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C. A. P.'s
« on: April 23, 2013, 04:34:45 PM »
Standard Year 2113

General whereabouts:  Southeast coast somewhere between Marathon and North Miami Beach.

Climate:  For the most, in July, it is still hot, humid and partly cloudy with slight offshore breezes until the afternoon monsoons strike.  Seas are 2 – 3 feet with winds out of the southeast at 5 to 10 m.p.h.  Biscayne Bay is slightly choppy.

Time of day:  2:30 P.M.

Exact location:  The City Block.  The euphemism  describing the entire structure upon which the Federal Building for Advanced Housing and Urban Development for the entire southeast is located; within which resides the  C. A. P. whose  â€“ 6th floor mailing address is  its Suite number:   666 – I, Haulover.


Present for the petitioner:  Mr. & Mrs. J. Slidell and twelve year old son Tray.  

Officially designated as a disinterested party whose presence is required is the President of a local Home owners Association one Mrs. M. Murray.  Records indicate she is accompanied with her son James: 13.  Also in attendance is resident neighborhood Block Captain, one Mr. H. Eby.  Records show that Guy Eby 14 year old son also in attendance.

For the petitioned:   Adjudicators:  Messrs.  Dewey, Cheatum and Howe - Duly appointed Solicitors for the agency.  All of whom are approaching superannuation.

Intent:  The petitioned will confirm or deny petitioners plea for C.A.P. (Community Acceptance Program) approval; thus affording the petitioned all rights and privileges which ensue therefrom upon acceptance.

C.A.P. stenographer:  Ms. L. A. Douche who is seated to the right between petitioner and governing board.

C.A.P. bailiff of twenty five years whose I.D. tag read J. Schidt stands ready to assist.  


The stubby brown uniformed bald headed man that Tray had personally met prior to the meeting and understood to be the bailiff speaks “Here ye, hear ye, all who have business with this board come near and be judged:  Messrs.  Dewey, Chetum and Howe presiding, your honors.”

Speaking for the petitioned Solicitor Chetum “Let the record show that the petitioners are in attendance and as such are in conformity within those guidelines as required by this body; let the records also indicate that one Tray Slidell has, as required and prior to this assembly, submitted all prima-facie evidence as requested and as such without exception all have been accepted.  Therefore, prior to adjudication and the voir-dire of those disinterested parties who will attest, it is our initial finding that for the most the petitioners are in compliance with all laws and regulations governing their formal and permanent admission to C.A.P.  On behalf of my governing associates Messrs. Dewey and Howe, I am pleased to inform you that subsequent to this proceeding and barring discovery of excluding evidence to the contrary that the petition will be granted.   The petitioners will rise.  The bailiff will step forth and administer the oath.”

“Yes your honors.  The petitioners will raise their right hands….….For the record, do you, the petitioner’s, before this committee swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?  Your honors they have so sworn.”

“Very well, the bailiff may resume his position.  The petitioners will be seated.  Thank you.  Now then, pursuant to your oath I must inform each and every one of you, including avowed disinterested parties, that any fabrication or intent to mislead this committee before this committee will not only prejudice this proceeding but will also subject the perpetrator to the severest of penalties which includes a minimum monetary fine of ten thousand dollars but also of possible incarceration in a C.A.P. reassessment facility for up to ten years without parole and that such a penalty may and will be imposed immediately subsequent to this committees finding and adjournment.   As such, it is my duty to inquire, is there anything which this board should be aware of which would in any way jeopardize its initial predisposition and that without prejudice may now be disclosed.   The board as one note there is no exception offered therefore without further delay Solicitor Howe your summation.”

“Thank you.  We are here today where the preponderance of information before us purports that Mr. & Mrs. Slidell have in good conscience either met or exceeded this board’s expectation concerning the implementation of the C.A.P.’s basic precepts.   Furthermore, that one Tray Slidell, by example, has exhibited those qualities necessary for the success of this program:  specifically total acceptance.  Of course, it is my duty to note that along the way that there were some instances of obstinacy, but that was to be expected and well within the guidelines as set forth of acceptable recalcitrant behavior and was initially for the most recognized as temporary and transitional.  

“With that said, I now call upon our bailiff.  Mr. Schidt, whom I must remind  that as an employee of this board you are under oath to testify truthfully to any and all questions and that having so done in the past as before and now for the record, I  ask your immediate findings.”

“Yes your honor.  Your honors, as the norm prior to a committee meeting all participants are required to wait in the ante-room; it is there where I administered the mandatory C.A.P. litmus test. “

“Bailiff, prior to this meetings commencement you tendered those results which I hold here in my hands.   Tray Slidell is responsible for his actions and will rise.  Tray Slidell will face the Bailiff.   Bailiff? ”

“Your honor, I found no reason to doubt that the petitioner Tray is in compliance.”

“Bailiff, for the record, who was present and witnessed this test?”

“Your honor, as stated and found in my report, all in this room except for yourselves was present and witnessed the event.”

“Which for the record, entailed?”

“Your honors, it entailed my elicitation from the petitioner a behavioral response.  As prescribed within the mandatory guidelines for acceptance it was my task to elicit either positive or negative action from the prospective petitioner:  which I did.”

“Go on.”

“Sirs, upon their entry to the anti-room I personally seated the Slidell family with tray in the center of the two up front and facing everyone else.  Your honors, I should note for record that while both Mr. & Mrs. Slidell faced south that Tray’s chair, as procedure dictates, was purposely turned to face ninety degrees to the west.”

“Understood, proceed.”

“Your honors, it was after the room had become fully occupied that I initiated the aforementioned test.”

“Which was how?”

“Your honors, as required, without notice, standing toe to toe, I took a position directly opposite Tray Slidell.”

“Go on.”

“Your honors, as required, when he looked up at me I smiled back down at him; waited for the appropriate response, which was that he lower his line of sight and look straight ahead:  which he did almost immediately.  Your honors, I must add for the record, that as required I was not able to signal my desire.”

“Ohh?  Please continue.”

“Your honors, it was not necessary that I indicate what I wanted because before I could he had already leaned forward and kissed my zipper area; then proceeded to lower it; after which and right in front of everyone he…well…without complaint he took every bit of it and when he was done smiled and then tucked me away.  Your honors, I found that even under the circ-umstances that he was quite acceptable.”

“Is that all?  Yes your honor.”

“Very well.  Tray Slidell, is that an accurate description of your actions in so far as the bailiff is concerned?”

“Let the records show that the petitioner nods in the affirmative. …. before I yield to Solicitor Dewey I have one further question for the young petitioner in particular.  Do you feel any remorse or embarrassment for your actions which took place in front of all to see; and I would remind you, that not only are you under oath but that your functions are being monitored and are a matter of record for comparison.  I await your reply.”


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C. A. P.'s
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2013, 01:35:59 PM »
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“Let the record indicate that the petitioner has nodded his understanding of the question posed and that this court hereby allows him adequate time to formulate his response.  That being said I yield to Solicitor Dewey.”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œIt is so noted.  While I have certain questions as well for the young petitioner, in this matter, it is also imperative to ascertain the philosophical resolve of both parental units.  Therefore, while the inductee, and here I will use his given name, Tray, as opposed to his assigned identification number of SM456453CAP2445O.  Tray… you will consider your important answer to Solicitor Chetum’s question while I pose the first of several inquiries to your biological mother.  That said, Mrs. Slidell, for the record state your full name.”

Mrs. Slidell:  â€œYour honor my full name is Cindy S….S is for Simone Slidell; oh yes, and my assigned ID. Number is BM685365SO.”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œAnd, are you, Mrs. Slidell currently married to one J. P. Slidell and do still cohabitate?”

Mrs. Slidell:  â€œYes your honor I am and yes we do live together.   Excuse me though is there a reason for that question?”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œYes there is and before we go any further, I must inquire, are there any proceedings currently under consideration which at this time or in the future would jeopardize your relationship to one another or are there personal agreements between the two of you which in the future, and pending the favorable resolution of this court, would cause either one of you to separate?  Understand, before you reply, I must as a matter of procedure inform you that while there is no evidence which may contradict your probable answer, that in several others of the cases preceding yours, that shortly thereafter, such agreements eventually came to light and that this very court was compelled to immediately find both participants guilty of fraud and sentenced to a term of not less than twenty years and one day of public service in a state facility.  I would also note that in none of these aforementioned incidents was clemency, though pleaded,  granted and would state for the record, that if found so here, it would be the same; none would be granted.  I would also note that in each of those cases that the petitioner’s offspring was immediately removed from the CAP program and placed under state care; in which so, they remain to date; now then, that being said your answer is?”

C. S. Slidell:  â€œYour honor, we have no plans to separate we’ve always lived together just as directed; why we’ve never even discussed anything like that and I know that for myself that there isn’t anything else that I want more too happen than this.  I would never jeopardize Tray’s opportunity by being selfish; besides we’re both really proud to be a part of it all.  I mean, he was selected out of thousands of others for this opportunity and we’re proudly committed to the program.  We’re firm believers and to the core we remain faithful.  Commonality Forever.”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œAccepted.  Let the record indicate the petitioner’s oath of allegiance and affirmation was voluntary and that sensors have in fact confirmed its veracity; therefore is so noted and accepted.  That aside it behooves this court to inquire from you, Mrs. Slidell, your first actions of compliance with respect to your receipt of Form CAP – 1A, which  according to the doc-ument in evidence is two years prior to this date; which, let’s see here, ah yes, which would make….let’s see…your son….ten at the time?  Yes it is ten.  Now then, Mrs. Slidell, what this court is interested in is this…upon receipt what did you specifically do to initiate him to the program.  And please be specific in your reply.  And by the way, as your past actions are also a matter of record to this court where your son is concerned, I would hope your answers are supported by the evidence before this court.  You may proceed with your reply after Tray has given his reply to Solicitor Chetum’s question.   Tray?  You’ve had sufficient time, in your own words, please answer the question.”

Reply from SM456453CAP2445O hereafter known as Tray:  â€œYes sir.  I thought about what he asked me, you know, I think he meant if I felt guilty about it or something like that…well I don’t think so.  I mean, why?  Gee, should I?”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œShould you?  You are not certain that you don’t feel guilty that is? “

Tray:  â€œI don’t know what you want me to say.  I mean if I don’t well…”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œThen you don’t?   Very good, then explain, is there a particular reason why you do not feel guilty?”

Tray:  â€œBecause I don’t have too?”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œWell yes that part is true but again you don’t seem too sure of your answer.  Perhaps I can ask you another way.  Tray, do you like doing all sorts of things with anyone and if so why?”

Tray:  â€œOh, I see what you mean.  Yes sir, I really do like doing all sorts of things with anyone who wants me to because I can and because there isn’t any law against it.  So why should I feel bad.  That’s why.”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œLet the record show that petitioner Tray Slidell has exhibited a basic knowledge of Section IV.  Article I of CAP Rules and regulations as found within the text of the 9th edition of the ACA as found on page 82,786 which clearly states that, and here I quote verbatim “Any act which is not specifically forbidden and as follows is automatically allowed.”  To those in attendance and unfamiliar with this particular Article encompassing conduct, no acts performed either by or upon a CAP member are unlawful; except of course those resulting in either loss of limb, life, eyesight, broken bones, disfigurement, scaring  or involving either permanent or temporary incapacity of mobility …except of course were such restraints are immediately removed.  Moreover, acts as they occur shall not in any manner infringe upon subsequent acts as may be applied nor shall they continue in perpetuity or exceed the normal allowances as prescribed by law as found elsewhere.  In short…yes?  For what purpose does the State Attorney rise?

State Attorney:  â€œYour honor…

Sol. Dewey:  â€œFor what purpose does the State Attorney rise?”

State Atty:  â€œYour honor I…

Sol. Dewey:  â€œSir, you are new before this court and insofar as that is concerned I will allow you this momentary lapse of protocol.   Sir, when you stand before this court you will make your presence known by first stating your name and title.  Do I make myself clear?  And for the record, unless it is your intent to inform this court of something other than that which would cause it to deny a favorable decision to the petitioner you would be well advised to sit down.  Now then, do you have anything to say, to this court?

State Atty:  â€œYour honors, for the record my name is William B. Sizemore.  Assistant State Attorney.”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œAnd the reason you rise Mr. Sizemore?”

Sizemore:  â€œMy apologies, in this case I merely sought to expedite the procedure.”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œExpedite?   How so?”

Sizemore:  â€œFirst-hand knowledge your honor.  Your honor, I have in my possession, photographs which show the petitioners both at home and in public.”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œYes, go on.”

Sizemore:  â€œYour honor, the images contained on the photo crystals are explicit.”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œYes, I’m quite certain they are.  Mr. Sizemore, it is well known to this court that explicit images of the petitioners exist.  Moreover, it is not beyond the realm of this court’s jurisdiction to have had access to the very same images with which you now seek to sway this court.”

Sizemore:  â€œSir?”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œMr. Sizemore, approach the bench.   Good.  That’s far enough, thank you.  Now then, William B. … this “is” your first case before this court, nuhh uhh uhh, don’t say a word, just listen.  Bill, we already know everything.  You should know by now, there are no secrets.   You have still images…we have film.   We know what you did with the petitioning party’s son:  first time out and how often after that up until last weekend when you expressed an interest to this court to voir dire him personally and within twenty minutes thereafter you and your two friends fudge packed him for the remainder of the afternoon; which I believe according to court records was for a period of time not less than two hours and twenty four minutes.   Bill, that’s why you were assigned to the case.  We wanted someone new, on the inside, to give this court firsthand knowledge of the petitioner’s veracity.  I must say, and here I will speak for the rest of the magistrates as well, you did just fine.   Why, you came through with flying colors.  So, unless there is something else, and I don’t believe there is, sit down.  This court will complete its undertaking without further interruption; is that clear?”

Sizemore:  â€œYes your honors.”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œNow then, before we were interrupted… I was to explain the intent behind the aforementioned article which is…that there is no act which is specifically prohibited.  I repeat, there is no act which is not allowed…nor is there any act prohibited by intimation.  Guilt or moral judgments never enter the equation and as no laws are broken and any act which is engaged in is immediately sanctioned is lawful, acceptable and is without recourse.  Now then, I believe that Mrs. Slidell will inform this court of her actions in so far as they relate to readying Tray for entry into CAP.  Mrs. Slidell?”

C.S. Slidell:  â€œYes your honor.  Well, as you know I received a letter…well actually it was an electronic transfer which I printed out and read as soon as I saw who it came from.”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œAnd who was the letter from?”

C.S. Slidell:  â€œWhy your honor, as you know, it was from the Independent Panel Advisory Board.”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œYes, it was.  Mrs. Slidell, how many times did you read the notification and did you read who the members were that comprise the Board of which you now speak?”

“C.S. Slidell:  â€œOf course your honor.  By law I was required to read it three times but read it at least five or six times to start with and then over and over again; I just couldn’t believe it.  It was like a dream come true. And, and the other part to your question, about who the Board was, well of course I did.  I mean, your name and the other two of you, I mean the ones to either side of you, were right there at the top of the notice right underneath all the squiggly letters.”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œFor the record and clarification it is noted that the letters comprising the “IPAB” are both italicized and emphasized.  Proceed.”

C.S. Slidell:  â€œYes, your honor.  Anyway, like I said, I couldn’t wait to read it.  I’d been waiting for it to come for the longest time, just hoping against hope that he would be among those selected for the program.  But anyway, there it was that I sat and read what an honor it was to be included and I couldn’t have agreed more.  That’s when I called J.P. and told him that our dreams just came true.  He was excited, oh yes he was, he was very excited and just couldn’t wait to get home to show me how much.  Anyhow, after he calmed down and after he’d told me all the things that we could do he came right home and together, just like the notice said, we logged onto the designated site; gave our ID numbers and accepted the invitation.”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œFor the record, electronics indicate the petitioners responded well within the margin allowed.  Proceed.”

C.S. Slidell:  â€œYes, sir, we were quick, we didn’t want to miss out.  Anyhow, like I was saying, we accepted and then just as soon as we did that we went and registered him as a novice just like the notice said we should do.  It was only a couple of minutes later that he was assigned to a neighborhood for CAP training.  Well, we were ecstatic and just couldn’t wait to tell Tray all about it; which happened when he walked in the door after getting home from school.  That’s when we both met him at the door and told him that things were going to be different; that we were moving to a nice neighborhood where everyone he met would want to play with him.  Of course, he was happy to hear that we were moving from the assigned tenement flats.   After that I suggested he change out of his school clothes and have a snack; that’s when he went in his room was really surprised to find that I had emptied every one of his dresser drawers. The only things I left in them for him to wear were two swim suits one black on white and both were already one size too small.   Of course he was upset and wanted to know what happened to all of his clothes so I told him as I helped him out of what he was wearing and put them in a sack so I could throw them away too, that, we were going shopping  for new clothes right after he had his after school snack.  And before you ask, yes he asked how he was going to go out without clothes.  It was as simple as could be to just tell him that from then on that since he was accepted into the CAP program that all of his clothes would be supplied.  Well you should have seen the look on his face; we both thought we’d die laughing at the look he gave us because every time he’d ever passed someone in CAP his eyes would get bigger and then he’d stand there and stare at them.  We both knew he liked what he saw because his little weeny would try and poke straight out of his pants.  Well, that being said, it didn’t take long for him to have it stand straight up; gosh, his suit couldn’t even cover the tip, but that didn’t stop me.  No, I made him open his suit and pushed it straight down and before he could move it was when I yanked his suit up that he first complained.  He said it right out “Owee mom, it hurts when you do it to me like that.  I need to pull it up quick!”  Of course I told that “No you will not, it will stay exactly like that until it goes down on its own.  I put it there for you and that’s the way it’s going to stay.  You’re supposed to feel it that way because mommy wants you to getting used to how it hurts so good.”  Of course, J.P. was quick to add a good slap to his behind which almost scared me out of my wits; but, I won’t tell you what J.P. did to him after that because Mr. Sizemore told me not too.  Anyway, it was just a couple of minutes later when I gave Tray his first official drink as a CAP trainee.  Your honor,  you probably already know but we’d been practicing for a year before for just this moment and to be quite honest he didn’t complain when I gave him the glass and I ordered him to “This time, drink it all down without stopping” which he did.”

Sol. Dewey:  â€œMrs. Slidell, the drink you provided, was it made with the required CAP ingredients?”

C.S. Slidell:  â€œOhh yes your honor.  Two egg whites, stirred, then poured over three CAP approved ice cubes along with two jiggers of “spring water” which I collect fresh from J.P. when Trays back was turned.  Before that I for the most used mine.

 Sol. Dewey:  â€œFor the record, testimony is corroborated by internal AV embeds common to all subsidized units.  To those in attendance the “Initiate Drink” referred to by the petitioner is a requirement of CAP.  The ice cubes referred to, are the CAP approved semen sample measurement containers, which, after freezing, and thereafter when mixed with liquid dissolve and can be purchased at any food store, drug emporium or department store.   As for the spring water, no further explanation is necessary much to my relief.  Which would bring me to inquire of Tray, please stand and face the court?  Thank you.  Tray, your mother here and now tells the court that for some time prior that you were in fact practicing for such an occasion.  Did you know what you were drinking and why?”

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Re: C. A. P.'s
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2014, 04:21:52 PM »
Tray:  To be honest, no.  At first I didn’t know what the drink was that she was giving me except that it was all slimy because of the egg whites that she put in it along with some of the other stuff that she said were the secret ingredients.  And as for knowing why, at first no; except that she said that I hadda drink it or get spanked if I didn’t and she did:  spank me that is.”   

Sol. Dewey:  “Yes…go on.”

Tray:  “Uhhhmm,  welllll, I’m standing here, where do you want me to go to?”

Sol. Dewey:  “No.  What I mean is for you to continue and answer the second portion of my question which was except for her telling you that you had to did you know exactly why you were drinking it?”

Tray:  “Ohh yea, forgot that part.  Well I remember she kept on reminding me the first couple of times of why I hadda do it was because she made it for me because of all the tests I’d took:  that’s why.  She told me that they turned out real good and were what she said the testers  called “Very encouraging” and that getting me into CAP was all that she and Jay had dreamed about since I was born and that it could all start to come true  with me drinking what she’d made for me.  And…well…uhhh… her telling me that didn’t make it taste any better ‘cause even after the first couple of tries I’d spit it out.  But later on it got to be o.k. I mean I got used to it so that’s what I did:  drank it.”

Sol. Dewey:  “And for a period of how long prior to your letter of acceptance did you on a daily basis engage in drinking the “coc-ktail?”

Tray:  Geeez… “I don’t know, a long time I guess.”

Sol. Dewey:  “Ms. Slidell, you may answer in lieu of Tray and be precise.”

C.S. Slidell:  “Yes your honor.  I started him right after the results of his second evaluation were disclosed…which would make it for…say about seven months before his formal acceptance which was around two years ago come July 7.” 

Sol. Dewey:  “That would, by calculation be in excess of the mandatory four month continuous requirement and as such more than amply fulfills statute obligation.  Ms. Slidell, while I still have your ear, I would inquire, at any point did you regret your actions? And I would remind you that your answer must be truthful.  If you please, tell the court did you ever have any misgivings?”

C.S. Slidell:  “You’re Honor.  I don’t really know.  I don’t honestly think so.  I mean, at first I was overjoyed that the test results for entry into the CAP program were so promising and honestly at first that is all I…I mean we…Jay and me…ever talked about.  I mean we both knew what it would mean for the two of us and that we’d be so proud to have Tray be included in the program and be a part of it.   But….as for feeling bad about it, no, not ever.  Why, how could I feel bad when at every opportunity I went out of my way to point out a CAP trainee or graduate that we’d pass on the street and tell him loud enough for everyone around us to hear that one day that is what he would be a real sissy boy?  No, no misgivings especially at the beginning. 

“But I will tell you that when I had to paddle him to start with that I didn’t really think that I’d have my heart in it but we’d been going  to the CAP pre-Admission Counseling Center for two weeks before he started and by the time that Orientation began I pretty well had it all sorted out. But silly me you know that.  Anyway, right then and there, before Orientation Day, they told me right off that I might not want to really do what I had to…which was to blister his behind so good to start with for no reason that at some point not only wouldn’t I mind but actually look forward to it.  I didn’t believe them at first but they were right.  Looking back on it now it was worth the two weeks I spent before the actual program began learning how to really appreciate everything that CAP would do for …”

Sol. Dewey:  “Excuse me, Ms. Slidell, a moment please; explain to this panel how you came to understand the wisdom behind the revelation involving your actions.  What was your moment of enlightenment?”

C.S. Slidell:  “What?”

Sol. Dewey:  “Ms. Slidell, in your own words, how and when did you come to change your mind and as you claim “look forward to it?”

C.S. Slidell:  “Oh, I see.  You want me to tell you about our first day at the pre-Admission Counseling Center and then on Orientation Day?”

Sol. Dewey:  “Yes.”

C.S. Slidell:  “Should I tell you everything or just leave out the parts that don’t count?

Sol. Dewey:  “Ms. Slidell, the court will determine what is relevant, please; tell us everything, even the parts which you consider as not counting.  Proceed.”

C.S. Slidell:  “Yes you’re Honor.  Well, I’ guess I’ll start with the “REVeM”… you know that that means Robotic Electronically Verified Message right?   Well of course you do.  Anyhow, when it came… it ordered, I mean…asked us…to report to the eighth floor of this building no later than 8:30 A.M. on the date it gave us for a pre-admission orientation counseling session and to go directly on up to room 802 for what it called the “Initial Phase Reception and Processing” which we did.  Well we made it on time, me and Tray, just like it asked and when we got to the room one of the doormen asked me my last name and when I told him he said that we had to report right on over to the table market “ “O – S” and we did.  We waited in line for what seemed forever, I mean, there were hundreds of people all standing in lines all over the place waiting to give the person at some table at the head of the line that they were in their last name and let me tell you it was hot in there, you really ought to do something about it.  Anyhow, we finally get there and this nice lady gives me and Tray a sealed envelope each and tells us that after reporting to our guest room to follow the directions in the envelope explicitly.  You know she made a point of explaining what that word really meant, “explicitly,” I mean, I do know what that means; it wasn’t like I was stupid and she had to tell me because I was dumb  right in front of everyone. I mean, your Honor, do I look dumb to you?

Sol. Dewey:  “Ahhm, ah, no, not at Ms. Slidell:  not at all.  Please, continue.”

C.S. Slidell:  “Why thank you you’re Honor.   Anyway, like I was saying, with the help of an Usher we managed to find our way to Room 325 corridor H and just before we could enter the room the Usher told me and Tray to stop and for me to open the envelope I had and then to read what it said out loud, which I did…but, well not at first….because I wanted to read what it said before I said it out loud that is.  It was a good thing too because right of the bat it told me and I remember this just the way it was written, and I could repeat it too but I brought it with me just like Mr. Sizemore told me to.  See.” (Petitioner points) “Here it is right here on top of the papers in front of me, I’ll read it for you, it says: “Ms. C.S. Slidell” Isn’t that something?  You know it had my name on it right to start with that’s why I said it, so it goes on with “Welcome to the CAP pre-Admission Orientation Session.  We hope you will find this a pleasurable experience.  Throughout the day, we at CAP will make every effort to acclimate you to your new and important responsibilities.  We understand that this, will, in some instances, take time.  As such, if, for any reason you feel uncomfortable all you need do is speak the following words “Time out” at which then a ten minute intervention (break) will occur.  After such, your training will resume.  Of course, there may be a time when you wish to go no further, meaning you wish to forego the total CAP experience, and disassociate yourself from the program, if so, you have only to speak out loud the following words “I opt out.”  Once you have so decided all activities which are either ongoing or intended will immediately cease.  Moreover, your participation in the CAP program will be at an instantaneous end.  Any expenses so incurred to date shall be promptly and personally attended to.  Refusal to recompense will automatically subject you to immediate legal action through our managing and operating entity:  The New Internal Revenue Service.  It is important to understand, that we at CAP have gone to considerable lengths and expense in order to both identify your talents and then assist in your development.   We recognize that sometimes errors are made but after careful consideration we believe you and your son to be the type of CAP candidates who will succeed.  We only ask that you believe in us to help you.  At this time, you may either pledge or withdraw without further legal obligation.  To continue merely state to the IRS Usher the following words “I agree.”  If, on the other hand, you desire to withdraw, please speak the words “I opt out” directly to the Usher who is at this time, for the record, recording your voice.  If your decision is to opt out, immediately tear this notice in half, then place the pieces back in the envelope and return the envelope to the IRS Usher who will then escort you and your son to the Accounting Department located on the twenty-third floor where reimbursement payments and fines, if any, can be arranged.”

“Well, I can tell you that I wasn’t going to opt out and was afraid that when I read that part that the Usher would make a mistake and then …well…that was the mistake I was worried about right then.  You’re Honor, the second I said that I agreed the Usher told me to keep what I’d read for my records and then gave me another envelope and told me to open it at the same time he said that Tray would open the one that that nice lady at the table downstairs gave him.   Well we both opened them together and when I started to read mine is when Tray said out loud “Hey, there ain’t nothing on here after it tells me what I’m not supposed to do.  Only a bunch of room numbers with some times on them.  So?”  And that’s when the Usher tells him “Except for the room numbers and times all the cards for orientation trainees are the same and the reason is simple; there’s nothing that you can’t and will do here.”  After that he told us both to look into the optical scanning device mounted on the wall by the door to the room.  Tray went first because the Usher pushed him right up to it and then held his head still enough for it to speak out “Submissive Male…identity number 456453.  CAP ID Number 24450.  Identity confirmed.  Enter.”  And right after that is when I went and held my head the same way and was identified after which it told me to enter too.
“It was just after we got in the room is when the usher looked at me and asked if I understood what I was supposed to do?  When I said yes he told me “Then you may begin.”

“Well, you’re honor, as you could imagine I was really nervous to start with.  I mean,  I even had trouble reading to myself let alone saying what it was that I was supposed to say because like I said, I liked to read what it was before I said it; anyhow,  I have that exact same paper here and I’ll read what it said.  It starts off with “Brood Mare 685365 Submissive Open-relationship…Otherwise known as Cindy Simone Slidell.   Congratulations on your very important decision.  The next several days will be very important for your development and while at times you may find it difficult, we at CAP are certain that with dedication, you will succeed.   In the next few minutes you will begin the process of orientation and in so doing will be on your way to increasing not only your innate talents but also your community standing.   The pre-admission orientation process will last for five business days.  Each day will begin with you and your CAP novitiate reporting to the room you are currently in precisely at 8:30 A.M.  On the table you will find a work list:  each item on that list, from first to last, entails the day’s activities; including breaks and lunch.   Some of these activities are quite simple and with little effort are easily completed.  Other designated activities may at times test your resolve and as such may cause you to have doubts; remember, we are here to help you overcome those doubts.  Of course, we are here to help you and because of that we recognize the need to pause and reflect; so at any time you desire, call for a time out.  Please be advised that if you decide to take a time out that a counselor will through the intercom system help you work through your difficulty and of course if you decide that you cannot complete the task you may at any time opt out. 

“Today’s lessons are focused solely upon discipline.  This morning we will deal with both its application and acceptance.   This afternoon we shall investigate the more subtle aspects of command and control.   We will begin today’s orientation by having your charge fully undress.  Please take note that the wall clock in your room contains a second hand which is controlled by the hand held device which you will find that has been placed on the table within your room.  On that device are three color coded buttons:  by pressing the green button you begin to time in seconds the initial response time to your command.  Pressing the same green button again indicates the actual removal of one article of clothing.  The red button will be pressed only when your charge is completely nude and standing at attention.  Thus, the device will count both the number of seconds elapsed it takes your charge not only to react but to completely comply.  For example, on completion of your voice command to disrobe immediately press the green button.  You will press the green button once again immediately after one article is removed and the red only when the voice command has been completely satisfied.  So the sequence to be followed is green, green, and lastly red.  Example:  voice command; then press green once.   Upon removal of one article of clothing press green again.  Important:  do not end the session prematurely by pressing red until your charge is completely nude and standing in place at attention. (You may illustrate to your subject what will be acceptable prior to your voiced command.)    CAP, not you, will penalize your charge for failure to promptly comply.  You however, will, enforce CAP’s decision.  For example:  if it takes ten seconds for your charge to begin to disrobe,  the standard CAP penalty incurred will read on your devices viewing screen as +10s.  On the other hand if your charge immediately complies (within the first three seconds) there is no penalty.  Please understand that your charge may not only delay but also question your command.   If so, for each inquiry, it may add 10s each to the total.    Be advised, all rooms are monitored and as such, all results are constantly reviewed.  Lastly, during the process if your charge at any time becomes belligerent, swears, uses profanity or otherwise becomes unmanageable and refuses to comply don’t worry.  It is quite normal.  Remember your hand held device?  Of course you do, the third button, orange, is for you to use to seek help:  if your charge uses profanity, becomes belligerent and/or refuses to comply you may press the orange button.  Once you call, CAP stands ready to help.  When you signal orange, your Usher, and if necessary others, will come to assist.  After your charge has been restrained we trust in your ability to set the example.  When ready, you may begin today’s lesson by illustrating your command to stand at attention before ordering your charge to:  “Take off all of your clothes:  now” and remember:   press the green button immediately after command and the red one once completed.

“Well, you’re Honor, after about ten or fifteen seconds that’s what I did.   I read it.   Of course Tray looked surprised and didn’t want to do what I told him to right away so after I’d waited a couple of seconds more I told him again to “take off all of your clothes” which made him sort’a look at me all funny and say “Huh?  What for?”  Well, when we hit the thirty second mark it was then that I really yelled at him and that’s when he started kicking off his shoes, followed by his shirt and then his socks.  He hemmed and hawed some more before he took off his pants and about jumped out of his skin when I screamed at him to “take off your underpants and do it now!”  All in all it took over two minutes to get him there and that’s when I heard the voice come over the intercom telling me real nice and easy “Cindy Slidell, you’ve done very well, please press the orange button on your device now.”  I did and almost just like that that Usher came right back in and just as quick as can be hoisted Tray right on up off of his feet and carted him on over to what looked like a big heavy brown leather cushion about three feet tall and four feet long that was in the middle of the room and pushed him right on up against it like he really meant it.  I mean, you’re Honor I thought that that cushion would be for sitting but no, it was what the CAP people told me was their “discipline horse.”

“Your Honor, later on in the day I found out that every room on that floor had one of them specially made horses and that each one of them had the same straps and fasteners hidden in the side pockets of every side that you could face or touch and that once strapped in that no one could get out of them.  Well, that’s how Tray wound up, face down, yelling and crying not more than forty five seconds after the Usher came in the room.  There he was arms and legs spread and tied wide open like a big X and held all the closer to it with one big belt about six inches wide that went right over his back just above his hips.  Well, no sooner had the usher finished trussing him up than he just turned around and left me alone in the room after telling me “Don’t worry because this is all a normal start with most of the inductees; you’re doing fine.” It was just after he said that that the intercom chimed in and told me to go over to the desk and open the center drawer and to choose one of the six different paddles which were in there; which I did.  Right after that it said for me to set it aside for a moment and then to open the lower right hand drawer and that if I was of a mind to, to pick out any one of the smaller devices and locking belts that I desired after which I was to walk on over to the initiate, show him what I’d picked out and then I’ll always remember those words that “after adequate lubrication to insert it and then pull the strap close and tightly and then fasten securely.”  You’re Honor, that’s when I took my first time out.

“Really, that’s when I wondered if I should or shouldn’t do it; but the voice on the intercom was very nice and told me that just like me other CAP moms were now faced with the same dilemma as me and  told me “Cindy…look at the wall screen please” and before I could say one word the viewing screen on the whole far wall just came to life and started showing me the exact same thing that I was looking at now; pictures of all the other novices who I guessed were on the same floor as us all fastened in place just like mine was and their CAP moms standing alongside them looking up at the same kind of wall screen in their room just like me and it was then I noticed that just over to the right that I had another one a whole lot smaller in my room.  Well, that little one just showed me and Tray except for the fact that there was also a number twenty-five in pink flashing across its screen.  I found out just a couple of seconds later when the intercom told me that that number I was seeing was the number of spanks that Tray had earned for misbehaving and that I was to administer each and every one of them.

“Sure I thought about that but when I saw one of the moms say something to her charge  and then just went ahead and shoved the long plug she was holding right into place, well that’s when things started to happen because a couple of seconds later she had the belt for it secured and then yanked it up between his legs a whole lot tighter which made him go all stiff… in more ways than one that is.  Anyway, after she picked up the paddle she’d chosen and started to …well…I can’t say how many she gave her charge because the picture of her cut out and it was the same with each one of the rest of them that were on the screen.  Once they’d picked up a paddle and started to spank is when the picture would go out.  Of course, I knew that each one of them was doing what they were supposed to do but it still made me feel uncomfortable but not enough to make me want to opt out:  no, not at all.   It took me a couple  of minutes before I decided what to do and that’s when I  looked back into that bottom drawer and picked out another one not because I wanted to be mean or anything like that.  Oh no your honor I just didn’t want Tray to start cursing which would make it worse for him.  No, I figured it out all by myself that he’d only start to yell and scream when I started to shove the first one up into his behind and fasten it in that I decided to head him off at the pass so to speak and got another one, a really nice realistic one that looked about an inch wider than his and just a wee bit longer than what his was.  And yes when I showed it to him he almost start to say something but I beat him to it again and just like that, boom! I shoved it right in and held it there with my left hand while I circled back around him, pulled tight and then buckled it down behind his head.  A couple of minutes later I had his rear end plugged and gave him the twenty-five spanks he had earned.  I thought I did a good job to start with but after I’d finished the intercom voice told me that I wasn’t putting enough effort into spanking him on top of which that I wasn’t supposed to have gagged him.

“Well your Honor, at that second I thought I’d really screwed up but the voice on the intercom said that by me gagging him didn’t let him understand how to keep quiet when he got spanked and that while “crying and boohooing was o.k.” that they wanted the inductees to learn how to take a spanking and not complain about it.  Well, that’s what they said anyway and no sooner had the intercom finished telling me that, that Usher came right back in and told me that according to what had just happened that I went too light on giving the spanks and to take a good look at his bottom; which I did and saw it was just a little red.  I guess I looked kind’a dumb and stupid because I didn’t know then what I know now as far as how a good CAP spanking should’ve looked to start with but he told me not to worry because almost everyone else did the same thing as me.  All of us went easy of them and that’s why they were switching inductees from CAP mom to CAP mom:  so we could get used to spanking a CAP trainee the right way and not hold back.  Later on that day after Tray had gone to each and every one of the rooms on his card was when I could tell what a really good spanking should look like.  I’ll admit he wasn’t too happy about it and was still crying when we met back in the same room at the end of the day and when I asked him why he was still crying , he said it was because he had talked back and cursed at the last CAP mom and that not only had she given him more swats than he could count but that she had also gone and replaced the plug that I’d used with one that was a whole lot longer and wider:   which made him walk kind’a funny.  It was then he told me that she said that he was supposed to give me the key to unlock it whenever I felt like it but that he had to be wearing it when he reported back in the morning.   Right then and there he asked me if I could unlock it when we got back to our unit.  And that was the end of our first day of pre-orientation.”

Sol. Dewy:  “Uhh, yes.  But for the record, Ms. Slidell, what was your decision?”
C.S. Slidell:  “Why you’re Honor it was to continue on with the program.  That was my moment of enlightenment.”

Sol. Dewey:  “How so?”

C.S. Slidell:  “Why you’re Honor.  I could have unlocked it as soon as we returned to our unit but didn’t.  You see, it was after he asked me for the third time just as we were walking out the front doors to unlock it when we got home.  Right there I decided that I had enough for the day.  Right there I told him loud enough for everyone who was walking by us to hear me tell him “No. I will not unlock your device when we get home and I will not unlock it before you sit down to eat dinner either.   In fact I don’t care if it makes you feel uncomfortable because you deserve it and if you ever ever talk back to another CAP mother again you won’t believe how uncomfortable I’ll make you’ll feel after she gets through with you.  In fact, I am so mad at you that I’ve decided, right now, you can go to sleep with it.  Now ask me again and see what happens.”  So you see your Honor I admit that at first I was shy but at end of the day … well … I looked forward to be a CAP mother.

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