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Author Topic: Another Summer Day  (Read 5095 times)

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Baby Bobby

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Another Summer Day
« on: August 06, 2024, 11:25:02 AM »
Note to the reader: this is the sequel to One Summer day.

Francis sat in the sandbox, fidgeting and shifting his weight from one side to the other as he squirmed in place.

The urge to pee had been growing stronger and stronger with every passing minute, and he had been putting off the act of getting up and going inside to tell his babysitter, Gina, of his need.
To Francis, the vast construction project he was working on was far too important to be interrupted by a mere bathroom break. So he struggled and fidgeted uncomfortably, fighting the implacable forces of nature in an epic conflict that was doomed to failure.

The sunny summer sun shone down warmly on his vast array of Tonka trucks, arrayed before him with careful logic and purpose. He was deep in the planning stages of a four lane highway and his concentration was being annoyingly distracted by his growing need to pee. Another strong wave struck him, and he winced as he bit his lip, determined to hold out just a little bit longer. He knelt forward to move an imposing yellow road grader but alas, it proved to be 6 inches too far.

With a strong, irresistible squirt, hot pee sprayed uncontrollably into the thick, soft folds of the multilayered cotton diapers pinned snug around his youthful hips. Francis gasped, and belatedly realized he had lost the gamble.

Crestfallen, he stumbled to his feet and limped awkwardly towards the sliding glass door that opened into the backyard but it proved to be too much for the 12 year-old sissy. A strong flood of pee surged in a torrent behind the first one, quickly soaking the front of his diapers as he stood in place and shook his fists in frustration.

"Oh!" he cried with dismay.

Stamping his feet in place, he looked much like any other incontinent toddler throwing a hissy fit; wearing a short white fleece top with a yellow baby duckling applique on the chest, matching ruffled anklets and white Ked's sneakers, it was an outfit that left his big, bulging diapers clearly on display.

Unable to stem the flow, he continued wetting himself and he felt it pooling in the big, but soft bulk of cloth between his legs before gradually seeping up into his seat.

"Oh--oh!" he squealed again as he danced in place, the all-too familiar, babyish feeling quickly surrounding him as he proceeded to soak his diapers.

There was no rush now, nor was there any point of trying to keep his diapers dry any longer. That mission had failed utterly.
He hadn't wanted to wet his diapers today, he'd only wanted to enjoy the feeling of wearing them for the afternoon, as Gina had allowed him to do the last time he was here.

Francis couldn't explain his interest in diapers and baby wear, he only knew it felt good when he was dressed that way, and to his surprise, he'd discovered his gorgeous babysitter Gina was happy to accommodate him. Besides giving him a sense of safety and security, he also derived a degree of sexual arousal from wearing diapers, despite his tender, prepubescent age. He knew his desires were bizarre and at odds with the norms of society, but he couldn't help the way he felt. And although his feelings were still developing, his recent interest seemed to dovetail with his latest visits to Gina's house.
To be sure, it was unusual that she was so willing to indulge in his bizarre interest to be dressed as a baby, but Francis didn't question her motives--he was only too grateful.

It certainly didn't hurt that she was drop dead gorgeous, with a breathtaking body that she didn't feel particularly compelled to hide under loose clothing. A good portion of Francis' free time at home was spent masturbating to intoxicating visions of Gina, where he would imagine her changing his soft diapers and dressing him up as her baby boy.
And unlike his own mother, Gina never spanked him for wetting his diapers. So he reasoned that while he had tried unsuccessfully to keep them dry today, he had no real reason to be worried. She would simply change him into a fresh, dry set, and he could continue his day as before.

He figured he could be back out in his sandbox, playing with his Tonka trucks inside of five minutes.

Francis sighed as he felt the warm pee saturating the thick seat of his diapers. Briefly, he glanced down between his legs just to make sure there had been no leaks. Fortunately, the snug fitting, brightly colored yellow nursery print plastic panties he was wearing today were well up to the task of containing a thorough soaking of his diapers.

Waddling tentatively onto the back porch, he pushed open the glass sliding door and entered the house. He was about to pass through the dining room and enter the living room when he heard Gina's voice, speaking to what appeared to be someone else in the room.
A wave of panic washed over him as he froze in his tracks but it was too late.

Gina turned to face him, her long, blonde hair framing her pretty face as her crystal blue eyes gazed over at him.

"Oh, hello Francis, come inside and say hi to my friend," she beckoned him.

Somehow thinking his silence would keep his presence a secret, Francis shook his head frantically, pointing nervously at the unseen guest in the other room beyond the corner of the wall.

"Come here Francis," she giggled, "there's no need to hide--Heather has been watching you from the kitchen while you were playing with your trucks."

Francis blushed but he was incapable of resisting Gina's overwhelming force of personality and he slowly stumbled forward into the living room to stand alongside her by the couch.
Too shy to be able to actually look the stranger in the face, Francis glanced up furtively before casting his eyes back down on the ground. In the half second that he had spied her, he nevertheless realized that she was an attractive woman. With long brunette locks, a cute button of a nose and full, luscious lips, she was nearly the equal of Gina.

Francis' cheeks buzzed with shame as he stood there before the two of them, dressed like a bedwetting toddler who had just come in from playtime, albeit, one that was obviously far too old to still be in diapers. He could only wonder what this other woman must think of him—a twelve year-old boy dressed as a baby.

"Francis, did you wet your pampers?" Gina asked pointedly.

The boy shook his head, swallowing hard as he desperately began trying to think of a way to get out of the room.
Casually reaching over, Gina squeezed the thick plastic covered seat of his diapers which elicited an involuntary squeal from the child, followed by the insertion of two of her fingers inside the elastic waistband of his vinyl panties.

"Francis, you are soaked!" she exclaimed, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I-it was j-just an accident," he stammered as his cheeks blushed crimson and tears of shame brimmed in his eyes.
While he enjoyed the unique fantasy of being Gina's baby in the privacy of her home, Francis was completely unprepared to being seen by anyone else. This was absolutely mortifying!

"Well, we'll just change your diapers after lunch, and then it will be naptime," she explained simply to the trembling, embarrassed sissy.

Francis whimpered in protest but Gina was already getting to her feet. If only he had just stayed outside!
She took his hand and led him into the dining room, where a pink and white highchair stood nearby the counter. Removing the serving tray and setting it on the table, Gina easily picked Francis up and placed the helpless, kicking boy into the seat. Before he could respond, she had already clicked the tray back in place, effectively trapping him. The childish smell of pee surrounded him as the warm, soaking wet cloth squished against his bottom inside his diapers.

"I don't wanna eat!" he whined petulantly as he shook his fists.

Taking a baby bottle out of the warmer, Gina quickly pushed it between his pouting lips, effectively silencing the upset boy. His cheeks reddened with shame as Heather came over to look down on him, his babysitter having efficiently ended his tantrum with a nipple. He tried to push the bottle away but Gina simply took a hold of his hands and prevented him from interfering with his nursing.

Heather smiled and the two of them resumed their discussion as if Francis wasn't even there. He was forced to drink the entire bottle of warm milk as he breathed the varied scents surrounding him; Gina's enticing perfume, the babyishly familiar milk flowing uninterrupted through the rubber nipple in his mouth, and the occasional pungent smell of pee wafting up from his wet diapers every time he shifted in his seat. His view was mostly limited to her tremendous breasts and he squirmed in place, thoroughly humiliated and sexually frustrated.

Once he had finished the bottle, Gina removed it and placed it on the tray, going over to the counter to prepare his lunch. Taking several jars of baby food, she emptied them into a multi-partitioned plastic tray and brought it back over to Francis. Picking up a vinyl covered bib she'd put on the table, Gina tied it around Francis' neck. As she smoothed it across his chest, Heather giggled upon reading the light-hearted script in nursery blocks; 'I love diapers'.
With a large pink spoon, Gina ladled a heaping pile of mixed peas and she brought it up to Francis's lips.

"Here you go, sweetie, yummy veggies," she said as she beamed down on the trapped child.

"Mmmm, that looks good," Heather agreed enthusiastically.

Francis shook his head, but Gina gently pinched his nose until he gasped for air.
Quickly, she rewarded him with the big spoonful of peas, spilling a good portion of it on his chin.

"Heather--can you prepare another bottle for him? I have a feeling Francis's going to need some more milk to wash this down."

"Of course," she eagerly agreed.

Francis squirmed in his seat, helpless to stop the assaults of pureed mush that Gina was quickly shoveling into his mouth. In no time at all, his mouth and chin were caked with baby food and Heather was soon forcing him to finish off his second bottle of warmed milk. Swinging his Mary Janes in helpless frustration, he whimpered weakly as another hot surge flooded into his wet diapers again, making him feel more babyish than ever.

Taking a wet washcloth, Gina meticulously cleaned Francis's sloppy face as she beamed down on him.

"Francis, I'm sure if you asked Heather nicely, she would be happy to lend a hand in changing your diapers," she explained.

Francis blushed hotly and looked away.

"Come on now, a baby bedwetter like you needs a fresh set of diapers for nap time," she continued.

That only made Francis blush more furiously and he was now strongly regretting asking his babysitter to play dress up with him today.

"Uh-uh," he whimpered in weak protest.

Gina smiled at her friend.

"He's just a bit shy--aren't you sweetie," she said.

Francis said nothing, swinging his feet and wishing he could get up and out of his highchair.

At last, Gina removed the serving tray and helped him down, taking his hand and leading him back to the nursery. Heather followed the two of them, and Francis grew more nervous as they entered the infantile room and Gina put him down on the changing table. To be sure, his plans for today had badly backfired and he felt both foolish and naive for indulging in his fantasy play.
He wondered anxiously, how many people Heather would tell about the twelve year-old boy she'd met and who's wet diapers she'd helped changed today.

Whimpering helplessly, Francis was on the verge of tears as Gina peeled the clinging wet plastic panties off his diaper and down his smooth legs.

"My, you've really soaked yourself, haven't you?" Heather observed.

Francis bit his lip but said nothing as Gina unpinned his sopping wet diapers and deposited them in the diaper pail next to them. As Francis's tiny little package came into view, Heather giggled, and he fought back bitter tears of shame. Nevertheless, Gina took her time, cleaning his bottom and unimpressive crotch before sliding a tall stack of fluffy, soft diapers under his rump again, all the while, humming a pleasant tune to herself.

"There," she said with satisfaction, "These will keep your crib nice and dry. Remember the last time you were here and you wet the bed, Francis?"

The squirming sissy's cheeks flushed a bright red at her remark and he looked away anxiously. Why was she taking her time in changing him? Didn't she know how humiliating this was for him?

Baby Bobby

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Re: Another Summer Day
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2024, 11:43:57 AM »
She beeped his nose playfully as she applied a nice, sticky coat of Desitin to his cute bottom and powdered him with a generous portion of sweetly scented baby powder. Seeing how red his face was, Gina smiled warmly down at him.

"Don't worry, Francis, these diapers were designed for little bedwetters like you. So once those floodgates open, you can pee and pee all you want--your pretty plastic panties will keep all the wetness contained."

The two women giggled at her remark as she pinned the thick cloth sides snug around his hips. Heather was ready with a pink pair of nursery print plastic panties that were cheerfully decorated with dancing bears and bunnies. She fed them over his sneakers and up his thighs, looking him in the eye and smiling as she worked them over his embarrassing, bulging diapers.

"Here you are baby," she said, "all safe and secure again."

Francis could feel his tummy full of milk, and he doubted his ability to keep his diapers dry for more than an hour. He worried anxiously if he'd wake up this time or sleep through his wetting as he had been doing more and more lately.

Gina began guiding the diapered boy towards the pink and white crib but he balked, suddenly bunching his fists in childish rebellion.

"But I don't wanna take a nap!" he whined.

Gina gently eased his pacifier between his trembling lips and patted him on his fat, diapered bottom.

"Now Francis, baby boys need to take naps...say goodbye to Heather and then it's crib time for you," she admonished him good-naturedly.

Pouting fussily, Francis suc-ked on the rubber pacifier filling his mouth, any further complaints coming out babyishly muffled. Playtime was over and now he was going to have to take a nap, whether he liked it or not. To make matters worse, it was a virtual certainty that he was going to wet his diapers sometime while he slept and he desperately hoped his mom wasn't going to be picking him up before he got a chance to change out of his baby clothes.

Gina helped him into the crib, pulling the baby blankets over him and placing a pink teddy bear under his arm.

"That's my baby...all ready for naptime now..." she told him gently.

Francis stared at the deep line of cleavage caused by Gina's big breasts mashing against each other in her snug top. He couldn't wait for them to leave the nursery so he could be alone to satisfy his pent up, urgent sexual yearnings.
The soft skin of her bosom was reflected in the warm light of the nursery and Francis's tiny little pen-is grew stiff and hard inside the fluffy, soft, comforting layers of his diapers.

Giving his blonde hair one last stroke of affection, Gina lifted up the side rail of the crib and latched it shut.

"Sleep tight, baby Francis," she told him.

"Bye-bye, baby Francis," Heather waved at him with a smile as the two of them left the nursery, closing the door behind them.

In an instant, Francis began rubbing the front of his spongy, pillowy diapers, sighing with pleasure as his little member finally got the attention it craved. He rubbed in part out of anger and frustration, at the intense humiliation he had been made to endure, and the waves of pleasure he felt soon began to mask his feelings of shame.

It didn't take long and in seconds, he was gasping as he splashed his childish little load into his diapers while his head swam deliriously. Moments later, he was drifting off to sissy slumber where two bottles of warm milk would soon be making themselves felt as Francis wet his diapers heavily, happily dreaming of bunnies and kittens.


Reaching over the crib rails, Gina slipped a finger inside the waistband of Francis' exposed plastic panties. Sure enough, his diapers were completely soaked. She smiled to herself as she lowered the rail and took a seat next to him, gently stroking his hair as she gazed down on the sleeping sissy boy. He was suc-king his pacifier contently and he looked very much, the part of an innocent little baby boy.

"Hi, baby Francis," she said softly, as his eyes opened sleepily and he looked up in recognition.

He yawned and his pacifier tumbled out of his mouth.

"Hi, miss Gina," he replied.

Moving towards the head of the bed, Gina situated herself in such a way that she could place Francis' head on her lap. The vinyl waterproof mattress cover crinkled loudly beneath her as she shifted her weight and in moments, Francis' head was resting on her thighs, inches from her big, mouthwatering bosom.

Suddenly, Francis realized where he was and what he was wearing and his hand shot down to his diapers.

"Did I...?" he asked uncertainly.

Gina nodded warmly, "Yes you did, baby. You wet the bed again, just like I knew you would. I think you and I both know you need diapers just like a little baby."

Francis blushed hotly as he shook his head in denial. Despite his earlier desire to be dressed as a baby, he was deeply ashamed now to discover his lack of control.

"I-it was j-just an a-a-accident," he whimpered as his cheeks flushed red.

"No, baby," Gina shook her head patiently.
"Some little boys outgrow their diapers, but unfortunately, some little sissies like you never outgrow them."

Francis bit his lip and he swallowed hard, his cheeks burning.
"No," he countered, the humiliating smell of his pee reaching up to them.

Gina nodded her head.
"Baby boys like you belong in diapers and plastic panties and I'm going to make sure that's right where you stay."

Francis' mouth opened in protest but he stopped in mid-sentence as he watched Gina slowly push aside her snug, fitted top, exposing the silky cup of her bra. Francis' eyes opened wide as she smiled down on him and undid the clasp between her two heavy cups.

"Wha-wha..." he said dumbfounded as he stared at her exposed breast before him, massive and exciting, barely contained by her sexy bra.
Gently, she pulled out her left breast and he gaped at the milky discharge leaking from her firm, engorged nipple. He figured her boob was about the size of his head, and he licked his dry lips as his heart pounded in his chest.

"Open up, sweetie," she said with a train-stopping smile, "This is what babies drink."

Never having been this close to an adult female, and particularly under such intimate circ-umstances, Francis didn't quite know what to do. His mouth hung open in shock and Gina quickly filled it with her warm, pink nipple.

"OWGWFF!" he cried as his face was pressed against her breast and his tongue tasted her mother's milk. Without thinking, he suc-ked on the warm nipple and was instantly rewarded with a steady supply of milk.

"That's my little baby," she cooed as she beamed down on him, "What a good little baby you are."

Francis mewled helplessly and he felt his tiny pen-is stiffen in the soggy wet folds of his diapers.

"I had a long talk with your mommy today on the phone, and I think she's realizing you need some special care," she began, "So after some discussion, it's been agreed that I will be looking after you this summer."

She let him nurse for a moment to let that sink in.

"That means, you'll be dressed as a baby the entire summer, and you'll be wearing and wetting your diapers like a little sissy toddler.
"I hoped you enjoyed having Heather over to see you get changed, because before long, all my friends will see you in your diapers and baby outfits."

Francis shook his head in protest but Gina nodded her head and smiled confidently.

"Oh, and I threw away your big boy clothes but don't worry--I have a huge selection of cute baby tops and dresses, not to mention lots of soft, fluffy diapers that you will be wearing and wetting. I'll make sure you get the whole baby experience, believe me," she said with a playful wink.



  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Another Summer Day
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2024, 12:21:26 PM »
Another Baby Bobby story; and again you did not disappoint. You are the GOAT, (next to Marybeth). I always look forward to seeing posts by Baby Bobby.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Another Summer Day
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2024, 12:33:35 PM »
Always great to see a new Baby Bobby story here at buffalobetties :)  I love your posts on FL site and tumblr, but the stories you post here always have a certain magic that just can't be replicated.


  • Dolly
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Re: Another Summer Day
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2024, 05:29:46 PM »
A superb sequel.
Can you post the link to the first part: one summer day pwettie pweathe (curtsy)

Baby Bobby

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Re: Another Summer Day
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2024, 08:11:38 PM »
A superb sequel.
Can you post the link to the first part: one summer day pwettie pweathe (curtsy)

Here you go: https://buffalobetties.net/storytime/index.php?topic=835.0


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Another Summer Day
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2024, 08:22:58 PM »
If you do a search under Baby Bobby on this Betty site. The 1st story is on page 21 post number. post 144


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