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Author Topic: Susan's Three Way Revenge  (Read 165450 times)

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Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #147 on: September 12, 2020, 03:15:56 PM »
John felt the warm seaman in his diaper. His mind was still a bit of a haze from the intense dream he had. He sat In bed for a few minutes waking up and thinking of the dream as he felt the warm gooey mess start to cool and dry. He looked at the clock and knew his mother would soon come into his bedroom, he was to awake to go back to bed so he just had to sit in his messy creamy diaper.

15 minutes later John’s mother walked right in. She never knocked anymore. She pulled open the blinds with a bright chipper smile “Happy thanksgiving sweetheart. Time to get up. We have a lot to get done today.” She pulled the blankets off him. She pulled down his plastic panties and started to unpin his diaper. He winced knowing his mother was going to find the left overs of his wet dream. As she pealed open the diaper and looked towards his crotch, She made a puzzled face at first but then noticed the white ?residue in his? pubic hair. She smiled a awkward smile realizing what her teenage son had done. “Oh my” she held back a giggle. John’s face went red, he turned his head knowing he couldn’t face his mother. “It’s ok sweetie. It’s very normal for teenage boys to have wet dreams. Good thing we had a diaper on you or i would have to be doing the sheets as well. Maybe if you ever kick this bed wetting habit i might have to leave you diapers to protect you from the wet dreams” she said as she was laughing while cleaning the white discharge. She could clearly see her son was humiliated but this was to funny not to laugh at. She soon cleaned him up. He was soon naked as she went over to his panties drawer (formally his underwear drawer) ??

She pulled out several types of panties, John noticed there seemed to be more pairs then he remembered. She settled on a white nylon full bottom pair. They had a lacy flora pattern sewed into them but they were just frilly granny panties. She pulled the waist band up passed his belly button as he looked at himself in the mirror. “Ok deer, put your tights, shoes  and dress on and I’ll meet you in the kitchen” his mom told him as she left the room. He slid his tights up his long skinny legs thinking how this was becoming normal. How just last year he would spend all day watching football and now he’s cooking in a dress for his mother. He stepped into the shoes which of course was a perfect fit and then put on his dress. The outfit was ugly and old fashioned. He grabbed the front of his skirt and clutched it with shame and ? embarrassment. He took one last look at himself which caused him to hang his head and headed down stairs to start dinner.

Before they started she gave him a new frilly floria apron which matched hers “team work sweetie”! The next few hours went by like a flash. He was cooking all day with his mother. He didn’t have a moment to rest before she gave him a new order. At 12:30 he was finally done and could take a break. He was actually happy he cleaned the house for hours yesterday knowing he couldn’t get asked to do that again. “I told the stalls to come around 1:30 pm for a 2:00 pm dinner, hmmmm that should give me enough time with you” she said confidently. “Enough time for what”? John asked. “Sweetie, this is a big day, you want me to look good.  I want to do your hair and make up. It will be so much fun, come here, let’s go to my bathroom.” Before he could protest he was pushed into her bathroom and seated on her toilet and she started brushing his hair. He knew his complaints would be ignored so he just sat there as she brushed away.

He looked down as his leather dress shoes as he felt his mom pull and tug at his hair. He soon felt some kind d of fabric be tied up as well. She soon opened up her make up kit and went to town on John. She barked commands at him like “pout” “eyes up” “suc-k in your cheek bones” as she made up his pale face. “It takes a lot of time to look good sweet heart. Remember that”. After what felt like all day she sweetly said “Done” as she stepped away from the mirror so he could look at himself. John was fearing this moment.

His dirty blonde hair was tied up with blue ribbons on either side of his hair in two short bunches. His lips were a lite shade of red, pink cheeks and blue eye shadow. He didn’t look like a baby or dance recital girl, but looked more like a 12 year old with her first make up kid. He looks childish yet older. He actually smiled because he was relieved it didn’t look silly. His mother noticed the smile which excited her “I knew you would love it”. He wanted to tell her he hated it but much like everything in his life he just accepted it. “Ok I’m going to do my final touches. If the Stalls come early I want you to greet them with a warm greeting. Just act the way you do when you clean the house. Be in house keeper mode”. He nodded and heading downstairs to wait for em.

He was in the family room when he noticed
things like the coasters and magazines weren’t tidy enough for him. He soon started to fix them when he would noticed other things that seemed out of place. Before he knew it he was cleaning the whole room. He fell right into his normal position of house cleaner. He was fluffing the pillows and wanted to get his feather duster when he heard the door bell ring. He stressed a bit but just remembered they have seen him in worse. He trotted to the front door and greeted the Stalls who had a large smile on there faces. He noticed both of them were In pants and nice sweaters. “Ohhh Johnny that’s such a lovely dress. I remember I wore that to Easter when I was 10 years old. It looks stunning on you” Susan mockingly said. “Im sorry to say this Susan But it looks better on him” they both laughed. John just forced an awkward smile as he collected both of there coats and hung them in the hall closet.

He ushered them into the living room just as his mom was walking down the stairs. She was also dressed In pants, heels and a smart blouse. “Oh great everyone is here, Barb, Susan take a seat and relax. Tell John what you want to drink and he will go fetch it for you.” Susan smiled deeply looking at John who was the only one in the house wearing a dress. Susan asked for a coke, Barb and Janet both asked for a glass of white wine. “And Sweetie, make sure you put your apron on, the pies should be done any minute and I don’t want your dress to get anything on it” she told John as he stepped into the kitchen to serve his mom and guests.


Sissy Little Girl

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #148 on: September 12, 2020, 04:00:04 PM »
Sissy Ballerina Boy, thank you for that wonderful chapter.  John is in a mess being the only "girl" in a dress.  Can't wait for more of this great story.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #149 on: November 03, 2020, 03:21:09 PM »
As John walked into the kitchen he prepared the drinks and snacks all business. He was very focused for an unknown reason. He then realized he was falling into “Maid” mode. He was mad at himself for how quickly he turned it on. The last few weeks of serving his mom became like clockwork. He tried to shake off the image of him being a domestic servant and tried to think of a mainly things.  Something not a Sissy Maid would think about. He closed his eyes and thought about a naked Cindy Rockwell. Over the last few weeks it became almost impossible to find times to pleasure himself anymore. Besides the wet dream last night, The last time may have even been over a week. He remembered when Susan pleasured him and just imaged it was Cindy. He only was standing there for for about 40 seconds but he was rock hard. He would feel the skirt of his dress rise and the soft fabric of his panties rubbing against his enlarging and throbbing head. Any slight movement and he could blow.

“Johnny, Where are you. Are guests are waiting”!!! Janet said in a commanding voice. He was shaken out of his day dream and looked down at his clearly visible boner. It stuck out under his dress by several inches. “I’ll be right there” was all he could yell back. “Yelling is so unladylike” Susan said while smiling which caused both mothers to giggle. John looked down at his dress and was still nervous for any sudden movements. He didn’t want to squirt. He waited for several minutes till it went down slightly. He pulled up his dress and rolled down. His tights. Reaching into his panties, He slowing but surely tucked his still hard member in between his legs. As he pulled up the panties and tights his mom came into the room just as he pushed down his dress.

“What is taking you so long? I thought you were trained better then this. Let’s go. Chop chop”. She clapped for his to get with it as she walked out of the kitchen. John placed the drinks and snacks on a serving tray and took small and dainty steps since his member was tucked between his legs. As he arrived in the living room he moved gracefully as he placed the serving tray down.

“I might need to send him for another weekend at your house. He’s gotten so sloppy with the service over the last few weeks. I feel like you could train him back again”. Janet said laughing. The stalls laughed loudly and agreed he was loosing his touch. John tried to pick up the enthusiasm by gracefully handing each drink and snack to his guest and mother. In an almost ballet like movement with his arms he handed his mother her drink. She definitely noticed his attempt to be graceful and smiled at him. “Maybe if your lucky I’ll take you to see the Nutcracker next month and you can hopefully absorbed some of the graceful movements. Now go place the turkey out of the oven to cool and set the table. I was us sitting down with dinner in 30 minutes.” She barked as he trotted over to the Stall’s smug smiles.

Sissy Little Girl

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #150 on: November 07, 2020, 12:19:35 AM »
Sissy Ballerina Boy, Short chapter but it was a good one.  I'm glad to see you back on this story.  Johnny had better get his act together or the Stahl's will get to use him again.

sissy servant 737-820-633

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #151 on: November 17, 2020, 05:04:44 PM »
Another HOT chapter.. Thanks!

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #152 on: November 25, 2020, 11:02:50 PM »
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Very thankful this page has been around since I was a teenager. Now being in my mid 30’s I feel like it’s been part of my life for a long time. Writing this chapter actually made me blush and get a bit hard. Hope you enjoy

John lit the candles, placed all the dishes and the final table settings. He looked over the table with an odd pride. It was beautiful. Something out of a magazine. His smile quickly left his face as his mother walked in to make sure it was good to go for the guests.

“Dinner is served”! Janet commanded. Susan and her mother entered the dining room and were very impressed with John’s table settings. They had no idea what a little domestic they and his mother created. “John get one more round of drinks for everyone, then you can take off your apron and have a rest”. Finally something that sounded good to John as he got everyone’s drink order and left for the kitchen. As he grabbed wine for the adults, a soda for Susan and a water for himself (his mom started him on a diet of eating better) he walked back into the kitchen with a bottle of wine, can of soda and a bottle of water. The moment that John walked in was part of his mother’s conversation he wish he wasn’t part for.

“So I unpin his diapers and he had wet him self, but not in that way. He had a wet dream”! She busted out in a fit of giggles. The stalls broke down in loud laughed and all faces were on his bright blushing face. “Mommmmm” was the only thing he managed to say. “Oh don’t be such a baby.” She tweeted his nose as he put down the bottle of wine. “Boys will be boys” Mrs Stall said “even boys like him”? Susan laughed out loud which causes new laughter from the table. Everyone expect John. He sheepish took off his apron and sat down at the table.

Janet rose her glass to her son and the guests. “You know, I never actually did this before. I always thought it was so corny and only done on TV shows. But I just want to say I am truly thankful for the Stall’s coming into our lives. The last year has been a nightmare between the divorce, selling the house, new town and of course John’s bed wetting. I just feel so lucky to find you Janet and your wonderful daughter. I feel like your more family then friends and for that I thank you”.

The Stalls were taken back and Barb almost had a tear in her eye. She rose her glass “I been in this town for 15 years and have had friends come and go. But I have never had such a friend make an impact on me. I look at our Pretty and beautiful kids and smile as they will get to grow up though high school together. Susan has been such a great person for John to look up to and I just want to thank you my wonderful daughter for being such a great role model and help out a friend like John who’s having a hard time right now. It can’t be easy to be a 15 year old bed wetter. I actually looked at data and it’s less then 2% of teens. I would say that makes little Johnny pretty special. So special that we found him and helping him though his issue”.

Susan was next. “You know, this might sound a little silly, but I’m actually thankful for Johnny’s bed wetting. When I was a little girl I knew the humiliation of what it was like to be a bed wetter. Waking up every day and hope you were dry, fearing your secret might get out. I would have died from embossment and I was only 9 years old. To be a high school kid and walk down the hall ways. Seeing all your peers being excited to go on dates, play sports, learn to drive and then go off to college. Can we all image what’s that must feel like when your an every day bed wetter. I only had the problem for a few months but to have it for a solid year like Johnny has. Oh my. Poor little thing might just wet him self for the shame he feels. Yet here I am. Thankful for his bed wetting. Thankful that it brought our families together. Thankful it got John back in diapers so he can conquer his problem. Thankful due to the plastic panties he wore brought feelings out in him he was to scared to express. Thankful today he’s in such a pretty dress sharing a wonderful meal he helped prep. I’m so thankful for my best friend. Thank you Johnny. Thank you”.

Sissy Little Girl

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #153 on: November 26, 2020, 02:04:38 PM »
Sissy Ballerina Boy, That was a chapter filled with more humiliations for John.
Great chapter.  We all want more!!!!


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