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Author Topic: Lost Souls  (Read 141231 times)

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  • Princess
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Lost Souls
« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2011, 04:46:47 AM »
Part 23

Carefully she picked him up, cuddled him against her and started the back rubbing and nappy patting routine which worked on him.  Madison could feel the milk sloshing around in his tummy and the knots of wind rolling around within it.  He wriggled and squirmed.

“Come on angel bring those bubbles up for Mummy, that’s the boy,” Jill cooed.  Madison wriggled some more and Jill made sure his bib was under his face in case of any wet releases. Madison pulled his legs up as he did so several loud belches escaped followed several more including a large gurgling sound.  Jill heard and knew what it was.  “Good boy,” she praised. “What a good baby,” she affirmed.  Gently lifting his head she surveyed the liquid damage.  A large creamy white liquidy curd was running down his chin and dripping on to his bib.  On the bib was a large wet curdy mess.  She wiped his face.  As she did so another belch produced more in a quicker torrent.  Jill caught it in the bib before reaching for the single nappy still on the couch and pushed that under his face to mop up the rest. “My, my what sickie baby,” she softly chided him but Madison knew she wasn’t angry.  He knew from previous situations it was just her maternal instinct and the soft reassuring way she had.  He smiled sickly at her before another mouthful of milky ooze coursed out of his mouth.  This time Jill pushed the bunched nappy under his chin to catch it.  Madison laid his head on her shoulder and into the nappy.  He could smell the stale vomit and recoiled slightly. He also knew that it was from him. “Is there any more windies in that wee tummy,” cooed Jill.  “He’s been such a wee piggy, hasn’t he,” she soothed warmly.

Jill cuddled him.  When she was certain that he had settled she lifted him up and stood.  Kissing him repeatedly and affectionately on the cheek she spoke softly to him.

“Mummy’s going to put her baby on the floor now so she can get herself dressed, okay.”

Madison nuzzled her and murmured incoherently.  Carefully she eased him until was sitting on the floor.  She removed his bib and replaced it with a clean yellow one.  Then adjusted his nightie before gathering his soiled nappy, the vomit ridden nappy, wet bib and headed for the laundry. 

Madison sat on the floor watching her move through the kitchen.  He suc-ked his dummy and allowed his fingers to touch the wet patch between his legs.  He could feel the after taste of the curdled milk in his mouth.  As he suc-ked his pacifier its presence slowly dissipated.  He looked down at his waist his hand under his nightie. As he moved his hand his nightie moved revealing the white cloth bunched between his legs and some of the white nappy captured under his legs.  He rocked over onto his hands and knees and crawled towards the kitchen his bib dangling from his neck.  He could feel his damp nappy caress his bottom and inner thighs.  He knew he didn’t have to see this image to know that he looked like a baby.

As he neared the kitchen Jill re-emerged from the laundry and her eyes fell on her baby crawling towards her.  He stopped in mid stride looking at her.  He giggled and quickened his pace towards her.  Jill’s eyes shone as she watched her baby crawl towards her.  It was a sight she loved and could remember with fondness when Bethany was at that age.  To her the crawling stage was the most delightful.

”he chortled excited as he crawled towards her.  Jill crouched down and waited for him. “Bub

“Come on precious,” she said excitedly holding her arms out to him. “Yes come to Mummy Mummy’s bubby.”

When he arrived she lifted him into the air and cuddled him again.  He really loves his cuddles she mused. “Mum
bub,” he chortled. She kissed him and cuddled him fondly before putting him in the floor at her feet.  He looked up her. As he did so he burped again and more curd squeezed out behind his dummy shield and down his chin.  Jill saw it and immediately removed the infantile device, clean it, wiped his mouth and chin with his bib before slipping his pacifier back into his waiting mouth.

Madison sat on the floor near the table watching her bustle around the sink preparing her own breakfast.  He watched her consume two large glasses of water before settling in her chair at the table to consume her breakfast while she carefully scanned the newspaper in case she overlooked anything earlier.  Occasionally Jill would cast an eye in his direction just to check on him.  She could see him fondling his nappy as it curved around his thigh.  He was watching her then occasionally his attention would wander elsewhere all the time his dummy bobbled in his mouth.

Madison crawled closer to her until he was sitting next to the chair.  Jill looked down and affectionately caressed his soft wavy hair before resuming her task.  He grew bored so he rocked over onto his hands and knees and crawled towards the lounge.  Jill glanced in his direction and watched the white padded bottom winking at her as he made his way.  He stopped and twisted slightly on one thigh and looked back it her to see if she was taking any notice of him before resuming his journey.  Madison reached the toy box on the floor and studied its contents before exploring the many and varied objects.  His nappy grew wet and warm again but he ignored it.


  • Princess
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Lost Souls
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2011, 04:36:51 PM »
Greetings all.  Just a short post this time.  Enjoy.

Part 24

Suddenly Madison felt a pair of sure hands slip under his armpits from behind and before he knew it he was cradled in his Mummy’s arms looking at her smiling face.  He closed his legs and bunched them squeezing the wet nappy between his thighs.  Jill kissed him on his dummy.  He smelt of stale milk, urine and baby powder - the epitome of baby smells.

“Come on darling Mummy needs to dress her baby so we can go out,” she cooed.

Madison shivered at the thought and started to s_ck his dummy vigorously.  He could feel his anxiety build.  He didn’t want to venture out.  In the house he was safe and anonymous.  No one knew he was here and that was way he wanted it to remain.  He pondered these thoughts as he watched the ceiling change as he was carried down to his nursery.  Occasionally he would steal a glance at his new mother unsure of what she intended.

Jill could feel his body tense when she mentioned the trip out of the house but she had a plan for that.  Her plan relied on his complete cooperation. She was not going to force him but use guile and stealth to put it into action.  She laid him on the changing table and leaned over him.
Madison studied her face.  He was apprehensive.  Jill kissed him tenderly. She gently folded back his nightie then eased his arms out of the sleeves before discarding it aside. Madison moved his legs and bunched them together squashing the wet cloth between his thighs.  She folded back his singlet before reaching for his nappy pins and extracting them from the damp cloth.  Lifting his bottom she pulled them away and dropped them into the nappy pail beside the table.  Madison heard a dull thud as they hit the plastic receptacle.  Very gently she cleaned his bottom with several scented baby wipes before slipping a dry nappy under his upraised derriere. Madison sighed as he was powdered and his nappy snugly pinned closed.  When he saw her pick up and open the pink ruffled over-nappy his eyes widened.  He grew very anxious and started to wriggle about.

“NO MUMMY! NO MUMMY!” he screeched in alarm and tried to roll over to escape. “NO MUMMY! NO MUMMY!”

Jill was momentarily stunned at his sudden outburst then grabbed him before toppled off the table.

“Madison! Madison baby,” she called in alarm.  Madison attempted to scrabble away.

“NO! NO! I BOY! I BOY!” he screeched. “I BOY! NO GIRL! NO GIRL!” he screamed as he struggled under her grasp.  She dropped the over-nappy and with some effort she managed to lift his struggling squirming body into her arms.  He continued to wriggle and struggle against her firm hold.  “NOT GIRL! NOT GIRL! WAAAaaaaaahhaaaaaaaa!” he cried and broke down into paroxysm of sobs and wails.

Oh my god, thought Jill, what’s happened? What have I done? Then it dawned on her the pink frilly over-nappy had precipitated his overt reaction.  She realised she had to handle the next part very carefully if she was going to implement her plan; her plan to save him and save herself.

Jill paced the nursery jiggling Madison in her arms trying to console him.  He was very distressed and extremely upset.  His struggles had subsided but he continued to wail and sob.  Finally they began to subside as well.

“Shhhh little one everything’s going to be alright,” she soothed him.

“Not girl,” he sniffled. “Not girl Mummy.”

“Of course you aren’t darling.  Mummy knows that.  You’re my gorgeous baby boy.  You always will be,” she said quietly.  “You always will be my gorgeous baby boy, always,” she emphasised over and over again.

Jill slowly walked over the large comfortable chair near his cot.  The ‘cuddling chair’ as she liked to think of it. After seating herself she gently manoeuvred Madison until he was cuddled into her.  She noted his nappy was wet which didn’t surprise her.  She knew from experience that anxious babies meant more wet nappies than normal.  Madison rubbed his face over her shoulder inhaling the fragrance of her perfume, the lingering smell of breast milk and the hint of fabric softener and laundry powder in her clothes.  His new Mummy always smelt so comforting and reassuring.  But in his present state of mind he was not feeling that comfortable or reassured.  He didn’t like what she might be trying to do.  He wasn’t a girl.  He had made that very clear then and the previous evening.  He thought he could trust her but that trust did not extend to being turned into a girl.  He was a boy and wanted to remain so.

Jill was reflecting on how she was going to handle the next few minutes as she rubbed his back and patted his damp nappy.  She knew he was fragile and the last thing she wanted to do was destroy any self-esteem or self-respect he may have left.  His father had made a successful job of destroying most of it.  Also she didn’t want to lose any trust she may have built up.  His trust of her was crucial to their relationship.  He had accepted the babying and was clearly suited for the role.

“Madison darling look at Mummy please,” she pleaded softly.  He did not respond initially but left his face buried in her shoulder. “Look at Mummy angel,” she softly coaxed.  Madison lifted his head and looked at her through tear blurred vision the occasional sob slipping from his throat. “Oh baby,” she cooed when she saw his tear blotched face and red eyes. “Oh baby Mummy’s sorry if she upset her baby boy,” she said softly.  Jill could feel a lump come to her throat.  He looked to forlorn and lost. She kissed him tenderly and repeatedly on his cheek tasting his salty tears.  His eyes still brimmed full of tears.

“Waaaahaawaaaaa,” he broke down again.  She felt terrible but knew exactly what she had to do.  Quickly she cradled him in her arms and slipped out her breast from her open shirt and rubbed her damp nipple over his lips.  Madison took it immediately and nursed quickly.  It was something she didn’t want to do but it was essential to calm him.  It was an extreme solution to an extreme situation. 

Madison gulped what milk was available.  He didn’t need it he knew that but in his mind he felt his Mummy wanted to fix things.  After all he really wanted his new Mummy despite what had happened.  Jill knew there wouldn’t be a lot of milk after his big fill not more than an hour and a half ago but it would be enough.  She let down all she could and let him take what he wanted.  Gradually his suc-king slowed until he had almost stopped.  He was now tonguing her nipple.  It was almost, in her mind, that he wanted to hold onto her.

Finally Jill eased the nipple out, wiped it and slipped it away.  She expected him to protest but he just lay in her arms.  Jill studied him closely.  She watched his eyes dart to her and away.  She started to caress his fine hair and face.  He didn’t flinch.  Madison loved her touching him.  To him it made him feel wanted and desired.  Jill plucked up the courage now that he had settled.

“Madison darling Mummy loves her baby boy,” she whispered each word filled with sincerity. “Do you understand that precious?” she continued.  He looked at her and nodded slightly. “Mummy would never hurt you sweetheart, ever,” she whispered. “But Mummy needs to tell you something very important little one, understand?”  He nodded. “Good boy,” she crooned. “You’re Mummy’s baby boy aren’t you?” He nodded. “Of course you are sweetie,” she affirmed. “Now, Mummy needs to go to the big shop darling and she is going to take her baby with her, that’s you darling, okay,” she pressed.  He nodded uncertainly. “Good boy,” she cooed leaning down and kissing him.  Madison lifted himself and immediately Jill cuddled extra closely and extra warmly.  He laid his head of her shoulder burying his face in her neck.  Jill could feel his warm breath puff on her neck as he breathed rapidly.  He was still anxious she noted by the pace of his breathing. She patted his nappy. “Mummy has a plan when she takes her baby out with her later.  Mummy wants to show everybody what a beautiful baby she has but she wants to hide her little boy as well,” she explained then paused for quite a while to allow her convoluted description to sink in.

Madison was confused by her comment.  How can she want to show him off yet hide him as well?  He stirred and slipped his thumb in and began suc-king it.  Jill reached over to the small table beside the chair and retrieved one of his dummies.

“Here darling this is better,” she said proffering the pale blue infant soother.  Madison opened his mouth and was soon suc-king of the comforting rubber nipple.  Jill smiled to herself when she heard the rhythmic slurps emanating from him.  When she was sure he was settled again she started. “When you arrived here you were a big boy, weren’t you?”

“Mmmmmmm,” he slurped.

“Now Mummy can’t take a big boy out, can she?” she questioned.  He shook his head.

“Me baby Mummy,” he lisped.

Jill chuckled.  This comment provided so much relief. “Of course you are angel. You’re Mummy special baby, but if Mummy takes the big boy there could be people looking for that big boy and they might take him back to his Daddy,” she explained.  He stiffened.

” he vehemently replied shaking his head.

“No darling we don’t want that but if Mummy takes a baby boy out people might still see Madison even though he’s an adorable baby because they will still see the boy, understand sweetheart,” she explained slowly and carefully.  He looked at her intently but was uncertain where this was leading. Jill waited for some sort of acknowledgement from Madison. “Do you understand what Mummy just said?” she asked.

He looked at her with puzzled expression suc-king on his pacifier. Finally he shook his head.

Jill had a feeling he didn’t.  She had to carefully select her words. “You understand that if, say a policeman, saw the big boy they will take him,” she started.

“Yeth Mummy,” he lisped.

“Good boy,” she praised. “Now if the policeman sees a little boy but he still looks like Madison he will say ‘gee I see Madison he should be taken back to his father’ and he will take you

“But I little boy Mummy not big
” Madison interjected.

“Of course you are darling but you still look like that big boy even though you are wearing cute little boy clothes and lovely fluffy nap-naps that won’t stop him.  Do you see?” she replied patiently.  Suddenly a light went on in Madison’s head.  She was right.  He would still look like the boy in a picture especially his face. Maybe she’s going to put makeup on me like his mother used to do and it used to change her looks.  It made her look prettier.

Jill could see the look of realisation cross his face.

“Me not wear stick Mummy,” he lisped.

“Stick!” she replied looking puzzled. “Stick! What do you
?” she trailed off until she realised when he could be referring to. “Oh lipstick,” she laughed. “Oh darling,” she continued hugging him closer. “Babies don’t wear lipstick darling.  That’s not what I was talking about. Mummy needs to hide you sweetie.”

“But Mummy me going too,” he lisped his reply.

“Of course you are. I mean Mummy will make you look different so you don’t look like a baby boy,” she tried to explain. Now she was coming to the difficult part.  After the way he reacted when he saw the pink ruffled over-nappy this could be a challenge.


  • Princess
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  • Posts: 56
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Lost Souls
« Reply #23 on: November 01, 2011, 02:00:54 AM »
Part 25

Jill settled Madison on her lap and cuddled him closely.  She was acutely aware of his wet nappy but that was the least of her worries.

“Madison baby,” she resumed. “Mummy wants you to listen very carefully.  What I have to say might be hard for you, understand.” Madison nodded. “Mummy is
Mummy is going to dress you as an adorable baby girl.”  There it was out.  She felt Madison stiffen.  She watched his face and suddenly his bottom lip quivered, his dummy slipped out and he started to cry.

“NO! NO! I’m not a girl,” he wailed.  He was heartbroken.  She pulled him closer but what surprised her was that he didn’t resist.

shhhh Mummy knows you’re not a girl she’s already said that but we need to be practical.  If you look like a boy they will take you.  If you don’t look like a boy but look like a girl you will be safe. Mummy promises,” she said softly.  She felt she was being harsh but that was the cold hard reality.  Jill waited until he tried to regain his composure.  She was patient. “Mummy doesn’t want to lose her adorable baby boy.  If that happened she would be very sad,” she continued lifting him up into the shoulder hold cuddling him close until his face was buried in her neck then kissed him on the side of his head. “Now Mummy promises that you will only be a baby girl when we are out, but at home you will always be my gorgeous baby boy.  The baby boy I’ve always wanted,” she reassured him in a quiet soothing voice.

Madison continued to sniffle.  He was upset about the idea of dressing as a baby girl but he could see her logic.  He didn’t want to leave her.  He was safe and secure with this woman whom he now regarded as his mother.

“No want panties Mummy,” he murmured. 

 Jill chuckled again. “Of course not darling panties are for big girls and besides they will not fit over your nappies precious. No Mummy promises you will not wear panties, okay?” she probed.  He nodded in understanding.

“No want dat,” he spat flinging his arm back and pointing in the general direction of the change table and the discarded pink pilcher. Jill knew what he was referring to.

“Okay sweetheart Mummy promises you won’t wear things like that.  Any way I think I have something that will be better,” she confided. “Now you do understand that Mummy is going put a pretty dress on you, don’t you?” she asked.  He looked at her his lip quivering but his head nodding in understanding. She was relieved that that hurdle had been crossed but it had taken some small sacrifices along the way.

“Not home,” he lisped looking at her.

“No darling, no dresses when we’re at home,” she promised even though he was already wearing Bethany’s nighties and pilchers.  She knew there were shorts, shirts and long pants that were in pastel colours which could pass as boys’ clothes.  She knew there were also rompers and onesies as well which he will be wearing but when he was at home those didn’t matter. “Are you ready for Mummy to finish dressing her baby?” she asked.  He sighed but she could tell he wasn’t happy but was ready to be compliant.  As she stood and headed back to the changing table she asked one more thing. “Maddie darling can you do one thing for Mummy that will make Mummy very happy?”  He looked at her dummy bobbling in his mouth.

“Uh-huh,” he nodded.

“Can you show Mummy what an adorable baby you are when we go out?” she asked. “If the people see what a beautiful baby I have they won’t worry about who you really are.  If they see a good baby it will make Mummy happy and it will trick other people,” she continued as she laid him on the change table.

“I be dood bubba,” he lisped.  Jill smiled and kissed him.

Quickly she changed his wet nappy.  Picking up the table restraint she fastened it across his tummy.  Madison looked at her in alarm but Jill was quick to reassure him. “It’s okay darling Mummy needs to make sure her baby doesn’t roll off and hurt himself while she gets his clothes,” she explained caressing his legs.

Madison watched as she headed for one of the large cupboards.  The restraint felt uncomfortable against his stomach.  He reflected on the news she had given him. He was going to wear a dress.  He wasn’t happy at the prospect but trusted her assurances.  After all what choice did he have? He could see her thinking and understand her logic.  He didn’t want to go anywhere near his father. At least, he conceded, he wasn’t going to wear panties. He watched as she gathered something light blue from a hanger then gathered something white from one drawer and several articles from another which he couldn’t see.

Jill returned to her baby and laid the various items of clothing beside the table.  She smiled at him as she undid the table restraint.  He watched as she picked up the plastic article. Jill gathered his ankles and lifted his nappy covered bottom clear of the table and slid the item in place.

“Mummy found some plastics for her baby,” she said and she pulled them up between his legs and velcroed them firmly across his tummy pulling his nappy snugger.  Madison looked down passed his singlet and noticed they were clear plastic and rustled.  He looked adorable encased in the plastic cover.  Jill didn’t bother to tuck any of the protruding nappy inside the pilcher.  She loved seeing flashes of nappy showing.

Madison could see the folds of his nappy and the pink tip of his nappy pins.  They were better than those fluffy girlie things he mused.  He looked down as she picked up each foot in turn and slipped a white cotton sock followed by a pair of white Mary Jane style shoes which were buckled in place.

“Sit up angel,” she cooed as she helped him into a sitting position. 

Madison looked down and could see the white nappy bunched comfortably between his legs encased in their plastic prison.  He could even see stray pieces of nappy poking out below them.  His Mummy hadn’t bothered to tuck his nappy inside. He blanched when she picked up the pale blue dress.  She eased it over his head then guided his arms into the long sleeves.  It was a made of brushed cotton with a large white Peter Pan collar, short bodice with an appliqued rabbit of the chest.  It was gathered under the bodice and fell to his hips.  Madison felt the soft material caress the skin on his arms and shoulders.  It felt warm and soft.  Jill tied the blue ribbon at his throat and did the small buttons down his back.  The fit was amazing. 

This dress was one she had bought for Bethany to wear once she grew to school age.  At the time of its purchase Jill decided it would be ideal for school until she had the necessary uniform.  It fitted him beautifully which gave her a greater appreciation of how small and delicate he was. Once she had tied the ribbons around his wrists she primped and preened the pleats.  He looked adorable.  Picking up the soft white woollen matinee jacket she eased this up his arms ensuring the sleeves of his dress remained in place then did the three buttons up at the throat.  Finally she laid the white collar of the dress outside then tied a pale yellow bib in place.  Jill was thrilled with the look.

“Now,” she cooed.  “Mummy will do her little ones hair and then he’s all ready to go out with Mummy.”  Picking up a hair brush she brushed his waves and curls until they shone falling uniformly down his head.  She brushed it back either side of his face and brushed a short fringe in the front.  Picking up two hair clips with large white ribbons attached she slid these into either side of his hair just above the temple.  She took a pace back to admire her handiwork.  Madison looked at her. “Oh my god,” she breathed. “Don’t you look beautiful,” she gushed.  Madison certainly didn’t feel beautiful. He felt sure he looked absolutely stupid. “Come to Mummy sweetheart,” she cooed lifting him into her arms. “Let’s have a look in the mirror.”

Jill carried him out of the nursery and into her room. She slipped him on to his feet facing the large mirror on the wardrobe door.  Madison gasped and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. Staring back at him was the image of a cute little toddler girl with pretty ribbons in her shining blonde hair, blue dummy bobbling nervously in her mouth, pretty blue brushed cotton dress falling from her shoulders, soft white warm woollen jacket adorning her body, yellow bib spread over her chest and dainty white socks and shoes on her feet.  The image which captivated Madison was the bulky nappy showing below the hem of his dress encased in its vinyl cover.  The dress came down to mid-thigh leaving a lot of bulky nappy exposed.  He could see the soft white folds and pink tipped nappy pins.  What surprised him was that he actually looked like a very pretty nappy-dependent toddler girl.  Any vestiges of Madison the boy, even the little boy were gone.  Maybe his new ‘Mummy’ was right she could ‘hide’ him.  He watched as his hand ventured down and touched the hem of his dress.  Then the mirror was filled with his Mummy’s image as she crouched down beside him.

Jill was amazed by his image.  She felt she had hidden him so well.  She slipped her hand up the back of his dress and adjusted his singlet then primped the dress as well.  She caressed his padded bottom making the vinyl over-nappy crinkle.

“Don’t you look beautiful?” she whispered as she ran her fingers lightly through his cascading hair.  Madison didn’t respond.  He was still trying to take in the image. “Mummy’s beautiful little baby girl, aren’t you?” she continued.  He still didn’t respond.  Immediately he turned and flung his arms around her neck pulling himself into her.

“Mama. Mama,” he chortled.  Jill wrapped her arms around him cuddling him tightly one hand resting on his padded rump.  Madison laid his head on her shoulder still looking his image now firmly wrapped in his Mummy’s arms.  He could see the white nappy showing below the leg of the over-nappy.  He had to finally admit to himself that he did look cute.

Jill kissed him tenderly. “Come on Mummy’s gorgeous angel let’s get ready to go,” she said. “Mummy’s not going to use your real name while we are out,” she explained.  “You are going to my beautiful Madeleine, alright baby,” she suggested. “Mummy’s very pretty Madeleine.”  He looked at her not acknowledging the name change.  He knew, again, he had very little choice in the situation. If the name was part of ruse then he had to cope with it. She stood with him in her arms. “Right angel Mummy just needs to get her little girl’s nappy bag then we’ll be away.”  And she left her room heading for the kitchen.

When she sat Madison on the kitchen table there was a large pink coloured bag decorated with balloons and dancing fairies sitting waiting. He looked up at her then at the bag.  Jill smiled at his innocent face.

“That’s your nappy bag darling,” she explained as he reached out to cling to her. She pulled it alongside him and unzipped it. “See little one Mummy has to be ready for her baby,” she explained as she rummaged through it ensuring she had all she needed and showing him the items.

Jill had packed the bag before Madison woke that morning.  It was a task she relished organising and preparing for her baby. She hummed to herself as went through her mental checklist. She packed six nappy changes mainly because that’s how many she used to take for Bethany.  She wasn’t sure with Madison although she had noted that he was a frequent wetter. She included a couple of single nappies to act as spill catchers, baby powder, wipes, a couple of moist cloths, two jars of baby food just in case he became overly hungry.  She intended to breastfeed him while she was out so these were only a precaution.  A change of clothes went in.  Jill knew from her experience with Bethany that little ones can be unpredictable and suddenly vomit down clothing or their nappy can leak. She decided to put in a bottle of formula but it was only for an emergency.  Jill added a spare dummy, a couple of extra bibs and a bottle of diluted apple juice in case he was thirsty.   There, she was satisfied she felt she had every eventuality covered.

Madison still clung to her.  She could feel his hands clutching her shirt.  She could also feel him quiver slightly.  He was nervous that was the only explanation because the house was warm. Zipping up the nappy bag she slung the bag over her one shoulder then did the same to her own bag.

“Right sweetheart Mummy’s ready,” she cooed as she lifted him into the shoulder hold.  Madison clutched her tightly gripping her shirt.  Carefully Jill headed for the back door locking it behind her. 

Standing in the entrance way the full blast of the cold weather hit her.  As she readjusted Madison she shivered, at the same time Madison clutched his mother even tighter.  The wind cut into him.  It whistled up under his dress.  He couldn’t understand why girls’ wore such a cold impractical garment.  Jill quickly made her way across the yard and into the relative sanctuary of the garage. 

Madison was confronted with a large grey metallic coloured station-wagon with large comfortable seats.  Even his father’s car wasn’t as flash and modern as this vehicle. Unshouldering the nappy bag Jill opened the left hand rear door and carefully placed her baby in the car seat.  With a couple of minor harness adjustments Madison was safely belted in.  He wriggled in the infant contraption the crotch strap pressing his nappy into his groin.  When she closed the door Madison felt trapped and closed in.  His eyes feverishly darted around the car interior and through the windows for any sign of her.  The car jolted as the rear door closed before Jill climbed into the driver’s seat.  She looked around at her baby and smiled.  Madison stared at her his mouth frantically working on the rubber teat.  Jill could sense his anxiety.

“It’s alright darling,” she said softly. “I know you are frightened little one but Mummy will protect her baby girl.”  Madison shuddered when she used the word ‘girl’ because he wasn’t one.

Carefully Jill reversed the car out of the garage and as the door closed automatically she gunned the engine and they were soon gliding down the shingle driveway which skirted the boundary of the property.  After stopping momentarily at the exit to check traffic conditions she swung the car left and sped in the direction of Stanton half an hour’s drive away.


  • Princess
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  • Posts: 56
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Lost Souls
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2011, 02:10:19 PM »
Part 26.

Madison eyes darted back and forth.  He wasn’t taking in the scenery.  Every kilometre, as far as he was concerned, was taking him away from his sanctuary into the arms of those waiting to drag him back to his father.  By now his nappy was wet.  He looked at his ‘mother’ steering the car further and further into unknown danger.  His bottom lip started to quiver as the first tears trickled down his cheeks.  His dummy slipped out as the first wails erupted.  He could hold back any more. It was all too much for him – the girls’ clothes, the shopping trip, everything.

Jill got the shock of her life when Madison burst into tears.  She knew why and her heart ached for him.  She pulled over to the side of the road and looked back at him.  He was a tear streaked mess.

“Shhh it’s alright baby,” she tried to console him but nothing was working

Madison was too upset and worked up to calm down.  Jill exited the driver’s seat and climbed in the back beside him.  Madison could see her through his tears.  Snot was running down his face and his nappy was soaked.  He reached out to touch her.  Jill felt tears sting her eyes and a lump was forming in her throat. She wanted to comfort her baby so there was only one thing she could do.  With nimble fingers she released his seat restraints.  She slipped her hands under his armpits.

“Come to Mummy,” she said her voice wavering. With some difficulty she lifted him from the infant seat and into her arms.  She cuddled him close to her chest his legs astride her lap and kissed him repeatedly tasting his salty tears. “Mummy’s poor, poor baby. I know, I know little one,” she cooed rocking him.  Jill slipped her hand between herself and his sobbed wracked body and managed to slip her fingers inside his pilcher causing it to crackle as she did so.  His nappy was soaked.  She knew it would be.  Kissing him tenderly she prattled softly to him trying to console him. “Mummy’s here my sweet baby.”  Jill knew she had to change him.  She wasn’t going to leave him in a very wet nappy until she arrived at the shopping centre. That was risking nappy rash and having a factious baby to compound her problems.  With difficulty she looked over the back seat into depths of the wagon trying to sight the nappy bag.  Still clutching him she managed, with a great deal of effort, to manoeuvre the bag until she had retrieved a nappy, the wipes and powder.

“Alright angel Mummy’s going to change her baby’s wet nap-nap then he’ll feel better,” she cooed.  Madison snuggled into her clutching her shirt.  Opening the back door she eased her way out laying him on the seat in the process.  Madison continued to cry. Swiftly Jill lifted his dress and opened his plastics laying them open on the seat.  Madison shifted his legs and bunched them together.  Gently she parted his legs and removed his nappy pins.  Quickly she pushed his legs up and pulled the wet nappy away and dropped it on the floor.  She shivered as she quickly wiped his nappy area.  If it was cold for her it would also be cold for him.  

Madison whimpered and his crying increased in intensity. “I know angel,” she said softly.  â€œMummy’s nearly finished.”  She slipped the dry nappy in place, powdered him and pinned it closed.  The pilchers were domed closed before his dress was pulled down.  Moving in she lifted him and slipped into the car again holding him as she closed the door shutting the cold weather out.  Madison clutched at her pulling himself into her.  Jill shuffled around with her shirt.  Madison could smell her milk. “Come on darling Mummy,” she cooed cradling him close.  Her damp nipple touched his chin and Madison opened his mouth searching for the comforting morsal. “Here darling,” she whispered as she pushed the nipple passed his parted lips.  Madison mewled. Feeling the soft nipple touch his tongue he opened his mouth and suc-ked the nipple in and was rewarded with her maternal nectar.  He nursed feverishly even though he didn’t need the milk. “Good baby,” she praised. Madison looked at her through his teary eyes and fixed her with a stare.  His Mummy smelt and tasted reassuring.  Madison didn’t think he would ever feel like this but the more he had her soft morsel in his mouth the more he wanted her.  He slurped and suc-ked.  Jill sighed as she felt his firm tugs on her mammary. It was something she loved and enjoyed.

It took nearly ten minutes before she felt he was ready to be put back in his seat so she could recommence the journey.  He didn’t mewled when she carefully extracted her nipple.  Using his bib to wipe it she slipped it from view and readjusted her bra and shirt.  Madison remained cradled in her arms.  She caressed his head and cheek stooping to kiss his forehead.  In doing so she could smell the milk on his breath.

“Come on darling Mummy put her baby back in his seat so we can keep going,” she explained quietly.  He blinked at her but didn’t respond.  Madison knew they had to keep heading into the unknown, the uncharted territory which lay in wait.  With some effort Madison was placed back in his car seat and belted in.  As she was adjusting the restraints he grabbed at her again.  Jill smiled at her baby and kissed him again. “It’s going to be okay sweetheart Mummy promises,” she said looking into his brown eyes. His eyes darted across her face he was searching them for any signs of doubt.  All he could see was concern and warmth. Jill backed out of the car taking the wet nappy with her.  Quickly she deposited it in a plastic bag along with the discarded wipes before wiping her own hands.  She slipped in behind the wheel and the car headed on its journey.

Fifteen minutes later she eased the vehicle into the crowded car park of a large shopping complex. Madison’s eyes nearly popped out of his head.  He had never been to anything so large and expansive.  It caused him to temporarily forget about his predicament. Jill decided to park under the complex out of the biting wind.  Slowly the car wound its way under the cavernous concrete complex.  Jill took one of the ‘parents’ parks near the glass entrance into the shopping precinct.  This thrilled her because she was now a mother once again with a beautiful baby in her care.

Jill stopped the car and looked back at her baby, his eyes were everywhere and he was clearly captivated by his surroundings.

“We’re here darling,” she cooed to him affectionately caressing his leg.  Madison looked at her and smiled around his dummy.

” he chortled.  

“Yes darling you’re Mummy’s bubba,” she beamed.

She exited the car and moved the pushchair from the back and placed his nappy bag in the tray under the infant vehicle before gathering bundle of joy from his car seat.  When she opened the back door he beamed at her with outstretched arms.  Her nimble fingers released the restraints and she gathered him into her arms closing the door behind him.  She kissed him tenderly and readjusted his dress before slipping her fingers inside his nappy.  He was wet but not overly.  Madison was gazing around the car watching people and cars come and go.  He looked at his mother and pointed at a large red vehicle.

” he chortled.  Jill followed his arm and noticed the large bright red four-wheel drive heading towards the exit.  She chuckled to herself.

“It’s a big truck isn’t darling,” she agreed.  She was taken by his obvious interest in something as simple as that. “Come on angel,” she said giving him a warm cuddle.  â€œLet’s see what’s in the big shop, eh.”  Jill adjusted the soft yellow and pink blanket covering the mattress of the push chair and settled Madison inside.  He gazed at her his dummy bobbling in his mouth as she adjusted his dress and socks.  Jill was fortunate that the infant carriage had an adjustable handle. This enabled her to rearrange it so the seat was facing her then she could keep an eye on her baby.

When she was satisfied Jill pushed the infant carriage towards the large automatic doors.  They swished open and she was hit by the sudden warmth from inside.

Madison could feel the smooth ride afforded by the baby carriage.  The mattress was soft and even though he should have been embarrassed at riding in such device he ignored it because he was comfortable.  He let his eyes wonder around the environment inside.  He knew he was wet but that didn’t concern him.  He should have been very conscious of his attire but that was pushed to the back of his mind.

His senses were assailed by a myriad of sights, sounds and smells.  The many coloured lights captivated him from the flashing neons with their spectrums of colours and hues to the bright signs and models.  The piped music was everywhere together with the murmur of many people and the different sounds emanating from the depths of the many shops and boutiques.  He didn’t know where to look.  He had never been in such a fascinating place, a real Aladdin’s cave.  He twisted and turned trying to take in everything.

Jill was amused by his reaction.  Gone was the anxious baby of twenty minutes ago and in its place a spellbound and captivated toddler.  She watched him twist and wriggle as his eyes followed the sights.  She saw him turn on the mattress and kneel against the back of the pushchair to gaze at the sights ahead.  She watched his little padded bottom wriggle and his delicate hands clutch the back of the seat.  She could see a wet patch on his seat but wasn’t concerned. Madison tried to stand up to see more. Jill stopped the carriage.

“No Madeleine darling,” she quietly admonished him gently grabbing him under the armpits. “Mummy doesn’t her baby girl to fall,” she explained as she turned and reseat him.

.Nummmmmm,” he gurgled pointing at some bright shop over her shoulder.

Jill resumed her journey down the concourse.  Again Madison twisted around until he was looking ahead.  He didn’t want to miss a thing.  He felt his bowel cramp but ignored it.  As his head followed the direction of sound loud music his nappy started to fill.  He grunted involuntarily before looking ahead again.  Unconsciously he spread his legs as his nappy filled with soft poop his bladder spasming at the same time. Jill happened to look at when she detected the seat of his nappy expanding and begin the droop.  She chuckled to herself.  Her baby was filling his nappy and he was totally oblivious to it.  Jill suddenly had to swerve to avoid a group of young teens careering down the concourse not looking where they were heading.  Madison over balanced with the sudden lurch of the pram landing on his bottom squashing the contents of his nappy.  Jill screeched when she saw him topple stopping the pram suddenly to rescue him.

“Ooooo Maddie darling,” she shrieked and pulled him to his feet scowling at the thoughtless actions of the overgrown teenaged oafs.  He giggled at her.  She smiled at him. “You think that’s funny,” she grinned.  Then she wrinkled her nose. “Has my baby got poo-poo naps,” she inquired.  Madison looked at her.

“Mama,” he chortled grabbing at her.  

“Stand still little one,” she said leaning over him and flipping up his dress.  Madison fidgeted.  He could feel the stickiness in his nappy. “Stand still honey,” she repeated and pulled back his pilcher and nappy peering down between his pink bottom and the white cloth.  Jill could see the creamy-brown mass smeared inside. “Oh bubby you have been busy.  What a stinky baby,” she cooed releasing the garments. Sitting him down in the pram she headed for the nearest Parents’ Room.


  • Princess
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  • Posts: 56
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Lost Souls
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2011, 06:00:07 PM »
This will be my last post for a while.  I'm going away. Enjoy!

Part 27

Jill steered the pushchair down the wide corridor to the baby room at the end.  As she neared the door it swished open and she entered.  It closed behind her. The stale smell of urine, baby powder and air freshener hit her nostrils.  It was empty.  Jill left the pushchair beside the entrance to a cubicle and retrieved the nappy bag depositing it on the bench within.  She moved to the pram. Madison looked up at her as she approached.

mum,” he chortled reaching up his arms. “Bub

“Oh  Mum
Mum to you too,” Jill  mimicked lifting him into her arms and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re a stinky bubby that’s what you are,” she chuckled as she laid him on the brown vinyl changing pad. Jill arranged everything she needed to change him.  Madison lay contentedly on the pad an audible suc-king could be heard.  Jill smiled to herself when she heard the baby reflex suc-king.  She carefully folded his dress back over his tummy ready to remove his nappy pins revealing his soft pink stomach.  She could see the outline of his ribs. He was so thin and fragile. His tiny waist disappeared into the thick white cloth of his nappy.  Madison watched her every move. He shifted his legs and the poos smeared further over his bottom and nappy. Suddenly Jill buried her face in his tummy and blew wind into the skin causing a ‘farting’ noise to be produced.  She was blowing ‘raspberries’. A game which Bethany enjoyed and never tired of, she wondered how he would react. 

A startled look passed over Madison’s face and he suc-ked in a gulp of air before letting out a shriek causing his pacifier to be dislodged.  He wriggled and bucked and squirmed and shrieked as Jill continued to with the same behaviour.  Then she stopped and looked at him.  He was panting, his eyes sparkled, his face flushed but a clear grin was spread over it.  He moved his hands to touch the area of his tummy just recently attacked when Jill caught his hands and attacked again.  More shrieking and squealing ensued.  Jill could tell by the tone of the screams that he was enjoying the game.  She stopped and let his hands go.  Again he tried to protect his tummy and again she grabbed them and did the same.

“MUUUMMMMEEEEE!!!” he squealed bucking around on the changing mat.  Jill stopped and looked at him.  He was in a highly aroused state.  She slipped her hands under his tiny shoulders feeling the bones through his clothing, lifted him towards her face and kissed warmly on the nose.  Madison giggled at her.  “More Mummy. More Mummy,” he giggled.  Jill opened her eyes wide then attacked his tummy again producing the same high pitched, vigorous response.  He tried to roll away from her only to be rolled back and to have more ‘raspberries’ blown into his already sensitive skin.  Again she lifted him and he wrapped his arms around her neck pulling himself in. 

Bub,” he chortled with glee.  Jill lifted him into her arms and cuddled him.  Madison cuddled in wriggling within her embrace totally oblivious to the sticky miss in his nappy.

“Yes gorgeous you’re Mummy’s Bubby, aren’t you?” she said to him affectionately.  “Come on little one Mummy change her bubba’s stinky nap-nap,” she suggested depositing him gently back on the vinyl pad.  Madison wriggled as Jill refolded his dress over his chest, opened his pilcher then slipped the nappy pins from the cloth.  “Lie still sweetheart so Mummy can clean your botty,” she said softly.  Madison stopped wriggling.  Gingerly Jill pulled down the nappy between his legs to be greeted by a yellowy-brown stick concoction smeared all over his bottom, between his legs and over his little ‘nut-sack’.  The smell was pungent but she didn’t bat an eyelid.  Sure it was smelly but Bethany had produced worse concoctions.  Lifting his legs back she used stray parts of the nappy to wipe most of the goo into the nappy.  While holding his ankles she used the ready dampened cloth to clean his bottom.

Madison had found his pacifier and was happily suc-king it. He gurgled in delight as she gently cleaned his bottom.  He was passed being embarrassed or self-conscious about the process.  His new ‘Mummy’ had cleaned his bottom so many times over the preceding days that it was becoming part of his existence.  In fact he found having his bottom cleaned and his groin caressed quite intoxicating.  He was sure his little ‘tool’ was starting to thicken as she cleaned it.

Jill smiled to herself as she felt his peenie thicken and pulse slightly.  She knew he was becoming aroused by her ministrations but not a sexual way.  He was like any baby simply aroused by the intimate touches associated with nappy changes.  She had seen it when friends of hers changed their little boys at play group when she took Bethany.

Finally after using a couple of baby wipes she was satisfied he was clean.  She slipped the prepared nappy under his bottom coated both with a generous amount of fragrant baby powder before allowing his bottom to rest on the thick cloth.  Using some wipes she quickly wiped her hands.  She watched in amusement as Madison kicked his legs before allowing them to flop open.  Jill took the opportunity to pull the clean infant garment up between his legs pushing them further apart and pin the nappy snugly closed.  Madison continued to gurgle.  Jill was amazed at how happy he was.  The game she had played had had its desired purpose, to relax him and ease him into a more of a baby state.  Quickly the pilchers were refastened and his dress pulled down.  Jill lifted him onto his feet while she disposed of the offensive nappy and dirty cloth in a plastic bag and discarded the wipes in the rubbish bin before washing her hands again. 

Madison stood unsteadily beside her the very thick nappy forcing his legs apart.  He grabbed her legs for support.  Jill looked down as she repacked the nappy bag.

” he chortled to her and lifted his arms to her the same way any toddler would who wants their mother to pick them up.  Jill zipped up the bag then stooped and lifted him passing an arm under his padded bottom to support.  She readjusted his dress and bib, ‘beeped’ his nose before picking up the bag.  Madison clung to her.  She exited the cubicle.  Just as she dropped the nappy bag to the floor, the door to the room whished open and in walked another young mother pushing a stroller with a young boy strapped in.  He stared at Madison and Madison reciprocated.  He pointed at Madison and grunted turning to his mother.  She half turned.

“What do you see darling?” she cooed.  “Another bubby,” she queried.  The toddler repeated the same response.  “That’s a pretty wee girl darling. Her Mummy’s probably just changed her nappy just like I’m going to do with you,” she said sweetly to her child.  “Come on Mr Stinky Pritches,” she cooed as she lifted the boy clear of the stroller.  The young mother smiled at Jill. “Cute baby,” she stated.

“Thank you,” smiled Jill. “You’ve got a handsome wee man there,” she continued.

The young mother blushed and kissed her little one. “Yes he is then I’m allowed to say that,” she giggled wiping the boys mouth and chin with his bib.

“Course you are,” agreed Jill.  “Our babies are always the best,” she went on with laughter in her voice.  “The cubicle is free,” she indicated.  “Sorry about the odour but I had poopy baby to clean up.”

The young mother laughed. “Oh don’t apologise. Like I always say anywhere and anytime, eh Mr Poopy Britches,” she giggled and lightly jabbed her little boy in the tummy.  He squealed and doubled up.

“You’re not wrong about that,” concurred Jill. “But we wouldn’t be without them,” remarked Jill.

The young mother looked at her little boy and kissed him on the cheek. “You’re right about that,” she concurred.

Madison touched her chest and murmured behind his dummy. “I know darling you’re hungry,” she soothed.  “Excuse me,” she said to the young mother. “I need to feed her before she starts to get cranky,” she explained and walked towards the bench in the corner.

“You go ahead while I see what little parcel this little minx has left for me,” she laughed as she grabbed her own nappy bag and headed into the cubicle closing the door behind her.


  • Princess
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  • Posts: 56
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Lost Souls
« Reply #26 on: February 11, 2012, 02:29:11 AM »
I'm back.  Another instalment for everyone.  Enjoy!

Part 28

Jill sat on the bench and deposited Madison on her lap as she did so. She reached into the side pocket of the nappy bag and retrieved the bottle of apple juice.  She cradled Madison in her arms, slipped his dummy out and replaced it with the teat.  Madison suc-ked the cool liquid immediately.  The sweet diluted taste of apple juice filled his mouth and sent a series of intense taste pulses through his senses.  He turned his head towards her chest and guzzled on the cool liquid.

Jill was pleased he had taken it.  She felt he didn’t need milk at the moment.  It was more important to address his thirst.  

Madison was happily guzzling the cool juice when the door to the cubicle opened and the young mother emerged guiding her toddler in front of her.  He immediately made a bee-line towards Jill and Madison.

“Uuuunnnn,” he chortled pointing at Madison.

His mother had just replaced his nappy bag and looked around.

“Yes sweetie the baby’s having a drink. Come here darling Mummy’s got a drink for you,” she offered.  He turned and toddled towards his mother then stopped and turned to look at the pair.

“Bubba,” he murmured.

“Yes dear it’s a bubba, just like you.  Come here rascal,” she grinned and grabbed the young boy depositing him into his stroller, taking his pacifier out and pushing the teat of a bottle into his mouth.  The small boy took the bottle and sat back in the stroller and could be heard drinking the clear liquid.  The mother fiddled with the harness until she was satisfied her little boy was safely restrained.

Jill looked down at Madison.  Some of the juice had trickled out the side of his mouth.  She careful picked up the corner of his bib and wiped it away.

“She’s a beautiful wee girl,” the young mother gushed.  She was standing near Jill looking at Madison.  â€œHow old is she?”

“Nearly three,” replied Jill. “Yip she is a beautiful wee thing, aren’t you darling?” she cooed to Madison. “Mind you I’m allowed to say that,” she laughed.  The young mother joined her sharing the joke that only mothers understand.  She looked across at her little boy.  â€œHow old is your wee fellow?” asked Jill.

“Nearly two,” she replied. “He’s a good wee boy, aren’t you darling?”  The boy fidgeted and smiled around the teat.  â€œWell I had better get going plenty to do and not much time to do it,” she remarked as she checked her boy.

“I know the feeling,” responded Jill as Madison started suc-king air.

“Take care,” said the young mother sincerely as she manoeuvred the stroller towards the door.  It swished open.

“We will,” replied Jill and the young mother left.  Jill sat Madison up after removing the bottle and depositing it back in the bag.  She wiped his mouth then stood turning him into the front hold.  As she deposited the bag on the floor Madison belched.  â€œOooo good girl,” she cooed then deposited him into the pram before placing the nappy bag under the carriage.  They left the Parent Room and head out into the main thoroughfare.

Jill joined the throng as she wended her way through the large shopping complex.  Madison reclined in the pram taking in all the sights.  He started to twist around to see more.  Jill smiled to herself he was clearly captivated by the environment.  She watched as he twisted around until he was kneeling gazing out over the back of the pram.  His dress had ridden up exposing his plastic covered nappied bottom.  

Madison was spellbound by the sights and sounds around him.  He had never been in a place so large and so busy.  He was mesmerised by the antics of the people.  He felt the front of his nappy suddenly grow warm and wet.  He ignored it.  Suddenly he spied two policemen walking towards them among the crowd.  He stiffened and clutched at the pram tightly.

Jill saw him stiffen and his small knuckles grow white.  She looked around to see what would have suddenly brought the change in his demeanour.  Then she saw the blue uniforms and caps of the two policemen.  They were strolling towards them involved in an animated conversation.  Her heart jumped and its beat quickened.  She knew she had to remain calm if not herself she had to for Madison’s sake.

Madison started to shiver in fright.  His heart started to pound.  Now he was in trouble.  This was surely the end of the line.  He could visualize what would happen.  They would take him with them and arrest his new ‘mother’.  He would be back to his father and god knows what he would do.  He could almost feel the fists pounding his small frail body.  Madison couldn’t cope with the possible scenario.  His lip started to quiver and he slumped into the pram and started to cry.

Jill stopped the pram immediately.  He was distressed that was obvious and she knew why. She knew, also, she had to play this very carefully.

“Madeleine darling what’s wrong baby,” she cooed in concern coming to his aid.  She lifted him into her arms.  Immediately Madison drew himself into her almost as if he was trying hide inside her.  He cried and cried.  â€œOh baby it’s alright Mummy’s got her little girl,” soothed Jill rubbing his back.  â€œIs my baby hungry is that what’s wrong angel?”  Jill said softly watching the policemen out of the corner of her eye.  One looked in her direction momentarily then back to his partner and continued the conversation.  Clutching the quivering body of her baby Jill slowly pushed the pram through the mall.  

Jill knew perfectly well that her actions and behaviour towards Madison were criminal.  She knew all too well that if the law intervened she would be arrested and charged with kidnapping even though Madison had arrived at her house and she had sheltered him.  In the eyes of the law that did not matter.  It was her responsibility to return him to the authorities so he could go back to his family.  Equally she knew that she could not and would not do that.  She had made a solemn promise to Madison to protect him.  Protecting him meant keeping him safe and away from those forces likely to injure him.  She hitched him up with an arm under his bottom as she pushed the empty pram through the complex.  

Madison was slumped against her his face close to her neck.  She could hear him frantically suc-king his dummy for all it was worth.  From the warmth emanating from his nappy she knew he had wet himself.  That was not unexpected given the gravity of the situation.  She could feel him clutch at her shirt and pull himself tighter.  His crying had subsided to a quiet sniffle.

“It’s okay darling,” she said softly and she walked slowly through the mall. “Mummy’s got you. You’re safe with Mummy angel,” she softly assured him.

The policemen drew level with them then continued on their way without even acknowledging their presence.  Sure they would have been seen that was the nature of these people.  It was their job to scrutinize people as they patrolled the complex but a mother and baby did not rate on their radar.  They were not least bit interested in them.  Jill had done the right thing in carrying Madison.  It cemented the mother and baby picture.

Madison looked past Jill’s head and watched the two policemen saunter down the concourse.  He was relieved that more distance was being put between them and him.  He felt Jill pat his bottom in a reassuring way.  Madison continued to grip her shirt.  He was still unsure and nervous.  Just because they were walking away did not necessarily mean they wouldn’t come back. Jill half turned and watched the pair disappear.

“It’s okay sweetie they’re going.  See, they didn’t take any notice of you. I told you they wouldn’t see that boy, didn’t I?” she said softly in his ear.

“Ah huh,” he murmured.

“All they saw was a gorgeous baby girl with her Mummy, didn’t they?” she went on.

“’Pose so,” he mumbled.

“Of course they did darling.  You continue to behave like a good baby and everything will be fine.  I’ve got you.  You’re safe with me,” Jill reaffirmed.  She had to reinforce his predicament.  He was a baby pure and simple.  He would always be baby.  That’s where his destiny lay.  And slowly, ever so slowly Jill was moulding him in that direction.  Madison nuzzled her neck.  Jill smiled to herself.

Jill continued to walk through the vast shopping complex carrying her baby and pushing the stroller.  She headed for a large coffee shop.  It was necessary to get out of the ‘public’ and into somewhere more discrete.  In addition she needed a break and a chance to gather herself.  Inside she was fluttering away, her heart was pounding and she was sweating slightly. It had been a close call. Jill felt the nervous tension just as much as her baby after all her very existence was on the line too.  She knew very well that she would have been up for a kidnapping charge regardless of the circ-umstances.  Madison was not legally her baby that was the reality.

Jill managed to steer the stroller in the cafĂ© and up to the counter as these thoughts and realisations bounded through her mind.  While Jill waited she rubbed Madison’s in a reassuring manner.  She could still feel his small body trembling.  She could tell by the warmth radiating from his bottom that he had wet his nappy in fright.  That she could understand because after all the situation had been disconcerting for her but it had to be more so for him.  His existence would have been seriously under threat had those policemen been really on the prowl for him.  They obviously hadn’t and that was in some way comforting.

The customer in front moved on and Jill approached the counter and the mild aged woman behind it.  She eyed Jill and Madison up and down then smiled broadly.

“How can I help madam?”

Jill quickly ordered a muffin, two glasses of water and tea for herself.  After she paid the bill she hitched Madison up and looked a bit uncomfortable.

“And I was wondering if I could feed my baby in here?” inquired Jill a little tentatively.

“Sure madam.  If you need a bottle warmed I can certainly do that, it’s no problem,” the woman responded.

“Oh no it’s not that,” Jill replied looking for the right words.  â€œI mean ‘feed’ her,” she emphasised.  The woman looked puzzled momentarily then the implication of Jill’s question hit.

“Oh you mean breast feed,” she asked.  Jill nodded. “Of course madam, feel free.  In fact if you sit in the nook down the end of the cafĂ©â€Šâ€ and the woman leaned over the counter and point down to the end of the room to a set of comfortable chairs. “If you go down there and make yourself comfortable I’ll bring everything to you,” she stated.  â€œAny way why should you ask?” she finished.

Jill was relieved and starting patting Madison’s back as he started to nuzzle her neck again and whimper slightly. “Oh I thought I’d ask because I know some places frown on mothers feeding their babies.  They say it offends the customers,” she described.

The woman nodded in understanding.  â€œHave no fear here madam.  We don’t have a problem with that. Any mother can feed their baby and if anyone complains you direct them to me and I’ll sort them out,” she responded in a caring way.  â€œWe have an open door policy here so if your baby needs a feed you feed her,” she said looking affectionately at Madison.  She stroked Madison’s hair. “She’s a gorgeous wee thing, isn’t she,” she bubbled.  Jill smiled broadly and relieved then looked at her baby.

“Yes she is,” she said softly.  Madison whimpered. “It’s alright darling Mummy will give you something soon.”

“That’s right you attend to her and I’ll bring your order over.  Don’t worry about a thing.  I’ve had little ones of my own and when they want a feed they have to have it. Now you go right ahead,” she said in a satisfied and authoritative manner.  â€œOh and madam if you leave the stroller by the door it’ll be safe and it’ll mean you won’t have to try and negotiate your way passed tables. In fact can I help?” she offered.

Jill looked at the stroller and realised she would need his nappy bag.  â€œAhhh yes if that’s no trouble,” she asked hopefully.

“No problem.  Just a minute
” the woman paused and scanned the area behind her. “Amelia,” she called and a dark haired teenaged girl appeared from a side door.

“Yes Mrs Higginson,” she said as she emerged from the side room and removed her rubber gloves.

“Ah Amelia can you help this mother with her stroller?” she asked.  â€œAs you can see she’s got her hands full with her baby,” the lady iterated.

“Yes Mrs Higginson,” the girl replied and bustled around the end of the counter.

The lady turned to Jill.  â€œJust go with Amelia she’ll fix everything then I’ll bring your order down.”  Just then Madison mewled again but this time there was some agitation in it.

“I know bubby,” whispered Jill kissing the side of his head.  â€œSsshhhh
” she soothed as she followed Amelia.

The young café assistant took the stroller and propelled it towards the entrance and an alcove just inside the door.

“Do you need anything?” she inquired of Jill.

“Yes please could you bring her nappy bag it’s in the tray underneath.”

“Certainly madam,” the young girl responded bending down to retrieve the bag.  Jill waited patiently.  â€œThis way madam,” she directed and walked ahead of Jill down to the comfortable chairs tucked away in the corner.  She stood aside as Jill passed her.  â€œShe’s a beautiful baby,” the girl remarked sincerely.  Jill stopped and rubbed her baby’s back again.

“Do you think so?” she inquired.

“Oh yes she is, she’s gorgeous.  How old is she?” the young assistant inquired.

“She’s two,” responded Jill.  â€œAren’t you precious?” she said quietly to Madison.  He whimpered and buried his face further into her shoulder suc-king vigorously on his dummy. “She’s a bit fractious at the moment because she’s hungry,” continued Jill.

The girl nodded. “They’re gorgeous at that age.  I’ve got a two year old brother and he’s neat, a bit naughty,” she giggled. “But really cute.”  She lifted the nappy bag and placed it in one of the chairs. “I’ll put this here and you make yourself comfortable.  Mrs Higginson will be along soon with your order,” she remarked and left.

Jill settled herself in the other comfortable chair shifting her baby until he was settled on her lap.  She looked around the cafĂ© as she slowly undid the buttons of her blouse and unclipped the strap on her nursing bra.  The cafĂ© was certainly busy.  It seemed to be quite a popular place.  There were different sorts of people either engaged in earnest conversations, pawing over newspapers, talking on cell-phones or tapping away in computers.  They seemed to ignore the mother and her baby.  She got the occasional glance but nothing of significance.

Jill turned her attention to her baby.  He was her priority.  She cradled him in her arms turning him towards her chest.  Madison mewled some more and let out a squawk which surprised him.  He wanted her more than anything.  

“I know darling,” Jill cooed to him. “Mummy’s got some milk here angel.” And she removed his pacifier then gathering her breast in one hand and the back of his head with the other she pushed the soft fleshy morsel into his partially open mouth.  Immediately Madison whimpered and suc-ked the nipple in.  It started to tease his tongue.  He suc-ked hard and warm milk filled his mouth which caused him to swallow.  His stomach rejoiced.

Jill sighed as her baby started to ingest the milk.  She hitched him closer and more comfortable on her lap.  She rejoiced as his firm and regular suc-kling sent orgasmic waves through her body.  She loved breast feeding.  She kept a soft maternal eye on her baby.  She could see his jaw working on her breast. She could hear his audible swallows and watch his throat regularly contract.  She marvelled as his free hand softly stroked the soft pearly white skin of breast.  To her this was the ultimate maternal experience.  As far as she was concerned this made her the best mother in the world.  She rejoiced in her ability to satisfy her baby.

She removed her hand from behind his head there was no need to hold it.  She wasn’t forcing him to feed he was doing it because he wanted too.  Jill lovingly shifted a lock of his blond hair away from his eye.  She affectionately stroked his cheek with the back of her fingers.  Madison’s deep brown eyes focused on her.  To Jill it felt as though he was drawing her into him.  The occasional blink did not interrupt his gaze.  She leaned down and kissed the side of his head.  He smiled at her around her nipple.  She could see the milk on his lips.  Removing her hand she preened the folds of his dress and inspected the white creases and folds of his nappy inside the transparent plastic pilcher.  The silver nappy pins winked at her as they worked to hold the cloth together. The pink tips represented safety and security as they hid sharp tip that could pierce anything and latched the pin tightly shut.  She stroked his bottom feeling the soft padding through the plastic and warmth radiating from the wet cloth.  She knew he was wet.  She was interrupted from her wanderings by a voice.


  • Princess
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Lost Souls
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2012, 10:07:30 PM »
Thanks for the encouragement.  Here is another part.  Enjoy!

Part 29

“Here’s your order madam.”  It was the cafĂ© manageress.  She smiled indulgently at Jill and her baby. “She seems quite satisfied,” she remarked as she cast a look at Madison.  Jill looked down at her gorgeous baby then back at the woman.

“Yes she’s happy,” she concurred.

“Now everything is here and if you need anything else just ask one of the waitresses,” the woman indicated.

“I will, thank you,” replied Jill.

The woman leaned closer to look at Madison.

“I must say she’s a beautiful wee girl,” she affirmed.  There was a warmth and caring tone to her voice.  Jill’s chest swelled.  The woman reached down and stroked Madison’s soft blonde hair.  He ignored her.  He should have been frightened but he was in his mother’s arms and this other woman seemed to pose no threat.  “I’ll leave you to it,” she said quietly.

Madison continued to fill his tummy.  Although he didn’t think he was hungry he was surprised how hungry he was as the milk hit his stomach.  He began to relax and let the orgasmic action of the nipple in his mouth lull him into a trance.  He could hear Jill’s hearting beat and felt the warmth of her body.  He snuggled in further enjoying the firmness and security of her embrace.  As he relaxed more warm pee soaked into his nappy.  It was so easy now.  There was no thought required, no urge to answer when his bladder had enough it emptied on its own accord.  Madison didn’t mind wet nappies.  They still remained warm long after they were wet.  He was beginning to accept being in poopy nappies now too.

Jill slowly drank the water and nibbled on her muffin as her baby nursed.  She could feel him pull more firmly on her nipple which meant the milk flow was diminishing.  She carefully removed the nipple, wiped it on his bib before tucking her breast securely out of sight.  She looked around the cafĂ©.  Nobody appeared to be paying her any attention.  She sat Madison up and started to rub his back.  At the same time she repeatedly kissed his head each time breathing in the aroma of baby shampoo.  Madison squirmed and belched.

“Good girl,” she cooed to him wiping his mouth.  She moved him into the front hold ensuring his bib was over her shoulder.  He burped again. “Oh what a good bubby,” she murmured.  Madison shuffled in her embrace in doing so his legs parted as he slipped down to lay his head on her shoulder.  Jill patted his bottom then using her free hand slipped it between his legs.  Madison automatically parted his legs more and poked his bottom out slightly to allow her access.  She kissed the side of his cheek acknowledging his gesture.  Carefully she slipped open two of the side domes to his pilcher and slipped her hand between his legs and felt his nappy.  He was very wet. Then she slid her hand over the wet cloth and kneaded his bottom checking for poop.  She knew he wasn’t poopy but she liked to check.  Anyway he needed to get used to her doing that.  It was part of looking after a baby. “Just a wet baby,” she whispered to him.  He murmured.  Slipping her hand out Jill closed the pilcher and adjusted his dress.

Jill carefully cradled him in her other arm.  Before removing her breast she gathered a cool wipe from the restaurant tray to wipe her hand of his pee. 

He lay passively in her arm watching her clean her hand.  The breast milk lay nicely in his tummy.  Something about her nappy check stirred something inside him.  Suddenly he had the urge to poop.  He spread his legs slightly and gaze into her eyes and pushed.

Jill watched him closely as she cleaned her hand.  The fixated stare and the subtle movement of his legs and bottom spelt one thing and one thing only – he was going to fill his nappy.  Her hand slipped under his dress and caressed his tummy.

“Good girl,” she cooed.  To Madison it was the way it was said almost like an encouragement, an acknowledgement for his need, a recognition of his body’s desire. He pushed and as he did so he grunted his face growing slightly red and his bowel obeyed and evacuated the warm sticky ooze into his nappy.  Once it started flowing Madison relaxed and it oozed out between his butt-cheeks flowing in a steady motion like lava wending its way methodically down a slope.  Jill smiled at him alleviating his worry and condoning his baby action. She leaned down to kiss his forehead. “That’s a good baby,” she murmured. 

Madison ignored the mass in his nappy and turned towards her chest.  He was now signalling to her that he wanted what she had behind her blouse.  Carefully Jill extracted her full mammary and teased to dripping morsel over his lips.  Madison took it straight away and was happily adding to the milk in his tummy.

When Jill saw he was nursing contentedly she finished her tea then shifted his leg, flicked open a dome on his pilcher and eased the nappy away from the back his thigh peering into the void.  She could see the yellowy-brown mess coating his bottom and nappy.  She smiled to herself.  ‘That’s my baby,’ she said to herself.

Mrs Higginson reappeared a few minutes later.

“How’s everything going dear?” she asked softly.

Jill looked at her. “Everything is great,” she said softly.

“How’s the wee one?” the woman inquired.

Jill looked adoringly at her baby. “She getting sleepy,” she acknowledged. “And she must have had enough because she’s just filled her nappy,’ she giggled.

Mrs Higginson chuckled as well. “I always tell my daughter if you get a full nappy during a feed the baby is thriving and getting plenty,” she admitted. “You know where the baby change facility is dear,” she asked.

Jill nodded.  “Yes I do, thanks.”

“Can I get you anything else?” the woman asked as she placed the used dishes on the tray.

“No thank you.  You’ve been so kind,” said Jill in full sincerity.

“Like I said earlier dear it is no problem all part of our service.  Just let me know when you leave and I’ll get Amelia to help,” she said and left the table.

By this time Madison was in a light sleep. His suc-kling had slowly diminished.  Jill slipped the nipple from his mouth, wiped it and tucked it inside her bra.  She slipped his pacifier in his mouth then closed the buttons on her blouse.

She eased her arms under both his armpits and lifted him into her arms rising from the chair as she did so.

“Come on my sweet baby Mummy change your nappy then we’ll see about the rest of the shopping,” she said softly.  Jill didn’t know why she said it because Madison was now asleep and didn’t murmur or stir when she cuddled him against her chest and headed out of the cafĂ©.


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