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Re: A visit to Nana's by kay3070
« Reply #49 on: February 01, 2019, 05:16:27 PM »
 A visit to Nana's by kay3070. part 50
September 14, 2016

Hiya! Finally got there - so sorry for the extra long delay this time everybody. Just been so hectic but I got the chance to write over this last week so here's two more chapters for you. :)
  Okay, we all know what Pansy has to do but the question is who's will it be?....
  Thank you for reading.  :)

 I couldn't believe what I'd just heard! It was a good job I was chained down to that cage or I'd have probably fallen off it. Yet, even whilst under the threat of having to take a coc-k in my mouth, I was still in a highly aroused state. I knew there was no way around this, if I rebelled again it was only going to get worse and I'd more then likely end up having to do it anyway - the only question left was who's coc-k was it going to be?
  Without a word, Angela hopped down from the table top and went off to get cleaned up. As I watched her disappear through the door I felt Mrs Cartwright uncuff my ankles, then waited as she came around either side of me in turn and released my wrists. I immediately stood back up, raising myself gently so my back didn't protest at the sudden movement after being bent double for so long. As I came upright, the first thing I felt was a very odd sensation in my rear end - it felt much wider then it should be (hardly surprising really!) but also the motion of standing created a feeling of everything trying to pull back and assume it's normal shape - after what I'd just been through, I'd say that might take a while.
  Mrs Cartwright quickly took hold of me and we walked the length of the cage. Just as we reached it's far end, Annie was helping Sissy to climb back out. We waited until he himself was standing only a foot or two from me. I really wasn't sure what to feel for the guy right now - a couple of hours ago he was just a fellow prisoner of these dominant women that I felt complete sympathy for but right at that second I didn't know what to think. I mean how was I meant to look at a guy that had just been licking my coc-k? As it happens, he saved me the trouble of finding out by keeping his eyes down - at first I thought it was the shame of what he'd had to do until I realised he was just staring intently at my own erection - I guess he wasn't as forced into it as I presumed. Mrs Cartwright must have been reading my mind because she suddenly said:
 "I wouldn't worry about Sissy too much if I were you Pansy, he was suc-king coc-k before he ever came to us. Not that he would admit it of course - lying to his Mother then walking out and acting like a lout to prove his masculinity - we've soon cured him of those ills."
 Oh well, that explains that then - no wonder he had displayed that calm acceptance earlier on, lucky for him I guess. I felt our leading lady tug on my arm and knew that brief interlude was over. Annie followed suit with Sissy and we both found ourselves walked up to where Tammy was still held fast in that most inventive of seats. As we halted, I heard the clicking of heels and Andrea came into view.
 "Well Amelia, how are we going to do this?"
 "Would you mind us using Tammy here?"
 "Of course not, make use of him as you will - I always do."
 "Jolly good. In that case, I think we should have Pansy should suc-k Tammy's coc-k."
 "That's perfectly fine by me dearest - after that little show, I'm sure Tammy could do with a good milking anyway and it will save me the bother. Your other boy here looks as if he needs some relief too."
 "Hmmm! That he does. Well, seeing as he's been so good today then why not have Tammy suc-k Sissy's coc-k whilst Pansy is taking care of his."
 "Sounds perfect - you'll want this all on film I take it?"
 "Naturally my dear. Should we take Tammy out of the chair?"
 "Oh no, let him stay where he is - that vibrator up his bottom will do him no end of good whilst he's partaking of a little coc-k. I'd better remove his chastity device of course."
 "You set up the camera my dear, I can be doing that - by the looks of him, he's about to burst out of it anyway."
That caused a ripple of laughter from all the woman at Tammy's expense. Mind you, as Mrs Cartwright lent forward reaching towards his groin, I could see that their humorous remark wasn't too far from the truth. Poor Tammy sat there with real pain in his eyes and a coc-k that had nearly turned purple from straining against it's imprisonment. Using a key that Andrea had passed her only seconds before, Mrs Cartwright began to set Tammy's most intimate parts free. She undid the little lock, then followed by gently removing the rings from around his scrotum and the plastic shaft. As soon as she did, Tammy's coc-k sprang up into a rigid if very battered erection. The dominant woman gripped his coc-k and masturbated him for several seconds to get the blood flowing properly. After letting go, she straightened up and took hold of the tube hanging from the plug in his mouth. As she released the pressure, a look of pure relief flowed over Tammy's face - he opened his jaw, allowing her to slide the gag out. A mass of spittle followed as the tip cleared his teeth, causing Tammy to swallow the second it was past. He then worked his Jaw a few times and went back to being still - well, as still as you can be with a huge length of vibrating silicone wedged between your bottom cheeks.
 To one side, I noticed Andrea place down the tripod and adjust the camera before saying "Ready to role."
 "Thank you my dear." Mrs Cartwright then turned to me "I'd say we aught to start with you Pansy - just to let you get the hang on of it. Now get down on your knees boy!"
 Even though I knew I had no choice at all, my body refused to respond and I stood there gaping at Mrs Cartwright like an idiot - much to her immediate annoyance. She grabbed my face once again and through gritted teeth spoke with utter menace:
 "You either get down on your knees right now or you'll get the largest strap-on I have...and don't think it will nice and gentle this time, I'll pound your little sissy bottom like a jack hammer!!!"
 "Why not have Tammy do it?"
 Mrs Cartwright looked over my head at her old friend and with a complete change of voice said "Oh, good thinking Andrea - That would make a fine alternative. Normally, I'd have Felicity to take care of such actions but seeing as he isn't here then Tammy would do admirably."
 "That's what I thought. Anyway, the offer is there so it's your choice Amelia...or We should say Pansy's."
Mrs Cartwright turned her eyes back to me with a terrifying smile across her face.
 "Well Pansy? What's it to be... are you going to do as I tell you or shall we chain you back down and let Tammy put his coc-k up your bottom so he can ride you like a horse?"
Oh Christ no! I didn't want any of that! With fear as a motivator I quickly dropped down to the floor ignoring the slight shiver of cold as my stockinged knees made contact.
 "Much better! Now take hold of him with your hand first."
As I reached forward, the whole of my vision was filled with Tammy's boiling hard coc-k - like a purple veined totem pole twitching with a life of it's own. I lightly wrapped my fingers around his shaft and began to softly move my hand up and down.
 "For God's sake, grip it boy!"
Jumping slightly at the sound of her voice, I tightened my fingers around his hungry flesh and kneaded from base to tip. I heard Tammy gasp above me but didn't want to look up - much as I wasn't too thrilled about staring at another man's coc-k whilst masturbating him, it was preferable to seeing the reaction I was causing.
 "That's good Pansy, that's good...now do you remember what you were taught with my strap-on?"
 "Yes Mistress" I replied - I was hardly likely to forget now was I?
 "Well, we'll see then won't we - just watch Tammy for a moment as a reminder." As I lifted my eyes she spoke over my head.
 "Sissy! Move up to the chair."
Without any hesitation what so ever Sissy took a couple of steps forward, placing himself right next to the arm. He took hold of his dress in both hands and raised it out of the way. As I watched, Tammy turned his head with his mouth open as though expecting a spoonful of medicine. He lined himself up then closed his mouth around the head of Sissy's coc-k and began to suc-k - bobbing his head back and forth whilst working his cheeks.
 "Hmmm! Didn't expect him to dive straight on it!"
 "Oh, he's a greedy little sissy when it comes to having coc-ks in his mouth" remarked Andrea from behind the camera.
 "Obviously! Oh well, full marks for enthusiasm."
A general dose of laughter at her reply flooded the room, she let this die down then returned her attention to me.
 "Now, don't you do that as of yet Pansy - I want you to use your tongue just as you did with the dil-do."
Oh hell - this was it! I let go and rested my hand onto Tammy's thigh, took a huge breath then lent forward. The purple head of his coc-k eclipsed everything else as I parted my lips and held out my tongue. I hadn't even realised I was holding that breath until I felt my tongue lightly touch warm flesh. The second it did, Tammy's coc-k gave a mighty jerk upwards, almost colliding with my nose.
 "Keep hold of it you stupid sissy!"
How the hell was I to know it was going to do that! My only experience of touching the things was playing with my own. Still, I wasn't daft enough to say so. I quickly adjusted my balance, brought my hand back across and gripped the base. With his coc-k now held firm, I went in for my second attempt. As I began to flick my tongue all around the head, I braced myself in readiness expecting my mouth to fill with it's taste but was surprised to find that apart from a light saltiness, there was little else.
 "That's it Pansy - pay attention to the urethra."
I moved the tip of my tongue towards the centre, quickly finding the little opening and pushed at it in a circular motion causing Tammy to jerk his hips in response. It was only a slight movement on his part for obvious reasons yet I still didn't want to imagine what his rear end felt like as he did it. I snapped my eyes upward for a moment only to see Sissy almost rocking where he stood - his eyes closed as he moaned in ecstasy. Almost the entire length of his coc-k was now past Tammy's lips - Christ! It's a wonder he didn't choke but no, he just kept moving his head faster and faster whilst giving out his own muffled sounds of pleasure.
 "Never mind what they're doing! If you haven't got enough to do yourself then I think its time you took it into your mouth - now get on with it!"


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Re: A visit to Nana's by kay3070
« Reply #50 on: February 01, 2019, 05:22:18 PM »

With a sense of damnation, I took the final plunge. I opened my jaw wide and enveloped the first inch or so, sealing my lips around his hard flesh. I pulled in my cheeks at the same time as wrapping my tongue around the underside and was immediately hit with the stronger taste I had expected before. My throat gagged in reflex yet I held on and began to suc-k. As my lips slid down the shaft I could feel some small trembling through the length of his coc-k from the huge vibrator buzzing away up his bottom. I rose again to the very top, just keeping the gland in my mouth whilst working the urethra with my tongue before suc-king my cheeks inward to go down once again. I quickly fell into an easy rhythm, pumping my head whilst slowly using my hand on the lower part of the shaft.
 "That's much better Pansy but don't be so rigid in your movement - think of a nice stick of rock that you want every drop of flavour from"
Oh Great! that's just put me off seaside treats for the rest of my life! Not to mention that there's a huge difference between a peppermint sweet and a slightly bruised coc-k. Still, I did my best to endeavour at my task. I changed the pattern of my motion but found that I could only take the first 2 - 3 inches before the end of his coc-k hit the back of my throat. Every time it did I had to resist the urge to gag so decided to concentrate on the top. As I drew back up it's length, I rose until the gland was almost out of my mouth, pursing my lips over the urethra before plunging back down again and again. My concentration was slightly broken when I suddenly heard Sissy's cries of pleasure rise in pitch. I raised my eyes just as he began to climax - my vision filled with the sight of his coc-k completely buried in Tammy's mouth and Tammy's adam's apple rising up and down as he swallowed the c-um that was shooting down his throat. Oh Christ! I hadn't even thought of that! I hoped that they didn't expect me to do the same as I was likely to throw up on the first spurt - and God only knows what would happen to me if I did. Thankfully Mrs Cartwright said one of the few things I was grateful for that day.
 "Don't worry Pansy, we won't expect you to swallow on your first time - just pull back and masturbate him as he c-ums."
I felt a profound sense of relief on hearing this and after watching Sissy visibly relax his whole body and withdraw from Tammy's mouth I dropped my eyes and continued to suc-k and lick for all I was worth. As I bobbed my head up and down with renewed vigour I felt his coc-k become more swollen and an indescribable but familiar taste hit my tongue - I remembered the neither sweet nor savoury flavour from when Angela had shoved my c-ummy dummy into my mouth and knew that it was pre-c-um. As odd a sensation as it was, it told me at least that my task was nearly at an end. His mouth now free of Sissy's coc-k, Tammy's vocalising of his ecstasy rose in volume. Within moments, his coc-k grew with that extra hardness, scraping the roof of my mouth on it's own as he approached orgasm. I pulled back to move out of the way only to find that I was stopped short. Mrs Cartwright placed both of her hands onto the back of my bonnet and shoved my face back down until it was only a couple of inches from his boiling coc-k. As I watched, hot c-um erupted from it's tip and hit me across my cheek. I stopped all hand movement in shock but it didn't stop the onslaught. I closed my eyes as thick white c-um splattered all over my face, covering everywhere from my chin to my forehead as it continued to spurt and spurt. It felt like I was drowning in warm paste. After what had to be the most unreal thirty seconds of my life Tammy's cries faded down to a drawn out sigh as his climax was spent.
 "My goodness! What an amount of sissy juice."
 "I told you he badly needed milking Amelia" replied Andrea with a smirk at Tammy.
 "Oh I'm not complaining my dear - it's all the better for the next photograph. Speaking of which, we aught to hurry before it runs."
Still reeling from my latest ordeal, I gave no resistance as Mrs Cartwright took hold of my shoulders and turned me away from the chair whilst I remained on my knees. My arms were tugged behind my back and what felt like thick ribbon was used to bind my wrists. She paused for a second, obviously not completely happy with my position then decided to wrap the two trailing ends around my ankles - leaving me in a very effective kneeling hog tie.
 "Head up Pansy!"
I raised my chin only to be blinded by the flash of the camera. Andrea had lent in very close to make sure every detail of my humiliation was captured on film. She took several more pictures of my c-um splattered face then stepped back to obtain several wider shots, moving around me to record my bondage as well.
 "All done my dear?"
 "Absolutely perfect Amelia - there'll be no doubt at all about what he has across his face...nor how it got there for that matter."
 "Jolly good! Well, I think we are nearly done then. Let's have him cleaned up - I don't want any of that dribbling onto his dress."
My complete relief at hearing those words was cut rather short when I heard a very loud giggle - I hadn't even noticed that Angela had returned. Angela bent down so she was level with my face before grabbing hold of both sides of my bonnet and lightly shaking it's brim.
 "Awwwwwww - look at the messy wikkle baby!"
I just stared at her blankly as she continued to giggle and amuse herself with my humiliation.
 "Has poor wikkle Pansy got spurties all over his pwetty face?"
I wasn't sure whether to answer or not but soon found out when she slapped me across my thigh.
 "I just asked you a question Pansy!!!"
As much as I really didn't want to open my mouth right at that second, I figured I'd better answer and get it over with - the sooner I did, the sooner I'd get cleaned up. The c-um was already beginning to soften from the heat of my skin and I didn't want to know what might happen if any of it hit my dress.
 "Yes Nanny Angela, I've got spurties all over my face."
 "Well, that must make you a naughty little sissy coc-k suc-ker then - so I think you'd better tell everybody what you are..."
 "I'm a naughty little sissy coc-k suc-ker Nanny Angela."
 "Louder Pansy, so we can all hear you."
I took a deep breath and almost shouted in response.
 "I'm a naughty little sissy coc-k suc-ker Nanny Angela!"
 "You most certainly are Pansy" Mrs Cartwright chimed in from behind "...and don't think that it will be the only time. You'll be suc-king coc-k just as regularly as you suc-k your dummy."
 With that terrifying revelation in my mind I watched as Angela smiled at our leading lady then moved away - only to be replaced by Nana.
 "Right my lad, it's wash time then back into a nappy and plastic pants for you."
I sat patiently as Nana produced a bowl of water with a damp cloth and wiped every drop of Tammy's c-um from my face. God, what a relief that was - although even when she had finished I still felt sticky but I guess that was just down to me. I was quite surprised when she lifted up a bottle of make up remover.
 "Your make over has survived pretty well all things considered Pansy but it still needs to come off. After all, we need your face on show for when we leave - can't have people not recognising you now can we?"
Nana chuckled at her own remark whilst up-ending the bottle onto some cotton wool then began to strip me of my painted features. I had to sit there, eye shut tight as Nana scrubbed away - seeming to pull my skin one way then the other in order to get the heavy duty make up off. She finished by rinsing my face with warm water and soap once again then stood back up with a satisfied look.
 "There, that's better - now they'll be no mistaking you. Right, it's time for you to be nappied again for the journey home."
Nana moved behind and untied me before leading me back across to the changing table. Sat waiting for me was a fresh terry nappy already laid out. I climbed on up and laid there as Nana lifted my dress to reveal my still incredibly hard coc-k.
 "Don't you need to wash that cream off before you pin him into his nappy?"
 "Oh no Angela, we don't need to worry about that - it will wear off in about another hour anyway. In the meantime, I think it will do him good to be walked through the Mall with a bulge in the front of his nappy - just to show everybody what a little sissy he truly is."
 "Oh I like that" replied the pretty girl with her usual laugh. Nana smiled her way then folded the terry cloth and around me. I seriously did panic when she slid those huge nappy pins through right next to my hard coc-k but Nana knew what she was doing. Once it was securely in place, Nana tugged a pair of pink plastic pants up my legs and settled them over my nappy. As I stood up, I heard Mary:
 "We'll set off then Nana and fetch the car - we'll meet you in the Mall parking lot."
 "Right you are Mary, we'll see you when we get there."
Oh thank heaven! We were heading back in the car! The other nice thing was that there was a car park just next to the rear entrance, which was only one block of shops to the right of this studio itself. It was a small mercy after everything today but I would willingly take it.
 "Okay then, time to be off. Are you alright for getting home Mrs Cartwright?"
 "Oh yes Nana - all arranged but thank you for asking. I'll just ring through when I need the car."
 "Not a problem deary. Are you coming with us Angela?"
 "Yes please - if you don't mind?"
 "Of course not lovey - here, you can help me strap Pansy into his reins"
 Angela jumped at the chance and very quickly I found myself locked back into those humiliating baby reins. I was left to stand there whilst the ladies said their goodbyes before Nana took hold of the leads and we headed out of the studio. We passed back through the reception where that same pretty girl was behind the counter. She said her own farewells to Nana and Angela but only laughed in my direction. I couldn't help but notice that her eyes drifted straight down to the bulge in the front of my nappy, causing her to burst out laughing once again. Nana made me stand there for a minute or so, enjoying the fact that my now clean cheeks were burning bright red with the added embarrassment then turned to Angela.
 "Would you like to walk him out dearest?"
 "Would I ever! Thank you Nana."
 "You're welcome Angela" Nana replied then turned my way "Now listen to me Pansy - you'd better behave yourself for Angela. One false move and that nappy will come off then we'll both spank your bare bottom in the middle of the street - do you understand?"
Of course I did! - it wasn't as if it would be the first time now would it? - but all I answered was a meek "Yes Nana."
 "Good - you just remember that. Come along."
Nana opened the shop door and we filed out. I immediately turned to the right but was halted with a tug of the reins.
 "Where do you think you're going?"
I stood there bewildered, looking at the Mall entrance that was no more then a few shops away.
 "Oh, you thought we were heading out of that door did you? Oh no my lad - Mary and Janis are meeting us in the far parking lot on the other side. We need to going this way, right back through the entire mall. We'll take a nice slow walk, they should be there by then."
 Why was I not surprised in the least! With a flick of the reins we set off at a snails pace and headed back into the multitude of shoppers to entertain them once again. The one thing I was sure of was that I would be damn lucky if we got even half way there without my bare bottom ending up as red as the cheeks on my face.


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Re: A visit to Nana's by kay3070
« Reply #51 on: February 01, 2019, 05:24:41 PM »
 A visit to Nana's. part 52
October 28, 2016

Hiya! Two more chapters at the ready. Sorry for my lateness once again but just down to personal circ-umstance.
   Okay, we rejoin Nana and Angela just after leaving the photo session and are subjecting Pansy to another humiliating walk - but will he even make it out of the Mall before he is in trouble and just who might he meet?....
   Thanks for waiting everybody, happy reading. :)

  With the lateness of the day the Mall wasn't quite as packed as it had been on the way in but still, there was more then enough of a crowd for my embarrassment to know no difference. My ears were assaulted with everything from whistles and cat calls to outright insults on my manliness - Christ, it's a good job they didn't know exactly what I'd been made to do all afternoon! The fact that I could still taste Tammy's coc-k certainly didn't help my mood. Under a barrage of humiliating comments from every side, I dropped my head in an attempt to stare at my feet but Nana was having none of that. With a jerk of the reins from Angela, we came to a dead stop before Nana was straight round and in my face:
 "Pansy!!! What have I told you about walking with your head down hmmm?"
She stood there with her hands on her hips, scowling at me. With my dummy firmly wedged in my mouth, I wasn't sure whether to speak or not - it didn't matter as Nana carried on regardless:
 "You're trying our patience my lad! I think you need a little incentive to keep you in line - lift up your dress!"
With a slump of my shoulders, I gripped the befrilled hem of my flouncy frock and raised both arms - putting my nappy and plastic pants on display even more then they already were.
 "That's better - you can walk the rest of the way to the car like that - to show everybody that you're a little sissy that has to wear nappies. Now, let's get moving... and mark my words, if I have to tell you again then that spanking won't be just a threat - I'll have your nappy off and you'll go over my knee right where you stand!"
 Nana's brief but humiliating tirade had attracted the attention of even more shoppers who now howled with laughter at the spectacle I made. Having to walk exposing my nappy and plastic pants was bad enough but with the obvious bulge from my still hard coc-k, my now un-painted face burned bright scarlet. It wasn't just that though - it was being made to walk like this in the first place - an act that told every single passer-by my exact position under the dominance of these two women.
 My God, we really did travel at the slowest pace imaginable and to make matters worse Nana and Angela had to stop at what seemed every other store to do a little window shopping. Each time the same, whilst they idly chatted about whatever had taken up their attention, I was made to stand facing the crowd.
  This 'done on purpose' behaviour continued all the way through the entire complex but it was when we were only a couple of blocks from the exit that everything went pear shaped. The two of them had halted once again to take in the contents of yet another shop window when, for the second time that day, I heard a voice that I really didn't want to.
 "Hello Brother dear."
Oh no! Vicky!!! My eyes snapped to the side to see not only my sister approaching but she was with two of her mates - all with big grins plastered across their faces. Of course that caused Nana and Angela to turn straight around - I knew no help would come from that quarter. In fact it was safe to say that they wouldn't pass up this chance to add to my humiliation. Nana immediately reached around and took out my dummy.
 "Don't be rude Pansy - say hello to your sister."
I stood there with my dress still held high and sullenly said "Hello Vicky."
Kerry - the red haired girl on the right suddenly piped up:
 "Oh my God! you weren't kidding were you!"
 "Told you." answered Vicky with a triumphant look in my direction. Yes, of course she damn well had - I doubted that there wasn't anybody my sister had ever met that she hadn't told about me. I couldn't help but start to become angry.
 Her other friend - a dark haired girl that I remembered was called Nicole - joined in too.
 "Oh wow! - he just looks so pathetic! I knew you said he'd been put back into nappies but this is just too good to be true."
They all just stood there giggling at me with my sister revelling in my humiliation.
 "Just shows how much of a little fairy my brother truly is - I mean what sort of a guy allows himself to be dressed in nappies and baby clothes ... he uses them too!"
 "What???" cried both of her buddies in unison with Kerry adding "You've got to be joking!"
 "Nope, I'm telling ya - he's a proper little baby pee pants ... isn't that right Nana?"
With amusement in her voice, Nana replied "Well yes - but I think he can tell you that himself" she turned to me "Come on Pansy - remember what you told everybody on the bus."
I stared daggers at Vicky then through nearly gritted teeth reluctantly said out loud:
 "I'm a naughty little sissy boy that wets his nappy."
The girls feel apart at my confession, with Angela joining in the giggling from behind me. Christ! was I getting mad - I knew I shouldn't do but this was my bloody sister after all. Taken by surprise, I almost jumped back when Nicole moved forward with her hand outstretched.
 "Awwww ... we'd better check the little baby - make sure he hasn't done wee wees."
Oh Christ...here it comes. The second she placed her hand on the front of my plastic pants, Nicole stopped laughing and with an open mouthed look suddenly shouted:
 "Oh my God - I think he's got a stiffy in his nappy!!!"
I swear, not just the three girls but the entire population of the Mall had now zeroed in on the bulge sticking up in the front of my nappy. The laughter seemed to triple around me with the girls at the loudest. Almost in tears of mirth, my sister blurted out:
 "That's nothing he even..." she was laughing so hard she could barely finish her sentence "He even..."
Having just as much difficulty speaking Kerry said "Come on... tell us"
With her voice rising higher in pitch and volume, Vicky finally got the words out:
 "...he even c-ums in his nappy!!!"
 They both turned to stare at Vicky, then all three of them roared with laughter, nearly having to hang on to each other to stay standing. That was it!!! My temper got the better of me and in humiliated fury I suddenly shouted:
 "Shut up Vicky - why do you always have to be such a bitch!!!"
 The hilarity stopped dead - for a second or two, I swear I could hear crickets chirping in the back ground. My sister stood there with an expression somewhere between open mouthed shock and an amused look of triumph - I could practically she 'gotcha!' written in her eyes. I knew the second the words came out of my mouth that this had been her goal all along - to goad me into an outburst and thus a whole sackful of trouble - Nana was never going let that pass - and sure enough, she didn't. She stormed round in front of me and with a finger pointed directly at my face bellowed:
 "Just who do you think your talking to Pansy!!!"
My voice full of regret - not for my sister, I couldn't care less about what I'd said to her but for what I knew was coming next - I meekly uttered "I'm sorry Nana."
 Oh you will be my lad, you're going to be very sorry indeed by the time I've finished with you. I warned you and I warned you Pansy but obviously it wasn't enough. You know what's going to happen now don't you?"
 "Yes Nana"
 "Well...come on, out with it..."
 "I'm going to get a spanking Nana."
 "That's right - a bare bottom spanking, just as you deserve. Now come over here!"
As Nana grabbed my arm, I took one more look at my sister - she was grinning from ear to ear, her eyes wide with expectation and a look that said 'yeeesssss!' If looks could kill, she'd have dropped dead right where she stood but my narrow eyed stare did little more then add to her victory - she'd put me in exactly the position she had planned on and now I was going to pay the price. Nana dragged me over to the centre of the aisle - finding the most visible bench to the general public. Moving her hand to my wrist, she sat down and turned me to face her. She put my dummy back into my mouth then said loudly:
 "Right my lad, let's have this nappy and plastic pants down."
She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of my plastic pants and very slowly eased them over my nappy. Once they were free of my hips, she pulled with greater force, lowering them down to my knees. Without touching the pins, she tucked her fingers into the front of my nappy, pulling it away from me then ran her hands to either side and yanked it down. I cringed as my hard coc-k was exposed to the air - causing even more hilarity from the girls, not to mention the crowd that was gathering around us. Nana slapped my thigh for good measure whilst saying:
 "Stop being so stupid Pansy, we've all seen one of those before - now bend over my knee!"
Seen one they might have - but it wasn't mine they'd gaped at before! My face burning with embarrassment, I lowered myself down onto Nana's lap, balancing on my palms with my legs stretched out. Nana lifted up the back of my dress, then laid one hand squarely in the middle of my back before saying:
 "Well, it looks as though you're going to get the flat of my hand Pansy - I'd have preferred the paddle but that's in Janis's bag"
 "Would this do Nana?"
I flicked my eyes to the right and found that Vicky had retrieved a very large wooden backed hair brush from her own shoulder bag. I recognised it immediately, it was Mum's old one - the same one she had used to punish me when I was a child. That Vicky was carrying it was of no surprise - actually, I was beginning to think that this whole meeting had been set up. Nana could easily have arranged for her to be in the Mall, just waiting for me to put myself right in it as usual!
 "Oh yes deary - that will certainly do the job, thank you Vicky."
"My pleasure" replied my sister sweetly whilst smirking down at me.
 As Nana took the offered instrument, I turned my face back down - I knew I would be in tears very shortly (especially with that hard brush!) and didn't want my sister staring me straight in the face - this was going to be bad enough as it was without watching her smug features. I felt the shift in Nana's position as the brush went up into the air and steeled myself...


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Re: A visit to Nana's by kay3070
« Reply #52 on: February 01, 2019, 05:26:18 PM »

The sound of wood striking the bare flesh of my bottom cheeks echoed through the building as the stroke hit home. Had it been my first spanking of the day then I might have been able to keep silent - at least for now - but the pounding of my already battered bottom caused me to cry out from around my dummy. Ignoring my agony completely, Nana went in for the second.
Fire raged across both cheeks and I immediately felt my bottom lip start to quiver. Her rhythm gained, Nana began to speed up and laid into my rear end without mercy. In no more then a few strokes I was snivelling like a small child but she wasn't going to let me off with a mild spanking this time. The blows kept raining down as she took her own anger out upon me. The gathering around us hooted and cheered as my bare bottom became redder and redder - some shouting encouragement whilst others just laughed themselves silly. Once again, I didn't want to even think of the amount of mobile phones or tablets that were recording my punishment.
 Finally, she relented and with satisfied sigh she placed the brush down on the seat. I laid there with my bottom throbbing - then got the shock of my life as she said:
 "There - that should have taught you a good lesson. Right, who's wants a go next? Angela?"
I blinked in disbelief! - I'd thought it was over but it seemed I was the be passed around like a parcel! Then Angela said the one thing that made matters ten times worse.
 "I hate to pass up such fun but shouldn't this one go to Vicky?"
Oh hell no!!! You had to be kidding me! There was no way Vicky was going to refuse. I could hear the delight in her mean little voice as she asked "Can I?"
 "Of course you can dearest, it was you he shouted at after all."
 "Oh this is just awesome." she exclaimed as she all but ran across to the bench.
 "Come on Pansy - up!"
I pushed myself back with my hands and climbed off Nana's knee. Keeping a tight hold on me, Nana stood up to allow Vicky to sit in her place. I stared across and found a look of absolute power in my sister's eyes, with a fair amount of cruelty behind that - this was going to hurt!
 "Get on with it Pansy - you're not waiting for a train!"
As slowly as I could manage, I lowered my body down once again but found it difficult to balance.
 "Drop your knees a little bit Vicky, he needs to be flat across the top of your thighs."
 "Oh, sorry" Vicky replied and shifted her position.
 "That's alright lovey, it's just that you want his weight down so you can give a good stroke - it isn't as hard otherwise."
 "We can't be having that can we" said Vicky with a laugh. I felt her raise the back of my dress then jolted as she lightly rubbed my stinging bottom.
 "My oh my brother dear - that does look nice and sore...but not sore enough!!!"
With that she snatched up the brush and began to furiously lay into my exposed bottom. There was no finesse, she just went at it like a woman possessed. Christ! It was terrible - my head came up as I lost the grip on my dummy and screamed out loud, bawling like a baby in seconds. This seemed to spur her on, causing her to redouble her efforts - pounding me like there was no tomorrow. I couldn't stay still and literally kicked my legs without even realising I was doing it. Within what must have been only a minute or two but seemed far longer, she stopped - breathing deeply in her own exhaustion. Through a red haze of pain I heard Nana say "I think that should take care of it Vicky - well done."
 "Oh, thank you - phewww! that's harder work that it looks."
 "I'm not surprised" replied Nana and the whole group burst out laughing. "Better let him up though now deary"
I went to raise my body off her lap but just as I started, Vicky lent in close to my ear and softly said:
 "Just think little brother, once you get home I'll be able to do that every single day."
Now there was something to look forward to I'm sure! I wisely ignored her goading this time and stood up, still snivelling to myself.
 "Well, that's made him a bit limp!" Angela giggled whilst pointing straight at my groin. Sure enough it had - my rock hard coc-k had finally gone down. It didn't make much difference though, I was embarrassed enough as it was standing in the middle of a shopping Mall with no nappy on but Nana had to make it worse.
 "My goodness! Just look at that bottom - what a rosy glow!"
That brought another round of hilarity at my expense - and not just from the girls but the entire crowd, not surprising  because she'd said it loud enough for anybody even stood in the car park to hear! I cringed where I stood, hoping Nana would soon put me back into my nappy and plastic pants but she had other ideas.
 "In fact I'd say that it's far too good a colour to cover up."
Oh hell no!
Angela burst out laughing then said "Are we going to make him walk all the way to the car with no nappy?"
 "Yes, I think we should, are you okay with that Angela?"
 "I'm game for it - but..erm...is it okay to be marching him around with his coc-k out?"
 "Oh don't worry, I've got that covered." Nana reached into the pocket of her dress and with an ominous tinkling sound, brought out something the like of which I had never seen. It was shaped sort of like an over-all condom but was made of baby pink satin. At the base of the shaft, it had a frill of white lace with another one surrounding the elasticated opening on the more bulbous section at other end. But it was it's last feature that would ensure maximum humiliation because right on the very tip there hung a tiny little round bell. It was immediately obvious where it was shaped to fit.
 "Oh my God - what the hell is that?" cried Vicky through a huge grin.
 "It's called an intimate cover - perfect for when you want to keep their naughty little bottoms on show without having their coc-ks swinging about." Nana turned to me "Right Pansy, get yourself over here."
Cheeks scarlet with embarrassment, I stepped over to Nana. She knelt down in front of me and held the elasticated opening wide with her fingers before slipping the entire thing over the shaft of my coc-k, then positioned the wider bit around my scrotum - tucking it all in before letting the elastic pull into place. If that wasn't bad enough, she then produced a length of pink ribbon and tied it in a fat bow about half way down my satin covered coc-k before standing back up.
 "There - now doesn't that look better. Come on Pansy...take a few steps."
I sullenly did as I was told and almost died inside as every tiny movement caused that damn little bell to tinkle away - in reality, it could only have been a very light noise but sounded incredibly loud to my ears. Of course, with with every step I took, the girls were almost wetting themselves with laughter. Nana let this go on for a few minutes before halting me and turning to the others.
 "Right girls, it's time we got moving - Mary and Janis will be wondering where we've got to. Are you coming with us Vicky?"
 "No Nana, we have to get back but thanks all the same. Not that it wouldn't be fun mind you - I do love to see my brother humiliated like this."
 "And so you should" replied Nana "It's nothing less then what he deserves being the little sissy he is. Well, thank you girls for making this an even more entertaining walk back."
 "Oh no...thank you Nana, you've really made our day."
The girls said there goodbyes but before walking away, my sister came straight over to me and said "Bye bye little brother." before giving me one last hard slap across my well battered bottom, causing me to yelp out loud. They then turned and went off, still laughing among themselves. Nana watched them go then turned to me and put my dummy back behind my lips.
 "Right Pansy, let's have you up front and centre - good boy. Now put your hands on your head!"
I raised my arms, placing my hands on the top of my frilly bonnet and locked my fingers together. Angela moved behind me, took up the reins and with a "Now march!" from Nana we set off once again. Christ! If I'd thought the journey in was humiliating then it was nothing compared to this. Holding hands with Sissy barely compared to being made to walk through a busy crowd with not only my well spanked bottom on display but this damn thing on my coc-k ringing like a sleigh bell with every step. The jeers from the shoppers just got louder and louder.
"Ha! look at him - I think he needs a tinkle!"
"Oh my word! - has baby had a smacked bottie then?"
"What a little fairy - fancy walking around with that on your bits!"
Filled with shame, I kept my eyes straight ahead and was soon rewarded with the sight of the Mall entrance. At that same snails pace, we headed out of the Mall and across the car park. It came as no shock what so ever to find that Mary and Janis had parked the car in the furthest spot imaginable. Both women were stood outside the vehicle, smiling at our approach.
 "Oh very good Nana - you've got his little coc-k all frilly."
Nana laughed in return saying "Well, I had it with me just in case so it was a shame not to use it."
Mary walked right up to me, took my coc-k between finger and thumb then gave it a shake.
 "Looks like you've got a proper bell end now Pansy" giving everybody but me a real good chuckle. She laughed in my face then let go and opened the car doors. As Mary and Janis took the front seats, I was ushered in the back between Nana and Angela. Nana quickly strapped me into the harness and Mary fired up the engine. Although I was relieved to be in the car and on the way back to Nana's - I was under no illusions that my punishment hadn't ended for the day just yet.

Baby Mac

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Re: A visit to Nana's by kay3070
« Reply #53 on: March 14, 2019, 09:07:08 PM »
Oh do please continue!


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Re: A visit to Nana's by kay3070
« Reply #54 on: April 24, 2019, 01:46:34 AM »
Just finished reading this story again i do hope it will be continued please.


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Re: A visit to Nana's by kay3070
« Reply #55 on: April 27, 2019, 11:22:26 AM »
Please, do continue!!


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