told to fetch the prison strap for daddy. My punishment for messing my nappy was to be forty lashes from the strap. Although I usually was able to take my punishment just bent over a chair or something this time I was fastened to the pillory in our back garden. Quite rightly so, as I could,not have taken the forty lashes without moving, which was impossible in the pillory where also,my ankles were fastened in stocks.
 With the thrashing over daddy came to me and opened his fly in front of my face and took out his coc-k and I knew  without telling how I was to thank him for the trouble he had taken to punish me. After he had emptied his load he replaced the bar of soap which had kept me silent during the lashing. Instead of corner-time I would now remain in the pillory until my bedtime.

 After an hour or maybe even two it was time for my evening potty and meal in the highchair. This done Granny prepared me for bed but before plugging and nappying me she drew on rubber gloves and applied a generous dose of cream to my sore thrashed bottom. At first this felt cool and soothing, but I knew from experience that it would soon start to burn my poor bottom fiendishly, as it was Capsaicin she was applying.

 After this and before I was put in the crib Mommy also came to the nursery and taking the tawse from the wall said that as a good Mommy she would also have to take part in my discipline, for which I had to hold out first one and then the other hand for six lashes with the strap.

 As I lay in my crib in the darkened nursery I was at first still quietly sobbing with my throbbing hands and burning bottom and recalling all the humiliations of the day. But  as the throbbing slowly subsided to a tingle and as the burning glow on my bottom turned into a pleasant warmth and as I felt soft plastic encasing my bald head, the chastity device enclosing my little pee pee tightly, the already wet diaper caressing my loins, the plug penetrating my hole and my teeth and tongue working on the pen-is pacifier, I experienced a revelation.

All the people in our house, Mommy, daddy, granny, my aunties and Mrs Wisdom must really and truly love me and care for me as they seen to spare no trouble in disciplining me. I felt such a huge surge of gratitude and love towards them that I had to ask myself what had I done to deserve such attention. I felt so ashamed of my ingratitude that I resolved that I would try and be even more of a sissybaby for them and accept anything and everything they would decide to do with me.

I also thought feverishly if I could come up with something that would convince them of my sincerity and then it came to me. I recalled that granny had in passing at one time referred to the possibility of having my teeth removed, but had seemingly forgotton about it. I decided that first think tomorrow morning I would ask Mommy, daddy and granny and everyone to please take me to the dentist to have all my teeth removed as this would both enhance my babyhood and make me fully dependent on mashed food as well as enhance my capabilities in pussy licking and coc-ksuc-king.


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Re: Becoming a better sissybaby
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2019, 12:10:07 PM »
 ;) What a great start Angelsissy I hope their is more please Kevin??  8)


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: Becoming a better sissybaby part 2
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2019, 06:20:46 AM »
 Next morning towards the end of my pottytime in my highchair when  both Mommy and granny were attending to me I asked for permission to speak and on receiving it managed to shyly tell them of my desire to become  a still better sissybaby if my teeth were removed. It seemed that Mommy and granny were taken by surprise and asked me if I was serious and why did I make the request. I tried to convince them of my seriousness  and of the advantages the teeth removal would have for my futher babying and for my ability to serve my superiors. They said they would think about it.

  The next day after they had apparently had an adult Conference to consider my request,  Mommy and granny said  they were ready to grant my wish, but that they had to be first convinced of my sincerity. They had come to the conclusion that I would first have to write 5000 lines in neat handwriting of ”Dear Mommy and Daddy, may I please have  my teeth removed so that I can be a better sissybaby, please?”

 5000 lines! Having to write punishment lines was used regularly as part of my discipline, but the highest number of lines I had ever done was 500,and that took me two days to complete! A quick calculation told me that it could take me three weeks before the task was completed. Mommy said that this was necessary for them to convinced that this really was my wish, and that I could refuse this with no other consequences than that my teeth would remain intact. She also said that even after starting I could also stop my line writing exercise any time without repercussions, but that the regime for doing the lines would be the same as for any punishment lines.
 The normal regime meant, that I would be made to kneel in front of the small desk specially made for the purpose  in a small windowless  cupboard -like room reserved for line writing punishment. The desk was also fitted with stocks in which my ankles would be locked for the at least two hour long writing session. And after being locked and before starting to write I would have my nappy and plastic pants taken down for a dozen swats with a paddle or a strap.

 Punishments lines were never written with a pencil or ballpoint pen , but  with an inkpen you had to dip after every line again into an inkwell. It was slow work and had to be done very carefully as one ink stain on the paper with room for fifty lines meant that you had to start the whole page again even if you had written 49 lines.

 Nevertheless I did not hesitate to take on the task as I recognized that to back down now would destroy the credibility of my desire to prove myself as a good sissybaby.

 The next weeks were really tasking as Mommy or whoever was preparing me for my line writing session would taunt me by reminding that I did not have to go through this before delivering the required dozen swats to my bottom.

Finally after maybe three weeks my task was completed and I proudly presented Mommy  the neat paper with the last 50 lines. She was impressed and patted my head promising that I would soon have the soft toothless sissybaby mouth that I wanted and needed.

 And only five days later I was woken in my crib and put in the highchair for my potty-time, but I was only given a bottle of pee and no mush as I was told that I was going to be taken to the hospital for my teeth operation.

 We set off in our car, me secured in my special big baby seat, dressed as usual in my sissybaby finery. The exclusive private clinic was not far and soon I was signing the admission and consent papers. I wasn’t expected to read them but I did notice that the operation had been ordered already more than two weeks earlier, and again a warm feeling of happiness engulfed me as I understood that Mommy and daddy had trusted me to come through with my request from the very beginning.

 The bed in the hospital room was fitted with a pale blue plastic sheet. Standing beside the bed was a hospital pottychair. I was made to sit on it by the two nurses attending to me, after they had first filled me with a huge enema. After a half-an-hour of emptying my bowels I was wiped and dressed in hospital clothing, not unlike my sissybaby attire with a nappy, pink plastic bloomers and a nightie. Having examined and weighted my budding sissytits they decide that I would also need a bra, which naturally excited me to no end, particularly as it was made of the same plastic material as the hospital bloomers.

 After a round of tests and samples taken from all ends my teeth were x-rayed and a cast taken of them. I was then given some pills and left to rest before they came to take me for the operation.

 When I woke up after the anesthesia had worn off I felt lightheaded and had a mouth full of wadding. I was also attached to an IV feeder and the nurse who came to see me said everything was fine and my mouth would be sufficiently healed after two days for me to be taken back home.

 And so it was. When Mommy and daddy came to fetch me they were told I could immediately go back to my normal sissybaby diet. I was dressed back in my own clothes (with a dry nappy), given my pacifier to suc-k on and taken to the car.

 We did not drive straigth home, however, but stopped at a piercing and tattoo shop where Mommy and daddy had reserved an appointment for me, for I would now have a teething ring permanently secured in my mouth. The shop was familiar to me as I had been taken there already years ago to have my depilated crotch tattooed over my wee-we with the name Sissybaby Pansy.

 The ring was made of hard pink rubber and was had a few cms long slender chain which was to be attached to the ring which would be put on the tip of my tongue once it had been pierced.

 The procedure did not take long. The feeling in my mouth once it was over was incredible, and I immediately loved it. Being able to chew on that rubber ring with my soft and sometimes itching gums was simply unbelievably soothing, also while suc-king on my pacifier.

 Of course with no teeth and the teething ring in my mouth my speech was henceforth reduced to almost incomprehensibly sissybaby babbling, but that was not a great loss as a sissybaby wouldn’t have anything interesting to say anyway. What was important that the adults in our household were sufficiently able to understand my baby talk, especially when I had to plead to have the potty.

 Here I want to tell you how my pottytraining had worked. When it was started I was at first mortified by the humiliation it entailed, but gradually I have not only come to accept it but also to appreciate the trouble my caretakers have gone through with the pottytraining. Now I no longer feel ashamed about using a potty, on the contrary I try to time asking for the potty so as to have as many people watching and commenting. I feel very proud when they commend me on being such a good babygirl in doing my poopies in my potty and when they make appreciating remarks about my little chastity cage.  Where I earlier tried to sit on the potty as quietly and inconspiciously as possible I now make a point of loudly farting and I enjoy the reactions of the adults looking on  which range from nose wrinkling to broad laughter.

 My toothless sissymouth attracted a lot of interest. Daddy used it at least once a week, as did many of his guests. One of them was Mr Black, who I was told to expect a visit from one evening. To my surprise Mr Black turned out to be our regular postman who seemed very much to enjoy letting his load into my mouth. So much that granny, who was looking on, came up with the idea that maybe Mr Postman needed relief during his working hours as well.

 So it was decided that every day after my breast feeding when the postman was usually delivering our mail - unless of course I was doing other chores or undergoing some other discipline which was quite usual - I would be left to kneel on the front porch, with my back to a pillar holding up the roof of the porch and with my hands cuffed behind my back and the pillar. If in the mood for it, which he usually was, the postman could remove my paci and enjoy a blowjob. He like most of those who hump my mouth like to do it with the teething ring inside, but it can always be pushed out to hang against my chin if that is what Sir wants.

To be continued


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Re: Becoming a better sissybaby
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2019, 12:27:19 AM »
I find this interesting.  As one sissy baby who has had their teeth removed it works on saving the nipples of bottles and dummies a little longer.giggles


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Re: Becoming a better sissybabypart 3
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2019, 03:52:12 PM »
 Some of you may wonder why I have written so much about how my sissymouth is used and nothing about my lower sissy opening. It is not neglected even if it does not attract the same amount of attention as my sissymouth, particularly after the teeth removal. One reason for this is that daddy has shown no interest in it. Still some of mommys and his friends who visit us do. The first time my nappy and plastic pants were lowered to give the interested gentleman access, Mommy and daddy immediately noted my reluctance. Of course I said nothing and meekly acquised, but adults are good at reading a sissybaby’s body language.

Afterwards they discussed this - without paying any attention to me as if they didn’t care if I  understood their adult talk or not- and came to the conclusion that if my bottom was first warmed up with a sound spanking it would make me more receptive to the treat. And so next time an uncle wanted to use me this way my bare bottom was first spanked to a nice pink colour with a paddle. I’m not sure this made me any more forthcoming than before, but it did seem to make my bottom more desirable to the man, who even asked if he could add a swat or two. Of course this was granted and since then almost all these visitors have used a riding crop to add two throbbing red lines to my ass.

 As Mommy and daddy do not want to see any c-um wasted I am always afterwards sat on the for fifteen minutes to let the cream ooze out into the potty. As I am unable to control my peeing some piss will also dribble into the potty, before I am spoon fed this yummy mix.

 Another snippet of adult conversation I happend to hear concerned my fitness and need for exercise, a discussion initiated by Auntie Gemma, the gf of my sister-in-law, whonherself is the most athletic woman in our household and who expressed concern about my weakening physique. She was quite right about this and I had been a bit worried and sorry about it as in my previous life as a student I used to be a better than averege longdistance runner. I was still rather slim - my diet of baby food did not allow me to get far - but flabby and weak and would soon be out of breath if I had to excert myself physically. They started to discuss what should and could be done about it, but I didn’t get to hear if they had come to any conclusion as my corner-time was finished and Mommy took me to be put to bed in my nursery.

 But a few weeks after this I was taken after my morning potty-time to the garden and locked in the pillory. No explanation was given, I was only told to watch. Soon a large van backed from the street into the garden. Mommy came to greet and instruct the two men in the van, dismissing me as something they did not need to bother with.

 They took out first some materials from the van and Mommy showed them where to put them. It turned out that they were the elements for a prefabricated garden shed which they assembled in less than half-an-hour. It was unusually high with large doors at the end, and with no windows. After it was ready they took from the van a strange object which was a  structuremwuth a large wheel about six feeth broad and which had rungs like on a ladder. It did not take me long to recognize it as a modern version of a prison treadmill and to understand that it would be my exercise-machine.

 Indeed Mommy told this to the men and introduced me to them as its future user telling me to thank the men for their work. As I did this with my toothless sissymouth and the teething ring making me sound more or less unintelligible the men were greatly amused by the sight of me as a sissybaby in nappy, plastic pants and plastic bonnet covering my shaved head locked in a pillory. Mommy asked them if they wanted to use my mouth as an extra payment for their services, and the older of the men did, expressing his satisfaction with the experience of fuc-king a toothless mouth.

 After the men were gone all the women came put to help Mommy introduce me to my new exercise machine. But first my nappy and plastic pants were taken down and I was put in a special belt with a long, rather long and not too thick well-lubricated dil-do, whic unlike my nightly butt plug could move rather freely in my backside.

 I was taken to the shed and told to stand on a movable platform before the wheel and put up my hands which were then cuffed to a sturdy iron bar I would hold on to to balance myself on the wheel. Above the rail was also a stand where a big plastic container filled with familiar yellow liquid was attached and with a tube running out from it to the perforated pen-is-shaped gag which was fastened into my mouth with a leather head harness. The wheel’s turning speed would be regulated so that I could climb it in an unhurried, but steady and unrelenting speed.

 I was also shown a big red ”panic button” I could reach with my elbow and which when pressed would immediately halt the wheel and ring an alarm in the house. This was only for emergiences and I was warned that I would be seriously punished even if the situation was a real emergency after it was over.
 I was told to step onto the rungs, the platform behind me was removed. Before releasing the wheel’s brake and starting my climb I was told that my exercise period would always be two hours in the morning.

 The brake was released and I started my climbing. Mommy and granny who was also there to intorduce me to the treadmill shut the door behind them and left me in the dark to do my exercise, after all there was no need to supervise me as I would not be going anywhere before they came back to release me.

 The first thing that grabbed my attention on the mill  was the incredible sensation of the well lubricated dil-do sliding up and down my asshole. I had never before experienced anything like it and soon my little peepee which had been long dormant in its snug steel cage started to come to life within the tight confines of the little cage. For the first quarter of an hour I enjoyed this feeling, but the relentless hard work of climbing the wheel soon put an end to this and I was soon panting and sweating profusely with the exertation to which my neglected body was not accustomed to. Brething through my mouth also caused me to draw in some liquid through the gag. I was of course used to the taste and I also understood that taking care of my liquid balance on the mill was very necessary in order to avoid dehydration.

 When the two hours of grueling labour was over and Mommy came to stop the wheel and release me I literally collapsed with exhaustion and had to be supported when taken back to the house and the bath which was waiting for me.

 The hot bath was a blessing but I remained sore and aching all over, and next morning I had trouble getting out of my crib. And when after potty-time I was taken to the shed to exercise I was in a very sorry state, so much that after half-an-hours workout om the mill in the dark shed I had come to the end of my tetterikesän, or so I thought, and made a very stupid mistake and pushed the panic button.

 The wheel stopped immediately and in a few minutes the door behind me opened and granny was there wanting to know what the matter was. She released my head harness so I could plead her to let me off as I was in a very bad shape and could not stand it any longer. Granny did not show any sympathy for my plight. Instead she said in a mock-understanding voice, that if Baby Pansy needed a rest she would let me rest for as long as I wanted before continuing the exercise. This said she proceeded to whip my bare back - I was only wearing a nappy and plastic pants - with the martinet that she had brought with her. It did not take me long to recognize the name of the game and I haastemies to say that I had rested enough and wanted to continue my exercise.

- Oh you can rest a couple of minutes longer, she said, and continued delivering the painful lashes for a while longer, before stopping and refastening the gag, releasing the brake of the wheel and leaving me in darkness to continue my exercise.

 I had learnt an important lesson and struggled to complete my to hours on the mill. As a futher punishment for misusing the panic button I was given twenty strokes with a rubber strap on my bottom each morning for a week before being attached to the treadmill.

 The workout continued to be as agonizing for the next days. But gradually I noted that as my condition improved with the exercise and as my body and limbs got used to the gruelling work I found it easier and easier, and after only a few weeks I began to feel at home on the mill, and to love the sensation that the dil-do inside me gave me.

 Now that the treadmill has become a routine that my exercised body has no difficulties with I have come to love the feeling that the dil-do in my ass gives me while working the mill and feel grateful that my superiors care about keeping me for and healthy and have taken the trouble to provide me with this opportunity.

 The three higlights of my day are now the treadmill time, my  brestfeeding  and the opportunity I have for showing off at potty time. I couldn’t be a happier sissybaby - or so I thought, until you read the next part.



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Re: Becoming a better sissybaby
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2019, 11:52:23 PM »
looking forward to the next part, us sissy babies have to be ready for anything mummy and daddy and  for that matter grannies and aunties might have instore for us.


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Becoming a better sissybaby part 4
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2019, 03:58:00 AM »
- Pansy, say hello to Jolie, Jolie say hello to Pansy.

 These were the words which introduced me to the biggest change ever in my sissybaby life. While I had for some time sense that something which would greatly affect my life in our household was in the air, but the adults had been careful not to give me any clue as to what it would be.

 So those words above were the first ones to give the game away as all the adults of the house and a lady I remember seeing as a visitor in our house had gathered tohether to bring this beautiful sissybaby they said was Jolie to greet me in my nursery. The visiting lady, I later learned, had been Jolie’s mistress Mommy for many years but now had to move permanently abroud and was unable to take Jolie with her. Fortunately my Mommy and daddy had agreed to adopt her.

 -you two will now be each others closests and dearest friends and you will never be separated.

  And so it was, although one could not know in advance how it would actually work out. It was like taking two cats unlkown to each other into the house. They might be more like cat and dog to each other, fighting and jealous of each other, or they could really become a loving pair.

 Fortunately with Jolie and me it worked in the latter way. We had never before seen each other or even heard about the other part, but we took an immeadiate liking ro each other. It took some time for us to learn each others history, and this was not made easier by our difficulties in communicating, as I had a toothless sissy mouth and a teething ring attached to my tongue. While Jolie still had her teeth intact - and a lovely sight they were - she also has a red rubber ball attached to the top of her tongue, which I discovered at the very beginning when after our introduction we were told to great each other with a long drawn-out and drooly sissykiss.

 It didn’t take long for us to start understanding each other despite our speech impedements. We actually developed a kind of babytalk patois between us which we understood and which we noted the adults around us didn’t always do, to our amusement.

 We were told that henceforth we would fully share everything as sissybabies, but we were not identical sissies, as we would discover. While I was shaved bald - although at the time of our introduction I had not for some reason had mubhar sheared for some weeks - Jolie had a wonderful yellow long and flowing hair. While I was dressed in one of my frilliest sissygirl outfits - I no longer had anything else in my wadrobe - Jolie was dressed in a creamy sissyblouse and little blue velveteen sissypants leaving her evidently wet nappy and pale blue plastic pants clearly visible. She also had a snug plastic collar like mine on her neck, but hers was pale blue whereas mine was pink.

 But the biggest difference was revealed when in preparation for our evening feed a second high chair identical to mine was carried into the nursery and we had our nappies and plastic pants removed in order to be seated on our potties in the chairs. Only now did I see that Jolie had no pee pee like I did, but instead what was clearly a female pussy with a totally depilated crotch area. To be sure her pussy was shut with two sturdy looking steel rings through the labia lips which were locked together. She was also fitted with a tight belt from the front of which ran a chain between the rings to the back of the belt. I could only wonder how it sitimulated her whenever she moved.

 I also noticed that there was one larger a few cms wide link in her tight chain which was strategically placed so that it left her clitty free. I was immediately roused by the thought of enclosing that meaty teat in my sissymouth for licking, suc-king and gnawing with my sissy gums. Maybe that could come about some day!

 Adding to my confusion was the fact that she wore no bra or had no tits, or rather that they were much more smaller and modest than mine. My tits were now always encased in a training bra, either cloth ones or in a plastic which was matched to fit in the nursery print or other motifs to match my plastic pants. Her tits were marked with the text BABY JOLIE which I first thought were tattoos but on closer inspection proved to be brandings. It gave me a frisson to imagine being branded in the same way.

 We were told that henceforth we would be sharing all the sissybaby things in our lives. And so it was to be, beginning with our potty times. In the morning and evening we would be put on our potties and when either of us needed to ask for the potty during the day we would both be put on them for our poopies.

 But there was a new twist to our potty rules, because from now on we would no longer have our bottoms wiped clean by an adult but would be wiping each others bums with baby wipes (of course an adult would always supervise this to see that it was done properly). This was a bit more challenging for me then for Jolie as I would also have to take care that the chain running between her bottom cheeks, where there was a larger round link at the back to allow shitting, was also properly cleaned.

 We would also be sharing our exercise, so every morning we were fastened side-by-side to the treadmill for a two hour workout. Jolie was fortunately very fit and athletic, she was about my size and would surely have wrestled me to the ground if that situation ever rose. She enjoyed the exercise right from the beginning with the dil-do in her backside - locked to her crotch chain -  giving her the same kind of thrill that I had come to enjoy.

 Our exercise over we were unfastened and our dil-does removed. The novelty now was that we were given each others dil-do to clean with our mouths. The first time this was done I made the mistake of hesitating a few seconds too long earning both of us a sound paddling and some corner time with a bar of soap in our mouths. Once again I learned my lession and took my cue next day from Jolie who approached the given task as enthousiasticly as a five year old presented with a chocolate icecream cone.

We also shared our daily breast-feeding session with out wetnurse. She was adequatly endowned to feed two big babies simultaneously. For our dessert she alternated straddling our faces each day but she thoughtfully provided a babybottle of her piss for the one which who didn’t get the live stream that day.

We shared a new large crib for the night of course, safely fastened in our nappies and plastic rompers, pink for me, pale blue for her. We could kiss, hug cuddle and rub ourselves against each other, but that was it.

 We shared the same hairdresser and haircut. I had hoped that I would forego the headshave as my hair had been left untouched for several weeks, but it turned out that this was only temporary so that we could have the same hairdo. When this was done to us our heads were shaved bald save for a big tuft of hair on the top of our heads that was left to sprout out of the new plastic bonnets we were given -  transparent pink for me, transparent blue for Jolie - and which had a zipper at the back which when fastened left a hole through which the tuft of hair was drawn and  then tied with a plastic ribbon and left in the open to all and sundry to admire.

 And obviously we shared our punishments as well. This meant that regardeless of who had been the miscreant we would both be punished in exactly the same way. This lead at first to a dramatic increase in my spankings, which over time had come down to only a couple or so a week. Not because Jolie wasn’t as docile and obediant as I was, but it took some time for her to become familiar with all the rules and requirements of our house which she inadvertedly broke in the beginning.

 More serious were the punishments brought about by her initial lack of potty training. So we had to suffer many a hard spanking with the martinet or prison strap and spend hours kneeling at the desk in the closet writing our punishment lines for the mess she made in her nappy, before she learned to ask for the potty in time - both of us were totally pee incontinent, but that was no problem.

 Fortunately Jolie was a clever baby and learned the potty rules soon enough, save for the odd poopy accident from time to time. She also become to enjoy our potty time as much as I did, and she made a point of being a highly visible and audible presence during potty time. On advantage she had over me was that she was much more adapt at passing wind noisily on the potty, and she took an impish delight in loudly farting on front of the adults looking on.


To be continued in Part 5; a sissy wedding


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