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Author Topic: BRIAN'S PLAYGROUP HUMILIATION  (Read 23525 times)

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Pretty James

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« Reply #28 on: June 17, 2022, 08:37:12 PM »
        "Come on, get them off!"; another shouted, and as Brian stood there timidly not knowing what to do, one of the other girls stepped over to him and punched him hard on the arm. Then a girl from the other side stepped over and also punched him and then grabbed hold of his hair and gave it a painful tugging. After that Brian did as he was told, and first he shakily took off his jacket, and as soon as he had done so, one of the girls reached over and snatched it off him. Then with all the girls watching, with trembling hands he began to undo and take down his grey school trousers. His grey school shirt was all neatly tucked in to his underpants which were immediately fully exposed to the girls as he began to take them down. His underpants today were another childish looking pair of nylon y-fronts, which had a baby blue trim and a print on a white background of little cartoon teddy bears playing all sorts of sports like football, tennis and hockey. The girls of course all burst into little fits of teasing scornful laughter and giggles at the sight of his rather infantile and childish looking underpants, and teased and ridiculed Brian about them. At first Brian only lowered his trousers part way down his legs, but the girls kept on at him to take them down further. Eventually he left them down by his ankles, but the girls wanted more.

         "No Brian! All the way off!"; They insisted and shouted at him. So Brian then had no choice but to take his trousers fully off, and he then pulled the legs off over his socks and shoes. As soon as his trousers were off, as with his jacket, a girl quickly snatched them away from him, leaving him standing there in front of them all dressed in just his socks and shoes, shirt and tie, and of course his fully exposed y-front underpants. The girls all stood there laughing and giggling at him and teased him relentlessly, as they now enjoyed the complete control they had over him.

         "I want to see him wet his pants like Karen said he did at that nursery."; One girl called out.

         "Yeah, make him wet his pants!"; another girl cried out excitedly.

         "Come on Brian, wet your pants!"; the girls all now started loudly saying to him in bossy bullying voices. To start with Brian just stood there meekly looking like a frightened rabbit, until a couple of the girls began to put pressure on him.

         "Come on Brain, wet your pants! Otherwise we'll pull your trousers apart!"; two girls shouted at him, and with that, the two girls each took one of his trouser legs in their hands and then began to violently yank them towards each other in a mock tug of war. If those girls ripped his trousers in half, then he would be left completely trouserless, so Brian quickly had to capitulate to the girls' demands. A look of deep shame spread across Brian's face and he hung his head low as suddenly a dark wet patch began to rapidly spread across the crotch of his underpants, which was soon followed by a trickle of pee which started to run down one of his legs.

         "Look! Look! Oh my God, he's actually doing it!"; one of the girls cried out in surprise and delight.

         Then the trickle turned into a flood and a second later a shower of pee erupted from the crotch of his underpants. Pee showered down and also shot out in thick streams from his underpants, pattering down to the floor between his feet. The girls all stood there shrieking with shocked incredulous laughter, with looks of utter delight and disbelief on their faces, hardly believing that they'd actually got him to wet his pants in front of them all. As the girls laughed and jeered, mocking and ridiculing him as his pee showered out of his underpants, Brian could only stand there looking utterly crushed and subjugated.

         "Maybe we should get him to poo his pants too!"; one of the girls called out in amusement.

Pretty James

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« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2022, 08:41:15 PM »
"Yeah, let's make him poo his pants!"; some of the other girls agreed with fits of derisive laughter. Just then however, Brian was saved by the bell as it rang to signal the end of their break time. A little disappointed that their fun with Brian was brought prematurely to an end, the girls reluctantly parted from him, and after a last few mocking insults they threw his jacket and trousers down onto the floor into the wet puddle of pee down by his feet. Brian stood there still dripping wet in just his underpants as the girls walked off and headed back into school, as all the other children would be doing so too. Brian of course also needed to head back to his class, but he could hardly put his trousers back on whilst his underpants were still dripping wet with pee. First he quickly got his jacket and trousers off the floor and quickly put his jacket back on. Then Brian stood there rather pathetically trying to wring the last of the dripping pee out of the crotch of his underpants. The playground had now gone completely quiet as it had emptied, and Brian was now very aware of the seconds going by as he now pulled his handkerchief out of his trouser pocket and rather desperately began to try and pat his underpants dry with it. With his underpants still wet and clingy, Brian decided that he had no choice but to finally pull his trousers back on over his wet underpants. Brian then dashed back to his class and arrived late, looking hot and flustered as he stood there at the front of the class, apologising profusely to his class mistress, Miss Bellingham, for his lateness.

         Miss Bellingham was a rather frumpy looking lady in her mid-fifties with a chubby jowly face which was framed by a pair of large thick rimmed spectacles and short greying curled hair which she often dyed a chestnut brown. She did not have a particularly attractive face and neither was she of the jolly plump looking sort, as her face had an almost permanent look of disdain written across it. She was always well presented though, wearing just the right amount of make-up, and her clothes were always smart and neat and tidy. In the winter months she usually wore skirt suits or thick office style pinafore dresses, and in the summer she wore more floral style lighter dresses and skirts. Today she was wearing a dark royal blue pleated skirt, with brown tights and a pair of plain black shoes, and up top she was wearing an almost matching dark blue blouse with a floral print on it, that tied at the collar with a plump neck bow. With her sneery look of disdain and fussily smart appearance, she affected the look and manner of someone who was of a much higher station.

         "I was going to ask why you are late, but I think I can see why. Did you have trouble getting to the toilet on time Brian?"; she asked somewhat disdainfully as she looked down Brian's trousers with a rather contemptuous stern looking frown on her face.

         "I urm... I... no miss..."; Brian stammered out in a flustered meek voice, looking rather worried.

         "Well I only ask, because it looks rather obvious to me that you have wet your pants. Which you have, haven't you?"; she now said to him snappily in a firm strict tone of voice, as she stood there glaring at him and looking down at his trousers with a hard fixed stare. Brian then looked down at his trousers and saw with utter horror that his wet underpants had soaked through and wet his grey school trousers, making a large dark damp wet patch in the crotch of them, leaving it in no doubt as to what had happened. "Well, explain yourself boy!"; she snapped at him in a loud irate voice.

         "Yes miss, I wet my pants."; Brian replied in a quiet subdued voice as he hung his head low with shame before her. Of course the whole class now erupted into fits of loud jeering laughter, and all the boys and girls of his class sat there at their desks looking at him stood up at the front of the class in his wet trousers, as they mocked and taunted him. Brian couldn't even look his friends in the eye, as he heard them too joining in with the loud jeering laughter.


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« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2022, 01:31:32 PM »
Thank you for posting this story! It's terrific.

Pretty James

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« Reply #31 on: June 21, 2022, 07:22:40 PM »

"Do you still need to use the toilet Brian? We don't want you pooping your pants as well do we?" she then added in a loud contemptuous scoffing tone.

         "No miss." Brian replied in his quiet meek voice.

         "Well, I can't let you sit back down at your desk in those wet trousers can I? So you'll have to take them off and I'll have to hang them on the radiator by the window to dry off. Then I'm afraid you'll just have to spend the rest of the day sat there in your wet pants, as I can hardly make you take those off too!" she said chastising him. Noticing his jacket was also wet, where it had been thrown into his puddle of pee, she made him take that off first and hand it over to her. How she thought he'd managed to wet that, she never said, but just glared at it irately. Then Brian almost felt faint with the shock of it all, as his class mistress stood there and patiently waited for him, whilst once more he was made to take his trousers off in front of an audience, only this time having to expose his embarrassing underpants to the whole of his own class. The whole class sat there making a laughing stock of him as he took his wet trousers off, exposing his pee stained y-front underpants with their childish and infantile looking little teddy bear print. The girls of course gleefully teased and ridiculed him about his underpants, and he stood there in front of the class looking like an incontinent little infant school boy who'd wet his pants on the first day of school. Still feeling faint, with his face blushing furiously, Brian kept his gaze down to the floor not wanting to meet anyone's eye, and sat back down at his desk whilst Miss Bellingham hung his trousers out to dry.

         Brian then spent the rest of the day sat uncomfortably at his desk in his damp clammy underpants, and as he sat there the smell of his pee soaked pants began to waft up from under his desk as they started to dry out. All the while Brian sat there; feeling all exposed without his trousers on and his embarrassing underpants all on display to those sat around him. It felt almost unreal, like one of those dreams where you're in your class at school and you suddenly realise you've got no clothes on, only this wasn't a dream! His face burned hotly with shame and embarrassment as his classmates teased him relentlessly about his pants wetting accident and the girls made fun of his little infant boy style underpants. Of course he dare not tell anyone the truth about what had really happened. Just thinking about those bulling little first year girls sent shivers of dread and dismay through him. If he'd told any of his friends that he was scared of a group of bullying little first year girls, and that they'd made him take his trousers off and wet his pants for their amusement, they probably would have laughed at him and assumed he was joking, and if they believed him, then that probably would have been even worse. So as far as his class knew, he'd just not made it to the toilet on time and had rather humiliatingly wet his pants. Of course, there were jokes about him having to wear nappies to school next year, which instantly touched a nerve with Brian and made him blush furiously, as he started to worry and panic that they might find out about him being put into nappies at the nursery.

         Finally the day was over, and so was another year at school. What should have been a joyous happy day and a relief for Brian, now that his school holidays had started, was now soured somewhat by the prospect of spending yet another afternoon at the nursery, and indeed having to spend many whole days there in the weeks to come. Of course he was also still feeling somewhat shaken and deeply humiliated by his experience out in the playground with the girls and his subsequent humiliation in front of his own class. By the time Brian had made his way to the school gates, the 3 girls had already been waiting for the minibus to the nursery for a little while, and just about all of the other school children had long since rushed out of school and disappeared off to start their summer holidays. Brian was late coming out due to being delayed in getting his trousers back from Miss Bellingham. Brian had to remain sat at his desk as all his class mates rushed out the classroom at the final bell, all whooping and hollering with delight at the end of another school year. When they had all gone and only Brian was left sat at his desk, then Miss Bellingham finally beckoned for him to get up and come up to the front of the classroom and stand by her desk. She remained sat at her desk as she looked him up and down, her gaze lingering over his childish looking y-fronts, as Brian stood there quietly to attention in front of her.

Pretty James

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« Reply #32 on: June 25, 2022, 05:36:40 AM »
"Well, before I give you your trousers back I suppose I ought to check if your underpants are dry first." She finally said, and then reached over to his underpants and slipped her fingers under the legs and into the crotch. Her fingers rummaged around in the crotch of his underpants, pushing out the material to feel if they were dry, but they also rubbed and jostled rudely against his still smooth hairless little private parts, which startled Brian and made him let out a little whimpering gasp. "Well they seem dry enough." She declared, but continued to fuss around with his underpants. She ran her fingers around the waistband of his pants pulling them up snuggly and making sure his shirt was all neatly tucked in. Then she ran one of her hands over his pert bottom, neatly smoothing out the material and her hand lingered there and gently stroked his bottom. She then moved her other hand up and began to smooth out the material of his underpants over the front of his pants and of course his little private bits. Her hand on the front now also lingered on his pants and she gently stroked it up and down over his little private bits. All the while she looked at his underpants with her hard stern gaze, and Brian could only stand there quietly not knowing what to do. Brian felt confused and embarrassed as Miss Bellingham continued to gently stroke his underpants front and back, and soon enough his little coc-k had sprung to life and was stiffly pulsing away under the gentle stroking of her fingers. Brian blushed profusely as her hand kept brushing up and down over his stiff coc-k, and despite the wonderful feeling of it, Brian felt weirdly guilty, as if he had done something wrong. After all this was his teacher, who was in charge and to be respected, and yet here he was stood in front of her with his little coc-k all stiffly erect and stood rudely to attention in front of her. Finally she took her hands away and Brian now stood there before her with a stiff little tent in his underpants that was visibly twitching up and down excitedly. A glistening little wet spot had formed in his underpants at the tip of his little tent and Miss Bellingham sat there staring at it for a few seconds, seemingly mesmerised by its constant little twitch, up and down, up and down.

         "Well Brian, I suppose we had better get your trousers back on and send you on your way." She said finally, getting up from her desk. "We wouldn't want you to miss the minibus for your nursery school would we?" she then added, as she went over to fetch his trousers from where they had been left hanging by the window. Brian felt a jolt of shock surge through his body as he heard her say that. He felt instantly dizzy and faint and his face suddenly flushed hotly, almost feeling as if it had pins and needles as it burned and blushed, even his ears felt hot with it. How did his teacher know about the nursery?!? How much did she know? Did she know about him being put into nappies? Brian never got answers to any of those questions, and he stood there wobbling unsteadily on his feet looking shocked and dismayed as his teacher brought his trousers over to him. Brian was utterly stupefied as she came back over to him. So much so that she ended up dressing him back into his trousers herself, as he just stood there motionless looking shocked. Brian stood there and ended up being dressed by Miss Bellingham as if he was still like some little infant boy that still needed his mummy to dress him in the mornings. Of course she made sure he was still all neatly tucked in and gave his trousers a good pat down front and back, then gave his bottom one last grope and fondle before giving it a good pat to send him on his way, whilst watching the stiff tent in the crotch of his trousers with much amusement as he walked off.

         So Brian had come out late from the school and was still in a bit of a daze as he stood by the school gate and waited for the minibus to arrive. The 3 girls stood there a few feet away, staring at him as they giggled and laughed, with his humiliating pants wetting still no doubt fresh in their minds. Eventually the bus arrived and spirited them away back to the nursery.

         "Oh, I bet you kids are over the moon! The last day of school, and the summer holidays all ahead of you." The lady driving the minibus said cheerfully to the children. Whilst the 3 girls all piped up cheerfully in reply, Brian just sat there looking utterly dejected.


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« Reply #33 on: June 25, 2022, 09:41:50 AM »
Well I think it would be known to all his teachers about him needing to catch the minibus to the nursery school so that teachers don’t hold him back too long after school as he needed to take the bus it would also be the case for the three first years too.

Pretty James

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« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2022, 09:34:12 AM »
Back at the nursery the 3 girls raced off upstairs to change, whilst Brian was taken by the hand by the lady and led over to the wardrobe in the corridor as if he was like one of the little 4 year old boys. The lady then opened up the wardrobe and without ceremony began to undress Brian out of his school uniform. Off came his jacket first and then off came his trousers. The lady paused as she looked down at Brian's underpants, which had now dried out, but his pee had left a visible yellow stain all around the crotch.

         "Did you do your wee wee in your underpants at school today Brian?" the lady asked him in one of those put on childlike voices adults use when they're talking down to little children. Brian just stood there silently and went bright red with shame. "Oh I think you did, didn't you!" she said, after holding his trousers up to her face to sniff the crotch. "Well it's a good job you'll still be in nappies today. Looks like we might have to see about keeping you in them for a bit longer now, before we risk letting you play in your big boy pants again. We can't have you keep wetting your pants can we? I think next week, we should get you to join the potty training class before we can trust you in your big boy pants again." She carried on in her condescending childish voice, and then carried on undressing Brian out of his uniform. "Right I'd better get these off you so that I can put them in with the laundry. Now run along and see the ladies to be put into your nappy." She said as she took off his underpants, leaving him stood there completely naked. Brian cupped his hands around his little private bits and made his way down the corridor past the sounds of delighted squeals of little children playing in the rooms along the way. Brian felt utterly exposed as he walked along, affecting a slightly waddled gait as he felt ever so self-conscious of his bare bottom. When Brian finally got to the room, the ladies were already waiting for him.

         "Ah, here he is! Oh, no pants today Brian?" one of the ladies said in a cheerful voice when he walked in. Brian didn't answer and just stood there silently blushing as the ladies prepared the changing mat down on the floor for him. Brian noticed that today the other boy was no longer there. Maybe he had been changed earlier or maybe thought Brian, that he was already allowed back into his big boy underpants again, leaving him now the only boy still in nappies. Once again the ladies changed Brian into his nappy down on the mat. This time the lady changing him had barely just begun to squirt a dollop of baby lotion into her hand, when Brian's little coc-k start to spring up to attention in anticipation before she had even touched him. This time, noticing how lively and eager Brian's little coc-k had become, she was a bit more careful in how she applied the lotion around his little private bits, lest she accidentally set off his frustrated stiff little coc-k. "Right I think that's you all finished with." She then said, once she had finished putting Brian back into a nappy and plastic pants again. "The girls over at the Wendy house have been eagerly awaiting your arrival, so why don't you pop along over to play with them?" she then added as Brian got himself up off the floor in his thick bulky nappy.

         Brian was then left to waddle out into the back garden on his own. His thick padded bottom waggled from side to side, rustling noisily as he made his way out into the back garden again. Some of the little children stopped what they were doing to stare and giggle at him as he waddled past them, and Brian looked around the garden and noticed that the other boy was indeed now out of nappies again. The boy was of course still dressed in little more than his y-front underpants and a t-shirt, but at least that was better than still being in nappies like a big baby.


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